by gerald w. dean, stanley s. johnson, and harold 0....

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supply Functions for Cotton in Imperial Valley, California

By Gerald W. Dean, Stanley S. Johnson, and Harold 0. Carter

This article reports the results of an analysis of cot-ton supply response for Imperial Valley, California, one of the two distinct cotton growing areas in the State. Ultimately, these results for the Imperial Val-ley can be combined with similar studies now in progress throughout the United States to form a com-prehensive picture of cotton supply response. How-ever, the two more immediate objectives of the paper are: (1) To provide empirical estimates of the supply of cotton which would be forthcoming from the Im-perial Valley at various prices, both in the short and the long run; and (2) to indicate the methodology used in handling certain problems commonly faced by supply analysts, in the hope that these procedures will prove directly applicable or suggestive of pos-sible alternatives in other empirical situations. Two unique additions to the linear programming method-ology are illustrated in this study. The first is the use of Markov chains to project changes in the farm size distribution to 1975. The second is an adjust-

(tent of the cotton supply function for associated anges in the price and production of winter lettuce,

a major competing crop. This is Giannini Founda-tion Paper No. 231. The authors gratefully ac-knowledge the contribution of William R. Burton, research assistant at California, who assisted in much of the basic empirical analysis.

The work is being coordinated through Western Regional Project W-54 and Southern Regional Project S-42. •

these studies, an indication of competitive advan-tage is obtained by estimating cotton supply func-tions for typical farms in various regions, showing how farmers might expand or contract cotton pro-duction in response to changes in prices. Given an appropriate weighting system, these individual farm results also can be aggregated to construct regional and national supply functions for cotton. Taken in conjunction with demand, these supply functions should prove useful in determining the equilibrium price of cotton without controls, and concurrently, the relative importance of various types of farms and geographic areas in cotton production.

General Concepts

Imperial Valley accounts for only about 60,000 acres (7 percent) and 145,000 bales (7 percent) of the cotton production in California. Yet this area of about 500,000 irrigated acres has consider-able possibility for expansion in cotton produc-tion. It has ample low-cost water, productive soils, favorable climatic conditions, and a predom-inance of large, well-managed farms. While historically not a large cotton producing area, as reflected in its relatively low acreage allotments, it would appear to be potentially one of the more responsive areas in the West to relaxation of cot-ton controls.

Supply functions for this area have been de-rived by the aggregation of individual farm sup-ply responses. Supply analysts are well aware that this is only one possible approach to supply analysis. Its advantages and disadvantages rela-tive to time series analysis, interregional competi-tion models, and other methods have been dis-cussed in some detail elsewhere.' Rather than

2 See Nerlove, Marc, and Bachman, Kenneth L., "The Analysis of Changes in Agricultural Supply : Problems and Approaches," Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 42, No. 3, August 1960, pp. 531-554 ; and Heady, E. 0., at al.,

ed. Agricultural Supply Functions, Ames : Iowa State University Press, 1961.


CALIFORNIA has produced about 13 percent of the United States cotton crop in recent

years. There was a sharp upward trend in the share of cotton produced in California and other parts of the Southwest prior to allotments in 1954. With a relaxation of controls perhaps this trend would resume, resulting in a larger concentration of cotton production in the West.

The United States Department of Agriculture has initiated a series of State and regional studies in the major cotton areas of the United States, with particular emphasis on this question of in-terregional advantage in cotton production.' In

advocating the individual firm aggregation ap-proach over alternative methods, we note only that results from all methods of analysis appear to be complementary and, taken together, should pro-vide a more comprehensive understanding of sup-ply phenomena.

The steps taken in this study generally follow those outlined by Johnson : 3

1. Securing an appropriate set of input-output coefficients. 2. Devising a method of determining which re-source flows can and cannot be varied. 3. Selecting a range over which variation in product price will'e considered. 4. Computing optimum outputs (in terms of a selected set of norms) as a function (discrete or continuous) of product price. 5. Repeating steps 1 to 4 for different situations within the industry. 6. Aggregating results from steps 1 to 5 into an estimate of how output for the industry depends on price. 7. Adjusting the results obtained in 6 for their shortcomings as partial equilibrium estimates, for example, for the influence which expanded use of an input may have on its price and, hence, on marginal, costs and on the ability of the in-dustry to expand production... .

Our previous statement of objectives implies that we are primarily interested in supply functions which are "predictive" (what farmers would do) rather than "normative" (what farmers should do relative to some norm such as profit maximiza-tion). However, our individual farm program-ming and budgeting solutions are of the normative type in that they show farm organizations and output patterns which maximize profits at differ-ent prices, given certain technical and institutional restrictions. The length of run or time period for adjustment then becomes critical in interpreting the results. In the short run, the normative solu-tions probably constitute an unsatisfactory pre-dictive device. As the adjustment period length-ens, however, the normative and predictive solutions should tend to converge. Our major em-phasis, therefore, is on the longer run, defined as approximately 1975.

