business ethics foundation management digest november 2020

Post on 20-Feb-2022






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Contents : 1. Face sheet by – Vishwas Datye and Pradeep Kalekar
2. Publishes By – Dr S. G. Bapat
3. From the editor – Vishwas Datye
4. Questionnaire for Members [ New ]
5. Member’s feedback - Responses from the members
6. News / Announcements –
8. Frankly Speaking – Dr S. G. Bapat
9. ISO 9001 – A way of Life! – Neelkanth Inamdar
10. Paintings – S. G. Apte
11. Organisation – an organism – K. Aiyar
12. Ethics – part 1 – Ashok Garde
13. Repentance – Dr Arvind Joshi
14. Forensic sciences – Bipin Shah
15. Ethical experiences of the members – [ New ]
a. Honoring Honararium
d. 16. Divine campus – Bhushan Ambadkar
17. BEF Prayer
20. Positive news - Vishwas Datye
21. Vikram – Vetal series part 1 – Abhay Kale [ New ]
22. Lighter moments
cartoons, prayer, did you know? etc.
(Section 25 Company CIN– U93000PN2012NPL142019 2011 – 2012) C/o. Dr. S. G. Bapat, ‘Vijigeesha’, 17 Prashant Nagar, Navi Peth, Pune– 411030 , Ph : +91 9881468504 /
Office secretary – Madhuri Chiddarwar,
+91 97644 61567, 020-24533931
3 +91 9850035362
Hi, The annual festive season is on. I am very happy to bring this special Diwali edition to all of you. After the general morose mood over last seven months due to Covid19, there are clear signs of the pandemic starting to recede. This is evident from the fact that our daily national figures of new patients and Corona Deaths are reducing every passing day. On the lighter mode, we are in a very interesting situation.
The air is pure but wearing a mask is mandatory.
Roads are empty but it is impossible to go on long drive.
People have clean hands but a handshake is to be avoided.
Friends have time to sit together but they cannot get together.
Those who have money cannot spend it freely.
Those who don't have money have no way to earn it.
There is enough time on hand but you can't fulfill your dreams.
The culprit is all around but cannot be seen.
In this ironical situation, let us be positive but test negative.
I also feel that the excessive fear created in our minds about Covid19, is progressively reducing. People are back on the streets, shops and organisations are reopening. Most of us clearly know that if we take care, we are quite safe. So, to bring a bit of change, vibrancy, joy and happiness, this issue has a little more share of variety and humour. Hope you enjoy reading it.
Best wishes on the occasion of Deepawali to you and your near ones ! – Vishwas Datye
Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – November 2020 - Issue 78
the quality of articles in our Management
Digest in terms of coverage of all aspects of
ethics in principle and practice as also make it
vibrant, interesting and participative.
reading this issue of MD to convey your
impressions and to give suggestions.
1. Your preference for Size of articles: number
of pages
read: Please mention titles
Please mention titles
6. Any part that can be discontinued
Please send your mail to editor, BEF MD
further. Anybody would like to contribute
knowledge he/she possesses.
it! Thanks.
BEF news / Announcements 1. On 15th Oct - Dr. Keshav Sathaye has sent
meaning of Ethics to us as
Eternal Truth Has Its Own Countable Score !
So nice and true and meaningful. The speech on
Media and Ethics was well appreciated. - S.G.Bapat
appreciation. Congratulations !
3. On 3rd Oct, Mr Ajit Abhyankar’s speech on
Deciphering new labour laws was well
appreciated by BEF members. This was
organized by Mr Pranav Patil.
4. BEF ,
'Outstanding achievement in Value Education
Award 2020 - 2021' . !
Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – November 2020 - Issue 78
Chaudhari: An Excerpt
: Dr. Sanjay Kandalgaonkar
Ethics Foundation, Pune on Tuesday, 27th
informing that there are 5 different
types of Biotechnology like –
Bioinformatics and Bio-Tech. Out of
them all, PRAJ is working in the
Industrial Biotechnology. Started in 1983, with
the Venture Capital support of Mr. Waghul,
PRAJ has grown over the last 37 years. It came
with an IPO in 1994. Our R and D has grown
into Fundamental R and D by entering into
Waste Water Treatment, High Purity Water
Segment, etc.
