bullying pres prop offence

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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Port Saunders RCMP

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What Is Bullying?

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•Bullying is comprised of a series of repeated but intentional cruel incidents involving the same bully and victim(s). This doesn't mean however, that for bullying to occur, there must be repeat offenses. It can be a single interaction as well. Bullying can also be considered a criminal act if the bully is 12 years of age or older.

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Types of Bullying







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Physical Bullies•Action Oriented

•Assaulting the victim through hitting,

pushing, damaging property.

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Verbal Bullies

•Use words to hurt/humiliate others

•Teasing, insulting, racist comments

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Relational Bullies

•Most often found with teenage girls.

•Force peers to form groups and separate

others from group.

•Spreading fictitious rumors about peers

•Gives victims a sense of rejection

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Racist Bullies

•Racial slurs

•Offensive gestures and jokes

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Sexual Bullying

•Sexual harassment

•Sexual Assault

•Date rapes

•Inappropriate comments/gestures

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Internet/Cyber Bullies


•Cell Phones

•Text Messaging

•Web Sites

•Internet Chat Rooms

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Did you know:•Making comments online is the same as

verbally making them?

•You could have your internet privileges


•Cell phone calls can be traced?

•You could be criminally Liable?

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Legal Repercussions of Bullying:•Assault-Sect 266 CC

•Criminal Harassment-Sect 264 CC

•Uttering Threats- Sect 264.1 CC

•False Messages- Sect 372 CC

•Public Incitement of Hatred-Sect 319 CC

•Mischief- Sect 430 CC

•Defamatory Libel- Sect 301 CC

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Advice for Victims:

•Record voice messages

•Print MSN conversations

•Protect personal information

•Block bullies messages

•Tell Teacher, Parent, Friend, or Police

•310-TALK (Bullying Hotline)


•Your Not Alone!

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•Canadian statistics state that 60% of identified bullies end up with a criminal record by the age of 24.

•Don’t you be one of those numbers; Treat

others like you would like to be treated.

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Effects of Bullying:

•Low self esteem


•Poor physical health


•Academic Failure

•Retaliation (School Violence, shootings…)


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Topic #2- Property Related Offences

•Property Definition;

•Real and personal property

•Property in possession or under control

•- Color of right

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Party to an offence- Sect 21(1) CC

•Assists in committing offence

•Does or omits to do anything for the

purpose of aiding in the offence

•Intention/conspiring to commit the offence

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Common Property Offences

•Mischief - Sect 430 CC

•Theft under/over $5000- Sect 334 CC

•Break & Enter- Sect 348 CC

•Possession of Break in Instrument- Sect

351 CC

•Possession Stolen Property- Sect 354 CC

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THE END•Comments/ Questions?

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