budwig cancer guide

Post on 26-Nov-2014






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This is probably the most important article on cancer you will ever read

Two Doctors visited Dr. Johanna Budwig in the year 2000 and reviewed many of her

documents and research. I was one of those doctors and what I learned from Dr.

Budwig has had a tremendous impact on my work at our Clinic with Cancer patients

and many other common illnesses.

While visiting Dr. Budwig we received a directed signed

authorization from Dr. Budwig to continue on with her

treatments at the Clinic in Spain. . Dr.Budwig had over a

90% success rate with this protocol with all kinds of

cancer patients over a 50 year period which is why our

Clinic uses this as the basis of our program and we

named our center in honor of her work and research.

An independant clinic in Helsinki verified the records of Dr.

Budwig and confirmed her high rate of success

Dr. Budwig was one of Germany's top biochemists as well one of the best cancer

researchers throughout all of Europe. Born in 1908 and lived to be 95 (she died from

an accidental fall).

She was nominated seven times for the Nobel Prize and Dr. Budwig is also a published

author, holds a Ph.D. in Natural Science, and is one of the greatest authorities on diet

and its relation to health and well-being. To say that she is a highly intelligent learned

and accomplished scientist would be the understatement of the year!

AT the BUDWIG CENTER we have over 30 years of research behind us and the Budwig

protocol has 50 years of research and countless TESTIMONIALS to back it up. You can

access several testimonials of the success of the Budwig program by clicking on the

following link



Clearly, Dr. Budwig understood the connection between diet and health. She

recognized that with the advent and popularity of hydrogenated and over processed

oils also caused an increase in the rates of several serious illnesses.

Dr. Budwig worked with many patients who were terminally ill and some who had only

hours to live. She gave them the combination of oil-protein plus organic foods, plus

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exercise, fresh air and used the healing powers of the sun to cure these "hopeless"

cases who sometimes started to show improvement within days.

Following is a quote from one of her books: "I often take very sick cancer patients away

from hospital where they are said to have only a few days left to live, or perhaps only a

few hours. This is mostly accompanied by very good results. The very first thing that Dr.

Johanna Budwig these patients and their families tell me is that, in the hospital, it was

said that they could no longer urinate or produce bowel movements. They suffered

from dry coughing without being able to bring up any mucous. Everything was blocked.

It greatly encourages them when suddenly, in all these symptoms, the surface-active

fats, with their wealth of electrons, start reactivating the vital functions and the patient

immediately begins to feel better. It is very interesting to ask how this sudden change is

possible. It has to do with the reaction patterns, with the character of electrons.”

Does her protocol work for all types of cancer? Dr. Budwig explained in her books that

her healing plan works on improving the cells of the body. It doesn't matter where the

cancer cells are located or what name if given to your cancer because the Budwig

program gives cells what is needed in order for them to normalize in their functioning

process. She discovered that for cells to function efficiently they require

polyunsaturated live electron-rich lipids, present in abundance in crude flaxseed oil

combined with a sulphur based protein found in cottage cheese. In addition the

Budwig Formula has been therapeutically beneficial in the prevention and treatment

of Arthritis, Eczema (assists all skin diseases), Multiple sclerosis, Auto-immune

illnesses, Ulcers and Diabetes.

When it comes to the Budwig protocol a lot of people without knowing it are not

following it properly. They may have read bits and pieces about how the program

works on various internet web sites. And unfortunately there is a lot of erroneous or

missing information on the exact diet and the do’s and don’ts of her regime.

Unfortunately many are following what they “think” is the Budwig protocol but there

are some important parts of the “Budwig puzzle” that they are missing. Dr. Budwig

stressed the need to follow her program in an exact manner otherwise the results

would probably be very disappointing and even at times counterproductive. For

example some supplements actually nullify the effectiveness of the Budwig protocol

and could cause cancer to metastasis (spread).


Dr. Budwig's cures are well documented and have stood the tests of opposition from

the conventional medical establishment. She realized that the way foods are now

processed eliminates virtually all of the essential fatty acids. So, Dr. Budwig decided to

focus her career on finding the dietary solution or cure to the list of diseases that

affect so many people in the world The cell takes in glucose and cancer loves and

NEEDS sugar and gives off lactic acid which creates an acidic environment. Again, this is

something that has been known for years. Cancer needs an acidic environment to

flourish, and conversely, cannot survive in a balanced alkaline environment. At the

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BUDWIG CENTER we endeavor to raise the pH to 7.3 which is pH neutral and is the

healthy state one should be in.


Way back in the fifties, Johanna Budwig added her incredible research to the cancer

equation. She said that in normal, healthy cells "we find a dipolarity between the

electrically positive nucleus and the electrically negative cell membrane with its highly

unsaturated fatty acid."

Our diets in this country (and in Budwig’s country at the time) lack these highly

unsaturated fatty acids (as in margarine, mayonnaise, deep fried foods) and contain an

excess of man made oils known as trans fats (or partially hydrogenated oils). We are

referring to the cooking oils sold in grocery stores. Most extract the oil from corn,

sunflowers, plants, etc by using extreme heat and chemicals. They are no longer alive

but dead oils that cause death to the user. They also are very tough (dead) oils in that

they have a 20-year shelf life. These oils are very much like cholesterol and our bodies

just can't seem to tell the difference. These oils get into our cell membranes (where

cholesterol should be) and destroy the electrical charge. Without the charge, our cells

start to suffocate. Without the oxygen, the only way the cell can replicate is

anaerobically. They impede the process of cellular exchange, or letting nutrition in and

letting wastes out. Trans fats are also responsible for Type II diabetes, since insulin is a

very large molecule it has a difficult time passing through a cell membrane created

with man made fats and not cholesterol.

