butler's, jftfiig store, prices of- - digifind-itvol. 1, no. 13. :plai.nfj£ld, n. j.,. noonday,...

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  • Vol. 1, No. 13. :PLAI.NFJ£LD, N. J.,. NOONDAY, JUNE 16, Price Two Cents.


    jftfiig Store,Formerly Yoorhees1,

    21 W. Front St,

    plainfield, N. J.

    Tekphone Call. No. M*.


    pounded with the utmostcare, business, conduct-

    ed under the imtne-supen'i-

    nlh-'nuniintiaiiaatin "1 ' ' • "s.^

    IIIM': «9 term™ one*. Sorife ;u.-fctli lM.kHio* bate! fti*u»y be fonr*lbj tbe clat* of [jeojda who are 1U patnHMA «ra»d botet it however of vary tiUto M- icount aw.m«tirrir ..iUw.it good paamasjt-mmrt, which Hutel Netherwoal. ha* in *b

    VAKMVEHTEB HALLIE Itlb, 1884.!

    by a too of Wn. Hoittmao, j i full «*

    ii*4tUl»b»h»ly. TfceumoC n...ln« | U I 1 . A A I J H i A I U K .ibe body Rpread tapidly aiU H*..ntim1.lre.U 4fK-'p!" gathwedin tbe *- '"


    g» found. Tbe facU I

    The outlook at! Netbei-wonl [H briohtar !'locals.- I tMTK U U I I V K « » .HHflBL-HUni |M ^ Q ( U M V j _

    —The Crwent B M Ball Club play the I Uia« w»er befora ia it* history. If the c*- i "" 'Jcis-y at Ji-r*ry (Jity tW* afternoon. ' pscity ut the hotel were twice) latatta Wr. ,

    nBrmld|taM5*bl"M" " ^ w S J . I * " " 1 * * " 1 ' " ^

    ,nd ulteratioiM lia*B bean made t»the prewut jwoiirfctor: many


    d a daily papvrbofebrfow be dM by ad-iu« o le ipiarij**-. mom bmlneea. He »i-i.iB a flue angraftin^. mad* for an adrer-MIwilt iu Ibe NKW* Watch for it.

    by a distnrbaoc*—Sunw 1K>J-%. lUnfiMion it* mruer itf Front

    ; « ' l o * * what time

    I Mr. I

    daughter* beard Mi*a. and *dt«t her wlialHopper «i4i

    WinEeld Soott Foot, G. A. E.SeriOBIB. SECTOR,

    innuuJrr of Iiui'.il F. Snail" run. N". 101,turtmnt i>( l"a. • 31 ir l l j** thrilling • • • ,

    SUTLER'SI Aromatic Tootli Wash for cleaning

    and .preserving the teeth. .ImpartsI n fragraiice to the breath that is

    w e and delightful. It preventsII tartar and discolorations imil completely arrests the i|ir. j^rcss of decay, at the

    sijch parts as, may• liavc already l>e- |

    Koaie affected.

    • ' • > •• •

    Priqe i\rets.: per Bottle,;: Mold Only at \

    Her s Drug Store.


    pHili1 Thi. i - .vi .w.rfnorf .^beirtc

    pat forth DB the part of Sir. Wowlruff, furllaroofdre, to briu« out the fln. V> early and MUC wfu] an openli*,» which, ^ - — ' — - * — — - • - -

    for Id* popnaurtty a. a laodlonL

    loUbtHdpirrVruoea.Ut fomid It e n p t |ami Uw Udy .-.Hiki not be fmiiid *i.y wHhttaround the boose, and while they wetiatarobtng in tbe n«(*liborii.ju,t word ™owTiafu "rbem of tlw OMdint- of Mia>

    The unrvrtiiiiaf tady MeM IIBT<" 5 out of her i» irooni window, which

    A Kb* hr n u k n With w .rf hi. upcUa« i l M » u i R > | M | « . | i 1 i s i i i hour. HUj

    nlk u(. , 4 mile ud .Iw IH . H,* he

    Prices of-Clothing



    i K oil Pytbia,room). Ta* DaputMMt ProUmit of OttLJJ-«I LadlM LaapW will b* pr-«nt To*frirnihnf Thi ranw im liTJtri tn tupnaiiil

    » ajaatad the Rev.« iu V an

    not hli toottuwMayor Maun,

    y j a ptaoalie bappMMd to be. H* g«»o an hi. BObjact,"Tlie Himilm-Hy betweeu the System of Africau .Staverj- and that of Rum Hlaverj-."Hit chief, and wualn&j pat, lanamttute^aiint ibe rum qutaan m a tba nuVal uua ofit» being 111 din*: uitagoniun to tl« (_'un»t i-tutiun of' tto UnlMd BtatM. WbUe tbaamutuant ifrmnrT^nt attention for tlie tin*brii« from Ha verj iiuvelly, »cinie tlionghtit did irat do tbe ten^iarana« cmieui j 1 goodto make (oca "ild nml orMptoc aawrtJoiu.

