cae exam

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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CAE Exam




You are going to read three extracts which are concerned in some way with music. For questions 1-6, choose the answer which you think fits best according to the text.Extract from a brochure

Iford Manor Festival Season

Iford Manor has been described as one of the most stunning concert venues in the West Country.  Throughout high summer, Iford Arts stages an internationally renowned festival in a breathtakingly beautiful pastoral setting. Operatic performances are staged in-the-round in the intimate surroundings of the Italianate Cloister, which could not be more perfect in terms of scale and style. While the classical backdrop could hardly be more fitting, the real delight for our audiences is that, as the sky turns purple overhead, the first stars appear and the first heady notes resound across the countryside, no-one is seated less than twenty feet from the performers. The opportunity for a relaxing pre-show picnic in our tranquil gardens overlooking the meandering River Frome will complete an already magical experience.

Iford Arts, a registered charity promoting the appreciation of performing arts in the west of England, aims to benefit the local community by engaging young professional artists and stimulating young people’s enjoyment of being involved in live performances.  We hope to support young musicians in their career development by encouraging them to develop repertoire and perform to a supportive audience and providing the exquisite environment in which to do so. Iford Arts does not receive any public subsidies, relying on vital private contributions. We offer various levels of private patronage and corporate sponsorship, each providing a range of privileges such as priority booking.


What aspect of Iford Manor is emphasized in the first paragraph?

 the Italian-style architecture  the countryside location  the seating arrangements  the quality of the music


What is the main purpose in the second paragraph?

 To describe the history of the performances  To encourage young musicians to perform at the Manor  To encourage people to donate to the charity  To inform people about how they can be involved in charity work


In the second paragraph, why does the character mention the ‘romantic novels where the entrapped heroine finds her freedom and salvation through music’?

 Because she envies the heroines’ musical talent  Because she feels in a similar position to these heroines  Because the heroine’s experiences contrast strongly with her own  Because she wishes that music will give her a similar sense of freedom


Why does the character in the text ‘hammer out that lullaby’ (last paragraph )?

 She wishes to create disruption in the house.  She dislikes the music of this classical composer.  She is angry because she would rather be outside.  She is attempting to express herself through music.


What does the study seek to do?

 Investigate an issue which is already widely accepted  Prove a hypothesis which may revolutionise teaching  Challenge a popular idea  Improve the literacy skills in two neighbouring schools


The purpose of the underlined text is:

 to provide an explanation for their theory  to suggest how their data could be used practically  to suggest reasons why their data may appear inconsistent  to give support to their findings


You are going to read a magazine article. Six paragraphs have been removed from the extract. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

Renovating the Lymm Water Tower

After eight years of grit and determination, Russell and Jannette Harris have succeeded in transforming a derelict water tower into a spacious family home, and in doing so, won the 2005 Homebuilding and renovation awards. However, the road to success was relentless, as what began as a whim turned into an insurmountable challenge, and there were times when they thought they might never move in.

1 . Finding themselves the owners of the dilapidated structure, the couple then had to decide what to do with it. Their early visions for the project were fairly modest; they originally considered wrapping the structure in timber cladding and fitting a copper roof, or keeping the tower as a folly and building a cottage in the grounds. As time progressed, the couple decided that they could use this opportunity to create something far more ambitious.

2 . Julian's masterplan involved wrapping a glass-and-steel extension around the tower, creating living spaces on various levels. Massive windows would give floor-to -ceiling views of the countryside, strategically placed so that the morning sun would shine into the kitchen and set on the dining area. The summer lounge, facing due south, would catch the daytime rays.

3 . Work also had to be done to hide the unsightly selection of antennae on the roof of the old tower.

These could not be removed, as they were essential part of funding the conversion. So they were rehoused in an extension to the existing stone turret, concealing them from sight.4 . Thankfully, they were able to reclaim something towards these costs from the income generated by the radio masts. They also reaped some money by making a television programme about the project. But with costs soaring to £450,000 and beyond, the family was forced to cut down on personal spending. They stopped taking family holidays, traded in their car and lived in cheap rented accommodation. 5 . The extension meanwhile, which accommodates the main living space, is a tribute to minimalism. There are no pictures. The house is like a work of art in itself, with its sweeping views of the countryside. White is the dominant colour, and everywhere there are sleek, curved lines. Even the light switches and plug sockets are discreetly hidden.6 . With a total cost of over £500,000, plus eight years of hard slog, Russell is unsure whether he would advise other self-builders to put themselves through the trouble. At times, he wished he had never bought the tower. But when he sits in the roof-top hot tub with 360 degree views over the countryside, he admits that it was worth the effort. And now that the Lymm Water Tower has been valued at £1.75m by a local agent, the Harrises can surely feel satisfied with their achievement.


