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Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin Waxesas Latent Heat Storage Materials

N. Ukrainczyk,* S. Kurajica, and J. ŠipušiæUniversity of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Maruliæev trg 19, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Thermophysical properties of phase change materials (PCM) are of utmost impor-tance in latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) applications. Therefore, an experi-mental study is conducted in order to determine thermophysical properties of five techni-cal grade paraffin waxes produced by major Croatian oil company, INA d.d. Rijeka. Thetemperatures and enthalpies of melting and solidification (latent heat capacity) and spe-cific heat capacities of solid and liquid paraffin waxes were measured by differentialscanning calorimetry (DSC). The thermal diffusivity of paraffin waxes was determinedutilizing transient method. The importance of eliminating phase transformation inter-ferences to thermophysical properties determination is addressed. The densities andthe coefficient of thermal expansion were measured using Archimedes methods. Aself-adopted simple and inexpensive laboratory procedure for the determination of liquiddensity as a temperature function is presented. Finally, the thermal conductivities havebeen calculated from measured densities, heat capacities and diffusivities. Based on re-sults obtained, the investigated paraffin waxes were evaluated in regard to their applica-bility as PCM for LHTES.

Key words:Paraffin wax, phase change material, latent heat thermal energy storage, thermophysicalproperties


The basic problem in utilization of thermal sys-tems is the discrepancy between energy availabilityand its demand. For example, because of the periodicnature of solar radiation as well as ambient tempera-ture, natural heating is more effective if daily exces-sive heat is stored into the suitable accumulation sys-tem for latter use. In order to enhance the applicabil-ity, performance, and reliability of thermal systems,latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) meth-ods1 are used. In a LHTES, energy is stored duringmelting and recovered during solidification of thephase change material (PCM), mostly by means oflatent heat of phase change of the medium. PCMshould have high storage density, i.e. high latent heatof phase transition and high density to provide ahigher thermal storage per unit mass, high specificheat capacity to provide sensible heat storage andsmall temperature variation from storage to re-trieval.1 A large number of materials, inorganic andorganic and their mixtures have been investigated asLHTES materials.2 Recently, Kurajica3 presented ashort review on phase change (latent heat storage)materials and systems. Numerous applications ofPCMs, e.g. in building, air and water conditioning,heat sinks etc. had been reviewed by Zalba.4

Paraffin waxes are the most commonly usedcommercial organic heat storage PCM5 used forLHTES applications due to their large latent heat,moderate thermal energy storage density, little or noundercooling, low vapor pressure, good thermaland chemical stability, lack of phase separation,self-nucleating behavior, varied phase change tem-peratures (i.e. they can meet the requirements of adesired LHTES application), environmental harm-lessness, having no unpleasant odor, non-toxicityand low price.5 Several investigations of thermalcharacteristics of pure paraffins and paraffin waxesduring solidification and melting processes havebeen performed, showing that no thermal propertiesdegradation occurred after numerous melting/freez-ing cycles.6–8 Their major drawback is low thermalconductivity (� ~ 0.2 W m–1 K–1), decreasing therates of heat storage and release during melting andcrystallization operations (requiring large surfacearea), flammability and density changes.9 Thechanges in density in the course of heating/coolingto a melting/solidification temperature, as well asthe solid/liquid phase transformation inflict greatvolume change.

Paraffins are a family of saturated hydrocar-bons with general formula CnH2n�2. Paraffins hav-ing between 5 and 15 carbon atoms are liquids atroom temperature, and those with more carbon at-

N. UKRAINCZYK et al., Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (2) 129–137 (2010) 129

*Corresponding author: N. Ukrainczyk,

Original scientific paperReceived: April 15, 2009

Accepted: December 28, 2009

oms are waxy solids (e.g. well-known paraffinoctadecane, C18H38).