    Mr. Hector ^qneut,

    •fvening at Uw annp ]>laci? upon th#' of lib uwn Ufa which is «Ud to b*

    tl.rillina and full ur mtsm:,! under r In- HU-piun of [be "IV.ufiti.I Mi. jit Pod, (;. A. 1 {.

    draiHioii nill beflw-

    ftUBkand wif«, K. H. Allan, wif.a»d mU, Alra Xoaaa, wife and

    , at Saw York, W, O. -Xew«wui,wife aud tuaid, Hotel Victoria, N«w Yurt,fieo « Tajk*. wife aud *ou, H. C. Baitayana wUa, and C A, G one*, of Saw York,L \V. yigMnagalty wife. S oaildnai andMaid, B^roaUrn.GMOeaAruaipa, wlle^

    J » f , O « T . j t a r , Ptol.«*ld,J, ET Holme, and wife, Boatoo, MMWSOpdyka, wife aud no, and J 8y«-UMfa, •** N Y, J u n 8 Baack, BMtan b-laad, H W Boweu, TTpllaw •IIIMI X J,

    Tin- prefHratiou 111Caluaya Ijari. awl

    combiiutd witb t!•*• Uork; H. L. Tbomaa, wire, baby andmaid. Now York; Cha* Heath, wife, babyandm*:i1, Newark, X.J.; OM>H Bicbajd-aon aud wifv, New York; C G Jndaon.•rife, wu aud .laughter, N-w York: C 8Mower, wife, babjr *mi maid, Rutland,\"t. I Mm C E Hlcniu and daw«ht«r, XewYork; Col J P Mm-tin, wif*, b»by aodUM Ul. I* 8 Army; Tbo* lVlnaur, wife, baby,..>,( unit.!. l'l;;!NtMt. X J. Vf V \ ^ uwife knd danSfatar, BJuliu T..;l, wifa aod dauabtet. VietoriuUotal. New York; Uhai I. HaduuS, wjfo,child, baby nnd.maU, Sew York; C X,lleaseuaci- at d wifr,: Brooklyn, S. Y.; Mr*J Ffeiniiis uiiil lUaglitttf Eugbuiil; A T,Slau*>u*.*l wife, 3(0* York; M™ .W HMum,, Sew York; W B Poat, S ^F\VWolf ,H»

    K, *» aooe of tba door, had beeaur tb* fa.uil/ had retired.UiaiUopper_hadaaffenNlfart>a paM teatam, a>Uh an iiiwar.l tun»,i, aud Iba beat

    apcoattbtiia Scw T«rk dty.arottouwnl hm

    wall, it pray*! m, hMTily upou ber that «tt*ha. .errral I in— More atteoiptail to cend.her MiStrinci. Mi* Hopper naxle au at '̂UaMpttoaD.ilwrUf.by cMXag her Uircaiwith a raior, ou February 3U, and althotixb

    Jtutkn at tbe Feai.-e Wiluaiu a Fraj.se, gavepermit f.* tba iraxnil of the remains

    aad al-Hayur Byao took UM body to H»

    | , y yDr. fir aii 1 tlw oooiity. pbyucuu viewad to*

    body at tba morju*. and jare a permit totburi>J, ailar a* bad dcckWJ It wouW no: ba

    boW a i tuqnaat Hi* d^ciwouut that ifJw Hopper oonttnittod xiiclde by

    I oaw of William Unnckey -gainst•iq Falemo, Iba peanut wxnnao, for as-

    aanlt aad bauary whtcu waa diapoied ofHauinhty luu attraetml *

    l« action- of the Jtutiee in tli* matter. A raportar of T H I X n t a aeenrad the•tatctnanU at touat-ii for both Ala* and ufLbeJaaUoe.

    Tbeatory of tbe fane ia mibatautially aslollowa: tViliinin Muuckey went tt> thetome ol the peanut woman in WtigerS Lane•bout eleven fti-J « t Saturday ereninfc, June', to boy a pi in -f peai

    T. J. ».ll.LIES, ALXTiONEER,

    jI'XE 17,

    furniture, Carpets, etc.

    Van Deventer Hall.« . H. r, , , . • . . / . U n c i t j . -ml rropfi.

    HV ^JT>UII]J- jwoaiî *-!Vui l«lhfuUf prrfiinp.



    U K wag hut nrvtr (tAow, i> the matin ..( ib<

    :ll for the next 30 days5 to 25 per cent, reduc-

    of former prices. See our t i tI * . llBKligo Dye Bloc Suits; our $3.50

    ."SkrmSS1 O g 3 w n > Suite; and oor gi .50 SaU-orSttits, all wqrth double the price;French Kalbrigan I'ndcr Shins at 50cts to *i.oo: unlaundried reinforcedShirt* M 48 c u ; and oar MerchantTailoring Itepartment is full of Im-ported .ami Domestic (ktods, which

    ?:- *̂ r;



    •1 ^rt^Mi.- ••Foi. •ra. .US. b m ia iriin

    itlon fium HI LINK'S DrugHtMr*.

    t by taOriiiK about him. She s.n.1 she ''ot want him to do anything wrong be- Iher children. From tbhi peftit

    G R A O f i E X C U R S I O N


    Rrfonn Club of Plainfleld,

    U11 Friday mortUng uboiit iiimKraucU Smith aud hti uabUmt,BeukaMer, tried to crOM the lower c r « i u gof tlw Philadelphia and tUadfuc railroad atBourn! Brook in S.uitb'a to* wagon. TUe

    nan, Philip Deal, Was at that time aabort distance away turuiac •witcke*. Eo-

    >r from PuiUdelphia

    e .truck tbeUwir dauger. it Tlie locomutf'•rtn ki lliiig tfaam iii.tumlj-.

    won tbrown from the •aftw. Mr. SmlUi.wo rib* brok«ii and foffeind Intarnal

    T In Kh»t-Ciaa< Order.

