bulletin january 2011

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Bulletin January 2011


Congregation B’nai Israel2710 Park AvenueBridgeport, CT 06604www.congregationbnaiisrael.org

Volume 152, Number 1 Tevet/Shevat 5771 January 2011

Please join us for a wonderful afternoon of Chocolate Tasting!

Chocolate Tasting and More…Hosted by Jim Greenberg

Exploring Tikkun Olam and the Cocoa IndustryThe rich history of the chocolate industry will be brought to life as we briefly explore the origins of chocolate, Fair Trade practices, and the improvement of human conditions at the cacao farm level.

Of course, no educational session on chocolate would be complete without a chance to taste exquisite chocolates produced by Fair Trade sources.

A family-oriented Havdalah service will immediately follow.

Chocolate Tasting and Family Havdalah ServiceSaturday, February 5 at 4:00 p.m.Cost: $10.00 per adult, $5.00 ages 18 and underOpen to all congregants, family, and friends

RSVP to Lynn in the temple office at 203-336-1858.

Sabbaths to Save the WorldShabbat Shirah—Sabbath of SongThe Abayudaya: Music From the Jews of UgandaFriday January 14This is a very special new series in which we focus on Tikkun Olam and the important work being done by some of our congregants and several agencies to repair the world!

5:30 p.m. Pre-Oneg6:00 Kabbalat Shabbat with the combined adult choirs

of Congregation B’nai Israel and Temple Israel of Westport

7:15 Shabbat dinner ($18.00 for dinner. Register withLynn in the temple office at 203- 336-1858 by January 10. Your payment is your reservation.

8:15 Conversation with Rabbi Jeffrey Summit

A special Shabbat Shirah Program with Rabbi Jeffrey Summit, the Neubauer Executive Director of the Hillel Foundation at Tufts University and Associate Professor in the Department of Music. The Abayudaya, a community of approximately 600 people living in villages surrounding Mbale in Eastern Uganda, are practicing

Jews. Many members scrupulously follow Jewish ritual, observe the laws of the Sabbath, celebrate Jewish holidays, keep kosher, and pray in Hebrew. This community self-converted to Judaism in 1919 and over the past 80 years has moved increasingly mainstream in its Jewish practice.

Saturday, January 15 at 10:00 a.m., Temple Israel in WestportThe Meaning of Our MelodiesJews have very strong feelings about music in prayer. The “right” music can make services feel deep and accessible. The “wrong” music can make us feel alienated or bored. What tunes and chants represent the essence of who we are and what we believe as Jews? What music constitutes authentic practice? With engaging stories and many musical examples, Rabbi Summit examines the question: “Why do we feel so strongly about the music in our Jewish lives?”

2 What’s happening at temple? Get Happenings, our weekly email! Send your request to lynn@congregationbnaiisrael.org!

Welcome! Welcome!A warm welcome back to our newest members:Alan and Susan Kasson, Michael and Alec, Easton

Sincere Sympathy We extend our sympathy to the bereaved families of:Cele Rosenthal, mother of Jonathan RosenthalShelya SotnikElizabeth Chimes, mother of Judith CondonE. Cortright “Corty” Phillips, husband of Ellen Hyde Phillips

Sharing Our Joy…Congratulations to: Anne Watkins and David Berkowitz and son Tal on the birth of their daughter, Tovah George and Alice Kelly on the birth of their granddaughter, Maya Rose Kelly, daughter of Matthew and Rachel Martin KellyPaula and Bob Herzlinger on the birth of their granddaughter, Sylvie Frances Herzlinger

B’nai Israel Semi-Annual Red Cross Blood Drive

This Valentine’s Day, you have the opportunity to give the gift of life by making a blood donation that will save and enhance lives.

The B’nai Israel Semi-Annual Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on Monday, February 14, from 1:30 to 6:00 p.m. Appointments may be made directly with the Red Cross at 1-800-448-3543.

Nonprofits are having an especially difficult time in this economy, and blood donations are being affected. By donating, you can offer a life-giving gift to another person—in fact, a single donation of blood may help as many as three different people! Currently only 3 out of every 100 people donate blood.

Please sign up and make this Valentine’s Day very special—the process will take only 1–2 hours, but the value is truly priceless.