Johnson, Glenn L., "Budgeting and Engineering Analysis of Normative Supply Functions," in Heady, et al., op. cit., pp. 171-172.

TABLE 1.—Assumptions underlying develop-ment of normative cotton supply functions foe two lengths of run

Short run Long run

1. Approximate time period for response.

2. Level oftechnology and

3. Size distribution of farms_'_ _

4. Machinery 5. Land per farm 6. Total land in farms produc-

ing cotton (acres). 7. Price index of labor (1960=

100). 8. Price of alternative crops _ -

J. Price of cotton 10. Government controls of


Detailed Empirical Procedures

Table 1 summarizes the major assumptions in-volved in deriving the short- and long-run nor-mative supply functions for the Imperial Valley. The rationale underlying these assumptions and the empirical procedures employed in implement-ing them are outlined in the following sections. •

Selection of "Typical" Farm Situations

A nearly complete list of growers in the Imperial Valley, showing acreages in individual crops and total acreage per farm, was stratified into two types of farms : (1) Field crop farms—farms growing only field crops, and (2) vegetable crop farms—farms , growing a combination of field crops and vegetables. A stratified sample with four acreage size categories (0-320, 320-640, 640-1,200, and > 1,200) was drawn from each list, and fairly complete schedules were taken by personal interview regarding the organization and inputs for about 10 farms in each size and type category—approximately 80 farms in all. The in-formation obtained provided detailed data on farm organization, machinery, labor, yields, costs, leases, and so on.4 The survey information was

4 For detailed description of the characteristics of these farms, see Carter, H. 0. and Dean, G. W., Cost-Size Rela-tionships for Cash-Crop Farms in Imperial Valley, Cali-fornia, Giannini Research Report No. 253, May 1962.


immediate 15 years (1960) (1975) current advanced (1960) (1975) current predicted (1960) (1975) fixed variable fixed fixed

350, 000 450, 000

100 125

current current and ±30%

variable variable none none

2 •

essential in developing restrictions and activities r individual farm budgeting and programming. owever, no attempt was made to obtain detailed

costs by enterprises from farm survey data; these were synthesized from engineering data and pre-vious enterprise cost studies. A 10 percent sample of cotton growers drawn from County Agricul-tural Stabilization and Conservation records re-vealed a close correspondence with the above sam-ple on farm size distribution, cotton acreage, and total acreage per farm.

From the above samples and 1960 Census data it was estimated that, of the approximately 500,000 acres of irrigated cropland in Imperial Valley, about 350,000 acres were in farms growing cotton. Of this, about 250,000 acres were in field crop farms and 100,000 acres in vegetable crop farms. The remaining 150,000 acres in the valley were in field crop and vegetable farms not growing cotton. This information also revealed that approximately 75 percent of the farms were owned and 25 percent rented. Based on size, tenure, and type of farm, 11 different "typical" or "representative" farm situations were selected. Programming and budg-eting of these situations provide the individual farm supply functions which become the compo-nents for later aggregation.

vel of Technology, Wages, Yields, and Prices

For the short run, current technology, prices, and yields were used; for the long run, changes in these variables were projected to 1975. Wages were increased by 25 percent to reflect the probable pressure for higher farm wages in California. Wages of skilled labor (tractor drivers) were as-sumed to increase from $1.60 to $2.00 per hour by 1975, and wages of unskilled labor from $0.80 to $1.00 per hour. These increases may well prove to be overly conservative, particularly if the Mexi-can national program is discontinued and the economy operates at near full employment. With higher wages, labor-saving technology such as mechanical harvesting of cotton, mechanical thinning of sugar beets, and flame cultivation would be economical and hence were assumed to be adopted for 1975.

Crop yields also were projected for 1975 based on the informed judgment of crop specialists.'

5 Detailed estimates are given in : Dean, G. W., and Me-Corkle, C. 0., Jr., Projections Relating to California Agri-culture in 1975, Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 778. •

Resource prices other than labor were held con-stant at an average of recent levels for both the short- and long-run analyses. The supply func-tions derived initially show the response of cotton production to changes in cotton prices, all other product prices held constant at recent levels. However, cotton response in the long run also is examined when other product prices vary ±30 percent. A special problem with vegetable prices also is examined.

