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Name and Address

Monzer Kahf

Permanent address

22 Marblehead, Irvine CA 92620, USA

Address in Qatar

P O Box 34110 QFIS, Doha - Qatar

Email: monzer@kahf.com


Website: www.kahf.net

Professional Experience

Professor: Islamic Finance and Program Coordinator, the Masters’ program,

Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies, teaching and supervising MSc. theses, Aug

08 to present,

Professor: Islamic Economics, finance and Banking, the graduate program of

Islamic economics and banking, School of Shari’ah, Yarmouk University,

Jordan, teaching and supervising MS and Ph. D. dissertations, 2004-2005.

Visiting Professor: Islamic Finance, the graduate program of Islamic finance at

the International Center for Education of Islamic Finance, INCEIF, Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia, summer 2010.

Consultant/Trainer/Lecturer, Islamic banking, finance and economics:

Private practice, California, USA, 1999 to present.

Consultations include:

Consultations with the IMF on Risk management and Supervision of Islamic

banks in two Muslim countries.

Consultations on retainer basis to three Islamic financial institutions.

Additionally I provided consultation services on: (1) drafting and

reviewing Shari’ah contents of finance agreements, by-laws and operational

systems for Islamic financial institutions in the USA, Canada, Switzerland,

Saudi Arabia, Trinidad, Nigeria, Zanzibar and Guyana, (2) consultations to

lawyers, Banks, companies and individuals on Islamic aspects of financial

transactions, Islamic wealth management and estate planning, and (3)

providing expert opinion to courts on matters related to Islamic laws for

financing, banking and Awqaf, etc.

Training includes: designing, directing and implementing training courses

offered either directly to financial institutions or through reputed international

training companies including EuroMoney, IRR, RedMoney, etc.

I have developed several copyrighted modules in Islamic Banking and finance

that include: “Islamic Sukuk and capital markets,” “risk management and

compliance with Basel II and Basel III Accords,” “Shari’ah-based wealth

management,” “financial engineering in accordance with Shari’ah,”

“conversion of conventional securities into Islamic securities,”

“structuring Islamic financial products,” “fundamentals of Islamic

banking and finance,” “Islamic estate planning,” “Islamic Leasing,”

Takaful and Insurance,” “Zakah and its applications in Muslim countries

and communities,” “Islamic inheritance system,” etc.

Visiting Lecturer, Islamic finance Leiden University, May 2012.

Lecturing on Islamic Financial laws and regulations and on Islamic economic

and finance at conferences and community seminars in the USA, Canada, the

Middle East, Europe, the Caribbean Countries, South East Asia and Africa.

Writer: 29 books, 75 published articles and scores conference and encyclopedia

entries on Awqaf, Zakah, Islamic finance and banking and other areas of

Islamic economics.

Senior Research Economist: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of

the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1995 - 1999.

Responsibilities included organizing and conducting training courses in

Islamic Banking and Islamic Economics, evaluating papers, writing original

research as well as other papers and reports, and generating ideas for research


Research Economist: Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of the

Islamic Development Bank (IDB). Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1985 - 1995.

Head of Research Division: IRTI of IDB, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 1989 - 1991.

Responsibilities included supervising seventeen Ph.D. and M.A. research

officers, preparing research plans, evaluating research works, organizing

seminars on Islamic economics, banking and finance, coordinating with other

departments, and networking with other research organizations having similar


Private Business: New York, NY, 1981 - 1985. Financial and investment

consultant working in close contact with the stock, commodities and financial

and exchange markets.

Director of Finance: Islamic Society of North America, Plainfield, Indiana, 1975

- 1981.

Responsibilities included planning and executing the budget for a national,

non-profit organization, fundraising, evaluating requests for financial

assistance from charitable funds based on Islamic religious law, writing

guidelines to assist Muslim individuals and mosques of North America in

coordinating religious and civil law on inheritance, almsgiving, and trust


Teaching assistant: Department of Economics, University of Utah, Salt Lake

City, 1971 - 1975.

