c urriculum vitae - university of missouri · 2014-09-12 · [vii] groupoid metrization theory with...

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General Information

Name: Marius S. MitreaAddress: Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri-Columbia

202 Mathematical Sciences Bldg, Columbia, MO 65211, USAPhone: Office (573)-882-0980Fax: (573)-882-1869

Academic Degrees

• M.S.; major: Mathematics; University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania; dates attended:September 1983–May 1988; degree granted: May 1988; thesis advisor: Professor MartinJurchescu; thesis: “Kodaira’s Embedding Theorem in the Differential Operator Context”.

• Ph.D.; major: Mathematics; University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.; dates at-tended: August 1990–August 1994; degree granted: August 1994; thesis advisor: ProfessorBjorn Jawerth; thesis: “Clifford Algebras in Harmonic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary ValueProblems on Nonsmooth Domains”.

Postdoctoral Stage

University of Minnesota, 1994–1996. Advisor: Professor Eugene B. Fabes.

Positions Held

September 2002 – present, Full Professor, University of Missouri-ColumbiaSeptember 1999 – August 2002, Associate Professor, University of Missouri-ColumbiaAugust 1996 – August 1999, Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-ColumbiaSeptember 1994 – July 1996, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of MinnesotaAugust 1990 – August 1994, Teaching Assistant, University of South Carolina

Research Interests

• Partial Differential Equations

• Harmonic and Fourier Analysis

• Complex and Clifford Analysis

• Higher Dimensional Spectral Theory

• Semigroup Theory

• Geometric Measure Theory

• Functional Analysis


Honors and Awards

Some Distinguished Addresses

• Main speaker in the University of Arkansas “Spring Lecture Series” in 1993, 1996, 2000.

• Main speaker at the International Conference on Clifford Analysis, its Applications toMathematical Physics and Related Topics, Beijing, China, 1–7 August, 2000.

• Main speaker at the 4th Riviere-Fabes Symposium, University of Minnesota, 2001.

• Main speaker at the 6-th International Conference on Clifford Analysis and its Applications,Tennessee Technical University, Cookeville, Tennessee, May 20–25, 2002.

• Invited AMS Address, Orlando, Florida, November 2002.

• Main speaker at the Fabes-Chiarenza Lectures, Siracusa, Italy, December 2-4, 2002.

• Invited to deliver a mini-course at the Instituto de Matematicas Unidad Cuernavaca,Mexico, November 8-16, 2003.

• Plenary address at the 8-th International Conference on Integral Methods in Science andEngineering, Orlando, Florida, August 2-5, 2004.

• Main speaker at the Midwest PDE Seminar, Purdue University, April 9-10, 2005.

• Main speaker in the 7-th International Conference on Dirac Operators and MathematicalPhysics, Toulouse, France, May 23-31, 2005.

• Main speaker in the conference “Interpolation Theory and Applications: Conference inHonor of Michael Cwikel”, Miami, Florida, March 29-31, 2006.

• Main Speaker at the 6th International Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Bucharest,Romania, June 28-July 4, 2007.

• Featured speaker, delived a minicourse on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Tokyo,Japan, March 22-27, 2007.

• Invited one-hour speaker at the Second Workshop of Harmonic Analysis and Partial Dif-ferential Equations (WHAPDE), Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, February 4-8, 2008.

• Main speaker at the conference “Analysis, PDE’s and Applications”, dedidated to V.Maz’ya’s 70th birthday, University “La Sapienza” Rome, Italy, June 30 - July 3, 2008.

• Invited one-hour speaker at the James Clerk Maxwell Center, University of Edinburgh,Scotland, November 20, 2008.

• Main speaker in the workshop “Elliptic and Hyperbolic Equations on Singular Spaces”,MSRI, Berkeley, USA, October 27–31, 2008.

• Main speaker in the 10th International Conference on Integral Methods in Science andEngineering, Santander, Spain, July 7–10, 2008.


• Main speaker in the conference “Recent Advances in Geometric Function Theory”, SyracuseUniversity, USA, May 19-21, 2008.

• Invited one-hour address at the 11th Romanian-Finnish Seminar, Alba-Iulia, Romania,August 14–19, 2008.

• Main speaker at the AMSI-ANU Workshop on Spectral Theory and Harmonic Analysis,The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, July 13-17, 2009.

• Main speaker at the 4th Symposium on Analysis and PDE’s, Purdue University, USA,May 26-29, 2009.

• Invited to deliver a minicourse on Elliptic PDE’s and Boundary Integral Methods, Padova,Italy, July 2010.

Invited Visitor and Fellowships

• Visiting Research Professor, Faculte des Sciences et Techniques de Saint-Jerome, UniversityPaul Cezanne, Marseille, France, Summer of 2009.

• Visiting Research Professor, University Aix-Marseille 3, Summer of 2004.

• IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute, June 29-July 19, 2003.

• MSRI Berkeley, CA, Fall of 1997.

• Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, Summer of 1996.

Teaching Awards

• Honored by the MU Men of Engineering Learning Community, 2000 and 2002.

• Gold Chalk Award, 2014.


Past Ph.D. Students: Tunde Jakab, Svitlana Mayboroda, Qiang Shi, Matthew Wright,Simona Barb, Elia Ziade.

Past Postdoctoral Fellows: Osvaldo Mendez, Emilio Marmolejo-Olea, Lixin Yan, AndrewMorris.

Past Masters Students: Keith Mersman, Simona Barb, Michael Wuertz, Kevin Brewster,Zachariah Riel, Ryan Alvarado, Daniel Brigham.

Current Ph.D. Students: Kevin Brewster, Ryan Alvarado, Daniel Brigham, Brock A.Schmutzler.


External Grants

• PI for the US National Science Foundation Grant DMS-9870018, Global Boundary ValueProblems with Minimal Smoothness Assumptions, 1998-2002.

• PI for the US National Science Foundation Grant DMS-0139801, Calderon-Zygmund Op-erators on Sobolev-Besov Spaces and Boundary Problems with Minimal Smoothness Assump-tions, 2002-2004.

• PI for the US National Science Foundation Grant DMS-0400639, Singular Integrals, Smooth-ness Spaces, and Optimal Estimates for Elliptic and Parabolic Boundary Value Problems,2004-2007.

• Co-PI for the US National Science Foundation Grant 0456306 FRG Collaborative Research,New Trends in Harmonic Analysis, 2005-2008.

• PI for the US National Science Foundation Grant DMS-0653180, Harmonic Analysis,Geometric Measure Theory and Partial Differential Equations 2007-2011.

• PI for the Simons Foundation Grant # 281566, Geometric Measure Theory and PartialDifferential Equations, 2013-2018.


Conferences Organized

• Organizer, with M. Martin, of the special session “Clifford Analysis” as part of the 6-th International Conference on Clifford Analysis and its Applications, Tennessee TechnicalUniversity, Cookeville, Tennessee, May 20–25, 2002.

• Organizer, with D. Mitrea, of the special session “Function Spaces, Singular Integrals andApplications to PDEs” as part of the AMS Southeastern Section Meeting (no. 982), Orlando,FL, November 9–10, 2002.

• Organizer, with D. Mitrea and S. Hofmann, of the NSF-sponsored 53-rd edition of “TheMidwest PDE Seminar,” Columbia MO, March 19-21, 2004.

• Organizer, with A. Iosevich, S. Hofmann and D. Mitrea of a mini-course on Navier-Stokesequations with S. Monniaux as main speaker, Columbia, MO, November, 2005.

• Organizer, with A. Iosevich, S. Hofmann and D. Mitrea of the NSF-sponsored conference“Interactions between Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations,” Columbia MO,March 24-26, 2006.

• Organizer, with M. Milman of the special session “Function Spaces and Applications toHarmonic Analysis and PDEs” as part of the AMS Spring Southeastern Meeting, FloridaInternational University, April 1-2, 2006.

• Organizer, with A. Iosevich, S. Hofmann and D. Mitrea of a mini-course in HarmonicAnalysis and PDE’s with Z. Shen as main speaker, Columbia, MO, March 13-March 16,2006.

• Organizer, with M. Martin and J. Ryan, of the special session “Special Session on DiracOperators in Analysis and Geometry” as part of the Fall Southeastern Section Meeting(# 1022) Fayetteville, AR, November 3-4, 2006.

