building a global culture of science the vietnam...

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German Edition: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201812076Global ScienceInternational Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201812076

Building a Global Culture of Science—The VietnamExperienceKyle E. Cordova and Omar M. Yaghi*

education policy · global science · innovation ·research capacity · research development

Abstract: We detail the lessons learned, challenges, achieve-ments, and outlook in building a chemistry research center inVietnam. Through the principles of “global science”, weprovide specific insight into the process behind establishingan internationally-competitive research program—a modelthat is scalable and adaptable to countries beyond Vietnam.Furthermore, we highlight the prospects for success in advanc-ing global science education, research capacity building, andmentorship.

“Nature will reveal itself if we only look,” said the Wizardof Menlo Park, Thomas Alva Edison. “But nothing will workby itself—you have to make the damn thing work.” It is in thisspirit that we approach building a culture of “global science”through discovery.[1, 2] Global science is founded upon theprinciple of extending the mentoring relationship, a cherishedpractice of research-strong institutions, to all emergingscholars regardless of their geographic location, country oforigin, race, gender, or religion. Another operating principleof global science is that people can learn from one anotherand that distribution of knowledge benefits everyone. Indeed,this inevitably breaks down barriers that separate people andhelps in building a culture of science to address challengesfacing humanity.[3–5] Through our experiences in buildingpartnerships between our home institution and institutionsabroad,[1] we have identified eight principles that ensure thesuccess of any given global science program (Figure 1):1) Inclusivity: the ability to provide research opportunities to

emerging scholars is predicated on these opportunitiesbeing open and accessible to all.

2) Mutual understanding: global science work must embodya joint vision and common goal with partnering institu-tions.

3) Accessibility: mentors are readily accessible througha mixture of on-the-ground visits and weekly video

conference meetings to ensure that the research agendais progressing.

4) Working from a position of strength: both partneringinstitutionsQ strengths, whether they lie in science, mentor-ship, navigating cultural norms and institutional policies,or fundraising, must be utilized and built on.

5) Solid infrastructure: infrastructure must be put in place toenable impactful, internationally competitive research tobe carried out.

6) Sustainability: mutual benefit is paramount and a sustain-ability plan that is developed at the outset ensures that thisoccurs.

7) Funding: reliable long-term funding must be established.8) Institutional and intergovernmental support: internation-

al efforts are inevitably stymied without support from ourown institutions and governments.[1]

In this contribution, we provide a detailed account of ourrole as founders and mentors, the lessons we learned, thechallenges we faced, and the prospects for further success inadvancing scientific education, research-capacity building,and research mentorship in the context of our joint partner-

Dedicated to Professor Phan Thanh Binh

Figure 1. We have found that success in building a global scienceprogram is dependent on the degree in which each of these eightprinciples are properly addressed and implemented.

[*] K. E. Cordova, Prof. O. M. YaghiDepartment of Chemistry, Kavli Energy NanoSciences Institute atBerkeley, and Berkeley Global Science InstituteUniversity of California, BerkeleyCalifornia 94720 (USA)E-mail:

The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under:


1552 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1552 – 1560

ship with Vietnam National University—Ho Chi Minh City(VNU-HCM).

The Challenge in Brief

One might be hard-pressed to find a country that is moreresilient than Vietnam. Since Doi Moi (economic reform) in1986, the country has experienced a developmental explosionthat has resulted in one of the fastest-growing economies inAsia. In fact, this country of 93 million has seen its grossdomestic product (GDP) increase by 3303% between 1990and 2016, making VietnamQs GDP growth rate the secondfastest in the world behind only China over this period.[6] Withall of this economic opportunity coming to Vietnam, how willthe ordinary Vietnamese citizen respond and take advantageof the new era that Vietnam appears to be headed toward, ifnot already entered? Conventional wisdom points to highereducation as being a key driving force in upward mobility.However, Vietnam, like many developing countries, hastraditionally experienced the phenomenon of “brain drain”,in which the brightest emerging scholars are exported to studyin research-strong countries with the expectation that theywill return and contribute to the scientific development oftheir home country.

The lure of a greater degree of economic opportunitiesthat further improve their lives and the lives of their familiesoften prevents them from returning.