10 Paraffin can be classified ac-cording to purity, i.e. refinement, melting point, etc.Considering the cost, however, only technical gradeparaffin wax, a by-product of oil refining, may beused as PCM in latent heat storage. Commercialgrade paraffin waxes are combination of different,mainly straight chain, hydrocarbons with more than15 carbon atoms having melting temperatures11

ranging from 23 to 67 °C. The various paraffinwaxes, byproducts of oil refining, therefore easilyavailable and cheap, are obtainable in a selection ofmelting point ranges, so that a good match can bemade between melting range and system operatingtemperature.

Generally, the longer the length of the pure hy-drocarbon chain is, the greater are the melting tem-peratures and specific heat of fusion, densities andmolar specific heat capacities (of liquid and solid).5

An overview of various properties of interest forutilization of paraffin waxes as LHTES materials isgiven in Table 1.

The thermophysical properties presented in Ta-ble 111–21 represent ranges of values due to the in-complete data and scarce studies relating interde-pendence of thermophysical properties.22 Further-more, large differences exist between values re-ported in different studies, e.g.11–13 for solid thermalconductivities of even above 100 %. Some au-thors23 reported that the thermal conductivity of

paraffin wax, in solid phase, was not a monotonicfunction of temperature. The variations in con-ductivity, density and enthalpy against temperaturefor some paraffins are documented by Manooand Hensel.24 Reported non-monotonic temperaturefunctions of these properties are probably due to thephase change transitions, especially the solid-solidtransitions.

Moreover, the data on liquid paraffin waxesthermal properties and especially their dependenceon temperature are particularly scarce in availableliterature.

Therefore, in order to acquire data necessaryfor further investigations of the employment of par-affin waxes as PCM for LHTES medium, as well asfor the dimensioning of LHTES equipment, thermaland thermal performance related properties of fiveparaffin waxes produced by INA d.d., Croatia havebeen studied. The melting/solidification tempera-tures, enthalpies of melting and solidifying of par-affin waxes, specific heat capacity, thermaldiffusivity and the density in solid and liquid statewere measured. Based on data obtained, the thermalconductivity was calculated and the investigatedparaffin waxes were evaluated in regard to their ap-plicability as PCM for LHTES.

The described transient method is, to the bestof our knowledge, applied for the first time for de-termination of thermal diffusivity of paraffin waxes.As the solid/liquid phase transformation inflicts

130 N. UKRAINCZYK et al., Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (2) 129–137 (2010)

T a b l e 1 – Thermophysical properties of paraffin wax

Paraffin type Melting/°C Heat of fusion/J g–1 �/W m–1 K–1 �/g cm–3 cp/J g–1 K–1 a/10–7 m2 s–1





0.148 (l, 40 °C)12

0.15 (s)11

0.358 (s, 25 °C)12

0.774 (l, 70 °C)11

0.814 (s, 20 °C)11n.a. n.a.

C20–C33 48–5011 18911 0.21 (s)110.769 (l, 70°C)11

0.912 (s, 20 °C)11n.a. n.a.

C22–C4558–6011 18911 0.21 (s)11

0.795 (l, 70 °C)11

0.920 (s, 20 °C)11n.a. n.a.

Paraffin wax 6413,14173.613,14


0.167 (l, 63.5 °C)13,14

0.346 (s, 33.6 °C)13,14

0.339 (s, 45.7 °C)14

0.790 (l, 65 °C)13,14

0.916 (s, 24 °C)13,14n.a. n.a.

C21–C50 66–6811 189110.21 (s)11 0.830 (l, 70 °C)11

0.930 (s, 20 °C)11n.a. n.a.

C19–C36 48–6816,17 147–16318 0.23 (s, 25 °C)190.766–0.770 (l, 82 °C)20

0.865–0.913 (s, 25 °C)18,192.981 (l, 60–63 °C)18

2.604 (s, 35–40 °C)180.97–1.02*

Paraffin wax21 53 184.48 0.15 (s) 0.775 (l) 2.384 (s) n.a.