Cycle management. We have established Value
Chain from R and D to D and D meaning
thereby, Design and Deployment! From
Concept to Design To Commercial Application.
We are proud to state, we have Technology and
Innovation too! Our R and D was initiated way
back in 2008, focusing on Green Technology.
Launching of Bio Mobility is our yet another
initiative in India. Though it was originally
started in Brazil way back in 1973, today we
have captured the attention of as many as 65
nations. Bio-based fuel is the need of the hour
and Decarobonization is highly needed
everywhere. Our initiatives are not only
appreciated by the world of business but, even
by the Defense Forces of India! Both Indian
Navy and Airforce of GOI have approached us.
Today, Marine wealth is wasted to a great extent
because of the fuel and our Bio fuel is an
excellent substitute for it. Even, with in the
country, the present day issue of agricultural
waste in Haryana and Panjab largely being
destroyed traditionally by putting paddy to fire
has resulted in to smoke, even reaching the
neighboring states like Delhi. It is heating the
political atmosphere all around. This paddy can
be easily used to convert into Ethanol
Production. We are proud to state that, our
initiatives of GOI of Self Reliant India will be
supported by us in many dimensions like-
Supporting Agri Economy, Saving of precious
FOREX in the future, etc. We have taken up
initiatives in Bio Mobility in three fold ways:
Feed Stock + Technology + Production= we call
it as FTP. The Bio Mass generated in huge
quantity in different parts of the nation – States,
Cities and mostly in towns and villages will be
utilized in different ways. This will give us
results in many dimensions as first of all it is in
the Unorganized Sector of India, New Job
Opportunities will be created Bio Fuel needing
Bio Refineries to be established.
Particularly, in the Post COVID scenario, we
look up for many more opportunities. Self -
Reliance, Rural Employment, and Additional
Source of Revenue for farmers will lead to the
better livelihood in rural areas. Bio Prism is yet
another innovation of PRAJ in this direction. Bio
Prism is looked at as Renewable Chemicals and
materials (RCM) in our terminology.
It was a feast and bundle of thoughts making all
of us concerned about the ecology in general and
the economic development of our nation
particularly in the Post COVID era to come! It
was felt by all that, Dr. Pramod Chaudhari was
aptly felicitated by the IYOWA State Award
titled: George Washington Carver Award 2020.
Sir, we are Proud of You!
Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – November 2020 - Issue 78
Founder President BEF
- . - - . - - - . , ? . - ? - . . - - . ! - . ! . . - "" . , ! . . "" . '' . '' ! - . " " . "" . - . .
! . - . - !! !! ? .
Points to ponder
source – social media
source – social media
ISO 9001 – A way of life! Nilkanth Inamdar +91 96899 21650
(This is the concluding article from the very interesting series of articles on the relevance and application of ISO 9001 in day to day life. Read further)
1) Performance evaluation – a)
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and
needs to be monitored and measured,
methods for monitoring, measurement,
the results from monitoring and
measurement shall be analyzed and
evaluated. In case of packing box, dimensional
measurement, weight check, load test, pest
control, and quality of wood, visual check
could be monitored and measured. a.2)
customer satisfaction – we have to monitor
customer’s perceptions so that their needs
and expectations could be fulfilled. These
perceptions could be customer surveys,
customer feedbacks, meetings with
customers, market share analysis,
reports. a.3) analysis and evaluation – the
results of the analysis shall be used to evaluate
conformity of packing box, degree of
customer satisfaction, effectiveness of actions
taken to address risks & opportunities and
performance of external providers. b.1)
internal audit – internal audits are conducted
at planned intervals to provide information on
whether the quality management system is
effectively implemented and maintained.
once in three months or six months. b.2)
internal audit programs including the
frequency, methods, responsibilities, planning
Define audit criteria and scope for each audit.
Select qualified auditors for impartial audit.
Take appropriate correction and corrective
actions. Retain documented information as
evidence of the implementation of the audit
program and the audit results. In case of
packing box manufacturing company separate
record of corrective action is maintained. c.1)
Management review- to be conducted by top
management to review its quality
management system at planned intervals to
ensure its effectiveness and alignment with
the strategic direction of the organization. c.2)
management review inputs – customer
feedbacks, internal audit results,
include decisions and actions related to
opportunities for improvement, need for
changes in the system and resource needs.