The brain drain problem in Vietnam is further exacer-bated by a higher education system that lacks a structure forfostering intellectual freedom, financial resources (only0.6%, or USD $628 million, of VietnamQs 2014 nationalbudget was spent on science and technology research),[7] andpractical education curricula to equip emerging scholars withthe necessary tools to innovate and contribute to their

society.[8] The magnitude of this problem is highlighted bythe fact that an estimated 63 000 Vietnamese emergingscholars were studying abroad in 2016 (accounting for10% of all international enrollments)—a number thatincreased by 680% since 1999.[7, 9] To create “brain circula-tion” in Vietnam, it is critical that capacity building is givena high priority.

Although Vietnam has more than 350 public universitiesand more than 80 private higher-education institutions, which,when combined, serve more than 2 million students nation-wide, there was not a single Vietnamese university ranked inthe top 1000 universities worldwide until 2018.[10, 11] This islikely due to the fact that the majority of these universities arededicated to teaching as opposed to providing opportunitiesfor their faculty to carry out academic research. Academicresearch remains mostly confined to VietnamQs two largestuniversities, Vietnam National University—Ho Chi Minh(VNU-HCM) and VNU—Hanoi. Over the period of 2001–2015, in excess of 18000 scientific publications were producedby Vietnamese research institutions, which represented about0.2% of the world scientific output (this number is notablysmall when considering VietnamQs population is around 1.2%of the worldQs total population).[12] Publication in the chemicalsciences ranked below other fields with respect to percentoutput (9.6%), but did have the second highest rate of growth(22.6 %) between 2001–2015.[12] In this context, 77 % ofVietnamQs scientific output involved international collabora-tion (most notably with the United States and Japan).[12]

International scientific collaboration is championed as a fun-damental mechanism for improving quality of research as wellas the impact that research has on addressing criticalchallenges.[13, 14] The challenges faced by Vietnam are similarto other developing countries in that there is insufficientfunding for advanced research and, therefore, scientificresearch lacks the robust infrastructure needed to growresearch and innovation.

Sowing the Seeds of Research

In 2009, the then President of VNU-HCM, Professor PhanThanh Binh, initially approached O.M.Y. (K.E.C. joined thiseffort shortly thereafter) with a simple proposal: To establisha center of research excellence in Vietnam that fosters thegrowth of emerging scientists and affords them with theopportunity to conduct innovative basic research under thementorship of top international researchers. Our generalobjective was to demonstrate that the success of sucha research center would serve as a world-class model inVietnam for how to approach and solve scientific challengesthat have far-reaching, global implications. To ensure thelong-term sustainability of this center, we proposed our“global science” model, in which the time-honored mentoringtradition would be extended to Vietnamese scholars that tookpart. The premise of implementing this approach was that,over time, these Vietnamese scholars will be equipped withscientific innovation and excellence, ethics, new knowledge,and know-how, which then could be imparted on the nextgeneration of scientists. Therefore, a cyclic and sustainable

Omar M. Yaghi was born in Amman,Jordan and educated in the United States.He currently holds the James and NeeltjeTretter Chair Professorship in Chemistry atthe University of California, Berkeley and isthe Founding Director of the BerkeleyGlobal Science Institute. He is known forpioneering reticular chemistry and, morerecently, a global mentoring model that isbeing implemented in research centersaround the world.

Kyle E. Cordova was born in the UnitedStates and mentored by Prof. Omar M.Yaghi at the University of California, LosAngeles. He is currently the Associate Direc-tor at the Berkeley Global Science Institute.His work primarily focuses on buildingresearch capacity in developing countriesthrough the mentoring model. He is activelyengaged in mentoring research groups inVietnam, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico,and United Arab Emirates.


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model is achieved with the mentored emerging scholarsgrowing to become mentors for the next generation.

It is important to note that in the case of Vietnam, a keyfactor for establishing and maintaining the initial connectionswith VNU-HCM was a Vietnamese–American former grad-uate student in YaghiQs research laboratory, who acted asa liaison and proved invaluable in navigating cultural differ-ences and expectations from both sides, all the while helpingto create the foundation for the research program. With theconnections in place, we began to make use of the well-established infrastructure and administrative support that ourthen institution, University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA), had to offer. We mobilized a team of UCLAscientists and administrators and travelled to VNU-HCM in2009 to discuss the program development in more detail. Overthe course of the discussions, the skeletal framework of theprogram quickly grew in scope and size. What started as aninitial plan to simply develop a research program, quicklyblossomed into the desire to develop a chemistry graduateprogram and a research center whose structure, curriculum,and execution were unique in Vietnam.