• Co-organizer of NSF sponsored conference “Interactions Between Harmonic Analysis andPartial Differential Equations,” Columbia MO, March 24-26, 2006.

• Co-organizer of the inaugural Miller Family Distinguished Lecture Series, featuring SirMichael Atiyah; University of Missouri-Columbia, May 9-10, 2007.

• Co-organizer of the NSF-sponsored workshop “Recent Developments in Elliptic and De-generate Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, Systems and Geometric Measure Theory” atthe Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS)Canada, March 30 - April 4, 2008.

• Co-organizer of the 2nd Miller Family Distinguished Lecture Series, featuring Peter Lax;University of Missouri-Columbia, May 1-2, 2008.

• Co-organizer of a session of research in small groups at the Oberwolfach Institute, Germany,January 15-February 20, 2010.



L. Andersson (Sweden) O. Mendez (Texas)M. Dindos (Edinburgh) D. Mitrea (MU)R. Duduchava (Georgia) I. Mitrea (Temple)E. Fabes (Minnesota) S. Monniaux (Marseille)K. Felts (MU) M. Muether (MU)F. Gesztesy (MU) V. Nistor (Penn State)S. Hofmann (MU) J. Pipher (Brown)T. Iwaniec (Syracuse) C. Scott (Wisconsin)T. Jakab (Virginia) M. Taylor (UNC)B. Jawerth (USC) G. Ponce (UCSB)M. Jurchescu (Bucharest) F. Sabac (Regina)N. Kalton (MU) R. Torres (Kansas)T. Kato (Berkeley) T. Shaposhnikova (Ohio State)Y. Latushkin (MU) M.-C. Shaw (Notre Dame)J. Lewis (Kentucky) Q. Shi (Emporia State)E. Marmolejo-Olea (Cuernavaca) G. Sobczyk (Mexico)S. Mayboroda (Purdue) A. Vasy (MIT)V. Maz’ya (Liverpool) G. Welland (UMSTL)A. McIntosh (Canberra) M. Zinchenko (Cal Tech)R. Brown (Kentucky) M. Wright (Missouri State)L. Yan (China) S. Naboko (St. Petersburg, Russia)G. Lu (Wright State) S. Perez-Esteva (Cuernavaca)M. Malamud (Donetsk, Ukraine) R. Shterenberg (Univ. of Alabama)M. Ashbaugh (MU) G. Teschl (Schrodinger Inst., Austria)S. Clark (Rolla) T. Carbery (Edinburgh)D. Rule (Edinburgh) X.T. Duong (Macquarie)R. Alvarado (MU) D. Brigham (MU)E. Ziade (Temple) K. Brewster (MU)A. Morris (Oxford) R. Nichols (Univ. Tennessee)E.M. Ouhabaz (Bordeaux)



Books co-authored and co-edited

[I] Clifford Wavelets, Singular Integrals, and Hardy Spaces, Springer-Verlag Lecture

Notes in Mathematics No. 1575, Berlin/ Heidelberg/ New York 1994, xii+116 pages, ISBN:3-540-57884-6.

[II] Layer Potentials, the Hodge Laplacian and Global Boundary Problems in Non-SmoothRiemannian Manifolds, with D. Mitrea and M. Taylor, Memoirs of the American MathematicalSociety, ISSN: 0065-9266, Volume 150, Number 713 (4th of 5 numbers), 2001, ProvidenceRI, vii+120 pages, ISBN: 0-8218-2659-X.

[III] Singular Integrals and Elliptic Boundary Problems on Regular Semmes-Kenig-Toro Do-mains, with S. Hofmann and M. Taylor, International Mathematics Research Notices,Oxford University Press, 2010 (14), pp. 2567–2865.

[IV] Hardy Spaces Associated to Non-Negative Self-Adjoint Operators Satisfying Davies-Gaffney Estimates, with S. Hofmann, G. Lu, D. Mitrea and L. Yan, Memoirs of the American

Mathematical Society, Vol. 214, 2011, vi+78 pages, ISBN: 978-0-82185238-5.

[V] Boundary Value Problems for the Stokes System in Arbitrary Lipschitz Domains, withM. Wright, vii+241 pages, Asterisque, Societe Mathematique de France, Vol. 344, 2012(ISBN: 978-2-85629-343-0, ISSN 0303-1179).

[VI] Multi-Layer Potentials and Boundary Problems for Higher-Order Elliptic Systems inLipschitz Domains, with I. Mitrea, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2063, Springer,2013, Springer New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London (x+424 pages, ISBN: 978-3-642-32665-3, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32666-0, ISSN: 0075-8434).

[VII] Groupoid Metrization Theory with Applications to Analysis on Quasi-Metric Spacesand Functional Analysis, with D. Mitrea, I. Mitrea, and S. Monniaux, Birkhauser, 2013,Springer New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London (xii+479 pages, ISBN: 978-0-8176-8396-2, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-8176-8397-9).

[VIII] Perspectives in Partial Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis and Applications -A Volume in Honor of Vladimir G. Maz’ya’s 70th Birthday, edited with D. Mitrea, Proceedingsof Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 79, American Mathematical Society, Providence,RI, 2008. vi+423 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4424-3


Articles in refereed journals and proceedings volumes


[146] Heat kernel bounds for elliptic partial differential operators in divergence form withRobin-type boundary conditions II, with F. Gesztesy, R. Nichols, and E.M. Ouhabaz, to ap-pear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, (2014).

[145] Extending Sobolev functions with partially vanishing traces from locally (ε, δ)-domainsand applications to mixed boundary problems, with K. Brewster, D. Mitrea, and I. Mitrea,to appear in Journal of Functional Analysis, (2014).

[144] Heat kernel bounds for elliptic partial differential equations in divergence form withRobin-type boundary conditions, with F. Gesztesy and R. Nichols, to appear in Journal

d’Analyse Mathematique, (2014).

[143] Square function estimates in spaces of homogeneous type and on uniformly rectifi-able Euclidean sets, with S. Hofmann, D. Mitrea, and A. Morris, to appear in Electronic

Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 21, (2014).

[142] The integrability of negative powers of the solution to the Saint Venant problem,with A. Carbery, V. Maz’ya, and D.J. Rule, to appear in Annali della Scuola Normale

Superiore - Classe di Scienze (5), Vol. XIII (2014), 1–67.

[141] The higher order regularity Dirichlet problem for elliptic systems in the upper-halfspace, with Jose Marıa Martell, D. Mitrea, and I. Mitrea, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 612,AMS, 2014, pp. 123–141.


[140] Boundary value problems in weighted Sobolev spaces on Lipschitz manifolds, with K.Brewster, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 60 (2013),1–41.

[139] Boundary value problems and integral operators for the bi-Laplacian in non-smoothdomains, with I. Mitrea, Rendiconti Lincei: Matematica e Applicazioni, Volume 24,Issue 3, (2013), 329–383.

[138] Jones’ extension operator on Sobolev spaces with partially vanishing traces, withK. Brewster, D. Mitrea, and I. Mitrea, pp. 59–68 in “Spectral Analysis, Differential Equa-tions and Mathematical Physics: A Festschrift in Honor of Fritz Gesztesy’s 60th Birthday”,Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 87, H. Holden, B. Simon, and G.Teschl editors, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, Rhode Island, 2013.

[137] A quantitative Open Mapping Theorem for quasi-pseudonormed groups with I. Mitreaand E. Ziade, pp. 259–286 in “Recent Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Applications”(in honor of Konstantin Oskolkov), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics,


Vol. 25, D. Bilyk, L. De Carli, A. Petukhov, A.M. Stokolos, and B.D. Wick, Editors, 2013.

[136] Hardy spaces and regularity for the inhomogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann problems,with X.T. Duong, S. Hofmann, D. Mitrea and L. Yan, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana,Vol. 29 (2013), no. 1, 183–236.

[135] Whitney-type extensions in geometrically doubling quasi-metric spaces, with R. Alvaradoand I. Mitrea, Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol. 12 (2013), no. 1, 59–88.

[134] Triebel-Lizorkin sequence spaces are genuine mixed-norm spaces, with D. Brigham,D. Mitrea, and I. Mitrea, Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 286 (2013), no. 5-6, 503–517.

[133] A survey on the Krein-von Neumann extension, the corresponding abstract buck-ling problem, and Weyl-type spectral asymptotics for perturbed Krein Laplacians in nons-mooth domains, with M.S. Ashbaugh, F. Gesztesy, R. Shterenberg, and G. Teschl, pp. 1–106in Mathematical Physics, Spectral Theory and Stochastic Analysis, M. Demuth andW. Kirsch (eds.), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 232, Birkhauser, Basel,2013.


