caaspp communication

Post on 04-Jul-2022






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CAASPP Communication Guide

Part of a Comprehensive Plan for Student Success Knowing that public schools are preparing students for the challenges of the future, California has developed

a comprehensive plan for high-quality instruction and learning in every school. We have a long way to go,

but our work is well under way, with higher academic standards, more decision-making in the hands of schools and communities, and more resources dedicated to schools and to students with the greatest needs.

Gradually, we’re providing more support for teachers, more resources for students and more access to

technology. Students are learning to read to cite evidence and draw logical conclusions; and learning to use

math to solve real-world problems rather than choose the correct multiple-choice answer. The system-wide

changes are focused on helping students succeed in the long run, achieving their dreams of college, and a


Why are new assessments needed in California? California has adopted more rigorous academic standards that emphasize not only subject knowledge, but

also the critical thinking, analytical writing, and problem-solving skills students needed to be successful.

These standards set a higher bar for California students to ensure they are prepared for their futures. The

new assessment system represents the next step in a comprehensive plan to promote high-quality teaching

and learning and improve student outcomes. This plan recognizes that assessments play an important role

in promoting and modeling high-quality instruction.

Tests Measure Real-World Skills As the world and workforce evolve, what and how we teach our children must also evolve so they are

prepared to live and work in a fast-changing world. Over the course of their lives, our children will have to

apply what they know in ways we can’t imagine. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are important for

students as they prepare for success in college, career, and life. These skills can’t be measured by multiple-

choice questions alone or paper and pencil tests.

How will this system help improve teaching and learning? The Smarter Balanced assessments are an academic check-up, designed to give teachers the feedback they

need to improve instruction. The system provides two types of interim assessments that teachers and

schools can use to assess student learning at key points in the instructional year and to measure student

preparedness for year-end summative tests. Both of these tests provide information for teachers to adjust

and differentiate teaching in response to the results. The system provides a Digital Library of professional

learning and instructional resources to help teachers assess individual student learning during instruction,

provide feedback to students in a timely manner, and adjust teaching and learning as needed.

Expanding CAASPP Focus groups met in spring 2015 to make recommendations to the CAASPP System. Considerations

included the addition of history/social science, technology, visual and performing arts, and end-of-course

mathematics. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) is required to make recommendations to

the State Board of Education by March 1, 2016.



255 Epperle Lane

Auburn, CA 95603

CAASPP Communication Guide

Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Workforce

BUSINESS LEADERS NEED EMPLOYEES who can put skills and knowledge to work to solve problems.

Our community is part of a state-wide effort to develop and implement

next generation academic assessments. With nearly 2/3 of all jobs requiring

at least some postsecondary education, we are working with the business

community and educators to ensure our students graduate high school

prepared for college and the jobs of tomorrow.

This spring, our students are took part in the first administration of the

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in

grades three rough eight and grade eleven. These assessments take

advantage of 21st century technology including innovative test items that go

beyond multiple choice questions to include research and writing tasks that

measure critical thinking and problem solving needed in college level

courses and the workplace.


INNOVATION AND ADAPTABILITY To prepare students to compete in, and contribute to, a 21st century global

economy, significant changes are being made in our instruction and

assessment systems. CAASPP Is fundamentally different from the old exams

as we measure a deeper set of skills and knowledge from students. No

reliable comparisons can or should be made between the old and new tests.

These new assessments set a higher bar and provide a more comprehensive

picture of how students are progressing.

This year’s test results will establish new expectations and

represent the next step in measuring student performance and

developing a comprehensive plan to promote high quality

teaching and learning to improve student outcomes.

“A highly skilled work force can

raise economic growth by about

two-thirds of a percentage point

every year. Worldwide, the average

annual GDP growth rate for more

than half a century is 2 – 3%, so

that is a significant boost.”




MATERIAL OF BUSINESS Our future economic prosperity depends on

highly skilled graduates who can be the

innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors of

tomorrow. Our work force demands that

our graduates exercise critical thinking and

persist as they solve complex problems,

communicate effectively both verbally and in

writing, work together with diverse partners

in a variety of settings.


GENERATION OF CITIZENS We live in a constantly changing world,

saturated with information and new ideas.

In order for our students to become

productive citizens who can successfully

navigate this world, they have to learn how

to use and apply information in flexible

ways. This means learning the qualities of

good information, where it comes from,

what it can be used for and how to use it in

multiple contexts.