Auditor: Government State Audit Office, Damascus, Syria. 1963 - 1971.

Instructor: School of Business, University of Damascus in Damascus, Syria

1962 - 1963.

Community Services in the USA and Abroad

Lecturing: For more than 41 years, I’ve been touring the Muslim communities in

North America and overseas and lecturing on a variety of issues of community

concern especially in the financial and economic areas. I give lectures in

conferences, seminars, meetings and gatherings on the theory of Islamic

finance and its practices in North America and the rest of the world, Islamic

economics and banking, Awqaf, Islamic Trusts, Islamic estate planning,

charities in the Islamic Religion (Zakah), Friday Sermons in mosques and

Islamic centers, etc.

Internet and email services: Shari’ah-based finance and economic opinions:

Since 1999 to present I’ve been an English-speaking resource person for

Islam-On-Line Website and dialogue. I give Shari’ah opinions on Islamic

finance, banking and other issues of Islamic economics and financial

transactions. I answer questions from English speaking individual Muslims in

the US and in other parts of the world. I have my own website that provides

information to US and Canadian Muslims on issues of property and

ownership, Trusts, family financial relations and responsibilities, estate

planning, charity giving and Awqaf (Islamic charitable foundations).


Ph. D., Economics. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 1975.

High Diplome in Social and Economic Planning: UN Institute of Planning,

Damascus, Syria, 1967.

B. A., Business. University of Damascus, Damascus, Syria, June 1962.

Graduated with highest honor awarded by the President of Syria.

Strong training and knowledge in Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) and Islamic


Certified Public Accountant in Syria, since 1968.

Overview of Professional Activities

Services in Regulation and Supervision of Islamic Banking

1. I am on the IMF Consultants list on Islamic Finance. I gave two consultancy

services to the IMF: 1) training course on Islamic Risk Management to Central

Bank of Sudan, Aug. 2006; and 2) training course on Islamic Risk

Management and evaluation and recommendation for improvement of the

Central Bank of Kyrgyz Republic procedures on supervision of Islamic banks,

July 2009.

2. I have studied and made comments on the proposed regulation of Islamic

banking in Nigeria on request of a private client (an Islamic bank project

similar to yours) for purpose of suggesting improvement, April 2009.

3. I am familiar with the regulations and Risk management of Islamic banking in

Sudan (all banks in Sudan are Shari’ah compliant).

4. I worked on preparation of contracts, procedures and regulations of

transforming branches of the People’s Bank of Zanzibar to Islamic in January


Trainer, Islamic Banking and Finance: Organized and conducted many training

courses at IDB, IRTI, commercial Islamic banks, and other banking

institutions in the Middle East, South and South East Asia, West Africa and

the United States.

Trainer, Islamic Economics, Zakah and Awqaf. Organized and conducted

many training courses in numerous countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, the

Middle East, and North America.

Lecturer/Trainer in Islamic Banking, Finance and Economics. Invited by

numerous teaching institutions at the national and international levels to give

training courses and lectures is the area of my specialty.

Collaborating Expert at the Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of

Islamic Conference (OIC) and member of several of its technical and

methodological committees on Shari’ah (Islamic law) and finance and


Providing Expertise opinions at courts and legal disputes in the USA on

matters of Islamic laws related to Islamic banking, finance, Awqaf,

inheritance, etc.

Organizing and conducting international seminars and conferences on

Islamic Economics in the USA, Asia and Africa from 1975 to present.

Preparing and reviewing detailed curricula and research plans for studies of

Islamic Economics and Finance.

Presenting scores of papers and lectures at professional seminars and

conferences on Islamic banking and finance, Islamic economics, Zakah and

Awqaf. See attached “List of Publications and Papers Presented.”

Serving as a discussant, reviewer, panel chair, and moderator in numerous

seminars, conferences and Ph. D. and MA supervising committees on Islamic

economics, Zakah, Awqaf, Islamic financing, etc.