Documented information as evidence of the
results of management reviews to be
life. Organization has to seek
opportunities for improvement to meet
customer requirements and enhance
that is correction. Subsequently, root
cause of non-conformity is found and
action is taken on root cause of non-
conformity, which is nothing but
corrective action. For example, accident
takes place on road, this is non-
conformity. Correction could be take
the injured person to hospital and
provide medical aid. What could be the
root cause? Why- why analysis is done
and root- cause found is, the driver is
learner and do not possess license to
drive vehicle. Hence the corrective
action could be providing training and
license to driver. c.1) continual
improvement – outputs from
analysis and evaluation could be part of
continual improvement. For example if
the output of management review calls
for change in the manufacturing process
to address customer needs, then
realigning the manufacturing process till
the desired results are obtained, could
be project for continual improvement.
Another continual improvement project
cardboard material instead of wood for
packing box, considering weight
continual improvement projects only
Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – November 2020 - Issue 78
they taught me was the differences between living
and non-living things. Sounds familiar? Possibly
every one of us learned this as a child. However,
after being in corporate world for 20 years; during
2016, it started occurring to me that every
organization have striking similarity with the living
things. Strange isn’t it!
Let us explore possibilities in this line of thought.
There are almost all the characteristics of living
things you will find in an organization. Living things
have definitive shape and size, so do an organization
have. Living things have definitive internally
organized structure, well same is true for
organizations also. Living things respond to stimuli
and that is one of the most important things,
organizations do as well.
respire, excrete, reproduce, differentiate, adapt,
have life span and die. Arguably, a few
characteristics primarily nourish, excrete,
However, when we look deeper behind the purpose
of these activities; we can surely draw some parallel.
For example purpose of nourishment in living things
is for survival and for growth. Organizations also
need nourishment in the form of revenue for
survival and growth. Let us take another example –
reproduction. Living things do this to keep their
lineage alive. Organizations also do that and come
up with diversified units while there primary
business is dying. Fundamentally, both living things
and organizations want to survive and grow.
What if organizations are just not living things but
actually they are like human beings?
Let’s explore further. Humans have three vital
category of needs – physical, social and spiritual.
With some deeper thinking I could figure out
parallels again. The picture below shows these
parallels between humans and organizations:
The idea that organizations are like human beings
opens up new ways to lead and manage
organizations. This gave rise to concept of
Transcendental Leadership (I will leave this topic for
some another day).
conscious. Leader’s behavior should become
conscious instead of compulsive. These conscious
minds will convert organizations into humans which
are like a good citizen - who will be law abiding, will
have high ethics, will have moral values, will be
ecologically sensitive, will grow together etc.
There are many more dimensions and depths in this
discussions. All cannot be covered here. Also some
dimensions and depths are yet to be explored. This
idea is still evolving and I am nourishing it.
The idea that the organization are not only living
things but are like humans; is undoubtable
debatable as well. By the way every idea starts with
a seed and you can only predict how the plant would
be. Let us sow this seed in the leader’s minds. Let us
lead our organizations as if we are nurturing a
human being. Let the employees who are like
organs, grow themselves and support organizations
to flourish and live well – physically, socially and
(Continued as part 2 of a series)
Adhering to Ethics: Good Behaviour
How should a thinking individual decide upon what is ‘good’ and act accordingly? We need definitive answer. Changed Scenario Scientific discoveries have helped mankind to move towards the concept of equality of all persons, irrespective of ethnic and gender differences. Technology has impacted many assumptions. With the advent of methods of birth control, and of techniques such as DNA tests for establishing ‘fatherhood’ it is no wonder that ideas of female chastity and attitudes towards enjoying sex are changing. No religion or no nation can impose its own tenets of human behavior on others against their will. The forces supporting personal liberty and separation of the democratic state from religion have increased substantiality over the past two centuries. In this changed scenario, we need a rational answer to decide what is ‘good’ behaviour. Ethical equals Good The only way to judge a moral tenet for its ‘goodness’ is to apply the test of ethics. Ideas such as equality of all individuals, liberty of individuals, democracy, capitalism etc. are ‘good’ because each is ethically sound. Decision Process
Ethics Test of a Moral Tenet
Decisions on Ethical Problems
In most situations in life where ethicality of any action by A and with an effect X on B is being considered, there exists a third C which is affected directly. This C may be a group of persons, a community or society. Three types of decisions are need when faced with ethical questions.