Laura Grassmann, PhD, Superintendent

LIDERES DE NEGOCIOS NESESITAN EMPLEADOS que puedan poner habilidades y conocimiento en el empleo y que puedan

resolver problemas. Nuestra comunidad es parte de un intento estatal de

desarrollo para implementar la próxima generación de evaluaciones

académicas. Con casi 2/3 de todos los puestos de trabajo requieren por lo

menos alguna educación postsecundaria, estamos trabajando con negocios

comunitarios y educadores para asegurar que nuestros estudiantes se

graduen de la preparatoria, esten preparados para la Universidad y para los

puestos de trabajo de mañana. Esta primavera, nuestros estudiantes

tomaron parte en la primera Administración de Evaluaciones de California

de Rendimiento y Progreso Estudiantil (mas conocida como: CAASPP) de

grados tres al ocho. Estas evaluaciones tomaron ventaja de la tecnología del

siglo XXI, incluyendo preguntas innovadoras que prueban más allá de

opciónes multiples, incluyendo investigación, escritura, pensamiento crítica y

el poder resolver problemas de nivel de Colegio y lugar de trabajo.


CREATIVIDAD, INNOVACIÓN Y ADAPTABILIDAD Para preparar a los estudiantes a competir y contribuir a una economía

global del siglo 21, se están haciendo cambios significativos en nuestros

sistemas de instrucción y evaluación. CAASPP es fundamentalmente

diferente de los antiguos exámenes en como medimos un conjunto las

habilidades y el conocimiento de los estudiantes. No hay comparaciones

fiables entre las viejas y las nuevas pruebas. Estas nuevas evaluaciones

establecen medidas mas altas y ofrecen una visión más completa de cómo

los estudiantes están progresando.

Los resultados de este año estableceran nuevas expectativas y representan

el siguiente paso en la medición del desempeño de los estudiantes y el

desarrollo de un plan integral para promover enseñanza y aprendizaje de

alta calidad para mejorar los resultados de los estudiantes.



PRIMA DE NEGOCIO Nuestra prosperidad económica del futuro

depende de graduados altamente cualificados

que puedan ser los innovadores, empresarios

e inversionistas del mañana. Nuestra fuerza

laboral demanda que nuestros graduados

ejerzen pensamiento crítico, persistan en

resolver problemas complejos, se pueden

comunicar eficazmente (verbalmente y por

escrito), y puedan trabajar con diversos

grupos y en variedad de ambientes.


GENERACIÓN DE CIUDADANOS Vivimos en un mundo en cambio constante,

saturado de información y nuevas ideas. Para

que nuestros estudiantes se conviertan en

ciudadanos productivos que pueden navegar

con éxito este mundo, tienen que aprender a

utilizar y aplicar información de manera

flexible. Esto significa aprender las cualidades

de buena información, determiner de dónde

viene, como se puede utilizar y cómo utilizarlo

en contextos multiples.


Laura Grassmann, PhD, Superintendent



"Una fuerza laboral altamente

calificada puede elevar el

crecimiento económico por cerca de

dos-tercios del punto porcentual

cada año. A nivel mundial, la tasa

media de crecimiento anual del PIB

durante más de medio siglo es 2-3

%, por lo que es un impulso

significativo." —

*Source: National PTA “Parents’ Guide to New Assessments in California.” This Guide was developed by the Center for Student Assessment and Program Accountability at the Sacramento County Office of Education for use by schools and school districts in communicating with their families about state testing in spring 2015.