Providing countless consultations to Ph. D. and M. A. students in universities

in Europe, North America, East Asia and the Middle East in the course of

preparing their dissertation proposals and during their research work.

Preparing formal samples of Islamic last will, living trust, other charitable

and religious trusts and Zakah calculation for Muslim in North America.

Service to the Academic and Business Communities

External reviewer on tenure and promotion committees evaluating the

performance of professors at their universities.

Manager, National Zakah Fund and Islamic Cooperative Fund for Muslims in

North America, July 1975-Sept.1981.

Consultant on a regular basis to individuals referred to me by the Islamic Society

of North America and mosques in the United States and Canada, on matters of

Islamic law relating to properties at marriage, inheritance, last wills and living


Founder of The Indiana state licensed Muslim Students Association’s Credit

Union and the Islamic Housing Cooperative of Indiana, both in 1980. Though

brief lived, these early experiments helped lead to the establishment of other

such cooperatives and credit unions in the USA and Canada.

Consultant, Islamic Housing Cooperative, Toronto, Canada. Advised and helped

the IHC set up its articles of incorporation and initial work procedures.

Speaker and resource scholar in tow programs of Islam on line.com: Live

Fatwa and Live Dialogue in special sessions on Islamic banking, finance,

Zakah and Awqaf.

Contest judge of studies submitted for prizes in Islamic financial jurisprudence

and evaluator of scientific contributions for promotion of professors at

universities of Yarmuk in Jordan and IIUM in Malaysia.

Overview of Publications

Books and booklets: 29 books and booklets in English and Arabic, on Islamic

banking and finance, Islamic economics, Zakah, Awqaf, including some

which have become the standard reference manuals in the field. (See attached

“List of Publications and Papers Presented” for complete information). Some

of my books are translated to Indonesian, Turkish and Korean languages

Articles, encyclopedia entries and conference papers: more than 100 articles,

in English and Arabic, on Islamic economics, Islamic public and private

finance, Islamic banking, Zakah, Awqaf, including entries for the Oxford

Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World. (a full List of Publications and

Papers is available on the website and on request).


IDB Prize for Islamic Economics, 2001.

President of Syria Award for best University Graduating Student, July 1962.


English: reading, writing and lecturing: excellent.

Arabic: reading, writing and lecturing: excellent.

French: reading: good.

Professional Affiliations

International Association of Islamic Economics, founding/permanent member.

Association of Muslim Social Scientists of the United States and Canada,

founding member.

American Economic Association, 1974-1999.

Other Information

Citizenship: US

Marital Status: Married.

Current Research Work: books on

“Islamic finance contracts”

“Islamic asset management”

“Notes on Islamic Economics and finance: alternative approach”

** ** **


1- Publications in English


1. The Calculation of Zakah for Muslims in North America. Plainfield,

Indiana: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) third revised edition,


2. Planning Charitable Giving, Plainfield, Indiana: ISNA, 1998.

3. Last Will and Testament for Muslims in North America, Plainfield, Indiana:

ISNA, second revised edition, 1998. Considered the standard reference

manual in the field.

4. Editor, Lessons in Islamic Economics: Proceedings of the Seminar on

Orientation in Islamic Economics in Dhaka August 1991. Jeddah, Saudi

Arabia: IRTI, 1998 (two volumes).

5. Editor, Economics of Zakah. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: IRTI, 1997.

6. Instruments of Meeting Budget Deficit in Islamic Economics. Jeddah, Saudi

Arabia: IRTI, 1997.

7. Co-editor, International Economic Relations from Islamic Perspective, with

M. A. Mannan and Ausaf Ahmad. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: IRTI/IDB

(seminar proceedings), 1993.

8. Zakah Management in Some Muslim Societies. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia:

IRTI/IDB, 1993.