Dr Budwig stated that there are many reasons for a cell to lose its charge, but

consuming peanut butter is a very common one. Can you believe it? Something as

simple as peanut butter causing your cancer? Most peanut butters are hydrogenated.

Why? To keep from separating, increase shelf life, and more flavorful. Go look at your

natural peanut butters. Many are kept in the refrigerator section because that is how

they keep them from separating. Cold pressed sunflower seed oil is recommended

especially if you have cancer or some grave illness. Dr. Budwig stated: "For example, in

olive oil there is only one unsaturated bond in the fatty acid. A person who has a

deficiency of vital fats does not absorb it. Thus today's publicity concerning olive oil

does not help at all." ..... "Fatty acids with 18 links, like in sunflower oil or in flax oil

with the higher level of unsaturation, are more important for people, particularly for

the brain functions of man." ..."The dipolarity with a simple double-bond in olive oil is

weaker than it is in sunflower seed oil, which is bonded twice. Thi double-bond is

considered to be vital for man. However if the same chain length of 18 carbons has

three unsaturated fatty acid compounds, then the electrical energy is as strong as a

magnet, depending on the position of the double bond."


This is what happened to Dr Budwig when she attacked the cancer industry. She also

went on to describe some of the collateral damage from chemotherapy: she said that

chemotherapy causes this loss of energy in healthy cells too; that chemotherapy and

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radiation destroyed the normal energy flow in healthy cells making them ripe for

cancer. She attacked the cancer industry for killing the cancer when they should focus

on healing the healthier cells so they could over grow the cancer cells. In other words,

take care of the healthy cells and the cancer will take care of itself. She attacked the

cancer industry thusly: "It is not correct to regard the problem of tumors simply as a

problem of too much growth and thereby to instigate all manners and means of

growth inhibiting treatments…."

The Central Committee for Cancer Research that was studying and creating these

chemotoxic drugs didn’t like this woman running around making these statements that

surely injured their industry and so they sued her in court for libel: for telling lies and

hurting the wonderful people making these wonderful drugs. In court, the judge, after

having reviewed the evidence from both sides, pulled the cancer research people aside

and told them not to take on this woman. The court records quote the presiding judge:

"Doctor Budwig’s documents and papers are conclusive. There would be a scandal in

the scientific worlds, because the public would certainly support Doctor Budwig."

The BUDWIG CENTER of course does not attack the “Cancer Industry” instead we work

with medical doctors and other therapists. We understand that each person must make

their own decision. We teach patients about natural therapies then let them do their

own research on the internet or books in regards to chemotherapy, radiation and

common therapies. We leave that decision up to each person and respect it and work

with it. The Budwig protocol can work parallel with chemotherapy


Our approach is based on the work of Dr. Budwig and

teaches you how to successfully treat the cause of all

types of cancer, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, brain

cancer, prostate cancer, Bone cancer, Carcinoma, bladder

cancer, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach

cancer, Leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, skin cancer, etc.,

and other common serious illnesses such as such as

Arthritis, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Blood Pressure,

Multiple sclerosis, Heart Disease, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne,


Many of those whom have come to our center and followed the suggestions in our

Wellness Course from all over the world and are now "cancer-free" and this includes

people with all types and stages of cancer, including some people with "terminal"



In addition to learning how to follow the complete Dr. Budwig formula and diet, when

you come to our clinic we share with you information on how to do an intensive

microbe, parasite, pathogen destruction program using a EGT electrical pulse Zapper

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along with an anti-parasite herbal preparation and Medical Magnets which balances

the pH and destroys pathogens.

Here is a close-up image of a cancer cell, caught in the act of dividing, has won an

international photography prize.

The School of Life Sciences researcher took the photo

using a digital deconvolution microscope.


Researchers, starting over 100 years ago in the

1800s, have isolated the cause of cancer to be

microbes which enter the cells and make them



It may start when a cell is a torn, damaged or weakened in some way allowing the

microbe to penetrate it. Basically cells are torn or damaged or weakened by four main


1. Toxins from bacteria, fungus and pathogens (from amalgam mercury teeth

fillings, Teflon cooking pans, water, parasites /herbicides/insecticides on food,

close contact with animals, etc)

2. Immune system weakened from emotional trauma, being overworked or run

down from stress.

3. “Acid” type food consumed on a regular basis causing a pH imbalance. Cancer

cannot live in a pH neutral of 7.3/7.4 but thrives in an acid pH

4. Oxygen deprivation from consuming “dead” hydrogenated oils as in

margarine, mayonnaise, deep fried foods, peanut butter, etc, as well as lack of

regular exercise.


