byu the wit and wisdom of.ppt

Post on 18-Dec-2021






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“I knowed you from a gal…”

“My pa taught me…”

Horse trade

Musing in the mirror

W lk d i il Walked six miles…

Surveyor: respected for his fairness and honesty

Never smoked, chewed, gambled profaned or drankgambled, profaned or drank

Taught himself law

“Discourage litigation”

“Some legal rights are moral wrongs”

Often charged nothing



State Legislature d Cand Congress

“Two faced…”

On height…

Bad produce

By the way Mr. Speaker, did you know that I am a military hero? Yes sir in the days of the am a military hero? Yes sir, in the days of the Black Hawk War I fought, bled and came away . . . It is quite certain that I did not break my sword because I had no sword to break, but I did bend my musket badly. If he saw any live, fighting Indians, it was more than I did; but I had a good many bloody ; g y ystruggles with the mosquitoes, and although I never fainted from the loss of blood, I can truly say I was often very hungry.[9][37]

Followed for 6 years

Criticized in the papers

1858 Senatorial race

1860 Presidential race

Rivals: Stephen A Douglas & LincolnRivals: Stephen A. Douglas & Lincoln

My career “a flat failure”


“Mousing around the library”



Invited Douglas to debate: He refused.

“I will speak on the subject tomorrow”

Congress had passed and the President signed it into lawit into law.

Only spoke against the extension of slavery

KansasKansas--Nebraska Nebraska Act 1854Act 1854


Know Nothings Know Nothings 18551855

Dred Scott DecisionDred Scott Decision18571857

Illegal electionsIllegal elections


Declaration ofDeclaration ofIndependence assailedIndependence assailed

4,000,000 Slaves4,000,000 Slaves

Denial of freedoms: Denial of freedoms: press, speech, religionpress, speech, religion

Constitution attackedConstitution attacked

“Judge, you will aspire to the presidency of the U it d St t d if t h d United States; and if you ever turn your hand against me or the Latter-day Saints, you will feel the weight of the hand of the Almighty upon you…”

First day in office: • Nation’s most dangerous crisis• 7 states seceded, more intended to



Treason by Buchanan and his Cabinet

• 17,113 in the US Army, 2/3s in the WestSecretary of War John Floyd: a Confederate General

• Treasury almost empty• US Navy reduced and scattered• Did nothing to stop the secession take over of • Did nothing to stop the secession, take over of

US forts, arsenals and mints

Lincoln was fearless

Edwin Stanton

The most under qualified President

Cabinet: Team of Rivals- “He is the best of us.”

“I h l t k t t t f “I choose always to make my statute of limitations a short one.”

Letters written in anger

Anyone could see the President

The unfinisheddome

Unmatched integrityUnmatched integrity

“… incapable of duplicity.”

Only one term in House of Representatives

Would not speak ill of any political opponent

“Make no contracts that bind me.”

“I derive no satisfaction from defeating my opponents.”



Edwin Stanton

Salmon Chase


George McClellan

McClellan despised Lincoln

President Lincoln is, "nothing more than a well-meaning baboon", a "gorilla", and "ever unworthy of ... his high position."


General in Chief: “I can do it all.”

He snubbed the president and Secretary Seward

"If General McClellan does not want to use the army, I would like to borrow it for a time."

"McClellan is to me one of the mysteries of the war."[1]

U.S. Grant

Remarkably astute politician

Able to get opponents to support him

“Last best hope of earth”

“…that something that held great promise to all “…that something that held great promise to all the people of the world to all time to come ”the people of the world to all time to come ”the people of the world to all time to come.the people of the world to all time to come.

Lincoln’s shear brainpower must have Lincoln’s shear brainpower must have exceeded that of all other presidents, Jefferson included.” Hans Morganthau, Eminent scholar

While Lincoln’s intellect was a gift, his unmatched morality was his choiceunmatched morality was his choice.



Infuriated the Generals and Secretary Stanton

Lincoln suffered with the bloodshedLincoln suffered with the bloodshed

“...with firmness in the right, as God “...with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right.”gives us to see the right.”

“Slow walker...”

Thirteenth Amendment

Forgiveness and inclusion of the vanquished South

“I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence.”

“…something in that Declaration giving g g gliberty, not alone to the people of this country, but hope to the world for all future time.”

Gen. Scott & Seward: “surrender the fort.”• 3 times he quietly resisted• Submitted his own plan• Looking far beyond his advisors• “You have no oath…• July 4th address: “to abandon that position would

be tterl r ino s it o ld be o r national be utterly ruinous…it would be our national destruction comsummated.”



To hold, occupy and possess

“You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to ‘preserve, protect and defend it [the Constitution of p [the United States].”’

For one month the nation heard nothing from their backwoods President

His first overt act was the letter to Governor Pickens of South Carolina

“I’m sending food.”

“If He has a work for me and I believe He does, I think I am ready.”y

“...I have been but His humble instrument.”

Breakfast with his son, Robert

Buoyant, cheerful

Last Cabinet meeting

Afternoon with Mary

Good bye

Ford’s Theater



Charles Chiniquy

Always believed he would not survive his Presidency

“One final sacrifice…One final sacrifice…I am that sacrifice.”

“I have so many instances of His direction in my life ”life…

“Why would He not reveal it to me…?

“God has ruled in favor of the slave.

A foreboding that he would not come back A foreboding that he would not come back alive

Dream: “Who is dead in the White House?

Some inexplicable craft…

Lincoln’s Greatness?


Integrity gained him the election

Regard for all, even enemies

Always fully considered the opponents point of view

Placed needs of others beyond his own

Sought only God’s will--AbrahamAbraham LincolnLincoln

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