building your pln

Post on 16-May-2015






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Building your PLN and becoming a connected educator through the use of twitter and blogging!


Building your PLN:Twitter and Blogging


Hugh McDonald @hughtheteacher

Gallit Zvi @gallit_z

Shape of Day

o Twittero Twitter Exploration Timeo Why Blog?o Blogging Exploration Time using Kidblog

All this…

Thank you @courosa

Can Now be found Here!


Thank you @courosa

Two Players

Thank you @courosa

Web 2.0: What it is?

• Participation

• Collaboration

• Changing the way internet can be used in the classroom

• Knowing, Wondering, Learning, & Sharing

• Twitter, Blogging, Facebook, Google Docs, wikis, youtube etc…

What it isn’t?• Just consuming information from

websites for content

Why Twitter?

• “Twitter in 60 Seconds”

Why Twitter?• Connections: Create your own Personal Learning Network (PLN)

• Collaboration: Share resources and ideas with like minded teachers & students

• Live Chats (#hashtags)

• Research: Search for resources you need

• Impress your students

• Use new sites and resources even they haven’t heard of

Where are you joining the Conversation?

• 1. I'm not interested. I don't get it. In fact, how did I get into this session anyway?

• 2. I've been thinking about it, considering joining in.

However, I don't know how.

• 3. I'm ready to go! Just point me in the right direction. • 4. I've already joined the conversation, and I'm having lots

of fun and making connections

Denise Krebs

Twitter Time!

• Twitter app on your device or go to

Let’s get started!

Add more “tweeps”

Starting Your Twitter PLN


Some Education Hashtags We Use

• #sd36learn• #edchat• #bced• #1stchat, 5thchat etc…• #kinderchat• #geniushour• #choose2matter• #youmatter• #learn365• #elemchat• #edtech

Why Blog with Students?

• Authentic Audience

• Increased Intrisic Motivation for the task

• Engaged Learners

More Reasons to Blog

• Share thoughts, ideas, and opinions, & support them with details that make understanding easy. –Pictures, captions, videos

• Will learn to communicate effectively

Become better writers, both in content and mechanics.

Become better readers, improving comprehension and the

ability to read critically.

Take Ownership of their Own Learning

Use Web 2.0 technology as a tool to publish their work to share with

their peers, family, and friends.

Blogging Platforms

*Personal Weebly Blog if Students created own E-Portfolio website.

Express Your Learning Too!!

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