A  Russell and his wife had lived for several years in the picturesque village of Lymm where the crumbling 130-year old tower stood. The grade II listed building was one of several hundred surviving water towers which were built in the 1800s to improve public health across Britain. This particular tower was currently being used by three mobile phone companies to anchor their telephone masts. Russell regularly walked along the footpath beside the tower, and when it went up for auction in 1997, he impulsively put in a bid for £138,000.

B  But finally it all paid off. The end result is both contemporary and luxurious. The original tower houses a ‘winter' living room on the ground floor. Above it is a master bedroom with an en suite bathroom on a mezzanine. Above that, there is an office, guest room and a room for the telecom equipment. Atop it all is a roof garden with views stretching as far as Manchester and Liverpool.

C  Work finally began when planning permission was granted in 2002. But before the new structure could be built, substantial work had to be done to the existing tower. The stonework was cracked and the turret was damaged. Two skilled stonemasons worked for six months on its restoration. It was then sandblasted, the water tank was removed, and huge steel frames were put into place to support the new floors. Only then could foundations be laid for the extension.

D  Over 60 companies were involved in the construction, and Russell gave up work to act as project manager. There were problems at almost every stage. If something could go wrong, it inevitably would. Spirits plummeted and costs spiralled, and Russell and Jannette could do little but look on as their savings dwindled.

E  Russell and Jannette had just finished renovating a 1920s farmhouse nearby. This was done in a much more traditional style. By the time they'd finished with it, the once-roofless property had the typical Aga, log-burning stove, rugs, country pine furniture, dried flowers and knick-knacks. Chintzy in comparison to the modernist design they attached to the water tower. Since the work on the tower, they have become a real converts to minimalism.

F  Colour is added to this stark interior by the creative use of lighting, which was designed by Kate Wilkins, responsible for the lighting scheme at the Tate Modern Art Gallery. The lighting is subtle, mostly made up of simply concealed fluorescent strips or cold-cathode tubes. The innovative approach to lighting design won them the prestigious Lighting Design Award.

G  Fate, however, had other ideas. Russell and Jannette had to battle town planners and local opposition to get their dream on the road. Five years along, work still hadn't started and the couple were losing heart. All this changed, however, when they met the architect Julian Baker, who drew up plans for a contemporary design blending old and new. His inspirational ideas gave them the impetus they needed to kick-start their project.


You are going to read a magazine article about an African film festival. For questions 1-7, choose the answer which you think best fits according to the text.

The Sahara Film Festival

After a bumpy 225km drive from a meagre airstrip in Tindouf, south western Algeria, a sprawling single-story town begins to emerge from the desert’s dust.  As the sun climbs in the cloudless sky, visitors are rewarded with their first glimpse of Dakhla refugee camp.  It isn’t the most obvious setting for a film festival, but for seven years, just before the glitz and glamour of Cannes, the Sahrawi people of Dakhla have hosted actors and film-makers from around the world for this six-day event.  This year, for the first time, direct flights were laid on from London, giving the opportunity for overseas visitors to play a part in this extraordinary occasion.  But despite the energy and excitement, the background to the film festival is a serious one, as the Sahrawi people have been living for thirty years in this isolated desert outpost, having been forced to flee their native Western Sahara.

Western Sahara, Africa’s last colony, was taken over by Morocco when the Spanish withdrew in 1976, despite a ruling from the International Court of Justice.  This was followed by a brutal 16-year war, during which time tens of thousands of Sahrawis fled across the Algerian border to refugee camps. In 1991, a ceasefire agreement was drawn up, in which a referendum on self-determination was promised to decide the fate of the country and its people.  However, almost twenty years later, the gears of diplomacy have turned slowly and nothing has happened. Meanwhile the refugees have been left stranded in five refugee camps dotted around the vast, inhospitable desert. 