    WORTH #3(1.B Kf—nbl» Ollpr


    C A- BUTLER,



    truck him serersl Ume* aboutwith a uoker, and that lie beat 11

    says that the urxtaredst be made a giab at her

    York; Tho« R JoU and *>n, Liverpool.

    opening it be kicked !i-r Iu

    uieJiutely after tbe ocuur-

    daya are:The Deliiioiiim-i*; lt,H Bogen and faifiuy,IStaudard Oil Worlut A B

    Euslbih laiigoa«e wall alie oouldj S l deavored in

    family, Newark, S . J . i H P Brew

    of Wui-W. Lauier & Co.;Kuowle and fatally, tUmnu.>rdsag«l to glre a ooucart iu Dixou'* lee CreamGenlrn thi» ««iiiiB, for the entertain

    mA, I rf pMmin. Tbe gankn hai a •watj ngTnkin city for upward* of 1"" perwms. and •

    • bundautlr rofplied withTl« baud -i-1 ivn lor Ui

    imA, oa. *K

    PlninO^M a.*l vicinity for ad-W folly euiuidew aueb i.eed-

    pecuniary dMaawlx made uponfor v r i i U b l bta

    CITY Homi_—John H. Hector. York, *"«.;J. C. Zimniemuui. City: John U u w ™ . 'W ^ ; Dartd Barry, Cil|r; Cbaa. H. Smitk ICity; J. Quaas, Xewark, S. J.

    Mafore Justiceid wae held in

    uing.lii* boudunaji.

    ntabiua. euib>4.leni them 4o Elnu aak

    ["TE&tkHMtntha aforemU -.to" "iV^Uty iTid'1|BcIin'alklr, '

    r*-c*iveil and aoknfiwl- 1adgwl by tlw •>» ^ **- OAom, Ralir^ij’ inunilo|, I0ID1V E¥EHHe JOKE tut. ISM. «t» i warm. Bl —*•*> by t“ur g |nuli,. nlul* •nmu— Sara m i—“ bp £

    Z ... Thbla vfewof oofeK.>rfe WM| roaueHatmdayo*mlac,*boat94Qfeel«*, I pot forth .« tW port of Jfr. Woodruff, for ' - *rfh! m opK. npmkk for kb Mooma. of lax

    iWXmff* Watch fur M. attrartod by a diaturbuar* oar (rf Frtot drwt nd Park

    rr ■••lmdto,UMqnlia>*»!.alyu| •.ktMtan.nrttl — rm— fee

    I mada la tdWl win late i on w Sully io..na, fa. no, at iXa.kO. PM mom. coran uf hn an sad Part inn iKa^ka, «< rptkiaa raoau. Tko Pi|mlanst IWkil uf Iks f-rt** ladlas l«H“ mk|—S Tka ••of tbtrmiu. an laafcad to bopramnt.

    kkb pan kb mikjod. -lb Hkailanrj baraaaa Ike Hrslom of AM :*a~T' rtL ac* tAa auvej

    Aromatic Tooth Wat for cleaning and preserving the teeth. , Imparts a fragrance to the breath thal is rare and delightlul. It prevents all tartar and discolorations and completely arrests the progress nf decay, at the same time whiTening such parts as may hurt* already l>c- come affected.

    Price >5 cts.- ]wr Bottle, IlfoW Only at i

    Butler 's Drug Store.


    Thb irnnUoa b uuuW from fl • afceaya hark sad aot Alknkjitb. oonbiiMd with tW pyrotsbo*- |iWte of in** iu Miwible

    HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION! Voa A floor, brnakh«. and, cauuiig tha oil to iguka, (be young bdy 1-Hirvd on tha flaniaa a (mil of malar, kept a prerauliva of Unv, bat (ah’ — coeadad il-«iNE «$i.*S per pint, can- not be evcalloJ for the moocy.

    •ooo WALNUT SHOW CASE, j tlunmClaaOnkr. . I ’ WORTH •»>.

    C, A. BllTLER,


    Hatunlay —Mf I. W tua^ fur Wing ilnuik aud .IwonfeHy, nud «M I „ fe ia. Rl, ( with aotno difficulty odudufexl to Wad- ,, An Iml. C'oji

    TW PbWWI I Coroot Hand ha* Wea ea- I gdged tu giro a ronoart iu Dixosi'a loo Omm Aaoa Gm •P*>. 01 !Wm T>- garden ha* a —an ■! Tfedo city for npuanfe of 10U poruoao. and

    I lfotWliEro^oifekrdly"ffi2»“5 s fisisBwarSh6^ o alterntfea* aad rvpalra

    YOTk. ra.; | , CHy; Juha (Xiwita, OHy; Hand Barry, Clip: Ckaa H. 8-Uh. CBy; J. IJ— Rawart. 5. J. I": Tkk muniM Im waivnl .MhUnallun, aa4 1 Imn * Hotel -TI—— CalawajA Mart- i ’ wa. krtl bi Urn m— 1—J ui ainwar Imfura | Hd, Ik, J. X Um*. Iudl.uapalm; M. . Ilm Drawl Jury K OiruiH-. ladkumpulk: Mr. Murx IMMf. : RuwYurt. I

    - UahuY HOTEL.-* B Jlartiu. Ruw Yurt; Ur. J. J. MhhsH. of tbu kuuul Brudk hi1« 1 CbruulMu, »llud « m —Wly toMay. H. | Hurd. Ella.bulb. R. A; Dr. H. B

    Bn—. Brooklyn; Hart-rC H. BuirtL Y. D. J—k» Ruw Yurt; W. A. Bam. Jr., Clip :/uko Barrtr. thraaloJ; | J. R. or—w. liMlanapoU.; M. K Ofkuw^,

