building iot solutions with aws

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Building IoT Solutions With AWS

Oren Katz, Solutions Architect

Yuval Fernbach, Solutions Architect

What Is So Special In IoT?

• We are connecting the physical world• Energy, Scale, Security

• Communication isn’t always stable

• Software on Things• Can be out of reach

• Where is the logic?


1. The life of a Thing

2. Community of Things

3. Wisdom of the Things

The Story: A Pod Carried By Drone


1. The life of a Thing

2. Community of Things

3. Wisdom of the Things


Connecting a Thing To AWS IoT

Sending Telemetry From a Thing to AWS IoT

Demo: Let’s See It Again – Pod Telemetry


• We have just created > 79,000 pods sending telemetry




1. The life of a Thing

2. Community of Things

3. Wisdom of the Things

How Can Things Interact?

• A Thing can listen to a Thing• MQTT / HTTP

• A Thing can command others• Querying/Updating a shadow’s state (Policy)

• Things can create a group discussion• Listen and discuss a topic

• Things׳ autocracy• Rule Engine

• Application Logic

• Distributed

Demo: Let’s See a Command In Action

AWS IoT – Thing’s Shadow

AWS IoT – Thing’s Shadow


AWS IoT Device Shadow - Simple Yet Powerful


"state" : {

“desired" : {

”lamp": “ON”,

”fan" : "ON"


"reported" : {

”lamp": “OFF”,

”fan" : "ON"


"delta" : {

”lamp": “ON”,

} },

"version" : 10



Reports its current state to one or multiple shadows

Retrieves its desired state from shadow

Your Application

Sets the desired state of a device

Gets the last reported state of the device


Shadow reports delta, desired and reported

states along with metadata and a version

Rules Engine

Rules Engine: Extracting Value From Messages

• Filter messages with certain criteria

• Transform the payload of messages

• React based on messages• Move messages to other topics

• Move messages to other systems

• Predict changes based on trends (Water heater example)

Rules Engine: Move Messages To Other Systems

Invoke a Lambda function

Put object in an S3 bucket

Insert, update a

DynamoDB table

Publish to an SNS topic

or endpoint

Publish to a Kinesis stream(And to EMR and Spark)

Publish to Firehose

Republish to AWS IoT

Publish to Elasticsearch service

Capture a CloudWatch

metric or change an alarm

Write to SQS queue

A Rule from Our System

Demo: Things Interaction


1. The life of a Thing

2. Community of Things

3. Wisdom of the Things

Amazon Elasticsearch Service Integration

Demo: Analytics (Big Data – but you already know that...)

Amazon Machine Learning Predict Function


1. The life of a Thing

2. Community of Things

3. Wisdom of the Things

Startups’ Products in this demo

• Zantro

• Sevenpop

What’s Next?

1. Getting Started with AWS IoT

2. Github AWS IoT Device SDK (examples folder)

3. We are here to help

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