[132] Abstract capacitary estimates and the completeness and separability of certain classesof non-locally convex topological vector spaces, with I. Mitrea and E. Ziade, Journal of

Functional Analysis, 262 (2012), no. 11, 4766–4830.

[131] Stein’s extension operator on weighted Sobolev spaces on Lipschitz domains and appli-cations to interpolation, with K. Brewster and I. Mitrea, pp. 13–38 in “Recent Advances inHarmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations”, A.R. Nahmod, C.D. Sogge, X. Zhang,and S. Zhen editors, Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 581, AMS, 2012.

[130] Transmission boundary problems for Dirac operators on Lipschitz domains and ap-plications to Maxwell’s and Helmholtz’s equations, with E. Marmolejo-Olea, I. Mitrea, andQ. Shi, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 364 (2012), no. 8,4369–4424.


[129] The Stokes operator with Neumann boundary conditions in Lipschitz domains, withS. Monniaux and M. Wright, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, New York, Springer,Vol. 176 (2011), no. 3, 409–457 (in English), and Problems in Mathematical Analysis

(PMA), Vol. 57 (2011), 111–150 (in Russian).

[128] Sharp geometric maximum principles for semi-elliptic operators with singular drift,with R. Alvarado, D. Brigham, V. Maz’ya, and E. Ziade, Mathematical Research Letters,Vol. 18 (2011), no. 4, 613–620.

[127] On the regularity of domains satisfying a uniform hour-glass condition and a sharpversion of the Hopf-Oleinik Boundary Point Principle, with R. Alvarado, D. Brigham, V.


Maz’ya, and E. Ziade, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, New York, Springer, Vol. 176(2011), no. 3, 281–360 (in English), and Problems in Mathematical Analysis (PMA),Vol. 57 (2011), 3–68 (in Russian).

[126] Self-adjoint extensions of the Laplacian and Krein-type resolvent formulas in non-smooth domains, with F. Gesztesy, Journal d’Analyse Mathematique, Vol. 113 (2011), 53–172.

[125] Lp bounds for the Riesz transform associated with the Hodge Laplacian in Lipschitz sub-domains of Riemannian manifolds, with S. Hofmann and S. Monniaux, Annales de l’Institut

Fourier, Grenoble, Vol. 61 (2011), no. 4, 1323–1349.

[124] Hodge decompositions with mixed boundary conditions and applications to partial dif-ferential equations on Lipschitz manifolds, with V. Gol’dshtein and I. Mitrea, Journal of

Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 172 (2011), no. 3, 347–400.

[123] Optimal estimates for the inhomogeneous problem for the bi-Laplacian in three-dimensionalLipschitz domains, with I. Mitrea and M. Wright, Journal of Mathematical Sciences,Vol. 172 (2011), no. 1, 24–134.

[122] On the nature of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on Lipschitz manifolds, with F. Gesztesy,D. Mitrea and I. Mitrea, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 172 (2011), no. 3, 279–346.


[121] Spectral theory for perturbed Krein Laplacians in non-smooth domains, with M. Ash-baugh, F. Gesztesy and G. Teschl, Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 223 (2010), no. 4, 1372–1467.

[120] Maximal regularity for the Lame system in certain classes of nonsmooth domains, withS. Monniaux, Journal of Evolution Equations, Vol. 10 (2010), no. 4, 811–833.

[119] Boundary data maps for Schrodinger operators on a compact interval, with S. Clark, F.Gesztesy, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, Vol. 5 (2010), no. 4, 73–121.

[118] Coercive energy estimates for differential forms in semiconvex domains, with D. Mitrea,I. Mitrea and L. Yan, Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol. 9 (2010), no. 4,987–1010.

[117] Boundary value problems for the Laplacian in convex domains and semiconvex do-mains, with D. Mitrea and L. Yan, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 258 (2010),no. 8, 2507–2585.

[116] Weighted Sobolev space estimates for a class of singular integral operators, with D. Mitreaand S. Monniaux, pp. 179–200 in “Around the Research of Vladimir Maz’ya, III. Analysis andApplications”, Ari Laptev ed., International Mathematical Series, Vol. 13, Springer Verlag,



[115] Mixed boundary-value problems for Maxwell’s equations, Transactions of the AmericanMathematical Society, Vol. 362 (2010), no. 1, 117–143.

[114] On Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps, nonlocal interactions, and some applications to Fred-holm determinants, with F. Gesztesy and M. Zinchenko, Few Body Systems, Vol. 47 (2010),no. 1-2, 49–64.

[113] The Krein-von Neumann extension and its connection to an abstract buckling problem,with M. Ashbaugh, F. Gesztesy, R. Shterenberg and G. Teschl, Mathematische Nachrichten,Vol. 283 (2010), no. 2, 165–179.

[112] Mixed boundary value problems for the Stokes system, with R. Brown, I. Mitrea, and M.Wright, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 362 (2010), no. 3,1211–1230.

[111] The Dirichlet problem in Lipschitz domains with boundary data in Besov spaces forhigher order elliptic systems with rough coefficients, with V. Maz’ya and T. Shaposhnikova,Journal d’Analyse Mathematique, Vol. 110 (2010), no. 1, 167–239.


[110] Nonlocal Robin Laplacians and some remarks on a paper by Filonov, with F. Gesztesy,Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 247 (2009), no. 10, 2871–2896.

[109] On the Dirichlet and regularity problem for the bi-Laplacian in Lipschitz domains, withI. Mitrea, pp. 245–254 in “Integral Methods in Science and Engineering. Vol. 1: AnalyticMethods”, C. Constanda and M.E. Perez editors, Birkhauser Inc., Boston, MA, 2010, ISBN978-0-8176-4898-5.

[108] On the interplay between several complex variables, geometric measure theory, andharmonic analysis, with I. Mitrea and M.-C. Shaw, Revue Roumaine Mathematique Pure

et Appliquees, Vol. 54 (2009), no. 5-6, 525–539.

[107] Hardy Spaces, Singular Integrals and the Geometry of Euclidean Domains of LocallyFinite Perimeter, with S. Hofmann, E. Marmolejo-Olea, S. Perez-Esteva and M. Taylor,Geometric and Functional Analysis, Vol. 19 (2009), no. 3, 842–882.

[106] The regularity of Dirac operator with mixed boundary conditions, with T. Jakab and I.Mitrea, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol. 58 (2009), no. 5, 2043–2071.

[105] The Banach envelopes of monogenic Hardy spaces in Lipschitz domains, with E.Marmolejo-Olea and Q. Shi, pp. 269–278 in “Proceedings of the 6th International Congressof Romanian Mathematicians”, Editura Academiei, Bucharest, 2009.

[104] Robin-to-Robin maps and Krein-type resolvent formulas for Schrodinger operators on


bounded Lipschitz domains, with F. Gesztesy, pp. 81–113 in “Modern Analysis and Appli-cations. The Mark Krein Centenary Conference”, Vol. 2, V. Adamyan, Y.M. Berezansky,Y. Gohberg, M.L. Gorbachuk, V. Gorbachuk, A.N. Kochubei, H. Langer, and G. Popov eds.,Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 191, Birkhauser, Basel, 2009.

[103] A remark on the regularity of the div-curl system, with I. Mitrea, Proceedings of

the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 137 (2009), no. 5, 1729–1733.

[102] The nonlinear Hodge-Navier-Stokes equations in Lipschitz domains, with S. Monniaux,Differential and Integral Equations, Vol. 22 (2009), no. 3-4, 339–356.

[101] On the well-posedness of the Dirichlet problem in certain classes of nontangentiallyaccessible domains, with D. Mitrea, pp. 171-195 in “Analysis, Partial Differential Equationsand Applications -The Vladimir Maz’ya Anniversary Volume”, Alberto Cialdea ed., OperatorTheory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 193, Birkauser Verlag, 2009.

[100] The inhomogeneous Dirichlet problem for the Stokes system in Lipschitz domains withunit normal close to VMO, with V. Maz’ya and T. Shaposhnikova, Journal Functional

Analysis and Its Applications, Vol. 43 (2009), no. 3, 217–235. Translated fromFunktsional’nyi Analiz i Ego Prilozheniya, Vol. 43 (2009), no. 3, 65–88.

