by maria potes billie maynard justin watson brianna stephenson

Post on 19-Jan-2018






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Born May 31, 1834 in Virginia Black slave Escaped for freedom


ByMaria Potes

Billie MaynardJustin Watson

Brianna Stephenson

Anthony Burns

Born May 31, 1834 in VirginiaBlack slaveEscaped for freedom


Born to slave parentsFreed himself at age 19 to BostonOwner caught him by intercepted

letterWent to jailWent on trial/Lost caseFreed by activistsWent to collegeDied in 1862 of Tuberculosis


Learned to read and writeBelieved in freedom of the body and soulMay have preached at Baptist Church which would

violate the Virginia LawClaimed by Fugitive Slave Act of 1850Jail left him crippled and illWhen freed, he studied theology at Oberlin CollegePresented panorama in Maine called Grand Moving

MirrorSold narratives of his life by Charles Emery

Stevens to continue his studies


1. Agree to send him back to the South May have lacked motivation to attain studies

otherwise2. Support

Without him going to trial, he would not have had any support

3. Progress His trial changed the fate of freedom for other

slaves and our country


Burns was a man who believed in freedom and fought for it, and won

Never gave upFight for your dreamsYou never know how your progress will affect

the future of others


In relating this assignment and Anthony Burns to me I have came to a realization of many things. Many of the things that I realized will help to motivate and encourage me to continue and be confident in my education and career path.  I have realized that the trials and situations that face me are nothing, many people are doing on the same path I am. Many people are facing just as much opposition and discouragement in education as I am. This article has given me strength and motivation to work, work, work and when I’m done with that work some more until I have reached the goals that I have set for myself.  It has also helped me to understand how important it will be for me to endure, in the career that I have a goal to become it will require many years of schooling. And it the example of Anthony Burns he had to endure and be patient with many things. He escaped slavery and had to journey to what he thought was a safe place only to be sent back to the same situation that he had just escaped from which I am sure wasn’t an easy task. If Anthony Burns can be patient in his situation then I can be patient and confident in my situation.  


When reading about Anthony Burns, it seemed like he had a strong spirit from the beginning. He could hire himself out to various men in Stafford County, Virginia along with four other slaves. He saved a portion of his money for his escape to Boston, which was a success in 1854. He put his faith in Jesus Christ and later became a preacher.  He worked hard for what he believed in and did not give up. I really admire him for that and the fact that he was determined to escape from slavery and he succeeded.  I feel I relate to Anthony Burns when it comes to having a strong spirit and having faith in Jesus Christ. I know he has been walking with me through life and put me on the path that I am supposed to be on today. I am at the point in my life where I am doing the best that I can do and try to stay strong and push myself, by going to school, working and raising my two children on my own. I will not give up, no matter how difficult it gets. And after reading about Anthony Burns it gives me more strength to keep going and not give up.  


Mr. Burns spent his young life in slavery, stowed away on a ship, fought a battle in one of the biggest trials in history and still attended college.  Anthony Burns was a courageous man who overcame adversity to live his dream of freedom and become a priest.   In researching Anthony Burns it has made me realize that my life longevity and opportunities presented to me, far out way what was available to him.  This has inspired me to think more about my future and create a two year educational plan.  My first step:  I completed the ‘type focus’ advising (offered on my page).  The results made me feel even more positive of my future career decision as an occupational therapist. The program listed a lot of different occupations for helping or teaching others especially with disabilities.  From Anthony Burns I realized life is short, I am not getting any younger and my goals are not going to come to me.   Step two:  Create a road map of my goals.  I will become a stronger student by using better study skills and time management.  Making sure I put to use of all of the resources offered to me and strive for a high GPA in all of my pre-requisite classes.   Step three:   Volunteer and job shadow at a rehabilitation clinic, this will help strengthen my skills and become a stronger candidate for the OTA program. Step four:  In Fall 2014, get accepted to the Occupational Therapist Assistant program at Salt Lake Community College (West Jordan campus).  I will graduate the top in my class.  I am a Master Student, and here to prove it!   Step five:   I want a career, not a job.  Working the dream with disabled people at a hospital or rehabilitation clinic.  Helping others to gain back independence or inherit skills they never had.   Anthony Burns and I have two things in common.  Putting faith in a higher power and realizing the right of a college education. 


After researching all about Anthony Burns, it made me realize how lucky today’s society is. Many take for granted all the help and opportunities today’s world offers. We now are all equal, we have rights and the opportunity to protest if we don’t agree with them. We have support from our government to live and go to school. There should not be any excuse to accomplish your dreams. If people like Anthony Burns were able to do it, I’m sure anyone else can too. After all, they did not fight for you to have rights and freedom for nothing.I can relate to Burns because I am a minority. When I came into this country, I was harassed and made fun of. I felt like I couldn’t express myself and do many things since I was foreign. But after the years of experience, I decided I shouldn’t let other people bring me down. I needed to fight for my dreams; it is my life after all. I graduated with honors and I am now attending college and working, which is one step closer to accomplishing my dreams. I plan on being responsible and taking my studies very seriously. I will graduate and go onto becoming an Orthodontist.



Check for the purchase of Burns

Flyer announcing Burns’ trial

Reverend Leonard A. Grimes, who bought Burns’ freedom

References to Images

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