*Calculated range based on the literature data.(s) – solid, (l) – liquidn.a. – not available

great volume change, a special pretreatment wasapplied to the transient method to obtain a homoge-neous sample. Furthermore, a methodology was de-veloped to eliminate errors of thermal diffusivityand heat capacity measurements due to phasechange transitions, previously inadequately ad-dressed in literature. Temperature dependence ofliquid densities of the investigated paraffin waxes ismeasured by a self-adopted simple laboratory pro-cedure.



Commercial paraffin waxes, denoted by themanufacturer as 46–50, 52–54, 58–62, 62–70 and70–75, were obtained from INA, Rijeka, Croatia.The samples were used as received.

DSC analysis

Thermal properties of paraffin waxes such asmelting and solidification temperatures, latent heatsof melting and solidification and heat capacitieswere measured by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) technique. DSC was performed on a Ther-mal Analyzer DSC 2910, TA Instruments in heatingand cooling cycle. Samples with a mass of ~5 mgwere sealed in an aluminum pan; an empty pan wasused as reference. The analyses were performed inthe temperature range of –20–90 °C with a heatingrate of 5 °C min–1 and under a constant stream ofnitrogen at a volume flow rate of Q � 100 mL min–1.Before the DSC runs, the samples were heatedto 90 °C for 30 min in order to eliminate thethermal memory effect. Indium was used for tem-perature (Tf � 429.75 K) and specific enthalpy(�hf � 28.62 J g–1) calibration, while �-Al2O3 wasused as a reference for heat capacity determination.The specific heat capacity was obtained from threeDSC measurements: a sample, a baseline, and a ref-erence. The baseline data is used for baseline sub-traction from the reference and sample data. Thereference data provided a temperature dependentcalibration constant. Cooling was accomplishedwith a liquid-nitrogen cooling accessory. Thesolid-solid transition, melting and solidificationtemperatures were obtained by drawing a line at thepoint of maximum slope of the leading edge of theDSC peak and extrapolating a base line on the sameside as the leading edge of the peak. The heats offusion of investigated materials were determined bynumerical integration of the peak area of the peakof thermal transition.

Thermal diffusivity measurement setup

Thermal diffusivity (a/m2 s–1) is an importantproperty of material in all problems involving tran-sient heat conduction. It is a measure of rapidity ofthe heat propagation through a material and com-bines thermal conductivity (�), specific heat capac-ity (cp) and density (�) according to:

ac p



Transient heat conduction in the radial direc-tion in an infinite cylinder can be expressed as:25

1 12





r r



�� � � (2)

where � is a volumetric heat generation or sinkterm (W m–3). For the case of investigated materialthis term is associated with phase transformations.In order to obtain accurate measurements of ther-mal diffusivity, a methodology assuring the elimi-nation of errors due to simultaneous phase changetransitions was applied.

For thermal diffusivity measurements, an ex-perimental transient method was used.26–28 An ex-perimental setup consisted of a two constant-tem-perature water baths ( ± 0.03 °C), the PCM storagecopper cylinder container, K-type thermocoupleswiring, data acquisition unit and a PC, Fig. 1. Thecopper tube with 26 mm diameter, 170 mm lengthand 0.7 mm thickness was filled with liquid paraf-fin wax and the thermocouple was placed in the

N. UKRAINCZYK et al., Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (2) 129–137 (2010) 131

F i g . 1 – Thermal diffusivity measuring set-up

center of the cylinder at half-length. The specimengeometry assured one-dimensional heat transfer.Copper tube was sealed with rubber stoppers. Phasechange from liquid to solid resulted in considerablevolume contraction. Therefore, in order to avoid thecreation of air gaps and assure sample homogeneity,rubber stoppers were continuously pressed duringparaffin wax solidification upon cooling. The cylin-der was placed vertically in the bath cooled to atemperature � 5 °C and held there until tempera-ture equilibration. Then the cylinder was suddenlyimmersed in the bath at temperature � 10 °C andheld until temperature equilibration. The tempera-ture of the paraffin wax at a cylinder axis was mea-sured as a function of time. The sudden immersionprovided an approximate step-like temperature in-ducement at the copper cylinder container (r � R, t).Boundary temperature increase was measured at theinside surface of the copper tube wall. The transienttemperature response was measured at the center ofthe paraffin wax cylinder (r ~ 0, t). At the end ofthe series of experiments, the paraffin wax samplewas pushed out from the tube after short warmingin a hot bath. Then the accurate radial position ofthe thermocouple measuring end was obtained andthe sample was checked for the homogeneity.

