caerus - extended campaign guide€¦ · welcome to caerus, commanders what is an ‘extended...

Post on 11-Oct-2020






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Caerus - Extended Campaign Guide









Welcome to Caerus, Commanders● What is an ‘Extended Campaign’?

There appears to be some interest among members of the 8th Dragon Squadron to choose a system as a ‘homebase’. The very nature of our groups mercenary concept removes the need for such mechanics as Expansion into new systems as we simply move on to the next campaign after successfully ‘flipping’. In order to satisfy the desire to support and expand a faction indefinitely we have decided to run an ‘extended campaign’ where we will be supporting an independent faction in its initial takeover of its home system and beyond.

● Why an Independent faction?As mercenaries, we felt that supporting one of the big three would be unfair to members of the 8th who already have ties preferred major faction. In order to keep the peace, balance and continue to run with a mercenary style focus, support of an Independent faction seemed to be the fairest choice for all involved.

● What is expected?Taking control of Caerus for the Freedom Party of Caerus will be our first goal. You are already familiar with this from Eta Draconis, Gliese 900.1 and recently Lushertha. Once complete, we will endeavour to track the faction via reports of influence and state changes where we will be continuing our efforts to support the FPoC indefinitely. Support from members in tracking certain information such as pending state changes will be appreciated.

● Why all the lore?Included in this guide is some basic character and system ‘background’ to help with the supporting fiction that many members enjoy creating and sharing. We are of the belief that the stories and background lore are what makes our group unique and the more of it, the more immersive the campaign will be. New characters and background data will be added as the campaign progresses, both by admins and members alike.

● Will we be stopping traditional campaigns?Absolutely not. ‘Traditional campaigns’ will be presented over and above the extended campaign after the initial goal in Caerus is complete. We plan to continue the standard ‘have guns will travel’ attitude in support of the Federation, Alliance and Empire over and above the ‘extended campaign’ in Caerus. We will however, attempt to make each new traditional campaign complement the extended campaign in a fictional sense.


The controlling party in the system is currently Caerus Systems, a Federal Corporation that holds the ruling station, Heinlein Terminal. This station relies on agricultural exports from the planet Caerus 5 which it orbits. This is our target. In order to claim this system for our contractor we must we must ensure that we start a civil war and make a final assault on Heinlein Terminal.

Our employer, the Freedom Party of Caerus, recently acquired their first station, Popov Hub which will be our primary base of operations for the campaign. Like most of the other stations in Caerus, it is based upon an refinery economy. Primary exports are metals and industrial materials. The most common imports to Popov Hub are minerals, technology, arms and Imperial slaves which are in high demand.

The Freedom Party of Caerus also share the system with three other local factions besides the controlling faction. The Democrats of Caerus, Caerus Comms Partners and the Pirates of Caerus.


As always, missions are the primary driver of influence for our faction. Please try to complete as many as you can. Supporters are reminded to complete missions SOLELY for the FREEDOM PARTY OF CAERUS. No other faction missions should be taken. Remember that missions can be taken from ANY station in the Caerus system, even rival faction stations as long as they are offered by the Freedom Party. The missions shown here highlighted in GREEN should be taken. The missions highlighted in RED should NOT.


Supporters are reminded to perform trades SOLELY at Popov Hub. This will drive influence for the Freedom Party of Caerus. The perfect trade triangle takes high supply items away from 'Campaign HQ' to system A at a modest profit, hops with anything at a high profit to system B, then comes back to 'Campaign HQ' with high demand items, again at a modest profit. Sharing your trade triangles with fellow Dragons is encouraged.


The only station in Caerus that supports a Black Market is Knight Station. While this is controlled by the rival Democrats of Caerus, trading in illegal commodities increases the lockdown effect for the enemy and heighten security in the system which can lead to civil unrest and war.


Bounty hunting within Caerus borders is NOT recommended during an attempted takeover. By removing the pirate threat, you are actively supporting Caerus Systems in their policing, therefore increasing their influence and doing the job of their security vessels. The handing in of Caerus or Federal bounty vouchers in system should be avoided until the campaign is over. Bounty hunting should take place in nearby systems and NO Federal Bounties should be handed in at any station in Caerus until the Freedom Party control the system. Once the Freedom Party of Caerus successfully assume control, policing the system will be their responsibility making bounty hunting both advantageous to the party and profitable.


