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Roel Fanti lanan Bermejo, a nati ve of Poblacion Takas Cuartero, Capiz was appointed as the new OIC Assistant Schools Division Superintendent of DepEd when he assumed last December 20, 2011 the day aft er Dr. Xz Dignadice reti red from service on her birthday on December 19, 2011. He was previously assigned as OIC Assistant Schools Division Superintendent in Capiz for three years. He graduated his elementary educati on in Angub Elementary School, Province of Capiz as Salutatorian. His high school years were spent at Cuartero Brgy. High School, Capiz as Valedictorian. He took up Bachelor in Elementary Educati on at Filamer Christi an College the degree of Bachelor in Elementary Educati on where he

Vol. XXIII No.3 Fourth Quarter Issue, 2011Published by Information Services, City Mayor’s Office, Cadiz City

SP approves 2012 Reorganization of Govt. Personnel

Multiple Blessing of School Buildings Held

By: Celina Z. IbañezBy: Celina Z. Ibañez

Roel Fanti lanan Bermejo,

By: Celina Z. IbañezBy: Celina Z. Ibañez

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The Sangguniang Panlungsod has approved and enacted into ordinance the 2012 Organizati onal Structure, Staffi ng Patt ern and Planti lla of Personnel in the city government as proposed by City Mayor Patrick Escalante, in its regular session on November 23, 2011.

From right: City Administrator Att y. Michael Angelo Borromeo speaks before the members of the Sangguniang Panglunsod while Presiding Offi cer Hon. Lilia Decolongon looks on.

Gov. Alfredo Maranon and Dir. Mildred Garay cut the ribbon during the inaugurati on .

City Mayor Patrick Escalante through a Resoluti on No. 2010-185l, was authorized by the Sangguniang Panglunsod to re-organize, re-engineer the present Organizati onal Structure and staffi ng patt ern of government employees in accordance with RA 6656 and its implementi ng rules. Att y. Michael Angelo Borromeo, Chairman of the

Reorganizati on Committ ee during the deliberati ons said “the reorganizati on was formulated in response to a certain call that was insti tuted during the City Development Strategy 2 (CDS2) for 2001-2020 which was the insti tuti onalizati on of our economic enterprise. It is undeniable that our IRA will be reduced with the conversion of

municipaliti es into citi es and for us to respond to that change we need to have a strong economic enterprise.” With the creati on of environmental offi ce Att y Borromeo explained that as the signs of ti mes would show that the problem of environment is already a major concern and there is also a pressing need for us to address the solid waste management issues we deemed it necessary to create the Environment and Natural Resources Offi ce. Councilor Abiezer Bacomo, chairman of Committ ee on Rules

BERMEJO: New Schools Asst.


Governor Alfredo Maranon,Jr. together with Deped offi cials Dir. Mildred Garay, Schools Division Superintendent Dir. Xz Dignadice, Congressman Alfredo Maranon III, City Mayor Patrick Escalante and school principal Enrico Descalsota spearheaded the multi ple blessing and inaugurati on of Gabaldon Building in West I Elementary School, Division offi ce, Library Hub, Reading Recovery, ICT and Teacher’s Training Center, last December 15,2011. The inaugural ceremony was offi ciated by Rev.Fr. Guerrero Rovero, assistant parish priest of Sto. Nino Parish Church. For more than 20 years the old Gabaldon building was fi nally repaired and renovated through the eff orts and dynamic leadership of Schools Division Superintendent Dir. Xz Dignadice. The renovati on

of Gabaldon building amounti ng to 9 million pesos was taken from the nati onal government while the constructi on of Division Offi ce with a Library Hub, Informati on Communicati on Center, Reading Recovery Program and Training Center for Teachers was funded by the provincial government, City government of Cadiz and the congressional fund. City Mayor Patrick Escalante welcomed the guests, schools divisions superintendents and

City Dads OK’s P531M Budget for 2012 The City Councilors has recently approved the proposed annual budget of City Mayor Patrick Escalante the sum of P508,301,056.00 for general fund and 23,033,518.00 for Economic Enterprise Fund in its regular session last December 14, 2011 at SP Session Hall. Councilor Antonio Lacson, III, chairperson committ ee on fi nance, moved to enact Appropriati on Ordinance No. 2011-08 and to authorize the Local Chief Executi ve or the Presiding Offi cer to augment any item in the approved annual and supplemental budget in

their respecti ve offi ces from savings in other items within the same expense class with their respecti ve appropriati ons. Mayor Escalante in his report said the reducti on on RA share from P546, 468,191 in 2011 to P464, 801,056.00 for 2012 resulti ng to a diff erence of P81, 667,135.00 was the corollary eff ect of the number of municipaliti es that were converted to chartered citi es. “The only soluti on, as far as dependence on IRA is concerned, is to fi nd means to increase our local revenues and this could

More on Page 9 More on Page 9

More on Page 9 More on Page 2

By: Celina Z. Ibañez




City Distributes Fuel Assistance to Tricycle Operators

Around 1,068 fi rst batch of benefi ciaries availed the Negros First Family Health Cards Program or otherwise known as Negros Occidental Comprehensive Health Program (NOCHPS) cards given by the provincial government to the qualifi ed benefi ciaries at Don Bernardo Benedicto Commercial Center. Health services is one of the priority programs of the provincial government, as embodied in the Negros First Development Agenda of Governor Alfredo Maranon III and Vice Gov. Genaro Alvarez,Jr. NOCHP is a universal health care program for indigent families implemented by Negros Occidental provincial government in collaborati on with the province’s congressmen. It has enrolled 74,655 families throughout the province.