Upon signing partnership agreements, we created theCenter for Molecular and NanoArchitectures (MANAR),which consisted of two parts: 1) A research center that wouldcarry out world-class research and offer world-class capabil-ities (infrastructure, environment) and 2) a chemistry doc-toral program that educated researchers and positioned themto be future science leaders at both VNU-HCM andthroughout Vietnam (Figure 2). As a part of our agreement,the US side would use its expertise to build VietnamQsscientific and technological portfolio whereas the Vietnamside would streamline the development process in order to

make it culturally and scientifically relevant (Figure 2). Acritical component for ensuring initial success was to workside-by-side with our Vietnamese colleagues to obtain buy-infrom the Vietnamese government, most notably the Minis-tries of Science and Technology (MoST) and Education andTraining (MoET). Furthermore, we engaged the U.S. Depart-ment of State, Science and Technology Cooperation Office aswell and, as a result of our efforts, our plan was prioritizedwithin the broader Vietnam and U.S. Science and TechnologyCollaboration Agreement. This accomplishment led to wide-spread support, calls-to-action, and seed investment funds fordeveloping the free-standing research center. It should bemade clear that at the core of all of this was the joint plan thatwe created collaboratively. It was the scientists, emergingscholars, and mid-level administrators together who initiatedand worked out the details of establishing the center andgraduate program. This collaborative effort resulted ina cohesive plan, which was presented and argued to theuniversity administrators and government ministers. The factthat we had a shared vision, strong commitments from bothsides, support put in place to bridge the two sides, and a viablescientific plan ensured institutional and intergovernmentalsupport.

Funding—Always an Issue, Never a Problem

In principle, any research topic can be pursued dependingon the countryQs and institutionQs priorities. For MANAR, wejointly designed a research program based on the discoveryand fundamental development of new nanomaterials forclean energy and environmental applications.[15] This research

Figure 2. Through a partnership with Vietnam National University—Ho Chi Minh (VNU-HCM), we were able to effectively establish, build up,develop, and sustain a center of research excellence and a doctoral program in Vietnam. Both sides of the partnership contributed to this jointeffort in their own way. The mechanism with which this partnership progressed is adaptable to countries beyond Vietnam.


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program was crafted with VietnamQs research challenges inmind; VietnamQs scientific impact and specialization inchemical research is one of the weakest in the world.[7] Torealize this program, we sought funding for three phases ofdevelopment (Figure 2). The first phase was to equip analready established laboratory at the University of Technol-ogy in VNU-HCM with basic essential instrumentation. Thisinitial phase would afford us the opportunity to begincollaborating and recruiting early career professors andemerging scholars to join the program and to initiate researchimmediately prior to finishing and inaugurating the stand-alone research center. The second phase of funding, whichoccurred concurrently with the first phase, was to retrofita building for wet chemistry and materials science researchand to purchase the more advanced state-of-the-art instru-mentation that were required (Figure 3). The third and finalstage was focused on garnering research grants from nationaland institutional funding schemes.

After this initial funding period, we continued to jointlypursue national and institutional grants to fund the research;however, we also turned our focus beyond Vietnam tointernational funding agencies. This was an important strate-gic decision as the program continued to grow at a rate that

was unsustainable solely by the Vietnamese government andVNU-HCM. An important distinction about the globalscience model is that the partnering organization receivescredibility and prestige behind their funding proposals—a distinction that greatly increases the likelihood of receivingsuch funding. We found a valuable partner in the U.S. Officeof Naval Research Global with other opportunities existingthrough the World Bank.[16, 17]