To successful overcome Cancer we need to remove the cause not treat just the

symptom. Our approach teaches you how to destroys the microbe only and not the

cells. And then the cancer cells revert back to a normal cell. It is important because by

reverting cancer cells into normal cells (as opposed to killing the cancer cells which is

what most other therapies do), very little, if any, toxins are produced in the body and

thus the liver is protected. The faster you get rid of your cancer cells the better your

chance of survival. Furthermore, there is no swelling or inflammation caused by

reverting cancer cells into normal cells. This approach can theoretically stop cancer in

its tracks. It could also be effective in halting metastasis (cancer from spreading) if the

cells are no longer harboring the deadly microbe.

Just as a car would be immobilized if all four wheels where removed, once the 4 main

causes of cancer are no longer there it will naturally go into remission. Cancer is not a

death sentence but it does represent a formidable challenge and it requires a highly

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skilled and disciplined approach using several different effective herbal compositions

and therapies.


Some people take the Flaxseed oil or flax oil capsules. However this is not the best way

to take it because the oils are not "body-compatible": water-soluble and bio available.

They will not be stored in the body as well as if they were made water soluble.

Johanna Budwig solved this problem with her simple recipe that combines flax oil and

quark/cottage cheese. In this form, the oil becomes water-soluble. Now the oils will be

absorbed and not get passed out of your body. Together they will bring the healthy

charge back into each cell.

These 3 appliances are needed with the Budwig Protocol – We provide these during

your stay

1- A coffee bean grinder to grind the whole brown flaxseeds

2- An immersion hand-held mixer (a stick-shaped mixer) to blend and bond the

flaxseed oil [FO] & cottage cheese [CC] together

3- A masticator type juicer

Here is a Typical Day when you are on the BUDWIG CENTER program at

HOME or in our CLINIC

Start the day by drinking a mixture of lemon juice with a very small amount of

aluminium free baking soda to help balance the pH levels. Most people with cancer

are in a pH “acid” state.

Colloidal Silver or Beta glucan or Colostrum to enhance the immune system

Sauerkraut juice has cancer-fighting benefits and improves digestion and is provided

when you are at the clinic.

Herbal and medicinal teas like green tea and Essiac tea are part of the protocol. The

green tea provides warm liquid required for the ground flaxseeds to swell properly,

which is important. Before suggesting any herbal formula, the BUDWIG CENTER needs

a Health Questionnaire completed and copies of medical records if possible. For

example specific herbs will be used for Estrogeni driven breast cancer, but Essiac tea

will not be recommended if a person is suffering from breast cancer

Twice a day you will eat the famous Budwig Muesli (here are the precise instructions)

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• Blend 3 Tablespoons (British dessert spoons) of flaxseed oil with 6 Tbps low-fat

Quark or Cottage Cheese with a hand-held immersion electric blender for up to

a minute If the oil does not disappear you may need to add 2 or 3 Tablespoons

of milk or natural yogurt. Avoid adding water or juices when blending FO with

CC or quark. The mixture should be like rich whipped cream with no separated


• Layer or stir in the following ingredients: Grind 2 Tbps of whole flaxseeds and

add. Freshly ground seeds become rancid within 20 minutes, eat recipe


• Add 1 teaspoons of honey (raw, unpasteurized has all the enzymes)

• (Optional) Add various fruits such as fresh [or thawed-out frozen if necessary]

berries, all kinds, which contain strong cancer-fighting ellagic acid (especially

raspberries). Add other fresh fruit if you like, totalling 1/2 to 1 cup of fruit. If

mixture is too thick, add 1 or 2 Tbs of fruit juice [e.g. dark grape, blueberry] or

milk. Fruits & their juices are proven cancer fighter.

• (Optional) you may want to add ground up Apricot kernels eat them ground up

with Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese or on their own or in apple sauce. You can

also add other organic raw nuts such as, ground hemp seed, ground almonds,

sunflower seed, pumpkinseed and brazil nuts [no peanuts]. For variety, try

vanilla, cinnamon, lemon juice, pure cocoa or shredded coconut. Others enjoy

it with a dash of cayenne pepper....be creative

• IMPORTANT – The Budwig Muesli should NOT be made ahead and

stored....make it and eat it within 20 minutes. The flaxseeds should not be

ground ahead either

Fresh made fruit and vegetables juices are to be made and drank throughout the day

as well. Pineapple juice is an excellent choice because it is high in enzymes. Be sure to

juice the core of the pineapple as well as that is where the “bromelain” enzymes are

located. Apparently, there's hardly any papain (enzyme) in ripe papayas, so try to get it

as unripe (but mature) as possible. The papaya taste also won't be so strong when it's

green. If you like, you can add an orange to the papaya-pineapple juice to make it

more palatable.

Freshly-pressed vegetable juice

from carrots and/or beet, celery,

lemon, apple as well as green

vegetables - lettuces or spinach

[carrot & beet juices are especially

helpful to the liver & are strong

cancer fighters]. Vary vegetables.

