buletin mutiara feb #1 - english, chinese, tamil

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  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    Competency Accountability Transparenc


    February 1 - 15, 2014http:www.facebook.com/buletinmutiahttp:www.facebook.com/cmlimguanen


    pg 19






    Story by Chan Lilian andCaleb Yeoh

    Pix by Chan Lilian

    THE Penang state exco hasdecided to set up a task forcecalled the River & Marine Pol-

    lution Taskforce to monitor

    rivers in the state.The members are made up

    of several government agenciessuch as the Penang Island Mu-

    nicipal Council (MPPP), Se-berang Perai Municipal Coun-cil (MPSP), Drainage and Ir-rigation Department (DID),Department of Environment(DOE), District Ofces, State

    Economic Planning Unit, Pub-lic Works Department, Fisher-ies Department and VeterinaryServices Department.

    The taskforce will be en-trusted to:

    - visit all rivers in the State- report on the source of pol-lution and indiscriminate dis-

    posal of garbage, untreatedwastes from sewage treatmentplant, commercial waste dis-charge and etc.

    - control and monitor the

    quality of water.For the short-term measure,

    the DID has received approvalfor allocations to carry outdesilting at two river mouths

    - Sungai Kecil and Sungai Ke-

    lian - and alsothe beach atMasjid Tera-pung in Tan-jong Bunga.

    In a pressconference atKomtar on Feb

    12, exco mem-ber for Local

    Government ,Traffic Man-agement andFlood Mitiga-tion Chow Kon

    Yeow also re-v e a l e d t h a tsince last year,plans were al-ready afoot for

    river improve-ment projectsunder the IQPRmethod.

    The IQPR method has beenfound to be effective to im-

    prove Sungai Pinang from aClass 4 (dirtiest) level to Class2 & 3 (Class 2 being veryclean) during a trial projectcarried out by the Federal

    level DID programme Riverof Life.

    More details will be releasedlater at the end of this month.

    The move comes in the

    wake of the black waterepsiode involving Sungai Batu

    Ferringghi.Capitalising on the incident,the mainstream media went totown with it on their frontpages.

    In one newspaper, a huge

    Welcome to Penang is plas-tered over pictures of pollutedblack water with claims of E.Coli-contaminated water.

    Penangites probably raised

    the red alert and wondered ifthe sea was safe for swimminganymore after such huge pub-

    licity in several newspapers.However, the state govern-ment responded swiftly.

    MPPP, together with theDID and DOE began immedi-

    ate investigations.On Feb 5, Chow conducted

    a site visit to Batu Feringghiand held a press conference toexplain the situation.

    Also present were MPPP

    chief Datuk Patahiyah Ismailand DID Penang deputy direc-tor Md. Khuzai Hussain.

    Chow said samples ofwater had been sent toChemistry Department (rof which is unknown at ptime).

    The quick action by thcal authorities has allayedconcerns raised by the intetional community.

    This sort of publicit

    never good for the Statewant to send a strong sithat the issue has beendressed.

    The effluent released into S u n g a i B a t u Feringghi which led to the black water incident recently.

    Taskforce set upto monitor rivers

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    2 February 1 - 15, 2014

    DURING this years Chinese New Year festivities,the topic of discussion in family reunion gatherings

    is most probably the escalating price hikes andincreasing racial and religious tensions that haveengulfed the nation.

    This atmosphere has paralysed the pursuit ofhappiness and hastened the brain drain, Chief

    Minister Lim Guan Eng said in a recent statementto mark the Jade Emperor Festival or Ninth Day ofChinese New Year.

    We must not lose hope but instead compel allquarters to back down from playing with the fires

    of religious and racial hatred by focusing on theeconomy, Lim said, adding that social harmonycan only be achieved by celebrating our differ-ences.

    Urging Malaysians not to fight fire with fire, he

    said they should instead use the weapons of social

    just ice, economic prosperity, good governance and

    clean leadership.

    All these recent events merely indicate thatPutrajaya has lost the plot, Lim added.

    The fact that Prime Minister Datuk Seri NajibRazak disclosed in Parliament that Penang was No.1

    in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from2010 to August 2013, with RM19.7 billion out ofMalaysias total FDI of RM103 billion, has madecertain quarters more desperate.

    We are even world champions where food is

    concerned as Lonely Planet listed Penang as theNo.1 food destination of the world.

    The violent acts of these people, including theattack on a senior Malay civil servant carrying outenforcement action, the attempted fire-bomb attack

    on a Catholic church and the call to ban the 200-year old practice of open selling of pork in a 95 per

    cent non-Muslim area in George Town, is cleintended to distract attention from the price hi

    They are doing this even at the cost of desting the very foundations of a nation-state sosiduously built by Umnos founders, Tunku A

    Rahman and Tun Abdul Razak, Lim said.Since Merdeka, official government statis

    have revealed that more than two millon higskilled and talented Malaysians have leftcountry.

    In their place are more than five million

    skilled foreign migrant workers from IndoneBangladesh, Myanmar and Vietnam clearly ain exchange value in skill gaps and managemexpertise for Malaysia, the chief minister ad

    With so many foreign migrants, some Ma

    sians are feeling like strangers in their own lparticularly in Sabah.

    Lets celebrate our differences

    Story by Chan Lilian

    Pix by Mark James

    SECURITY is of utmostimportance for an estab-lishment like PBA Hold-ings Bhd (PBAHB) to en-sure security at all water

    supply installations andoperational premises in

    Penang that are managedby its 100% owned sub-sidiary, Perbadanan Beka-lan Air Pulau Pinang Sdn

    Bhd (PBAPP).On Jan 28, general man-

    ager Jaseni Maidinsa re-ceived the certificate ofapproval for the setting up

    of their own auxiliary po-lice.

    Witnessed by Chief Min-ister Lim Guan Eng, the 11members of the first batch

    of the PBAPP auxiliarypolice who had completed

    their training were also atthe event.Another 11 will undergo

    training in March.The certificate of ap-

    prova l was handed toJaseni by state police chiefSenior DCP Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi, who

    represented federal director of Crime Preventionand Eradication Department, Datuk AyubYaakob.

    Without doubt, the role played by the auxil-iary police in taking care of assets and security

    is equally important as the Royal MalaysianPolice Force (PDRM) which takes care of the

    countrys peace and harmony, said Ayub in hisspeech read by Abdul Rahim.

    The auxiliary police force will function asthe ears and eyes of PDRM and become effec-tive assistants, he added.

    Meanwhile, in his speech, Lim reminded th

    PBAHB unit to always maintain a pro fessionimage as a uniformed body to command credibiity and respect.

    Dress smartly, be courteous, be disciplinebecause the people will look upon you. Be thbenchmark for other agencies, he said.

    Auxiliary cops to look after water assets

    Lim and Abdul Rahim (;eft) congratulating the newly set-up auxiliary police unit.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    3February 1 - 15, 2014

    Story by Chan Lilian

    Pix by Mark James

    CHIEF Minister Lim Guan Eng together

    with his deputies, Datuk Mohd. Rashid

    Hasnon and Prof. Dr P. Ramasamy, and allthe exco members paid a visit to the As-sumption Church at Lebuh Farquhar on Jan27.

    City Parish priests Father Dominic San-

    thiyagu and Father Michael Thoo informedthat the church guard discovered two Molo-

    tov cocktails had been thrown into the

    church compound at 1.23 am on Jan 27.One of them exploded and left a burn

    mark at the shrine of Mother Mary whileanother landed on the grass.

    Earlier, three Catholic churches had dis-

    covered some banners with the word Allahhung near their churches.

    Lim also informed the press that he hadspoken to the police and was informed that250 extra police personnel will be deployed

    to Penang and in particular George Townand Butterworth and the police will monitor

    the situation at churches and mosques.







    Father Dominic Santhiyagu talking to members of the press.

    Story by Caleb Yeoh

    FROM Molotov cocktails being thrown into the groundof a church to the hanging up of banners with the countrys most controversial word to date, racial tension

    and talk of public safety seem to be a part of everyone

    everyday conversation as of late.In light of this tense situation, state exco for Religiou

    Affairs, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs DatuAbdul Malik Abul Kassim released a statement, urgin

    all Penangites to stay calm and not let these provocationof a few individuals threaten the peace and harmonthat has been built over the past 56 years since our independence.

    The hanging up of the provocative banners and th

    Molotov cocktail attack on the Church of the Assumption on Farquhar Street is a clear act of hatred whicseeks to cause disunity, anger and strife among all Malaysians, Abdul Malik said at a press conference iKomtar.

    Abdul Malik said the two incidents (hanging up thbanners and the Molotov attack) are interrelated, due t

    both events occurring within the same time frame.He stressed that both acts do not reflect the teachingof either Islam or Christianity and acts like these shoul

    be opposed by all members of the public.So far, 10 police reports have been made, includin

    one from the head of a mosque, one from the head of church in regards to these acts intended on stirring uracial disharmony in the country.

    I urge the police force to take swift and strong actions and to quickly get to the bottom of this. I hope thaall Penangites will remember that these acts are thactions of a few who wish to start trouble in Penangand nothing else, Abdul Malik added in his closin


    Call for calm heads

    Penang State leaders showing their concern at the shrine of Mother Mary at the Assumption Church.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    4 February 1 - 15, 2014

    Lantern LightingSIAN Chye Tong is organising its annual monlong lighting of Chinese New Year lanterns at

    temple from Jan 30 at Hye Keat Estate in Air ItaA Chinese New Year open house will also be heat 7pm on Feb 15. For details, call 04-8283296016-4264678.

    Mural ExhibitionLITHUANIAN artist Ernest Zacharevic is crently holding a solo exhibition showcasing ov20 new murals and installations at the old HComapny bus depot in Jalan Gurdwara. The e

    hibition, titled Art is Rubbish/Rubbish is Arwill be held daily from noon to 8pm until Feb Admission is free.

    Penang Owl MuseumTHE Penang Owl Museum is Southeast Asias

    museum dedicated to owl-themed art and craDiscover a fascinating collection of more th1,000 arts and craft artefacts collected from countries, including Indonesia, China, South Krea, Uruguay, Vietnam, Thailand, England a

    France. Entrance fee is RM10 for adults. It is opdaily from 9am to 6pm. For more information, c04-8265704.

    Thai CourseYMCA Penang is holding a basic Thai course froFeb 20. There will be 12 lessons from 8pm 9.30pm on Thursdays. Details, call 04-228821

    A Majestic Mythical LionA MAJESTIC Mythical Lion, made of san

    awaits visitors to Penangs marina and seafro

    shopping mall in Straits Quay in Tanjung TokonPenang. The sandy structure of the giant felinmeasuring 2.5m in length and 1.5m in heigregarded as a symbol of power and grandeurlocated on the rst oor of the shopping mall

    is part of the Straits Quay managements effortmark the Chinese New Year.

    Penang War MuseumFOR a piece of history, visit the Penang War Mseum in Batu Maung, Penang. It was at Bukit BMaung on the southern part of the island that tbattle against the invading Japanese army was loThe museum is open from 9am to 6pm daily.

