cam samc

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Assignment 3: CAM SAMCTayla Humphris 12N

Camera Shots

Establishing shot Wide shot Long shot Mid/Medium shot Close up shot Extreme close up shot POV (Point of view) Over the shoulder shot Two shot Overhead shot

Establishing shot

An establishing shot is usually the first shot of a new scene, designed to show the audience where the action is taking place in its setting.

Wide shot

A wide shot is similar to a panoramic photo.It allows audiences to see the whole scene and the content within it.

Shows a range of characters in one shot.

Long shot

The long shot involves the full length of a person or object. The purpose of a long shot is to illustrate the person or object as the most important in that shot.

Mid/Medium shot

Medium shots usually the characters waist up or waist down. The shot is mostly taken when there is talking involved.

Close up shot

A close up shot is a shot of a specific part e.g. face.

Extreme close upAn extreme close up portrays extreme detail and its purpose is to give a dramatic effect.

The extreme close up of the eye could suggest something that the character has seen with their eyes that creates tension.

POV (Point Of View)

The POV shot shows the perspective of the character. This is used to make the audience see it from a characters point of view.

Over the shoulder

This shot is taken from behind a characters shoulder. The back of the persons head often takes up most of the photo. The person facing the camera should not take up more than 1/3 of the frame. However this may vary depending on circumstances.

Two shot

Two shot generally shows a relation between two people or objects.

Shows a close relationship between the two people in the shot.

Overhead shot

The overhead shot is placed above the character (distance may vary) to show action and is much like a birds eye view.

Can indicate the surroundings of the character from above.

CAM Angles

High Low Canted/Oblique

High Angle

This angle is taken above the character and portrays them to look smaller and vulnerable.

From the perspective of the audience looking down on the person/object.

Low Angle

The camera is placed beneath the character to make the character or object look bigger than it actually is and to portray power and dominance.

Looking down on the audience. The person leaning over the bars indicates intimidation.

Posture is elongated.

Canted/ObliqueThe camera is placed on a titled angle. The purpose is to disorientate the audiences and if used effectively when you want to make the shot look like a home video and gives a realistic theme.

CAM Movement

Pan Tilt Track Zoom Reverse Zoom Dolly


A pan movement pivots left to right horizontally. Like most camera movements it is placed on a tripod so that it is not shaky and unclear unless it is supposed to look like it.

1. 2. 3.

Left Centre Right


The tilt shot is similar to the pan shot, but the tilt shot moves vertically instead of horizontally. Tilt shots are often used to show the vertical significance of something. For example, the disguised clothing of a superhero.

1. 2. 3.




The camera moves side to side. Often used to film a character moving. It is often placed on a wheeled platform and pushed on rails to keep the movement of the camera consistent and not shaky unless it is meant to be like that.


To make the subject appear closer or further away in the frame.

1. 2. 3.

Gradually zooms into the object to show detail.

Reverse zoom

Reverse zoom is the opposite to zoom. The purpose is to show the audience a wider picture/ context of an image.

1. 2. 3.

Gradually zooms out.

DollyIt allows the freedom of movement when filming and is not restricted. The purpose it to follow action. 1. 2.

3. 4.


Symmetry balance Asymmetry balance Rule of thirds Shallow focus Deep focus Focus pulls

Symmetry balance

When the frame is equally balanced on either side. The purpose is to show normality and organisation.

Three objects that are identical and are placed in the same width within one another.

Asymmetry balance

When the frame is uneven. It is opposite to Symmetry balance in the sense the either sides are not symmetrical to each other. The purpose is to show disorder.

Makes the photo unbalanced.

Rule of thirds

Using the Rule of Thirds helps produce nicely balanced easy on the eye pictures. It has intersections so that you can align the scenery to show the main focus of the image and should be placed where the lines intersect one another.

I placed the grid used for the rule of thirds and placed it over my image to show the effect the grid has when taking a shot.

Shallow focus

This is where a certain character/object is focused so that the background is blurred. The purpose is to emphasise the importance of the character or object in the frame

Blurred background.

You can see the intense focus on the cat in this shot.

Deep focus

This is when everything in the shot is in focus and the purpose is to show that everything in the frame is significant.

In this composition shot the grass, water bowl and dog are all in focus.

Focus pulls

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