9. Principles of Islamic Financing: A Survey. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: IRTI,

1992, with Taquillah Khan

10. Translator, Fiqh al Zakah by Shaikh Yusuf al-Qardawi. King Abdulaziz

University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: Center for Research in Islamic


11. The Islamic Economy: Analytical Study of the Functioning of the Islamic

Economic System. Plainfield, Indiana: The Muslim Students' Association of

the United States and Canada, 1978. (Translated into Turkish, Indonesian

and Korean).


1. “Islamic Finance: Business as Usual” in Chicago Journal of International

Law Jan 2007.

2. “Principles of Islamic finance” in Rafik Bekun, ed. Islam, Management and

Finance, Altamira Press USA 2006.

3. “Shari’ah and Historical Aspects of Zakah and Awqaf” in Habib Ahmed, Ed.

Islam and the eradication of poverty, IRTI Jeddah 2006.

4. “Islamic banking and development: an alternative banking concept? coming

in M Kabir Hassan and Mervyn K Lewis, Handbook of Islamic Banking and

Finance, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK 2006.

5. “Islamic Banks: The Rise of a New Power Alliance of Wealth and Shari’ah

Scholarship” coming in The Political Economy of Islamic Banking, by

Rodney Wilson and Clement Henry, eds. 2002.

6. "The Principle of Socioeconomic Justice in the Contemporary Fiqh of

Zakah,” The Iqtisad, Indonesia: CIESD, University Islam, 1999.

7. "Islamic Banking at the Threshold of the Third Millenium", Thunderbird

International Business Review, July 1999.

8. "Samples Of Islamic Finance Contracts," Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: IRTI, 1998.

9. "Use of Usufruct Bonds in Financing Public Utility" in Ausaf Ahmad and

Tariquillah Khan, eds., Islamic Financing Instruments For Public Sectors

Resource Mobilization, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: IRTI, 1997.

10. "Applied Institutional Models for Zakah Collection and Distribution in

Islamic Countries and Communities," in A. Al-Ashqar and S. Haq, eds.,

Institutional Framework of Contemporary Zakah Application. Jeddah, Saudi

Arabia: IRTI, 1996.

11. "The Demand Side or Consumer Behavior", Chapter 4 in Principles of

Islamic Economics, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia: International Islamic

University of Malaysia (IIUM), 1996.

12. "Supply Side or Producer Behavior", Chapter 5 in Principles of Islamic

Economics, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia: IIUM, 1996.

13. "Market and Prices, Chapter 6 in Principles of Islamic Economics, Kuala

Lampur, Malaysia: IIUM, 1996.

14. "Aspects of Privatization in Islamic Perspectives," Jeddah, Saudi Arabia:

IRTI, 1996.

15. "Property in Islam" in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Modern Islamic World.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.

16. "Awqaf and Its Modern Applications" in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Modern

Islamic World, New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.

17. "Abortion from Islamic Point of View, Revisited", IRTI: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,


18. "Economics of Liability: an Islamic View," Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: IRTI,


19. "Time Value of Money and Discounting in Islamic Perspectives - Revisited"

Review of Islamic Economics, Vol. 3, No.2, 1994.

20. "The Economic Programs of A Few Islamic Parties in the Arab Countries",

July 1994.

21. "Market and Prices in Islamic Perspectives" in Journal Of Objective Studies,

Institute Of Objective Studies, New Delhi, India, Vol.5, No. 1, Jan. 1993.

22. "Islamic Economics: Notes on Definition and Methodology", IRTI, Jeddah


23. "Waqf and its Sociopolitical Aspects," Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: IRTI, 1992.

24. "The Role and Importance of The Private Sector in Islamic Perspectives" in

Mohammad Ariff, Ed., the Muslim Private Sector in Southeast Asia, Institute

of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1991.

25. "Zakah: Unresolved Issues in Contemporary Fiqh" in The Journal of Islamic

Economics, International Islamic University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,

Malaysia, Vol.2, No. 1, Jan. 1989.

