buy in for brt over lrt how to inform project planning prioritisation about resident preferences

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Identifying resident preferences for public transport investments: a buy-in perspective

David Hensher, Chinh Ho, and Corinne Mulley

Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies

BRT CoE Board Meeting

January 13th, 2015 Washington, D.C.



› Introduction

› Public preference survey

› Model

› Results

› Summary and policy relevance


› Urban areas face increasing demand for new public transport investments.

› Choices to voters are often not given in terms of alternative costs – so

fixed length projects will have different costs depending on mode

› Public preference is important to understand from the community


- How government should spend money and gain voter support, and

- To answer questions like

- How the public would temper their preference for a new modern light rail

system if it cost much more than a BRT of the same route length?

› An international comparison is important to see if features of Australia are

common or different from other jurisdictions

- Can we provide common advice to cities to promote BRT that voters (and

therefore politicians) want?


Drivers of Public Preferences for PT


› Relevant factors associated with modal image, service quality and voting

preferences were shortlisted through a best–worst experiment (phase I).

› 20 key drivers are classified into four groups:

- Investment (construction time, route length, population coverage, ROW, maintenance cost)

- Service (capacity, peak and off-peak frequency, travel time vs car, fare vs car-related costs)

- Design (Ticketing, Transfer, boarding, safety and security)

- General characteristics (assured period of operation, risk of closing down after this assured

period, level of attracting business around stations/stops, % car users switch to the system,

environmental friendliness).

› The list of drivers is not complete for some respondents while surplus for

others. The survey instrument accounts for this.

Choice Experiment – Unlabelled


Choice Experiment – Labelled


Choice Experiment – Attribute Non-Attendance


The Survey

› Online survey with panels from PureProfile and SSI

› A pilot survey design used D-error measure and distributed to 200

respondents (100 samples from each panel)

› Model estimated on the pilot sample to obtain priors for the main survey

› Stated Choice Experiment redesigned and distributed to 400 PureProfile


› Model re-estimated on 600 samples to obtain more accurate priors

› SC survey redesigned and distributed to 400 SSI respondents

› Respondents were sought in all Australian capital cities with population-

based quotas applied for each phase

› A total sample of 1,018 respondents was obtained (18 surplus), giving

2,036 observations for final model estimation


The Sample

City Actual Target

Sydney 271 270

Melbourne 241 240

Canberra 100 100

Brisbane 201 200

Adelaide 80 50

Perth 70 50

Darwin 21 50

Hobart 34 50

Total 1,018 1,010


Socio-economic profile Mean (

Age (years) 43.84 (15.5)

Proportion full time employed 0.41

Proportion part time employed 0.19

Proportion students 0.17

Working hours per week 20.75 (16.99)

Number of adults in household 2.11 (0.89)

Number of children in household 0.66 (1.03)

Personal income in $1000 62.47 (40.47)

Number of cars in household 1.66 (0.98)

Member of PT association (%) 9

Member of env. association (%) 6

Estimation Results using a Random Regret Mixed Logit model


Parameter estimates


Means of random parameters: Modal option (BRT = 1, LRT = 0) -0.2136 (-3.95)

Construction time (years) -0.0525 (-6.75)

Construction cost ($m) -0.1009 (-7.80)

On-board staff presence (yes=1) 0.2642 (5.27)

Risk of being closed after assured period (yes=1) -0.0009 (-1.25)

Overall environmental friendliness compared to car (%) 0.0097 (5.63) Non-random parameters:

Percent metro population serviced (%) 0.0295 (7.10)

Percent of route dedicated to this system only (%) 0.0037 (4.37) Annual operating and maintenance cost ($m) -0.0148 (-3.04)

Service capacity in one direction (‘000s passengers/hour) 0.0135 (5.72)

Peak service frequency (every x mins) -0.0176 (-2.48) Off- peak service frequency (every x mins) -0.0128 (-2.42)

Travel time (door to door) compared to car (% quicker) 0.0128 (6.41)

Travel cost compared to car (%) -0.0063 (-3.97)

Integrated fare availability (yes=1) 0.2922 (5.92)

Boarding (level =1, step = 0) 0.2002 (4.02)

Respondents in Brisbane (yes=1) 0.4922 (6.12)

Estimation Results using a Random Regret Mixed Logit model (cont)


Standard deviation of random parameters: Modal option (BRT = 1, LRT = 0) 0.6025 (15.77)

Construction time (years) 0.3184 (27.45)

Construction cost ($m) 0.6092 (30.06) On-board staff presence (yes=1) 0.6770 (19.02)

Risk of being closed after assured period (%) 0.01045 (23.33)

Overall environmental friendliness compared to car (%) 0.0271 (13.54)

Resident Preference Model (Fixed Route Length)

› Identifying gains in voter support for BRT in the presence of LRT


BRT costs half LRT to build

BRT costs 75% LRT to build

BRT serves 50% more people

BRT has no negative prejudice

ROW: BRT 80%, LRT 20%

Voters are not familiar with BRT

BRT costs half LRT to build

Voters are familiar with BRT

BRT serves 50% more people

-4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14%

Change to support for BRT


› The simulated examples of project planning scenarios show the impact on

preferences and considerable support for BRT by sensible planning


- In situations of lower construction cost

- In a dedicated corridor

› Resident preference model a complementary tool for planning and


› The extension to include international comparison offers the opportunity to

establish whether these attributes and the consequent residential

preference model can be generalised.


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