A Solid Infrastructure for Research Success

In order to achieve impactful results, a solid infrastructurehad to be put in place to support the ambitious researchprograms. As mentioned previously, phase 2 of the fundingscheme was focused on retrofitting a building for laboratoryactivities. Once the building—originally planned as a highschool—was identified, we began working with VNU-HCMofficials to devise the laboratory layouts and space allocation.We arrived at constructing five research laboratories(> 1400 m2 in total), each equipped with two fume hoods,a luxury for researchers in Vietnam, and ample bench space tocarry out chemical synthesis. Significant efforts were alsoplaced on ensuring that laboratory safety measures wereintegrated within the construction plans, including safetyshowers, eye washes, proper storage spaces for hazardous and/or flammable chemicals, and dedicated spaces for chemicalwaste in each laboratory. Such measures are almost non-existent in other Vietnamese laboratories and were oftendifficult negotiating points due to the added costs of includingthem. We also dedicated three separate spaces to equipment,specifically, two materials characterization rooms and an X-ray diffraction room (Figure 3). Following approval andconstruction for the better part of a year, the research centerwas inaugurated in 2011 with an incoming class of 9 Ph.D.emerging scholars. Two instalments of funding, one during theconstruction phase and the other in 2014, were used topurchase instrumentation, part of which we were able tosecure the first single-crystal X-ray diffractometer in all ofVietnam (Figure 3B).

From our experience, the research program playeda critical role in building infrastructure and research capacityat VNU-HCM. The technical specifications of the designedlaboratories suited research carried out not only in ourprogram, but also for other fields of chemistry and materialsscience. This was done deliberately to create a space wherecollaboration with surrounding research groups would flour-ish. Additionally, the instrumentation that was required wasdiverse in scope and was judiciously chosen to fill thescientific needs of VNU-HCM and Vietnam. MANAR’sinstrument facilities functioned as a “user facility” whereoutside scientists sent samples to be analyzed. The capacitythat MANAR took on lent itself useful for allowing the centerto serve as a vital component of the scientific ecosystem thatVNU-HCM sought to instill.

Although developing laboratory space is nothing out ofthe ordinary for chemists, the experience in Vietnam provedchallenging. The reasons for this often centered on competingoutside interests and opinions, lack of financial planning, and

Figure 3. A) A typical wet chemistry laboratory at MANAR. Each Ph.D.student was provided with their own fume hood, a luxury in Vietnam,as well as common laboratory supplies and consumables. Thelaboratory met international safety standards; B) MANAR housed thefirst single crystal X-ray diffractometer and second powder X-raydiffractometer in Vietnam. An important policy was that there were notechnicians hired to operate these instruments. This allowed emergingscholars to become experts in operating, making measurements,training other scholars, maintaining, and repairing the instrumentshoused at the center.


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different standards for what should be the basic componentsin a world-class chemistry laboratory. As expected, early-career faculty demanded (rightfully so) a lot of attentionduring the planning process as they wanted to ensure thatMANAR would cater to their research interests as well. Thiswas an area in which compromise was met with steadfastnesstowards upholding the highest possible standards of practic-ing science and safety.

Merit-Based Inclusivity

A critical issue for our participation as partners was thatrecruited emerging scholars were selected based solely onmerit. This means that those who were offered researchpositions were among the brightest with respect to theirscholastic achievements and their demonstrated potential forcarrying out independent research. The emerging scholarscame from universities within VNU-HCM and other highlyregarded universities throughout Vietnam (Can Tho Univer-sity and University of Science and Technology, Hanoi). Theprimary educational backgrounds of MANAR researcherswere in chemistry (65%), chemical engineering (25 %), andphysics (10 %). As we had considerable input in deciding whowould join, we ensured a fair gender balance among theincoming emerging scholars. Indeed, we are proud to reportthat there was an equal number of male and female scientistsfrom different ethnic backgrounds researching at any givenmoment at MANAR.

Another critical issue for achieving an inclusive environ-ment was related to removing economic barriers. Whencrafting the program our intention was to ensure that joiningthe program would not place any financial stress. Althoughthe country is experiencing rapid economic growth, Vietnamremains a relatively poor country with a per capita GDP ofUSD $2186.[6] To remove economic barriers, we worked withVNU-HCM to put in place a system of “financial aid”, inwhich all MANAR researchers received a stipend thatcovered tuition and personal finances. Additionally, all costsrelating to research, including chemical expenses and instru-mentation support were to be covered by grants secured byMANAR administrators and research directors. This “finan-cial aid” system was not without controversy as, at the time,no program or research center offered such benefits for theirgraduate students. A typical Ph.D. student in Vietnam isexpected to pay for classes, fees for outside instrument use,and even chemicals that they need for their project. Oftentimes this requires students to take on additional jobs to payfor their graduate education. Although the “financial aid” wasoverwhelmingly successful at enabling the emerging scholarsto focus all of their efforts towards science, we found that thegreatest point of contention consistently surrounded payingthe students their stipends regularly.