26. "Study on the Performance of Zakah and Ushr in Pakistan", Report

Presented to the President of Pakistan, 1987

27. “The Early Islamic Public Revenue System" (Lessons and Implications),

IRTI, Jeddah1987.

28. “Financial Potential of Zakah and its Economic Effects in Selected Muslim

Countries," Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: IRTI, 1986

29. "The Islamic State and the Welfare State," in Tariq Quraishi, ed., Islamic

Movement Challenges, American Trust Publications, Indianapolis Indiana,


30. "Taxation Policy in an Islamic Society," in Z. Ahmad, M. Iqbal and M. F.

Khan, eds., Fiscal Policy and Resource Allocation. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia:

International Center for Research in Islamic Economics, 1983.

31. "Saving and Investment Functions in a Two-Sector Islamic Economy", in

Mohammad Ariff ed., Monetary and Fiscal Economics of Islam. Jeddah,

Saudi Arabia: International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, King

Abdulaziz University, 1982.

32. "Fiscal and Monetary Policy in an Islamic Economy", in Mohammad Ariff

ed., Monetary and Fiscal Economics of Islam, International Centre for

Research in Islamic Economics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi

Arabia, 1982.

33. "A Contribution to the Theory of Consumer Behavior in an Islamic Society,"

in K. Ahmad ed., Studies in Islamic Economics, pp. 19-36. Jeddah, Saudi

Arabia: International Center for Research & Islamic Economics, King

Abdulaziz University, 1980.

34. "Teaching Economics at University Level in Muslim Countries," presented at

the International Conference on the Role of Universities in Developing

Nations, National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 18-22, 1980.

35. "Productivity in the Muslim World"- al Itihad, MSA, Indiana, July 1980.

36. "International Trade Patterns of The Muslim Countries", in the Muslim

World and the Future Economic Order, Islamic Council of Europe, London,

Uk, 1979, pp. 199-222.

37. "Two Problems in Modem Economic Theory - an Islamic Approach", al

Ittihad, Journal of the Muslim Students Association of the US and Canada,

Plainfield, Indiana, February 1978.

38. "Islamic Economic System - a Review", al-Ittihad, Journal of the Muslim

Students Association of the US and Canada, Plainfield, Indiana, January


39. "The Economic Views of Taqiuddin Ibn Taimiyah (1263-1328): The Great

Radical Reformist of the Islamic Middle Ages", in al-Ittihad, Journal of the

Muslim Students Association of the US and Canada, Plainfield, Indiana,


40. "Economics of Muslim Minorities in Non-Islamic Environment," in Outlines

of Islamic Economics, AMSS, Indiana 1977, pp. 94-117.


الكتب :

.2111 أعبع١بد از٠ اإلعال، ششر ؤعغخ إعشا ف ب١ض٠ب -1

.2111الف اإلعال : رط٠ش، إداسر، ر١ز ، داس افىش ، دشك -2

حاساد مش احبد اعشش٠ : االلزصابد اإلعاال: ماب اباب، داس افىاش، -3


.1999داس افىش، دشك –عال اغ١بعخ اب١خ ضاثطب ف ااب اإل -4

الااف فاا اتزاام اإلعااال اعب ااش، شوااض اجحااس اذساعاابد فاا صاسح -5

.1998لطش –األلبف

رحش٠ش: لضاب٠ب عب اشح فا اماد اجان اإلعاال١خ اغابخ فا اشاشوبد، -6

.1998اعذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح

.1997عذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح الزصبد٠بد اضوبح، ا :رحش٠ش -7

رحش٠ش: اغ١بعخ االلزصابد٠خ فا إرابس اااب اإلعاال،اعذ اإلعاال جحاس -8

.1997ازذس٠ت، ةذح

دساعخ حبخ اى٠ذ، اعاذ –ر٠ اعتض ف ا١ضا١خ اعبخ ذخ ف اإلعال -9

.1997اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح

د اغاااؤ١خ ازمصااا١ش٠خ، اعاااذ اإلعاااال جحاااس ازاااذس٠ت، ةاااذح الزصااابد٠ب -11