    S. C. Lilienstern,


    THE LEADING PT.atwtttt.h

    iMerchant Tailor

    ladwaafodk: J. H. K .y, R— Yurt; L. d. . . -- U- Run. m—LBl. H. H Trtl. ErtahMbt , Ou Bubukuy urtulngHe Mary*. Hull wa. , JE>- Ckaa Ka.*, Jr . BtabHii; J. Pick, E'M* b>uM. b t-U* Irt-ooad mihi uf Imth; C K. TrtL MV-r. J- *1; irt^rawbaryyand leu wiaki NMfuul gtraa , rfl Huutu. Bmrtlpn. -bylbuomml— uflkus rturrt. TW *“ , I T | j ration. w«W uury prutty. Tk* duaein, eom- ■ >a.H.A> Tn, las su-i mrtrtl at Wa. MukBk Tka pnrtl. f» task .'^-ui u^i yrt ^ “


    NO. 7

    E. Front Street OPPOSITE


  • IMalatj liaa1 arrartUca-

    ' rv tbat. Mr. g»alNa)«——Tin P . . i . | T . I * - , , ,_l ^ i - . ™ ^ ^ - ,n „-.«««,-a.1 tbat W l - T % * K.he «•» UM * - w«r of faihrn-. J J b aamjf -^ - ^a- N M t fca»f - u «=* . r a M r r^aaahw." l i ' * * * • '

    •• the HB%bbB»»..«l of A * SHvfe Ii tW *ory thai Sir. O.-4.I i* ta 6aa

    Tantmaii^HalTcrnniiitn ou maaa l ia la i I _John J£«U» ia the .*air. Mr. KeUy referred • S B W ^

    •ntlaa. Tt*- p.rfllWI_ _ S . ami TanMitany'i

    (Hetty tu party J K ^ B M I K. Mr. Kelly hof- lthat then. VaO4 l » a lafip 1*1*™-main* ia- - - - -• iml tbal -l*ii.i- Hoald

    Bkrbnnr. of Vat*; Bar. I*. I XewmanKyaitnr, e>-Uov. HigeluM, Boa. O*-w«e H.Wntnin. ex-apeakar H«iry B. BafriaMiai«l li-n. K. K MerarlM. aad otvar UBWOi-u™t Bad well kaiiwn patUaman o f t hi* rtly.

    h«t tt ww not-tnw. Tbe node* -n-ratarywtait ftirthW. and *akl tbat iiifrjniiaiii«i•nan tbe Kh«lt<»Kne* *1>KM

    !tah* i ^ ? » J ! « ; ^ S * n " £ " ftmdaaMaital .uatrfaW .jand De»«rrB-v.

    liSKr , o £ } 3 » ^ ? 2 » * £ £ £ > £ « > i-*tat(.m In tbat>-iy arl*«# «|«al in mini.V B ,i.x,**ns ber> U. ikat.»t 1n1y11tber.1rip111iK1ii.nl>! th.

    _ lw . l*J tarer tb* | fa- by bank* and JntliTMuak. and It! thaa afcelrVH*"'-*'"- in the invjaa U « B « I

    _ 1 tafce a c o o d dealof nhniey to meet: What tW o w ™ * of th™* .i-mradinc «,. Ith**n all. When tbe M M r w b e d the hank ' poUe* nmy \f « doabtfol. Tbn xenoalr 1

    way that the Dnnoo, . Itba u r a n t K , aad. an matter waaaa^ ,-aiiuut afford to rejevi it. H«*r-kiuK ri> r-ampaijp) •>.

    ' of recent rtci«l.-&, M u r e ta» B M « I » i- , | K | . —,t «f.tr> protMt tba pajrr." j - Mrj Hoar, fat »Tp*.-»-l IHK* tin- waj. fit

    Tbe aote* hail nut bant pai.1 Lef.rr g i 4 u | win luuLiiaHedty arew tbe coourln-.tM 4to iai*e*t l*ran« if they bud M-W>. U«(iM, ; tbe Utah 1«11 at the earliest poa41>l^QKnstBa«r. HmniArey. an-1 TWl.itt might IH* haTf i ill-. M l gare notu-a wane day.. •*> Oat I

    1 —• tbeir 111.WV barb. y..« that the}- lave ha. woobl try and get Op the Pwtal TeV I- 1 1 - bOJ taMlay. Thfcv H, .m.r a , |

    _ . . -b -reJemoiuule i> uiaile, 1 aod,** flwatch, -if you will wait a fewwill -..- it .ttm,.. •

    Iii tbe center of tbe taut itoo.1 n larprn boi,and p . « « * riot iwifl buga lamL-ahai^ttank* « { - • witV a 9>iful« irm plated uo H•nroOB il>U n-wiiBWhat; mmttar to a •MW*or»-, . . ̂Iu B •sliurt rime tiin* iiiL-ii Mi ! ;r^l. a,,.l "i,»of tliKiu prm-eedad to uokick the uox, tlie*uk» e » 1UJI-K. . , , - t


    N , » YORK, JiitK- l f l . -Au .il.l itiul.liiiK at5n. fill Oranl atrwt. Hie aprnnil bmue wmt of

    nniuheruf yearhImtrMna In tb«

    ix-ii;l'l».rh.--l. fril with a'yhalf lemon being tarefiuly dried i* tfcfcuucloth aud pla/tid in a imall iron MI0 wOicbwa* then locked. Tbe liquid in tba tub o uthen ftlrrvd vignrouidy wild an beriaetlcaliy-sealad nlm*. liulb (asteiwd to Uieeodo. a .stick, t l * bulb beiuR flliad with tbe bextwhile *UKar. Tlw man wbo Uirred the mix-ture atoi^wd at in terrain to uuU it, and,after reiuarkuie -there, I gon i it's -aweetenough, let's get it ou*. Bill," with tan helpof h« cuniiani'Mi carried tl*, tub nway.