Mentor Accessibility

Accessibility was the single most important aspect of thispartnership. At the outset, we ensured that MANAR was

equipped with a video conferencing system. Researchersparticipated in weekly meetings with our group in order to beengaged through scientific presentations and regular updateson their research. These weekly group meetings also includedresearchers from similar centers in Japan, South Korea, andSaudi Arabia. Furthermore, ensuring accessibility allowed foran additional weekly intra-center group meeting with a men-tor in order to receive direct advice and strategic planning ofthe next steps for their project to reach its full potential. Theintra-center group meeting was a time in which MANARemerging scholars were able to present their data andresearch progress. The meetings and presentations weretreated as formal, which allowed the MANAR emergingscholars to hone their technical skills, learn proper presenta-tion techniques, and strengthen their communication skills.Furthermore, it was a time where idea generation happenedwith scientific discussions often becoming hotly debated. Itwas our observation that when given the chance, the emergingscholars appreciated the voices that were given to themduring these meetings, which led to substantial growth in boththeir scientific and communication skills.

Accessibility also played a critical role when the timecame for manuscript preparation. Typically, our strategy forthis would first center on the collection of the necessary datato form the supporting information of an article yet to bepublished. This taught the emerging scholars how to logicallyorder their experiments and provided a frame of reference forwriting the manuscript. After the supporting information wascompleted, the emerging scholars were responsible forpreparing the first manuscript draft. Once finished, and aftera lot of “pushing”, the mentor would provide comments forfurther improvement. This process would play out overcountless drafts (including additional countless scientificfigure iterations), at which point the emerging scholar hadimproved the manuscript as best as they could. “Paperreadings” were then scheduled with the mentor. The paperreading process was a time in which the mentor and MANARemerging scholar discuss (or debate!) word-by-word themerits of the work, highlight flaws and/or weak points, andplace the research in a larger context. There was nocompromise on the rigor nor quality of the work and itspresentation. Both of us were intimately engaged from startto finish with the process of paper preparation, reading, andfinalization.

The other aspect of accessibility that contributed to thegrowth and success of MANAR was through scholar ex-changes. Not only were mentors visiting MANAR, butMANAR scholars were visiting the US as well as otherglobal science nodes. Once the center was established andresearch progress was made, we identified the first emergingscholar to visit our global science node at the KoreaAdvanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in2013. While there, the scholar learned the fundamentals ofphotocatalysis, which translated into real results that werepublished upon the emerging scholarQs return to MANAR.[18]

We also have had multiple emerging scholars visit UCBerkeley for 6–12 month periods, which has resulted in firstauthor publications for each of them in high-impact jour-nals.[19–21] In order to help minimize the burden on resources


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that comes with a visiting scholar, we worked with colleaguesat other institutions to raise funds for scholar exchanges. Onesuch example came from the Instituto de Ciencia deMateriales de Madrid (ICMM), now a global science node,who partnered with MANAR to obtain funding from theConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient&ficas Program forScientific Cooperation with Developing Countries.[22]

Through this trilateral partnership, MANAR scholars visitedICMM for three-month periods to collaborate on jointresearch projects, gain experience in crystallography, andeven publish joint work together.[23]

Fostering Intellectual Growth

We found that the growth of the Vietnamese scholars tookplace in five distinct stages (Figure 4). By passing througheach stage, the emerging scholars grew as scientists and thesuccess they achieved was due in large part to the experiencegained in preceding stages. Each emerging scholar entered thefirst stage upon joining MANAR, in which their researchexperience was relatively minimal (this is also true of anyplace of research throughout the world). This first stage canbe characterized as a time for research project ideation withthe prospects for success being connected to a robust feed-back loop being established with the mentor. Specifically, the

emerging scholar would research ideas, propose researchprojects, receive feedback from the mentor, refine theirproposal, and then commit to carrying out the project viaexperimentation. It is important to note here that thementorQs role is delicate in that their opinion may overlyinfluence the research direction in which the emerging scholarwants to proceed toward. Research is not a linear activity,rather, it is chaotic. Thus, it was important that the mentorprovided sufficient space for the emerging scholar to exploreon their own, to create their own research path by neverprejudging an experiment, and to learn to get past theirpreconceived notions about what research life is like.