اصااا االلزصاابد٠خ اا امااشة اغااخ، شوااض اشااش اعاا، ةبعااخ اااه -11

.1995مجذاعض٠ض ، ةذح

.1995عذاد اإلةبسح، اعذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح -12

طج١ااك اضواابح، اعااذ اإلعااال رحش٠ااش: ااااد اع١ااخ جشاابب ازااذس٠ت ماا ر -13

.1995جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح

رحش٠ش: سثط احمق االزضابد ا٢ةخ ثزغ١ش األعاعبس، اعاذ اإلعاال جحاس -14

.1995ازذس٠ت، ةذح

اإل٠ااشاداد اب١ااخ ذااخ اإلعااال١خ فاا ااذس اإلعااال، اعااذ اإلعااال جحااس -15

.1993ازذس٠ت، ةذح

٠ ف االلزصبد اإلعاال، اعاذ اإلعاال جحاس ازاذس٠ت، ةاذح ف از -16


رحش٠ااش: اااسد اذااخ اب١ااخ فاا اتزاام احااذ٠ش اا ةااخ ااااش اإلعااال١خ، -17

.1989اعذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح

.1981اى٠ذ، اطجعخ اثب١خ -داس ام –دساعخ رح١١خ –االلزصبد اإلعال -18

مقاالت وأبحاث :

2111، ف اضوبح اجن اإلعال١خ الف افبم١خ اؤعغ١خ ع١خ ازتذ٠ذ -1

ثحش ماذ ؤعغاخ ضاب " ضب ادائم ف اصبسف اإلعال١خ ف األسد" -2

. 2115رشش٠ اثب )فجش( –ادائم ف اىخ األسد١خ ابش١خ

ثحاش لاذ ، د. ماـبد ثـشواـبد" ام طجـ١اـك اعـب اـشفاـ اـز اصاشف ازـسق" -3

، ةبعاااخ اغااازمجاالااام ةفااابق عاااب اااؤرش اؤعغااابد اب١خاإلعاااال١خ:

.2115ب٠ )أ٠بس( 11 - 8ذ٠خ اع١ ثبإلبساد اعشث١خ ازحذح ، ،اإلبساد

"اىفبااخ ازتبس٠ااخ" ثحااش مااذ ااذسح اغبدعااخ مشااشح تااظ تاام افماا -4

.2115دث ، دخ اإلبساد اعشث١خ ازحذح اثش٠ -اإلعال

مااا تاابث اصااشف اإلعااال اا الاام ازماابس٠ش اغاا٠خ غااجعخ صاابسف -5


لضب٠ب فم١اخ اخ فا األلابف اإلعاال١خ اعب اشح، اعاذ اإلعاال جحاس -6


، ثحااش مااذ ةبااخ اعبااخ ةلاابف، اى٠ااذ الااف اإلعااال: رطاا٠ش ر١زاا -7


اإلةاابسح از١اااخ ثبز١اااه عااذاد األم١اااب ااااؤةشح، سلااخ مذاااخ الةزاااب -8

.1999اغ اثب مشش تم افم اإلعال ثتذح، اشثبر

عذاد االعزثبس ازعطخ اط٠خ األة، سلخ مذخ ذح افم١خ اخبغاخ -9

.1998از٠ اى٠ز، اى٠ذ ج١ذ

األخالق األداء االلزصبد، ف وزبة األخالق از١خ االلزصبد٠خ رحش٠ش د. أعبخ -11

.1998امبض، ازذ افىش، ة ةسثش١ش١غب

.1998ر٠ ر١خ أاي األلبف، اعذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح -11