Fixity of Resources Presumably, more factors

Hence, in h rs become variable

short oas

the lengthof run increases.

len run, both machinery and land-per farm are fixed, while, in the long run, machinery becomes variable. When machinery is a variable factor, depreciation and interest are entered as variable costs in each crop activity. The method used assumes that machinery depreciation, interest, and repairs are a function only of use, hence, these costs are allo-cated to individual crops on an hours-of-use basis. But differences in length of life are assumed be-tween farm sizes, incorporating in essence a greater obsolescence factor into machinery costs on smaller farms with less annual machinery use. Hence, with respect to machinery costs, there are constant unit costs within farm size groups but decreasing unit costs between size groups. Land per farm is held constant for both lengths of run. That is, the acreage per "typical" farm is the same in both cases and land buying, renting, or selling activities are not included. However, the number of farms in each size group is assumed to change over time, and these changes are "predicted" using Markov Chains (see next section). Furthermore, the total land available for cotton production in Imperial Valley is assumed to increase over time, not be-cause of a net increase in total irrigated acreage (for example, reclamation of desert land), but because without allotments cotton would be a relevant alternative on an increasingly large pro-portion of valley land. The projected 1975 acreage for cotton farms, determined primarily by soils adapted to cotton production, totals about 450,000 acres. Present acreage in cotton farms is restricted to 350,000 acres primarily because these are the farms which have historic allotments suf-ficiently large to warrant planting.

Distribution of Farm Size—Markov Chains The size distribution of farms has changed


TABLE 2.—Markov chain computations of changes in farm size distribution, Imperial Valley, California


Part A. Actual and predicted number of farms, by acreage size group I

Size Groups (acres per farm)





100-219 220-499 500-999 >1,000 in business business since 1950

280 253


209 155


362 306 177 108 2, 131 274





159 123 1, 633 498


(1) (0) (-2) (2)

Predicted Distribution

1955 2

1950 1, 178



(6) ( —8)

115 1,654 477

122 1,304 827



Total farms Farms out of

1, 043 1, 088

1955 836 1, 306

849 1, 282 707


Actual distribution on

1, 424

Part B. Number of estimated transitions among size groups 1950-55, 1955-60 and total

1970 306 130 144 135 134 1975 219 101 120 127 140

( —21) 1960 2 601

( —2) ( —1)


1965 429 168 173 145 128

Size Groups

Size group

— 1-99 A. 100-219 A. 220-499 A. 500-999 A. >1,000 A. •

(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(0) 100, 000 4 0 0 0 0 0

342 836 0 0 0 0 (1) 233 603 0 0 0 0

575 1, 439 0 0 0 0

88 0 274 0 0 0 (2) 56 0 218 0 0 0

144 0 492 0 0 0

68 0 0 238 0 0 (3) 38 0 0 203 0 0

106 0 0 441 0 0

0 0 0 3 159 (4) 0 0 0 5 154 15


0 0 0 8 313 15

0 0 0 0 0 108 (5) 0 0 0 0 1 122

0 0 0 0 1 230

4 •

• TABLE 2.—Markov chain computations of changes in farm size distribution, Imperial Valley, California—Continued

Part C. Transition probability matrix P.

Size Group

(0) (0) 1

(1) 0

(2) 0

(3) 0

(4) 0

(5) 0

(1) 0.286 0.714 0 0 0 0 (2) 0.226 0 0.774 0 0 0 =P (3) 0. 194 0 0 0. 806 0 0 (4) 0 0 0 0. 024 0. 932 0. 044 (5) 0 0 0 0 0. 004 0. 996

1 Actual distribution from Census of Agriculture; predicted distribution from Markov Chain computations. 2 Numbers in parentheses indicate deviation of "predicted" from actual. 8 Upper, center, and lower numbers in each cell refer to transitions of 1950-55, 55-60, and total, respectively.

Arbitrary number representing potential entrants into industry. Other numbers in this column represent firms leaving active status in industry (for example, going out of business). See Adelman, op. cit. p. 10.

5 From Part B of table 2.

substantially in Imperial Valley since World War II. Part A of table 2 indicates the sharp drop in total number of farms and the relative increasing importance of large farms in the past decade. Further evidence of this concentration is shown by the fact that the proportion of land operated by farms of over 500 acres increased from 42 per-cent to 74 percent from 1945 to 1960.

Past research work indicates substantial econo-mies of scale in Imperial Valley field crop farms until size increases to about 1,500 acres.6 Size of farm was one of the major characteristics used in

4111kifferentiating "typical" farming situations. his procedure was justified by the later pro-

gramming analyses which indicated that the re-sponses of farms differed considerably by size.

