butterfly free owbc: chapter 3

Post on 27-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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This is Halloween, Halloween...


This is Halloween,


Just kidding…anyway, welcome back after way too long away. Today we have

a little special for you, a late Halloween treat with the Butterfly kids in college!!

See in the chat box I dared myself to play, write and post a chapter for this

before Halloween was over…needless to say I failed. It’s now 1:45 am and

NaNo has officially begun…but that’s tomorrow after Ani-Mei gets this out and


Eddie: Woo!! Face time and a second chance Roxie!!

Roxie: You are such a dork Eddie, this isn’t even Hidden City.

Eddie: But I’m a pirate!! YARR!!

Roxie: Yeah, and I’m a geisha.

Mitch: Hey!! A camera!! Get my good side!

Little played Uni student Mitch Indie…move away from the camera.

Mitch: But…but face time?

You just came along for the group outing that I never do…

Delilah: That creeper clown isn’t going to eat me is he? *is scared*

Jonah: Only if you want me too, Halloween is all about chocolate treats.*eyebrow


Delilah: Did he really just say that? Did he call me a chocolate treat?

I have plans for him Dee, just move away from the creepy, perverted clown


Eddie: Is that pig making passes at Delilah?

Yes. >_<

Eddie: Can I poison him again Voice? Please…

I have other plans for him…as well as you and Roxie.

Grim: Really?

Yes. I said I had other plans for Jonah. Death by flies plans. *cackles*

Grim: And he died in that Halloween costume?


Grim: I hate Halloween…

Why? You have a kick ass costume Grimmy my man.

Grim: Deaths on Halloween are always more powerful. Didn’t you know that?


What did he mean by that? o_0?

Anyway, let’s go see what the Butterfly kids are up to shall we?

Guess what kids? We have an heir!!

Julian: I am happy to hear that, I accept the title with honour and grace.

Blue: Please do.

Sorry Jules, it wasn’t you.

Ron: Hi kids!!

Jubilee: Oh great…dorky dad alert. Please tell me I don’t have to go back home to that.

Thankfully, you don’t Jubilee.

Swallowtail: Who won Voice? I hope it wasn’t me. *shy dances*

Nope. Not you.

Blue: Damnit…

Julian: Oh how my heart breaks…I never had a chance to shine.

Yep. Hawaiian Blue won the poll so now we have our first heir!!

Congratulations Blue!! You get to hear me for the rest of your life!!

Blue: Is it too late to find a way to drown in the sea?

Allyn: Did you hear that Armando? I have a chance at legacy fame!!

Armando: Doubtful. Garden Clubbers rarely get a chance to star. And this is not a legacy,

it’s an OWBC, they have tons of those garish hot pink flamingoes everywhere that are

instant disqualifiers for the Garden Club remember?

Allyn: Oh yeah…I forgot. Those hideous pink things must die!!

Good thing you guys aren’t even on my list for spouses…

Julian: Oh what a lark!! Our sisters can’t dance!! Harharhar!!

Blue: Neither can you.

Julian: Or you.

Count Cory: *stalks*

Swallowtail: *is actually sleeping*

Jubilee: I hope no one saw that…

Julian: I do know how to make this look easy no?

Blue: No, no you don’t. You fail at life.

Blue: Heyy…am I dizzy from the hot strobe lights or are there two of you?

Rose: Aww, so cute. *butt grab*

Blue: You pinched me…both of you.

Rose: I’ve got you now sweet cheeks.

The spouse hunt begins. I do like Rose, I think she’s a DJ so NPC point for me!!

Julian: You see that blond guy in the blue back there? He is my brother and I think he’s

been influenced by that Rose girl, she must have whammied him or something.

Count Cory: I wouldn’t doubt it, Rose Dai is on the prowl for younger guys.

Julian: Are you not doing the same thing sir?

Count Cory: Of course not. I’m merely taking in the club atmosphere.

Julian: What should I do?

Count Cory: If he were my brother, I’d give him an antidote or something before coming

out to a club, you never know what might happen.

Julian: What sort of antidote?

Count Cory: Why, an immunity to the drugs of course.

Julian: Where do I… wait a minute, why is everything getting purple?

Count Cory: I have the immunity right here, now hold still…

Julian: Okay…

Count Cory: Sucker, literally. *BLEH!!*

Count Cory: Halloween is the greatest holiday of the year…so many willing


Julian: Unnhhh…*head lolls back*

Count Cory: Too easy.

Count Cory: Welcome to your eternal nightmare my child!!

Julian: *contorts*

Count Cory: Now go forth and expand my nest minion!!

Julian: Expand…nest…yes master.

Count Cory: And while you’re out expanding my nest, buy some better clothing. Blue

stripes do not complement your complexion at all.

Julian: Yes master.

Count Cory: I recommend black and lots of it.

Julian: Black it is master. I shall get some as soon as possible.

Jubilee: Brother twin? You look a little…blue. Are you alright?

Blue: I feel like I missed something rather important…

Julian: I am fine sister twin, just fine. Oh Swallowtail…could you come here for a moment?

Swallowtail: Why? I want to take a nap.

Julian: It won’t be but a moment. Come…

Blue: Yeah…definitely feeling like I missed something here…

Julian: *chomps*

Jubilee: Do you think we should, you know, stop him from brutally draining our sister dry?

Blue: I knew it, I am cursed after all!! One sibling is already killing another!

Blue: Mom and dad aren’t going to like this…

Jubilee: Ya think?

Swallowtail: Yay!! No more early classes!! I can sleep in!

Julian: No more daytime classes you mean sister…

Blue: I’ll give you my life savings if you take the blame for this.

Jubilee: You’re the heir, not me. This is your fault!!

Julian: Bleh!!

Swallowtail: Blah!!

Julian: No, BLEH!!

Swallowtail: BLAH!!

Julian: Close enough.

So this chapter is kind of short, I don’t know if I should even call it a chapter at

only 28 slides but it’s nearly 3 am and I’m tired. So now that I have two vamped

Butterflies, what will happen when their Family oriented parents find out? And

will Blue remember what happened at the club with Rose? Only time will tell…

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