business plan thomas becker ian braaten mark hill tiffany schlosser

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1
  • Business Plan Thomas Becker Ian Braaten Mark Hill Tiffany Schlosser
  • Slide 2
  • Welcome What to do with the old Saskatoon Weir? Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing
  • Slide 3
  • White Water Park Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing Photo Credit: Saskatoon Star Phoenix
  • Slide 4
  • Business Build a white water park Use the existing weir for water flow Offer access to the course Offer rafting adventures Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing
  • Slide 5
  • Site Plan Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing
  • Slide 6
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers ProductCost Pass (4 hours)$50 Yearly Membership$1000 Corporate Team Building$1875 Kayak Rental$500 Price and Product Advertising Shore side signage Television Radio Newsprint Word of mouth Group-on Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing Price & Place
  • Slide 7
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers If you build it, they will come Placement People Specifically 18-40 years old Middle class incomes Both male and female Generally Anyone who likes fun Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing Target Market
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  • PricewaterhouseCoopers EventPriceDurationActivity Level Rafting$504 hoursActive Movie$102 hoursNon-active Bowling$152 hoursMildly active Paintball$802 hoursActive Go-karting$3520 minutesMildly active Competitive Analysis Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing Substitutes
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  • Revenue Model Type of RevenueAmount (2013) Rides/Season Pass $3,210,000 Kayak Rentals$154,750 Building Rental$120,000 Corporate$75,000 Other$87,200 Total$3,646,950 Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing Projected Revenue
  • Slide 10
  • Financial Low-down DetailFinancial Value of WAR Today$11,012,042 Equity Injection$3,000,000 Percentage of WAR Offered 30% Dividends Commence 2014 NPV of 30% Equity$3,399,550 Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing Investment
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  • WAR Board and Management Team Mark Hill, Accounts Manager, Director of Finance Thomas Becker, Marketing Manager, Director of Marketing Ian Braaten, Operations Manager, Director of Operations Tiffany Schlosser, Board Chairman Competitive AnalysisInvestors and Board of Directors Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing
  • Slide 12
  • WAR Board and Management TeamCompetitive AnalysisQuestions? Intro Business Market Finance Investors Closing

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