by: jenna honneffer hw499. disclaimer just as a reminder, this presentation is not meant to...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Jenna Honneffer



Just as a reminder, this presentation is not meant to diagnose, or cure any type of disease. The purpose is solely to inform the participants of natural options that may or may not aid in managing symptoms and side effects of Type 2 Diabetes. Always consult your physician before beginning any complementary or alternative medicine, as there may be negative side effects when combined with prescription medications.


Impact of Type 2 Diabetes on the human body

Herbs/botanicals, vitamins, minerals, and other supplements that may benefit diabetics, along with possible side effects and negative interactions with other medications.

How Type 2 Diabetes Impacts the Body Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels) Nerve damage (neuropathy) If untreated, can start breaking down fat,

forming ketones

American Diabetes Association. (2014). Hyperglycemia (High blood glucose). Retrieved from

American Diabetes Association. (2014). Hypoglycemia (Low blood glucose). Retrieved from

Types of Supplementation Herbs & Botanicals

Grown naturallyWhole food, dried and/or pillNo additives

Vitamins & MineralsNaturally occurring in the bodyUsually needed due to deficiencyLiquid, pill, or shot form

Other SupplementsAntioxidants Essential fatty acidsLiquid or pill form

Herbs & Botanicals

Possible Uses Contraindications

Cinnamon- may stabilize glucose levels

Panax Ginseng- glycemic control

Bitter Melon- used to balance blood glucose, and has been compared to Metformin, but isn’t as effective (Kiefer, 2014).

May cause hypoglycemia if too much is taken

May cause overstimulation; and may interact with several kinds of therapies and medications- talk to your doctor first (Schlenker & Roth, 2011)

Should not be used by pregnant women or those allergic to gourds and melons

Kiefer, D. (2014). Herbs and supplements for diabetes. Retrieved from

Schlenker, E., & Roth, S. (2011). William’s essentials of nutrition and diet therapy; 10th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Other Herbs and Botanicals Evening Primrose- aids in

managing or preventing peripheral neuropathy, but may increase risk of seizures

Fenugreek-glycemic control Milk thistle-glycemic control Nettles-may improve

glycemic control in those needing insulin therapy (Kianbakht, et al., 2013)

Prickly pear-glycemic control Aloe vera- may control

glucose levels, but more testing is needed.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins Minerals

Thiamine or B1- may help prevent diabetic complications

Vitamin C- lowers sorbitol, decreasing the damage to eyes, kidneys, and nerves, caused by diabetes

Vitamin D- helps fight infections, which diabetics are prone to getting .

Vitamin E- improves glucose and protects blood vessels and nerves from damage

Chromium- efficient insulin usage

Vanadium- may improve glycemic control

Magnesium-regulates insulin sensitivity

Other Supplements

Essential fatty acidsOmega 3 and 6Fermented cod liver oilGhee

AntioxidantsFruits and vegetablesPill form

Final Note

No dosage suggestions Each person is different in his/her needs

Please discuss any supplement you are considering with your doctor and/or herbalist, naturopath, or nutrition specialist.

ReferencesAmerican Diabetes Association. (2014). Hyperglycemia (High blood

glucose). Retrieved from

American Diabetes Association. (2014). Hypoglycemia (Low blood glucose). Retrieved from

Bone, K. (2009). How You Can Benefit From the Three Things I Never Knew About Milk Thistle. Retrieved from

Kianbakht, S., Khalighi-Sigaroodi, F., and Dabaghian, F. (2013).Improved glycemic control in patients with advanced type 2 diabetes mellitus taking Urtica dioica leaf extract: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Retrieved from

Kiefer, D. (2014). Herbs and supplements for diabetes. Retrieved from

Schlenker, E. and Rother, S. (2011). William’s essentials of nutrition and diet therapy; 10th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

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