    •Thi. aiachine w the only one in tb,world," aud the ei«iM«- proadijr, u be 'patted tbe euaine in a loving way, -tend ihi ,• N W eouJdnt be boqght for FOO.UOO. Why.with thi. here iuad>it»< I o>n make mora

    1 ana 1 PUKMI than any otbarn with 500 biubabi of 'em. Tut

    _ wtu Bjjwnfi1

    m e n IWPB. inaktnK tub. city bU b.-a.l>|iutrt«ntlor the vanpaixw. ; S U fajnUy *«11I no to Bar-larlior. wfceiv I * ba>trelit«i a .-"ftasv, and

    •luwn thpi».»iu|(' or twice

    ni.. mHH ĥtly- i.ijnre.1: (nxnttfoclnl by 11.. K.

    . f.1 i n -(the

    _*ily hlt»<M 1 1 H l l K . j . l

    H1 I

    1 work* (lu.nl and

    book a t tbe ''"-I jof Uw win- wi.l mafciue itf«»t li. tin- buy* elivtric wwc nbovn theirbead-. He lia.l beard 1h.1t by thi.- praraH a

    altoi-k to tbe *y*tmn could be oUaiaed. AfblTftuuy trial* tbe wtrv rau^ht as rl^fre.1, aiulyottilii W.-liultliei*. in great oVIiBlit. gro-J^fit witli inn- liamt aii-1 via. juiralyAil iii s u i i t -

    ktnut. Twenty miuuttw later the bid nan S

    j.n 11r.i1w.1t Dk-in In-r of tlis < >r-n 11 _•- iBrorrevt. TWa budyk u bwn buried in Mount Pleaeant o*nieUry,aaratuKB. MaiiU CUr* county, a feW mibw

    if Hm, J o - . , and tb* fanuly jdu nbt

    i waa finally dwklod to mipluj- ni^u from

    Pinker-ton'* afeenoy an dn.M-kni.frv, |n vrdgr

    t.ifcliut.jut 111-11 whu mad p--r««al, friend*.Arr.iwwn.uit- liavr lie«i mndr- wttli the inau-axeiuetit .•( Havr-rryV theater to [imu-li tliedalexatn. with futdiag opera 1

    ] Mra, Tay lor K r r « i m H e r CblMrea .

    XK» Jiiui-ifON. S. I., Jim,- Hi.—Mr*.; KOI-BII TnyJf*: rwx.vere.1 Itar i-liiklr>'ii nivut-1 ly. adur K w)> irnt inn fmni th.tn of a ii.u|ito

    of yew*. Mm Taylor aud ber buHband,

    ' 'ulphua Taylor, llverl apart, and toe latter

    k Hiargv of the vbildran. Sunn- months

    1 Mr. Taylor died. He wax .im»idered

    i wealthy. Alncnig the provl*IoiiK of hhi will' waa one to the effort that hfa 1 n itiilfi r.

    ^ Mnr. Briudki. idtoidd take .lianps ot theI cuildmi. Un. Taylta- tordc ateni to rrcorrr1 iKMnaiuu of the t-liiblreu, and applied to th*

    chan.-eil.H- of S f i Jertey for that |«wer. ax

    it waa dbovered that they wen* at Mont,ctair, N. J.

    The rbancellur decMed tbat tbe father

    could m t |rin tba-ctaildrnt itnder tbeoonarat

    of a gimnlion wltboot the cooaent at Ota

    inutuer, BIK! a> tbe former bad died, be ..r-

    derod that Mra. Urindley obouM mirn-ixb-vtbeuitotbe Kurviviug parvnt. Mr*. Taylor

    Tbe Tritium-: - 1 »™Mirl>ri«"l if Clniraxo vet l « n n » tluf Aimm.-dii cttietL Aa I atourt !,>

    iif tbe bike IX ffarthed upon in.- li"»

    l ijitwiialwith i^ktjke

    _ MHllll. SO MM Ul n-.i -I. I

    tatftutlra. The}- are buiHiiiic V

    t i u t ^ s i i v • • • tfjiaibj i*wl«H-r4 in STurk. Una is fnr Mturey, o( The fhii-a^

    Tlmen. wbo is nai.J t o be |wrnian«it ly < ! « • •

    Wwl, bnt with albiu* W«a.-ity ot hia (-tun*fcr be "Hitmnr-s j o Uuii-1 thispajacv. und t

    Qj»reBi'bnltherouI-ui-an». Tbe otlwi-luia-1

    ing U tlint of Puttfr Paliuer. nb>. I

    d e a r •I.itW per .lay tbe year roan-botal. .

    M n d d e a D e a t b .if m i A c f r *

    Kjfm»r.»f.», N. Y. . J u i » liv —IICoventry, a well known ' aetivtc, f.tnii«tf Ii.~iJinj4 in Troy uiul S;iraUi^u- lint wb iw |l i n n iwcnt IHUIK » » in S e n York, ilxt ]ber* very «u>lHW| me." mADeputy U'ordeu Kkniaii. '-hoii- Mr. W s * lCHltiHOeK in g w l h-oltll. He IK-ver s—• •«•!fli the yard, BIHI uevvf lia- the least U l of

    " ^ wuiduw. » e m n l P r l a r l p l n . I- ttr. P i t t , Minn.. June IS.—A IXidw.«(i(Dakota) *pH-ial to Tbe Pinuet-r I'm* nar»i '•'AK-xaiidi-i- fiddler, u i..*..ri..ii»ly hardr-harartr.-. waa lym-beil at Hturgis SatnnUirtBomUig. Henud two~.l,ii.T>.BBnwi(H..««,and Browu aaamltnl an.l robbed an UuiuK)

    grant iiaaiail Hckrannii of tSUa. near FurtMea,i.