Put 10 spears of green asparagus in

with the vegetable juice (if fresh

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asparagus is not available use

frozen or canned) as this is a proven

cancer figher

With the juices you will consume a number of natural pure herbs, mostly in capsule as

in this form it is easier to consume larger quantities needed

Choices of cooked starchy foods - buckwheat (Johanna Budwig’s (JB's) top choice-

digests well & very nutritious), millet, brown rice, lentils, beans, peas, yams &


Take any supplements that are approved in the Budwig protocol with soup. Add

lightly cooked vegetables such as kale, tomatoes, spinach, beets, carrots, chard,

cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, onions, artichokes, asparagus, peppers, green

beans, etc. Also, add healthful spices such as cayenne pepper, paprika, turmeric, sea

salt & others. AFTER COOKING, add homemade Oleolux 'to taste,' which adds more

nutrition and satiates appetite. Use also on bread [whole or sprouted grain,

homemade or Ezekiel] or rye or rice crackers with a little cheese

Brain Cancer is treated with the Champagne and Flaxseed oil the bubbly characteristic

of the champagne acts as a carrier for the flaxseed oil to the brain cells. Be sure to

close the lid of the champagne with a special closing system so you do not lose the

effervescence of the champ age from day to day. NOTE: Only use Champagne that is

labelled “Brut Natural” (not just Brut but “brut natural”) as the other cheaper

champagnes have sugar added to them to cause the effervescence effect but not so

with “Brut Natural”. You could also use CAVA “Brut Natural” which is the Spanish

equivalent of champagne. Another option is to use sparkling white wine (be sure no

sugar added to it). Also helpful for the very weak

Regarding exercise, Dr.Budwig wrote: "I would never allow a cancer patient with

metastases to jog, ride a bicycle…. His body must relax." (if no metastases) using a CHI

Energy / Lymph drainage machine and/or rebounder [a mini-trampoline] because it

helps clear the lymph system and promotes better drainage; the Reviber is another

effective device for circulation and lymph activation (these will be done at the clinic) In

your place of stay we recommend Far Infrared Sauna Detox 30 to 60 minutes session

followed by skin brushing and a shower. After your shower paint on Lugol’s iodine

Exercise is encouraged if you are not too weak. Individualize it according to your

strength - DON'T OVERDO IT.

Also to detox the body BUDWIG CENTER will teach you the

benefits of pure natural water enema followed by warm coffee

enemas (Fulll instructions are provided in our Budwig Manual)

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SUNLIGHT - Dr. Budwig emphasized that being in sunlight is very healthful for vitamin

D and other benefits. avoid sunscreen & sunglasses and expose as much of the body as


Near the noon hour is best as the beneficial rays are the strongest (harmful suns rays

are more present earlier in the morning and later in the day)


The Basic Rule with the Budwig diet is “if God made it then its fine and try to eat it in

the same form that God made it”. There is a lot of confusion on what is acceptable

and what is not. Therefore the comprehensive BUDWIG WELLNESS COURSE that is

provided at our clinic or with our IN HOUSE program will clear away the mystery of

what Dr. Budwig approved and disapproved. You will not be confused any longer.

The BUDWIG CENTER will provide you with a comprehensive list of foods to eat and

foods to avoid when you work with our program


Our Budwig Wellness program shares with you full

insight into the Budwig protocol and how to make

it work best for your personal situation. We will

‘hold you by the hand’ and guide you step by step

up to your recovery. Patients will be educated and

trained on how to prepare many of the basic

Budwig recipes. Also, they'll benefit from several

sessions of emotional healing if so desired, or

learn of other ways to manage undealt with

emotions which often contribute to cancer.

There are several therapies we use that compliment and enhance the Budwig formula

such as Far Infared hypertheramia saunas, Parasite Zapping, massage, Photon Light

therapy, reflexology, CHI energy sessions, ionic foot detoxification, liver, colon and gall

bladder detoxification, Quantum SCIO energetic testing, kinesiology, Emotional Healing

therapy, lymphatic drainage teachings to mention a few. (More on these therapies

later on in this guide)

Many find that on top of the overwhelming bad news of discovering they have to

battle cancer they now need to sort through the deluge of new information on how to

treat it. For some it could take months of trial and error. Many will find they'll have to

completely embrace an entire new life style which can be challenging. Budwig Center

demonstrates and explains clearly everything that needs to be done in a timely matter

in order to “get it right” from the beginning so no precious time is lost.


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Dr. Budwig discussed vitamin supplements in her 1999 book, CANCER - THE PROBLEM

AND THE SOLUTION. On page 13, she states, "At that time we already knew vitamin A,

B, C, D and E, ….did not help." On page 34, she writes, "Fats are the substances that

govern all life phenomena, which responsibly participate for orderly vital functions,

growth and absorption of the sun. Vitamins, trace elements, etc. offer no aid to a

person if he has been harmed by consuming the wrong fats." (they need the proper

healthy fat from flaxseed oil)

In a review of her book, CANCER-THE PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION, Dr. Budwig either

wrote or approved these statements: [I used caps on the key words] "How then do we

get sick? Because we take in too many of these "electron thieves" or in other words,

because we eat foods and poisons which block cell respiration. Known electron thieves

are for example margarine, animal fat, butter, nitrate, radiation and zytostatics (chemo

therapy). They all prevent the uptake of electrons. Interestingly, belonging to this are

also ANTIOXIDANTS, like for example VITAMINS (from a certain level on). Be therefore

careful about using high doses of vitamins."

As I understand it, the guidelines for supplements are simple -- if they're natural

they're fine, if they're manmade they're not. So an herbal supplement should be fine

but something that is distilled or extracted by man is not.

Dr. Budwig didn't add man-made supplements to her program. She believed that

healing with whole, natural foods is better. She healed people that way for 50 years.

