cambridge national engineering - ocr...r101 mark scheme june 2017 6 (ii) class 3 lever (1) (1x1) [1]...

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Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

Cambridge National


Unit R101: Engineering Principles

Level 1/2 Cambridge National Award/Certificate in Principles in Engineering and Engineering Business

Mark Scheme for June 2017

OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA) is a leading UK awarding body, providing a wide range of qualifications to meet the needs of candidates of all ages and abilities. OCR qualifications include AS/A Levels, Diplomas, GCSEs, Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge Technicals, Functional Skills, Key Skills, Entry Level qualifications, NVQs and vocational qualifications in areas such as IT, business, languages, teaching/training, administration and secretarial skills. It is also responsible for developing new specifications to meet national requirements and the needs of students and teachers. OCR is a not-for-profit organisation; any surplus made is invested back into the establishment to help towards the development of qualifications and support, which keep pace with the changing needs of today’s society. This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which marks were awarded by examiners. It does not indicate the details of the discussions which took place at an examiners’ meeting before marking commenced. All examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and the report on the examination. OCR will not enter into any discussion or correspondence in connection with this mark scheme. © OCR 2017

R101 Mark Scheme June 2017


These are the annotations, (including abbreviations), including those used in scoris, which are used when Marking

Annotation Meaning of annotation

Blank page



Noted but no credit given



Benefit of doubt





Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

R101 Mark Scheme June 2017


Question Answer/Indicative content Mark Guidance




One mark for each correct line drawn: Energy form Example


Solar panel




Battery cell


Turning gears


Vibrating drum

(4 x 1)

[4] Do not award line drawn from ‘Light’ to ‘Solar panel’ as that is given in the question.


One mark from e.g.:

Gearbox (1)

Bicycle (1)

Clock (1)

Wind-up toy (1)

Lathe (1) (1 x 1)


Accept any appropriate examples.


Up to two marks for a description of an appropriate example e.g.:

An electric motor (1) is used through a gearbox to turn a chuck (1)

Electrical energy power the lathe (1) to be able to turn the material (1)

A current passed through the coil of a relay (1) closes switch contacts. (1)

(1 x 2)

[2] Accept appropriate application examples e.g.; Lathe, drill etc. 1 mark for the example, 1 mark for description

R101 Mark Scheme June 2017




Up to two marks for a description e.g.: Mechanical / kinetic power (1) from turning handle will generate electricity (1) Mechanical power (1) used to turn a handle creates an electric current (1) to light the torch. Kinetic energy (1) of winding the torch creates electrical energy (1). ( 1 x 2)

[2] Accept appropriate variations.


One mark from e.g.;

A compressed spring (1)

A stretched elastic band (1)

Pendulum about to be released (1)

A rollercoaster at its highest point. (1) (1x1)

[1] Accept other appropriate examples. Award a mark for a good example.

Total [10]




Correctly labelled:

Effort (1)

Load (1) (2x1)


R101 Mark Scheme June 2017


(ii) Class 3 lever (1) (1x1)



Up to three marks for an explanation e.g.: The fishing rod is a class 3 lever/which uses the effort before or in front of the load/with the fulcrum acting as a lever (1). The scissors are a pair of class 1 levers (1) with the pivot in between the load and the effort/force (1) Scissors have two levers (1) (3x1)





One mark for each way stated up to a maximum of two marks.

The input uses AC/high voltage (1)

The output is DC/low voltage (1)

A transformer steps down the input (1)




One mark for each benefit given up to a maximum of two marks:

Portable (1)

Low voltage making them safe (1)

Do not need to keep replacing batteries (1) (2x1)


No marks for ‘they are rechargeable’ as this is given in the question.

Total [10]




Velocity ratio = driver /driven (1) 180/90 = 2:1 or 2 (2) (2x1)


1 mark if correct formula seen but incorrect final answer given Award 2 marks if correct answer seen.


2000* (1) (1x1)


Allow 500 for ECF Allow ecf for VR from (i): Output speed = input speed x velocity ratio Output speed = 1000 x 2* = 2000 rpm

R101 Mark Scheme June 2017



One mark for each advantage up to a maximum of two marks from:

Belts and pulleys do not require lubricating like gears do (1)

Belts can be adjusted to assist with changing the belt. (1)

Quiet operation (1)

Some belts can slip if there is a seizure/collapsed bearing (1)

Belts can be maintained /Easily changed when worn (1)

Pulleys reduce the effort needed (1)

Requires less effort to lift a load (1) (2x1)


(iv) One mark from:

Power steering pump (1)

Lift pump (1)

Power take off (1)

Fork lift truck (1)

Digger rams (1) (1x1)

[1] Accept responses where a valid application of a hydraulic pump is given e.g. digger ram


One mark from:

Gears (1)

Shaft drive (1) (1x1)



Up to three marks for an explanation. Marking points could include e.g.: The engine recreates rotation through the pulley to turn the generator (1). The rotating armature coil cuts the magnetic lines of force (1) produced by the field coils (1) Current is induced into the armature (1) The commutator converts the AC current to a DC current (1). (3x1)


Accept a simple explanation of a coil passing through a magnetic field for 1 mark.