In This Issue

From the Rabbi’s Desk……………...……….3

Young Families Havurah……………...…..…3

From Rabbi Gurevitz……………..…...……..5

Family Education………....…………...……..6

From the Education Center…….………...…..7

From the Early Childhood Center………...….8

Adult Jewish Learning…………….....………9


Shabbat Services...………………………….11

Sabbaths to Save the World……....…………1

Young Families Havurah

3Item of the Month: Peanut butter and jelly

December was a busy month for the Young Families Havurah. We had a wonderful time at our Chanukah party at Bounce U. Twenty-four children and their families bounced on inflatable structures while listening to Chanukah tunes, then enjoyed latkes for lunch and participated in lighting the Chanukiah. On Friday, December 10, we enjoyed a potluck Shabbat dinner at a Havurah member’s home. The Havurah also got a Chanukah present: We now have an active lending library of Jewish children’s books and CDs. Each week at the Havurah, children now have an opportunity to select a book or CD to bring home for two weeks! This is a wonderful way for families to extend their connection to Shabbat throughout the week. The Havurah is growing: Mazel tov to all our new babies and their families! And thank you to all the members of the Havurah who participated in the beautiful mitzvah of preparing meals for these families.

We also have some wonderful events planned for this month. On Saturday, January 8, following our regular services, Dr. Andrew Levi, reproductive endocrinologist and father of two wonderful members of the Havurah, will speak to parents about ethical issues in fertility treatment. Children will engage in Shabbat games and activities while their parents participate. Please let Rabbi Nicole know if you plan to attend this important program so that we can make sure to have appropriate supervision; you can reach her at nwilsonspiro@congregationbnaiisrael.org.

After Chanukah, many parents are ready to clear out unused toys to make room for all the new ones. To celebrate the ecological values of Tu B’shvat, the Havurah will be hosting a toy swap. Please place gently used toys in the marked box in the school lobby January 10–14. Everyone is welcome to take a few toys from the table in the school lobby January 17–21. Please only bring toys that are appropriate for children ages 0–6 and that have been gently used. Toys must be clean and have all their pieces. Toys that are not taken by the end of the week will be donated.

Sunday morning programming for preschoolers and their grownups will start next month. We will meet one time per month, never on the same week as the Parent Learning Circle. Contact Rabbi Nicole if you are interested in participating.

The Young Families Havurah is for young children and their parents. We meet every Saturday morning for bagels (9:15 a.m.), family-friendly services with singing, books, and crafts (9:30 a.m.), and playtime on the playground (10:15 a.m., weather permitting).All Havurah programs are open to everyone. You do not need to be a member of Congregation B’nai Israel to participate.

To see pictures of past events and get more information about upcoming events, “like” us on Facebook and check out our Web site: http://www.congregationbnaiisrael.org/YoungFamiliesHavurah.html.

From the Rabbi’s DeskNext Dor

Outreach to the Next Generation—the 20s and 30sSynagogues have never done well in engaging young adults who are out of college and have not yet married or started families of their own. These days, as Jews marry later, that number is increasing and the years of being “spiritually homeless” are many. It can now be 20+ years before someone thinks about any formal connection to a congregation in particular or to any aspect of Jewish life in general.

Many of that age group who grew up here now live in larger urban areas but have not found any strong Jewish connections. Some live in the Bridgeport area, but rarely find their way back to B’nai Israel other than at the High Holy Days. Without a child in tow (or the memory of such), synagogues can be cold, lonely places.

Synagogue 3000 (formerly 2000 when we worked with them last) is trying to change that. A broad new initiative is under way to reach out to the Next Dor (dor in Hebrew is “generation”) and to create pathways for meeting and meaning, for socializing and service. Right now Next Dor groups are being organized in Atlanta, New York, Washington, St. Louis, Miami, and Marin County, CA.

If you are an empty nester and have children living in any of these places, you might want to follow the link at Synagogue3000.org. and suggest it to your kids. If you have children in New York City, I’d be happy to float their name and email to the student rabbi in charge of cultivating that group. I happen to be related to him.

The goal is to engage young adults, inspire them, and invite them into a relationship with Judaism. Involving this generation is important—for them and for the Jewish future. It’s one of the reasons I so enjoy meeting with former B’nai Israelites and did so last month when I was in Washington, DC. It’s one of the reasons why Rabbi Gurevitz and I would like to meet with the next generation living around here. We know that the standard-form congregational activity may not be the thing that engages them, but we also believe that there are creative things that will and that there are many who would welcome ways to maintain a relationship with Judaism and other Jews of their age.

Please help us in these efforts—send us their names. While we don’t have a formal Next Dor group in Fairfield County, the concept is worth cultivating and the goal is essential.