Only Phil. Health card holders can avail of the said program. Congressman “Thirdy” Marañon said “we expand the coverage of NOCHPS. The congressional offi ce has contributed a counterpart of 10 million pesos. As long as I am the representati ve of the 2nd district I will conti nue to support the NOCHPS program of the provincial government”.

Provincial Board Member Salvador Escalante, Jr.,Board Member Dr. Miller Serondo and Mayor Patrick Escalante were also present during the distributi on of health cards at Don Bernardo Benedicto Community Center. Recipients were from Barangays Caduhaan, Cadiz Viejo barangay proper, Daga, Sicaba, Barangays Zone 1,2,4,5 and 6.

Second District Representati ve Alfredo Marañon III and City Mayor Patrick Escalante distributed the provincial health cards to Cadiznon last October 18, 2011.

A total of 20 elementary and secondary school administrators received one net book each during the three-day Training Workshop on Enhancement of SBM Programs and Project held at SanCrest Guimaras, September 8,2011.

City Mayor Patrick Escalante thanked the tricycle drivers and operators for their cooperati on in securing their franchise and business permits on ti me. He also commended DILG Offi cer Danilo Geroso for facilitati ng the fi nancial

assistance from region 6, Iloilo City. The fuel subsidy is an urgent interventi on aimed at cushioning the impact of high fuel prices on the marginalized sectors of the society. Each operator has received P150.00.

be done through the unselfi sh cooperati on not only by the city offi cials but by the people of Cadiz in general”, the mayor said. Despite the fi nancial constraint that the city is facing, the city government will implement the third tranche salary schedule for Local Government Personnel eff ecti ve January 1, 2012 based on income class while the City Health Workers will sti ll enjoy the sti pulated rate of RA 7305 or otherwise known as Magna Carta for Public Health Workers and the Reorganizati on of Organizati onal Structure in accordance with SP Resoluti on No. 2010-185. Of the 508.3 million budget

for general fund, 229.3 million is intended for general public services, 112,532,000 will be spent for the Economic Services, 53.7 million for Health Services, 34.9 million will go to Social Services, 6.2 million aid to 22 barangays , 46 million for debt servicing and 25.4 million is appropriated for Local Disaster Risk Reducti on and Management Program. The city government is paying 36 million as loan amorti zati on to PNB, 6.5 million to Phil. Veterans Bank, 1.5 million to Land Bank of the Philippines as interest payments for IRA Moneti zati on, 1.7million for Security and Intelligence Services./czibañez

City Dads... From page 1

The 20 netbooks donated by several stakeholders were awarded during the opening program of the said training workshop as a reward for the Best Implementers of SBM Practi ces. The training was parti cipated by 69 school administrators both from elementary and secondary schools and Educati on Program Supervisors who also went on benchmarking at the schools of Buenavista and Jordan, Guimaras with the offi cer-in-charge/ assistant schools division superintendent, Maura Pait. The division-wide search started in the last quarter of 2010 and ended on June 3. The evaluati on was spearheaded by Dr. XZ Dignadice, School Division Superintendent and Dr. Neri Ann Alibuyog, Assistant Schools Division

Superintendent and the Educati on Program supervisors in the diff erent subject areas in considerati on with some criteria. In her statement, Dr Dignadice challenged others administrators to be steadfast and dynamic in the implementati on of their SBM practi ces as well as their duti es and responsibiliti es being the 21st century school leaders-the agents of the transformati on. Winners of the said search were nineteen (19) Elementary School Administrators and one (1) Secondary School Administrator. Netbooks donors were Rep. Alfredo Maranon III – 12 units, Board Member Salvador Escalante, Jr. –fi ve units, Board Member Miller Serondo- two units and Vice Mayor Samson Mirhan –one unit.

By: Dondy Depositario

More than 1,686 total registered tricycle operators from January to July 2011 were given tricycle transport fuel subsidy under Pres. Aquino’s Public Transport Assistance Program last July 13, 2011.

City offi cials who assisted during the distributi on were Vice Mayor Samson Mirhan, ABC President and CFRB Chairman Arthur Lamis, councilors Wilfredo Cervantes, Marcelo Metuda, Vicente William Tabanao and Juan Musa, City Treasurer Ma.Cristi na Fuentes and staff , DILG Offi cer Danilo Geroso and Barangay Aff airs personnel.

By: Celina Z. Ibañez

By: Celina Z. Ibañez

Cong.Thirdy Marañon and Mayor Patrick Escalante during the distributi on of health cards at public plaza.