[99] Generalized polar decompositions for closed operators in Hilbert spaces and some ap-plications, with F. Gesztesy, M. Malamud, and S. Naboko, Integral Equations Operator

Theory, Vol. 64 (2009), no. 1, 83–113.

[98] Local regularity results for second order elliptic systems on Lipschitz domains, withM. Taylor, Functiones at Approximatio, Vol. 40 (2009), no. 2, 175–184 (Special volume inhonor of Bogdan Bojarski).

[97] On the analyticity of the semigroup generated by the Stokes operator with Neumann typeboundary conditions on Lipschitz subdomains of Riemannian manifolds, with S. Monniaux,Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 361 (2009), no. 6, 3125–3157.

[96] Sobolev estimates for the Green potential associated with the Robin-Laplacian in Lip-schitz domains satisfying a uniform exterior ball condition, with T. Jakab and I. Mitrea,pp. 227–260 in “Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics II”, Int. Math. Ser. (N. Y.), Vol. 9, Springer,New York, 2009.


[95] Banach envelopes of monogenic Hardy spaces, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras,Vol. 18 (2008), no. 3-4, 901–916.

[94] On the scientific work of V.G. Maz’ya: a personalized account, with D. Mitrea, pp. vii–xvii in “Perspectives in Partial Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis and Applications”,Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 79, Amer. Math. Soc., 2008.


[93] The Poisson problem for the exterior derivative operator with Dirichlet boundary con-dition on nonsmooth domains, with D. Mitrea and S. Monniaux, Communications in Pure

and Applied Analysis, Vol. 7 (2008), no. 6, 1295–1333.

[92] Generalized Robin boundary conditions, Robin-to-Dirichlet maps, and Krein-type resol-vent formulas for Schrodinger operators on bounded Lipschitz domains, with F. Gesztesy,pp. 105–173 in Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 79, Amer. Math.Soc., Providence, RI, 2008.

[89] The regularity of the Stokes operator and the Fujita-Kato approach to the Navier-Stokesinitial value problem in Lipschitz domains, with S. Monniaux, Journal of Functional

Analysis, Vol. 254 (2008), no. 6, 1522–1574.

[88] On Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps and some applications to modified Fredholm determi-nants, with F. Gesztesy and M. Zinchenko, pp. 191–215 in Proceedings of the conferenceon Operator Theory, Analysis in Mathematical Physics - OTAMP, Lund, Sweden, 2006,J. Janas, P. Kurasov, A. Laptev, S. Naboko, and G. Stolz (eds.), Operator Theory: Advancesand Applications, Vol. 186, Birkhauser, Basel, 2008.

[86] Traces of differential forms on Lipschitz domains, the boundary De Rham complex, andHodge decompositions, with D. Mitrea and M.-C. Shaw, Indiana University Mathematics

Journal, Vol. 57 (2008), no. 5, 2061–2095.


[85] Geometric and transformational properties of Lipschitz domains, Semmes-Kenig-Torodomains, and other classes of finite perimeter domains, with S. Hofmann and M. Taylor,Journal of Geometric Analysis, Vol. 17 (2007), no. 4, 593–647.

[84] The solution of the Chang-Krein-Stein conjecture, with S. Mayboroda, pp. 61–154 in“Proceedings of the Conference in Harmonic Analysis and its Applications”, Tokyo Woman’sChristian University, March 24-26, 2007, Tokyo, Japan, Akihiko Miyachi editor.

[83] Boundary value problems and layer potentials on manifolds with cylindrical ends, withV. Nistor, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 57(132) (2007), no. 4, 1151–1197.

[82] Interpolation of Hardy-Sobolev-Besov-Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and applications to prob-lems in partial differential equations, with N. Kalton and S. Mayboroda, pp. 121–177 in “In-terpolation Theory and Applications” proceedings of the Conference in Honor of MichaelCwikel, L. De Carli and M. Milman editors, AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 445,2007.

[81] Variations on a Theme of Jost and Pais, with F. Gesztesy and M. Zinchenko, Journalof Functional Analysis, Vol. 253 (2007), no. 2, 399–448.

[80] Traces of functions in Hardy and Besov spaces on Lipschitz domains with applications tocompensated compactness and the theory of Hardy and Bergman type spaces, with T. Jakab


and I. Mitrea, Journal Functional Analysis, Vol. 246 (2007), no. 1, 50–112.

[79] The Poisson problem with mixed boundary conditions in Sobolev and Besov spacesin non-smooth domains, with I. Mitrea, Transactions of the American Mathematical

Society, Vol. 359 (2007), no. 9, 4143–4182.

[78] Multi-dimensional versions of a determinant formula due to Jost and Pais, with F. Gesztesyamd M. Zinchenko, Reports on Mathematical Physics, Vol. 59, (2007), no. 3, 365–377.


[77] Parabolic initial boundary value problems in nonsmooth cylinders with data in anisotropicBesov spaces, with Tunde Jakab, Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 13 (2006), no. 5-6,825–831.

[76] Differential operators and boundary value problems on surfaces, with R. Duduchava andD. Mitrea, Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 9-10 (2006), 996–1023.

[75] Variable coefficient transmission problems and singular integral operators on non-smoothmanifolds, with D. Mitrea and Q. Shi, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications,Vol. 18 No. 1-3 (2006), 1–32.

[74] Layer Potentials and Boundary Value Problems for Laplacian in Lipschitz Domains withData in Quasi-Banach Besov Spaces, with S. Mayboroda, Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed

Applicata, (4), Vol. 185 (2006), no. 2, 155–187.

[73] The Poisson problem in weighted Sobolev spaces on Lipschitz domains, with M. Taylor,Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol. 55, (2006), no. 3, 1063–1089.

[72] The Poisson problem for the Lame system on low-dimensional Lipschitz domains, with S.Mayboroda, pp. 137–160 in Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Birkhauser,Boston, 2006.


[71] Non-selfadjoint operators, infinite determinants, and some applications, with F. Gesztesy,Y. Latushkin and M. Zinchenko, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 12 (2005),no. 4, 443–471.

[70] Sobolev and Besov space estimates for solutions to second order PDE on Lipschitz do-mains in manifolds with Dini or Holder continuous metric tensors, with M. Taylor,Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 30 (2005), no. 1-3, 1–37.

[69] Lipschitz domains, domains with corners, and the Hodge Laplacian, with M. Taylor andA. Vasy, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 30 (2005), no. 10-12, 1445–1462.



[68] Sharp estimates for Green potentials on non-smooth domains, with S. Mayboroda,Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 11 (2004), 481–492.

[67] Sharp Hodge decompositions, Maxwell’s equations, and vector Poisson problems on non-smooth, three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, Duke Mathematical Journal, Vol. 125(2004), no. 3, 1–81.

[66] Transmission problems and spectral theory for singular integral operators on Lipschitzdomains, with L. Escauriaza, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 216 (2004), no. 1,141–171.

[65] Square function estimates for singular integrals and applications to partial differentialequations, with S. Mayboroda, Differential and Integral Equations, Vol. 17 (2004),no. 7-8, 873–892.

[64] A note on boundary value problems on manifolds with cylindrical ends, with V. Nistor,pp. 472–494 in “Aspects of Boundary Problems in Analysis and Geometry”, Juan B. Gil,Thomas Krainer and Ingo Witt eds., Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., Vol. 151, Birkhauser, Basel,2004.

[63] An integration by parts formula in submanifolds of positive codimension, with M. Muether,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 27 (2004), no. 14, 1711–1723.

[62] The stationary Navier-Stokes system in nonsmooth manifolds: the Poisson problemin Lipschitz and C1 domains, with M. Dindos, Archive for Rational Mechanics and

Analysis, Vol. 174 (2004), no. 1, 1–47.


[61] Spectral properties of parabolic layer potentials and transmission boundary problems innonsmooth domains, with S. Hofmann and J. Lewis, Illinois Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 47 (2003), no. 4, 1345–1361.

[60] Potential theory for Lipschitz subdomains of Riemannian manifolds equipped with Dinicontinuous metric tensors, with M. Taylor, Transactions of the American Mathematical

Society, Vol. 355 (2003), no. 5, 1961–1985.

[59] Harmonic analysis for general first order differential operators in Lipschitz domains,with E. Marmolejo-Olea, pp. 91–114 in “Clifford Algebras: Application to Mathematics,

Physics, and Engineering,” Birkhauser Progress in Mathematical Physics Series, 2003.