4 Your purchases @Amazon.com via www.congregationbnaiisrael.org support our temple!

Join Rabbi James Prosnit on a congregational tour to:

ISRAEL February 17 - 27, 2011


Roundtrip airfare between Newark and Tel Aviv 5 nights at the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem

2 nights at the Kibbutz Lavi in the Galilee 1 night plus late check-out at the Carlton Hotel in Tel

Aviv All touring and sightseeing per itinerary in a deluxe

tour bus with an English speaking guide Breakfast daily

2 Shabbat dinners 2 kibbutz dinners

Restaurant dinner in Jerusalem Farewell dinner

Transfers and airport assistance upon arrival and departure

Entrance fees and activities per itinerary Porterage

$2,919.00 Land and air package


JERUSALEM Enjoy a walking tour of the Yemin Moshe neighborhood

Visit the Museum at the Tower of David See the Davidson Center & Southern Wall Excavations

Explore the Western Wall Tunnels Tour Yad Vashem

Explore the Mt. Herzl Museum and cemetery Visit the Knesset and Supreme Court Buildings

Meet with the Mayor of Jerusalem

THE SOUTH Ascend Masada

Float in the Dead Sea

THE NORTH View the Roman ruins of Beit Shean and Beit Alpha

Enjoy a jeep tour of the Golan Heights Visit mystical Safed

Explore the Crusader city of Akko See the amazing Bahai Temple and Persian Gardens in

Haifa Visit Caesarea’s Roman Theater


Welcome Shabbat in Tel Aviv Explore Tel Aviv at your leisure


19 Aviation Rd. * Albany, NY 12205 * www.ayelet.com (800) 237-1517 * (518) 783-6001 * FAX (518) 783-6003 Go to http://www.congregationbnaiisrael.org/israeltrip.pdf for the itinerary and registration form. Join us in Israel!


Introducing One of My Teachers—A Special Program With Rabbi Shefa Gold

I am very excited to be able to share with you a special afternoon on Sunday, February 6, with Rabbi Shefa Gold. Who is Rabbi Shefa Gold? Shefa received her ordination both from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

of Jewish Renewal. She is the director of C-DEEP: The Center for Devotional, Energy and Ecstatic Practice in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. Shefa composes and performs spiritual music and has produced 10 albums, and her liturgies have been published in several new prayerbooks. She teaches workshops and retreats on the theory and art of chanting, devotional healing, spiritual community-building, and meditation. She is the author of Torah Journeys: The Inner Path to the Promised Land and In the Fever of Love: An Illumination of the Song of Songs. You can learn more about Shefa’s work, see YouTube material, and read some of her Torah lessons at http://www.rabbishefagold.com.

I met Shefa in 1999, when I lived and worked at Elat Chayyim, a Jewish retreat center in the Catskills (now relocated to the Isabella Freedman Center in the Connecticut Berkshires). She has been a remarkable teacher to me, not only in the practice of chanting meditation but especially as someone who opened up the meaning and messages of Torah to me in new ways, and as someone who challenged me to think more deeply about who I am and how I want to do my work in the world.

When I first met Shefa, I told her that I wanted to be a rabbi. She asked me a question that, at the time, completely threw me: “What will you do with your rabbinate?” At the time I thought of becoming a rabbi as meaning that I would work in a congregation and do all the kinds of things that rabbis in congregations do.

But I realized after a while that this was not what she was asking me. Over time I have come to have a sense of purpose, emphasis, and passion about my approach to being a rabbi, which is much more the essence of what Shefa was asking me to think about.

Shefa also has a gift, as seen in her book, Torah Journeys, for finding the inner meanings of Torah texts in a way that can connect to our lives profoundly. It is never just about communicating an idea, but also about challenging us to internalize the messages of Torah and actually live them.

Our workshop with Rabbi Shefa Gold will be held at the JCC, New Haven, 360 Amity Road, Woodbridge. B’nai Israel is jointly sponsoring this program with the JCC and P’nai Or of Hartford and P’nai Shore—two Renewal communities in Connecticut that have also worked with Shefa in the past—so New Haven was selected as the midpoint between our various communities. There will be a modest charge for this workshop, which will be confirmed in Happenings. The workshop will be from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and is entitled “Devotional Healing: Opening to Divine Flow.” Using chanting, meditation, drumming, and visualization, we will focus on building a Mishkan, a place for God to dwell in our hearts, in our bodies, in our energy fields, in our relationships, in our communities, and in our world.

“Va’asuli Mikdash v’shochanti b’tocham. Make for me a holy place so that I can dwell among, between, and within you.” This commandment sends us onto the path of healing that allows us access to the full power of heart and soul, a wide perspective, and a strong, calm center. I hope you will join me to experience learning with this unique teacher.

Rabbi Rachel Gurevitz

Join us on the B’nai Israel trip to Israel! See page 4.

6 Your purchases @Amazon.com via www.congregationbnaiisrael.org support our temple!

Family Education in January


Religious School Parents’ Social

Happy and Healthy New Year to all!! Resolve to be a part of B’nai Israel’s fun family gatherings this year.