    l*iBB qoeM loued at ttut tM*pHal dtadoaed UMjname* or hix coufnisratM a x t Ua>'partfaMl»n. at Qm aawult Tlw parlaw war* ar-.natnL Ffatrller wan takra frooi tha ofl.by IS m a t e d n n an.i i-uwluctal lo tba onldrta of tb* town, »b.'i.-. after threat*

    » v « l artn- i*iiij( iu tlw water half an hour. «X«w HAVES. CX. Jane Ift—Thouuw Su- H Mabdi ts rvjwrtnd tuba marehuu; •

    gent, aged IS, and John: T. Olnuwr. a .̂-.! IA, '. Bongnta with 3S.0W1 uwu.

    were drownnl hi tha Qoinnii«c riwr at Katl \ UuV. 1,'k-vnliiti.rH Iriendx an- i-oiifitWatjta

    Bark, abuvr tliHi-ity. t>y tlie ujatfttiiut of a • be will hard a ninjority of tlie ilelrgrt* »*'K b U ! tbe ara'te i-mt>i-uti..ii

    The wouixt whirli Baker Pasha rWeirfd

    tW erijcgt-nWiii at. Twkar ba~ Dot "yet b»Md re.|Uir» tanful anestiui.

    TUB butty ot r>ter Hax, of Baltimon,«•. a. ward .wlitirian of aoine ppibuomwa. fouiHt j w w i t a j nurnins in tin bartwt

    iiiml hi oil auot tlirouKn.riit (IHaiT«r-B Weekly-by > p l

    y at tlw t d taite

    nwato ba- tehled ail tntenw

    hn- breu before tba r-ourt* l i r

    in thtii of a w.Hiiaii who inte.1 sambicniOrver ntuiwy Inat by her liuslwivl atHie coort detHdeH iu Her fn vur,

    l i e r t h m i hm uottat cabted L, . -

    >U«n>, thii bwBg m cntfnrmit> wtth an ^ . ^ ,Hiatntr that bn* been praotk>llra d™l -*"r.-r >ip to tliwtiipp. |»»r»

    •™* ( «b» are angry at tl• J * 1 tTiiliam C'urth.

    ytaiten b

    A cullB,k.n occurnd on tbe C»ind*« M"1

    raUruHl, on Saturday, searaUtiou. Eight paraon* wero kuledl«l awrervly injured. '

    . Tbe Dubuque down) Telegrai.li, 00K j . . Juae Iii— TIM- f«nit it( ! authority of a pruinutrut Englixlinuti.

    appeabi reversed thx deradoii. of tbr b>w»r j'HauinH J. Tilden waa burn in tbe t-min1

    .«rt tn tfae caw of Tbnna* ITrinrmW. Ja^at, Bnglaad. and WB. brought to" » of (Mr. Critamaaa of Mhaiaft,

    4 to tbe imdfaw,-euntry when about 3 y< • • * * • "

    Tbe n\t\* are raporMd to have ^'•'"'"J_ Uletcal ert- ! Barber on May £L After two boun ne>t

    * wa* the ground for tbe rermal. Uhry furm! their way into tb» Ht;. 'P_J _ . . - ^ garraHO and i » »

    Tbe "ninan ami ̂

    favorable aMfkra. Uw w«ulw-r h r l u 4a-liSbtfaf Rohm Oarreti awl fwiifly awl•fty • • —

    that Ctaa nld 1 Fatally ParalfMd Wftlft- iftaa With KIcriH* ftim. tKTVKT. tt.. June HA—Tba «*Jft **-»“•* tSmvheii* ll*ht.y+m* i«latvd tmrmm>r; to lain. In— iu Mwr


    ^«h. J one 14-Vaa HamiUmaaa*. •* »*«»• «tty. iu raafvav tu a r-

  • i P. M. Demaiestj

    " -iChoice

    S.'SS^S ̂ 5Xt~ %£»- ii . upon the tofl'oftenSre^ck-dplpiriie.i* n?A p™rTm«(h, Condfpkion, it hM Tlrf ccfudf. We ;



    34 West Front S

    y ^ gir futun1 of tin.- msd. DiHpatobrtiTsd • ! thr lM^Hiquartrn or HIP

    Orl«ui» NaHonal lank, and a

    New EnglandMEAD,

    ii .•••• f.-n «f Smi th ,

    [̂ i •! i.i. ht" rfflcfent mtI ] vHt^-]frm|ilmt and

    Laxative Witt4

    ««.,^T:.ESru*• L• • ftjiil l u a k e t b e o p e n i n g Hpe«ch. nit-i ,

    S ^ S ^ © 5 BUYlCQMPTON'S•T,,1UI,,!HI.,. Hi!- P lan in ffiitur)-;" tli- Rev. 'Reiir)" A. StioHOn, o|M-nitiyc« t>uE of tiu|ilojUH?Ht. j ^*

    SjKi'f^L'Uflr^ ' i i! : mil Sire to tf *« SO-tay.

    Presents -witli Goods.

    •- tinier Ivn,^ toni uut. Coiuldanbl. ^ ̂ ' ^ • . .

    B^."iS.£rof.iSbu»!l!uoSS 1> FOR 80 DAYS ONLY.

    L.M. F R E N C ^ ,Carriage Manufacturer,

    No. 18 Somerset St:

    PLUHFIBLO. # . J.