Because response differed substantially by size group, and because farm size distribution has changed rapidly recently, it appeared important to consider carefully the question of projecting the farm size distribution to 1975. One method would be simply to extrapolate past trends in each size group. A more appealing method is suggested by Adelman, Collins and Preston, Judge and Swanson, and others 7 in using Markov Chains to

6 See Carter and Dean, op. cit. Adelman, I. G., "A Stochastic Analysis of the Size

Distribution of Firms," Journal of the American Statis-tical Association, 53 : 893-904, December 1958 ; Collins, N. R., and Preston, Lee E., "The Size Structure of the Largest Industrial Firms, 1900-1958," The American Eco-nomic Review, Vol. LI., No. 5, December 1961; Judge, G. G., and Swanson, E. R., "Markov Chains : Basic Concepts and Suggested Uses in Agricultural Economics," Illinois Exp. Sta. Res. Rept. AERR-49, December 1961. These are only a few of the relevant references. They lead to a large body of literature on the subject. •

estimate size distributions. The critical step in this method is the construction of a transition probability matrix (P) whose elements denote the probability of each firm moving from size i to size j in a single time period. The probability of each firm moving from size i to j in n time periods is found by multiplying the transition matrix by itself n times, yielding a new matrix Pn. The pre-dicted size distribution in the nth time period (wn) is obtained by multiplying the initial firm size distribution by this transition matrix to the nth power, i.e., wn= wnPn.

As stated by Judge and Swanson,8 the major assumption underlying this method is that changes over time "can be regarded as a stochastic process, with probabilities of transition constant in time and the probability of moving from one state to another a function only of the two states involved." In effect, the method assumes that factors operat-ing during the period of observation will continue to act in the same way in the future. Unfor-tunately, this simplifying assumption also is com-mon to other projection procedures.

The data required to estimate the transition matrix are extensive and seldom readily available. Ideally, records of the actual size transitions of a large number of firms over a fairly long time period are needed. Since these data were not available in Imperial Valley, the aggregate fig-ures on farm size distribution reported at 5-year intervals by the Census were used (see Part A, table 2). In lieu of data on how individual firms changed in size through time to form the aggre-gate changes, we hypothesize that these movements closely correspond to the following rule :

8 Ibid.


"Firms in the larger two size categories either remain in the same size category, or move up or down one category over each five-year period. Firms in the smaller size groups 1, 2, and 3 either remain in the same category, move up one category or go out of business (lose their identity by being absorbed by another firm)."

This hypothesis is based on evidence that farms in the larger two size categories are more efficient ( obtain lower costs per acre or unit of output) than smaller farms .9 Essentially, the hypothesis reflects an "up or out" philosophy : Small farms will be forced to become larger and more efficient, or go out of business. The data in the top portion of Part A, table 2, are consistent with this hypothesis, showing a sharp decrease in numbers of farms in the three small size categories, a less drastic decrease in the 500-999 acre category and an increase in farms of over 1,000 acres.

The working of this hypothesis can be illustrated with reference to the changes in farm size be-tween 1950 and 1955 in table 2. Part A, table 2 shows that the number of farms in size group 5 ( >1,000 acres) increased from 108 to 123 from 1950 to 1955. Part B, table 2 hypothesizes that the 123 farms in size group 5 in 1955 resulted from the 108 firms already in that group in 1950 staying in that group and 15 farms moving up to group 5 from group 4.'° The 159 farms in size group 4 in 1955 were hypothesized to result from 159 of the 177 farms in that size group in 1950 staying in that group. Thus, of the 177 farms in size group 4 in 1950, 159 were assumed to stay in group 4; 15 went to group 5; and 3 went to group 3. Continuing this allocation, of the 306 farms in size group 3 in 1950, 238 stayed in group 3 and 68 went out of business (to category 0). Similar allocations are made for the remaining size groups. Correspond-ing transitions are traced out for the 1955-60 pe-riod and added to those of 1950-55 to obtain the total numbers of transitions.

From these data, the transition probability ma-trix P (Part C, table 2) is computed, showing the

Carter and Dean, op. cit. " Let ti j represent the cell entries in Part B, table 2,

where i = row and j = column. Then tii represents the number of firms moving from size group i to size group j in one 5-year Census period. The upper, center and lower numbers in each cell refer to transitions of 1950-55, 1955-60, and total respectively.

probability of a firm in size group i moving to size group j over a 5-year period (the sum probabilities in each row = 1). The matrix Pill then raised to successive powers and premultiplied by the 1950 actual (initial) size distribution to project distributions for 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970 and 1975 (bottom portion, Part A, table 2). The "predicted" distributions of 1955 and 1960 can be compared with the actual distributions in those years. While these "predictions" are close, par-ticularly so in 1960, it is apparent that this is analogous to "testing" a regression equation against the data from which it was derived.