Mishpacha Shabbat Friday, January 7 at 6:30 p.m. Join other B’nai Israel families for a wonderful, spirited Shabbat experience including dinner and service ideal for you and your preschool and elementary school–age children. We provide the main dish. You bring a side dish or dessert. $5.00/adults, $2.00/children.

RSVP to Elaine at 203-336-1858 or echetrit@congregationbnaiisrael.org by January 5. And RSVP for the February 4 Mishpacha Shabbat by February 2.

Family Education in the Religious School Gan Family Workshop Sunday, January 23 at 9:30 a.m.

We would love to have new members at BIFTY! Anyone interested should join us in the BIFTY Lounge on Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Our upcoming events include: January 13 – Kulanu program, B’nai Israel’s GLBT group January 20 – Mid-Term Study Break! Join us for games, snacks, music, and fun.

January 27 – Bring-a-Friend Poker Night February 10 – Bar and Bat Mitzvah Games February 17 – Social Action Program Come spend the new year with BIFTY!

Meet . . . Parents of your children’s classmates and make new friends Mingle . . . With old friends while enjoying a drink

Munch . . . Appetizers and desserts while having funWin . . . Appetizer and dessert competition—bring your best dish and vote for your favoriteDate . . . Saturday, January 29Time . . . 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.Place . . . Pavilion, B’nai IsraelCost . . . $15 per person (to cover costs only)

Enjoy a casual night out! For a more connected Religious School community, register now!Provide your name, appetizer/dessert you are bringing, and payment to Theresa in the Religious School office, or mail the same to:

Congregation B’nai Israel2710 Park Ave., Bridgeport, CT 06604

Please put “Attention: Parents’ Social” on envelope.

Coordinated by Religious School Parents’ Social Committee

7Item of the Month: Peanut butter and jelly

From the Education Center (Merkaz Hachinukh)

Why Hebrew? Why Not?

Hebrew is the language of •

the Jewish people.Hebrew is the language of •

the Torah and prayer.Hebrew is a “learned Jew” •

thing to know.Hebrew connects us to Jews •

all over the world.Who needs Hebrew? Nearly every Israeli speaks •

English and the prayer book is transliterated.Reform Judaism introduced using the local language •

in our service. That is good enough for me.

Do one or more of those answers resonate with you? Obviously I hope the first four do more than the last two. When I first came to B’nai Israel in 1995, one of the first tasks was to review the curriculum. It was suggested that my credentials and experience made me uniquely suited to the task. But I said that while I could absolutely craft what I thought the ideal curriculum would be, it wasn’t the right thing to do. What we taught needed to reflect who we were as a congregation.

Our school and I are not proxies for the parents in our congregation. We are tools that help parents and the whole congregation with the task of raising young men and women who are functionally literate adult Jews, ready to take their place in leading the Jewish people forward and to rear the generation that will follow them. It needed more than one newcomer’s input.

So instead the Religious School Committee, the faculty, and I engaged in a 2½-year process of curriculum review. In 1999 we published the learning goals for

our school. (You can download it at http://bit.ly/rscurr.) There are no longer any children in our school from that time. And B’nai Israel has changed: a new building, new learning resources, new members, and new developments in the Jewish and general world.

It is time to take another look at what we teach to make sure it reflects who we are and who we want our children to be. We are beginning with Hebrew and worship. We want to invite you to be a part of the process. So I am asking you to send me an e-mail (iwise@congregationbnaiisrael.org) and tell us one or two things.

First, I would like to know what you think about Hebrew. What should we be teaching? (Prayer? Conversation? Grammar? Idiom? Torah chanting? Cursive?) What do you think every Jewish child should know, feel, or experience when it comes to Hebrew and prayer? Does Israel play a role in this area of learning, and what do you think that role is?

Second, I would like you to tell us if you are willing to join our ad hoc curriculum task force. You may join us for the entire process, or just for the areas that concern you most. We will meet every 4–6 weeks based on participants’ availability.

The Religious School Committee and I cannot do this alone—please share your input with us!

8 Join us on the B’nai Israel trip to Israel! See page 4.

From the Early Childhood Center Helping Children to Make Decisions

Helping children to learn to make decisions is challenging for parents and teachers. Children do not always make the wisest decisions. Occasionally, however, experiencing the consequences of a wrong decision is the best experience. It is through making small decisions that children develop the judgment and self-confidence to make larger decisions as they grow older.

Clearly, children need experience in making decisions, including those that are important to them. At the same time, we should not allow young children to make decisions that might harm themselves or others.