K-type thermocouples, 0.2 mm thick, withgrounded twisted-shielded wiring were used to ob-tain accuracy and eliminate noise. Cable shieldingand twisted wire pairs were used to minimize oreliminate capacitive coupled interference and to aidin lowering electromagnetically induced errors. Thethermocouples were calibrated before use (usingPt 100 with an overall measuring accuracy of ± 0.03 °C), and they were observed to havean accuracy of ± 0.1 °C in a temperature range � 0–90 °C. An 8-channel data logger (TC-08pico technology) was used for temperature mea-surements. The 20-bit resolution ensured detectionof minute changes in temperature. It was capable ofstoring the entire set of temperatures once every100 ms. The experimental data were simultaneouslytransferred to a PC. Cold junction temperature heldat room temperature was sensed by a precisionthermistor in good thermal contact with the inputconnectors (on thermal block) of the measuring in-strument. In order to have an accurate cold junctioncompensation, its temperature change was kept aslow as possible.

Based on the described experimental transientmethod the thermal diffusivity can be estimated byfitting the experimental results to a theoretical ex-pression based on a Bessel function29 or its linear(first term) approximation.26 However, in this worka numerical approach for parameter estimation wasadopted for better accuracy. Instead of assuming anideal step temperature inducement, a real measured

temperature was employed for the boundary condi-tion. Fourier’s one dimensional radial heat eq. (2)was solved using Matlab’s built-in solver“pdepe”.30,31 The heat generation term was ne-glected (please, see further discussion on this issuebelow). The Levenberg-Marquardt method for opti-mization was used for the solution of the inverseproblem of the parameter estimation.27 The inverseproblem was solved and optimized by using asub-program that was written for the setting ofMatlab 6.5 (The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA);(.m) script files are freely available upon request toa corresponding author. Inputs for this numericalmodel were temperature-time vectors, i.e. (r � R, t)and (r ~ 0, t), and the initial condition (r, t � 0).In order to speed up the iterative computing, thetemperature-time input was reduced as follows.First, the accurate onset of inducement was deter-mined from raw temperature data (collected each100 ms). Then, the temperature records were re-duced to about 1000 time points for each measure-ment position.

The results of the method evaluation on refer-ence materials indicated an accuracy of 1 % and aprecision of 0.7 % (for 95 % confidence).27 Thereference materials used to evaluate the methodand the apparatus were gelatinous water (Agar gel0.7 %), glycerol (p.a. redistilled) and Ottawa (quartz)sand.

Density measurements

The densities of solid samples were determinedby applying classical Archimedes method. The den-sities of liquid samples were measured by theself-adopted simple laboratory procedure utilizingArchimedes law in the following experimentalsetup shown in Fig. 2. A preheated laboratory glasswith liquid paraffin wax was placed in a preheatedDewar vessel, sealed with a thermal insulating stop-per. A thermocouple was introduced in Dewar ves-sel through a small hole in a stopper. When a pre-

132 N. UKRAINCZYK et al., Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (2) 129–137 (2010)

F i g . 2 – Self-adopted simple and inexpensive laboratoryprocedure for the determination of liquid densityas a function of temperature

heated sinker (59.534 cm3), tied up by a thin wirewas immersed in a liquid paraffin wax, the masswas recorded. During slow cooling, for about 24 h,mass and temperature were simultaneously mea-sured using balance data output and the temperaturesensor connected to a computer. That way, the den-sity of liquid paraffin wax as a function of tempera-ture was determined.