Total [10]

R101 Mark Scheme June 2017


4 (a)

(i) Series (1)



(ii) If one lamp fails the other will keep working (1) (1x1)


(iii) Watt or Watts (1) (1x1)


(b) One mark for each correct word inserted in the following order only:

Ammeter (1)

Series (1)

Parallel (1)



Correct order only


2.6Ω x 2 = 5.2 (1) or 12/5.2 (1) = 2.3 (A) (1) (2x1)


Award 2 marks for a correct answer with no units. Only award full marks for the correct answer.

R101 Mark Scheme June 2017





One mark for correct arrow drawn on Fig. 5: Arrow shows the multimeter set to ( V ) DC Volts (1)




The reading would be a negative reading e.g. -12v (1x1)


Total [10]




Up to three marks for an explanation. Marking points could include e.g.: An electrical supply is used to provide power to the motor (1) A motor-driven mechanical piston engine draws in air and compresses the air (1) Compressor pumps air into the reservoir (1)


Award up to 3 marks for a correct explanation. Allow other valid stages e.g. pressure regulation.

R101 Mark Scheme June 2017


The motor stops when the pressure reaches a pre-set value (1) and starts again when the pressure falls below this. (1) Compressed air is stored in the receiver (1) and delivered to the pneumatic system when required (1) Pressure gauge is used to monitor pressure (1) Pressure relief valve releases excess pressure (1) (3x1)


Using a pressure gauge (1) (1x1)



One mark from:

There is a leak in the system (1)

The pre-set pressure has been regulated down. (1)

The compressor is off (1)

There is air in the system (hydraulic) (1) (1x1)


(b) (i) Up to four marks for an explanation e.g.: The user cranks the handle which is attached to a small piston (1) controlling a low pressure circuit. (1) The low pressure circuit operates a ball valve to control the fluid from the reservoir (1) into the high pressure circuit. Increasing the volume of hydraulic fluid increases the pressure to lift the main piston/ram to lift the load (1). Effort is applied to the handle (1) oil moves the ball valve (1) more oil/pressure in high pressure reservoir (1) oil fills up underneath the ram (1) the ram lifts the load (1) (4x1)


Up to 4 marks for an appropriate explanation of the operation made up of relevant points to increase the pressure in a lifting mode, and /or reducing pressure to lower the load.

R101 Mark Scheme June 2017


(ii) One mark for and appropriate example e.g.:

hydraulic arm / ram grab (1)

lifting/access platform (1)

vehicle ramp/lift (1)

crane (1)

digger/excavator (1)

hydraulic press (1)

hydraulic stair lift (1) (1x1)


Accept other appropriate examples.

Total [10]

R101 Mark Scheme June 2017


Question Answer/Indicative content Mark Guidance

6 (a) Up to three marks for a description e.g.:

Electronic scales [or other sensor] (1) weigh/scan the product (1) and a pneumatic cylinder (1) is used to push under limit /overweight products off the line.

A control system (1) is used to energise a solenoid valve (1) and an actuator is used to stamp (1) the product to apply a label.

A PLC (1) is used to automate the operation of an actuator (1) to assemble (1) the product.

Electric motor (1) is used to move a conveyor belt (1) pneumatics arm seals the packaging (1)



Answers must contain at least one electrical and pneumatic example for full marks.

(b) One mark from:

Transmission / gearbox (1)

Suspension (1)

Power generation (1)



R101 Mark Scheme June 2017


Question Guidance Marks Answer

6 (c)*

Award up to six marks for a discussion or detailed explanation of the advantages of using kinetic energy sources, with some comparison to other types of power generation such as the use of fossil fuels.

Level 3 (5 – 6 Marks) Detailed discussion showing clear understanding of the advantages of using kinetic power sources compared to using non-sustainable sources. Specialist terms will be used appropriately and correctly. The information will be presented in a structured format. The candidate can demonstrate the accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Level 2 (3 – 4 Marks) Adequate discussion showing an understanding of the advantages of using kinetic power sources compared to using non-sustainable sources. There will be some use of specialist terms, although these may not be used appropriately. The information will be presented for the most part in a structured format. There may be occasional errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Level 1 (0 – 2 Marks) Basic discussion showing limited understanding of the advantages of using kinetic power sources compared to using non-sustainable sources. There will be little or no specialist terms. Answers may well be ambiguous or disorganised. Errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar may be intrusive. 0 = a response that is irrelevant and/or not worthy of a mark.

Annotate with ‘Seen’ at the end of the response.


Hydraulics are used in heavy industrical equipment due to the ability to apply a great amount of force. Hydraulic fluid is pumped under pressure to enter the cylinder and hold heavy loads, or release to move the ram and lower a load. Hydraulic fluid does not compress which makes it suitable for lifting and holding heavy loads, such as with platform lifts, and jacks. Hydraulic cylinders and be controlled using control valves to stop at any linear point along the length of the cylinder making them suitable for manoeuvring in areas where space is limited or to control the depth of reach such as with a fork lift. Several hydraulic cylinders/rams can be configured into an arm such as with excavating equipment to control a series of lifting, reaching, digging, scooping functions. Two hydraulic cylinders can be interconnected to use a light mechanical effort to control a much heavier operation such as with a jack or hydraulic press. Hydraulics can be used to create a hydraulic motor to produce a rotary motion.

Total [10]

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