    Ball Room Dancing

    Penang YMCA will be holding basic ballroodance lessons beginning Jan 10. The classes wbe held every Friday from 8pm to 9pm. Thointerested can call Shanti at 014-3432103 or 0

    2288211 to register.

    Peter Liews ArtworksCHECK out Peter Liews works of art at tdouble-storey heritage house turned gallery

    No.84, Lebuh Melayu. Launched recently, taesthetically-designed heritage house will ehibit not only his paintings but also those of othartists.

    Story and Pix by

    Nazleen Najeeb

    THE state government hasteamed up with JCI entrepre-neur Metropolitan (Malaysia)in a move to eradicate poverty.

    Taglined Poverty ends when

    education begins, the Heartsfor Hope: Partner Against Pov-erty programme aims to createawareness besides pursuing adream that every child in Ma-

    laysia has an opportunity to

    attain an excellent education.Education can lead us to abetter life and let us all contrib-ute to this noble cause, said

    Phee Boon Poh, Welfare, Car-ing Society and Environmentexco on Jan 24, adding that poverty is due to lack ofskills.

    We will assist in cash to families living in hard-

    core poverty via Student Adoption Programme,said Florence Choy, organising chairperson of Heartsfor Hope.

    Every year selected students from five different

    schools are chosen for the programme.JCI-Metro is working hand in hand with the

    United Nations to end poverty through universal

    education.Sponsors or those interested in giving poor stu-

    dents a chance to study, should call Choy at 012-5510961.

    WE WILL HELP YOU Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (second from left) comforting Shahini Shafie afterpresenting him financial aid at his burnt down house in Teluk Kumbar. The fire that broke out about8am on Jan 24 also destroyed the familys car. The state government said RM500 in emergency disas-ter aid will also be channelled to the family by the Welfare Department soon.

    Education helps

    end poverty

    Phee and JCI members have vowed to help eradicate poverty.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    5February 1 - 15, 2014

    Story and Pix by Chan Lilian

    GONE are the days when youneed cables (you have toknow someone connected) toget something.

    Under the Pakatan Rakyat

    state government, you do notneed cables. We give out inter-est-free loans to hawkers andother petty traders based onneeds. It is also not based on

    race quota as we give loans to

    those who need the moneymost, Chief Minister LimGuan Eng said.

    The Penang Development

    Corporation (PDC) micro-credit interest-free loan underthe Projek Titian SaksamaRakyat (PTSR) began in Octo-ber 2009.

    Its aim is to provide a systemof micro-credit loans which isnot a burden to the hawkers andpetty traders in Penang.

    Thirty-ve of the recipients

    received their cheque at PDC on

    Feb 5 in a ceremony where Lim

    and Deputy Chief Minister IDatuk Mohd. Rashid Hasnonhanded over the cheques.

    Zaharin Osman, 47, whoowns a family spa, is glad to

    receive a RM10,000 loan afterhe settled an earlier loan ofRM5,000.

    He will be paying RM200 perweek and nds that it is not tax-

    ing on his business.I am very happy with the

    loan and hope in future, PDCwill give out bigger amounts forbusinesses like mine, Zaharin

    said.Meanwhile, first-time bor-

    rower Loo Soak Cheng said sheheard about the micro-creditloan from friends and discov-

    ered that it is actually rathereasy to apply for it.

    This is the rst time I am

    applying. I got RM4,000 and itwill be helpful for my hand-

    phone business. I am only pay-ing RM90 a week. Loo said.

    Indian food hawker N. Raja,58, is happy that the scheme hashelped him expand his business.

    In April 2013, I took

    RM3,000 and after fully repay-ing the loan, I got anotherRM8,000. Now, I can buy moreequipment and utensils for mystall, Raja said.

    So far, PDC has allocatedRM7 million for this PTSR

    programme and has distributedRM6.711 million to 1,673 re-cipients.

    Currently, the statistics show

    that more Malay hawkers andpetty traders applied for the loanbut as Lim said: It is based onneeds and everyone has equalchances to qualify. Fifty per

    cent of the recipients are wom-en so this shows that the state

    empowers women as theycan contribute to econogrowth.

    Lim also urged the medhelp publicise the loan faciso that more Penangitesaware of the PTSR.

    Follow this link on PD

    download the form : http://wpdc.gov.my/index.php/Eng


    Easy loans for hawkers,

    petty traders

    Loo (left) and Zaharin (right) with their cheques for the PTSR micro-credit loan another recipient Che Faridah Wahab.

    ALL 50 hawkers behind the Penang Gen-

    eral Hospital on Jalan Utama can nowenjoy conducting their business in a newlyupgraded hawker complex by the Penang

    Island Municipal Council (MPPP).Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng was

    present to ofciate the complexs opening

    with Datuk Keramat assemblymemberJagdeep Singh Deo and Bukit Bendera MPZairil Khir Johari.

    Firstly, I would like to congratulate

    MPPP on its commitment to upgrade thehawker complex which not only benets

    the customers but especially the hawkers.With clean and comfortable food premises,Penang is at the forefront to become an

    international standard city, said Lim.The state government has also set aside

    a budget of RM10.9 million for MPPP toupgrade a total of 22 wet markets, eaterycomplexes and hawker sites all over the island from

    2009 to 2013.

    Costing a total of RM785,223, the Jalan Utamaproject involved new archways, segmented lots, tiledooring, spacious dining areas and layered roofs for

    the 50 hawkers mostly serving a wide spread of Ma-lay cuisine.

    At the opening ceremony, Lim also took the op-

    portunity to address an issue that many hawkers inthe state currently face; a compulsary RM50 foodhandling course fee imposed on hawkers by theHealth Ministry.

    When Lim asked the hawkers if they were able to

    make RM11,000 a month from their business, they

    responded a sombre, No.This was in response to a statement

    Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr HilYahaya who claimed that hawkers earnmore than a state assemblymen a

    should have no problems paying tRM50 fee.

    To the elite, RM50 may be a smamount but to the regular hawker and low-income group, RM50 means a grdeal. I think Dr Hilmis statement w

    wrong and not people-centric, he addIn the past, MPPP conducted t

    courses for free and Lim hopes that ministry will seriously reconsider mak

    them free like the state has previoudone.

    Six privatised companies were

    pointed by the ministry to handle the fohandling course introduced by the m

    istry in 2005 and made compulsary under the FoHygiene Regulations 2009 which would rake in estimated RM70 million.

    Not wanting the ceremony to end on a low nothe chief minister went on to visit the hawkers a

    presented them with new Cleaner, Greener Penanaprons and caps to sport at their stalls.

    New look for Jalan Utama hawker complex

    The Jalan Utama hawker centre, one of many in Penang being given anew look.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    6 February 1 - 15, 2014

    Story by Danny Ooi

    Pix by Law Suun Ting

    THE Straits InternationalSchool Penang will move fromits temporary location in BayanBaru to a brand new campus inBayan Lepas by next year.

    Located close to the PenangInternational Airport, the newcampus will be easily accessibleto the growing residential areasclose by and it is only 10 km

    away from George Town.

    I am very pleased to be heretoday with you all at our ground-breaking for our new campus,said Charlie Grayhurst, the

    school principal, in his openingspeech.

    This day is the fruit of manypeoples labours. The designprocess has been a long one,

    involving many people collabo-rating to provide the best facil-ity so that our learning com-munity can excel, he added duringthe ground-breaking ceremony of-ciated by Chief Minister Lim Guan

    Eng.Also present were founder of

    Straits International EducationGroup Datuk Seri Desmond Toh, itschairman Dr Roslan A Ghaffar, di-

    rector Datuk Seri Vincent Tiew andmanaging director of Ideal PropertyIntelligence Datuk Alex Ooi.

    Since our opening in August2012, we have seen significant

    growth and anticipate that therapid construction of our new state-of- the- art building will spurgreater growth. This is in line withthe ever changing landscape of theMalaysian education sec tor, Tiew

    said.The rapid increase in the num-

    ber of international schools in Pen-ang demonstrates how the aspira-

    tions of education has matured instep with similar efforts to trans-form Penang into an internationaland intelligent city, Lim said in hisspeech.

    Lim commented that there is aneed for quality education whichhas declined so much until the 2012Programme for International Stu-dent Assessment scores has alarm-ingly placed Malaysia even behind

    Vietnam and Thailand.

    New ground for

    Straits International School

    Lim (back row, fourth from left) joining other staff from the Straits International Education Group in a group photograph with sstudents from the school.

    Story by Nazleen Najeeb

    THE state government is providing

    other service for its people with the relaunch of the Bridge Express Shuttle Tsit (BEST) from Bertam to Komtar.

    I hope commuters are happy withnew route and we will try to full o

    requests soon, said Chief Minister

    Guan Eng at the launch of the BerKomtar BEST bus on Feb 4.

    We are glad to be of service and hfor more positive response in future,

    Konsortium Transnasional Bhd (Kchairman and managing director Datuk

    Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh.KTB operates this BEST service throPlusliner.

    Since December 2012, two buses hbeen allocated for civil servants who win Komtar, leaving from Sunway CarnSeberang Jaya at 6.50am and deparfrom Komtar at 5.20pm.

    The new Plusliner BEST bus will l

    Bertam 10 minutes earlier at 6 .40am.Meanwhile, the state government

    tinues to bear the operational cost amoing to RM2.2 million a year covering B

    FTZ and BEST Komtar.

    Best service for

    commutersStory by

    Chan Lilian

    Pix by

    Law Suun Ting

    A corporate socialresponsibility pro-

    ject by Ideal Prop-erty Group has ben-efited road usersplying Jalan Tun Dr.Awang because they

    have access to JalanDato Ismail Hashim

    in Sungai Ara, thusconnecting SungaiTiram to Sungai Ara.

    This is a win-

    win formula where the property devel-oper invests in a CSR project whichcosts RM12 million which benets

    around 5,000 residents staying hereand also help to reduce trafc conges-tion by 20%, Chief Minister Lim

    Guan Eng said in his speech during theofcial opening of the road.

    Although some trees had to be cutto make way for the road, Ideal Prop-

    erty relocated 90 of the trees and re-planted them.

    Another 200 new saplings wereplanted.

    Joining Guan Eng at the ofcial

    opening were exco member Lim HockSeng, state assemblymember for BatuMaung and exco member Datuk Abdul

    Malik Abul Kassim, MPPP chief Da-tuk Patahiyah Ismail and others.

    Ideal new road for

    Sungai Tiram-Sungai Ara folk

    Ideal Property founder and executive chairman Datuk

    Alex Ooi (right), Patahiyah, Guan Eng, Malik, Hock Sengand MPPP councillor Muhammad Sabri Md Osmanplanting the symbolic sapling at the road opening.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    7February 1 - 15, 2014

    Story by Nazleen Najeeb

    Pix by Shum Jian Wei

    THE small ambassadors of Penangwere recently rewarded with RM300each by the state as a mark of appre-ciation for their service to the tourism

    industry.Given this moniker by Chief Minis-

    ter Lim Guan Eng, the 1,556 taxi driv-ers received their incentive on Feb 2 atKomtar.