The second and third stages can be characterized asa period of training through repetitive failures leading toresearch success through discovery. Specifically, the secondstage was a period of their development, in which independ-ent exploration was encouraged. More often than not, theemerging scholars would get started by reproducing reportedprocedures that afforded them with the opportunity to honetheir skills and lay a foundation for their understanding oftheir chosen research topic. Instrument-specific trainings,through organized workshops, supplemented their develop-ment during this stage; however, it was our observation thattheir own experiences, struggles, and failures with experi-ments and instrument usage were the primary driving forcebehind their eventual success. After confidence was built,they then focused their attention to carrying out their ownresearch projects with mentorship occurring as needed. It isnoted that this second stage had the highest “activationbarrier” and, as such, required the most time for the emergingscholars to progress through (2–3 years). By learning to pushthrough failure, the emerging scholars eventually advanced tothe third stage, which is characterized by research success. Inthis stage, the emerging scholars begin to see the fruits of theirlabor (materials discovery) and their enthusiasm and outlookbegan to dramatically increase. Their development shiftedfrom exploration to learning how to maintain a criticalperspective on the data they were acquiring in order to ensurethat analysis and characterization was rigorous, correct, andthorough. Throughout the first three stages, the emergingscholars were mentored on how to keep an open mindsettoward what they were observing in the laboratory—again,a critical point here was that mentorship taught them to neverprejudge an experiment. It was often the case that theemerging scholars were discovering interesting phenomenathat were distinctly different than what their original researchproject was focused towards. A considerable part of thementorship process was to provide feedback on maintaininga wide perspective, which was opposite to the “tunnel vision”that they tended to prefer.

The fourth stage of intellectual growth focused onproviding perspective and placing their discovery into a largerscientific context. This stage was punctuated by the question,“What is your finding good for in the larger context ofscience?” Discussion of this question was then singularlyimportant. The fourth stage also was a time for framing thediscovery and subsequently communicating the results in anarticle (as detailed above), choosing and targeting the rightjournal, and, for the first time in their scientific lives,

Figure 4. Through our experience serving as mentors at MANAR, wefound that the intellectual growth of the emerging scholars occurredthrough five distinct stages. The first stage was characterized byresearch ideation and was supported by the establishment of a robustfeedback loop with the mentor. The second and third stages wereperiods of scientific growth, in which the emerging scholars learnedfrom failures in the laboratory that eventually led to the achievementof success through discovery. The fourth stage was situated on theemerging scholars being able to frame their research discovery withina larger context. The fifth and final stage witnessed the emergingscholar publishing their work and reflecting on their accomplishmentsthrough this process.


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responding to comments and criticisms via peer-reviewedreferee reports. The fifth and final stage of their progressionwas a time characterized by having their work published,which made it open to be viewed and analyzed by theinternational scientific community. Through these stages, thescholars realized that they had learned to formulate what wasat the time a fundamental question and basic science researchidea and translate that into practical applications that havereal world meaning.


To say that MANAR is a success would be an understate-ment. This global science experiment has had an immediateand lasting impact on the scientific landscape in Vietnam. Thisis evidenced not only by the infrastructure developed, but alsoin the effectiveness of the research mentoring program. Overthe past 6 years, we have educated/trained 15 Ph.D., 10 M.Sc.,and 20 B.Sc. scholars in how to carry out internationallycompetitive and impactful scientific research in materialsscience and chemistry. It is important to note that all of theseemerging scholars were trained on how to use the instrumentshoused in MANAR themselves—from simple operatingprocedures to data analysis to maintenance and repairing(Figure 3B). In this way, we avoided the common systememployed in Vietnam of using technicians, thus, granting theemerging scholars with the opportunity to become experts intheir own right. Additionally, we guided them throughelevating their soft skills, including critical thinking, develop-ing research methodology, scientific professionalism (ethics),and effective communication of results. This has led to morethan 30 scientific publications with several appearing in theJournal of the American Chemical Society and AngewandteChemie International Edition, which represent some of themost prestigious publications ever achieved by Vietnamesescientists carrying out chemical research at a Vietnameseinstitution (Figure 5).[19–21] In these 30 publications, MANARscholars have reported the synthesis of more than 25 newmaterials discovered at MANAR (with many more unpub-lished) for use in applications ranging from selective CO2