There are websites and books that promote the idea of using only a small part of the

Budwig plan, the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese recipe, and then make up their own

program for the rest, adding supplements whether people need them or not. Some

have a financial interest in the supplements they promote.

Sometimes, man-made supplements only add a toxic burden to our systems. If our

body doesn't need the ingredients, then it can even interfere with progress. Many

people in this list have improved more quickly after giving up supplements.

It's important to eat as many foods in those guidelines as possible in order to have a

well-balanced diet. A great deal of research is now showing that animal protein can

promote cancer, so it's better not have any meat in your diet. It's not in the Budwig

plan for healing.

NO anti-oxidant supplements are permitted in pill form. Any type of supplement with

a high ORAC (Oxygen Radicals Absorbance Capacity) value would counteract or nullify

the healing effects of the Budwig Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese mixture. According

to Dr. Budwig the reason for the anti-cancer activity is that flaxoil (combined with

quark or cottage cheese or quark) promotes bio-oxygenation and that antioxidants

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interfere with that process, because they counteract the oxygen affinity of flax oil

which is a basic requirement for this bio- or auto-oxygenation to take place. There are

many supplements that have a high ORAC value such as: Mangosteen, red raspberry,

Acai, cranberry, grape seed, wild blueberry, wild bilberry, cranberry, tart cherry, prune,

raspberry seed, strawberry, resveratrol (from grapes), quercetina, etc.

Vitamin C in supplement or IV is a man-made product that is an antioxidant. Dr.

Budwig said that high amounts of supplemental antioxidants can interfere with

healing. She was not supportive of the idea of adding large amounts of supplements

to her plan. They're not natural and in many cases the body has to try to eliminate

them because they aren't needed, so they can rob the body of energy it could be using

to fight the cancer. They can even stop the benefits of the Budwig plan.

Sellers always make their supplements sound wonderful. They have usually

manipulated a whole natural food that works synergistically with all of the

components within it so that the body can recognize and use it to help the the cells,

and they have reduced it to some single part that science has determined to be an

important factor. However, science doesn't have all the answers about the benefits of

foods and the value of the components within. The consumer pays for and ingests

something that is un-natural and doesn't know whether it's doing any good or not.

Dr. Budwig believed in healing with whole foods that are as close to nature as possible.

People with advanced and terminal cancer have regained their health or prevented

another recurrence of cancer by following her plan.

After completing the tests we will know which herbal foods would best suit your

current state of health and work with the Budwig program. Then they can return home

armed with knowledge, confidence, determination, and a clear mind on how to get

started immediately. Furthermore we work with you and support you right up to the

time of your recovery so you are never alone or in the dark as what to do. If you

develop pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, persistant coughing, or other systems, we

are only an email or phone call away.


Dr. Budwig wrote that forced oxygen could be dangerous for cancer patients unless

they had healed the cell membrane through a diet like hers so that the cells would be

able to absorb the oxygen. Let's say that for some reason, your airway was obstructed,

maybe by a piece of food. You might have all the air in the universe in the room, but

that air doesn't do you any good because it cannot reach your lungs. Before any of the

oxygen in the room will do you any good, the obstruction must be removed.

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The reason that oxygen therapy is not a good idea is because the ability of the cells to

"breathe" has been impaired. Crisco, corn oil, and other bad fats have done this to the

cells. When you stop eating the bad fats and start eating flax oil with cottage cheese,

you are giving the cells what they need in order to "breathe" properly. It is strongly

recommended NOT to do any oxygen therapies because you need low oxygen levels

present within the mitochondria, not high levels. You are counting on oxidation, not

oxygenation for the electron rich oil to have its effect. In the case of cancer, the

defective cancer cells lose their ability to breathe correctly because of the junk fats

that are consumed in the typical Western diet. No amount of oxygen in the air will help

a person with cancer because the condition of cancer causes a problem with a cell's

ability to utilize oxygen. The Budwig Protocol restores the cell's ability to breathe. That

allows the oxygen we take in via respiration to work the way it was intended. The idea

that cancer can't survive in an oxygen rich environment is incorrect. Cancer cells can

do just fine in such an environment. They are largely, but not necessarily entirely,

glycolytic, meaning that they can generate all their energy needs by the fermentation

of sugar. This does not mean that oxygen can kill them. By converting to a mostly

anaerobic form of energy production, the cancer cell assures its virtual immortality.

The native mechanism that kills sick cells, called apoptosis, depends on nearly fully

functioning mitochondria. The presence of oxygen does not ensure functioning

mitochondria. Cancer cells tend to be relatively hypoxic, meaning they are low in

oxygen. The introduction of oxygen is not enough to kill them in most cases. In some

cases it can spur their activity. It is not oxygenation that kills cancer cells, it is

oxidation. Ironically oxidation does not even require oxygen. It is a term in chemistry

that names 1/2 of a "redox" (oxidation-reduction) reaction that involves electron flow

from one molecule to another.

Oxygen won't necessarily kill cancer cells. This is an idea that is prominent on the

internet, but is without merit. Cancer cells outgrow their blood supply. This decreases

oxygen uptake. The cells are forced to go anaerobic and become fermenters. This is a

survival mechanism. The cancer cells would love to have more oxygen since glycolysis

is very inefficient. People confuse oxygenation with oxidation. It is oxidation which

many alternative therapies use to kill cancer cells. That is why antioxidants are not

allowed in the Budwig Diet. Hyperbaric oxygen could, quite likely, fuel increased tumor

growth. What you want is oxidative stress driven by an excess of free electrons.