As yet, no statistical tests of the reliability of these or any other projections for the future, have been developed, but the distributions projected by this analysis intuitively appear quite reasonable. The 1975 projections indicate a substantial in-crease in number of large farms ( >1,000 acres) , a slight decline in farms of 500-999 acres and sharp decreases in numbers of smaller farms. The total number of farms in business is projected to drop from 1,306 in 1960 to 707 in 1975. While this may appear to be a drastic reduction (a loss of 599 firms in 15 years) it should be noted that the number of firms dropped from 2,131 to 1,306 from 1950 to 1960—a loss of 825 firms in only 10 years. Our projections reflect the diminishing rate at whi. firms have been going out of business and/or merg-ing with other firms in Imperial Valley since World War II.

Two supplementary remarks on the above use of Markov Chains may be of interest : (1) Slightly different hypotheses as to how firms changed size groups led to very little change in predicted size distributions for 1975. One such hypothesis was an "up or out" rule for all farm sizes, rather than for just the smallest three size groups; another hy-pothesis was that, for the three smallest sizes of firms, a reduction in number of firms in those groups was accomplished by half going out of busi-ness and half moving to the next smallest size group. (2) The Markov transition matrix used above for projection to 1975, if further extended, would lead to the illogical result that, when the in-dustry reaches its equilibrium state, all farms would be out of business. This is due to the "reg-ular" way in which the transition hypothesis op-erates; it also suggests that the direction of bias by 1975 probably is toward overestimating the number of firms going out of business.

6 •

Empirical Supply Functions

• The empirical results will be presented as fol-lows : First, supply functions for several repre-sentative individual farm situations are presented and interpreted. Second, supply functions ag-gregated for the Imperial Valley for the short and long run are presented. Third, shifts in the supply function caused by changes in prices of competing crops are examined. Finally, a method for adjusting the supply function for one of its defects as a partial equilibrium solution is presented.

Individual Farm Supply Relationships

As examples, four short-run individual farm supply functions for cotton are shown in figure 1. Note that the functions for vegetable crop farms consist of several "steps," while the field crop farms are simple right-angle functions. The functions for vegetable crop farms contain steps because several vegetable crops compete favorably with cotton over a wide range of cotton prices. `Cotton successively outcompetes these vegetable crops as the cotton price is raised. Among field crop farms, however, sugar beets and alfalfa rank, in that order, as the highest income crops aside

rom cotton. At extremely low cotton prices, the aximum sugar beet acreage allotment is planted

and the remainder of the farm is most profitably planted to alfalfa.

As the cotton price is increased enough for cot-ton to outcompete alfalfa (at 21-23 cents in figure 1), 50 percent of the farm is planted to cotton. The stipulation that no more than 50 percent of the land may produce cotton is based on the advice of agronomists, soil scientists, and farmers that greater acreage on a continuing basis would probably result in disease and salinity problems. Unfortunately, there is not general agreement on this critical restriction; for example, a few farmers in the area have grown cotton continu-ously on the same soil for over 10 years with constantly increasing yields.

This problem is symbolic of a difficulty en-countered in other large-scale farming areas in California—namely, to establish meaningful restrictions for linear programming and budget-ing analyses. On examination, almost every major farm resource employed in the Imperial Valley appears to be "variable." To be sure, land

per farm is relatively fixed in the short run, though renting is common and changes in farm size distri-bution indicate substantial flexibility in size in the longer run. On the other hand, contract machin-ery services and labor are readily available and can be (and are) hired seasonally throughout the year. Furthermore, water in Imperial Valley is relatively inexpensive and in relatively large supply.11

Thus, the primary restrictions (in addition to land), are limitations of individual crop acreages and combinations because of disease, rotational problems such as double cropping, government acreage restrictions on some crops, and risk limita-tions on vegetable crops. As a result, most of the farm problems analyzed are, from a mathematical point of view, simple enough to solve by budgeting or simplified programming procedures.

Because of the limited number of restrictions, small changes in price lead to substantial acreage changes in the individual farm programs of figure 1. We would argue that the critical point here is to define a sufficiently large number of representa-tive situations to truly describe the population of farms. Rather simple results for a large number of carefully defined situations would appear to pro-vide a more reliable basis for deriving aggregate supply functions than extremely complex pro-grams for a few crudely defined "composite" farms.12

Aggregate Supply Functions for Different Lengths of Run

Figure 2 shows the supply functions for the Imperial Valley resulting from the aggregation of the eleven different typical farm situations. These aggregates were derived by multiplying the out-puts per typical farm by the projected number of farms in the respective size groups.13 The aggre-

u However, water supply constitutes an important restriction in parts of the San Joaquin Valley—California's major cotton area. '2 This point also is implied in : McKee, Dean E., and

Loftsgard, Laurel D., "Programming Intra-Farm Norma-tive Supply Functions." In Heady et al., editors, Agricul-tural Supply Functions, op. cit., p. 166.

