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Coverall Franchised Business Initial Training Program


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Business ProcessesTraining Workbook Volume 1

Updated 062216

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Coverall Franchised Business Initial Training Program2

Focus on Fundamentals

Workbook Volume 1: Business Training

• Class 1 – Orientation

• Class 2 – Running your Business

Class 3 – Growing and Maintaining

your Business

As a business owner you will set goals for yourself and your business.

Are you satisfied with your business or would you like to increase

revenue, profits and success?

Growing your business requires focus on fundamentals: making good

decisions, delivering great service, and creating happy customers who

refer you to others.

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Growing and Maintaining your Business


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5 Ways to Grow Your Business

1. Increase customer retention

2. Offer Special Services

3. If offered to you, buy Additional Business

4. Get your own customers

5. Market your business

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Growing Your Business Idea #1: Customer Retention

Increase Customer Retention

• Consistent Service

- Follow the customer’s Coverall Service Plan.

- Do what you say you’re going to do. Only make promises you can keep.

- Customers tend to be loyal to businesses that give them the experience they expect.

• Communication

- Talk to your customers. Don’t be a stranger.

- Advise how to keep their facility clean. You are the expert.

- Be kind and polite – you and your employees.

• Trust

- Show pride and confidence in the Coverall brand.

- Look people in the eye, speak clearly, shake hands.

- Be worthy of their trust.

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Growing Your Business Idea #1: Customer Retention

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Growing Your Business Idea #1: Customer Retention

Would you recommend my company?

• Word of mouth is a great way to sell your services

• If your customer relationship is good, referrals will result

Sure. I’d be happy to introduce you to John. He runs the business next door.

I’m so glad that you are happy with my service. I’m looking for more customers. Can you refer me to

others who would benefit from my services?

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Growing Your Business Idea #2: Special Services

Look for Special Service opportunities

• Are their floors dull, marked up or without shine?

• Do their carpets have spots on them or look dirty?

• Is there a build-up on baseboards, especially in restrooms?

• Do their lobby windows look dirty?

• Is there dust on their high air ducts?

• Are they planning an event that requires extra clean up?

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Growing Your Business Idea #3: Additional Business

Buy Additional Business (if available and offered)

• Coverall may offer you Additional Business for purchase

• Above and beyond your original franchise package

• If available and offered to you, then 50% down payment, financing available

- Coverall Sales and Marketing fee

- 15% Royalty and Support fee and other fees, if applicable, such as insurance

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Growing Your Business Idea #4: Sell your own customers

Sell your own Service Agreements

• What facility is next door to your customers?

- They could be your new customer.

• Introduction to Selling

• Fill out a Lead Form at Support Center

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Growing Your Business Idea #5: Market your business

Create your business image

• Set up phone, email, voicemail for your business

• Answer every phone call as if it were a prospect or customer

• Use business cards to introduce your business

• Wear Coverall-branded apparel when representing your business

• Keep Coverall sales brochures with you

• Use Coverall vehicle magnets to identify your business

• Be ready for when people ask, “What does your business do?”

• Create a website to promote your business

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Growing Your Business Idea #5: Market your business

Online business promotion

• Promote your business on social media

- Create company pages on Facebook, LinkedIn

- Link to Coverall social media, blog, videos, etc.

• Link to Coverall website and local “microsite”

- Do not create your own Coverall website

See Franchised Business Policies and Procedures Manual for details and content

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Let’s Review5 Ways to Grow your Business

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14Let’s Review!

Review: 5 Ways to Grow Your Business

1. Customer __________________ means keeping your customers.

2. The longer you keep a customer, the more likely you are to __________________ from your


3. Three ways to keep customers: Consistent __________________, __________________ and


4. If your customer will not recommend your business to others, then there may be a

__________________ with your relationship.

5. A great way to increase your revenue is offering __________________ __________________

such as Hard Floor Care, Carpet Care and Window Cleaning.

6. When you have a prospect you want to sell, fill out a __________________ Form at your

Coverall Support Center. If Coverall is not already trying to sell that prospect, then you have

__________________ days to sell the prospect yourself.

7. TRUE or FALSE: When you sell a new customer on your own, you will pay the required monthly

fees, such as the 15% Royalty and Support fee for all billings and collection services.

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Growing your Business


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Do you like to sell?

