campbell's pc

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Campbell's pc/laptops Top quality

General information

Situated in Edinburgh city (population of almost half a million people)

Deliver to customers in a 30 mile radius of city centre

Small delivery charge for £5 per delivery

Retail price between £700 to over £1000

Ways in which Campbell's PCs can be more appealing to customers

Offer both home repairs and new laptops/PCs

Offer a longer warranty on my laptops/PCs

Use new components to build the laptops and PCs

Offer after sales assistance

Offer promotions when business is quiet

Try and select a different target market to my competitors

Competitive pricing

Market research




How would you like to

receive your laptop?

Collect yourself






How long are you

willing to wait for your laptop to be delivered?

2-3 weeks

Under a mouth

4-6 weeks

Marker research




How much are you

willing to pay for your laptop?

Under £400


Over £700


2% 8%

Would you prefer if the

laptops were only offered in black, silver or white?



Does not matter

Target market


Working people (25-45)


People with learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia

Medium to upper-class family's

Student are unlikely to have the disposable income to spend on a personalised laptop

Company's/people with learning difficulties: the order may be too big for one individual to cope with

Working people is a broad target market which is already being targeted by large retailors how ever they do have disposable income

Medium to upper-class family’s would be a good target market as they have more disposable income

Customer service

Email- answer email any time of the day

Call out service- this is time consuming and costly however a better service

Phones- interrupting when working however I could use a voice mail system where customers leave a message and I get back to them.

Instruction manual- ways in which customers can try and solve their won problems themselves

Advise on company website on how to fix small problems

Selling techniques

I am looking to target medium to upper-class family’s as I feel there is a gap in the market to charge a higher price for the premium a product.

My products will be made to order so that every individual gets exactly what they are looking for this is an USP

My primary products will be brand new

Promotions/Sales channels


Shop windows/ clubs where my target market would shop/socialise e.g. private schools, golf clubs, upper-class supermarkets

Leaflets through doors of the upper-class houses in Edinburgh

Newspapers/ radio adverts

On-line sales could be made possible through the company website


Discount prices for regular customer who have already bought products of me

Promotions around/before about Christmas

Free soft ware if business was quiet

Newest soft ware available


Production costs

It cost around £150-£250 to manufacture a laptop

buying in bulk will mean I can benefit from economies of scale keep production cost lower pre unit

Pricing strategies

Skimming – setting a higher price in order for customers to identify the brand as a luxury product e.g. BMW

Competitive pricing – pricing the computer in relation to those aiming their product at the same target market e.g.. Apple Mac.

Production time

Market research shows that my target market are willing to wait under a month or even 6 weeks for their laptop to be delivered to them.

Updating software will be an on going process as this is what my customers are willing to pay an premium price for and is part of my USP. (£5000)

New designs and new soft ware will be upgraded as often as possible however this is an costly process so this will also depend on how much money is am making



Customers are wanting a classy product

Sold in black, silver or white

Light as possible

Size of screen


Up grading costs (3000)

Design cost (2000)

Marketing costs (500)

Packaging costs (500)

Bulk buying equipment rest of money being spent on top quality equipment

Purchasing strategy

Milne PC are offering me a 90 day agreement and are willing for me to bulk buy

Another company have offered me 60 days and no bulk buying

My current supplier offer me a 60 day agreement and we have a good relationship and they are currently looking into renewing my agreement

Stock control

Have 5 of every piece of equipment to build a PC/laptop therefore I will not have to wait on parts arriving

If a customer is wanting a PC/laptop that I do not have the equipment for they may have to wait a longer period of time for the end product

Customers are willing to wait 4 to 6 weeks for their product

Quality control

1. Carried out through out the production process

2. Carried out at a number of different stages of the production process and also at the end

3. Carried out at the end of production

Number 2 would the best suitable option as if there is a mistake it can be fixed without there being any wasted products

Production methods

Batch production

Made to order

I am willing to do both as I will sell a standard PC/laptop which I will produce in batches as it is more cost/time efficient however also have a made to orders service which I will charge a higher price for.

Produce everything myself (build)

Contract out parts of my business

I am going to produce/build everything myself as I can assure everything is to the highest possible standard (USB)


Deliver the end product to the customer myself – more reliable

Contract out delivery – may get lost and is less reliable

I am going to get friends and family to help me with this service as it is very time consuming. I am willing to travel 30miles from Edinburgh city centre to customers at a small charge of £5. I am also considering offering a free piece of soft ware if customers are willing to pick their products up themselves.

Raising finance

Friends & family

Bank loans


Sell a share of the business

I am planning on investing my life saving as this means I do not have to play anyone back and may encourage me to work harder.

National regulations about maternity leave

56 weeks maternity - leave 1 year

90% of mouthy salary for 6 weeks

33week of a small amount of maternity pay

This means I may have to employee and additional person to prefill the roll while ‘she’ is on maternity leave which would be costly.

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