call to action_ navneet vats

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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Know Your CTA; Make it Work Better for Your Online Business

Maybe you know what the term “Call-To-Action” means. Even if you don’t, you

might haveused itsomeday or the other when you made an online purchase on

your favorite e-commerce store.

Do you remember the buttons like “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now” you hit before you

checked out of the shopping cart?

Yes. Those buttons are what we call as CTA or Call-To-Action in the web



You are a prospective buyer; CTA helps you take an informed decision

Call-To-Action is agraphic display of precise wording (ideally not more than 5

words)that prepares you for the next clear action. Though the ultimate aim of CTA

is to influence your buying decision in a positive way, it empowers you to take an

informed decision about a product or services before you actually buy it.

You may have clicked the buttons like “download now” (a White Paper, a Case

Study or an eBook) or “subscribe today” (a blog or newsletter) to know more

about the related product or service. CTA leads you to the knowledgebase

thathelps you take an informed decision.

You are an Internet marketer; get the right CTA in the right place

If you arean Internet or digital marketer,then the value of CTA in your website,

shopping cart or blog increases exponentially. Place the right type of CTA in the

right spot and see what a big difference it makes to your business.

See below the screenshot of Avant’s homepage. Right in the middle is the

distinctive, blue-colored CTA button “Free download” that you cannot ignore.

If the tagline convinces, then the Call-To-Action button prompts you to lap up the

freebie offer.

Place it perfect; make it irresistible.

Source - Avast

What happens next once you have an attractive CTA in the sweet spot on your

website (in the center or top of the Homepage or on every page)?

You will…

……Reduce bounce rate, increase conversion rate

In the age when Internet is teeming with millions of websites, ecommerce portals

and shopping carts, users have few seconds to make a buying decision. A well-

positioned and attractive CTA can make a big difference in success or failure of

your marketing campaign.

Remember, if a great landing page can entice truckloads of visitors to your

website or shopping cart, then a great looking Call-To-Action can make them stay

longer. The longer they stay, greater are the chances of conversions. In the

nutshell,a perfect CTA ups your conversion rate and downs your bounce rate.

…..generate more useful leads

CTAs engages your visitors on your website; keeps them busy and encourages

them to leave behind their digital footprints as they download a freebie or click

“Read More” or“Find Out More” button. Those imprints are your leads that you

can happily follow and bring about a real conversion.

…. open a window of communication

Whenever prospective customers click on your CTA button, they are

communicating with you. It is their first handshake with you, whether it is filling

up a registration form to download a White paper or subscribing to your blog.

.....catalyze the buying outcome

As a digital marketer you can add the sense of urgency in your marketing

campaignwithout overdoing it.

Add the word “Now” in the CTA to make the CTA language urgent, irrespective of

the purpose of it; whether it is about a download, a purchase or a registration

that you want to your prospective buyers to do on your website.

“Buy Now” and “Download Now” are two great examples of it.

Let your CTA do the talking

As a digital marketer it is imperative that you keep your CTA relevant to your

audience and completely aligned to your company’s overall branding. Do not

treat your Call-To-Action buttons as “mere buttons” but something that your

prospective customers can trust to press, in return for what they expect from

your brand.

See how well Amazon does that in the following screenshot.

Amazon’s logo (highlighted in yellow) is perfectly paired with the word

“exclusives”, a CTA (pointed by red arrow). This alignment of the brand with a CTA

invokes a strong feeling of trust that encourage visitors to click further, deeper

into the website with a feeling that they are on the right path.

What do you think?

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