Choices must be between acceptable alternatives. For example, at school we invite children to choose between picking up blocks or puzzles first. At home

we suggest that parents tell their child to choose between wearing a green or blue shirt, or having vegetable soup or a cheese sandwich. In these cases, either decision the child makes is a good one.

As teachers and parents continue to expand the decision-making opportunities we offer our children, the better decision makers they will become.

Gail Weinstein

Congregation B’nai Israel Early Childhood Center


Extended hours•Choose 9:00–1:00 p.m. or 9:00–3:00 p.m.•3 or 5 days a week •Choose 3-, 6-, or 9-week sessions•

SCHOOL YEAR 2011–2012

Two-year-old program—Choose 2, 3, or 4 days•Three-year-old program—Choose 3, 4, or 5 days•Four-year-old program—5 days•Classes offered until 3:00 p.m.•Pizza lunch every Wednesday•Music with the Cantor•“Jump Bunch”—a sports and fitness program for kids•Enrichment choices include yoga, cooking, story stretchers, science, and •art.

We Would Love a Chance to Talk With You!

Please call Gail Weinstein at203-335-5058

9Your purchases @Amazon.com via www.congregationbnaiisrael.org support our temple!

Adult Jewish Learning at Congregation B’nai Israel

Adult Round TableThursday, January 6 at noon

This is a discussion about current events for anyone who wants to go deeper than the headlines and enjoys expressing their own opinions and hearing those of others. Facilitated

by Gloria Katz and Dorothy Blaustein. Bring a sandwich, your opinion, and an open mind.

It’s More Than Just Numbers: Accountants and Financial Folks Study Rabbinic TextsWednesday, January 12 at 8:15 a.m.Join colleagues as traditional Jewish texts with a focus on financial/business concerns are discussed, debated, and made relevant to today. Texts are in English. All accountants and those involved in the “fiscal world” are welcome. We meet at Cohen, Burger, Schwartz, and Sax, 2228 Black Rock Turnpike, Fairfield. Please contact Rabbi Prosnit at Jprosnit@congregationbnaiisrael.org to be added to the email list.

Talmud At the Bar: Lawyers Study Jewish LawThursday, January 13 at 8:15 a.m.Join colleagues as we connect the Talmud and areas of traditional Jewish law to issues relevant to today. Texts are in English. All attorneys (or those involved in the legal profession) in the congregation, and their colleagues, are welcome. We meet in Bridgeport at Pullman and Comley, People’s Bank Building, 8th floor. Please contact Lynn at 203-336-1858 or lynn@congregationbnaiisrael.org to be added to the mailing list.

Rosh Chodesh Group: Interfaith ExchangeThursday, January 20 at 7:30 p.m.

This year, our monthly women’s spirituality group will welcome women from local churches and Muslim communities to

join us for a series of interfaith exchanges. We began by welcoming everyone into our Sukkah for an opening program. Our Women’s Seder later in the year will be for

the Children of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar, welcoming Christian and Muslim women to join us. The remainder of our Thursday evening sessions will include shared study with a Christian or Muslim group and some Jewish-only evenings to reflect on our interfaith exchanges. With Rabbi Gurevitz.

Understanding Judaism: A Guide for Enquiring MindsSunday, January 23 at 9:40 a.m.This series addresses questions and trends in Judaism and is appropriate for all levels of adult learners, Jewish and non-Jewish. Topics are listed by date, and you are welcome to attend the entire series or pick and choose.This month: Dybbuks, Demons, and Golems, part 2—more from the treasure trove of old legends and superstitions of Judaism.

Responsa Literature: How Rabbis Make Sense of New RealitiesMonday Midrasha, January 24 and 31, February 7, 14, and 28 at 7:00 p.m.

When is someone dead? Can non-Jews be buried in our cemetery? When do you light Shabbat candles on the North Pole? Can you hold services without a minyan? Rabbi Prosnit will introduce us to one Jewish way to address questions like these. Responsa literature is the meeting place between traditional Jewish law and the practical world. We’ll explore

how not only Reform Judaism, but Conservative and Orthodox Judaism as well, have grappled with modern ethical and legal dilemmas that the sages of old could not have anticipated.