Right versus Wrong RvW Right versus Right RvR Wrong versus Wrong WvW
“Whether to give a bribe or not?” is a decision of the RvW kind. Ethically, morally and legally, giving bribe is known and accepted to be ‘wrong’. Hence, the person faces no dilemma at all, the answer is clear. Do not give bribe.
When a firm must downsize its operation to reduce losses, the ethical question is RVR; either of the actions - of keeping the redundant employees on the job or removing them from the job are ‘right’ ethically. This is an ethical dilemma.
A terrorist group is holed up in a building; should the police kill the terrorists who are defending themselves with weapons or catch them alive and take them to the court of law? This is WvW, an ethical dilemma.
Resolving Ethics Situations
With RvW, the question really is “How to manage to get the same result without using the wrong- unethical-alternative”. The integrity of the person responsible for action must be excellent and he/she needs to have a firm will to withstand temptation or pressure.
With RvR, act in such a way that the greatest numbers of persons get the greatest benefit. In the downsizing example, one should look after the welfare of the retrenched employees: offering them a good severance package, offering alternative jobs elsewhere in the same business group, helping to get jobs in other organisations etc.
When the individual taking a decision on ethics is in a position of leadership/power, like all entrepreneurs, managers, administrators in government and politicians are, the responsibility for taking the best possible decision rests heavily on their shoulders.
Moral Tenet
Yes No
---------------------------- Ex: Do not eat pork/beef
Yes No
Yes No Impact: Consider severity and spread
--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Ex: speak truthfully Ex: Gay/lesbian relationship
Negligible Small Medium Large Horrible
May tolerate Low priority: Medium priority: High Priority No tolerance
Restrict to followers Law may be needed Law needed Law needed
Ex: White lies Ex: Using office vehicle Ex: Abortion is a sin Ex: Practicing untouchability Ex: Honour killing
for personal use
Notes: Just because an item is ethically neutral or acceptable, one need not behave that way. If an item is
‘bad’ in our moral thinking, but is either acceptable or is neutral ethically, we should not condemn those who follow
This iconic photograph depicts the end of the
career of matador Alvaro Munero. In the midst of
the battle, he suddenly, in remorse, sat down at
the edge of the arena. After, in an interview,
Alvaro will tell: “Suddenly I saw not horns, but the
eyes of a bull. He stood in front of me and looked
at me. Just stood and watched, making no attempt
to attack. The very innocence that all animals have
in their eyes looked at me with a plea for help. It
was like a cry for justice and somewhere deep
inside me, I suddenly realized that he was
addressing me the way we address God in prayer:
“I don’t want to fight you, please spare me,
because I did you nothing wrong. Kill me if you
want, if you will, but I do not want to fight with
you. " And I, reading it in his eyes, felt like the
worst creature on earth and interrupted the
battle. After that I became a vegetarian and
started fighting bullfighting. "
thousands of other foreign publications told about
this case, millions learned about the matador
Alvaro Munero, and the photo became one of the
most recognizable.
Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – November 2020 - Issue 78
(New interesting subject series – concluding part 2)
What is happening In India?
The application of science and technology to
the detection and investigation of crime and
administration of justice is not new to India.
Although our ancestors did not know forensic
science in its present form, scientific methods
in one way or the other seem to have been
followed in the investigation of crime. Its
detailed reference is found in Kautilya’s
‘Arthashastra,’ which was written about 2300
years ago. Indians studied various patterns of
the papillary lines, thousands of years ago. It
is presumed that they knew about the
persistency and individuality of fingerprints,
which they used as signatures.
We are also marching ahead in the field of
forensic sciences to tackle both white collar
and blue collared crimes. We have challenges
such as terrorism, cybercrimes and frauds
occurring across the country.
colleges for studying forensic sciences in our
country, but it is a matter of pride and great
honor for our country that we have world’s
first and only University dedicated to Forensic
and Investigation Sciences.
was established in the year September 2008
with an objective of fulfilling the acute
shortage against increasing demand of
forensic experts in the country and the world.