    Taxi drivers are like small ambas-sadors of Penang and their recommen-dation will encourage tourists to visithappening attractions around the state,Lim said in his speech at the ceremo-


    He urged the cabbies to providemore efcient service as they know the

    city well and can thus ensure thegrowth of Penangs tourism industry .

    Meanwhile, the drivers will be givena uniform to make them look present-able while dealing with customers ofdifferent nationalities.

    An allocation of RM689,400 was set

    aside for these cabbies as they receivedRM600 in total in a move to ease their

    nancial burden.

    Hopes are high for them to own theirown cab as the government continues

    to look into the issue of cab licencemonopoly.

    Chairman of Federation of PenangTaxi and Hired Car Drivers AssociationAbdul Malek Darus said discussion are

    ongoing with the Land Public TransportCommission (SPAD) on the new fare

    structure and an announcement wimade soon.

    In Penang, tourists rely on thevice compared to only 3%-5% of lousing taxis as transport.

    Incentive for small ambassadors

    Lim giving the thumbs-up with the taxi drivers of Penang Island

    Story by Nazleen NajeebPix by Law Suun Ting

    EFFORTS by the Penang Island Mu-

    nicipal Council (MPPP) to obtain citystatus have been rejected again by Pu-trajaya despite being among the topcontributors to the countrys tax revenue.

    Without the city status, MPPP remain

    a disabled person or OKU, said PulauTikus assembymember Yap Soo Huey ata press conference on Jan 28.

    MPPP face limitations in nancial

    resources and authority so we are now

    waiting for Putrajaya to take action sincetheir decision touches the lives of Pen-

    angites, Yap added.The council is facing difculty deal-ing with the rising number of complaintsof trafc congestion in Penang espe-cially around the school and market areaof Pulau Tikus.

    Comprehensive plans addressing traf-fic situations continue yet the MPPPtrafc and development planning depart-

    ments capacity is limited.Their hands are tied to run a city of

    international standard.Among other problems are trafc con-

    gestion in school areas especially JalanGottlieb where there are four schools inthe same locality.

    Meanwhile, the irregular garbage col-lection causes an eyesore and simultaneousdevelopment of two high-rise condomini-ums, Moulmien Rise and The Cantonment,causes noise and dust pollution.

    The lack of human resources to reviewdevelopment plans and not to mentionlack of staff to monitor situations bur-dens residents.

    The solution is for MPPP to be up-

    graded to city status.For the last five years, MPPP has

    shown great improvement but they can

    do better with the recognition of beinga city.

    As Urban Wellbeing, Housing andLocal Government Minister, Penangurges Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan tospeed up the recognition in the interestof Penangites.

    Any complaints on MPPP matters canbe directed to the minister himselfthrough email rahman_dahlan@kpkt.gov.my or call 03-88915012.

    This is the last option to hasten the

    status process.

    City status denied againStory by Danny Ooi

    Pix by Law Suun Ting

    THE recently completed BeriksaNeighbourhood Park project in Air

    Itam was in line with the statesmotto of a cleaner, greener, saferand healthier Penang.

    It is the rst in the state to have

    two separate tracks for cycling and

    jogging. The park, which has beenabandoned for almost 30 years, isalso tted with 18 outdoor exercis-ing equipment, eight solar lightsand beautied with several Tristan-

    ia Whiteana and Maingaya

    layana trees, Local GovernmTraffic Management and FMitigation exco Chow Kon Y

    said during the recent launch opark at Lebuhraya Thean Tei

    The launching ceremony kioff with an aerobics session.

    The upgrading of the thhectare park began on Oct 21

    year at a cost of RM649, 93was completed on Dec 20.

    Chow said besides the TaMacallum Park which wascently completed, other proj

    currently uprogress

    Taman BKecil, TaPekaka, Ta

    Lebuh Nipa n d T a mMedan Nip

    We halso built p

    et parks inman Loh Heng andman Batu chang, C


    Facelift for abandoned park

    Visitors trying out the facilities at the park.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    8 February 1 - 15, 2014

    Story and Pix by Chan Lilian

    HUNDREDS of residents and guests

    attended the Chinese New Year open

    house hosted by Datuk Keramat as-semblymember Jagdeep Singh Deo

    at Taman Free School ats, one ofthe earliest low-cost homes in Pen-


    The residents are very happy with

    their two-term assemblymember

    because he has helped them to obtain

    the strata title for the ats which theyhad occupied for decades.

    Recently, the low-cost ats werealso given a new coat of paint.

    Amidst the joy and festivities of

    Chinese New Year, Jagdeep gave thepeople another piece of good news

    there is some light at the end of the

    PR1MA tunnel.Jagdeep had relentlessly pursued

    the Prime Minister and the Hous-

    ing Ministry with regards to the

    PR1MA housing promised to the

    people of Penang.

    Many letters were sent byJagdeep to find out where the

    houses promised will be built and

    when they will be completed.

    However, there was nothingconcrete about the promises.

    Finally, on Feb 8, Jagdeep saidhe met Datuk Seri Dr.Jamaluddin

    Mohd. Jarjis who is the chairman

    of PRIMA and also Minister in

    the Prime Ministers Department.

    Yesterday, the minister whowas in Penang phoned me and we

    met for a positive discussion. He

    promised to reply by June to in-

    form us about the locations of the

    housing projects, the timelineand the number of units.

    So far, three loca-

    tions have been identi-

    ed but PR1MA is stillresolving the land issue.

    I see this as a light at the

    end of the tunnel, Jagdeepsaid.

    In the meeting I also

    conveyed to Datuk Seri that

    Penang is eager to assist as

    it will means more affored-

    able homes for Penan-

    gites, he added.The underprivileged and

    poor people were not for-

    gotten in the celebrations.Food hampers, rice andgoodie bags were handed

    out to them.

    On hand to assist in making the

    open house a success were the mem-

    bers of the Voluntary Patrol Unit

    (PPS) who cheerfully served guests

    with delicious halal food.

    The VIPs who were at the func-

    tion were Deputy Chief Minister I

    Datuk Mohd. Rashid Hasnon and his

    wife, exco members Phee Boon Poh,Chow Kon Yeow and Law Heng

    Kiang, Members of Parliament Jeff

    Ooi and Zairil Khir Johari, assem-blymembers RSN Rayer and Teh Lai

    Heng and MPPP councillors.

    Light at end of PR1MA tunnel

    The Voluntary Patrol Unit (PPS) membersdishing up delicious bryani rice, currychicken and other mouthwateringdishes for the people.

    Story by Mark James

    WHILE many are concerned about the

    new housing regulations, the state gov-

    ernment is condent that both develop-ers and Penangites will continue making

    Penang a desirable choice for sustain-able living.

    At the Malaysia Property Expo(MAPEX) 2014, Real Estate and Hous-ing Developers Association Malaysia

    (REHDA) Penang branch chairman

    Datuk Jerry Chan raised several issues

    that developers currently face.

    Chan foresees that the property mar-

    ket would register a decline of up to

    30% due to several factors such as rising

    costs of materials, inadequate labourforce, tightening of bank loans and thedepreciation of the ringgit.

    We are at a point where developers

    are cautious at pricing properties and

    people are more cautious about purchas-

    ing.Adding on to the list of challenges

    they face is the two percent levy im-

    posed on the seller for all propertiessold within three years from the date of

    the Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA)

    effective March 1 which could dissuade

    potential property buyers.

    Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, in hisspeech at the event, however stressedthat the regulations were not meant to

    inhibit developers from turning a protbut to ensure that every Penangite is able

    to afford a home, especially rst-timebuyers.

    This is more like a pause than a

    marked decline. Penang not only fo-

    cuses on economic growth but sustain-

    able growth as well. Therefore we must

    take measures to ensure that there will

    not be a property bubble, Lim said.Lim added that the state government

    will continuously hold discussions with

    property players, housebuyers and allstakeholders to gather feedback and

    suggestions for a balanced sustainable

    growth and development of the state.

    He also added that Developer Interest

    Bearing Scheme (DIBS) should be re-

    introduced for rst time property buyers

    of affordable homes which are denedas RM400,000 on the island andRM250,000 on the mainland.

    Lim cited that all the efforts under-

    taken by the state government were

    done because of the lack of action from

    the federal government in their respon-

    sibility in providing housing in the sta

    The Penang state government hop

    that the federal government can fullpromises to build 9,999 affordable houing in Penang and also increase t

    construction of rented public housin

    which at only 70 units, is the lowestMalaysia. he said.

    The Malaysia Property Exhibitiwas held at G Hotel from Feb 2 to 4 s

    some 20,000 visitors, both foreign alocal, and featured major develop

    such as IJM Land Bhd, Sunway GraSdn Bhd, Chong & Co, Boon SieGroup, Airmas Group, UDA Land, DMY Properties Sdn Bhd, TropicaCorporation Berhad, Plenitude Berh

    New Bob Realty Sdn Bhd, BertaProperties Sdn Bhd, and East West OMarketing Sdn Bhd.

    Two boys enjoying their ais kacang at theChinese New Year open house.

    Penang property mart cautious but hopeful

    THE new housing rules that were suppose

    be implemented this month have been postpo

    to March 1 following discussions with prosional bodies such as the Penang Bar Comtee, NGOs and the public.

    Initially, the two per cent levy on the sfor all properties sold within three years f

    the date of the Sales & Purchase Agreem

    (SPA) was to take effect on Feb 1.

    Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the pa

    involved requested more time from the government to give sufcient notice to tclients.

    Factoring in the Chinese New Year perthe state exco and I felt it was agreeable to the postponement of a month as requested,Lim.

    However, it should be noted that the three

    cent levy imposed on non-citizens purchaland in Penang still takes effect from Feb 1

    These housing rules are in place to a

    the pitfalls of any property bubble that c

    bring hardship to the people and damage

    economy.Also under the new housing rules, low-

    houses worth up to RM42,500 and low medcost houses up to RM72,500 cannot be sold10 years from the date of the SPA.

    Houses that were classied as affordabelow RM400,000 on the island and beRM250,000 on the mainland, cannot be refor ve years if the SPA is signed after M1.

    However, if at anytime a party wants totheir unit within the ve years, they must m

    a formal appeal to the state government tocommodate buyers from the middle inc

    group registered with the state Housing Dep

    ment to purchase the said unit.

    Housing levyrules postponed

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    9February 1 - 15, 2014

    Story by Danny Ooi

    Pix by Law Suun Ting

    THINK you have the enduranceand stamina to complete an ultra-marathon run?

    COME Sept 6, you will be ableto put your potential to the test atthe first ultra-marathon run inPenang.

    The run, themed Penang Ultra100K, is an endurance race toplace Penang on the world map asa runners haven.

    In a press conference at Komtarrecently, organising chairmanAndrew Loh Lean Hock said therun serves as an experience forathletes to try out ultra-distancerunning.

    This race can also be a trainingground for local ultra-distancerunners to prepare for overseasultra-races, he said.

    The ultra-marathon comprisesthree categories: the 50km Ultra,84km Round Island and 100km

    Challenge.The 100km and 84km catego-

    ries will take runners on a round-island route that starts and ends atthe Esplanade and passes the

    Unesco World Heritage Site inGeorge Town.