Those who wish to engage in battle and don't mind having a bounty on their heads should destroy all rival faction ships within the system. This includes System Authority vessels. This will actively increase security and the chance of forcing the Lockdown and/or Civil Unrest state on Caerus Systems.


Miners should sell their hauls SOLELY at Popov Hub This will increase the influence of the Freedom Party of Caerus in the same way that trading does. Ideally you should look for metallic rings with pristine reserves, though mining in system is acceptable. Caerus 10 has the most Extraction Zones.


Explorers returning to Caerus should sell their exploration data SOLELY at Popov Hub. This will increase the influence of the Freedom Party of Caerus. 

Thank you for your support, commanders!Ubi Concordia! Ibi Victoria!


Supported Faction - The Freedom Party of Caerus

The Freedom Party of Caerus were formed in 3281, two years after the Federal occupation of Caerus. During this era a group of individuals previously working under the banner of Caerus Comms Partners rebuked their employer’s acquiescence in allowing Federal operations to go ahead within Caerus. Led by the elusive, strange yet charismatic instigator, Dex Nandez, they met to discuss ways of expanding their influence into all areas of system wide power plays. Intrinsically anti-Federation, they worked together and initially used small, illegal underground markets to trade contraband, avoid taxes, and skirt price controls or rationing to obtain a competitive advantage over their competitors. Their association with the notorious Pirates of Caerus went unnoticed until one of their members was caught at an illegal gathering and information was leaked that he was funding freedom fighters. With the Federal Intelligence Agency suddenly interested in them, the group began to take steps in forming the first truly independent party with the best interests of Caerus at heart. Constructing a base of operations in a remote location on Caerus 5, the FPoC continued their efforts to undermine the current political powers and ultimately, due to increased local support from citizens all across the system, became a legitimate political party, allegedly funded by primarily illegal means. In 3301, with the help of mercenary group, the 8th Dragon Squadron, the FPoC seized control of Popov Hub after a brief war with Caerus Comms Partners. With a second base aboard the star port, the group are now in a better position to finally make moves to remove Caerus Systems from power and assume control.

Enemy Faction - Caerus Systems

Federation backed Caerus Systems are the current party in power in the system of Caerus. The corporation is wealthy and influential, their financial might borne from roots in the technology sector. Garnering support primarily through usual Federal channels such as their persistent “Our Solutions - Your Future” and “Crops Grow Best Under Federal Light” advertisements displayed on almost every holographic display terminal in the system, hopeful citizens, sold on the promise of new technological advances began to rally to the Federation’s side, during election, Caerus Comms Partners reluctantly agreed to step down from their control of the system on the condition that Silves Terminal, Whymper City and Popov Hub remained in their possession. Heinlein Terminal, the Capital Starport is where Caerus Systems HQ is situated. Headed by CEO, Colton Quincey, the corporation have gone from strength to strength, introducing new laws and taxes to further the Federation agenda. The biggest enemies of Caerus Systems are the Freedom Party of Caerus, who are vying for political change and a retreat back to Independence and the Pirates of Caerus who regularly attack their trade vessels within the systems borders.

Faction - Democrats of Caerus

Knight Station orbital platform is controlled by the Democrats of Caerus. A small yet not insignificant party who have the honour of being the first organized faction within the system. After the group's founders discovered that Caerus 6 contained a wealth of easily accessible natural resources, Knight Station was constructed as a base of operations to harvest the gases in the upper atmosphere of the planet. The Democrats have come under the political fire of many other rival companies and Caerus 6 has seen many wars fought over its violet skies. In over a century, Knight Station has remained the property of the DoC and continues to thrive both as a launchpad for local ‘scoopers’, a utopia for advocates of democracy and a centre for the underbelly of galactic trade. The Democrats generally keep themselves to themselves among local power plays, but fiercely defend their own property and policies where necessary. Their own anti-war ideology sets them apart from the other factions in the system and as such repeatedly ensure votes from the more liberal minded citizens of Caerus.