A Family Guide to Understanding California’s New Testing System: Part I

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress

This spring marks the second year of the new state testing program called the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress or CAASPP. Like last year, students in grades 3-8 and 11 will take this year’s tests in English-language arts and mathematics online using a computer. These tests are also known as the Smarter Balanced Assessments. Students in grades 5, 8, and 10 will also take paper and pencil science tests made up of multiple choice questions. In the next few years, these will be changing to online tests, and other tests in other subjects like history-social science, art, and technology will also be added. The CAASPP program is designed to give information to teachers, students, and their families about what students know and are able to do and whether they are on track to be ready for success in college or career when they graduate from high school. Test results will help identify and address gaps in knowledge or skills early on so students get the support they need to be ready for success in higher grades. New Standards Require New Tests California’s new standards (i.e. Common Core State Standards or CCSS) set higher expectations for our students than ever before. These higher expectations were carefully developed by classroom teachers, community colleges, colleges, universities, and leaders in the workforce. They represent the skills that today’s students need to succeed in college, career, and life. Skills like critical thinking, problem solving, and strong writing so that our children are competitive with peers from around the world. Measuring these skills requires different types of test questions. Test Results Will Be Reported This Spring Last year, students in California participated in what was called a field test, or a “test of the test”. That means students who participated tried out the new technology being used to give the test (computers, laptops, tablets). They also tried out the test questions. Most importantly, last year’s field test gave students and their teachers a chance to have a trial run with the new testing system. That experience gave students and teachers the confidence needed to help them succeed this spring. Because last year’s field test was a “test of the test”, results were not given for individual students, classrooms, or schools. This is the first year that results will be given to individual students and reported to families and the general public. Results Set New Baseline for Student Achievement Results from the new tests are measured differently and cannot be compared to results from the previous Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) program. Because the tests in each system measure different things in different ways, comparing their results would be like comparing apples to oranges. Think of this year as us hitting the reset button. This year’s results will set a new starting point for student achievement, against which we can compare performance for years to come. New Test Results Are Just One Measure You receive information about how your child is doing in school through grades on tests and classroom assignments, as well as by talking with your child’s teacher. The new test results will give you another piece of information about how well your child is learning what is expected for his or her grade and how well your child is doing compared to other students in the same grade. Think of the test results as one part of an academic “wellness” check for your child – similar to when you take your child to the doctor for their annual checkups. The test results, combined with all the other information you have about your child, give you a good sense of where your child is doing well and where he or she might benefit from some extra help. And, most importantly this information will give insight into your child’s readiness for college and career early enough to address any areas where he or she might need extra support. Online Tests Engage Students and Provide Personalized Experiences Students use technology all the time so taking the tests online will be familiar for them. Unlike paper and pencil tests that have mostly multiple choice questions, the online tests give students many different types of questions that allow students to interact with the test questions in new and different ways. For some of the math questions, for example, your child might be asked to drag and drop things from one place on the screen to another or draw a graph to solve a problem. Taking the tests online also allows students to use different tools that they might need like a calculator on some math problems, a glossary when taking the reading part of the test, or a highlighter that they can use to highlight important parts of a long paragraph.

AUBURN UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 255 Epperle Lane, Auburn, CA 95603

Phone 530.885.7242 | Fax 530.885.5170

Laura Grassmann, PhD Superintendent


These online tests are called “computer-adaptive.” That means they adjust the difficulty of the questions based on the answers that students give. Unlike paper and pencil testing where most students were given the exact same test with the exact same questions, the online tests give different testing experiences for every student. As students answer questions correctly, they receive more challenging questions. Incorrect answers trigger easier questions. This feature helps keep students engaged, shortens testing time for many students, and provides more accurate results especially for low or high achieving students. Grades and Subjects for Spring 2015 Testing The table below shows the subjects and grade levels where students will be tested. For example, if your student is in 5th grade, they will take tests this spring in English-language arts, mathematics, and science. A student in 9th grade will not take any state tests this spring as part of the CAASPP program.

Subject Area Grades Tested Test Type

English-language Arts Grades 3-8 and 11 Computer-adaptive

Mathematics Grades 3-8 and 11 Computer-adaptive

Science Grades 5, 8, and 10 Paper and Pencil

Testing Schedule Most schools will test their students between the middle of March and the middle of May. You will receive additional information from your school about the specific days and times of testing. Preparing and Supporting Your Child*

Discuss the new tests with your child. Make sure he or she is not scared or anxious going into the new tests.

With older children, explain that the new tests were created to help him or her better prepare for college and career.

Explain to your child that the new tests will be more challenging the first few times they take them.

Tell your child that you and his or her teacher have high expectations and that you are both there to help them every step of the way.

Review test results with your child, bringing your child’s teacher into the discussion as necessary.

Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast before testing.

For More Information Your child’s teacher or principal is the best place to start if you have other questions about testing this spring. Practice tests are available at The practice tests can be taken by parents, teachers, students, and others and will give information about the type of test questions that students will see in different grades and subject areas.

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