[58] Poisson problems with half-Dirichlet boundary conditions for Dirac operators on nons-mooth manifolds, with D. Mitrea, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical

Physics, Vol. 30 (2003), 9–49.


[57] Banach envelopes of the Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and applications to PDE’s,with O. Mendez, pp. 325–333 in Function Spaces, Differential Operators, Nonlinear

Analysis - The Hans Triebel Anniversary Volume, Springer-Verlag, 2003.


[56] Boundary value problems for Dirac operators and Maxwell’s equations in nonsmooth do-mains, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 25 (2002), no. 16-18, 1355–1369.

[55] A note on Besov regularity of layer potentials and solutions of elliptic PDE’s, Proceedingsof the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 130 (2002), no. 9, 2599–2607.

[54] Finite energy solutions of Maxwell’s equations and constructive Hodge decompositionson nonsmooth Riemannian manifolds, with D. Mitrea, Journal of Functional Analysis,Vol. 190 (2002), no. 2, 339–417.

[53] Sharp Hodge decompositions in two and three dimensional Lipschitz domains, withD. Mitrea, Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, Paris, Ser. I Math., Vol. 334(2002), 109–112.

[52] Semilinear Poisson problems on Sobolev-Besov spaces on Lipschitz domains, with M.Dindos, Publicacions Matematiques, Vol. 46 (2002), no. 2, 353–403.


[51] Complex powers of the Neumann Laplacian in Lipschitz domains, with O. Mendez,Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 223 (2001), no. 1, 77–88.

[50] Potential theory on Lipschitz domains in Riemannian manifolds: Lp, Hardy and Holdertype estimates, with M. Taylor, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 9 (2001),no. 2, 369–421.

[49] Dirichlet integrals and Gaffney-Friedrichs inequalities in convex domains,Forum Mathematicum, Vol. 13 (2001), no. 4, 531–567.

[48] Generalized Dirac operators on non-smooth manifolds and Maxwell’s equations, Journalof Fourier Analysis and Applications, Vol. 7 (2001), no. 3, 207–256.

[47] The method of layer potentials for electromagnetic waves in chiral media,Forum Mathematicum, Vol. 13 (2001), no. 3, 423–446.

[46] The initial Dirichlet boundary value problem for general second order parabolic systemsin nonsmooth manifolds, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 26(2001), no. 11-12, 1975–2036.

[45] Boundary problems for the Navier-Stokes system on non-smooth Riemannian manifolds,


with M. Taylor, Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 321 (2001), no. 4, 955–987.

[44] New mean-value formulas for harmonic functions in polyhedral domains, with K. Felts,Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Vol. 11(S2) (2001), 77–88. Proceedings of theInternational Conference in Beijing honoring the 90th birthday of Loo-Keng Hua.

[43] General second order, strongly elliptic systems in low dimensional nonsmooth mani-folds, with D. Mitrea, pp. 61–86 in “Harmonic Analysis and Boundary Value Problems”, L.Capogna and L. Lanzani eds., Contemporary Math., Vol. 277, AMS, 2001.

[42] Half-Dirichlet Problems for Dirac Operators in Lipschitz Domains, Advances in AppliedClifford Algebras, Vol. 11(S1) (2001), 121–135, Special Issue on Clifford Analysis, Pro-ceedings of the Clifford Analysis Conference, Cetraro, Italy, October 1998, John Ryan andDaniele C. Struppa Editors.


[41] Potential theory on Lipschitz domains in Riemannian manifolds: Holder continuousmetric tensors, with M. Taylor, Communications in Partial Differential Equations,Vol. 25 (2000), no. 7-8, 1487–1536.

[40] Higher degree layer potential operators in Lipschitz domains, with D. Mitrea, IntegralEquations and Operator Theory, Vol. 37 (2000), no. 4, 457–486.

[39] The Banach envelope of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and applications to partial dif-ferential equations, with O. Mendez, The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications,Vol. 6 (2000), no. 5, 503–531.

[38] Potential theory on Lipschitz domains in Riemannian manifolds: Sobolev-Besov space re-sults and the Poisson problem, with M. Taylor, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 176(2000), no. 1, 1–79.

[37] Extension and representation of divergence-free vector fields on bounded domains, withT. Kato, G. Ponce and M. Taylor, Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 7 (2000), no. 5-6,643–650.

[36] The oblique derivative problem for general elliptic systems in Lipschitz domains, pp. 240–245 in Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, B. Bertram, C. Constanda andA. Struthers eds., (the Proceedings of the IMSE98 Conference held in Houghton, MI, 1998),Chapman & Hall / CRC Research Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 418, 2000.


[35] Boundary layer methods for Lipschitz domains in Riemannian manifolds, with M.E. Taylor,Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 163 (1999), no. 2, 181–251.


[34] Holder continuity of the elastic far-filed pattern with respect to the boundary, withD. Mitrea, Mathematical Methods and Models in Applied Sciences, Vol. 9 (1999), no. 8,1147–1163.

[33] On Bojarski’s index formula for nonsmooth interfaces, Electronic Research

Announcements of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 5 (1999), no. 1, 40–46.

[32] Clifford algebras and Maxwell’s equations in Lipschitz domains, with A. McIntosh,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 22 (1999), no. 18, 1599–1620.


[31] Stability of Fredholm properties on interpolation scales of quasi-Banach spaces and appli-cations, with N. Kalton, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 350(1998), no. 10, 3903–3922.

[30] Pompeiu’s integral representation formula. History and Mathematics, with F. Sabac,Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, Vol. 43 (1998), no. 1-2, 211–226.

[29] Monogenic Hardy spaces and compensated compactness on Lipschitz domains, with I.Mitrea, Complex Variables. Theory and Applications, Vol. 35 (1998), no. 3, 225–282.

[28] Uniqueness for inverse conductivity and transmission problems in the class of Lipschitzdomain, with D. Mitrea, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 23(1998), no. 7-8, 1419–1448.

[27] Potential operators on Besov spaces and the Poisson equation with Dirichlet and Neu-mann boundary conditions on Lipschitz domains, with E. Fabes and O. Mendez, Journalof Functional Analysis, Vol. 159 (1998), no. 2, 323–368.

[26] On the boundedness of singular integrals, with E. Fabes and I. Mitrea, Pacific Journal

of Mathematics, Vol. 189 (1998), no. 1, 21–29.

[25] A Burkholder-Gundy-Silverstein type theorem for one-sided monogenic functions in Lip-schitz domains, with D. Mitrea, pp. 1–14 in “Dirac Operators in Analysis”, J. Ryan andD. Struppa eds., Pitman Res. Notes in Math., No. 394, 1998.


[24] Vector potential theory on Lipschitz domains in R3 and applications to electromag-netic scattering, with D. Mitrea and J. Pipher, The Journal of Fourier Analysis and

Applications, Vol. 3 (1997), no. 2, 131–192.

[23] Rellich type identities for one-sided monogenic functions in Lipschitz domains and appli-cations, with A. McIntosh and D. Mitrea, pp. 135–143 in Proceedings of the Symposium

‘‘Analytical and Numerical Methods in Quaternions and Clifford Analysis’’,


Seiffen, W. Sprossig and K. Gurlebeck eds., Technical University of Freiberg, 1997.


[22] Boundary estimates for harmonic forms, with T. Iwaniec and C. Scott, Proceedingsof the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 124 (1996), no. 5, 1467–1471.

[21] Boundary value problems and Hardy spaces associated to the Helmholtz equation in Lip-schitz domains, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 202 (1996),no. 3, 819–842.

[20] Boundary integral methods for harmonic differential forms in Lipschitz domains, withD. Mitrea, Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society,Vol. 2 (1996), no. 2, 92–97.

[19] Hypercomplex variable techniques in Harmonic Analysis, pp. 103–128 in Clifford Algebras

in Analysis and Related Topics, (Fayetteville, AR, 1993), J. Ryan ed., Studies in AdvancedMathematics, C.R.C. Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 1996.

[18] Regularity and approximation results for the Maxwell problem on C1 and Lipschitz do-mains, with R. Torres and G. Welland, pp. 297–304 in Clifford Algebras in Analysis

and Related Topics, (Fayetteville, AR, 1993), J. Ryan ed., Studies in Advanced Mathe-matics, C.R.C. Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL., 1996.