Without enough oxygen present to accept these electrons the result is, hopefully,

mitochondrial membrane leakage which results in apoptosis (natural cell death).


Candida can be dangerous if left untreated. We all have yeast in our bodies and

actually the right about of friendly yeast is needed for proper digestion. However when

yeast begins to grow out of control it mutates into a fungus. When that happens it

creates canditoxin.

Canditoxin, when injected into rats, causes unsettled behavior, paralysis of the limbs

and ultimately death. The Candida and bacteria associated with it can get into the

blood stream from where it may find its way to other parts of the body leading to sore

www.BudwigCenter.com 13

joints, chest pain, sinus and prostate problems and worse. Candida covers the

intestinal walls which interfere with digestion and food nutrients. This prevents the

body from functioning normally and can lead to numerous health problems. Cancer is

believed to be a form of Candida fungus, therefore we need to take Candida

overgrowth seriously. At the BUDWIG CENTER we teach you how to treat Candida and

Cancer simultaneously.

Simple Home Saliva Test:

Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. If you have a Candida yeast

infection, you will see strings (like legs) traveling down into the water from the saliva

floating on the top, or "cloudy" saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy

specks will seem to be suspended in the water. If there are no strings and the saliva is

still floating after at least one hour, you are probably Candida yeast free. If your saliva

falls to the bottom of the glass you have advanced Candida overgrowth.

It is well known that a yeast cell produces over 75 known toxic substances that poison

the human body. These toxins contaminate the tissues where it weakens the immune

system, the glands, the kidneys, bladder, and lungs, liver and especially the brain and

nervous system. It is now suspected that many prostate problems are triggered and

exacerbated by excess of yeast in our bodies. Using the EGT Zapper in conjunction

with the Budwig protocol will also eliminate Candida from the body


Dr. Budwig encourages other therapies that are natural and work synergistically with

her protocol. Here is a list of therapies we use and some details on what each

therapy/machine/equipment accomplishes for improving your health


Try this simple test to see if you

have Candida. First thing in the

morning, before you put

ANYTHING in your mouth, get a

clear glass. Fill with water and

work up a generous amount of

saliva, then spit it into the glass

of water.

www.BudwigCenter.com 14

Dr. Budwig did not agree with “destroying” cancer cells, but to use foods and therapies

that “restored” or healed whenever possible the diseased cells. Cancer cells contain

toxins and microbes. The Pathogen Eradicator does not hurt the cells but only

destroys the microbes in the cells enabling them to revert back to healthy cells. Used

in conjunction with the full Budwig protocol or foods, juices, herbs and detoxification

will probably ensure better and faster results.

Health experts know that everyone has parasites, not just people living in developing

nations In fact the WHO considers it the world’s #1 health problem


In fact it has been estimated that the average adult male in the Western world carries

between 2 - 3 lbs of parasites in his body. A study done by Dr. Thiel shows electronic

frequencies can kill parasites, bacteria and viruses and studies show it can kill cancer


Parasites, worms, bacteria and viruses are not your friends as they can migrate to

areas such as your nose, ears, brain or your liver. According to the research of the late

Dr. Hulda Clark she states “I see that all cancers are alike. They are all caused by a

parasite. A single parasite! It is the human intestinal fluke. And if you kill this parasite,

the cancer stops immediately.

The tissue becomes normal again. In order to get cancer, you must have this parasite.

How can the human intestinal fluke cause cancer? This parasite typically lives in the

intestine where it might do little harm, causing only colitis, Crohn's disease, or irritable

bowel syndrome, or perhaps nothing at all. But if it invades a different organ, like the

uterus or the kidneys or liver, it does a great deal of harm. If it establishes itself in the

liver, it causes cancer!

It only establishes itself in the liver in some people. These people have isopropyl

alcohol in their bodies. All cancer patients have both isopropyl alcohol and the

intestinal fluke in their livers. The solvent, isopropyl alcohol, is responsible for letting

the fluke establish itself in the liver. (Many body care products contains isopropyl

alcohol or the derivative http://100777.com/node/1117

PATHOGEN ERADICATOR with Arm/Leg band can be used 24/7

www.BudwigCenter.com 15

In order to get cancer, you must have both the parasite and isopropyl alcohol in your

body. Our parasites survive with us, but how they will thrive depends on our health.

They do not thrive when we are healthy. Poor health and parasitism go hand in hand.”


All pathogens vibrate at very high frequencies but, ironically, they are most susceptible

to being killed as a group when a low-frequency current is used to resonate with them.

The Pathogen Eradicator transmits frequencies that can kill these pathogens and helps alkalize

the body.

All things in the universe, including dangerous pathogens such as parasites, bacteria

and viruses, have a "natural frequency" that they silently vibrate at. Resonance is the

principle whereby vibrations are created at the same frequency that an object or

pathogen vibrates at. The target is destroyed by those "like" vibrations.