Results and discussion

DSC measurements, transition temperaturesand cumulative heat of phase transformations

The DSC curves of investigated samples areshown in Fig. 3. In DSC thermograms, the main(sharp) peaks represent solid–liquid (melting) orliquid-solid (solidification) phase change and theminor peak (or peaks) to the left of the main peakcorrespond to solid-solid phase transitions.32 Ac-cording to the literature,33 on heating, prior toisotropization to the melt, some paraffin waxes dis-play transitions due to a disordering of the mono-clinic crystal to a pseudohexagonal crystal. The in-crease in melting and freezing points among the in-vestigated samples is a consequence of change incomposition of paraffin waxes since the meltingpoint of the paraffins increases with the increasednumber of carbon atoms in paraffin chain.10 How-ever, it has to be pointed out that the phase changestake place over a temperature range. From Fig. 3 itcan be seen that the sample undercooling is small,even at employed heating/cooling rate 5 K min–1

the difference between melting/solidification curvesis less than 6 K.

For the mathematical modeling of the LHTESmaterial thermal response, the enthalpy of phasetransformation term in eq. (2) is commonly intro-duced by an apparent heat capacity methodology.34

This takes into account the temperature range over

which the phase transition occurs. A characteristicof fully miscible mixtures is that the phase changeoccurs in a temperature range instead at a fixedtemperature, as it does for pure substances. An as-sumption that the melting or solidification occurs atconstant temperature leads to a greater discrepancybetween experimental and numerical results.34 Theshape of the effective heat capacity function de-pends significantly on the heating and cooling ratesused in the measurements and sample size. Fre-quently, the enthalpy function or the effective heatcapacity of the PCM is determined on the basis ofDSC measurements. From the measured heat flow,F(T), and specific heat capacity of solid or liquidPCM, cp, the apparent heat capacity is calculated.

c TT

mTcp app p, ( )

( )

�� �


where m is the mass of PCM used in DSC experi-ment, �T is heating or cooling rate of the DSC mea-surement and F(T) is heat flow rate. Apparent heatcapacities of the samples 46–50, 52–54, 58–62,62–70 and 70–75 are presented in Fig. 3 on theright axis. According to Fig. 3 it is obvious that forthe investigated samples no simple function for thedescription of apparent heat capacity over thewhole temperature range exist.

In Fig. 4 the cumulative heats of solid-solidand solid-liquid transformations are presented.Samples 46–50 and 52–54 show solid-solid transi-tion(s) which increase their total enthalpy change.Closer inspection of the low temperature side ofDSC peaks of samples 58–62 and 62–70 also re-veals the presence of additional transition. The in-crease in heat of fusion is expected because of thepresence of longer-chain paraffines.5 The compari-son is not straightforward, since the heats ofsolid-solid transformations and fusion could not be

N. UKRAINCZYK et al., Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (2) 129–137 (2010) 133

F i g . 3 – The DSC thermograms and apparent specific heatcapacities of paraffin waxes 46–50, 52–54, 58–62, 62–70 and70–75 obtained with the heating and cooling rate of 5 K min–1

F i g . 4 – Cumulative heats (sensible heat plus latent heat ofphase transformations) of paraffin waxes 46–50, 52–54, 58–62,62–70 and 70–75, determined by numerical integration of themelting DSC peak areas

separated. It seems that the heats of fusion are ap-proximately the same for samples 46–50 and52–54, the same is valid for samples 58–60 and62–70 which show some increase compared to thefirst two samples. The lowest heat of fusion is ex-hibit by sample 70–75. Such behavior is probablydue to an increasing complexity of the paraffin mix-ture, enabling only partial crystallization to occur.From the heat flow signal, three characteristic tem-peratures for each transition can be determined: thetransition temperature, t (temperature correspond-ing to separation of the DSC heat flow curve fromthe base in the course of heating), melting tempera-ture, m (temperature corresponding to onset of theDSC melting peak) and the solidification tempera-ture, s (temperature corresponding to separation ofthe DSC heat flow rate curve from the base line inthe course of cooling). Table 2 shows the character-istic transition, melting and solidification tempera-tures, and total enthalpy change of the investigatedsamples.