عااذ اإلعااال جحااس ازااذس٠ت، ةااذح، ااس ةذ٠ااذح ةلاابف فاا اإلعااال، ا -12


ممد اص١بخ، ثحش مذ الةزب اغ احبد مشاش تام افما اإلعاال -13

.1998ثتذح، اجحش٠

ث١اام عااذاد األم١ااب اااؤةشح وجااذ٠ إعااال خصاا اغااذاد، اعااذ اإلعااال -14

.1998جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح

شوض اب ةاخ ااش اضوابح، سلاخ مذاخ فا امامذ احبعج١خ زحذ٠ذ ا -15

.1997االةزب اغ اغبدط ١ئخ اششم١خ اعب١خ ضوبح، اى٠ذ

جااابدق لاماااذ زحذ٠اااذ ا١ىااا ازا١ااا ؤعغااابد اضوااابح اطم١اااخ، اعاااذ -16

1997اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، اعذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح

.1997أللبف االعزثبس٠خ. اعذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح إداسح ا -17

رط٠ش رث١ش زىبد األلبف ف اتزم اإلعال اعب ش، اعذ اإلعاال -18

.1997جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح

األعب١ت احذ٠ثخ ف إداسح األلبف اخ١ش٠خ، اعذ اإلعاال جحاس ازاذس٠ت، -19


فاا وزابة اغ١بعااخ االلزصاابد٠خ، –االلزصاابد لاف فاا ازصااس اإلعاالااذس -21

. 1997رحش٠ش زس لحف، اعذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح

عبتخ اعتض ف ا١ضا١خ اعبخ ف ااب اإلعال، تاخ االلزصابد اإلعاال، -21


فاا اجااذا اتزعاابد ااابرا اؤعغاا١خ ازطج١م١ااخ زحصاا١ اضواابح رص٠عااب -22

ف وزبة اإلرابس اؤعغا ضوابح رحش٠اش ثامال ثا ة١الا حاذ –اإلعال١خ

.1996اع، اعذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح

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.1995أبريل االعاازثبس فاا األعاا سلااخ مذااخ فاا االةزااب اغاا ازبعاام تاام افماا -24

.1995اإلعال ثتذح ازبثم اخ اؤرش اإلعال، أث ظج، أثش٠

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.1994إلعال جحس ازذس٠ت ١ف ا

ر٠اا از١ااخ فاا االلزصاابد اإلعااال فاا وزاابة از١ااخ اا اااس إعااال، -26

.1993ؤعغخ ةي اج١ذ ، مب، األسد

األععبس اغج١خ ف اذ٠خ اسح فا اعاذ اجا اششا١ذ، تاخ االلزصابد -27

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امطب اعاب االلزصابد دس فا ر١اذ اإل٠اشاداد اعباخ فا اااب االلزصابد -29

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.1989زس لحف، اعذ اإلعال جحس ازذس٠ت، ةذح،

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ممذ ازس٠ذ، سلخ مذخ عامخ افم١اخ االلزصابد٠خ تام افما اإلعاال -31

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اىج١بااخ، سلااخ مذااخ عاامخ افم١ااخ االلزصاابد٠خ تاام افماا اإلعااال -32

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االعزثبس٠خ، سلاخ مذاخ عامخ االعزثبس ف األع احذاد اصبد٠ك -33

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أراابد اخض٠ااخ ، سلااخ مذااخ عاامخ افم١ااخ االلزصاابد٠خ تاام افماا -34

اإلعال ثتذح، ازبثم اخ اؤرش اإلعال، ةذح.

مبخ، تخ اغ اعب ش.ااب االلزصبد : اشح -35

تخ أثحبس االلزصبد اإلعال. –صوبح األ ي اثبثزخ االعزثبس٠خ -36



1. “Maqasid al Shari’ah in the Prohibition of Riba and their Implications for

Modern Islamic Finance” Paper presented at the IIUM International

Conference on Maqasid al Shari’ah, Kuala Lumpur, August 8-10, 2006

2. “Innovation and risk management in Islamic finance: Shari’ah

considerations” paper presented at the Seventh Harvard International Forum

on Islamic Finance, April 22-23, 2006.