capture, proton-exchange membrane fuel cells, heterogene-ous catalysis, adsorption-driven heat pumps, photocatalyticchemical transformations, and gas detection (Figure 5).[19–21]

Interest from local chemical and technology industries isgaining traction and researchers from around the world arenow using the materials developed at MANAR as the basisfor their own research programs.

Challenges Faced, Lessons Learned

The substantial accomplishments and overall success ofMANAR did not come without overcoming obstacles. Con-tinuous financial and accounting issues were the mostprominent challenges. We experienced that, at times, thefinancial aid was used as a tool to pressure scholars to carryout extracurricular obligations or paperwork (Vietnam hasa lot of paperwork!) at the behest of administration—duties

that were originally agreed to not be passed on to the scholars.Furthermore, we often found ourselves overhauling admin-istrative structures and mechanisms put in place that hinderedprogress of the scholars. In terms of the Ph.D. program,changing administrative tides greatly influenced the progressof the Ph.D. scholars toward their degree with formeragreements and systems put in place being nullified uponthe involvement of new academic leaders. With respect to theresearch program, Vietnam does not have a robust system inplace for local vendors. With this comes long waits (as is truein much of the developing world) for chemicals and instru-ments, laboratory supplies, and repairs of instruments.Furthermore, if MANAR did not have an instrument withinits facility, then it was likely that the scholars would need toship samples abroad for analysis, which significantly delayedtheir research progress. Frequent power outages and a re-search facility that was open to all elements of Mother Natureled to instrument failure and regular flooding during monsoonseasons.

Finally, the goal for MANAR was always to mentor thenext scientific leaders in Vietnam, who would then serve asmentors to the next generation. A major challenge facedwhile going through this process was resistance at the notionof placing newly minted Ph.D. scholars, those who wentthrough our mentoring process and were deemed the mostcapable, in leadership positions. This was directly a result ofmaintaining control and consolidating power by established

Figure 5. Representative research highlights from MANAR. MANARresearchers discovered more than 25 new materials, of which severalwere considerable achievements for a wide variety of applications:A) hydrophobic zeolitic imidazolate frameworks capable of selectivelycapturing carbon dioxide in the presence of water;[19] B) a series ofmetal–catecholate frameworks exhibiting ultrahigh proton conductivityfor proton exchange membrane fuel cells;[20] and C) a new strategy forsynthesizing metal–organic frameworks by utilizing the chemistry ofcovalent organic frameworks.[21]


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scientists, which ran counter to the original, establishedworking arrangement.

Outlook for Global Science in Vietnam

Through the Vietnam experiment, we were able to realizea mutually shared dream of bringing innovation in thechemical sciences to Vietnam and to prove to the world thatthe model of global science is successful in building researchcapacity. Knowledge transfer and development throughmentorship occurred with profound results. MANAR is aninspiration for what can happen when scientists fromresearch-strong countries aspire to extend the mentoringrelationship to a global stage. In an ever-increasing, inter-connected world, global science offers the practical benefitsof helping train researchers in far off, distant countries on howto think critically and solve problems that may be applied tolocal challenges before these challenges become global. Ourexperience in building research capacity at VNU-HCM hasprovided opportunities for Vietnamese emerging scholars toachieve impactful results while remaining in their homecountry, thus, encouraging “brain circulation” as opposed to“brain drain”.