Heat capacities

Heat capacities of the solid and liquid samples46–50, 52–54, 58–62, 62–70 and 70–75 at � 7.5and 80 °C are presented in Fig. 5 and Table 3. Spe-cific heat capacities of solid and liquid are extractedfrom Fig. 3, within a temperature range chosen in amanner to minimize influence of phase transitions.The values at � 7.5 °C and 80 °C are given in Ta-ble 3. Heat capacities of liquid paraffin waxes showhigher values than the corresponding solids, whichis in good agreement with literature.5,18 The higherheat capacity of liquids than solids can be attributedto a higher degree of freedom for vibrations ofhydrocarbon chains and to the energy used forovercoming of the van der Waals attractive forces.The magnitude of obtained values are somewhathigher but in reasonable agreement with data forC18-C50 n-alkanes,5 which range from 1.7 to2.0 J g–1 K–1 for solids and 2.3 to 2.4 J g–1 K–1 forliquids. Higher values of heat capacities of mixtures

in comparison to pure n-alkanes were also docu-mented by literature,18 Table 1, row 6. Contrary tothe molar heat capacities of liquids and solids, themass specific heat capacities have no monotoniccorrelation with the length of the hydrocarbonchain.5

The increase of heat capacity with temperatureis more pronounced for the solids than the liquids,Fig. 5. This can be attributed to the gradual onset ofmolecular rotational freedom (rotation of the wholemolecules about their long axis)35 and to hetero-phase premelting.

Finke et al.35 also observed an abnormal in-crease in heat capacities below the melting tempera-tures on pure n-alkanes (C8-C16).

134 N. UKRAINCZYK et al., Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (2) 129–137 (2010)

F i g . 5 – Specific heat capacity of solid and liquid paraffinsobtained by DSC (an extraction of Fig. 3)

T a b l e 2 – Transition temperature (�t), melting temperature(�m), solidification temperature (�s) and cumulative heat (sensi-ble heat plus latent heat of phase transformations), (q) of investi-gated paraffin waxes

Sample 46–50 52–54 58–62 62–70 70–75

t/°C 20, 28 20, 32 27 25 –

m/°C 41 49 46 37 30

s/°C 43 53 60 62 75

q/J g–1 228 220 206 201 169

T a b l e 3 – Results on investigated paraffin wax samples:specific heat capacity of solid and liquid, thermal diffusivity,the densities of paraffin wax samples at � � 7.5 °C and � � 80 °C,corresponding specific volumes and relative volume change inselected temperature interval, and thermal conductivity calcu-lated using eq. (1)

Sample 46–50 52–54 58–62 62–70 70–75

cp(s, 7.5 °C)/J g–1 K–1 2.48 1.97 2.10 1.82 2.06

cp(l, 80 °C)/J g–1 K–1 2.76 2.10 2.49 2.17 2.34

a(5–10 °C)/10–7 m2 s–1 1.03 1.08 1.11 1.12 1.13

�(s, 7.5 °C)/g cm–3 0.829 0.866 0.893 0.911 0.917

�(l, 80 °C)/g cm–3 0.765 0.774 0.782 0.799 0.822

v7.5/cm3 g–1 1.206 1.155 1.120 1.098 1.091

v80/cm3 g–1 1.307 1.292 1.279 1.252 1.217

�v/% 7.7 10.6 12.4 12.3 14.8

�(s, 7.5 °C)/W m–1 K–1 0.21 0.19 0.21 0.19 0.21

Thermal diffusivity

Measurements of thermal diffusivity are con-ducted within a temperature range chosen in a man-ner to minimize interferences of phase transforma-tions. These temperatures were selected by refer-ring to DSC results, Fig. 3. In that way, enthalpy ofphase transformation term in eq. (2) is eliminated,enabling reasonably accurate estimation of investi-gated properties.