Is The typical farm sizes selected do not correspond exactly to the means of the Census size classifications used in table 2. Thus, for example, typical farms of 1,600, 800, 480 and 160 acres were used to represent size groups

(Footnote 13 continued to page 8.) • 7




1...01filif VEG. CROP FARM 1600-ACRE OWNED VEG. CROP. FARM 81411.1"--1




20 L

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 COTTON (ACRES)

Figure 1.

gate functions show the expected shift to the right as the length of run increases. In the long run, the major emphasis in the analysis is on the sup-ply "shifters" and on structural change in the industry. Major factors causing the supply func-tion to shift to the right are (1) more land avail-able for cotton production, (2) improved tech-nology resulting in higher cotton yields per acre and (3) shifts in the size distribution of farms.

A comparison of the 1960 cotton price and pro-duction in Imperial Valley with the short-run supply function suggests that without controls

(Footnote 13 concluded.) 5 (>1,000 acres), 4 (500-999 acres), 3 (220-499 acres) and 2 and 1 combined (1-219 acres). Slight adjustments in the number of farms per size group therefore were re-quired to make the number of farms x acreage per farm = total projected acreage per size group.

farmers would profitably produce considerably more at the 1960 price, or the same 1960 quantity at lower prices. While the "normative" (what farmers should do to maximize profits) short-run function in figure 2 undoubtedly deviates from the "predictive" (what they would do), it suggests the direction of immediate adjustment to different levels of expected prices if controls were removed. As implied earlier, the difference between "norma-tive" and "predictive" is considered to be neg-ligible in the long run, at least relative to the other uncertainties inevitably present in long-range projections.

As cotton price increases, the supply functions in figure 2 eventually reach a physical maximum production and become completely inelastic. The point of zero elasticity, however, is reached at a much lower price in the long run (about 29 cents)

8 •

J "'"

600 700 100 200 300 400 500 COTTON (THOUS. BALES)



3 U

t. 25

(1960) 1







Figure 2.

than in the short run (35-36 cents). The primary reason for this difference stems from the 25-percent wage increase projected for 1975; higher wages re-duce the competitive advantage of the labor-in-tensive vegetable crops, allowing cotton to out-compete them at lower prices. Also, as expected from economic theory, allowing more factors to vary with increasing length of run results in a long-run supply curve which is generally more elastic than the short-run curve.14 A more com-plete discussion of long-run supply elasticities is given in the following section.

" Because each function became completely inelastic at some point, this statement is not strictly valid except in comparing the lower stepped portions of the two curves.

Effect of Varying Alternative Product Prices

In an attempt to describe more completely the response relationship, the long-run supply func-tion for cotton was examined when alternative crop prices were held constant at prices varying ±30 percent from the original level. Figure 3 summarizes the three supply curves so derived.15 When alternative crop prices fall 30 percent, vegetable crop production becomes relatively un-profitable and field crops dominate, shifting the cotton supply curve to the right. An increase in

16 In the remainder of the paper, •the stepped functions have been "smoothed" free-hand for ease of presentation and computation of elasticities.

671047-63-2 9


;240 z

16, 30

s. 20

uw sT4 0- 10





0 C /0






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 COTTON PRODUCTION (THOUS. BALES)


ems— moss.. ...miss. sem mums camisrs. (MAMA.


Figure 3.

alternative crop prices of 30 percent greatly in-creases the profitability of vegetables, forcing the cotton price to rise considerably to be competitive with them, thereby, shifting the supply curve markedly upward.

By synthesizing more "slices" through the price-quantity surface, a rather complete response rela-tionship could be derived, perhaps summarized in equation form as Qo=f (Po, Po) where Qo= quantity of cotton, Pc=price of cotton and Po= prices (index) of other crops. It would be inter-esting to compare the coefficients and elasticities from such a formulation with time series estimates. While this more extensive analysis is not under-taken here, table 3 provides supply elasticities and arc cross-elasticities derived directly from the three curves in figure 3. Within cotton price ranges which are quite possible, these estimates generally appear reasonable compared with prior

estimates for other geographic areas. For ex-ample, the Imperial Valley analysis indicates that with "other" prices at recent levels (index = 100) , the price elasticity of supply is 0.4-1.1 in the 25-29 cent cotton price range. Likewise, with alterna-tive prices depressed (index=70) , the price elas-ticity is 0.4-0.8 in the 21-25 cent price range for cotton. Considering the differences in length of run and geographic area, these estimates appear reasonable compared with those derived from time series data by Nerlove 16 (0.20-0.67) for the United States and by Brennan for the Southeast, Delta, and Southwest (0.33, 0.31, and 0.37, respectively).

"Nerlove, Marc, "Estimates of Elasticities of Supply of Selected Agricultural Commodities," Journal of Farm Eco-nomics, Vol. 38, May 1956, and Brennan, Michael J., "Changes in Cotton Acreage in the Southeast—Implica tions for Supply Functions," Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 40, November 1958.