The level of productivity, achievements, and, now, re-searcher expertise has led to MANAR becoming a formidablenode in a quickly growing network of global sciencecenters.[24] With that, we have recently begun to witnessMANAR scholars engage with the global science networkthrough collaborations, trainings, and scholar exchanges(notably, in the absence of our participation; Figure 6).Indeed, they are publishing high-impact discoveries inde-pendently and continuing to innovate by developing new

materials that were previously unseen. Scholars who wantinternational educational opportunities are also pursuingthem through this network and they will most certainly arriveat their new destination with a skillset that will ensure theirsuccess. Nevertheless, the momentum at which MANAR isprogressing is inspiring and we can now conclusively state thatglobal science—the practice of extending our experiences andknowledge to all people—is and will continue to be a suc-cess.[25]


We acknowledge the dedication and contributions to thedevelopment of global science in Vietnam from (in noparticular order) Le Thanh Hai, Hoang Dung, Giang Dao,President Huynh Thanh Dat, President Phan Bach Thang,Hiroyasu Furukawa, Jaheon Kim, Felipe G#ndara, Anh Phan,Ashley M. Osborn, Hoang T. Nguyen, Quang T. Ton, Fre-drick J. Wells, David S. Eisenberg, Gene D. Block, Scott L.Waugh, Osamu Terasaki, and Michael OQKeeffe. The successof MANAR would not have been possible without the tirelessefforts and resilience of the initial class of emerging scholars:Dr. Ha L. Nguyen, Dr. Thach N. Tu, Binh T. Nguyen, HuongT. D. Nguyen, Dr. Phuong T. K. Nguyen, Dr. Tan L. H. Doan,Dr. Nhung T. T. Nguyen, Bao N. Truong, and Hung Q. Pham.Your research success is an inspiration to the world. We aregrateful to the funding agencies, who have financiallysupported the research in Vietnam over the past six years:Vietnam National University—Ho Chi Minh, National Foun-dation for Science and Technology Development (Vietnam),Ministry of Education and Training (Vietnam), Ministry ofScience and Technology (Vietnam), Ho Chi Minh City

Figure 6. MANAR has now become a formidable node in a quickly growing global science network. Through collaborations, trainings, and/orscholar exchanges, MANAR researchers are engaging with the global scientific community. Inverted triangles are Centers of Global Science andred dots are affiliated research groups, which plug into the global science network.


1559Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1552 – 1560 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

PeopleQs Committee, and United States Office of NavalResearch Global: Naval International Cooperative Oppor-tunities in Science and Technology Program.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

How to cite: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1552–1560Angew. Chem. 2019, 131, 1566–1575

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[16] Office of Naval Research Global Home Page: (accessed De-cember 12, 2018).

[17] World BankQs Fostering Innovation through Research, Scienceand Technology in Vietnam Home Page: (accessed December 12, 2018).

[18] T. L. H. Doan, H. L. Nguyen, H. Q. Pham, N.-N. Pham-Tran,T. N. Le, K. E. Cordova, Chem. Asian J. 2015, 10, 2660 – 2668.

[19] N. T. T. Nguyen, H. Furukawa, F. G#ndara, H. T. Nguyen, K. E.Cordova, O. M. Yaghi, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 10645 –10648; Angew. Chem. 2014, 126, 10821 – 10824.

[20] N. T. T. Nguyen, H. Furukawa, F. G#ndara, C. A. Trickett, H.-M.Jeong, K. E. Cordova, O. M. Yaghi, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137,15394 – 15397.

[21] H. L. Nguyen, F. G#ndara, H. Furukawa, T. L. H. Doan, K. E.Cordova, O. M. Yaghi, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 4330 – 4333.

[22] Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient&ficas Program forScientific Cooperation with Developing Countries Home Page: (accessed December 12, 2018).

[23] P. T. K. Nguyen, H. T. D. Nguyen, H. N. Nguyen, C. A. Trickett,Q. T. Ton, E. Guti8rrez-Puebla, M. Angeles Monge, K. E.Cordova, F. G#ndara, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10,733 – 744.

[24] For further information related to the Berkeley Global ScienceInstitute, refer to: (ac-cessed December 12, 2018).

[25] For further information related to MANAR publications, referto their home page: (accessed De-cember 12, 2018).

Manuscript received: October 21, 2018Accepted manuscript online: November 13, 2018Version of record online: December 28, 2018


1560 T 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1552 – 1560

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