    Runners will also be able toenjoy the night view at the secondPenang Bridge as well as passthrough shing villages and farms.

    The 100km challenge will alsotake runners up Penang Hill where

    they will endure a 5km climb upthe hill.

    For registration and informa-tion, visit www.penangultra.comor www.actifestyle.com

    Get set for a

    stamina-sapping run

    Loh: Race cab be training ground.

    Story by Mark James

    ITS all systems go as the state government beginsthe massive work to make the Womens WorldSquash Championship 2013 a success.

    On Jan 29, Eastin Hotel agreed to be the officialhotel hosting 64 top squash players from 20 coun-tries for the duration of this tournament.

    Besides that, streamers and banners have al-ready been hung throughout the s tate inviting thepublic to come support our very own squashchampion, Datuk Nicol David.

    The entire state is behind Nicol to bag hereighth world title, an unprecedented achievementin the squash world, said Chief Minister LimGuan Eng.

    The 29th Womens World Squash Champion-ship 2013 will be held in Penang for the first time

    in the states history from March 15-23 at sPICE(Subterranean Penang International Conference& Exhibition Centre).

    This follows the cancellation of the 2013Womens World Championship when both Hong

    Kong and Egypt rejected the proposals to organ-ise the championship last year.The cancellation of the Womens World Squash

    Championship last year also meant that worldnumber one Nicol was compelled to keep herworld crown for an extended period.

    We, the Penang state government, felt that itwas a real shame that Penangs very own worldsquash queen will not be ab le to add to her alreadyimpressive collection of seven world titles. Ma-laysians, especially Penangites, are eagerly await-ing her to defend her title for a record eighthtime, Lim said.

    Apart from the coveted title of womens worlsquash champion, the championship winner wialso walk away with a grand prize of US$120,000

    The Womens World Squash Championshifeatures a 32-player main draw played over fiv

    to six days as agreed, and a preceding maximum64-player qualification draw played over thredays from March 15-17.

    The qualification draw will be held at the NicoDavid International Squash Center, Bukit Dumbawith the final games held at sPICE.

    As a world event, this championship will generate worldwide buzz and television coverage fonot only the sport but for the state as well.

    So be sure to be a part of Penang and Malaysiahistory.

    Ticket prices and authorised sales outlets wibe announced shortly.

    Getting set for womens world squash event

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    10 February 1 - 15, 2014

    Story and pix by Mark James

    A FASHION gala and book launchwere the highlights as the PenangPeranakan Museum recently celebrat-ed its 10th anniversary.

    Titled Straits Chinese Gold Jew-

    ellery, the book authored by LilianTong is the third published by themuseum after the Pinang PeranakanMansion and Hai Ji Zia Zhu.

    Tong is the musuem director of the

    Pinang Peranakan Mansion andStraits Chinese Jewellery Museum inPenang and Malacca.

    This book is a repository of theBaba Nonya history in Penang. When

    you buy this book, you are taking

    home a piece of history, she said inreference to the rich extravagant BabaNyonya jewellery collected by themuseum.

    Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng wasalso present to share the Peranakanjoy with the some 500 guests at the10th anniversary celebration.

    The Penang Peranakan played an

    important role in Penangs history.Without them, Penangs rich historyand culture would no be what it istoday, he said.

    After the grand book launch,

    guests enjoyed a night filled traditional dance performances a

    fashion show centred on the BNyonya jewellery.

    Peter Soon, propietor and direof Pinang Peranakan Mansion,

    took the opportunity to thankpeople working behind the scenthe travel industry who helped bthe success of the Peranakan Msion.

    The mansion, a popular toudestination in the heart of GeTown, was recently named TrAdvisors number one tourist destion in George Town in 2012

    2013 while the Peranakan Musranked second.

    Among the guests present aevent were foreign dignitaries Thailand, Japan and Indonesia

    director of the Singapore PeranAssociation, Baba Peter Wee, dirof the National University of Sipore (NUS) Center of Arts, ChriKhor, and patron of the Chi

    Peranakan Association, Datuk Khoo Keat Siew.

    The Straits Chinese Gold Jelery book will be on sale at leabookshops and at the Peranakan M

    sion next month.

    Book celebrates rich historof Peranakan jewellery

    Story and Pix by Caleb Yeoh

    SINCE it was established in 1978, ThePenang Befrienders have often been thelast shred of string holding people upfrom falling into the dark depths ofangst, loneliness and emotional tur-

    moil.Now, this group of seless individu-

    als need your help, to help them helpthose in need.

    If you consider yourself an indi-

    vidual who is kind, caring, empathetic,patient, non-judgmental, open- minded

    and willing to help those going throughemotional turmoil, the Befrienderswant you.

    The Befrienders recruitment drive isheld annually, seeking to increase itsranks to combat the wave of depressionand all its unfortunate outcomes.

    Those interested are encouraged toattend their Preview and Interview

    session on Feb 16 at the CheshireHome, 409 Babington Avenue, from2pm till 5pm.

    Here volunteers will be given infor-mation about what the Befrienders do.

    Interviews will also be held to see if

    those who sign up are truly suited tohelp those in need.

    Helping someone with emotionaldistresses is a complex task. Our cur-rent group of volunteers come from

    different backgrounds but share onecommon trait, they believe in doingmeaningful work and that the rightwords can change a persons wholeperspective on life, said Cheung Kwan

    Leng, chairperson and training directorof the Befrienders.

    Those selected after the Preview

    and Interview session will then be sentfor a training programme, held every

    Sunday from 1pm 6pm, starting onMarch 2 till April 27 at the WomenCentre for Change (WCC) headquar-ters.

    As of 2014, the call-centre/outreach

    programme has taken in an average of400 calls a week from people mostlydealing with relationship problems.

    Cheung said most of their volunteershold day jobs and thus have limited

    hours to commit to the organisation.Phillip Saw, a veteran Befriender,

    vice-chairman and publicity di-rector, added: Basically, weneed more people to help morepeople. So many people have somany problems on a daily basis

    and what we try to do is to en-courage people to not hide theirproblems, but to talk about them.We ultimately want to de-stig-matise depression.

    Talks have been held with theNPO and the state governmentfor the Befrienders to establisha new, bigger headquarters as

    they currently operate out of asmall three-bedroom apartmentin Batu Lanchang.

    Exco member Phee BoonPoh said that he would make ithis 2014 agenda and he wants to

    help us do more for Penang.With a bigger building we canhouse more volunteers, addedCheung.

    For more information, contact

    the Befrienders hotline at 042815161or 042811108, or email them at bef-pen.training@gmail.com

    Their operation hours are Mondato Fridays (3pmmidnight), Saturdaand Sundays (5pm11pm).

    The Befrienders want you

    Cheung (left) and Saw with their recruitmedrive banner.

    Story by Nazleen NajeebPix byAlissala Thian

    GEORGE TOWN will have another Rapidbus terminal just next to the existing one at

    Weld Quay to accommodate the growingnumber of buses and commuters daily.

    Terminal 2 is expected to be ready byApril, said Chow Kon Yeow, exco for Lo-cal Government, Trafc Management and

    Flood Mitigation, during a visit to the siteon Jan 27.

    Chow add-ed when theterminal is

    ready, Rapid

    buses are ex-pected to pro-vide more ef-ficient ser-

    vice.The termi-

    nal is disa-bled-friendlywhile LCD

    d i s p l a yboards will beput up to alertcommuters of

    buses arrival and depart times.With the new terminal, 20 to 30 buses

    can easily occupy it at any one time, besidesthe facilities such as taxi stand, taxi drivers

    rest area, covered walkway and toilets,said Rapid Penangs Strategic SupportHead, Osman Amir.

    Terminal 2 was built using techtile tech-nology roong besides allowing natural

    light to enter.This cuts cost as lighting is not needed

    during the day.

    Terminal 2to be ready soon

    The new terminal aims to be of service to Penangites.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    1February 1 - 15, 2014

    Story by Caleb Yeoh

    KEEPING up with the recent increase in reported

    dengue cases in Penang, the state government hasbeen, under the supervision of Dr. Afif Bahardin,exco for Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry, RuralDevelopment and Health, keeping a close eye ondengue hotspots all over the state.

    Continuing on from earlier reports in BuletinMutiara, showing the numbers for dengue cases andhotspots throughout the first three quarters of

    January, here are the statistics for the last week ofJanuary and the first week of February.

    A total of 49 cases were reported at the end of

    January and 57 separate cases, in the first week ofFebruary. The cumulative amount of reported den-gue cases in Penang as of now stands at 208. Fromthese cases two deaths have been confirmed so far.

    In week four of January, these four locations in

    Penang were identified as dengue hotspots - JalanSungai, Jalan Sek. La Salle, Taman Seri Damai andHalaman Inderawasih.

    For the first week of February, high denguports came from, Jalan C.Y. Choy, Taman Sri

    jana , Pangsapuri Pelangi and again, Halamanderawasih.

    The Penang State Health Office has urgedpeople to increase the efforts in curbing the spof the aedes mosquito which would in the enda stop to the dengue cases.

    All symptoms of dengue fever, be it big or smshould be referred to the nearest clinic of hosimmediately.



    Dr Afif (right) and a member of his staff with the state health departments dengue awareness flyers

    THE PenangI s l a n d M u -

    nicipal Coun-c i l (MPPP)has issued astern warningto those en-

    g a g e d i nsticker fraud w e a r eaware of youractivities and

    will come af-ter you.

    M P P Pcame acrosst h e f r a u d u -

    lent act wheni t s of f i ce rsc o n d u c t e dsurveillanceon some banners.

    A police report has been lodgedand we will continue to look outfor these culprits, said MPPPcouncillor Ong Ah Teong on Jan29.

    Ong, who conducted the inspec-tion with the MPPP licensing de-

    partment, said a notice with permitno MPPP/216 was cut out and du-plicated and placed on four illegalbanners and a poster all around theGeorge Town Heritage Area.

    Warning to sticker fraud culprits

    Seeing double some culprits have taken the easy way out asinstead of applying for a permit they just duplicate someoneelses sticker to be pasted on their banners.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil




    http:www.facebook.com/cmlimguaneng ut 01-15, 2014

    khepy muR gpdhq;F khepyk;

    KOtJk; cs;s 2298 thlif tz;b

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    gyj;j funthypf;fpilapy;khepy Kjy;tu;

    $wpdhu;. ,e;j Mz;L NkYk;xU rpy Gjpa

    epjp rYif toq;f khepy muR jPtpukhfr;

    rpe;jpj;J tUfpwJ vd;Wk;khepy Kjy;tu;

    ypk; Fwpg;gpl;lhu;.