[17] Acoustic scattering, Galerkin estimates and Clifford algebras, with B. Jawerth, pp. 199–216 in Clifford Algebras in Analysis and Related Topics, (Fayetteville, AR, 1993),J. Ryan ed., Stud. Adv. Math., C.R.C. Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 1996.


[16] On Dahlberg’s Lusin area integral theorem, Proceedings of the American Mathematical

Society, Vol. 123 (1995), no. 5, 1449–1455.

[15] The method of layer potentials in electro-magnetic scattering theory on non-smoothdomains, Duke Mathematical Journal, Vol. 77 (1995), no. 1, 111–133.

[14] Higher dimensional scattering theory on C1 and Lipschitz domains, with B. Jawerth,American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 117 (1995), no. 4, 929–963.

[13] Pluridimensional absolute continuity for differential forms and the Stokes formula, withM. Jurchescu, L’Enseignement Mathematique, Vol. 41 (1995), no. 3-4, 217–255.

[12] Initial boundary value problems for the parabolic Maxwell system in Lipschitz cylinders,Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol. 44 (1995), no. 3, 797–813.

[11] On the spectra of the higher dimensional Maxwell operators, with B. Jawerth, pp. 309–325 in Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory, (Caracas, 1994), S. Marcantognini et al


eds., Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, Providence, RI, 1995.


[10] A generalization of a theorem of Euler, with D. Mitrea, The American Mathematical

Monthly, Vol. 101 (1994), no. 1, 55–58.

[9] The regularity of the Cauchy integral and related operators on Lipschitz hypersurfaces,Complex Variables. Theory and Applications, Vol. 25 (1994), no. 2, 173–185.

[8] Electromagnetic scattering on nonsmooth domains, Mathematical Research Letters,Vol. 1 (1994), no. 6, 639–646.

[7] The Cauchy singular integral operator and Clifford wavelets, with L. Andersson and B.Jawerth, pp. 525–546 in Wavelets: Mathematics and Applications, J. Benedetto & M.Frazier eds., Stud. Adv. Math., CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 1994.

[6] Clifford wavelets, Hardy spaces and elliptic boundary value problems, with B. Jawerth,pp. 261–290 in ‘‘Wavelets and their Applications’’, (Il Ciocco, 1992), NATO Adv.Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., 442, J. S. Byrnes et al (eds.), Kluwer AcademicPublishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1994.


[5] A hypercomplex variable proof of a Burkholder-Gundy-Silverstein type result on Lips-chitz domains, The Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Series B, Vol. 45(1993), no. 2, 125–135.

[4] Clifford algebras and boundary estimates for harmonic functions, pp. 151–159 in Clifford

Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics, (Deinze, 1993), F. Brackx,R. Delanghe and H. Serras eds., Fund. Theories Phys., 55, Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht, Netherlands 1993.

[3] Wavelets and operators in the Clifford algebra context, with B. Jawerth, pp. 138–143in Proceedings of the Mini-symposium on Wavelets, IEEE Regional Conference on

Aerospace Control Systems, Los Angeles, 1993.

[2] Conference report for the Workshop on Clifford Algebras, Ghent, 1993, with G. Sobczyk,Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Vol. 3 (1993), no. 1, 99–104.


[1] Constructions of Clifford wavelets, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Vol. 2(1992), no. 2, 249–276.




• Invited planary speaker, The 13-th International Conference in Science and Engineering(IMSE), July 21-25, 2014, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany.

• Special Session on Harmonic Analysis and its Applications, AMS Western Spring SectionalMeeting, April 4-6, 2014 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.


• Recent Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Special Ses-sion in the AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting, October 12-13, 2013 Temple University,Philadelphia, PA.

• “The directional derivative problem without transversality”, Harmonic Analysis and Par-tial Differential Equations, Special Session in the AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting,October 5-6, 2013 University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.


• Colloquium talk, “Square function estimates and applications to PDE’s in rough domains”,October 19, 2012, UAM/Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas, Spain.

• Main Speaker in the conference “Partial Differential Equations: Analytic and GeometricAspects, in honor of Michael Taylor’s 65 Birthday”, University of North Carolina, ChapelHill, NC, July 2012.

• Delivered the mini-course “A Brief Introduction to the Method of Boundary Layer Poten-tials” (School on Elliptic Partial Differential Equations – New Trends in Harmonic Analysisat ICMAT), 8 lectures during October 15–October 18, 2012, UAM/Instituto de CienciasMatematicas, Spain.

• Main speaker in the conference “Perspectives In Harmonic Analysis, Geometric MeasureTheory, and Partial Differential Equations”, Temple University, Philadelphia, September13–15, 2012.

• Main speaker in the 9th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Dif-ferential Equations, El Escorial, Madrid (Spain), June 11-15, 2012.

• Colloquium talk “A Sharp Form of the Divergence Theorem”, Temple University, Philadel-phia, September 10, 2012.

• Main speaker in the Conference “Topology/Geometry+Analysis” University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PA, March 16-17, 2012.


• Seminar talk at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, March 2010, title:“Geometric Smoothness and Maximum Principles”.

• Invited address in the special session “Harmonic Analysis”, part of the 100-th anniversaryof the foundation of the Mathematical Spanish Society, Avila, Spain, February 1-5, 2011.



• Invited to deliver a minicourse on “Recent Progress for Elliptic Boundary Value Problemsin Nonsmooth Domains”, University of Padova, Padova, Italy, July 21-25, 2010.


• Colloquium talk, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, November 24, 2009.

• Colloquium talk, University of Edinburgh, October 24, 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland.

• Colloquium talk, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, October 8, 2009, Madrid, Spain.

• Main speaker at the AMSI-ANU Workshop on Spectral Theory and Harmonic Analysis,July 13-17, 2009, ANU, Canberra, Australia.

• Colloquium talk, University of New South Whales, Sydney, Australia, July 24, 2009.

• Main speaker at the 4th Symposium on Analysis and PDE’s, on the occasion of the 55thbirthday of Nicola Garofalo, May 26-29, 2009, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.


• Featured speaker at the James Clerk Maxwell Center, University of Edinburgh, Scotland,November 20, 2008.

• Colloquium talk, University of Liverpool, England, November 26, 2008.

• Main speaker in the program “Elliptic and Hyperbolic Equations on Singular Spaces”,MSRI, Berkeley, October 27–31, 2008.

• Main talk in “The Tenth International Conference on Integral Methods in Science andEngineering” (IMSE), Santander, Spain, July 7–10, 2008.

• Main speaker in the conference “Recent Advances in Geometric Function Theory”, SyracuseUniversity, May 19-21, 2008.

• Main speaker at the XI-th Romanian-Finnish Seminar, Alba-Iulia, Romania, August 14–19,2008.

• Main speaker in “Analysis, PDE’s and Applications”, University “La Sapienza” Rome,Italy, June 30 - July 3, 2008.

• Analysis Seminar Talk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, April 24, 2008.

• University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Seminar Talk, January 17, 2008.

• University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Colloquium Talk, January 19, 2008.

• AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting No. 1037, March 28-March 30, 2008, BatonRouge, Louisiana. Special session: Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations inReal and Complex Domains.

• The 19th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications - Special sessionon Dirac Operators. Willima and Mary College, Virginia, July 22-26, 2008.

• Invited one-hour speaker at the Second Workshop of Harmonic Analysis and Partial Dif-ferential Equations (WHAPDE), Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, February 4-8, 2008.


• Seminar Talk. University of Notre Dame, South Bent, IN, November 19, 2007.


• Seminar Talk. Brown University, Providence, RI. November 14, 2007.

• Cornell University, Ithaca NY. Analysis Seminar talk. November 3, 2007; title: “Theinterplay between the analysis and gepmetry of Euclidea domains”

• Cornell University, Ithaca NY. Oliver Club colloquium talk. November 6, 2007.