Dakhla, home to nearly 30,000 of these refugees, is the most remote of these camps, being located 175 km from the nearest city.  Unlike its namesake, the beautiful coastal city in Western Sahara, this Dakhla has no paved roads and is entirely dependent on outside supplies for food and water. Temperatures regularly top 120 degrees, there is minimal vegetation and there are frequent sandstorms.  Locally it is known as the Devil’s Garden.  Despite these obvious setbacks, the town is clean and well organised, with wide sandy streets.  Houses and tents are grouped in neat family compounds.  There are hospitals, funded by aid agencies, and a good standard of education.  For the duration of the festival, an articulated lorry is parked in the central compound, and a multiplex-sized screen is mounted on its side.  Around it are stalls and tents housing workshops and exhibitions.

The aim of the festival is to raise international awareness on the plight of the refugees.  However, it also offers a rare chance for the refugees to go to the movies and experience some educational opportunities.  It is hoped that it might foster a new generation of Sahrawi film-makers, especially

as this year, the festival also celebrated the opening of a permanent film, radio and television school in a neighbouring camp.

The program of films for this year included over forty films from around the world.  Films range from international blockbusters to various works on and by the Sahrawi people.  The themes mostly centre on experiences of struggle and hope, but there were lighter moments, such as an animated film for the children and a flash of Rachel Weisz’s naked bottom during the ancient Egyptian epic Agora which proved to be a highlight for many older boys. However, the runaway favourite was ‘a Victime’, a documentary about Ibrahim Leibeit, a 19-year-old Sahrawi who lost his leg to a land mine last year.

Films are screened at night, so the daytime is taken up with exhibitions, camel races and football matches.  One afternoon the London-based charity ‘Sandblast’ put on a joint workshop with a film-maker, giving refugees the opportunity to learn about filmmaking and create their own video messages.  These were put online so that their extended families in Western Sahara, from whom they have been separated for more than 33 years, could watch them. Helen Whitehead, a film-maker from London said, ‘Working together really broke down language and cultural barriers.  It was very rewarding, and we came across some real talent.’

More than 500 visitors flew into Tindouf on charter planes and braved the rough drive to the settlement. All the visitors to the festival stay with Sahrawi families, sharing their homes and partaking of their food. Living with these displaced people gives overseas participants an invaluable insight into the conditions in which the refugees live.  Alongside the film buffs there are real celebrities such as actors Victoria Demayo and Helena Olano.  They are mostly B and C listers from the Spanish film industry, although the real stars do take an interest.  Director Javier Cardozo was a visitor last year, and Penelope Cruz is a long-term supporter, but pulled out of attending the festival this year at the last minute.    Will the celebrity backing make a difference to the plight of the refugees?  Possibly.  Cardozo’s suggestion that the Spanish, as the ex-colonial masters of Western Sahara, were responsible for the situation received significant coverage in the Spanish Media and put some pressure on the government to take some action.  However, although the campaign in Spain is growing steadily, the focus of attention cannot only be on the Spanish government.

On the final day of the gathering, there is a dusty red-carpet ceremony in which the White Camel award for best picture is presented to Jordi Ferrer and Paul Vidal for ‘El Problema’, their 2009 film about Western Sahara.  Actors, activists and festival organisers gather on stage in high spirits to show their solidarity with the refugees.  But as the stalls are dismantled and the trucks are driven away, the thoughts of the visitors turn to the people they are leaving behind.  They may never get the chance to see the world or fulfil their dreams of becoming actors or film-makers.  For them, there is nowhere to go.  Dakhla is essentially a desert prison.


In the first paragraph, the writer emphasises:

 the enthusiasm that the festival instils  the sensational nature of the festival  the festival’s increasing media attention  the festival’s unlikely location


According to the writer, the refugees have been in the desert for so long because:

 International agencies do not know they are there  the Moroccan government disagree with the UN  a proposed vote is yet to take place  there is a war in their home country


What does the writer say about the original city of Dakhla?

 It is by the sea.  It has good health and educational facilities.  It does not have proper roads  It gets food and water from aid agencies.


What is said about the films shown at the festival?