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    ,d;Dk;gytif epjp rYiffis toq;f

    tUk; khepy murhq;fk;> thlif tz;b

    Xl;Ldu;fSf;F Mz;Lf;F upk600 toq;f


    thlif tz;b Xl;Ldu;fSf;F

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    E}w;Wf; fzf;fpy; thlif tz;b cupkk

    itj;jpUe;jhy; mtu;fSf;F toq;fg;gl

    khl;lh vd;W $wpa Kjy;tu;kj;jpa muR

    jdpg;gl;l xUtUf;F mjpf mstpyhd

    thlif tz;b cupkk; toq;Ftijtpl

    cz;ikahf cioj;J tho;e;J

    nfhz;bUf;Fk;vspatu;fSf;F cupkj;ij

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    gz Kbg;igAk;vLj;J toq;fpa gpdhq;F

    khepy Kjy;tu;khz;GkpF ypk;Fthd;vq

    kj;jpa murhq;fj;ijf;Nfl;Lf;nfhz;lhu;.

    khepy Kjy;tu; khz;GkpF ypk; Fthd;vq; mtu;fsplkpUe;J rd;khdk; ngw;Wf;

    nfhs;Sk; thlif tz;b Xl;Ldu;.

    thlif tz;b Xl;Ldu;fSld; khepy Kjy;tu; ypk; Fthd; vq;> khepy Kjyhk; JizKjy;tu;> kw;Wk; Ml;rpf;FO cWg;gpdu;fs;

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    2ut 01-15, 2014

    ,e;epfo;tpy;fye;J nfhz;l 35 tpahghupfSf;F upk145000 epjp

    xJf;fPLr;nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ vd khepy Kjy;tu;tuNtw;Giuapy;

    njuptpj;jhu;. nghJthf> tpahghuk;Mfpa njhopy;fspy; fpis epWtdk;nfhz;L nra;ag;gLk;rpW njhopy;tpahghupfSf;F khepy muR

    kw;Wk; gpdhq;F Nkk;ghl;Lf; fofk; vd;Wk; cWJizahfj;

    jpfOk; vd;whu; khepy Kjy;tu;. Kiwahff; flDjtpiar;

    nrYj;Jk;tpahghupfSf;Fj;njhlu;e;J $Ljyhd cjtp njhif


    gpdhq;F khepy muR kf;fs; nghUshjhuj; Jiwapy;

    gPLeilg;NghLk;nghUl;L gy mupa jpl;lq;fisr;nray;gLj;jp

    tUtJ midtUk;mwpe;jNj.

    dhF khy rkJtflDj l

    fle;j 2010-Mk; Mz;L Kjy; gpdhq;F khepy muR

    gpdhq;F Nkk;ghl;Lf;fofj;Jld;,ize;J rkj;Jtf;flDjtpj;

    jpl;lj;ij toq;fp tUfpwJ. ,j;jpl;lj;jpd;%yk;rpW njhopypy;

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    3 ut 01-15, 2014

    khepy muR gpdhq;F khepyj;jpy;trpf;Fk;

    ehlw;w Fbkf;fs;FbAupik> gpwg;Gg; gj;jpuk;kw;Wk; milahs ml;il ngWtjw;F

    Xa;Tg;ngw;w Ie;J muR Copau;fisf;

    FbAupikj; jpl;l mjpfhupfshf epakdk;

    nra;Js;sJ midtUk; mwpe;jNj.

    gpdhq;F tho;kf;fs;Fwpg;ghf ,e;jpau;fNs

    ngUk;ghz;ikahdf; FbAupik

    gpur;ridia vjpu;Nehf;Ffpd;wdu;. khepy

    muR kl;Lkpd;wp gpdhq;F efuhz;ikf;

    fof cWg;gpdu; jpU M. FkNurd;

    mtu;fs; ,e;jg;gpur;ridia vjpu;Nehf;Fk;

    kf;fis Neupy;fz;L cjTfpwhu;vd;why;


    fle;j Xu;Mz;L fhykhf 29 NgUf;F

    kNyrpa FbAupik ngw;Wj; jUtjw;Fghahd; ghU ehlhSkd;w cWg;gpdu;

    kjpg;gpw;Fupa rpk;jp jpd;kw;Wk;efuhz;ikf;

    fof cWg;gpdu; jpU M. FkNurd;

    MfpNahu; mauhJ ciof;fpd;wdu;. ,e;j

    29 Ngu;fspy;17 Ngu;rpfg;G epw milahs

    ml;il nfhz;ltu;fs;. ,tu;fspd; Xu;

    Mz;Lf; fhy Nghuhl;lj;jpw;Fg; gpwF

    rptNd];tup j/ng fpU\;zd; vd;w 14

    taJ khztpf;F milahs ml;il

    toq;fg;gl;lJ. ,jd; %yk; mk;khztp

    kNyrpa Fbkfshfj; jpfo;tNjhL jdJ

    fy;tpapYk; rpwe;J tpsq;f KbAk;. ,e;jf;

    FbAupikg;gpur;ridiaf;fisa Kw;gl;l

    gpdhq;F efuhz;ikf; fof cWg;gpdu;

    jpU M. FkNurd; mtu;fSf;F ed;wp

    khiy R+l;lg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ehlw;Nwhu;

    gpur;ridiaf; fistjw;F ghahd; ghU

    ehlhSkd;w cWg;gpdu; kjpg;gpw;Fupa rpk;

    jp jpd; mtu;fspd; jiyikj;Jtj;jpy;

    efuhz;ikf; fof cWg;gpdu; jpU

    M. FkNurd; nray;gl;lhu; vd;gJ


    nghJ kf;fs;jq;fspd;gps;isfspd;

    vjpu;fhyj;ij epidtpy; nfhz;Lmtu;fSf;F mj;jpahtrpakhf tpsq;Fk;

    gpwg;Gg; gj;jpuk;> milahs ml;il

    Mfpatw;iw Kiwahf tpz;zg;gpj;J

    ngw;Wf; nfhs;tjpy; tpopg;Gzu;Tld;

    nray;gl Ntz;Lk; vd Ntz;LNfhs;

    tpLj;jhu; efuhz;ikf; fof cWg;gpdu;

    jpU M. FkNurd;.

    dhF th ehlnwh uridia fisakf Tl muR JLwJ

    khztp rptNd];tup j/ng fpU\;zd;kNyrpa milahs ml;ilia efuhz;ikf;

    fof cWg;gpdu; jpU M. FkNurd;mtu;fsplkpUe;J ngw;Wf; nfhz;lhu;.

    gpdhq;F efuhz;ikf; fof cWg;gpdu;fs; Vw;ghl;by;

    efuhz;ik Nritj; Jiw Copau;fSf;F 5 fpNyh fpuhk;

    muprpg; nghl;lyk; toq;fg;gl;lJ. efuhz;ik Nritj; Jiw

    Copau;fspd;Nritiag;ghuhl;Lk; nghUl;L ,e;epfo;r;rp Vw;ghL

    nra;ag;gl;lJ. ,e;epfo;r;rp njhlu;e;J %d;whtJ Kiwahf

    eilngWfpwJ. efuhd;ikf; fof cWg;gpdu;fs; efuhl;rp

    Nritj;Jiw Copau;fSf;F 831 muprp nghl;lyq;fis vLj;J


    efuhz;ikf;fof Copau;fspd;rpwe;j Nritahy;jhd;

    ,k;khepyr; Rw;Wg;Gwr; R+oy; J}a;ikahfTk; nghypthfTk;

    fhzg;gLfpwJ vd;whu; efuhz;ik fof MNyhrfu; xq; M

    jpNahq;. kf;fs;$l;lzp Ml;rpapd;fPo;mjpfkhd Copau;fs;

    ,r;Nritapy; gzp epakdk; nra;ag;gl;Ls;sdu;. efuhz;ik

    Nritj; Jiw Copau;fs; kf;fs; $l;lzp Ml;rpapd; fPo;g;gy ghuhl;Lfs; kw;Wk; rd;khdk; ngWtjhff; $wp jq;fs;

    kfpo;r;rpia ntspgLj;jpdu;. rpwe;j Nritahw;Wk;Copau;fSf;F

    khje;NjhWk;upk150 $Ljy;njhifahf toq;fg;gLfpwJ. ,e;j

    eltbf;if ,t;T+opau;fSf;Fr;rpwe;j ce;Jjyhf miktjhff;


    %d;whtJ Kiwahf jkf;F ,e;j muprpg; nghl;lyk;

    toq;fg;gLfpwJ vd;whu; jpU.ftupNty;> ,e;j cjtp rpwpajhf

    ,Ue;jhYk;jkJ FLk;g Rikiaf;Fiwf;f KbfpwJ vd;whu;.

    NkYk; 25 Mz;Lfshfg; gzpGupAk; jpU thR njhlu;e;J

    cjtpf;fuk; ePl;b tUk; kf;fs; $l;lzp murpw;Fg; Gfohuk;

    R+l;bdhu;. efuhz;ikf;fofj;jpy;Ntiyf;F te;J Xu;Mz;L

    fhykhfpDk; jkf;F gzpg;Gupa kfpo;r;rpahf ,Ug;gjhff;$wpdhu;

    jpU fiyr;nry;tk;.

    dhF efuhik fHf CafSFrkhd

    gpdhq;F efuhz;ikf; fofCopau; jpU fiyr;nry;tk;

    muprpg; nghl;lyj;ijg;ngw;Wf; nfhz;l gpdhq;F

    efuhz;ikf; fofg ;gzpahsu; jpU ftupNty;.

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    Competency Accountability Transparency





    20122003647 2 8 0 0 201379600398












  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    2201421- 15

    Taman Seruling Emas


    51Taman Seruling Emas 10015

    679362ASAS DUNIA51Taman Seruling Emas 7100075

    Taman Seruling Emas 19942360









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    3201421- 15





    1857600BEST2205600BEST KOMTAR216000



    rapidPenangBEST FTZ134

    2012123BEST KOMTAR




    Diff icultDirtyDangerous3D


    22 3 0 Diff icultDirtyDan-gerous3D



    20122 0 0 9008001801503 0 0



    1 1 0 051420




  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    4201421- 15









    64Jalan Beriksa

    Jalan Beriksa30




    6 4


    Jalan Beriksa

    Jalan Beriksa

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    5201421- 15


    Tetra Pak



    Tetra Pak201


  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    6201421- 15







    i-AvenueWisma Hock TeikTaman Selat449


    675Mark James

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    7201421- 15




    1013601 1 2 0 78160030002014









    50Cahaya Kasih SayangLitter Sister ofPoor3


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    8201421- 15








    Ahmad Adil Muhamad


  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    9201421- 15


    Ahmad Adil Muham


  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    10201421- 15



    Kampung Sungai Chenaam


    Pulau Burung


    : PWDC- Mohd. Yusri Yaacob ( )

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    1201421- 15




    S.P. 24

    CETDEMPenang Green CouncilFiT& SAVE

    FiT & SAVE22237122248


    Feed-in Tariff Mechanism



    SEDA Ma-

    laysia19FiT & SAVE2012916

    CET-DEM1985Always PromotingSustainable Development


    SEDA Ma-laysia20117262011725


    FiT & SAVE

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    12201421- 15




    201310012Eastin Hotel






    81971030Lonely Planet2014








  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    1201421- 15

    TSR Capital The Edge

    1007TSR Capital

    Bukit Timah

    The Edge

    212Bukit Timah

    The EdgeThe Edge51%30%Bukit Timah19%



    2 10016MPN20MPN





    Pearl Lee210

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    14201421- 15



















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    16201421- 15







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    4ut 01-15, 2014

    mDg;gpatu; : jpU. Kfkhl; A];=

    ghypdk; rhu;e;j gl;n[l; (GRB) jpl;l

    mjpfhup> gpdhq;F kfspu; Nkk;ghl;Lf;


    fle;j 12 [dtup 2014Qhapw;Wf;fpoik> fhiy 8.00 Kjy;khiy

    3.00 tiu gpdhq;F kfspu; Nkk;ghl;Lf;

    fof> ghypdk; rhu;e;j gl;n[l;vw;ghl;by;


