by katie and leon and madi. it was a still, starry night. the sky was as black as coal and all that...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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By Katie and Leon and Madi.

It was a still, starry night. The sky was as black as coal and all that could be heard was the hoot of a solitary owl and a gentle rustle, as the breeze danced through the trees.The entrance to the Magik Circus was quiet and deserted. A sign by the entrance held a poster: Artistes Wanted.

Inside the circus was a cluster of caravans huddled together .One of the caravans was lit up by a flickering candle light .Next to the candle was a young girl she looked miserable .she had a box that looked very peculiar. She had a penny in her hand, it was round and shiny.

She slowly dropped the round silver, shiny coin into the small, brown box. There was lots of rolled up bills inside the box. She had no money to feed. She felt that there was no hope.

Hopping along the road was a bronze shining teapot. He hopped past the big top. Suddenly he saw a poster, he looked up at it , he read wanted artists.

The girl shuffled tiredly towards her bed .She jumped into bed and cuddled her brown, fluffy teddy.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and it woke the girl right up. She was shocked as she woke up, it took her a moment but she was wide awake.

She silently crept up to her window and glared out. In the big top was a shadow of a teapot. It was hopping along the light inside.

The girl sprinted into the big top. She searched her surroundings wondering what happened in the circus ring. She heard a clang over and over again.

Suddenly from a distance behind the curtains was a bronze shining teapot. The girl giggled as the teapot fell down the steps. He got up waved his lid and bowed.

The girl whispered quietly “it’s a magic teapot”.The girl bent down to greet the teapot as he hopped forward. “hello little teapot”, greeted the girl.

“What's going on”, worried the girlWeirdly the teapot started shaking and wobbling. The girl stood up and rushed back in fear.

All of a sudden a faint shadow busted from the teapot flying up. It reached the top of the big top and turned into a person that looked like a person but it was a genie. He wore funny purple clothes with stars on.

The genie pulled out a vicious fly trap plant that tried to gobble up the girl.

The Genie introduced him self to the girl. The thought “what does this guy want”.The genie wondered “how do I impress her”.

The girl stepped back as the plant took an aggressive bite. The girl yelped “put that away its going to hurt someone.”

The genie took back the plant but it started to attack the genie so he threw the vicious plant so it didn’t bit the genie.

After the genie threw the plant he brought out the wanted artist poster he showed that he wanted a job so eagerly with the look on his green face.

The girl said that she wanted an act but she didn’t know if she could trust him or not. She wondered what acts he had, she didn’t, she didn’t know what he had in store.The genie said that he had lots of cool ideas by lots only three. He pulled out a magic white board, the girl wondered where it came from.

Firstly the genie showed him and the girl. The girl was in a magic box, out of know where was a sword but the girl got chopped up but the act didn’t work out the girl died. Secondly the girl got span around with knifes thrown at her but she just died again. The third one a cannon got shot at her and she died.

The genie out of all the animals in the world why a frog. He Was surprised that he turned into an green, slimy frog. HeHad a mouth as big as a plain.

The girl felt so sad that she started crying. “Oh why me no act no nothing” sobbed the girl.

The genie felt sad because he upset her so he had a satisfying plan.

The genie whipped out a glowing stick it was a magic wand he zapped it on himself .

The girl picked up the frog and threw it up a couple of times. She wondered if that she could use him in an act.

The frog got a bit worried he thought to him self what's she going to do to me . He stared at her with a frightened look he sighed.

The show had begun The flying frog. There was lots of crowds with cheering all over. It looked like a big show.

All of a sudden the frog grabbed hold of the trapeze bar…

As the frog rolled on the ball, he suddenly bounced off the ball and landed on top of the canon and screamed.

The frog flew out of the cannon and across the circus ring. He landed on top of a red and blue ball.

The circus girl walked up to the frog and snipped the rope holding the trapeze bar. She smiled.

Unfortunately the frog fell to the ground. The audience cheered loudly and they threw money into the circus ring. All the girl’s problems had been solved. She could now pay all of her bills.

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