    1 CITY HOTEL,Omar Put Iran ml Stem Street,

    1289BIeeckerSt., Ufl6CfAw.,

    Karlem Depot * * Restanrmt.

    iO4 West 125th St..Quality •{ Or-iifcT- Cttamj and IMrf»rf Oiuntr



    ; For Church Festivals,

    Ice Cream Farties,

    Sunday School Festivals,

    ' Strawberry Festivals,

    and , -

    Society Gatherings.

    DiioB's Ice Cream Garden,T£jyrf 40X6O FKET,

    Accommtxlating 190 Perions. I

    •T valMy |aBl a mluibvr Of rails ytatorday aftix- and alwi give. a relmle nt 5 per frnl fur lindi CALL AND SKF. HIM. |

    All kuxls of Feed for Hones, Cattle and fUifcry. BALED HAY AND STRAW. Com, Oan, W heat. Buckwheat. Bar. lei . Wheat and Rye Bran. Coro Meal. Screening., Cracked Com. Bone Meal. «>il Cake Meal, Cnaind i Ojwr Sheila. (Sacked | ' Bone.

    aoone, etc., delivered.


    Specific for Costiveness.


    ftvuA'iunrtrr* for ii ■nul, li-ir.1. iaa.WMMo Ii

    Idit'HTiiJJL Jan* Its—A fraernJ na*Jiwn

    For Church Festival*.

    Sunday School Festival*. Strawberry Festivals.

    « A that you may from tin •fl start have supplied tc

    If .You Want the Bert COMPTO.ys CANDY

    Is Noted for Being Fresh, and the Cargo* Variety in

    . the city. BUY COMPTON'S

    Fine Chocolates. L L! COMPTON.

    Society Gatherings. One nf the . mn«t Healthful, Comfortable And Accrwti|»fcr Inland Summer Kc*«»rt> in the Country. CITY HOTEL. TEXT, IfOXGO FEET,

    Accommodating 190 Pemon*

    Plainfield, N. J. £ V. Woodruff, proprietor.

    R. J. SHAW, S J> II ARM A C 1ST, ~ FROST St. Opposite Par* Art.,

    wiu gire for I lie neat 80 day* Present* with Good*.

    3 * DtCiAe *fT*U«t Snip ittl Me PireUa.

    “ for 30 DAYS ONLY. “■ 'am too-. Mr M no—- *«-

    An lnilependenl Newspaper’ FIB8T-0LA38 TABLE. No. 18 Somerset St.

    PLAIHFIELO, S. J. Price Two Cents. _ .To Regular Subscribers. ( IO cent* per week FIXr»T UCAJJTV WaSHIXCIOS VALLEY







    AU lUe Loral Nrsjs ! 1 AU the Central News ! I And alt Ike Latest

    Telegraphic News /

    SIMPSON k CO- u ■MKde True lide i SpocUJty. * POK SALE AT A BAIGAI). ion I. Ik. 1X0. 3U.

  • wtis aat )tv>ihe ohl 1-Jj i , hi

    ( • I D W I H . 1 of Kood bsattk, but muplaiiuk e r W t x ~ Her k«ii- i. Mill loa* and pbful, «j«*KtariHB b»r aa*. Hh* ba. ouiiiv

    ianL audprvul«it ( tn» Sunwt

    i»UW|iOi*iliirlikul w.wl. Battlak* Bni-L Mr.

    Jawatt'i i» a pmty o»f. bat Un iimoli ro-cwit ly built ror B. H, TaJoot. of TtaeRailway

    r f.«il on a n»iLrtiu I trm-tt. ioo twelve wbMU, *li of which *Wa mad.

    *Tb» .ill ualc w

    jjt^i. VWdr mail, t i - t ' s Jid ion. ..!.. i Hid


    Jobbers' PricesiIKDIGO DTE BLUE FLANNEL,

    O*OM emtly private c*r» in

    • • i Nld to talL Ofci t o w n *


    Farter Q ^ T anaTjjI»j. Md * oSwIroquo-, MlMjr « BM #• bo c-tooa* M p u i h aztra f am

    Corkscref Suits,


    W •!•»••> « n l W > tfa« vl.ler V . D -«mr * w n d o < . it m u at

    •SD,aw to b»itd a •••ihn— cfcr i o ntba Itoqaiii did *MV«W s o n than


    SiilSEi MILLSEXTRA! jtoitfeefHia.,

    We take plciisurt- [nmakioffthejlannouncement .to the citizi-n* of. {IPlainficld and vicinity, that we; Whave just received a full line of

    f fb BESa full lind MJK

    I p w . l U n

    L^w Phtlwh Iphim i* « , s io", j jo". • 3»". »( i r e . m.,j I*.J*S.S *>.*«* P. "•-I TiHni*iBiiriidai*i inarl.l -. clisri

    Itn ek.be that ciuoltiuif-v - 1a W t . , r

    g Kcumpnre trito oar AOiCruiiD rAny one who i-aii pay bj- way ID a«.u today ride aahixuriutnly a. UM,..f India arer dues. If a aan>- gi «tiii|[-haon tbe way."