    ,f;fpuhkk; gpdhq;F kfspu; Nkk;ghl;Lf;

    fof ghypdk;rhu;e;j gl;n[l;lhy;Nju;Tr;

    nra;ag;gl;l fpuhkkhFk;> rpy murpay;


    ,e;epfo;r;rp rpwg;ghf eilngw;wJ.

    epNghq; jpghy; ehlhSkd;w

    cWg;gpdu;> gpdhq;F Kjyhk; Jiz

    Kjy;tu;> nrnguhq; gpiw efuhz;ikf;

    fofk;> nrnguhq;gpiw khtl;l mYtyfk;>

    [htp nghJ E}yfk;> Rq;if mr;NrxUq;fpizg;ghsu;> fk;Nghq; rpd;dhk;

    mgptpUj;jp kw;Wk;kj;jpa ghJfhg;Gf;FO>

    gh]; Rq;if mr;Nr> nrnguhq; gpiw

    Rfhjhu mYtyfk;kw;Wk;,isQu;mzp

    MjuthYk; xj;Jiog;ghYk; ,e;epfo;r;rp

    ,dpNj ele;NjwpaJ.

    khz;GkpF lj;Njh `[p KfkJ

    u\pl; ];Ndhd;Kjyhk;Jiz Kjy;tu;

    mtu;fs;> khz;GkpF jpUkjp nrhq; vq;

    (kfspu; FLk;gk;> ,isQu;> tpisahl;L

    kw;Wk; r%f Nkk;ghl;L Ml;rpf;FO

    cWg;gpdu;> epNghq; jpghy; ehlhSkd;w

    cWg;gpdu;lj;Njh kd;Nrhu;`[p xj;khd;>

    efuhz;ikf; fofj; jiytu; jpUkjp

    ik%dh Kfkhl;rhupg; MfpNahu;epiwTtpohtpw;F tUif Gupe;jpUe;jdu;. Kjyhk;

    Jiz Kjy;tu; khz;GkpF lj;Njh

    `[p KfkJ u\pl;`];Ndhd;mtu;fs;

    jdJ epiwTiuapy; efuhz;ikf; fofk;

    kw;Wk;gpdhq;F kfspu;Nkk;ghl;Lf;fof

    jpl;lq;fSf;Fk; epfo;r;rpfSf;Fk; khepy

    muR MjuT toq;Fk; vd;W $wpdhu;.

    mtu; Mz;fSf;fhd fapu; ,Of;Fk;;

    Nghl;bf;F ePjpgjpahfTk;> ngz;fs;

    gpupTf;F efuhz;ikf;fof jiytu;jpUkjp

    ik%dh Kfkhl; rhupg; ePjpgjpahfTk;


    Rkhu; 450 Ngu; ,e;j epfo;r;rpapy;

    fye;J nfhz;ldu;;,e;epfo;tpy; fk;Nghq;gjh];gd;> Rq;if ghf;fhg;> Rq;if clhq;>

    kw;Wk; Rq;if mr;Nr Nru;e;jtu;fshtu;>

    fpuhk mgptpUj;jp kw;Wk;kj;jpa ghJfhg;G

    FO nrayitapdu;> fk;Nghq; Rq;if

    rpd;dhk;nrayitapdu;> kNyrpa Uf;$d;

    njj;jhq;fh> gh]; murpay; cWg;gpdu;

    MfpNahu; xd;wpize;J czT filfs;


    ,e;epfo;r;rpapd;Kf;fpa Nehf;fkhdJ

    FLk;g cWg;gpdu; kw;Wk; ,q;F thOk;

    r%fj;jpdiu xd;wpizj;J mtu;fspd;

    ey;YuT> gu];guk;> kw;Wk; kupahijia

    tYg;gLj;JtNjhL Rj;jk; gRik

    MNuhf;fpak; ghJfhg;G kpf;f gpdhq;F

    khepyj;jpd; rpwg;Gfis ntspg;gLj;jg;gl;ld.

    mNj rkaj;jpy; ,q;Fs;s ,isQu;fis

    ,f;fpuhkj;jpd; ,ir

    FOtpdu;,ir epfo;r;rp gilj;jdu;.

    fpuhk kf;fspd;ghu;itf;F gpdhq;F

    kfspu;Nkk;ghl;Lf;fofk;> ghypdk;rhu;e;j

    gl;n[l;> jdJ mr;R nghUl;fisAk;

    Rtnuhl;bfisAk; fz;fhl;rpapy;

    itj;jpUe;jdu;. me;epfo;tpy; gy muR

    epWtdq;fSk;> kNyrpa fhty; Jiw>Rfhjhu Jiw> [f;fhj; mYtyfk;>

    Nghijg; nghUs; vjpu;g;G epWtdk;>

    efuhz;ikf; fofk;> Rq;if Mr;Nr kw;Wk;


    ,q;F trpf;Fk; 10 taJf;F Nkw;gl;l

    kf;fs; jq;fs; fUj;Jfs; kw;Wk;

    gpur;ridfs; gfpu;e;J nfhs;s> gpdhq;F

    kfspu;Nkk;ghl;Lf;fof > ghypdk;rhu;e;j

    gl;n[l;> ghuq;fs;toq;fpdu;> ,jd;%yk;

    ,f;fpuhk Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;F toptFf;Fk;.

    khz;GkpF lj;Njh kd;Nrhu; `[p

    xj;khd;> NkYk; ,e;epfo;r;rpapd; NghJ

    jw;fhypf njhopy; cupkk; mDkjpf;F

    tpz;zg;gk;nra;j gpgpmu;Vio tPlikg;igr;

    Nru;e;j 33 Ngu;fSf;Fj;jw;fhypf njhopy;


    ghypdk; rhu;e;j gl;n[l;

    Muk;g cj;Njr jpl;lkhf ,e;epfo;r;rp

    njhlq;fg;gl;lJ. ,ijj;jtpu;j;J cs;Shu;

    [dehak;> rkj;Jtk;> r%f ePjp> ,isQu;

    kfspu;Nkk;ghl;Lj;jpl;lk;kw;Wk;ntt;NtWkf;fs; ntt;NtW Njitfs; vd gy

    vjpu;fhyj;jpl;lq;fSk;fopT nghUs;fspd;

    kWRow;rp Ropak; fopT kw;Wk; cupkk;



    fngh dh fht 2014

    fapW ,Of;Fk; Nghl;bia mjpfhug;u;tkhfj; Jtf;fp itj;jhu; khepy Kjyhk; JizKjy;tu;

    nrnguhq; gpiw efuhz;ikf; fofj; jiytu; ik%dh Kfkhl; rhupg;>khepy Kjyhk; JizKjy;tu; khz;GkpF lj;Njh `[p KfkJ u\pl; `];Ndhd;> epNghq; jpghy; ehlhSkd;w

    cWg;gpdu; lj;Njh kd;Nrhu; `[p xj;khd; MfpNahu; fye;J nfhz;ldu;(tykpUe;J ,lk;)

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    5 ut 01-15, 2014

    ,t;thz;L [dtup Kjy; Njjp

    njhlq;fp %d;whtJ thuk; tiuapy;

    gpdhq;F khepyj;jpy; nkhj;jk; 151

    bq;fp fha;r;ry; tof;F gjpthfpAs;sd.

    vdpDk;> ,J tiu vt;tpj capu;

    NrjKk; Vw;gltpy;iy vd nfhk;jhupy;

    eilngw;w nra;jpahsu; re;jpg;gpy;

    mwptpj;jhu; Ntshz;ik> Ntshz;ik

    rhu;e;j njhopy;Jiw> fpuhkg;Gw Nkk;ghL


    cWg;gpdUk; nrnguhq; n[ah rl;lkd;w

    cWg;gpdUkhd lhf;lu;m/gP/g;g`hu;bd;.

    ,jid gpdhq;F khepy Rfhjhuj;Jiw

    ,yhfh ntspapl;l mwpf;ifapy;


    ,g;gpur;ridiaf; fisAk;

    tifapy; fle;jhz;L mf;Nlhgu;

    dh o fhrkhjk; Kjy; ,uz;L thuk; xU Kiw

    bq;fp fha;r;ry; gw;wpa epytuj;ijf;

    fye;J MNyhrpf;fpd;wdu;. ,t;thz;L

    [dtup Kjy; %d;whk; thuk; tiu

    MW ,lq;fs; gjpthfpAs;sd. [hyhd;

    Nyhfd;>[hyhd; ngdhthu; 1> jhkhd; =

    gpdhq;> ngq;fhyhd; Nfhj;jh ngyhq;fp

    mLf;Fkhb> fk;Nghq; khr;rhq; G+Nghf;

    kw;Wk; jhkhd;,z;uhthNr gpiw Nghd;w

    ,lq;fshFk;. ,t;tplq;fspy;bq;fp fha;r;ry;

    2 Kjy; 3 tof;Ffs; gjpthfpAs;sd.

    ,jw;F jPu;Tf;fhd nghJkf;fisj; jj;jk;

    jq;fspd; Rw;Wg;Gwq;fis J}a;ikahf

    itj;jpUf;Fk;gb Nfl;Lf; nfhz;lhu;

    rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu; lhf;lu; m/gP/g;.

    mNjhL> Mq;fhq;Nf Jg;GuT gzp nra;J

    jkJ ,Ug;gplj;jpy; bq;fp nfhR guthky;

    ghu;j;Jf; nfhs;SkhW gupe;Jiuj;jhu;.

    mNjhL> Nkk;ghl;lhsu;fisAk;

    fl;Lkhd gFjp mt;tg;NghJ J}a;ik

    nra;AkhW Ntz;LNfhs; tpLj;jhu;.

    fl;Lkhdg;gFjpfspYk;mjpfkhd bq;fp

    nfhRf;fs; ,dtpUj;jpr; nra;tjhff;

    fz;Lg;gpbf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. fl;Lkhd

    Nkk;ghl;L cupikahsu;fs; fl;Lkhdg;

    gFjpiaj; J}a;ikahf itf;FkhW


    fle;jhz;L ,e;j fhyf;fl;lj;jpy;

    52 rk;gtq;fs;kl;LNk gjpthapd. Mf

    90%rk;gtq;fs;mjpfupj;Js;sd. vdNt>

    ,g;gpur;ridia fisa nghJkf;fspd;

    xj;Jiog;igg;ngupJ vjpu;ghu;f;fpd;wdu;.