Faction - Caerus Comms Partners

Caerus Comms Partners were once the most influential and powerful independent corporation in the system. Holding all major stations with the exception of the much contested Knight Station for more than five decades, this large company were eventually removed from office in late 3281 after a local election saw Caerus Systems rise to power, taking operational control of Heinlein Terminal. As a gesture of political goodwill, Caerus Systems permitted CCP to hold on to the other three major star ports however, and the corporation still retains a majority share in all local trade to this day. A few ex-employees of CCP were disgusted by the company’s willingness to ‘sell out’ to a Federation power, and left to form what is now known as the Freedom Party of Caerus. Caerus Comms Partners have jurisdiction over the three primary mining locations on Caerus 2, 3 and 4, and as such nearly all mineral extraction and refining operations are under their control. Given that the system relies primarily on these industries, CCP remains one of the wealthiest factions within system borders and their financial might is still substantial even under Federal rule.

Faction - Pirates of Caerus

Operating from a hidden base somewhere in system, the Pirates of Caerus are an anarchic group driven by greed. Disliked by many lawful citizens and other factions, pirate attacks on trading vessels are common and while Caerus Security forces do their best to keep the level of piracy and black marketeering to a minimum, the group has flourished, especially since the the arrival of the Federation backed Caerus Systems into the local sector. Due to the increase in Federal traffic, Caerus Systems trading convoys come under frequent attack from brigands and freebooters and this has led to an increase in policing throughout the system.While they have no distinct hierarchy, the group do employ a limited form of democracy, or ‘pirate code’, occasionally making temporary alliances with certain other factions when it benefits them directly. One such ‘alliance’ is with the Freedom Party of Caerus, who utilize the Pirate’s underground market networks to their own ends. For a fee, many local pirates are more than happy to supply or fence stolen or contraband goods to other faction members who turn a blind eye to their endeavours. Pirates of Caerus contacts generally work from Knight Station, keeping their true base of operations hidden from authorities.


Character - Freedom Party Of Caerus - Dex Nandez

Dex Nandez is the current leader of the Freedom Party of Caerus. Born on Caerus 5, the son of an engineer, he was one of two children. His brother, Rex, died in his early twenties to a disease that could have been prevented with the right medical equipment. Medicine was scarce on Caerus 5 and the Federation, failing in its ability to supply its vast amount of systems with much needed aid, did not deem Caerus as important as their massive budget spent on Galactic PR. Dex still claims to talk his long dead brother in dreams, and insists that his rebellion was his brother’s idea. Others deem him slightly insane, but follow his lead as he seems to know things beyond normal understanding. While Dex has problems, he is a great leader. His words resonate among the citizens of Caerus and many regard his diatribes religiously. A great public speaker, he inspires and leads like a true politician. His closest comrades are devoted. His second in command and closest companion, Enya Bader-Ramirez hangs on every word he says. She believes him to be a seer, the man to lead Caerus to independence. Dex’s weakness is his frequent lapses of sanity. Falling into bouts of madness and grief, he can disappear for days or weeks, before returning with new information or a new plan to forward the rebellion. While not an evil man, Dex will stop at nothing to achieve independence from the Federation, even if it involves illegal activities such as drug running, slave trading, or arms trafficking, he will do everything in his power to get what he wants.

Character - The Freedom Party of Caerus - Enya Bader-Ramirez

Enya Bader- Ramirez is the Lieutenant General of the Freedom Party of Caerus under Dex Nandez. A tough, efficient woman, Enya is a firm believer that Caerus will one day be free of the Federation. She has followed the ideals and orders of Nandez implicitly and is utterly committed to ‘The Cause’. Orphaned during the initial occupation of Caerus by Federal Forces in 3279, she was taken in by the FPoC at the age of thirteen and has remained with them ever since. Her fierce hatred for the Federation drives her ambition to one day liberate the system.Sly, secretive and clever, Enya is a capable leader and diplomat who often takes charge during one of Dex’s ‘episodes’ and is also a very gifted combat pilot. Her devout faith in Dex Nandez’ agenda is unshakeable. Regardless of the legality of his actions, Enya will endorse every activity that he sanctions to further the rebellion, even supposing it goes against her own personal morals. She will find ways to convince herself that performing unsavoury tasks such as drug running or assassination is a necessary evil in making Caerus an independent system.