An example of thermal diffusivity estimation,based on the measured temperature response (spe-cimen 46–50) and the radial heat conduction modelin eq. (2), is given in Fig. 6. A good fit with a stan-dard deviation ~ 1.7 · 10–2 °C indicates no signifi-cant heat of fusion interference to measurement.

Results on thermal diffusivities are given in Ta-ble 3, and represent an average value of five mea-surements with a measurement uncertainty of 1.5 %(for 95 % confidence level). Since measured dataon thermal diffusivity of paraffin waxes is scarce,the obtained values were compared with calculatedvalues (Table 1, row 6) and a reasonable agreementhas been obtained. An increase of thermal diffusivi-ties with melting temperatures of investigated par-affin waxes is observed.

Density measurements

It is known from the literature36 that paraffinsshow great volume changes on heating, solid-solidtransformations and solid-liquid phase change. Thevolume changes have significant effects on the ap-plication technology. Therefore, in order to providedata on volume changes, as well as to provide dataon densities necessary for the thermal conductivitycalculation, the investigation of wax density insolid and liquid state has been conducted. Com-

puter-control measurement setup enabled very ac-curate measurements. The densities of solid and liq-uid samples at selected temperatures are presentedin Table 3. The changes in density of liquid paraffinwax samples with the temperature are presented inFig. 7. All melted samples exhibited a constant de-crease of density, i.e. constant rise in volume withtemperature. It is interesting to note that the slopeobtained by linear regression is decreasing with theincreasing melting temperatures of investigated par-affin waxes. The results obtained for liquids andsolids in this work follow the correlation reportedon pure hydrocarbons, i.e. the longer the averagelength of the hydrocarbon chain is, the greater arethe densities of liquids and solids.5 Obtained valuesfor liquid and solid paraffin waxes are in reasonableagreement with data in Table 1.

Using density data, the volume changes hasbeen calculated in the temperature interval of inter-est and are presented in Table 3. The wax specificvolumes at 7.5 °C and 80 °C have been taken as re-ciprocal density. The volume change during thephase change process has been calculated usingequation:

��� �


� �

( ) ( . )

( )

80 7 5




Thermal conductivity

Results on thermal conductivity, shown in Ta-ble 3, are calculated from measured densities, heatcapacities and diffusivities by applying eq. (1). Itcan be concluded that no significant differences inthermal conductivity of investigated paraffin waxsamples had been observed. The obtained valuesare in reasonable agreement with the values givenin Table 1, rows 2, 3, 5 and 6. Large differences ofeven above 100 % for thermal conductivity of C18

N. UKRAINCZYK et al., Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (2) 129–137 (2010) 135

F i g . 6 – An example of the estimation of thermal diffusivitybased on the measured temperature response (specimen 46–50)and the radial heat conduction model in eq. (2)

F i g . 7 – Densities of liquid paraffin wax samples as afunction of temperature (� in °C)

paraffin, shown in Table 1, row 1 are probably dueto the systematic error of phase change transitioninterference during measurements presented in lit-erature.11–13,23,24

The published value is obtained at 25 °C,which is very close to the melting temperature of27.5 °C for C18 paraffin.

Generally, paraffins show poor thermal con-ductivities; as expected, this proved to be the great-est obstacle in employment of investigated materi-als as PCM. However, while in storage systems lowconductivity values make low rates for heat storeand release in some cases of thermal protection it isdesirable to have such low values. Poor thermalconductivity of paraffin waxes could be greatly im-proved by preparation of composite material with abetter heat-conducting material, e.g. graphite.