Mayor Patrick Escalante ,Vice Mayor Jongben Mirhan and city offi cials were present during the giving of fuel assistance.

awarded for meeting the criteria as having the “Pilot house for GP” which are as follows: a mother who breastfeeds with a fully-immunized baby, a house must have a sanitary toilet and a

garden and the entire household that abstains from smoking. The award was given by CHO of�icer Dr. Merle Regalado in the presence of Zenaida Po, Brgy. Captain, of Zone 4 , midwife Vilma Penaranda, chief midwife Brigida Manguino and Zone 4 Barangay Health Workers (BHW’s).Meanwhile, Tooth brushing and Hand washing drills were launched in the afternoon among the pupils of Zone 3 DCC by Day Care Worker Josephine Bermejo, GP Coordinator Susan Ascura and Dr. Guanzon. These drills have become regular activities in a number of DCC’s in Cadiz, citing their importance in reducing the incidence of respiratory, diarrheal and dental diseases among schoolchildren.Midwives from Zone 3 led by Liberty Fernandez and dental aide Arthur Abonales also supported the event.



CHO Launches New Garantisadong Pambata City Mayor Dr. Patrick G. Escalante, Dr. Merle Jane Regalado City Health Of�icer and Dentist III Dr. Jeffrey Guanzon led the launching of New Garantisadong Pambata (GP) Program with a theme “Kalusugan ng Bata, Sigurado Basta I-GP Mo” various activities last October 10,2011 at the City Health Of�ice in Cadiz City. The New GP is an enhanced package of eight (8) health services for children aged 0 to 14 years. Aside from the old GP which comprised of four (4) original services designed for children aged 0 to 5 years namely Immunization, Vitamin A Supplementation, Deworming and Information Dissemination, the new GP adds the Hand washing, Tooth brushing, Proper use of Toilet, Breastfeeding and Campaign against Smoking. According to Dr. Merle Jane Regalado, GP is meant to be practiced every day, everywhere and by everybody and not only every October and April when GP is celebrated. It is not only applied in health centers and schools but also in the homes. GP must be everybody’s concern and responsibility. Mayor Escalante administered the ceremonial giving of Vitamin A and deworming drugs to the recipients. The activity was followed by the awarding of prizes to “Orally Fit’ Children Stacy Europeo of Barangay Zone 6 Day Care Center, Mary Kris Tan of Brgy. Zone 3 and John Michael Lecita of Brgy. Sicaba. These children were selected because of their healthy gums, absence of unrestored Dental Caries, Oral

Debris and Handicapping Dento-Facial Anomaly. Simultaneously, Puericulture Center Attendant Lina Jaspe lectured on Oral Health for Post Partum mothers including

Newborn Care and instructions at the Obstetrics (OB) ward at the Cadiz Emergency Clinic while CHO Dentist Dr. Jeffry Guanzon talked on the Oral Health of Pre-School Children and Adolescence to several mothers of daycare children at the CHO conference room. A visit to a ‘GP Pilot House’ located at Barangay Zone 4 was conducted. Purita Magallanes was

By: Celina Z. Ibañez Schistosomiasis is a disease caused by parasitic trematode worms of genus schistosoma. There are �ive species of schisto-somes cause human schistosomiasis: S. haematobium, S. mansoni, S. japoni-cum, S. mekongi, and S. intercalatum. Schistosoma japonicum (Oriental Blood Fluke) is a trematode present in the Philippines. The disease was �irst discovered by Paul G. Wooley here in the Phil-ippines on 1906 from the inmates in New Bilibid Prison coming from Visayas and Mindanao. The �irst reported case in Region VI was in So. Bonbon,Brgy. Marcelo Calarava, Negros Occidental last 2005. The case was con�irmed endemic by Mr. Florante M. Rante, a malacologist from South Cotabato last 2006. Last October 2011, sanitary inspectors from different cities and municipali-ties together with some personnel in the Regional Of�ice and Provincial Of-�ice had conducted snail surveillance in this area, Result was still positive for schistosomiasis. This strongly sug-gests the prevalence of this disease there is until this time. The Intermediate host for schis-tosoma japonicum is Oncomelania hupensis Quadrasi snail. The mode of transmission is via skin penetration. The infective stage to the cercaria, the 2nd larval stage. The average life span of an adult worm inside the human body is 5 years but can be up to 20 years. Throughout this period a single female worm re-lease approximately 500-350,000 eggs per day into the bloodstream. 50% of the eggs become trapped in the body and are responsible for the damage done to the liver, intestines, the blad-der and other organs. A person maybe infected by wad-ing, swimming, bathing, �ishing and laundering in river, streams or creeks, washing/wading in rice �ields and irri-gationcanals, and farming in schistosome in-fested areas. If this disease is treated early, the prognosis is very good and complete recovery is expected. It is treatable but people can die from the effects of un-treated schistosomiasis. The early signs and symptoms of the disease is similar to �lu (fever, chills, cough and muscle pain may occur).Itchy skin or rashes (pruritic papules) may develop within few days after infection. On the later stage a person will manifest severe anemia, hepatomegally, severe liver disease, spleenic enlargement, weighty loss, jaundice and ascites. The method of detections is by stool examination, rectal biopsy, se-rologic test, COFT, Immunodiagnostic test, ELISA, EEC, CT scan and MRI. The parasitic Infestations could be prevented through the following:1. Health Education2 Case �inding and treatment3. Environment Sanitation – use of toi-let & avoid indiscriminate defecation4. Control of stray animals.5. Provision of Safe Water Supply6. Use of Foot Bridges7. Snail Control8. Agro Engineering Methods