• AMS Meeting, De Paul University, Chicago IL, October 4-7, 2007. Special session onSingular Integrals and Related Problems, Title: “Singular Integrals on Uniformly RectifiableDomains”

• Penn State University, PDE Seminar talk, February 2-4, 2007; “The regularity of Greenpotentials and the solution of the Chang-Krantz-Stein conjecture”

• Main Speaker at the 6-th International Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, BucharestRO, June 29-July 4, 2007. “Regularity aspects of variable-coefficient PDE’s under minimalsmoothness assumptions”

• Penn State University, Undergraduate Seminar talk, February 2-4, 2007; “Topics in inte-gration theory”

• Ohio State University, Columbus OH, Seminar talk, April 25-29, 2006; “Singular Integrals,Boundary Value Problems and Geometric Measure Theory”

• University of Missouri at Rolla, April 6-7, 2007. Colloquium talk. Title: “The Lp-versionof the Lax-Milgram Lemma”

• Sociedad Matematica Mexicana and American Mathematical Society, VII JointMeeting,Zacatecas, Mexico, May 23-26, 2007. Title: “Mixed boundary value problems for the Stokessystem”

• 1024th AMS Meeting, Davidson College, Davidson, NC, March 2-4, 2007. Special Sessionon Microlocal Analysis and PDE’s, in honor of Michael E. Taylor. Title: “On Taylor’s workon PDE’s with minimal smoothness assumptions”

• Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Tokyo, Japan, March 22-27, 2007; Two lectures. 1sttitle “Smoothness spaces in rough domains” 2nd title “The solution of the Chang-Krantz-Stein conjecture”


• Conference in Analysis and Partial Differential Equations in honor of Bogdan Bojarski,Mathematical Reseach and Conference Center, Bedlewo, Poland, June 18-24, 2006. Title:“Singular Intergals and Boundary Value Problems in BMO1 domains”

• Colloquium talk at the Mathematical Institute in Cuernavaca, Mexico, October 25-30,2006.

• 1022nd AMS Meeting, Special session on Dirac Operators in Analysis and Geometry,University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AK, November 3-4, 2006. Title: “Cliffor algebras,differential forms and compensated compactness on Lipschitz domains”

• Main speaker at Interpolation Theory and Applications: Conference in Honor of MichaelCwikel, March 29-31, 2006, Miami, Florida. Title “Interpolation techniques in PDE’s”

• Seminar talk, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA, “Recent progress for PDE’s innonsmooth domains” March 8-11, 2006.



• Main speaker at the Seminar on Analysis, Conference in Honor of Elias Saab’s 60-thbirthday, Columbia, MO, December 9-10, 2005.

• Main speaker at the Midwest PDE Seminar, April 9-10, 2005, Purdue University.

• Main Speaker at the Analysis Seminar organized at Florida Atlantic University, January2005.

• University of Notre Dame, February 21-27, 2005, Colloquium and Seminar talks.

• AMS Session, Newark, DL, April 2005.

• Ohio State University, Colloquium talk, February 2005.

• University of Virginia, Colloquium talk, May 2005.

• Main speaker at the 7-th International Conference on Dirac Operators and MathematicalPhysics, Toulouse, France, May 2005.


• One hour plenary address at the Eighth International Conference on Integral Methods inScience and Engineering IMSE2004, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, August2-5, 2004.

• Harmonic Analysis section of the Winter 2004 Meeting of the Canadian MathematicalSociety in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 11-13, 2004.

• Colloquium, University Aix-Marseille, France, July 14, 2004.

• Special Session on Harmonic Analysis, the 994th meeting of the American MathematicalSociety, March 12-13, 2004, at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. Title: Anew homotopy operator operator for differential forms in Lipschitz domains and applicationsto boundary problems.


• Delivered a mini-course at the Instituto de Matematicas Unidad Cuernavaca, Mexico,“Taller Norte Sur 03,” November 8-16, 2003.

• University of California at Berkeley, November 20-22, 2003.

• 990th AMS Meeting in Binghamton, NY, October 11-12, 2003. Title: Sobolev-Besovestimates for elliptic PDE’s in non-smooth Riemannian manifolds.

• Brown University, February 2003. Title: Lp transmission problems and spectral theory forsingular integral operators.

• Colloquium talk, Purdue University, March 25, 2003.

• Cornell University, October 10, 2003. Title: The Poisson problem in Lipschitz domainswith Sobolev-Besov data.

• 6-th New Mexico Analysis Seminar, Albuequerque NM, March 6-8, 2003.

• CMS Winter Meeting/Harmonic Analysis Session, Vancouver, Canada, Dec. 7-8, 2003.


• Penn State University, College Park, PA, December 13-15, 2002, conference on Partial

Differential Equations on Non-compact Manifolds; title General elliptic and parabolic


transmission problems in nonsmooth domains.

• Main speaker at the Fabes-Chiarenza Lectures, Siracusa, Italy, December 2-4, 2002; titleOn three problems raised by E. Fabes.

• Invited to deliver a one hour plenary address at the Southeastern Sectional Meeting of theAMS, November 9-10, 2002, Orlando, Florida; title Elliptic and parabolic boundary problemsin Sobolev-Besov spaces on nonsmooth domains.

• Invited to deliver a one hour plenary address at the 6-th International Conference onClifford Analysis and its Applications, Tennessee Technical University, Cookeville, Tennessee,May 20–25, 2002; title Decomposition theorems for general Dirac operators.

• One of the main speakers at the International Conference on Clifford Analysis and itsApplications, a satellite conference to ICM-2002, Macau, China, August, 2002.

• University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC; Colloquium talk, March 31-April 4, 2002;title Elliptic problems and singular integrals on Besov-Triebel-Lizorkin spaces.


• Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, November 17-20, 2001; title Smoothness spaces and ellipticPDE’s in nonsmooth domains.

• Penn State University, College Park, PA, October 12-14, 2001; title Hodge Decompositions,Maxwell’s Equations, and Vector Poisson Problems on Non-Smooth, Three-Dimensional Do-mains.

• The 4th Riviere-Fabes Symposium on Analysis and PDE, April 20-22, 2001, Universityof Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, (one hour plenary address); title Elliptic Boundary ValueProblems in Sobolev-Besov Spaces.

• American Mathematical Society Regional Meeting #963, University of South Carolina,Columbia, SC, March 16-18, 2001; title Wavelets and Besov Regularity of Elliptic PDE’s.


• Clifford Analysis, its Applications to Mathematical Physics and Related Topics, Beijing,China, 1–7 August, 2000, (50 min. plenary address; also chaired a session); title Recentprogress in Clifford analysis and elliptic PDE.

• University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR; Colloquium talk, March 1, 2000; title Hardyspaces and global boundary value problems on non-smooth Riemannian manifolds.

• Recent Progress in the Study of Harmonic Measure from a Geometric and Analytic Pointof View, Univ. of Ark. Spring Lecture Series, March 2–4, 2000 (plenary address, 50 min.);title Functional analytic methods for elliptic PDE’s in nonsmooth domains.

• MU Arts and Science Week Lecture, Columbia MO, February 24, 2000; title From Euclidto wavelets: some of my favorite geometrical adventures.


• Real Analysis Seminar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN, September 13, 1999;title Functional analytic methods for PDE’s in nonsmooth domains.

• American Mathematical Society Annual Joint Meeting in San Antonio, University of Texasat San Antonio, January 12-16, 1999; title Navier-Stokes equations in nonsmooth manifolds.



• University of Missouri at St. Louis, St. Louis, MO; Colloquium talk, November 10–November 12, 1998; title A constructive approach to scattering by rough obstacles.

• Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; Colloquium talk, October 28-30, 1998; titleGlobal boundary value problems on non-smooth Riemannian manifolds.

• Conference on “Dirac Operators and Applications”, Cetraro, Calabria, Italy, October 4-10, 1998 (1 hr. plenary address; also chaired a session); title Function theory for Dirac typeoperators on nonsmooth manifolds.

• The Fifth International Conference on Integral Methods in Science and Engineering IMSE98,Houghton, Michigan, August 10-13, 1998; title Integral equation methods for variable coeffi-cient systems.

• AMS Regional Meeting, Temple University, Philadelphia, April 4-6, 1998; title Integralequation methods for variable coefficient systems.

• AMS Regional Meeting, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, March 27-28, 1998; titleUniqueness for inverse electromagnetic problems in the class of non-smooth domains.


• AMS Regional Meeting in Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, November 18-19, 1997;title Poisson’s equation and boundary layers on Sobolev-Besov spaces.

• ISAAC Congress, Potential Theory Section, University of Delaware, New Ark, DE, June2-7, 1997; title General second order elliptic systems on Riemannian manifolds.

• ISAAC Congress, Dirac Operators Section, University of Delaware, New Ark, DE, June2-7, 1997; title Dirac operators on nonsmooth manifolds.


