by: becca roggenbuck period:8 child poverty in germany economic issues

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Child Poverty in GermanyEconomic Issues

Child Poverty Statistics

The BA claims that children, under 15, dependent on Hartz IV has dropped 13.5% since 2006.

The problem is that the amount of children being born has also decreased.

Ulrich Schneider states that the proportion of children dependent upon Hartz IV (1 in 7) is still the same.

The children's chance to break out of poverty mainly depends on their parents finding employment.

There isn’t a 100% guarantee because many families who have found jobs still haven’t been able to get out of poverty.

Children at risk of poverty in Germany

Total: 13.6 million childrenRisk of poverty: 2.4 million children

Attempts in trying to stop child poverty

One attempt that was used was giving more maternity and paternity leave to parents.

But Germany is not as “parent friendly” for working parents.

Germany pays billions of dollars to families but it has not effect in stopping the poverty.

Germany also does not offer as much childcare support as other countries around them do.

Also, the fact that the quota for working women is higher in Germany does not help prevent child poverty from occurring.

Campaign against child poverty

Shrinking Economy

Germany’s economy is expected to shrink up to 6% this year.

Because of this, it has caused a worry that the recession will put more children at risk for future hardships.

Researchers of child poverty expect a 2-3% increase in child poverty this year because of the economy.

Even the increase in employment has failed to help more than 50 percent of Hartz IV recipients.

The poverty can even bee seen in individual neighborhoods because of the increased concentration of poor families.

Comparing child poverty in industrialized countries


1. What is the proportion of children in poverty?

A. 1 in 5 childrenB. 1 in 8 childrenC. 1 in 7 children

2. Child poverty is expected to increase by how much this year?

A. 4-5% B. 2-3% C. 3-4%


1. What is the proportion of children in poverty?

Answer: C. 1 in 7 children

2. Child poverty is expected to increase by how much this year? Answer: B. 2-3%

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