by Maribel Demonteverde

Mayor Patrick Escalante and Dr. Jeff rey Guanzon present the award to the “Orally Fit Child” during the launching of GP while Dra. Merle Jane Regalado look on.

Center: Purita Magallanes receives the award for being the GP’s Pilot House together with Dr. Guanzon and the Health workers.


Toothbrushing drill.



Mayor Patrick and Department heads posed at the showroom of Cadiz City during the League of the Citi es of the Philippines -3rd Phil. Citi es Global Conventi on & Expositi on in Manila last Nov. 16-19, 2011.

City Mayor’s Offi ce employees also parti cipated in the Walk for a Cause.

Indigent Senior Citi zen shows her monthly pension from city government.

Hataw sa Park conducted every Friday at 4:00 pm.

Pamaskua sa Cadiznon 2011- feeding of 2,000 children and senior citi zens at Public Plaza last December 23,2011.

Gift Giving at PNP. Mayor Escalante gives out shoes for the peacemakers.

Gov. Alfredo Marañon and Mayor Patrick Escalante listen to Mam XZ speech of grati tude.

Former City Administrator Cesar Lao-as presented Coal Terminal and Power Plant Projects in Cadiz City.

Free vaccinati on for women against cervical cancer.

Excell Evaluators listen to the city’s project presentati on during the provincial Excell Evaluati on.

Mam XZ’s birthday bash and farewell party at Terrace Restaurant last Dec. 20,2011.

City mayor parti cipates in “Hataw” exercise at Public Plaza aft er the Alay Lakad.

City distributed kitchen utensils to school recipients of Project PAT.

Bikers join the Alay Lakad 2011.



Mam Fuentes welcomes Korean investors who are looking for a possibility to invest power generati on and beef producti on in the city.

City Auditor and City Accountant conduct orientati on to Barangay Captains regarding new accounti ng procedures and processing of vouchers.

Ministers of diff erent churches met during the MRP conference.

Mayor Escalante convenes with the Korean Investors at the City Mayors Offi ce.

Mass Blood Letti ng Program.

The fi rst roll on-roll off to dock in Cadiz Commercial Port from Batangas City. 3,300 metric tons of molasses were loaded to roro by Emperador Lights last Dec. 22,2011.

Mayor Patrick congratulates the newly wed couple during the mass weeding at SP offi ce.

Validati on of 4Ps program at Public Plaza.

Cong. Thirdy Maranon together with the recipients of laptap computers.

ABC Pres. Arthur Lamis and Mayor Patrick Escalante during the fl ag ceremony at the City Hall.

Gov. Alfredo Maranon, Mayor Patrick and Congressman Thirdy Maranon during the blessing of Division Offi ce.

Swine Dispersal at the City Veterinary with Mayor Patrick Escalante ,Dr. Rabang ,Councilor William Tabanao and Councilor Juan Musa.

City Mayor Escalante and Councilor Cervantes listen to a contestant of singing contest during Pamaskua sa Cadiznon 2011.

Parti cipants in the Organizati onal Eff ecti veness Seminar Workshop for gov’t heads held in Sagay City.



City Assessor’s Offi ce Team

Paknoy and Emil from CMO receive the award for the 2nd –place in Hataw contest.

City Administrator and City Legal Offi ce Team, Center: Jessica Escalante leads the group.

SK Chairman CJ Olvido doing the fi re dance for SP Team.

GSD parti cipants gracefully dance with the music.

Artuyo wins national award

10,000 Books Donationfor Public Schools Aimed

4Ps Benefi ciaries to get

Jerry Artuyo has recently bagged the national award as one of the 10 national �inalists in the search for most outstanding Volun-teer Probation Aid (VPA) held on July 21, 2011 in Manila. Artuyo who has actively in-volved with VPA since 2009 has been adjudged as the 2011 Most Outstanding VPA in Region VI. The VPA is the program of Pa-role and Probation Administrator (PPA) of the Department of Justice

Education is the key to a bet-ter life. Expanding the learning re-sources even to the farthest baran-gays of Cadiz City is what inspired Dr. Vicente F. Gustilo Memorial Na-tional High School Batch 1995 and other Cadiznon to start the Book Donation Project for Cadiz City Pub-lic Schools last September 2011. They are targeting to gather 10,000 books for all public schools in the city. Most of the books came from different communities in the Unit-ed States. They are used, new, old books but de�initely useful ones to supplement learning. The commu-nity of San Francisco, California, Bay Area Free Book Exchange and other generous individuals had the signif-icant number of books contributed for this cause. The alumni of Dr. VGMNHS were the most supportive of the project. Aideen Abas-dela Pena, Cherrelyn Gonzaga Jacela, Flora May Ymalay, Jeanette Bendijo Gam-boa, Jovi Saplad Eldredge, Liberty Ochavo, Margaux Abalos, Marjorie Villalon were among the sponsors for this effort. Manila Forwarders has become the of�icial shipping sponsor providing discounts for every boxes shipped out from the US. As of December 2011, one thou-