This university is dedicated to forensic,
investigation, research & development and
mtrs at Gandhinagar (near Ahmadabad) which
is capital of Gujarat. It is actively
collaborating with premier institutions in India
and abroad.
with intelligent laboratories, learning centre
with a voluminous collection of both:
Electronic & printed – Books, paper reviews
and articles. The University runs in parallel
association with the Directorate of forensic
Science (DFS) – Gujarat State to provide hands
on training. DFS- Gujarat State is a state of
art NABL accredited: ISO –IEC-17025:2005
certified laboratories, maintaining
academic departments namely Institute of
forensic Science, Institute of Behavioral
Science and Institute of Research &
Development. It is offering specialist courses
post graduate and Doctoral level programmes
such as Pharmaceuticals, Nanotechnology,
Environmental Sciences and management,
Chemistry, Forensic Structural Engineering
these fields.
officials within India and abroad, top
executives of MNC, Government officials,
In today’s scenario apart from Central or state
government owned Forensic laboratories
signature verification and analysis, fingerprint
expert, Investigations, Education, Research,
Security Services, cybercrime investigation,
Test and more so mobile forensic labs are on
the anvil.
Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar,
Ashok R. Garde 9427010612
Ashok R. Garde
informal consultation this afternoon? I hear your
assignment at the XYZ mill is over and you have
some free time before you board the train this
night.” I knew my classmate was the head of
spinning department in a mill in the same town,
but this call was unexpected. “Why not? I will be
happy to come and be of some help if I can.”
Was my response. I was wondering how to pass
time anyway.
Textile Industry’s Research Association in
another spinning mill was over a little earlier
than expected. The mill was happy with the
solution given to their technical problem using
diagnostic systems developed by ATIRA.
At my classmate’s mill I suggested that we skip
the customary round of the mill and come
straight to discussing points their technical
personnel wished to raise. We had a group of
10-12 persons sitting in their Board Room and
the question-answer session began at 2.30 pm.
Their queries were on aspects related to
productivity of machines and of labour, control
of process wastes and improvement of quality.
Several of my responses were different from
their expectation and the suggested trials for
selecting the right action were accepted only
after they were convinced of the technological
logic behind the suggestion. The question “What
will this solution cost?” came up 2-3 times. Then
the simple method developed by ATIRA for
estimating the monetary gains from any
technical improvement was conveyed to them.
“Let the gain from every proposed technical
action be determined and then the benefit to
cost ratio be computed. Usually, this would
range from 2-3 to 25-30 times when annual
gains are computed. Obviously, give priority to
large gains and low cost, taking into account the
time needed to make the change.” This meeting
went on till about 6.30 pm and it was time for me
to go to the railway station for catching the train.
I was happy that the mill could identify several
actions leading to a gain of several lakhs of
rupees annually. The General Manger of the mill
wound up the meeting, thanked me profusely,
and handed over an envelope. A bit
embarrassed by this unexpected gift, I said, ”I
came here informally as asked by my
classmate. It is a policy of ATIRA that individual
consultants cannot give paid consultation based
on ATIRA know how. If this is small honorarium,
I can accept.” The GM smiled and said,” It is just
that, a small token of our appreciation for your
help.” So, I kept that envelope in by bag.
At Ahmedabad, when I opened that sealed
envelope, it contained 10 notes of Rs 100 each:
thousand rupees was a large amount in the
1984! This amount was about half of what
ATIRA would have officially charged for the half
day that I had spent on consultation. ATIRA
ethics did not permit me to take this amount and
I was in a fix!! That smile of the GM had
indicated that he felt my protest was half-
hearted, and people do say such things when
accepting a gift. That I was sincere in saying that
‘a small honorarium would be OK’ was unlikely
to be perceived by any of the team in that mill.
It would be difficult to return the amount and that
action could hurt the feelings of the mill
personnel. While thinking like this, a solution
struck me: I went to our accounts division and
gave them Rs 900 as ‘Consultation Charges for
half day visit to XX mill’ and asked them to send
the receipt to the mill, addressed to the General
Manager. And kept one 100 rupees note with
me as honorarium; to keep my word given to
the GM would get on receiving this receipt!
Wondered whether he smiled again – happily -
to find that the ethics of this consultant was
unexpectedly good.
“ , PUC , !” . . . , . . .
, , . . . , . . .
. . “ , , PUC .” PUC . PUC . , “ , . . . PUC .”
, “PUC . .” . , ”
. . , . .
“ , . . . ” . .
- , . . .
. . .
. . . . . “, .” .
, . , “, . .
Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – November 2020 - Issue 78
. . .” .
. . . . , “ . . , PUC , ! ”
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Ethical behavior
This happened when I was working in Japan at
Kyoto in one company, where my assignment
was to dismantle one 8000 ton capacity hydro-
pneumatic press and reinstall in India..
That particular day, I was Ten minutes late for
attending a meeting which was arranged
between KMC factory , the outside contractor
who was assisting us in dismantling the press ,
and the customer that was me, to discuss re.
the progress of the work.
When I went for the meeting late, I found,
others were waiting for me only.
The meeting started after my arrival and
completed in exactly Thirty minutes, after
which the outside contractor left hurriedly.
Nobody had said anything for delay from my
since such things were never discussed in
Japan once happened.
telling you that , the contractor was supposed
to catch a flight at Tokyo and also was to pick
up one person on way to Tokyo which he could
not do, and the other person missed the flight
and could not accompany the contractor and
there was some problem .
I had another wonderful experience in Pune. I
was invited to attend a meeting of
entrepreneurs at one place at 3-30 p.m . As per
my usual habit I went there at 3-20 p.m. that is
10 minutes earlier. Unfortunately nobody
arrived up to 3-50 p.m . after which the
secretary arrived and afterwards some
entrepreneurs also arrived.
the secretary and my friend, who smiled and
said ‘ Dear friend, being a born Punekar how
do you forget that this is the ethical practice
observed here. It would be better for you to
come out of your Japanese thinking as early as
possible. But do not worry, we will be out of
I had no comments on his advice, and I determined to continue my own practices.

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Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – November 2020 - Issue 78
“Divine Campus” has emerged as most
preferred online ERP software
for IB/ICSE/CBSE & State Board
companies - IBM & Hewlett Packard with over
20 years IT experience have developed
“Divine Campus” cloud-based ERP software
and diligently upgrading it every month.
- Extensive R&D, software development and
testing carried out for over four years as
against few months to one year by other
respects and absolutely error free – A rare
accomplishment. Not a single complaint
during last five years.
- Major Benefits: a) Savings in cost of operations – around 3 times investment b) Automation results into paperless office c) Delighted Parents due to timely correct
communication d) Saves over 95 % time for Teachers & Staff e) Less staff attrition as a result of ease of
Statistical, Analytical, Graphical &
the MERIT of the School.
- So far software of around 25-30 companies
have been replaced. The software gets
implemented in less than 3 weeks with just 3-
4 visits to the School.
- 1,00,000+ Parents receiving Progress Cards,
circulars, etc through MobileApp.
MADPSPM – Hon Balaram Patil promoted Schools at Panvel, Kamothe & Taloja
Sanjivani International ICSE School & SBOA Public School at New Mumbai
Nashik Education Society – 30 Schools; 25,000 Students
Symbiosis Schools
Novel International Group, Schools in Pen, Dist Raigad, ……….
Mr Ambadar, who is BEF member, has many
more good ideas on future possibilities. BEF is
actively involved in joining hands with him. We
wish him the very best for success.
by Mr Gune. Here we are reproducing it for the
benefit of members so that exact wording of
this very meaningful creation is known. We
may try to sing it too, along with Mr Gune. ]
? , .
Paintings by - Vishwas Datye
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Points to ponder
Business Ethics Foundation – Management Digest – November 2020 - Issue 78
Kanchan Budhkar +919527414659 [ Whatsapp]
Hello! My name is Kanchan Budhakar. I was raised in a small town in Solapur district. My family consisted of 7 members - My father, mother, 3 sisters, me and one brother. My father ran a small snack center. Given the large size of household and the moderate income, the situation was such that we were barely able to make ends meet, but it was not enough for quality life. So, I decided to make education - a tool to improve my family’s situation and fulfill all my dreams. All the hardships that I went through during this phase made me a stronger person and gave me a better perspective of life. My journey started with scoring 92% in SSC and securing an admission in a government polytechnic,Pune., though I lost my seat for the hostel admission there. One of my teachers told me about the Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti, which provides lodging and boarding facilities at a nominal cost to students from economically weaker sections of society coming to Pune to pursue higher education. Fortunately I was able to get the admission there. Moving to Pune from a small town was my life changing decision. I decided to face every problem with a smile and with a positive attitude. After completing my Diploma, I decided to pursue my Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. Along with the bank loan and ‘earn and learn’ programme, I was also able to secure a scholarship from PYKF which helped me complete my education. In my journey, during my tough times, I received timely help from some people, to
guide and to support me. Dr. D. P. Apte, Mr. Vishwas Datye, Mr. Abhijit Pendse and Mr. Prasad Mehendale are amongst them. I remain grateful to them. After completing my engineering graduation, I joined as a software-engineer in a small-scale firm-Soft-Corner. After 4 years of experience there, I moved to one of the leading multinational organizations, Capgemini ltd. Last year, through internet, I met my soulmate and got married to Aditya Nakate, posted in USA. I am currently working here in Chicago, as a Software Consultant. My journey so far has been rewarding, but not over yet. I am sure, my turn too will come to give the helping hand to some needy students like I have been. There are many more moments to live and many more dreams to achieve.