3. “Basel II: Implications for Islamic Banking” presented at the 6th

International Conference on Islamic Economics and Banking - -Jakarta,

Nov 22-24, 2005

4. “Islamic Economics, what went wrong?” presented at the round table on

Islamic economics, IRTI Jeddah 2004

5. “The Issue of Gender in the Islamic Inheritance Code” presented at the

conference on Islam and Sexism” the Law School, Texas University Austin,

TX, Feb 04.

6. “Factors of success in Islamic banks” presented in the International

Conference on Islamic Banking , Brunei Jan. 5-7, 2004.

7. “Allocation of output to factors of production and the implicit Islamic

concept of market Justice” presented at the Conference on Islamic

Macroeconomics, Kuala Lumpur, September 2004 “Strategic Trends in the

Islamic Banking and Finance Movement” coming in the proceedings of the

Fifth Annual Forum of Harvard program on Islamic finance and banking,


8. Notes on house financing for Muslims in the United States (Arabic),

presented at the Second International Conference on Fiqh in North America,

Detroit Oct. 30 to Nov. 1, 1999.

9. “The Performance of the Institution of Zakah in Theory and Practice”

Presented at the International Conference on Islamic Economics, IIUM,

Kuala Lumpur August 9-12, 1999.

10. "Financing International Trade: An Islamic Alternative, Presented at the

Seminar on Development of International Trade in Islamic Perspectives",

IKIM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 1999.

11. “Identifying Economic Problems of the Muslim Community in North

America And Preliminary Thoughts on Their Solution", Presented at the

First International Conference of the Shari’ah Scholars’ Association in

North America, Houston, 1998.

12. "Role of Government in Economic Development: an Islamic Perspective"

Presented at the Seminar on Islam and Management of Economic

Development, Penang, Malaysia, 1998.

13. "Financing Development of Awqaf Properties," presented at the Conference

on Awqaf, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1998.

14. "Contemporary Issues in the Management of Investment Awqaf in Muslim

Countries and Communities" presented at the Conference on Awqaf, Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia, 1998.

15. "Waqf in Islam and its Application in North America", Presented at the

Islamic Center of St. Louis, Mo. 1996.

16. "Effect of Zakah on Government Budget" Presented at the Fourth

International Conference on Zakah, Dakar, Senegal, March 1995.

17. "Public Sector Economies from Islamic Perspective", Presented at the

Seminar on Islamic Economics, Mermara University, Istanbul, 1994

18. "Economics of Zakah", Presented at the Seminar on Islamic Economics,

Mermara University, Istanbul, 1994

19. "Short-Term Financing Commodity Production in Islamic Perspectives,"

presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of Experts on Islamic Banking,

Kuala Lumpur, July, 1991, with M. F. Khan.

20. "Applied Institutional Models for Zakah Collection and Distribution in Islamic

Countries and Communities", Presented in the Third International Conference on

Zakah, Kuala Lumpur, April 1991.

21. "Financing Government Deficit Through Borrowing from the Private

Sector," presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of Experts on Islamic

Banking, Bahrain, May 1990, with M. F. Khan.

22. "Financing Public Sector in Islamic Perspective," presented at the Third

Conference on Islamic Economics, AMSS of the US And Canada,

Washington, D.C., December 1990.

23. "Alternative Strategies of International Financing," presented at the Seminar

on International Economic Relations from Islamic Perspectives, Tubingen,

Germany, September 1988, with Tariqullah Khan.

24. "Towards a Theory of Taxation in Islamic Economics," presented at the

Seminar on Fiscal Policy and Development Planning in Islam Held by the

International Institute of Islamic Economics, International Islamic

University. Islamabad, Pakistan July 1986.

25. "Challenges Confronting Islamic Economists," presented at the First Annual

Meeting of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists in the U.S. and

Canada, Chicago, July 1972.

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