Out of 6,136 quali�ied appli-cants for the Pantawid Pamilya ng Pilipino Program (4Ps) in the 22 barangays of Cadiz City 5,571 were validated and has acquired the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) cash card enrollment form. They will receive a total of 10.8 million cash grant from the Department of Social Welfare and Development. According to CSWD Of�icer Elena Serenias, Cadiz City was one of the chosen city which has the big-gest number of applicants quali�ied for the 4Ps program of the national government. 4ps is a �lagship poverty alle-viation program of the national gov-ernment that provides conditional cash assistance to extremely poor households with children from zero to 14 years old. The bene�iciaries came from Barangays Zone one - 232 fami-lies, Brgy. Zone 2 -167; Brgy. Zone 3-91; Zone 4-250, Zone 5- 35; Zone 6 – 302; Andres Bonifacio -208; Banquerohan-286; Burgos– 208,Cabahug -375; Cadiz Veijo-312;;Caduhaan-203; C.S. Villacin 229; Daga – 546; Luna – 147; Mabini – 371’; Magsaysay-248; Jerusalem- 229; Sicaba -229; Tiglawigan- 317, VF Gustilo -154 and Tinampaan – 426. /czibañez

By: Erwin R Mabugat

By: Monina B. Aquino

(DOJ) to facilitate the fully rehabili-tation and transformation of the pa-rolees and probationers in the local-ity. Working with the City Go-vernment of Cadiz for more than 20 years now, presently assigned at the City Environment and Natural Re-sources Of�ice, Artuyo has also sad-dled himself with the community works. He was the community orga-nizer of the Urban Basic Services Program (UBSP) of the UNICEF for many long years. He was the president of the Pag-asa Youth Movement (PYM), Barangay Health Worker and the community organizer for the Ne-gros Water Supply and Sanitation Project (NWSSP) funded by the

Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA). He had also become the train-er/ speaker on environmental sani-tation of NWSSP. Currently, he has initiated the community organizing and the campaign trail for the advocacy on solid waste management in vari-ous schools, puroks and barangays within the city. Being dynamic, He has become an active member and of�icer of dif-ferent associations. These include the Cadiz City Government Employ-ees Dynamic Multi-Purpose Coop-erative (Board of Director), Cadiz City Government Employees Union (Public Information Of�icer), K of C 5205 Chapter (Member) and Alum-ni Association of Villacin National High School (President)./*

sand two hundred (1,200) books were sent to eight public schools. Cadiz West 2 Elementary School, Cadiz East Elementary School, Bal-andra Elementary School and Sewa-hon Integrated School were the �irst four schools to receive 150 books last December 13.2011 endorsed by the City Schools Division Super-intendent Dr. Xz Dignadice. The se- cond batch for another four schools were delivered last January 2012. The books will be shipped every month until all schools are covered as long as donations continually come. The organizers of this project would like to encourage the com-munity’s participation in molding the younger generation and in giv-ing importance for the greater good of our society. It will mostly give a greater impact to the lives of our people. Finally the project simply shows that a little strength when put together will become stronger. To be able to achieve the goal of 10,000 books, the organizers are still seeking for donations, especial-ly for shipping cost. Each member of the community is encouraged to contribute. For your donations con-tact Jeanette B. Gamboa or on facebook Book Donations for Cadiz City Pub-lic Schools purposes.


10.8 M Cash Grant



City Employees celebrate CSC monthCity Employees celebrate CSC month

consolati on prizes of P1, 000.00 and Certi fi cates of Parti cipati on. Dance Instructor and choreographer of Ching’s Dance Fitness Studio in Bacolod City Virnie Clarion, Romeo “Ching”

Discuti do a state auditor of the Commission on Audit (COA) of Cadiz City and Tourism Offi cer of Sagay City Helen Aiguilles Cuti llar were invited as the Panel of Judges for Hataw competi ti on.

appreciati on were Raymundo Gorecho, Demetrio Balandra, Reynaldo Escaro, Edwin Sellado, Jean Espino, Grace Gumban, Milagros Caceres, Antonio Octoso, Melecio Bacomo,Jr., Filipinas Piol,