10 What’s happening at temple? Get Happenings, our weekly email! Send your request to lynn@congregationbnaiisrael.org!

Rabbi Prosnit Discretionary Fund Lee Attenberg in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Meredith Nerreau, daughter of Shari and Brian Nerreau.Lori Berger in memory of her father, Lester Davis.Sylvia Edelson in memory of her father, Morris Gordon.Bob Ford in honor of Rabbi Prosnit on Clergy Appreciation Day. Vladimir and Klara Goldshteyn in appreciation and in loving memory of sister, Shelya Sotnik.Friends of Ellen Rosoff in memory of her father, Lawrence Leon.Marvin Gelfand in memory of Edith Gelfand.Greenbaum Family in memory of Cele Rosenthal, mother of Jonathan Rosenthal.Jim and Lisa Greenberg in memory of mother, Doba Mazo.Maxine, Stewart, and Jena Gross in memory of Oscar Yepes, father of Martha Small. Bennett and Nancy Hersch – a contribution.Joyce Ilowitz in appreciation for Shabbat services and in honor of her niece, Sherry Portnoy.JCC Aerobics Class in memory of Shelya Sotnik.Janet Jurow in memory of her sister, Marion Keller.Sally, Maddy, and Michael Kenler in appreciation to Rabbi Prosnit for the beautiful Bar Mitzvah service. Ledvich Family in appreciation and in loving memory of Shelya Sotnik.Family of Lawrence Leon, Midge, Ellen, Scott, and Neal, in his memory and in appreciation.Ellie Levin in memory of husband, Dr. Robert D. Levin, and father, Irving J. Kleban.Kelly and Glen Reznikoff – congratulations to Alice and George Kelly on the birth of their new granddaughter, Maya Rose, daughter of Matthew and Rachel Kelly. Nancy and Jonathan Rosenthal in memory of mother, Cele Rosenthal.Barbara and Derek Solomon in appreciation and in honor of the marriage of Kerrith and Derek.Paul and Rachel Schwartz in honor of and in appreciation for the marriage of their daughter, Andrea, to Daniel Chusid.Randye Kaye and Geoff Thomas in appreciation and in honor of daughter Ali’s marriage to Marc Herman.Emil and Toby Meshberg in honor of the naming of their granddaughter, Luna Grey Meshberg.Martha Orenstein in memory of mother, Libbie Katz.Gail Schriffert in memory of father, Harry Vineberg, grandfather of Dustin and Tamara.Eileen and Howard Tolk in loving memory of father, Maurice Velenchik.The Warman Family in appreciation and in honor of Matthew’s Bar Mitzvah.Dr. Norman and Marilyn Weinstein in memory of Oscar Yepes, father of Martha Small.Marshall Weiss in memory of Robert Samuelson.Lorrie Wexler in loving memory of mother, Helen Rosenfield.

Rabbi Gurevitz Discretionary Fund Edward Edelman in appreciation for the funeral services and in memory of mother, Mary Edelman.Bob Ford – a contribution.Bob Ford in honor of Rabbi Gurevitz onClergy Appreciation Day.

Vladimir and Klara Goldshteyn in appreciation and in loving memory of sister,Shelya Sotnik.Ellen and John Karz in appreciation to Rabbi Gurevitz. The Ledvich Family in appreciation and in memory of Shelya Sotnik.Rachel and Paul Schwartz in honor of and in appreciation for the marriage of their daughter,Andrea, to Daniel Chusid.Barbara and Derek Solomon in appreciation of Rabbi Gurevitz and in honor of the marriage of Kerrith and Derek.

Music FundCarol and Nate Barsky in memory of daughter, Lynn Barsky Ryalls.Judi, David, and Jordan Beier in loving memory of Cele Mehl.Elaine and Juda Chetrit in honor and in memory of Shelya Sotnik.Bari Dworken in memory of Shelya Sotnik.Family of Mary Jacobs in appreciation to Cantor Blum. Bob Ford in honor of Cantor Blum on Clergy Appreciation Day.Elisa Gallo in memory of Shelya Sotnik.Rosalind R. Gordon in memory of Shelya Sotnik.Carol and Charles Gursky in memory of parents’ yahrzeit. Edward and Anne Kamens in memory of Vivienne Goldstein.Randye Kaye and Geoff Thomas in appreciation and in honor of the wedding of daughter Ali and Marc Herman.Sally, Maddy, and Michael Kenler in appreciation to Cantor Blum for helping prepare Michael to become a Bar Mitzvah.The Ledvich Family in appreciation and in loving memory of Shelya Sotnik.Robert Levine in appreciation and in memory of mother, Anita Levine.Jeff and Jackie Madwed in memory of Cele Rosenthal, mother of Jonathan and Nancy Rosenthal.Nancy and Jonathan Rosenthal in memory of mother, Cele Rosenthal; in honor of Andrea Rudolph.Esther Spiegel in memory of Shelya Sotnik.Eileen and Howard Tolk in honor of Esther Spiegel’s Bat Mitzvah.The Warman Family in appreciation to Cantor Blum and in honor of Matthew’s Bar Mitzvah.