• Business owners sell every day

• “Selling” is as simple as having a good conversation

• The prospect has a problem or a need; you have a solution

• Find match between what they want and your business offers

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Who is a prospect?

• Someone who might want to buy your services

• Customer next door

- The more they see you, the less you are a stranger

- Find a reason to stop by every few months

- Tell them something you noticed about their facility

• Ask people for referrals

- “Who do you know that might want a high quality cleaning service?”

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Get ready to sell

• Clean Coverall apparel (shirt, slacks, shoes)

• Franchised Business Owner ID badge

• Coverall business card

• Coverall brochure

• Notepad and pen

• Other sales tools

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Build a Brag Book

• Customer letters or emails

• Before / after pictures

• Certifications

• Coverall brochures / articles

• Anything else that tells prospects about your successful business

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Plan what you will say

• Walk in with confidence. Smile.

– Hi, I’m _______. I own a local office cleaning business called ________.

– The company next door is one of my customers.

– Present your business card.

– I’d like to talk to you about your cleaning and what’s most important to you.

• If they can talk right away, talk to them.

• If they can’t talk right away, schedule a meeting for another day.

• If they do not want a cleaning service yet:

– Sorry to hear that. Things can change. Here’s some information about my

business. My customer is next door so I’m here all the time. I will stop in again in

a couple months to see how things are going.

– Leave in a positive way so you can talk again.

• Always be polite, even if the prospect is not polite to you.

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Coverall sales process

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1st Base: Fact-Finding Form

• Ask questions

• Find pain

• Key concerns

• 3 things to improve right away

• Decision process

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Show that you are listening

• Look them in the eye

• Nod

• Say uh-huh, yes, got it, etc.

• Take notes

• React when appropriate

• Be curious but not obnoxious

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2nd base: Check

• Ask a simple “yes” or “no” question

• Site Survey

- What it is

- When to do it

- Coverall Site Survey form

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You are a professional

• DO: Look in the janitor’s closet.

• DO: look behind doors, touch the tops of door frames, run a finger through dust without being too obvious to the prospect.

• DO say: There are things that we can definitely improve for you.

• Do NOT say bad things about their current cleaner.

• Do NOT say bad things about a competitor.

• Do NOT tell them their building is filthy, even if it is.

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Practice – Connect and Check

• Introduce yourself

• Ask questions using the Fact-Finding Form

• Show you are listening

• Check – Keep going?

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3rd Base: Consulting

Match the prospect’s needs to Coverall’s value

Some things I see are: What we will do is: That will help you:

• Bad odors (in restroom)

• Unlabeled chemical bottles

• Unprofessional chemicals

Use hospital-grade

disinfectants that kill germs

Get a cleaner facility that looks great and is odor

free (smells better)

• Cloth rags or paper towel

• Dirty rags

• Streaks on glass or mirrors

Use color-coded microfiber –

acts like a “magnet” for soil

Pick up more soil and make sure harmful germs

are not spread from place to place (toilet to desk)

• Dirty string mop

• Old fashioned bucket

• Dirty water left in bucket

Use a no-dip microfiber flat

mopping system

Get floors cleaner – only clean solution used;

Color-coded mop pads make sure germs are not

spread from place to place (restroom to kitchen)

• Upright vacuum cleaner

• Full vacuum cleaner bag

• Worn out vacuum cord

Use a HEPA vacuumRemove dust and particles as small as 0.3 microns

(very small); less dust; help improve air quality

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Use the Coverall Core 4® Sell Sheet

• Your brand, be proud

• Different from your competition

• Tell them what your business will do to solve their problems

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Practice – Consulting

• Odor in restrooms

• Dusty desks, vents

• String mop and dirty bucket

• Upright vacuum cleaner

Some things I see are: What we will do is: That will help you:

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Heading home

• Before you close

- Calculate a price (bid)

- Introduction to Bidding

- Support Center can help

• It’s easy to do business with the Coverall® System

- Guide them through next steps

- Discuss invoicing, customer support

- Communication is important – your contact information

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Home Plate: Closing

• Ask them to work with you

• Keep your closing statement simple, then stop talking!

• 3 ideas:

- It sounds like we can help you here. So let’s sign the paperwork and get started!

- Would you like to start service on ___ or ___? Great! Then let’s sign the paperwork.

- It sounds like it makes sense for us to work together. When can we start?