Absalon Ibanez,Silvestre Malilin, Rudy Abelido, Fernando Onati n, Estelita Escaro, wife of the late Wynnefredo Acevedo, Cesar Geronga and Eda Bereber. On the other hand, winners for the “Hataw “contest unmindful of the scorching heat under the sun danced with all their might were City Accounti ng Offi ce, Local Civil Registrar (LCR) and City Planning Offi ce (CPDO) top the competi ti on and received P4, 000.00 plus trophy; second place went to City Mayor’s Offi ce with a cash prize of P3, 000.00 and trophy and the Department of Educati on (Dep-ed) landed third place garnered P2, 000.00 and a trophy. Parti cipati ng teams from the City Health Offi ce, City Assessor’s Offi ce, City Engineer’s Offi ce, Offi ce of the Sangguniang Panglunsod, City Legal Offi ce/City Administrator’s Offi ce, Cadiz District Hospital and City Treasurer’s Offi ce obtained the

The City government employees in observance with the 111th Civil Service Month celebrati on bearing the theme of “Championing R.A.C.E: Public Service Excellence at Full Speed “has successfully launched its weekly acti viti es and culminati on program held at RC Beach Resort last September 30, 2011. Congressman Alfredo Maranon III, Mayor Patrick Escalante, Vice Mayor Samson Mirhan and the city offi cials also graced the occasion. The celebrati on was spearheaded by Human Resource Management (HRM) division and the Cadiz City Government Employees Union (CCGEU) and was highlighted by “Hataw “a danceexercise parti cipated by local and

nati onal offi ces and recogniti on of reti rees’ member of the employees union. The air was fi lled with fun and laughter when young and older employees wearing “bagets” outf it took center stage during the competi ti on. The acti vity, which was aimed to unite and moti vate government employees for a common purpose that is working together for excellence, kicked off with coastal clean-up at Finger port in Brgy. Zone 4 on September 13; Walk for a Cause from Land Transportati on Offi ce (LTO) to Cadiz Public Plaza last Sept. 16 and “Hataw” exercise led by the City Health Offi ce at Public Plaza, Tree Planti ng in Barangay Magsaysay parti cipated by selected employees from each department and culminati on program, a whole day aff air at RC Beach Resort on September 30. Reti rees who were given recogniti on and token of

consolati on prizes of P1, 000.00 appreciati on were Raymundo The celebrati on was

Marivic Fernandez receives the trophy from Mayor Escalante for garnering the championship award for the City Accounti ng Offi ce and Local Civil Registrar ‘s Team.

City Administrator’s Offi ce and City Legal Offi ce Team.

Fitness Studio in Bacolod City Dra. Chua leads the Cadiz District Hospital Team.

Discuti do a state auditor of the

Bersan in acti on of the City Engineer’s Team.

City Accounti ng Offi ce and LCR Team.

Absalon Ibanez,Silvestre Malilin,

The fast movements of the City Mayor’s Offi ce Team.The fast movements of the City Mayor’s The unique performance of the Dept.

of Educati on.

City Treasurer Mam Fuentes displays her prowess in hataw competi ti on.

Mayor’s Offi ce with a cash prize of P3, 000.00 and trophy and the The jurors of the competi ti on.

Offi ce, Cadiz District Hospital and City Treasurer’s Offi ce obtained the Reti ree Pilipinas Piol gets her token of

appreciati on from Mayor Patrick and Vice Mayor Jongben.

City Accounti ng Offi ce and LCR Team.City Accounti ng Offi ce and LCR Team. The fast movements of the City Mayor’s The fast movements of the City Mayor’s The fast movements of the City Mayor’s The unique performance of the Dept.The unique performance of the Dept.

Dra. Arroyo of the Emergency Clinic also joins the CHO Team.



Republic of the PhilippinesCITY GOVERNMENT of CADIZ

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME and EXPENSESFor the Period ended December 31, 2011

(With Comparative Figures of 2010)

Prepared by:


Approved by:


REVENUE / INCOME Local Taxes, Net Permits and Licenses Service Income Business Income Internal Revenue Allotment Other Income Total Income


Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operati ng Expense Financial Expenses Total Expenses

Operati ng Income

Add Subsidies from Other LGUs Subsidies from Other Funds Subsidies from NGA’s Total

Less: Subsidies to Other LGUs Subsidies to Other Funds Subsidies to NGAs Total


40,845,194.21 2,153,041.17 1,873,849.55

4,290,523.72 546,468,191.00

1,850,270.81 597,481,070.46

235,013,832.08 234,117,234.89

1,824,272.53 470,955,339.50


2,150,000.00 1,100,000.00



1,100,000.00 10,418,645.35 33,933,575.85













2011 2010

Blessing of Division Offi ce building

assistant superintendents in region 6, district supervisors and city offi cials during the inaugurati on rites at Dep-ed Division Offi ce. Engineer Oliver Hernandez turned over the symbolic key of Cadiz West Elem School to Governor Alfredo Maranon, Jr., Congressman Alfredo Maranon III, City Mayor Patrick Escalante, Dir. Mildred Garay, Schools Division Superintendent Dir. Xz Dignadice and to the School Principal Enrico Descalsota. Dir. Mildred Garay in her speech said “We would like to

see the return of investment and bett er performance to happen in the next coming year. The harmonious relati onship with the local government unit, the provincial government, a very strong support from government offi cials, stakeholders and NGO’s, the inspiring leadership and managerial competence of superintendent of Cadiz City Mam Xz Dignadice contribute to the positi ve performance in Cadiz City. I am so proud of what Xz had done for Cadiz City for it’s a complete turned around. She added “I am so happy that Cadiz has change towards positi ve directi on and the greatest challenge now is for the one who would be taking place in Cadiz and to conti nue what Superintendent Dignadice had done.” In the recently concluded Nati onal Achievement Test (NAT) the Division of Cadiz ranked No. 1 in the secondary level with 57.66 % Mean Percenti le Rate for the whole