Considering the determined thermal properties,the following area of utilization of investigated par-affin waxes could be proposed:

– Storage of solar energy harvested by solarcollector through daytime and utilization of that en-ergy to heat water for domestic purposes duringnighttime.37

– Waste heat recovery by combining air andwater conditioning systems.38

– Energy storage in passive solar space andgreenhouse heating systems.39,40

– Conditioning of buildings exposed to inten-sive solar radiation during daytime utilizing com-posite shutters.2

– Off peak storage of thermal energy using ac-tive floor electric heating systems. In such a man-ner, peak loads may be reduced and shifted tonighttime when electricity costs are lower.41,42

– Thermal protection of electronic devicesfrom overheating, smoothing exothermic peaks inchemical reactions, heat sinks, hot pads, etc.


An experimental investigation has been con-ducted in order to study the thermal properties offive paraffin waxes produced by INA d.d., Croatia,in order to evaluate their potential use as a phasechange material. A methodology was developedand described to eliminate errors of thermophysicalmeasurements due to phase change transitions, pre-viously inadequately addressed in literature. Theinterference of the phase transition process hasbeen indicated as a probable explanation of largedifferences for solid thermal conductivities andnon-monotonic temperature functions reported inliterature.

Thermal analysis by DSC revealed that most ofthe paraffin wax samples showed solid-solid transi-tions prior to melting. The samples melt in the tem-perature range between 41 to 75 °C and show totalenthalpy change between �h � 228 and 169 J g–1.Sample 46–50 absorbs and dissipates the greatestamount of energy in the investigated temperaturerange.

The estimation of thermal diffusivity, based onthe measured temperature response and the radialheat conduction model, yielded values betweena � 1.03 and 1.13 · 10–7 m2 s–1 in the temperaturerange of � 5–10 °C.

Densities of solid samples, as well as the liquiddensity temperature dependence function, were de-termined. It was shown that the phase changes ofparaffin waxes were associated with significant vol-ume changes, up to 14.8 %.

The thermal conductivities were calculatedfrom the measured heat capacities, diffusivities anddensities, which gave values between � � 0.19 and0.21 W m–1 K–1.

Despite its thermal conductivity, the investi-gated paraffin waxes possess satisfactory thermalcharacteristics for thermal energy storage applica-tions. In order to improve their thermal conductiv-ity and minimize volume changes, composites witha material of good thermal conductivity, e.g. graph-ite, should be prepared.


The authors would like to thank Mrs. M. Jugoand Mr. >. Vidoviæ from INA-Industrija nafte, d.d.,Maziva, Rijeka, Croatia for providing paraffin waxsamples, and Ms. Ivona Fiamengo for doing part ofthe DSC measurements. The financial support ofthe Ministry of Science, Education and Sports ofRepublic of Croatia within the framework of theproject no. 125-1252970-2981 “Ceramic nano-composites obtained by sol-gel process” and theproject no. 125-1252970-2983 “Development ofhydration process model” is greatly acknowledged.

N o t a t i o n


DSC Differential scanning calorimetry

Other used notation:

a thermal diffusivity, m2 s–1

cp specific heat capacity, J g–1 K–1

h specific entalpy, J g–1

LHTES latent heat thermal energy storage

136 N. UKRAINCZYK et al., Thermophysical Comparison of Five Commercial Paraffin …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (2) 129–137 (2010)

m mass of PCM used in DSC experiment, g

PC personal computer

PCM phase change material

q cumulative heats of phase transformations ofparaffin waxes, J g–1

Q volume flow rate, mL min–1

R radius of specimen, mm

r radial dimension

T absolute temperature, K�T heating or cooling rate of the DSC measurement,

K min–1

t time, s

v specific volume, cm3 g–1

Greeks notation:

� thermal conductivity, W m–1 K–1

� density, g cm–3

standard deviation of temperature response fit,°C

m melting temperature (corresponding to onset ofthe DSC melting peak), °C

s solidification temperature (corresponding toseparation of the DSC heat flow curve from thebase line in the course of cooling), °C

t transition temperature corresponding to separa-tion of the DSC heat flow curve from the base inthe course of heating, °C

F specific heat flow rate, W g–1

� volumetric heat generation or sink, W m–3

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