1 Based on figure 3.

However, at lower prices for cotton, table 3 shows extremely high elasticities of supply. Even this result does not seem unexpected for any single rela-tively homogeneous area, while for a larger aggre-gate such as the Southwest or United States one would expect different subareas to "come in" to production at different price levels, causing the

figgregate elasticity to remain more inelastic over wider price range. The cross elasticities in table 3 indicate consid-

erable responsiveness of cotton production to changes in prices of alternative crops, particu-larly as the alternative prices rise relative to cotton prices. Again, these cross-elasticity estimates gen-erally appear to be somewhat higher than those derived by Brennan 17 for the Southeast.

Adjustments of Supply Function for Partial Equi-librium Solution

A valid criticism of the individual farm aggre-gation approach is that it provides only partial equilibrium solutions. For example, the analysis proceeds as if each farmer maximizes profit based on given assumptions (e.g., fixed resource and product prices). But if all farmers in fact make these profitable adjustments, the resulting aggre-gate supply relationships may imply quite differ-ent resource and product prices from those initially assumed. One of the more critical problems of this type appears to be the price assumptions with

11 Brennan, Ibid., p. 841. •

to cope with it until his results have been com-

and grain prices (or even the local prices, aside

the national level.

or fall in cotton price tends to "pull" competing

bined with those of other areas to provide national aggregates suitable for providing revised estimates

Imperial Valley analysis, the supplies of compet-

varied substantially depending on the cotton price.

ciently large to affect materially the national hay

inship-ments from other areas). Obviously, however, if hay and feed grains are major competitive crops with cotton throughout the cotton belt, some

level, it is difficult for the analyst in a single area

of competing product prices. For example, in the

ing field crops (primarily alfalfa and feed grains)

Yet these changes in supply would not be suffi-

uct prices tend to be positively correlated : A rise

product prices in the same direction. This con-dition obviously has been violated in the previous

held fixed as the cotton price was varied.

from transportation cost differentials for inship-

respect to products competitive with cotton. In-creases

converse would accompany falling cotton prices and production. Hence, competitive prod-

analysis, in which competing crop prices were

adjustments in their prices, and hence, in the aggregate cotton supply function, are in order at

creases in cotton price and production would cause shifts to cotton from competing crops, resulting in reduced supplies and, other things remaining equal, increased prices for the competitive crops.

While the above problem is serious on a national

Valley, long run'


Point on Elasticity of cotton supply with respect to:

surface in Figure 3 Cotton price Competing product

(supply elasticity) prices (cross-elasticity)

A 5. 0 B 1. 1 C . 4 D 2. 2 E . 8 F . 4 G 2. 8 H 1. 2 I 1. 0

A—E —1. 2 G—B — 1. 8 B—F — . 3 H—C — 1. 3 C—J — . 1

TABLE 3.—Elasticities and cross-elasticities of supply from Imperial

11) Index for prices Quantity of

Cotton lint price for competing cotton (cents per pound) crops (1958— produced

1960=100) (1,000 bales)

21 100 360 25 100 545 29 100 600 18 70 450 21 70 550 25 70 605 25 130 335 29 130 430 33 130 495 21 100-70 360-550 25 130-100 335-545 25 100-70 545-605 29 130-100 430-600 29 100-70 600-620




/7,709 Inrolor eirffsaf,

.1■•■ 1Ifff MTIED 15 CENTS CET. Wati■ VFW& earM ¢Z£Z#



.... 35 CENTS_.

..... \ ,.......... .00


...... 3.00


2.50 CSC



LTC LLD 1.50



6" ag .50 6.1J U



15 1.45 21 1.48 25 1.60 30 1.64 35 1.66

0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20




Figure 4.

A miniature problem of the above type, and an approach to its solution, can be illustrated with the Imperial Valley data. Imperial Valley is the major supplier of winter lettuce in the United States, accounting for 70-45 percent of United States production in recent years. The acreage of winter lettuce in Imperial Valley is relatively important, averaging around 40,000 acres recently, compared to 60,000 acres of cotton. In the earlier linear programming solutions for individual vegetable farms, winter lettuce production varied substantially with changing cotton prices. Yet where Imperial Valley is the dominant winter let-tuce supplier, the assumption of a constant lettuce price as lettuce production varies widely is ob-viously untenable.