• Bauhaus Universitat, Weimar, Germany; Colloquium talk, June 10, 1996; title Hardyspaces and Clifford algebras: a survey of recent progress.

• Symposium in “Analytical and Numerical Methods in Quaternionic and Clifford Analysis”,Seiffen, Germany, June 5-7, 1996, (plenary address); title Clifford algebras and elliptic BVP’sfor differential forms on Lipschitz domains.

• University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR; Conference on “Differential Methods in Interpo-lation and Their Applications”, April 11-13, 1996, (plenary address); title Stability resultson interpolation scales of quasi-Banach spaces and applications.

• University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR; Colloquium talk, March 9-15, 1996.

• Purdue University, Lafayette, IN; Colloquium talk, February 6-8, 1996; title Recent progressin Harmonic Analysis and scattering theory on non-smooth domains.

• University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Real Analysis Seminar, April 1996: titlePluridimensional absolute continuity and Stokes’s formulas with singularities.

• University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Real Analysis Seminar, February 1996: titleStability properties for operators on a scale of quasi-Banach spaces (II).

• University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Real Analysis Seminar, January 1996: titleStability properties for operators on a scale of quasi-Banach spaces and applications.



• Brown University, Providence, RI; Colloquium talk, December 6-9, 1995; title Topologicalaspects of BVP’s of generalized potential theory.

• University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; Workshop on “Nondestructive Evaluation andInverse Problems”, June 13-17, 1995 (also chaired a session).

• University of Missouri, Columbia, MO; Colloquium talk, November 30, 1995; title Cliffordalgebras in Harmonic Analysis.

• The Weierstrass Institute, Berlin; Workshop on “Multiscale Methods in Numerical Anal-ysis”, March 27-April 1, 1995, (plenary address); title Spectral properties of the boundaryintegral operators in electromagnetic scattering theory on Lipschitz domains.

• University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Real Analysis Seminar, January 1995: titleVector potential theory on Lipschitz domains in 3D.

• University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Real Analysis Seminar, October 1995: title Hp

spaces on Lipschitz domains.


• University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Real Analysis Seminar, November 1994: titleRecent progress on scattering theory on Lipschitz domains.

• Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (several colloquia and seminar talks), August1994; topics Clifford analysis and scattering by rough obstacles.

• University of Missouri, Columbia, MO; Conference on “The Interaction Between HarmonicAnalysis, Functional Analysis and Probability”, May 30–June 3, 1994; title Compensatedcompactness and Hardy spaces on Lipschitz domains.

• The Regional AMS Meeting in Lexington, Kentucky, KY; Special Session on “PartialDifferential Equations and Minimal Smoothness Conditions”, March 18-19, 1994; title Theuniqueness in the electromagnetic inverse obstacle problem for scatterers with rough bound-aries.

• Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; Colloquium talk, February 1994; title Directscattering and wavelets on nonsmooth domains.

• University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Colloquium talk, January 1994; title Direct scatter-ing and wavelets on nonsmooth domains.

• The 100th Annual Meeting of AMS, Cincinnati, OH; Special Session on “Advances inFunction Theoretic Methods”, January 12-15, 1994; title Scattering theory on nonsmoothdomains.

• Caracas, Venezuela; The International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and OperatorTheory honoring the 80th birthday of Mischa Cotlar, January 4-8, 1994; title Higher dimen-sional scattering on nonsmooth domains.

• University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC; Pure and Applied Analysis Seminar, 1994;topic Wavelets, singular integrals, Hardy spaces, scattering and Clifford algebras.


• University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC; The 13th Southeastern


Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, October 15-16, 1993; title Boundaryvalue problems for the Maxwell system on Lipschitz domains.

• Rockwell Center, Los Angeles, CA; The IEEE Regional Conference on Aerospace ControlSystems; Minisymposium on Wavelets, May 25-27, 1993; title Wavelets and operators in theClifford algebra framework.

• Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Conference on Harmonic Analysis tohonor Guido Weiss, May 10-14, 1993; title Square-function estimates for metaharmonicfunctions on nonsmooth domains.

• University of Gent, Gent, Belgium; The Third International Congress on “Clifford Algebrasand Their Applications in Mathematical Physics”, May 3-7, 1993, (plenary address); titleClifford algebras and boundary estimates for harmonic functions.

• University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AK; Conference on “Clifford Algebras in Analysis”,April 8-10, 1993, (plenary address); title Hypercomplex variable techniques in HarmonicAnalysis.

• The Annual Spring MAA South-Eastern Section Meeting, Costal Carolina College, ConwaySC, April 2-3, 1993; title On the integral average of a harmonic function on the boundary ofa cube.

• Washington University, St. Louis, MO; Colloquium talk, March 1993; title Clifford alge-bras, singular integrals, Hardy spaces and boundary value problems on nonsmooth domains.

• University of South Florida, Tampa, FL; Colloquium talk, February 1993; title Wavelets,singular integrals and BVP’s on nonsmooth domains.

• University of Bucharest, Romania; Analysis Seminar, January 1993; title Problema Dirich-let in domenii nenetede.

• University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC; Pure and Applied Analysis Seminar, 1993;topic Wavelets, singular integrals, Hardy spaces, scattering and Clifford algebras.


Teaching at MU

• Fall 1996, Math 175: Calculus with Mathematica, two sections.

• Winter 1997, Math 175: Calculus with Mathematica, two sections.

• Fall 1997, Math 201: Calculus with Mathematica, two sections.

• Spring 1998, Math 80: Calculus with Mathematica, two lectures.

• Spring 1999, Math 201.

• Fall 1999, Math 80: Calculus with Mathematica, two lectures.

• Reading course “Clifford algebras and Maxwell’s equations”, Winter 2000.

• Fall 2000, Math 480: “Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, I”, advancedspecial topic course. Also, Math 201: Calculus with Mathematica, two lectures.

• Winter 2001, Math 480: “Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, II”, ad-vanced special topic course.

• Fall 2001, Math 80: Calculus with Mathematica, two lectures.

• Winter 2002, Math 490: Research (6 credit hours).

• Fall 2002, Math 289: Undergraduate Research.

• Fall 2002, Math 490: Thesis Research (6 credit hours).

• Fall 2002, Math 404: Measure Theory.

• Fall 2002, Math 310: Advanced Calculus.

• Winter 2003, Math 407: Partial Differential Equations, I

• Fall 2003, Math 408: Partial Differential Equations, II

• Fall 2003, Math 415: Harmonic Analysis, I

• Winter 2004, Math 490: (6 credit hours).

• Fall 2005, Graduate Course, under the auspices of the FRG Grant: “Harmonic AnalysisThechiniques in Partial Differential Equations”.

• Winter 2006, Math 1500: An Introduction to Calculus.

• Fall 2006, Math 490: Research (6 credit hours).

• Winter 2007: Math 8445 (Partial Differential Equations I) and Math 4900/7900(Advanced Calculus II),

• Fall 2007: Math 8446 (Partial Differential Equations II) and Math 2300H(Calculus III Honors).

• Winter 2008: Math 4900/7900 (Advanced Calculus II), Math 8302, Topics in HarmonicAnalysis, Math 8090, and two Math 9090.

• Summer 2008: Math 9090.

• Fall 2008: Math 4700/7700 (Advanced Calculus I), Math 8630 (Harmonic Analysis I),Math 9090.

• Winter 2009: Math 4900/7900 (Advanced Calculus II), Math 8631 (Harmonic AnalysisII), Math 9090.


• Summer 2009: Math 8190 and Math 9090.

• Fall 2010: Math 1700 (Calculus II) and Math 8420 (Measure Theory, I), as well as tworeading courses: Math 9090 (Quasi-Metric Spaces) and Math 8085 (General Topology).

• Spring 2011: Math 8421 (Measure Theory II) and Math 8302, “Topics in Harmonic Analysisand Geometric Measure Theory”. Also, two Math 8090 courses and two Math 9090 courses.

• Summer 2011: Math 9090.

• Fall 2011: Math 9387: “Global Boundary Value Problems on Lipschitz Riemannian Man-ifolds”, Math 9287: “Fredholm Theory for Linear Operators in Topological Vector Spaces”,and four reading courses Math 9090.

• Winter 2012: Calculus I (Math1500) and six Math 8090 courses.

• Fall 2013: Two advanced topic courses: Math 8302 and Math 9887.

• Winter 2013: Two advanced topic courses: Math 8302 and Math 9387.


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