A real live example of the resonance principle in action was viewed by millions of TV

viewers back in 1971 in a commercial for Memorex recording tape. There was a wine

glass on a table and Ella Fitzgerald, the famous jazz singer, held a note that was exactly

the natural frequency of the glass causing the glass to explode right in front of the TV


The glass exploded in front of the camera.

If you have cancer you are encouraged to wear this Pathogen Eradicator on your leg or arm

around the clock and follow the Budwig protocol in conjunction with detoxification and within

3 months there will probably be a remarkable improvement and in fact some people have

been declared totally cancer free within three to four months. (if had chemo or radiation

improvement would take longer) Wearing the Eradicator directly over the affected area and

drinking the water containing colloidal silver in conjunction with detoxification programs will

also speed up the healing time.

The Pathogen Eradicator does much more than just kill parasites. Here is why our Unit is so


• It contains a little but very powerful neodymium magnet, crystals and an internal chip

along with layers of organic and metallic matter, the combination of which creates a very

concentrated amount of Life-force energy, driven into the body by the magnet.

www.BudwigCenter.com 16

• The 9V battery is modulated by two crystals, an amethyst and a garnet gemstone. This

also makes the unit totally portable and outstanding results are being reported when it is worn

24/7. Not only can you expect to heal the disease you are suffering from with this unit but

with continued use begin to lay the foundation for better health and feeling of overall well-

being with increased physical energy, sound restful sleep, reduced anxiety, and rising of the


• The enhance-ment of your mind. Positive states of consciousness require more energy

than cynicism, anger, fear or grief. If you are frustrated, bitter and generally disillusioned in

life, you fundamentally have an energy problem. The solution is more “Life force” provided by

the unique combination of the Eradicator’s internal chip, magnet, amethyst and garnet

gemstone, wave frequencies and proper voltage.

• The basic frequency is 15-25 hertz, which is very important as parasites are best

destroyed by low level electrical frequencies. With some frequency machines the voltage is

too high and it has zero therapeutic effect and is just traumatizing the body.

• Uses an analog signal which works better than a digital one. An analog signal contains

the white noise frequencies that may be needed in order to affect a cure. The internal chip

boosts the immune system. Disease is fundamentally a low energy state. With the Pathogen

Eradicator one user reported he was able to pull his father out of a coma twice by strapping it

onto his leg in the emergency room.


I purchased a unit about a month ago and after years of pain form a fracture to my foot, I was

relieved! I also purchased an additional unit for a friend and she received it on Monday. After

wearing it for only 2 days, she went to a scheduled mammogram and the technician asked her

if the 4 fibroid tumors had been excised....she said "No" and the technician informed her they

were no longer there....one was the size of a plum! She had been scheduled for ultrasound,

but the tech. said there was no reason to go have it done since there were no tumors! She

would be glad to give the Radiologists/Hospital information if anyone is interested in

confirming! Needless to say, we are excited beyond belief!

Thanks, Lydia

I have been wearing it for around 2 months now. I am not normally one to write testimonials,

but I have been so impressed I just wanted to let you know. I am an acupuncturist/herbalist

and so I'm no stranger to complementary medicine. I had been meaning to try the [Eradicator]

for a while, but it I have no major health issues, but from the first day I used it I have been

enjoying profound, restful sleep (I had a sleep disorder for about the past 6 months), And

extraordinary dreams. It was only a couple of weeks ago that I noticed that the severe

constipation problems I’ve been having for the past two years have all but disappeared. I also

suffer from severe menstrual cramps, which have been greatly improved by acupuncture and

herbs; but are still not normal. It is too early to tell yet, but the second period I have had since

using the unit was almost a breeze. Anyway, thanks again, I am one happy customer!

www.BudwigCenter.com 17

Mary C.

My Eradicator is performing flawlessly...I believe my system is de-toxed, I feel more

energetic...this past week-end I drove to NH and back, 1,600 miles and felt good when arriving

back at home. Also, for the past 2 years, I have had a pain in my lower neck on the right-hand

side, nothing serious, just aggravating at times...that condition has disappeared.

Wayne B.

For your general information, after having experimented with the frequency machine….on

myself using AK muscle testing: seems to take care of yeast/fungus & larger more stealth

parasites like hookworm, etc.

Thanks & regards, Pat B.

My complaints are Candida (never verified), fibromyalgia, and tendonitis. I notice that the pain

is not present while I am running the Eradicator. I put it over whatever is bothering me, and

run it on my soles at night. I don’t feeled healed by any means, but the pain is so much better

that I have forgotten to take my pain-killers several times since I started using the unit and I

am normally counting the hours until I can have more pain killers. Currently that is the only

treatment that MD’s use for fibromyalgia.

Deborah M.

To greatly enhance the effectiveness of the Zapping sessions drink 2 Tbps (UK dessert

spoons) of Colloidal silver or 2 x Colostrum or Beta Glucan before each session or each

day if you are doing around the clock zapping. Be sure to use a high quality Colloidal

Silver and not the quality you get from those little portable machines where you can

make the silver at home, the quality of concentration is not there. In USA a good quality

is sold by Utopia Silver Supplements [orders@utopiasilver.com] and in Europe


Around the clock zapping – be sure to move the Zapper unit to a different spot on your leg or

hour every hour. Leaving it too long in exactly the same spot could cause some mild burning

or slight irritation of the skin. Some people can have a herxheimer (detox) effect. If this

happens then you can use our Unit just a few hours each day to lessen the detox, again

though plenty of clean fresh water to help flush the body of toxins and gradually increase the

time you wear it to what is most comfortable for you.