Western Visayas and bagged fourth place with 74.08% in the elementary grade VI pupils . Dir. Dignadice in her words of acceptance and grati tude thanked Governor Alfredo Maranon and Congressman Alfredo Maranon III who were

responsible for her appointment in Cadiz and for their full support and dedicati on who always granted her requests. She also extend her appreciati on to City Mayor Patrick Escalante who also gave everything what she asked for whenever she called by phone or text. Likewise she also extended her grati tude to Dir. Mildred Garay, who always encouraged her and broadened her horizon. Gov. Alfredo Maranon also congratulated Dir. Dignadice for her eff orts in changing Deped Cadiz from the bott om to the top. He then urged the Deped offi cials to lead by example.

Congressman Thirdy Marañon further commended Dir. Dignadice for fi xing the Cadiz West Elementary School Building and fi xing the problem of the schools division. “I just hope that this generati on will be remembered, that this generati on has turned around our educati onal system and made it number one”. The multi ple inaugural aff airs also coincided with the Regional Conference of Schools Division Superintendents and Assistant Schools Division Superintendents in Region VI held at L’Piazza Vijandre, a Tribute to Reti rees and PASS Christmas Party. Among those who att ended were Councilors Wilfredo Cervantes, Vicente William Tabanao, former councilor and school Principal Moises Dime, Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Neri Ann Alibuyog, City Budget Offi cer Vicente Napoles, City Accountant Delilah Fernandez, school offi cials and SPED Teacher I Antonio Esmolo, who was the master of the ceremony.



Blessing... From page 1and Privileges and legal Matt ers then moved for the approval of Ordinance No.03-2011 an ordinance enacti ng the 2012 Organizati onal Structure, Staffi ng Patt ern and Planti lla of Personnel in the city government complement of 688 employees under 17 departments and creati ng two economic and income generati ng departments namely the City Economic Enterprise and Management Offi ce (CEEMO) and the Port Management Offi ce (PMO) with total of 86 employees, with an aggregate total of 774 employees. In his committ ee report, Councilor Bacomo also recommended to insert in the Offi ce of the City Accountant one (1) Reproducti on Machine Operator and two Clerk III, one Uti lity Worker II in

SP Approve.. From page 1

graduated Cum Laude. He pursued his graduate studies at Panay State Polytechnic College now Capiz State University for Master of Management major in Educati onal Management in Mambusao Capiz. For his eligibiliti es, Sir Bermejo was given Civil Service Eligibility through PD No,907 as Cum Laude in 1990. He took up Professional Board Examinati on for Teachers in 1990, Civil Service Professional Examinati on in 1993, Educati on Management Test also known as Superintendent’s Examinati on last June 2008, and Career Executi ve Service (CES) Eligibility on September 13, 2011. He started his career as Master Teacher in 2000-2004, Elementary School Principal I in 2004-2005, Elementary School Principal II in 2006-2007, Educati on Supervisor I in Mathemati cs for 17 years and from March 5,2007 to Dec.19,2011 he was appointed OIC Assistant Schools Division Superintendent in Elementary Level for 3 years in the Division of Capiz. The provincial Division of Capiz has two Assistant Schools Division Superintendents for having a large division composed of 18 districts with 483 schools in Elementary and 64 schools in secondary. During his sti nt as OIC –Asst. Schools Division Superintendent

Bermejo... From page 1

the Offi ce of the City Civil Registrar (LCR) and one City Government Assistant Department Head I in the City Health Offi ce (CHO). The said ordinance will take eff ect ten days aft er its approval. Among those who att ended the regular session were Councilors Dr.Lilia Decolongon, acted as temporary presiding offi cer in behalf of Vice Mayor Samson Mirhan who was on offi cial travel, councilors Agusti n Jesmar Desuyo, Wilfredo Cervantes, Sixto “Pal”Guanzon,Jr., William Tabanao, Marcelo Metuda,Sr.,Dr. Abiezer Bacomo,Sr.,Antonio Lacson III, Denia Hinolan, and Juan Musa,Jr. while ABC President Arthur Lamis and SK President Lalen Lamis were on offi cial business.

for elementary level, he initi ated programs to improve the academic performance and other indicators in the division and spearheaded the formulati on of Division Educati on Development Plan (DEDP) for elementary grade. As a result the Division of Capiz ranked no.1 in 2010-2011 Nati onal Achievement Test (NAT) in Grade VI for the whole Region 6 with Mean Percenti le Score of 77.45%. He authored several materials in Math such as Non-Paper-Pencil Formati ve Tests Packages in Mathemati cs used by 22 divisions under the Third Elementary Educati on Project of DepEd. He formulated the Worksheets in Elementary Mathemati cs for Grade V and VI used by 417 schools in Capiz and authored the Multi Media Instructi onal and Assessment Materials in Mathemati cs used by selected elementary schools in the province of Capiz.

