business etiquette

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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Business Etiquette



• What is etiquette?– Conventional rules of social behaviour or

professional conduct.

• Why study it?– To become one with the organization.– To be more successful.– To have better interpersonal relationships.


• It covers a very broad spectrum of activities

• People who have proper etiquette move up the ladder faster and get rewarded better

• Lets now take a look at various real life situations and see how well we are prepared in etiquette terms to succeed


• “Without question, etiquette affects a company’s bottom line.

• Within a company, employees are motivated to do their best when the environment they work in is supportive of them; when they feel acknowledged, recognized and valued.


• “In climbing the slippery ladder of success, people have to recognize that they will never get promoted if their bosses and customers don’t see them as looking and acting the part,”


• “Problems that have occurred relative to business etiquette, in many ways, are problems companies have created. When a company announces Friday as casual day, they need to not only attach a policy explaining what casual really means, but enforce that policy,”

Etiquette• As your career progresses, you develop skills

which are respected and expected -- professional etiquette!

• Professional etiquette builds leadership, quality, business and careers. It refines skills needed for exceptional service.

• Whether you are a seasoned executive or just starting out, a seminar in professional etiquette will help you.


• Without etiquette, you limit your potential, risk your image, jeopardize relationships that are fundamental to business success. Etiquette Pays Off!

• Formerly perceived as soft skills, busy, result -oriented professionals have found that professional etiquette influences their success because it:


• Differentiates them in a competitive market.

• Honors commitments to quality and excellence.

• Enables them to be confident in a variety of settings with a variety of people

• Modifies distracting behaviors and develops admired conduct.

Meeting for the first time

• How do you meet a person? What is the greeting?– Casually?– Friendly manner– Professionally- pleased to meet you!!

• The opening - What is it? How do you remember names?

• The handshake? How?

Meeting for the first time

• Exchanging visiting cards. Proffer yours first and ask for one in return.

• Study the card and then put it in your pocket (why should we do this)

• Learn the art of conversation to facilitate a smooth opening. (Read newspapers, talk of the weather, any current topic, etc. - but keep asking questions.Don’t give opinions until you are asked.


• When you introduce somebody, please enunciate the name clearly.

• Always add the designation and your relationship with the person.

• Do not forget to introduce the other person to your partner.

• Tactfully, suggest that they exchange cards if that is possible.


• Understand why you are getting the two of them together.

• Understand that there will be some tentativeness between two newly introduced people. Do your best to minimize it.

• At a professional level steer the conversation in the direction you want - otherwise it meanders.


• At all times maintain eye contact with the person to whom you are talking

• Respond to the introduction appropriately - Glad to meet you, how do you do, etc.

• Always stand when you are being introduced and lean forward attentively.


• How should you dress for a day in the office?

• Good, clean, sober coloured shirt with matching trousers. No flamboyant colours.

• Wear a sober tie. Socks with elastic not loosened. And shoes shined properly.

• What you wear and how says a lot about you. People can make out.


• For formal occasions - wear a suit.In some companies, a blazer will do. If you are not sure - ASK. It is terrible to land up and find yourself inappropriately dressed.

• Your clothes should be properly ironed and you must take care of your own grooming. We are constantly working with people and also being observed.


• Your appearance is non verbal communication at its best.

• It is also a personal advertisement. Equally important is what you wear and how you wear it. Always use a deo and after shave.

• It reflects self confidence or the lack of it.

• Do not wear sandals, chappals to the office or a formal occasion.

Dressing - Ladies

• Good salwar kameez, jacket suits or sarees.

• You should dress to appear smart and not sloppy. And not to attract attention.Also dressing in college is different from dressing in an organization.

• Do not overdo make up. In fact, the clean, freshly scrubbed look is the best. Avoid loud colours of lipstick, nail paint, etc.

Dressing - Ladies

• Avoid anything semi transparent or diaphanous. It sends all the wrong signals.

• Learn to carry yourself well. In a corporate setting, over friendliness can easily be mistaken. Wear a light perfume.

• Go easy on the accessories - you have come to work and not to a fashion show. They have hired you and not a mannequin


• Meetings are seen as effective when

• The purpose of the meeting is made clear beforehand

• Participants come to the meeting prepared

• The agenda items and time budgeted for each item are not seen as a ‘moveable feast.’

Meetings• Contributions are limited to those which are

useful and relevant

• Attendance is restricted to people affected by the issues being discussed

• All relevant information is at hand

• The objectives of the meetings are seen to be achieved

• Where appropriate decisions are made and actions initiated.


• Meetings are ineffective

• When they appear to have no real purpose

• Make straight forward issues complicated

• Last too long

• Provide a platform for the talkative

• Delays decisions and actions

Making Meetings Work

• Meetings can be an effective means of communicating to a group

• Improving quality of decisions

• Providing a forum for structured discussion

• Decide if at all a meeting is necessary

• Establish a purpose

• What are you trying to achieve by having a meeting

Making Meetings Work

• What action needs to be initiated

• Prepare an agenda. Include only relevant items

• Prioritize order of importance. Group together related items.

• This is not fun.Only contribute when you have something worthwhile to say. Otherwise keep listening & learning.

Telephone Manners

• A hello is just NOT okay. Announce who is speaking to the other person

• Simple telephone courtsies get you more mileage than if you banged the phone down after the conversation.

• Remember, please, thank you, could you, etc. all add up to success.

Telephone Manners

• Never shout over the telephone.

• If the line is bad, say that you’ll call back later.

• Follow the “KISS” formula on the telephone - “Keep It Short & Simple”

• If necessary follow up with a written communication.

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