    ,jdpilNa> thdpiy khw;wKk;

    ,jw;F xU fhuzkhf ,Uf;fyhk;vd


    gpdhq;F khepy kf;fs; $l;lzp

    muR rpWnjhopy; tpahghupfspd;

    Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;Fg;gy mupa jpl;lq;fis

    tFj;J tUtJ nts;splkiyahFk;.

    gpdhq;F khepy murhq;fKk; gpdhq;F

    efuhz;ikf;fofKk;,ize;J [hyhd;cj;jhkh eilghij rpW tpahghu

    filfis kWrPuikg;G nra;jdu;. fle;j

    23 [dtup 2014-Mk;ehs;Nkk;gLj;jg;gl;l

    eilghij tpahghu filfs; khepy

    Kjy;tu; NkjF ypk; Fthd; vq;

    mtu;fshy; mjpfhug;G+u;tkhfj; jpwg;G


    epfo;tpy; ciuahw;wpa khepy

    Kjy;tu; gpdhq;F khepy mbg;gil

    nfhs;ifahdj; Mw;wy;> nghWg;G>

    ntspg;gil vd;w Nfhl;ghl;by;gpdhq;F

    khepyj;ij midj;Jyf mstpy;

    gpurpj;jp ngw itg;gjhFk; vd;whu;.

    fl;likg;G kw;Wk; nghJ trjpfisg;GJg;gpf;fg;gLtjd; %yk; khepy tup

    nrYj;JNthUf;F ,yFthf ,Uf;Fk;

    vd typWj;jpdhu;. 2010-Mk;Mz;bypUe;J

    gpdhq;F efuhz;ikf; fofj;jpdu;re;ij

    filfs;> cztfq;fs;kw;Wk;eilghij

    tpahghu filfs; Nkk;gLj;jpaijg;

    ghuhl;bdhu;khepy Kjy;tu;.

    mNjhL> tpahghupfSk; gpdhq;F

    efuhz;ikf; fofr; rl;lj;jpl;lq;fisg;

    gpd;gw;wp xj;Jiof;f Ntz;Lk;. ,jdhy;>gpdhq;F khepy kf;fs;tskhd tho;f;if

    tho KbAk;. 2009-Mk;Mz;L Kjy;2013

    tiu kf;fs;$l;lzp muR gpdhq;F khepy

    Nkk;ghl;Lj;jpl;lq;fSf;F upk 26.26 Nfhb

    nrytpl;Ls;sJ. ,jpy; 22 Nkk;ghl;Lj;

    jpl;lq;fis cs;slf;fpAs;sd. ,t;thz;L

    2014-y; re;ij filfs;> cztfq;fs;

    kw;Wk; eilghij tpahghu filfSf;F

    upk16.1 Nfhb nrytplTs;sJ vd;gJ

    [hyhd; cj;jhkhtpy; Nkk;gLj;jg;gl;l eilghij tpahghu filfs;.

    nkgLjgl #hyh cjhkh eilghijahghu filf w Hh flJ

    ghuhl;lf;FwpajhFk;. [hyhd; cj;jhkhNkk;ghl;Lj; jpl;lk; ,U gpupTfshf

    Nkk;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. Kjyhk;gpupT 2012-Mk;

    Mz;L upk336>398 nrytpy; 25 eilghij

    filfs; vd nkhj;jkhf ,U gpuptpYk;

    50 filfs; kWrPuikg;G nra;ag;gl;lJ

    Fwpg;gplj;jf;fjhFk;. ,e;epfo;tpy;lj;Njh

    nfuhkhl;rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu;jpU.n[f;bg;

    rpq;bNahTk;fye;J rpwg;gpj;jhu;.

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    6ut 01-15, 2014

    fij ngR glf

    lj;Njh nfuhkhl; rPdg;Gj;jhz;L jpwe;j ,y;y cgrupg;gpy ;Ml;rpf;FO cWg;gpdu; kjpg;gpw;Fupa n[f;bg; rpq; bNahmtu;fs; nghJ kf;fSf;F muprpg; nghl;lyk; toq;fpdhu;.

    rPdg; Gj;jhz;L Kd;dpl;L(JCIUnited)

    vd;wmuRrhuhepWtdj;jpd; Vw;ghl;by;

    khepy,uz;lhk;JizKjy;tu; 100

    khztu;fSf;Fg; gs;spg;nghUl;fSf;fhdg;


    rPdg; Gj;jhz;L Kd;dpl;L rpy;tu; [{g;ypf; KjpNahu; fhg;gfj;jpy;gz md;gspg;G toq;fpdhu; gj;J cghd; rl;lkd;w cWg;gpdu;

    kjpg;gpw;Fupa lhf;lu; n[aghyd;

    kf;fs; $l;lzp muRgpdhq;FmuRCopau;fSf;F


    ghahd; nygh]; jP tpgj;jpy; tPLfis ,oe;j kf;fis Neupy;fz;L cjtpdhu; khepy Kjy;tu; NkjF ypk; Fthd; vq;

    rPdg; Gj;jhz;L jpwe;j ,y;y cgrupg;gpy ; fye;J nfhz;lnghJ kf;fs;

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  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    1February 1 - 15, 2014

    Nama Telefon

    MPSP 04- 549 7555

    Mohd Shaipol I smail (DAP) 012 - 571 2250

    Chandrasekeran a/l S.Maniam (DAP)



    012 - 5619870

    Loh Joo Huat (DAP)


    012 - 422 1133

    Tan Chong Hee (DAP) 019 - 411 5598

    Tan Chee Teong(DAP) 012 - 401 7718

    Michael Tan Cheong Heng


    012 - 4873101

    P. David Marshel (DAP) 019- 412 3397

    Hng Mooi Lye (DAP) 012 - 425 2602

    M.Satees (DAP) 016 - 438 4767

    Chong Pei Pei (DAP) 012 - 476 7729

    Ong Eu Leong (PKR) 010 - 770 0508

    Rezal Huzairi Md Zaki (PKR) 012- 498 4556

    Abdul Jalil Che Ros (PKR) 013 - 489 3227

    ShafqahShobha Abdullah


    016 - 496 1659

    Rajasegar a/l Govindasamy


    019 - 411 7051

    Zulkii Ibrahim(PKR) 018 - 576 1622

    Zulkiey Saad (PKR) 013 - 436 2848

    Mohd Rizal Abd Hamid (PKR) 012 - 424 3878

    Ho Leng Hong (PKR) 017 - 487 2767

    Omar Hassan (PAS) 019 - 571 8031

    Ahmad Kaswan Kassim




    019 - 408 4899

    Wong Chee Keet


    012 - 451 1312

    Dr. Tiun Ling Ta



    04-508 0039 (Tel)

    04-657 0918 (Fax)

    Ahmad Tarmizi Abdullah


    013- 414 4822


    Nama Telefon

    MPPP 04 - 259 2020

    Tan Hooi Peng (DAP) 012 - 498 6212

    Harvindar a/l Darshan Singh


    012 - 428 2250

    Ong Ah Teong (DAP) 012 - 410 6566

    Tay Leong Seng (DAP) 019 - 321 9392

    Gooi Seong Kin (DAP) 016 - 457 1271

    Sukumar a/l Subramaniam


    019 - 442 2113

    Joseph Ng Soon Siang (DAP) 012 - 423 9143

    Tan Kim Hooi (DAP) 016 - 438 7855

    Lee Chun Kit


    012 - 519 2152

    Mohd Hariszuan Jaharudin


    013 - 379 6019

    Francis a/l Joseph


    012 - 474 3321

    Muhammad Sabri Md.

    Osman (PKR)

    013 - 432 0207

    Ahmad Azrizal Tahir(PKR)

    012 - 498 4556

    Kumaresan a/l Arumugam


    014 - 945 9621

    Tan Chiew Choon


    019 - 470 4499

    Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan

    Chik (PKR)

    019 - 470 8811

    Lim Boon Beng (PKR) 012 - 564 4400

    Nur Zar ina Zakar ia (PKR) 011 - 1578 5098

    Iszuree Ibrahim


    016 - 443 3205

    Mhd Nasir Yahya (PAS) 012 - 402 6739

    Dr. Lim Mah Hui(NGO) 012 - 422 1880

    Eric Lim Seng Keat (NGO) 016 - 414 3428

    Aidi Akhbal Mohd Zainon(NGO)

    012 - 464 3004

    Mohd Foaz Hamid


    016 - 422 2225



    Tingkat 47, Komtar,10503 Penang

    Phone : 04-650 5468Fax : 04-261 5923

    Email: buletinmutiara.bpkn@gmail.com


    EditorChan Lilian (English)

    Tam Poh Guek (Chinese)

    G.Revatic (Tamil)

    WriterDanny Ooi (English)

    Caleb Yeoh (English)Nazleen Najeeb (English)Shum Jian Wei (Chinese)

    J. Patmavathy(Tamil)

    Photographers :Chan Lilian, Law Suun Ting,

    Alissala Thian, Ahmad Adil Muhamad andMark James

    Graphic Designers :Idzham Ahmad and Loo Mei Fern

    Kalendar PelanconganPulau Pinang Mac - Apr 2014

    13hb - 15hb Mac

    Thai Water Festival (7:00 pg)Wat Chayamangkalaram ThaiBuddhist Temple & DharmikaramaBurmese Buddhist Temple (LorongBurma, Pulau Tikus) Rajaphohong

    Buddhist Temple (Ara Kuda,B.Mertajam)

    12hb - 13hb April

    Penang World Music Festival

    2:00 ptg - 12:00 tgh mlmQuarry Park, Botanical Garden

    Author : Lee Teik Khoon

    Comment: Pulau Pinang Negeri Dengan Kos Hi

    Paling Tinggi?


    As a Penangite residing in overseas for almosdecades, the great transformation that you h

    forcibly and boldly carried out made us proud again

    being a penangite. I would say that most of the for

    penangites who have migrated or work oversea

    far as US in especially in NYC are watching f

    far with relief and satisfaction for the remain

    family members back home. We were concer

    then before 2008 but now, we are cheering our ho

    state.GOOOOOOOOOO Penang. Let Penang go

    against Malaysia!!!!

    1hb - 2hb Mac

    Penang Sports Club 15th

    International Soccer 7S

    Tournament 2014

    9:00 pg - 5:00 petangPenang Sports Club

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    14 February 1 - 15, 2014

    Story by Chan Lilian

    Pix byAlissala Thian

    IF you have not heard of Occupy BeachStreet, then you probably missed one of the

    most fun and unique ways to spend your

    Sunday mornings.

    The roads in the Beach Street area are

    closed every Sunday morning for Penangs

    Car Free Day.

    The usual laidback bank and commercial

    area comes alive with colours, music,

    clowns, unique arts and crafts, performanc-es and delicious food.

    Occupy Beach Street happens every

    Sunday from 7am till 1pm.

    Families can rent bicycles to ride around

    the area too.

    On Jan 26, just a few days

    before Chinese New Year,

    Chief Minister Lim Guan

    Eng, his wife Betty Chew

    Gek Cheng and their young-

    est son were at Occupy

    Beach Street.

    Occupy Beach Street

    Horses from the Penang Turf Club on parade to welcome theLunar Year of the Horse. Young kungfu kids showing off their skills to the crowd at Occupy Beach Street.