 They mostly show the personal experiences of the Sahwari people.  All of the films are serious in content.  The variety of films suited a wide range of tastes  The international films were more popular than the local films


What was the British visitors’ response to the workshops?

 They were surprised by the refugee’s film knowledge  The workshops enabled them to communicate with local people.  the workshops taught the visitors a lot about local culture.  They showed the local films to their families via the internet.


What point does the writer make about celebrity guests?

 The writer is disappointed that the more famous celebrities do not attend.  The celebrities put too much blame on the Spanish Government  The celebrities’ presence has succeeded in raising awareness already  Their actions are unlikely to put pressure on the decision-makers


What point does the writer highlight in the final paragraph?

 There is a contrast between the visitors’ freedom and the refugees’ confinement  The film festival only gives the refugees unattainable dreams  The visitors only care about the refugees for the duration of the festival  The festival is a poor copy of the more famous film festivals.

PART 4Which writer:

1. believes oil will be available for many more years 2. believes that from now on, less oil is available3. believes there are ways to obtain energy that we have not yet discovered4. sees a great potential in natural fuels5. believes the fuel crisis will cause the poor to become poorer6. sees energy and the economy as intrinsically linked7. believes we should reduce our dependance on oil immediately

8. believes that people need to be attracted to working in the energy industry9. believes that it is unlikely that governments will invest a lot of money into alternative energy10. believes that future oil recovery will lead to more environmental disasters11. believes that better technology can help to maintain oil production levels12. believes there may be sources of oil outside our planet13. thinks that oil companies are responsible for developing other types of energy14. recognises that inventions that can help to prevent an energy crisis are already available 15. believes we can use our rubbish to create energy



Click on the gaps, then choose the best word to fill the spaces.

1. Legal fight hits music pirates

The global recording industry has launched its largest wave of legal ........................against people suspected of ....................... music files on the internet. The latest move by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) ................ 2,100 alleged uploaders ................. peer-to-peer (P2P) networks in 16 nations ............................ the UK, France, Germany and Italy. Thousands of people have agreed to pay compensation since the campaign ...................... In the US, civil lawsuits have been ............................... against more than 15,597 people ................. September 2003 and there have been 3,590 settlements. 'This is a significant ................... of our enforcement actions against people who are uploading and distributing .................. music on p2p networks,' said IFPI chief John Kennedy. 'Thousands of people - mostly internet-savvy men in their 20s or 30s - have learnt to their ................. the legal and financial risks involved in file-sharing copyrighted music in large quantities.' Individual cases are generally brought by the national associations ............. the recording industry, and in some cases by the labels, .................. civil complaints. The UK record industry has so far brought 97 cases, with a ................... 65 covered by the latest action. More than 140,000 in compensation has been paid to the British Phonographic Industry by 71 individuals. Those who ...................... to resolve cases face civil court action.


Click in the gaps and type one word in each gap.US publication Rolling Stone magazine is launch in China. The magazine, should hit shelves early next year, will focus on China's emerging youth culture as well foreign arts and entertainment. Rolling Stone first published in San Francisco in 1967 to chronicle cultural changes in the US. "We feel Chinese music and arts maturing rapidly and that a Chinese edition

be viable," said Jimmy Jung, of One World Publishing. Rolling Stone licensed Hong Kong-based One World to publish the Chinese-language edition. Mr Jung said the magazine, to be printed in simplified Chinese characters, will a mix of local content primarily by Beijing-based staff and translations of articles from the US . "We want to make that we're faithful to the spirit of the brand," said Jung. He added that Hong Kong and Taiwan had more developed pop cultures, mainland China more important. "We feel China offers greater potential and we want to be there from the ," said Jung, whose company also Chinese editions of British car magazine, Top Gear and gadget magazine T3.



There are 21 questions in this test. Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.Question 1  

The factory was on the ________ of the valleyA river runs through the centre of the village with the church on one ________ and the market place on the other.Julia was lying on her ________ on the bed.

Question 2  

Susan is not the ________ to get annoyed.Open up the accounts database, and ________ in the amount of each order.Your hair ________ requires a specific shampoo.

Question 3  

Ferguson planned to broaden its product ________ to include internet telephones.Joan hoped that the others were out of ________ of her mother's voice.Prices ________ from around £10 for a basic keyboard, to £50 for an ergonomic one.