Character - The Freedom Party of Caerus - Geryk Lepinski

Geryk Lepinski is a young expert data hacker under the employ of the Freedom Party of Caerus. He is recklessly impulsive, arrogant, paranoid and overly dramatic, but due to his exceptional skills in extracting (and planting) information from private galactic networks, he makes a useful addition to the group. Geryk has a personal vendetta against his former FPoC colleague, Amir Raj, a fellow data expert who brought Lepinski's integrity into question in order to further his own ends. Raj was later discovered to be a hired agent for Federal Intelligence with an aim to bring the Freedom Party’s leaders into disrepute, before fleeing the system. The FPoC have since placed a bounty of 400.000 credits on Raj’s head and continue to pursue him across the galaxy. Lepinski shies away from space travel and spends the majority of his time in the FPoC’s Caerus 5 HQ, and does not currently possess a Pilot’s Licence. Lepinski is a firm supporter of Dex Nandez’ Freedom Party due to system wide Federal network lockdowns established on his home planet by Caerus Systems. He interprets these actions as some kind of conspiracy, and has made his goal to unearth the truth behind the veil of Federal secrecy.

Character - Caerus Systems - Colton Quincey

Colton Quincey. Chief Executive Officer of Caerus Systems and Federation zealot. An advocate of capitalism and the corporate lifestyle, maximising profit to the detriment of anything or anyone that stands in his way is his sole purpose in life. Power hungry and scheming, Quincey will engage in both legitimate and/or fraudulent business practices to further his own ends, covering his tracks well by employing extremely well paid retainers to assume responsibility in the event that his actions are discovered by authorities. Something of a braggart, Quincey enjoys displaying his wealth publicly, whether its his his ludicrously expensive designer suits or his personal collection of top-of-the-line Saud Kruger custom built Star Liners. Often seen giving public speeches on local news channels, (who are more often bribed to show Caerus Systems in a good light) he enjoys being the centre of attention, revelling in publicity. Quincey has the backing of an unknown VIP among the highest ranking Federation officials and quite able to gather a formidable war fleet should the need arise in securing Federation interests in the system. He has high hopes to one day completely annihilate all opposing political parties within Caerus ensuring complete corporate dominance.

Character - Pirates of Caerus - Garrett Madigan

Garret Madigan is the most dangerous man in Caerus. Wanted by local and galactic authorities for acts of piracy, assault and murder, he currently leads the band of outlaws known as the Pirates of Caerus. Said to have a hidden base somewhere on the surface of the moon of Caerus 5, the Pirates of Caerus have become a formidable threat under Madigan's leadership. The large, muscular and intimidating man is shrewd and cautious yet has a tendency to act impulsively after losing his temper, when he becomes violent and bloodthirsty. Seemingly devoid of compassion, conscience or any moral or ethical values, Madigan won’t think twice about killing anyone who might oppose him, question his orders or who fail to execute his plans successfully. The PIrates of Caerus are kept in line by fear of his disturbing reputation.


Station - Popov Hub

Owning Faction: Freedom Party of Caerus

Type: Orbis Starport

Economy: Wealthy, Very Large Population Refinery Facilities: Outfitting, Refuel, Repair, Rearm, Shipyard

Prohibited Goods: Slaves, Toxic Waste, Trinkets of Hidden Fortune

Station - Whymper City

Owning Faction: Caerus Comms Partners

Type: Orbis Starport

Economy: Wealthy, Very Large Population Refinery Facilities: Outfitting, Refuel, Repair, Rearm, Shipyard

Prohibited Goods: Combat Stabilisers, Narcotics, Tobacco,Battle Weapons, Imperial Slaves, Slaves, Toxic Waste, Trinkets of Hidden Fortune

Station - Silves Terminal

Owning Faction: Caerus Comms Partners

Type: Orbis Starport

Economy: Wealthy, Very Large Population Refinery Facilities: Outfitting, Refuel, Repair, Rearm, Shipyard

Prohibited Goods: Combat Stabilisers, Narcotics, Tobacco,Battle Weapons, Imperial Slaves, Slaves, Toxic Waste, Trinkets of Hidden Fortune

Station - Heinlein Terminal

Owning Faction: Caerus Systems

Type: Orbis Starport

Economy: Wealthy, Huge Population Agriculture Facilities: Black Market, Outfitting, Refuel, Repair, Rearm, Shipyard

Prohibited Goods: Combat Stabilisers, Narcotics, Tobacco, Personal Weapons, Battle Weapons, Imperial Slaves, Slaves, Toxic Waste, Lucan Onion Head, Wuthielo Ku Froth, Trinkets of Hidden Fortune

Station - Knight Station

Owning Faction: Democrats of Caerus

Type: Civilian Outpost

Economy: Wealthy, Very Large Population Refinery Facilities: Black Market, Outfitting, Refuel, Repair, Rearm.

