burning civic issues

Post on 09-May-2015



News & Politics



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Mumbai is bursting at its seams. Living in this Maximum City is taking its toll. What are the burning issues before the city and what are the possible solutions ?


Change at our Door Step

• It takes 7 minutes to cross the sea-link from Worli to Bandra

• It takes 45 minutes to travel from Bandra to Andheri

• Air and noise pollution

• Stress for commuters

Traffic Snarls

Government’s Solution

• DP - 1981 envisages connecting Linking Road from Santacruz to 10th Road and Gulmohar Road

• The cost of construction of this 1.5 km road would be less than Rs. 10 cr

• It would relieve traffic congestion and save the beach from extinction

Our Solution

• Hawker nuisance on Juhu Church Road

• Dilapidated Juhu market

• Reconstruction of old Juhu market


• Increase in population/demand

• Development of infrastructure at the existing schools

• Demand for English medium rising

Municipal School

• Over 1/3rd of the population lives in slums

• We need to provide mass housing

Slum Redevelopment

• Irla Nala plan as explained in the Vision Andheri Scheme

• Preservation of Juhu Beach as an open space

• Preservation of the mangroves at Juhu Koliwada

Open Spaces

Sports Complex

• Few public maidans in Juhu

• Kids forced to play on the beach

• DP provides for a sports complex

Nagar Raj Bill• Amendments

required to ensure PAT.

• Local Governance to be empowered with funds, functions and functionaries

• 1020 Truckloads of plastic bags were lifted off the beach In 2007

• Bags find their way into the sea via drain and sewage pipes

• Nearly 200 different species of sea life die due to plastic bags

Ban Plastic Bags

• Despite fines and ban on spitting Mumbai is paan ridden.

• It’s time to ban the sale and consumption of Paan in Mumbai

Ban Paan

City Issues

• Decongest Mumbai with efficient connectivity with hinterland

• Restrict further load on existing infrastructure

• Centralised Planning Authority for MMR

• Mahim Beach has disappeared within 20 years from reclamation

• Reclamation in South Mumbai erodes beaches in the North Juhu Beach has shrunk in width.

• Last year Monsoon tides have wrought destruction

Ban Further Reclamation

• Beach Authority for maintenance of Mumbai’s 9 beaches

• Integrated Transport Authority

• Dedicated bus lanes• Cycling lanes• Public Toilets

Simple Measures

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