Enhancement FundAudrey and Larry Bernstein in memory of Mike Tauss’s aunt; in memory of Shelya Sotnik. Barbara Bresler in memory of Vivienne Goldstein, mother of Beth Reich.Bernard Gerber, Janice and Bernie Jacobs in memory of Marilyn Gerber.Victor and Irma Gurvits in memory of Julius Geiman. Ilse Levi in memory of Shelya Sotnik.Goldie Librach in memory of Laible Weiskopf. Andrew and Carol Lubin – a contribution.Eric and Jennifer Lytton-Hirsch in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Esther Spiegel.Ruth Madwed in honor of Kay Gennarini’sretirement; in memory of Vivienne Goldstein.George and Chris Markley in gratitude for Kay’s 50 years of devoted service to B’nai Israel.

Rhoda Mazur in memory of dearly beloved father, Joseph Simmons.Louis and Roberta Pabian in memory of Harry Pabian.Jane and Jerry Pressman in honor of Kay Gennarini.Beth and Randy Reich wishing Michael Weisman an easy and speedy recovery.Andrea Rudolph in memory of Lawrence Leon, father of Ellen Rosoff; in honor of Carson Berkowitz for all she does and all she is!Eileen and Howard Tolk in honor of Mollie Keller’s Bat Mitzvah. Debbie and Michael Weisman in memory of Corty Phillips, husband of Ellen Hyde Phillips.

Religious School Scholarship FundRobert and Gail Kaplan in memory of Cele Rosenthal, mother of Jonathan and Nancy Rosenthal.Sally, Maddy, and Michael Kenler in appreciation to Ira Wise and Elaine Chetrit for helping prepare Michael to become a Bar Mitzvah.The Ledvich Family in appreciation and in loving memory of Shelya Sotnik.Andrew and Carol Lubin – a contribution.Debbie and Ted Portnay in honor of the birth of Maya Rose Kelly, granddaughter of Alice and George Kelly. Kelly and Glen Reznikoff in memory of Cele Rosenthal, mother of Jonathan Rosenthal.Gayle and Mark Szuchman in memory of parents, Margie and Harald Szuchman.

Nursery School Scholarship FundThe Bindelglass Family in memory of CeleRosenthal, mother of Jonathan and Nancy Rosenthal. Rosalind Gordon in memory of brother, Samuel Ruskin.Andrew and Carol Lubin – a contribution.Beth and Randy Reich in honor of the birth of Gabriella Alper, newest grandchild of Helaine and Allan Alper.Eileen and Howard Tolk – congratulations to Helaine and Allan Alper on the birth of their granddaughter.Peter and Gail Weinstein in honor of Malvin Chodos’s special birthday ; in honor of Robert Cole’s special birthday.

DonationsPlease note that only contributions of $10.00 or more will be acknowledged with a card and bulletin listing.

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11Item of the Month: Peanut butter and jelly

Rabbi Arnold I. Sher Social Action FundBari Dworken in memory of Lawrence Leon, father of Ellen Ross. Maxine, Stewart, and Jena Gross in honor of and thank you to Kay Gennarini.The Warman Family in honor of Matthew’s Bar Mitzvah.

Rabbi Martin Library FundBarbara Rifkin in honor of Kay Gennariniand in appreciation for all she has done forB’nai Israel.Muriel Lefsetz in memory of Louis Kaster.

Judith Brav Sher FundJuda and Elaine Chetrit in memory of Lawrence Leon, father of Ellen Rosoff; in memory of Cele Rosenthal, mother of Jonathan Rosenthal.Jean and Hy Elias in loving memory of parents, Max and Gussie Pearlmen and Jack Elise.

Barry and Judy Kramer in loving memory of mother, Rose Singer, and sister, Rebecca Kramer.

Prayer Book FundJudith and Stan Lessler in memory of mother, Sophie R. Bretholtz.

Alan Weinstein Scholarship FundJoni and Michael Greenspan wishing a speedy recovery to David Goby; condolences to Janet Sender and family on the loss of uncle Sid Esner; congratulations to Helaine and Allan Alper on the birth of their first grand-daughter, Gabby, daughter of Sarah and Jeff.

Lee and David Lester Kesher Project FundLee Lester in loving memory of son, David.

Sylvia Prosnit Adult Education FundJudi, David, and Jordan Beier in memory of Shelya Sotnik.

Garden ProjectWalter and Babette Sonneborn

Small Family FundEdward and Anne Kamens in honor of Alex and Alana Small’s marriage; wishing a speedy recovery to Ann Small.

Vision Loan Reduction FundHelen and Bob Natt in memory of Corty Phillips, husband of Ellen Hyde Phillips.