Question 4  

Barbara Molland had found the box in a ________ that stood under the window in Kate's room.As the phrase suggests, a main ________ of cables splits off into branches which supply individual subscribers.The enormous tree ________ provided a home for rich colony of bird and insect life.

Question 5  

But the re-organisation means the ________ is now on the other foot as far as money is concerned.I wouldn't like to be stuck down a dark alley at night with whoever put the ________ in here.This can be accessed even if the machine won't ________ up correctly.

Question 6  

You need to ________ all applications before shutting down your computer.Should the factory ________ down, 100 people will lose their jobs.Mike's had three car accidents, plus a few other pretty ________ shaves.

Question 7  

A new ________ of practice governing the advertising of tobacco products is being introduced.It ran contrary both to his upbringing and personal ________ of behaviour that men should show

emotion.The source ________ and documentation will be available to developers. racism.

Question 8  

I can't believe that Colin doesn't ________ like sport.Families somehow survived, ________ as they were being torn apart by the war.Once in a while why not take advantage of the smooth, ________ surface to concentrate on your control and technique?

Question 9  

The cliff ________ was starting to crumble into the sea.I don't know how I'm going to ________ her after what happened.The Wasps ________ the Hornets in two weeks.

Question 10  

I seem to have lost the ________ with all my personal records on it.Today is the deadline for self-employed people to ________ their tax returns.We walked in single ________ along the path

Question 11  

The riots presented a considerable risk to ________ and property.The building began ________ as a church.Try to put some ________ into your painting.

Question 12  

At the age of 17, he went ________ the building trade as an apprentice.Eight ________ twenty-four is three.I'm really ________ folk music.

Question 13  

I invited them to ________ us for dinner.A lot of people want to ________ the club, so there's a long waiting list.Her parents are going to London next week and she will ________ them later.

Question 14  

He is a tall, clumsy-looking boy with two ________ feetHow much milk is ________ in the fridge?

All that's now ________ to show for our hard work is an empty office.

Question 15  

It's just a ________ to them. They don't care what happens.John gave the ________ away by laughing when Jim walked in.We've been in this ________ for twenty years.

Question 16  

We sat and talked by the ________ of the fire.They set out at first ________ for the summit.These discoveries may throw new ________ on the origins of man.

Question 17  

I need to ________ 5 pounds if I am to fit inside my suit.It's an awful thing to ________ someone dear to you.You might as well go for it - you've got nothing to ________ in any case.

Question 18  

His new job will ________ travelling all over the world.It was ________ of him not to invite her.The study involved 60 patients with a ________ age of 58.2 years.

Question 19  

She's a woman without fear, with a ________ mind of her own, who says what she thinks.He didn't ________ mind that other people thought him odd.If you want to carry on with what you were doing, please don't ________ mind me.

Question 20  

The ________ thing about him is that he never eats in the eveningShe takes the ________ day off work.We've got a few ________ jobs to do this weekend.

Question 21  

A good diet and fitness ________ a large part in helping people live longer.So far, the company has refused to ________ ball, preferring to remain independent.Rain stopped ________ after only an hour.


There are 9 questions in this quiz. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1.   Brian was really interested in North American history in his school days.

interestBrian   ..........................North American history in his school days.

2.   When it comes to population, Beijing’s is much bigger than Auckland’s.

populatedBeijing is   ................................than Auckland.

3.   The manager should think about experience when hiring new staff.

considerationThe manager should   ...........................when hiring new staff.

4.   The anti-smoking advertisement does not stop people from smoking.

ineffectiveThe anti-smoking advertisement is   ..........................people from smoking.

5.   She has learnt a substantial amount from her university course.

gainedShe has  ...................... from her university course.

6.   It is a good idea to learn Chinese to improve your future job prospects.

taking   ........................ is a good way to enhance your work opportunities.

7.   When I realised what had happend, I became quite afraid.

overcomeI  ....................... when I worked out what had occurred.

8   He saw the litter on the ground and picked it up an put it in the bin immediately.

hesitationHe grabbed the rubbish off the ground and threw it   ...................

9.   Do you think you could give me a hand to move the sofa?

mindWould you    to move the sofa?

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