- Compiled by - Vishwas Datye
2. New traffic sense
Vikram and Vetal – A new series !!! – Abhay Kale 9850839895
Ethics with Vikram And Vetal
These case studies are based on the series of
stories published in the monthly magazine
Chandoba / Chandamama. In each issue, I will
narrate one story in short and appeal you, the
readers, to help King Vikram with the best
possible advice. Pls email 3 to 5 sentences of
your ethical advise to and the best
Challenge 1 –
Vindhya mountain range and was ably rules by
King Manibhadra. Of late, there have been
complaints made by many villages, on his north
boundary, that they were being looted by a
gang of dacoits. While the king was
contemplating his response, a young landlord
from his northmost village, paid a visit to him.
He was Ratnasen and proposed the king that if
the king could give him, a division of his soldiers,
Ratnasen would host them in his fortress and
would put a check on the dacoits too. The king
was more than happy to comply. He also
noticed that Ratnasen belonged to a respected
family, had wealth and courage and so decided
to marry his daughter Ratnawalee with
Ratnasen. The king hoped that with his army &
son-in-law on the north border, not only the
dacoits but also the neighboring states would
remain in check. And so it happened.
After a few months, Ratnawalee realized that
Ratnasen is not allowing Madnibhadra’s army
to venture out and the dacoits are freely
continuing their loots. She became suspicious
and started making enquiries. She soon realized
that Ratnasen was the leader of the dacoits and
with the king’s army taken care of, he and his
gang was looting at free will. This was creating
chaos & the countrymen had started hating
Vikram: What should Ratnawalee do? Should
she follow Patnidharma and side with
Ratnasen? Should she follow the duties of a
daughter and ensure that Manibhadra’s
interest are not compromised? Should she
follow her duty as a citizen and bring Ratnasen
to justice? Or, something else?
Pls help King Vikram with your best ethical
the next issue of BEFMD, so please go ahead –
Vishwas Datye ]
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Quizzes of the month
using four 4s and mathematical
2. . .
2----- 3-----
4---- 5----
11---- 12----- 13--- 14----
15--- 16----- 17---- , 18-----
19---- 20---- 21---- 22----- , 23----
25---- ,
Lighter moments
Right Questions ??
....! .. - ? - ...! - ? - ...! - ? - ...! .... ..... ....!! .... .... - BMW ... , ? , ??? ... , 500 400 ???? Source: Social Media ***** ..... .
. . , " ?"
* : . .
First prisoner : How many years?
Second prisoner : two years. What about you?
First prisoner: I am under ten years of rigorous imprisonment. What did you do?
Second prisoner: I forged a cheque and took money from bank. What about you?
First Prisoner: I was officer of that bank who passed that cheque.
[ from – Chandrakant Kulkarni – BEF Member ]
Changrakant Kulkarni [ 9850916406 ]
I was on loan desk at State Bank of India Madha
Dist Solapur branch. I was filling loan application
for purchase of two she-buffalos for dairy proposal
of a thin and poor laborer. I was asking and he was
giving information. There is one column in the
application regarding arrangement of he-buffalo
for reproduction of animals. I asked him, when the
buffalo comes on heat, there will be a need of he-
buffalo, what arrangement you will make for the
voice said, “Sir, no problem, I will do everything
myself. Whole banking hall was at laugh.
Appeal to members :
content, along with your photo and contact
details. It can be original articles or interesting
compilations. ##
- Vishwas Datye [Editor] on

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