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Franchise Owner Service Agreement

• Coverall Franchise Owner Service Agreement

- Legal document saying they agree to your price and services

- Customer must sign to complete the sale

- Give signed Agreement to Support Center for processing

- Coverall does all of the billing and collections for your business, including for customers that you sell yourself

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Practice – Closing the Sale

• You just finished consulting with the prospect.

• You have given a price for your services.

• What will you say to close the sale?

• Other ways to say it?

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Let’s ReviewIntroduction to Selling

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35Let’s Review!

Review: Introduction to Selling

1. A _________________________ is someone who might want to buy your services and become

your customer.

2. At first base use the _________________________ -_________________________ Form to

ask questions and find out if the prospect has some “pain” or problems with their current


3. At second base take time to find out if the prospect wants to keep talking. Ask a simple question

that they can answer with a _________________________ or _________________________.

4. At third base use the _________________________ Sell Sheet to talk about how your company

will clean differently.

5. Home plate is when you score a home run by gaining a new _________________________.

Before you close you will need to calculate a price (bid). This training program will include an

Introduction to Bidding.

6. If you want a new customer, then you must _________________________ them to do business

with you. You can say it in a way that’s comfortable to you, but you must say it!

7. Your prospect must sign a Coverall Franchise Owner _________________________

_________________________, which is a legal document that says they agree to your price

and accept your services.

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Growing your Business


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What is bidding?

• Calculating a price for your Franchised Business’ services

• Information you need:

- How big is the facility?

- Types of flooring?

- What needs to be done?

- How often to clean?

- How dirty is it?

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Cleanable area (square footage)

• Measure square footage using Site Survey form

• Square footage = length x width

• What is the square footage of each example below?

15 feet 100 feet

50 feet

10 feet

Example 1

Example 2

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How do you measure length and width?

• Get measurements during a Site Survey (2nd Base)

• Measuring wheel

• Laser tapeless measuring tool

• Counting tiles – ceiling or floor

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Write it down!

• Organize your information

• Use the Site Survey form

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Counting restroom fixtures

• A “fixture” is a sink, toilet, or urinal

• How many fixtures do you see below?

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Time it takes to clean – why?

• The more often you clean, the less time to clean.

• The more carpet and wide-open areas, the less time to clean.

• The cleaner the work environment (offices), the less time to clean.

• The newer the facility, the less time to clean.

• The more detailed cleaning and high dusting, the more time to clean.

• The more clutter, the more time to clean.

• The more difficult the building layout and access to water or trash area, the more time to clean.

• The higher the customer’s expectations, the more time to clean.

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Simple, medium or hard clean

Simple Medium Hard

Light cleaning Combination of simple and hard Detailed cleaning

Open areas, not much

furnitureNormal amount of furniture

Crowded areas, lots of


Mostly carpet Combination of carpet and tile Mostly tile floors

Low # employees

(<250 sq. ft. per employee)

Normal # of employees

(201 to 249 sq. ft. per employee)

High # of employees

(>200 sq. ft. per employee)

Clean environment (office) Combination of clean / dirty Dirty environment (plant)

*Square footage per employee: Total square footage / # employees = square footage per employee

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What is a production rate?

• Production rate = sq. ft. you can clean in one hour

• ISSA 612 establishes industry rates

• Ask your Support Center for a Production Rate Card

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Information you need for bidding

Step 1: Organize your information

• Total cleanable square footage = ________

• Total restroom square footage = ________

• SQ FT = Total square footage to be cleaned – total restroom square footage = ________

• Simple, Medium or Hard? ________

• Frequency (how often) = ________

• Production Rate = ________

• Suggested Retail Rate for your local market = ________

• # Restroom Fixtures (total number of toilets, urinals, sinks) = ________

• Restroom Rate = ________

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Plug in the numbers and calculate

Step 2: Calculate the $ for general cleaning

(SQ FT / Production Rate) x Frequency x 4.33 x Retail Rate = $ _____ for general cleaning

Step 3: Calculate the $ for restroom cleaning

(# Restroom Fixtures x Restroom Rate) / 60 x Frequency x 4.33 x Retail Rate = $ _____ for

restroom cleaning

Step 4: Add the two prices together

$ ______ general cleaning + $ ______ restrooms = $ ______ monthly Regular Service (RS)