A "correction" of the original 1975 cotton sup-ply function for this difficulty includes the follow-ing steps : (1) With cotton price set at a given

level, determine the lettuce supply functions for the individual farms and for the aggregate; (2) from the intersection of the demand and supply functions for lettuce, determine the "equilibrium" lettuce price; (3) at the "equilibrium" lettuce price and original fixed cotton price, determine the most profitable level of cotton production. In general, the recomputed cotton production-price relation-ship at the "equilibrium" lettuce price will not coincide with the original relationship; (4) repeat this process at different cotton prices to trace out the revised supply function for cotton.18

" Those familiar with linear programming will recognize that the individual farm portion of this analysis could be accomplished more elegantly with variable two-price pro-gramming of the individual farms. See Heady, E. 0., and Candler, Wilfred, Linear Programming Methods, Iowa State College Press, chapter 8.






0 z






LL. 2


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 COTTON PRODUCTION ( THOUS. BALES)


Figure 5.

The empirical results of the above steps are shown graphically in figures 4 and 5. A 1975 aggregate United States demand curve for winter lettuce was derived by first projecting total lettuce consumption (farm weight) at recent prices ($1.50 per carton) to find a single point on the long-run demand curve, then employing the price elasticity of demand estimates of Shuffett to trace out the shape of the demand curve." Shuffett found the demand for lettuce to be extremely elastic (about

" Per capita consumption of lettuce was assumed to in-crease 12 percent from 1960-1975—the same percentage projected for all green-leafy vegetables by Daly. See Daly, Rex F., "The Long-run Demand for Farm Products," Agricultural Economics Research, Yol. 8, No. 3, 1956, pp. 73-91. United States population was projected to in-crease 29 percent to 230 million, resulting in a total con-sumption increase of 44 percent. The demand equation derived by Shuffett was X'i=0.0084-0.387 X2-1-0.341 X, when X'=predicted price per crate, X2=pounds produc-

— 2.5), in agreement with other studies also indi-cating an elastic demand for lettuce. The derived demand curve for winter lettuce is shown in figure 4, along with aggregate industry lettuce supply functions with cotton prices held constant at five discrete levels.2° The supply curves for lettuce are extremely elastic over the relevant range be-

tion per capita and X. = dollars disposable income per capita (all data in logs). See Shuffett, D. Milton, The Demand and Price Structure for Selected Vegetables, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Technical Bul. No. 1105, De-cember 1954, pp. 15-32. Despite a number of weaknesses in data and estimation, recognized by Shuffett, the de-mand estimates appear to be based on the most complete study of lettuce available and are in reasonable agree-ment with other estimates of demand elasticities for lettuce.

20 It was assumed that California will continue to pro-duce about 75 percent of the United States winter lettuce.

(Footnote 20 continued on p. 14.)

13 •

cause they tend to "come in" to the individual farm programs at a given price level and im-mediately expand to the maximum acreage allowed by risk and rotation relationships. Figure 4 also shows the equilibrium lettuce prices correspond-ing to various cotton prices—the two price series demonstrate the positive correlation hypothesized earlier.

Figure 5 shows the original (other price index = 100) and "corrected" (other price index = 100, except lettuce at equilibrium prices) supply func-tions for cotton. The general tendency of the cor-rection is to make the supply curve less elastic over the relevant range. That is, at high cotton prices, the price, and supply, of lettuce increases, slightly reducing the cotton acreage and production from those derived originally with the lettuce price fixed (shifts the supply curve to the left) . Conversely, low cotton prices are associated with lower lettuce prices, and lower production, increasing the rela-tive profitability and production of cotton com-pared with the original ( shifts the supply curve to the right) . The correction in this case is rela-tively minor because (1) lettuce is a competitive crop with cotton on only part of the cotton pro-

(Footnote 20 concluded.)

The simplifying assumption was made that the remainder of the winter lettuce industry has a supply function of the same elasticity and produces the remaining 25 percent of the market supply throughout the analysis. Hence, the supply functions estimated in figure 4 are for the "indus-try," not for Imperial Valley alone.

ducing farms in Imperial Valley, and (2) the let-tuce demand and supply curves are extremely el tic. However, the method suggests at least only operational way of helping to correct aggregate results for the partial equilibrium way in which they were derived.


This paper reports estimates of short- and long-run supply functions for cotton from Imperial Valley, California, assuming removal of Govern-ment controls. These results are derived by aggre-gating "normative" supply functions for typical individual farms. The results derived indicate that, in the short run, farmers would profitably increase production substantially at present prices, or would maintain production at considerably low-er cotton prices. In the long run, the supply curve shifts substantially to the right, the major shifters being (1) more land available for cotton produc-tion, (2) increased level of technology, and (3) changing farm size distribution toward larger, more efficient farms. The price elasticities of sup-ply derived generally were somewhat higher than previous estimates from time series data. How-ever, as compared with the time series analyses, the present study was based on a smaller, mord' homogeneous geographic area and a greater lengt1W of run. Also, it is shown that the supply function derived generally becomes less elastic when "cor-rected" for the partial equilibrium way in which it was derived.


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