Prohibited Goods: Combat Stabilisers, Narcotics, Personal Weapons, Battle Weapons, Imperial Slaves, Slaves, Toxic Waste, Trinkets of Hidden Fortune


Notable Location - Caerus 2

Caerus 2 is similar in almost every way to the first planet except that being further from the star, temperatures are slightly less extreme. Many extraction installations cover its surface, constructed by Caerus Systems though recently acquired and operated by the Freedom Party of Caerus. With the planet having no atmosphere these are exposed to the vacuum of space.

Notable Location - Caerus 3

Caerus 3 is lifeless rock with no atmosphere. A few copper and titanium mines are the only signs of life here, and they're mostly automated. Metals are transported from the surface to the orbital station, Whymper City.

Notable Location - Caerus 4

A barren, rocky planet with a sulphur dioxide atmosphere. A few interesting rock formations are the only thing of interest here, besides the numerous mining installations dotted across the surface. In orbit of Caerus 4 is the Orbis station, Silves Terminal, currently owned by Caerus Systems.

Notable Location - Caerus 5

Caerus 5 is a terraformed planet that supports life. A large Earth-like planet with an oxygen rich atmosphere, Caerus 5 is home to over six billion human inhabitants, as well as flora and fauna introduced as part of the initial terraforming of the planet. The surface of the world is 60% water with vast seas separating many continents of primarily tropical rainforests, interspersed with vast, sprawling metropolises in the more populated locations. There are a number of large seas, which are fed by wide, shallow rivers - a product of the planet's active weather system.The planet is famous for its giant forests and was once a mecca for liberty, freedom, culture and art, but the increasingly intolerant Caerus Systems government have since introduced new legislations in accordance with Federal Law and many citizens feel that these corporatist attitudes are oppressive and against human rights. The planet also has a small moon, Caerus 5A. Known locally as Eshana, it is rumoured that the anarchic Pirates of Caerus have a secret hidden base on the surface.The economy of Caerus 5 is supported by its vast output of agricultural goods which are routinely transported from the surface to orbital station, Heinlein Terminal, where they are sold to freelance traders and interstellar trading conglomerates alike.

Notable Location - Caerus 6

Caerus 6 is rocky world containing a very high concentration of metal deposits. The atmospheric composition of the stratosphere is 99.1% nitrogen and 0.9% argon giving the planet its distinctive haze. Caerus 6 is home to the Orbital platform, Knight Station, currently under operational control of the Democrats of Caerus, who refine the natural gases and elements collected by local, station based scooping companies.

Ownership of Caerus 6 has often been contested between rival factions in the past and the Democrats have defended it vigorously due to the wealth that its natural commodities offer.

In 3291, due to a mysterious illness among surface workers on the planet, industry was delayed until after the Federation's control of the rest of the system was firmly established. The Federation backed company, Caerus Systems, sent several aid ships in to deal with the situation. Seen as a move to wrest control of the planet’s resources under the guise of foreign assistance, the Democrats of Caerus refused to accept Federal help leading to the deaths of as many as 200, 000 civilian employees.

Notable Location - Caerus 10

A medium-sized gas giant with an atmosphere mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. The inner ring is extensively mined for various minerals both by Caerus Systems employees and freelance miners.

Notable Location - Caerus 12

A large gas giant at the outer edge of its star's habitable zone. It supports a system of small to medium-sized moons. Some light mining operations are known to take place within the rings of this planet though the area is lightly policed and miners should be made aware that piracy is rife among the dark, quiet extraction zones.

This work was created using assets and imagery from Elite: Dangerous, with the permission of Frontier Developments plc, for non-commercial purposes. It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it.

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