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Bidding Worksheet Example

• Review the bidding worksheet example in your Workbook

• Discuss the Bidding Worksheet (13,088 square feet):

- Step 1: Organize your information

- Step 2: Calculate $ for general cleaning

- Step 3: Calculate $ for restroom cleaning

- Step 4: Add the two $ together = $ _____________ regular service

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Bidding Practice Exercise 1

• Review the Bidding Worksheet for Bidding Practice Exercise 1

• Use the Bidding Worksheet (12,645 square feet):

- Step 1: Organize your information

- Step 2: Calculate $ for general cleaning

- Step 3: Calculate $ for restroom cleaning

- Step 4: Add the two $ together = $ _____________ regular service

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Bidding Practice Exercise 2

• Review the Bidding Worksheet for Bidding Practice Exercise 2

• Use the Bidding Worksheet (6,000 square feet):

- Step 1: Organize your information

- Step 2: Calculate $ for general cleaning

- Step 3: Calculate $ for restroom cleaning

- Step 4: Add the two $ together = $ _____________ regular service

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Let’s ReviewIntroduction to Bidding

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51Let’s Review!

Review: Introduction to Bidding

1. ___________________________ means calculating a price for your cleaning services.

2. Before you calculate a bid you need to know the square footage (area) to be cleaned. This is

called the _______________________ area.

3. Most people measure square footage during a _______________________ Survey.

4. Square footage is calculated by multiplying the _______________________ of a room by the


5. To calculate a bid you need to count fixtures in the restrooms. A “fixture” is a

_______________________, _______________________, or _______________________.

6. During the Site Survey, decide if the clean will be simple, medium or hard. Most facilities will be

a _______________________ clean.

7. A _______________________ rate is how many square feet can be cleaned in one hour.

8. _______________________ is how often you will clean, such as 1x a week, 2x a week, etc.

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Growing your Business


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When to add employees

• Things to consider:

- Business growth, cash flow

- Customer satisfaction

- Timing

- Part time or full time

- Type of skills needed

- Wages, taxes, Workers’ Compensation

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How will







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Information Site

Equal Employment Opportunity Act

Hiring employees

Employer’s Tax Guide

W-4, Federal Income Tax Withholding,-Employee's-Withholding-


W-2, Federal Wage and Tax Statement,-Wage-and-Tax-Statement

Employee guidelines and requirements

State and local tax information


New hire reporting by state

E-Verify to confirm employment eligibility

Workplace posters

Worker’s Compensation requirements

Information about employees

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Finding an employee

• Get a referral from a friend

• Advertise through non-profit organizations

• Place an ad online or in a newspaper

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Sample job description

• Allows them to look through the position in detail

• Gives them time to decide if it’s a position they want

• Saves you time

• Saves them time

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Hire for vs train for

• Set realistic expectations for the job

• Hire for personality traits

- Integrity

- Honesty

- Dependability

- Communication

- Teamwork

• Train on the Core 4® Process after they sign Confidentiality Agreement

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Training your employees

• Core 4® Process

• Safety and Security

• Customer Service

• Quality Control

• Team Cleaning

• Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens Course – renew annually

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• How can your employees affect customer satisfaction?

- Positive

- Negative

• If one of your employees is working alone at a customer facility:

- How can you make sure they follow the Core 4® Process?

- How can you make sure they don’t harm your customer relationship?

- How would you handle a customer complaint about your employee?


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Let’s ReviewHiring and Managing Employees

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62Let’s Review!

Review: Hiring and Managing Employees

1. As your business grows you may need to consider hiring _______________________. Working

as a team can give you the opportunity to service more customers than you could alone.

2. In addition to requirements for keeping _______________________ records of your employees

for tax purposes, you must also keep records about your employees and ensure compliance with

_______________________ and other regulations.

3. One of the best ways to find an employee is get a ______________________________. Talk to

people you know and tell them about the type of person you’d like to hire, and ask if they know

anyone who might be a good fit.

4. Coverall recommends that you talk with a _______________________ before hiring employees.

5. Coverall requires you to have each of your employees sign a _______________________ /Non-

Compete Agreement to protect the Coverall brand. Get a copy of the agreement from your

Support Center.

6. Just as you were trained on the Coverall Core 4® Process, train your employees

_______________________ they start servicing customers.

7. Note that you and your employees must renew your _______________________ and

_______________________ Pathogens Course certification each year.

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