    ML™, at.x-uiuiuo.liit. , —cely,'and are provided

    ,-kt, kenneb (or tbe ilogs atidiiijcnioo* tixturek. Thay a n

    in graat deniand. I tuu ' tcW ( U c JarunwUarUa, of UaMapbiMetta. IMilt aof taia kind for hfcuatlf, an 1 awant had two ntora xumU io Itl by i b .- f. fraaideot Artbor, took 14. Florida

    dog trip taut y«ar In a . hir*»i erne. Tlu-raare many coachai made for the «xpi«atof faiiiilha and prirale part*-. Tiw* ;from *JU to «M a .iny, aud oarry Hn peaTbere are one or two -can fop very n _

    I at (83 * day; the OttiuK ioclu.1-!u tbe mala IKBIIIT. Tbaa* are

    tuoed paitte* t S » • day, tbe ni M a i B i tb i lpUM>1 principally by Califor

    H h u mi ^

    "Tbat b a difficult questionve u( tbe FuJJiuau

    lixty lirimta «»™ *t **«.-thirty at *»,•**> escli. ou-i IWat

    W5.UW0 aacfa; ra an 1SW can, r,pre*nti..K•XMW00 b T t W & moderate « f -


    rflbj ̂ '- , Importuning he.Hald:",m , "It cot* tlO every Uma wo go tu: *e*

    " • Bran.lma, FloniDce, -nd • ) 0 * m t jrow ..utop.); Fmhr»i k,*--hli. I e**ry bnah."

    I "Hajthar do sntndis-* , crow on .Vary

    •nd taf logic WM cooTiaci . d a ( 4 n a n trS M Ce.

    R 3 d R « l "3W» it very ^U«i*»i,j rfoae, Uncla«•««>• « j . ; . . u «. . John," n d tbe lady of UM; manor to tbe ua-

    [ gro woo wat building a new gmidea fence;

    ioFaS :.,.!•..,, |-...,^T«T^7^fS -M- . " - " the old .nan^aip^UcrB-i«i=rf*.. . »iion», "tauai I Uu allcts ootk* dai'dar waa

    I Taxas Siftinp: A mam cant r*alUs how,,4 „ litile hUfraati*till bttriM tar •waUirapUl.

    Thtlii- bdie»ilw«n> a *tlw i . - i .

    miti of U m buy n tilfc-d D.I>.. HIBI It fc^i't ii-rry

    t hy

    a quarter hat tbat p*f the largest andmost popular houses in NewVork ought to be a sufficient in-ducement for Ladies tn give Home

    uli' tlif preference.

    BlackGROS (iRAlX


    CARNEY BROS.,No. I l l

    Tinen,Hinl>(nuifiis Fitters

    jMw Mm, CMt Him, lam.

    u j.**rrV ivkn. Brine nnr Tin wJc

    I w amis mmc but the vtry ben

    luax, Met ud PHUMc FiniKS.

    Sanitary Plumbing. •

    PIANOS AND OROANS.Tmudand Repaid by


    ruios m SUE i n TO LET.

    Tie Coolest Mice U Simmer to Get iGOOD

    SHAVE AX» HAIR (XTWilliam Oaassen's, ,


    T. E. Morgan*,Bowks. Staiiiiiit-rv. Musi''.

    XEW.s DEALER.•11 1-cl Un l »r..«l Him), t-lif

    B. 1^ FORCE.

    rtfl Shoe Denier.

    se laWvr prices as folkws:

    23 West Front St. |Hc-SUkat $1.00.Bit Silk at $1.25.

    Blk. Silk at $1.40."A JOB LOT



    Special attention is called toour Ladies Common SenseShoe at $2.50. Kvery. pairwarranted.

    Don't Forget



    vite a carefulof these

    Thursday Evening, June 19tb,


    oiir departments are full of sea~-•-iiiiiind • •

    NOTICE.rmbir to the extent of the. M-e'kfcep. yeu can do just asa price and quality to pur-herc and thereby encourage

    nn»i>iM, riair-LiiiLiii,;. .™ini*--inj;, cic, ™ ~ -

    Hot MtCtHiiiw bik.lt Cats UA-

    Z* West Front Street.

    tlw Mwy ilify h«w ( m tul.1; Umy 'Hiuiiiuttp UiH part tImt in tar yiw ' FORD & $TII.KS

    I Funeral. Directors


    Seely Edsall. i,G*J. 1- VAN KMBUR.GH,



    ParkAve. Cor. of8thSt., EXTRA! Wc hike pie; announcement Plainfield and have just receii Favorite Sumitmr K«*s«n. TOD At


    tmes HOTEL. Imported. It is of the well-known manufacture that w as formerly ilta- ported by A. T. Stewart & Co,

    Jobbers’ Prices. w. d—i — . abli


    Price $7.50.

    52HKs=aSSCARHEY BROS., «“«. »** Ha 11 hat Streak

    Black Silk

    ■TjDwer 'anmJ uw

    Corkscrew Suits, (rtlaa «irp»- At *12.

    Sanitary Plumbinj;. •S-rfel HsrpU. la

    I El'S Ul MTS’ PUTS. They arc by far the handsomest goods w e have ever handled, and possess the most intrinsic value. PI ANOS AND ORGANS.

    Tuned and Repaired by T. I*. VAX ARSDAI.E, M RAfPT FROST HTRKFT. «U« m SALE AID TO LET.

    which have had such encc as these at exactly the

    FOR THE York ught to be a sufficient in- ducement for Indies to give Home trade the preference. ni Mai Mice u Siawr to M i W»tt SHAVE AND HAIR ( IT

    W illiam Claassens, \ IVIVT VlrilVT k-TDBVT

    gros GRAIN T E. . \fwgtniH, s. Staiinnm. 1

    |:DS ALL’S 15. R. FORCE.

    Boot u/iil Shoe Denier. e mentioned silks ] rices as follow s: Btnrisr.

    Blk. Silk at (1.00. Blk. Silk at $1.25.

    Blk. Silk at $1.40. "A-JOB LOT


    EDSALL’S. We invite a careful inspection of these

    Fruit* and Vegetable! able goods and the price* were FESTIVAL;

    THE H.1IR CUTTER: 29 W

top related