PERSONAL LIFE Sir Roel Bermejo, born October 10,1969, is married to Monina Bermejo a District Music Coordinator and District Records Offi cer of the Division of Capiz. He was blessed with 4 children namely Ben Xianne, 16 ;Jolar Jeph,15 Chin Valerie,13 and the youngest Jexeph ,7. /czibañez

Engr. Hernandez Turns over the symbolic key to Gov. Alfredo Marañon.

John Brian Menosa Lizamel Dayon Andrea DescalsotaFirst Runner Up Michelle Magcanta (X) Blessy Reyn Tan Jocilyn Alonan Jessica Calo

GOAL BALL SECONDARYChampion Region X (NMRAA)First Runner Up Region VI (WVRAA)Second Runner Up Region IV-B (MIMAROPA)


Champion Region VIFirst Runner Up Region X




Cadiz elementary and sec-ondary badminton players have victoriously whipped opponents in individual and team events in the recent Palarong Pambansa 2011 at the Dapitan City Cultural and Sports Center in Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte on May 8-14, 2011. Robert Aloyan has snatched the gold in Mixed Doubles while Dhessa Mae Arino and Aprille Diane Bibiano captured the gold

in Doubles. Allen Palmares and Louie John Medina took the silver in Doubles and Kerr Longno gar-nered the silver in Mixed Doubles and a bronze in Singles, all in Indi-vidual Event. In Team Event, both girls and boys badminton players in sec-ondary level sett led for bronze rendering an overall result placing the secondary girls as champion winning the gold and the second-ary boys receiving the bronze.

First Runner Up Region X

Cadiz City’s new boxing sensati on Jaylord Alonzo sees a brighter future as the next boxing champ aft er winning a silver medal in the just-concluded Palarong Pambansa 2011. The nati onal event was held at Gallera de Dapitan, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte on May 8-14, 2011. Alonzo, a 39kg freshman

student, has matched blow by blow with the NCR boxer and has ably sustained his fi ghti ng skills unti l the fi nals on May 13, last day of the Palaro. The NCR took home the gold medal but Alonzo has markedly left an impression as the next important boxer to watch who will likeably snatch the gold in Palarong Pambansa 2012.

By: MC Jesiree P. Monteposo

By: MC Jesiree P. Monteposo

Palarong Pambansa 2011 Winners200M MC BOYS 16 ABOVEChampion Mc Merill John Derrama (VI)First Runner Up Mark Kenneth Clavano (IV-A)Second Runner Up Michael John Pallen (IV-A)

BOCCE ELEM (DOUBLES)Champion Jayrald Acidera (1) Mark Daniel Medrano First Runner Erick Buro (VI) Adrian Buro Second Runner Up Marjie Diane Magalso (X) Jede Burlat

BOCCE ELEM (SINGLE)Champion Mark Daniel Medrano (1)First Runner Up Jayrald Acidera (1)Second Runner Up Adrian Buro (VI)

BOCCE SECONDARY (DOUBLES)Champion Chukie Maglaya(1) Judel CasalloFirst Runner Up Joe Marie Sayson (VI) Evangeline SembranoSecond Runner Up Cyrus John Dennoga (X) Freddie Vincent TinosasBOCCE SECONDARY (SINGLE)Champion John Brian Menosa (VI)First Runner Up Lizamel Dayon (VI)Second Runner Up Chukie Maglaya (1)

BOCCE SECONDARY (TEAM)Champion Mc Merill John Derrama (VI)

In Team Event, both girls and boys badminton players in sec-ondary level sett led for bronze

Opening of Palarong Pambansa 2011 in Dapitan City Cultural and sports Center.

student, has matched blow by blow with the NCR boxer and has

West Visayas Regional Athleti c Asso. Team

Cadiz Badminton winners.

West Visayas Regional Athleti c Asso. TeamWest Visayas Regional Athleti c Asso. TeamWest Visayas Regional Athleti c Asso. TeamWest Visayas Regional Athleti c Asso. Team Bocce champion John Brian Menosa from Cadiz SPED Training Center

Jaylord Alonzo from Cadiz City wins Silver Medal in Boxing.

Mc Merill John Derrama (VI)

Mayor Patrick inducts the newly elected Cadiz City Tennis Club Offi cers.From left : Gladys Macaraig, Marvin Delcampo, Eric Cacanog, Johny Paculares, Enrique Nemenzo, Jr. – President, Englebert Barco and Sherwin Tabanao.

Opening of Palarong Pambansa 2011 in Opening of Palarong Pambansa 2011 in Opening of Palarong Pambansa 2011 in Opening of Palarong Pambansa 2011 in Gold medalist Robert Aloyan along with other winners in Badminton during the awarding.






editorial staff:

ERWIN R. MABUGATManaging Editor

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