MazonCarol and Nate Barsky in memory of brother, Donald Quint.Barbara Haflich in memory of all her departed loved ones. Randy and Beth Reich in honor of Jack Schwartz on the occasion of his 75th birthday.

DonationsPlease note that only contributions of $10.00 or more will be acknowledged with a card and bulletin listing.


Saturday, January 1, 2011 8:00 a.m. Service 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast

There will be no Torah study.

Friday, January 7 6:00 p.m. Service

Torah Portion – BoExod. 10:1-13:16Haftarah – Jeremiah 46:13-28

Saturday, January 8 8:00 a.m. Service 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Torah Study

Friday, January 14 – A special Shabbat Shira program with our Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Jeffrey Summit 6:00 p.m. Service – B’nai Israel Choir and

Temple Israel Choir will performTorah Portion – B’shalachExod. 13:17-17:16Haftarah – Judges 4:4-5:31; 5:1-31

Saturday, January 15 8:00 a.m. Service 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11:00 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Danielle

Altchiler, daughter of Robert and Nancy Altchiler

Friday, January 21 6:00 p.m. Service Torah Portion – Yitro Exod. 18:1-20:23 Haftarah – Isaiah 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6 The Temple Band will play.

Saturday, January 22 8:00 a.m. Service 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11:00 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Scott

Bindelglass, son of David and Gloria Bindelglass

Friday, January 28 6:00 a.m. Service

Torah Portion – MishpatimExod. 21:1-24:18Haftarah – Jeremiah 34:8-22:33:25-26

Saturday, January 29 8:00 a.m. Service 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11:00 a.m. B’nai Mitzvah of Aaron and

Amanda Wall, children of Michael and Robin Wall

(Fridays at 6:00 p.m. where indicated, preceded by an Oneg Shabbat at 5:30 p.m.)

High Holy Day AppealIn grateful appreciation to the following congregants who have made a gift to our annual Appeal.

Pillars of the CongregationSteve and Jill Elbaum

Susan and Richard Preminger

Benefactors Michael and Judy Blumenthal

President’s CircleJanice and Bernie JacobsAlice and George Kelly

Alice Madwed

General ContributionsJudith Ohl Bart

David Abbey and Deborah GoodmanAnne and Edward Kamens

Barbara and Hal LevineBarbara Panisch

Debbie and Dan Viens


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The following members of the medical community join together in their support of the B’nai Israel Bulletin

Dr. Andrea Hagani Dr. Robert D. Chessin

Dr. David F. BindelglassDr. Robert E. Sherman

Dr. Alan M. NelsonDr. Robert Friedman

Dr. Mark J. SchiffDr. Glenn M. RichDr. Michael Sonick

Dr. Lawrence DinkesDr. Stewart Gross

Dr. Kenneth RabineDr. George P. Kelly

Dr. Howard B. TwerskyDr. Martha Yepes Small

Dr. Peter A. SmallDr. Daniel Shoenthal

Dr. Charles Gary Gibson

Dr. Edward PortnayDr. Michael ConnollyDr. Kenneth KingsleyDr. Robert C. Landis

Dr. Alan LandauDr. Andrew J. Levi

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Is This You?

You want to help the temple, but you don’t have a lot of time.

And, you’re not sure what you can do that’s useful. To add to your woes, you really don’t know who is in charge of what.

The solution you are searching for is here. Now is the time to sign up to help Congregation B’nai Israel with the behind-the-scenes support needed for eB’nai, the temple’s popular and painless online fundraising auction.

The Web site is now under construction in advance of the auction set to take place March 19–April 3, 2011. Last time eB’nai rolled out in 2008, more than 227 items were auctioned off, ranging from tickets to Giants games and Broadway shows to shofar-blowing lessons and weekends in Vermont. In addition to the fun, the eB’nai online auction is one of the biggest fundraising events of the year. Money raised helps support temple programs of all kinds.

Veteran eB’nai organizers Shari Nerreau and Jim Hagani know how to make it all work—but they need help with a series of “done in a day” projects where you can make a difference. Can you help with signs and flyers or design potentially viral emails? Organize refreshments for social events? Help with record-keeping? Come up with smart ideas to attract both auction item donors and bidders alike? Help us in the world of social networking? We need you to make it all work. Send an email to Shari at nerreau@optonline.net or Jim at jim@hagani.com telling them what you’re interested in and how to reach you. Come join the fun. Together, we’ll make it easy. And as they say on TV, act now!

What’s happening at temple? Get Happenings, our weekly email! Send your request to lynn@congregationbnaiisrael.org!

eB’nai Fund Fact: How many kids will B’nai Israel educate this year from kindergarten through high school? Answer: 434!

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