    Have you heard of getting massaged by a pair of knives? Well, youget a stab in the back by a qualified masseur if you like.

    PENANG has the platform to realise your

    dreams. For the young people, make your dreams

    come true in Penang, Chief Minister Lim Guan

    Eng said in his speech at the opening of Penang

    Purrfect Cat Cafe.

    Ee Lin Chng realised her dreams when herlove for cats turned into a cafe with a cat concept.

    There are ca t cafes in Paris, Taipei, Singapore

    and other big cities all over the world. So, why

    not have a cat cafe in Penang where the state

    government goes by the motto - CAT (competent,

    accountable, transparent)? Thats why we came

    up with the idea for a cat cafe, she said.

    Ee Lins cats probably have an affinity to the

    CAT leader and headed straight to Lim during the

    opening on Jan 26.

    Visit Cat Cafs Facebook for location and

    opening hours - https://www.facebook.com/


    Just Purrfect!

    Ee Lin (fourth from left) has opened a cafe of her dreams - a Cat Cafe where everything is about cats.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    16February 1 - 15, 2014

    THE Malay saying Melentur bu

    biarlah dari rebungnya means ifwant to form or shape somethinghave to begin from young like howshape the bamboo from the shoot

    This is the approach adopted by

    Seberang Perai Municipal Cou(MPSP) in order to nurture a gen

    tion who love and appreciate thevironment.

    On Jan 20, MPSP launched the 2Green School Awards with Conti

    tal Automotive Components MalaSdn Bhd, represented by chief extive officer Yiew Siew San, sponing prizes totalling RM25,000 towinners.

    MPSP chief Maimunah Shariff, delivered her speech at the event at Sekolah Menengah Sains Tun SSheh Shahabuddin, said: When Iin Yokohama, Japan, I asked

    mayor how lon g it took Yokohamadopt its zero-waste status.

    Thirty to 40 years, thats how loI am very happy to note thatparticipation of the schools has

    creased over the years, Maimusaid.

    In 2013, 86 schools took part cpared to 2010 when only 30 schparticipated in the event.

    For participation forms and deon the Green School Award 20vi s i t h t tp : / /www3.mpsp.gov.la21v2/ images/program/anugepamplet2014.pdf and download


    School children will the future green champions.

    Going green

    from young



    Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk

    mengisi kekosongan jawatan-jawatan berikut:-

    CARA MEMOHON: Semua permohonan jawatan perlu dibuat secara atas talian (on-line)

    menerusi portal rasmi http://www.mppp.gov.my .atau http://eperjawatan.mppp.gov.my

    mulai 8 Februari 2014.


    Sebarang kemusykilan atau permasalahan berhubung permohonan ini, sila hubungi

    Bahagian Pengurusan Sumber Manusia di talian berikut:-

    04-2592115 / 2311 / 2245


    1. Pegawai Perubatan UD47/48 Tetap

    2. Pegawai Perubatan UD43/44 Tetap

    3. Pegawai Veterinar G41 Tetap

    4. Pegawai Penguatkuasa N41 Tetap

    5. Pegawai Keselamatan KP41 Tetap

    6. Jururawat U29 Tetap

    7. Pereka (Grafik) B17 Kontrak

    8. Pengawal Keselamatan KP11 Tetap/Kontrak

    Maimunah (sixth from left) taking a at the pond with the school childreSekolah Menengah Sains Tun Syed SShahabuddin. She was there to launch2014 Green School Awards which willmore than 80 schools taking part.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    1February 1 - 15, 2014

    Bil. 13/2014



    1. Kenyataan akhbar ini adalah berikutan dari sidang akhbar yang telah dibuat pada

    16 Januari 2014 yang telah mengumumkan bahawa orangramai tidak perlumempamerkan kupon letak kereta (Sistem Kupon) sehingga masalahkekurangan stok dapat diatasi oleh syarikat pengurus letak kereta.

    2. Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang dengan ini mengumumkan bahawapenangguhan mempamerkan kupon letak kereta dilanjutkan lagi sehingga 14Februari 2014. Ini bermakna mulai 15 Februari 2014 orangramai hendaklahmembayar caj letak kereta dengan mempamerkan kupon masing-masing.

    3. Kupon boleh diperolehi dari 335 penjual kupon seperti yang disenaraikan dilamanweb Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang

    4. Majlis akan meneruskan pemantauan ke atas stok kupon yang telah di pesanoleh Perkhidmatan Alam Indah Sdn Bhd dari syarikat percetakan. PerkhidmatanAlam Indah Sdn Bhd dikehendaki membayar sewa bulanan kepada Majlis setiapbulan.

    5. Berikutan dari itu ingin di tegaskan sekali lagi kepada penjual kupon untuk tidak

    mengenakan bayaran melebihi dari yang telah ditetapkan oleh Majlis. Penjualkupon yang tidak mengikut kadar yang ditetapkan akan diberikan amaran danboleh ditamatkan perkhidmatan dari menjual kupon.

    Kupon dijual dengan harga RM 4.00 untuk buku (40 sen x 10 keping) danRM 6.00 untuk buku (40 sen x 5 keping dan 80 sen x 5 keping).Orangramai diharap tidak membeli kupon yang dijual dengan harga melebihi dariharga yang telah ditetapkan.

    6. Bagi mereka yang memiliki stiker bulanan mereka boleh meletak kenderaansehingga 28 Februari 2014 dengan menggunakan stiker bulan Januari 2014.Mereka hanya perlu mendapatkan stiker bulanan baru mulai Mac 2014.

    Story by Chan Lilian

    Pix byAhmad Adil Muhammad

    TRASH disposal costs our local councilsmillions of ringgit each year.

    In 2013, Seberang Perai MunicipalCouncil (MPSP) chief Maimunah Shariffrevealed that MPSP spent RM8,639,665.44

    for management of 427,706.21 tonnes ofsolid waste at the Pulau Burung Landfill.

    This is just the tipping fee of RM20.20/ton, not including workers salaries, petrol,maintenance cost and vehicles repair

    costs, she said.

    If we can come together and practiserecycling and opt for zero waste, then

    wouldnt it be wonderful to have the mon-ey for beautifying Seberang Perai instead?

    (A tipping fee or gate fee is the thecharge levied upon a given quantity ofwaste received at a waste processing facil-

    ity.)MPSP has worked tirelessly to create

    awareness on the 4Rs which is rethink,reduce, reuse and recycle amongst the Se-berang Perai folk.

    In 2013, MPSP achieved a 32% recycling

    rate, something to be proud of.

    RM8 million

    down the bin

    Maimunah is constantly promoting the 4Rs.

  • 8/13/2019 Buletin Mutiara Feb #1 - English, Chinese, Tamil


    18February 1 - 15, 2014

    PENANG is, and will always be, known as a

    foodies paradise and a place where tourists con-sider the word diet a taboo.

    Over the years, there have been a few competitors

    trying to take the No 1 food spot title and crown

    away from Penang but time and time again, this

    little island with its melting pot of food tastes,

    textures and colours takes back that big slice of

    cake every time.

    In recent news, solidifying our foodie title even

    further, Lonely Planets Robin Barton revealed thisyears top culinary hot spots from all over the world

    and yes, Penang found itself at the top of this list too.

    Having a world-renowned travel guide publisher

    boast of Penangs culinary choices is no small matter.

    In light of this, Buletin Mutiaras amateur food-

    trotters, Caleb Yeoh and Mark James took to the

    streets to give you a true-blue Penangites own take

    to the best eats around the island.

    Deviating from the norm of the best char kteow, asam laksa and nasi kandar (lets face it

    now, there are probably some Australians and

    ropeans who know where the best char koay t

    joint is ) place s, we tr ied to tack le a few of the

    so-internationally known food items and give

    the inside scoop as to which eateries serve the

    of these kinds.

    Obscure top Penang eats

    Typically an array of Indian style vegetarian

    dishes served on a big banana leaf with a mountain of

    rice in the middle.

    However, this vegetarian delight is often pairedwith deep fried chicken, mutton masala and deep fried

    squid, for the meat lovers that is.

    Our Pick:Arati Villas, located in Tanjung Bungah, up a hill,

    opposite the Four Point by Sheraton hotel. An obscure

    little establishment tucked away next to a laundromat.

    Why Its The Best:Arati serves up some of the best home cooked North

    and South Indian delights that you wished your

    mother made, making this banana leaf experience

    truly a home-cooked taste. Also, try their home-ma

    Roti Jala as well, and taste the difference in its textu

    and avour.

    When it comes to Nasi Melayu, there are a dime a

    dozen in Penang yet some of them have risen to achieve

    mega popularity. While tourists and visitors to the

    island ock to these established Nasi Melayu stalls,

    the locals typically wont be spotted there but insteadbe dining on their favourite blend of Malay curries at

    some obscure hidden stall.

    Our Pick:If you are heading up towards the city from Batu

    Feringghi passing the Floating Mosque in Tanjung

    Bungah keep your eyes peeled for a small zinc roofed

    makeshift stall by the road; blink and you will miss it.

    A stones throw away from the famous Nasi Melayu

    Lidiana, this hidden gem does not even need any sign-

    board to tell folks of the business.

    Kedai Pak Din, is what the locals refer to this small

    yet rustic 20-seater stall and at the rice station, that is

    where you will nd him, a small elderly kopiah adorn-

    ing Malay man we fondly call Pak Din

    Why Its The Best:You can judge the quality of the Nasi Melayu from

    the sh curry.

    The freshness of the sh at Pak Dins is never in

    question as his stall is literally by the beach and always

    sells so fast that the kitchen has to keep cooking and

    topping up the quintessential Malay dish.

    This is because Pak Din does not believe in short

    cuts of using processed curry powders and great taste

    can only be achieved after years of practice, perfec

    the dish by only using the freshest ingredients

    available close by.

    Although there are several Nasi Melayu st

    nearby which are packed to the brim during the lu

    hour, Pak Dins food sells out much faster as he

    pares a certain amount of food per day; quality o


    If you are not in a rush to get back to the ofce, d

    by Pak Dins and take your time to enjoy an autheNasi Melayu meal and dont hesitate to strike a c

    versation with the owner so long as he is not b

    tending to other customers.

    Our personal suggestion of a satisfying meal;

    curry coupled with either fried or ayam kicap, u

    and if you are really hungry, have a go at Pak D

    jumbo sambal prawns and a s tiff g lass of teh ais

    cause it is going to be spicy, the good kind of spi

    Wan Tan/Won Ton is Cantonese for dumplings

    and mee directly translates to noodles.

    A noodle dish with its origins in Hong Kong andis served either dry or in a broth, with a side of meat

    (chicken or pork depending on location), leafy

    vegetables and a helping of dumplings.

    Making it our own, the wan tan mee in Penang

    is known (by the older folk) as Tok-Tok Mee.

    (Tok-tok comes from the sound the vendors make

    when beating two sticks together to indicate their

    coming presence in a particular area.)

    Also, in Penang and Malaysia, these noodles are

    generally served in a darker type of soya sauce

    compared to the rest of the world.

    Our Pick:After much testing and deliberation, our pick for

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