by: cs. physical features sea turtles have their insides covered by a hard shell. the largest sea...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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By: CS

Physical Features Sea Turtles have their insides covered by a hard shell. The largest Sea Turtle is eight feet long and weighs up to 1, 300 pounds. Male and female are the same size. Sea Turtles do no have teeth, but they have sharp edges inside their

mouth. Sea Turtles are different colors but mostly brown, green, and yellow. Sea turtles mouths look sad. Sea Turtles faces look old because they have lines.

Lifespan • Sea turtles are an endangered species

• The Sea Turtle’s lifespan is unknown but believed to be up to 80 years.

• Sea Turtles are endangered because people pollute the sea.


• Each type of sea turtle has a different species name. Sea turtles are reptiles.

For example, the Green Sea Turtle is called Chelonia mydas

Habitat• Sea Turtles live in the ocean for their whole lives • They like warm, tropical oceans• They go on shore to lay their eggs every few

years.• Eggs are buried in the sand

Climate• Sea Turtles like temperate and tropical

Ocean waters.

• Sea Turtles do not like cold water.

Food• Sea Turtles are mostly herbivores

• They eat sea grass and algae.

• Baby Sea Turtles eat worms, insects, and crustaceans.

Babies• Green Sea Turtles nest every two or more years.• Green Sea Turtles make three to five nests with 100 eggs in each nest.• They lay their eggs in the same beach that they were born in.• Babies go off on their own once they are born

Prey and PredatorPredator

• Dogs, racoons, pig crabs and wolves prey on Sea Turtle eggs.

• Fishermen and pollution kills adult Sea Turtles

• Adult sea turtles have few predators, mostly large sharks. Tiger sharks, in particular, are known for eating sea turtles. Killer whales have been known to prey on leatherback turtles.

Prey• Sea turtles don’t have

any prey because they are herbivores.


• Sea Turtles like to swim far • Sea Turtles also like to sleep five

hours a day.• Sea Turtles sleep under water. • Sea Turtles hold their breath when

they sleep under water.• Sea Turtles do not stay with other

Sea Turtles except when they mate.

• Sea Turtles eat sea grass off the sea floor.

Physical Adaptation• Sea Turtles can hide their head, legs, and arms under

their shell which protects them from their enemies.• The color of the Sea turtle’s shell (brown, green and

yellow) camouflages them to look like their environment.• Their two flippers are shaped like paddles to help them

swim and maneuver quickly and easily.

Physiological Adaptations

Sea Turtles have special blood to help them hold their breath.

Sea Turtles also have special lungs that help them hold their breath and stay under water.

When Sea Turtles lay their eggs tears help wash the salt water away from their eyes.

Green sea turtles can stay under water for as long as five hours. Their heart rate slows to conserve oxygen.

Behavioral Adaptations• A sea turtle opens its mouth slightly and draws in water

through the nose. It then immediately empties the water out again through the mouth. This movements helps them with smelling and finding food.

• Sea turtles are excellent divers and they can dive really deep in the water to get their food.

Interesting Facts

• There are seven different species of Sea Turtles.

• They are reptiles• Each species leaves its own special track when

it lays its eggs at the beach

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