Here are some of the benefits reported on by those who used the PATHEOGEN ERADICATOR

• Cuts,scrapes,wounds,infections heal rapidly

• Sinus infections disappeared quickly

• Quickly reduces pain, no more migraines

• Flu and colds gone in record time

• Improved mental clarity

• Improved sleep and better dreams

www.BudwigCenter.com 18

• Stops Ulcers

• Dead tapeworms in the toilet after a week or so

• Carpel tunnel syndrome gone in a day or so

• Yeast and Candida-type fungi within a month and ringworm gone the next day

• Eyes less bloodshot

• Skin tone immediately improved

• Helps remove heavy metals and organic toxins

• Establishes normal PH within a few days (Smokers longer)

• Acne disappears in a short time

• Psoriasis cleared up in a short time

• Earache disappears

• Improves Organ efficiency when zapper is placed over Organ

• Reduces symptoms of PMS

• No more depression (most throw away brain drugs)

• Stops itching

• Scabies eliminated in one day

• Breathing improves

• Less body, breath and foot odor

When sleeping, the Eradicator can be worn on the palm of the hand or pad of the foot where

there is very risk it will irritate the skin. Wear it as close as possible to the area that you have

an issue (only never put it on your face). If you suffer with carpal tunnel in your right hand,

then wear the Unit at night on the palm of your right hand. People, who have trouble with

their right knee, could wear the Unit at night on the pad of their right foot.

When you wear your Pathogen Unit daily, any stinging or itching will lessen, as it cleanses your

body of toxins, parasites, and alkalizes your system, unless of course you continue to acidify

your system by eating acidic foods. Follow the Budwig program.

• LYME'S DISEASE - one of these hardest to cure, wear the Unit around the clock

combined with water/coffee enemas and deep liver cleansing and detoxification with

juices and Budwig protocol and colloidal silver Some sufferer’s of chronic illnesses such

as Lyme disease should not to kill too many of the pathogens at one time because the

sufferer risks harm by the sudden increase of toxins in the bloodstream. When

discomfort begins you could stop or decrease the use and proceed according to how

much you can handle. Detoxification in conjunction with using the Eradicator is very


• CANCER – If you wear the Eradicator on your leg or arm around the clock and follow

the Budwig protocol and within 3 months there will probably be a remarkable

improvement if not totally cancer free as has been reported by others. (if had chemo

or radiation improvement would take longer) Wearing the Unit directly over the

affected area and drinking the water containing colloidal silver in conjunction with Dr

Budwig regime and detoxification programs will also speed up the healing time.

• HIV / AIDS virus is apparently not very resistant to electric current. Even late stage

cases have seen a total turn around. An hour or so a day of zapping is sufficient.

• GENITAL HERPES - is the most virulent STD uncounted. Around the clock use along

with 4 Tbps of Colloidal silver will probably see results within a week

• MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS- Recently (fall of 2000), two people who had very advanced MS

committed to using them around the clock. Both of them experienced very rapid

www.BudwigCenter.com 19

healing; including being able to walk unaided and without fatigue. They regained

bladder and bowel control and their brain lesions were eliminated.

• ARTHRITIS - Research shows that arthritis is caused by parasites, mainly fungi. Fungi in

the blood rob nutrients: so that bones and joints are weakened and disintegrate due

to starvation Pathogen Unit eliminates most pain and inflammation and gradually

restores bone and joint health by killing the fungi. Wearing the Unit around the clock

in conjunction with some dietary recommendations until this process is complete will

greatly speed up the rebuilding process.

• ATHEROSCLEROSIS / HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - High Blood pressure is caused when the

body sends cholesterol to coat fungal lesions in the arteries, as one would patch a

punctured inner tube. This keeps happening as long as the fungi are forming more

lesions. Before long cholesterol build up on the insides of the arteries constricting the

flow of blood and decreasing its elasticity. Killing the fungi with the Zapper causes this

process to reverse. The body will dissolve and remove the build-up overtime in the

absence of Parasites. Blood pressure returns to normal.

• INFECTIONS AND INFLAMAMATION - infection cleared up by using the Unit in the first

week. Encapsulated infections take longer up to three weeks to eliminate. The

inflammation and pain lesions begin to disappear immediately.

• PETS – apply the Pathogen Eradicator to the tummy area, preferably an area with as

little fur as possible using a self adhesive tape. Make sure the two copper discs touch

the pet's skin and keep on the pet for 30 minutes each day. Another alternative is to

apply the Unit to the pads of a dog's paw, just as people wear it on the pad of their

foot at night when sleeping. Always keep an eye on them or watch for signs that it is

bothering them. 30 minutes per day is a safe recommendation

We recommend you clean the copper discs (electrodes) with a Copper Cleaner or your favorite

tooth paste. As your body detoxifies, it tarnishes the copper discs, so cleaning them is

important to make sure you are getting the best contact at all times

Replace the 9 volt battery with an alkaline battery or better still a Rechargeable Nickel

Cadmium Battery. One 9 volt battery operates at peak performance for 96 hours. When the

light starts to blink it’s time to change the battery however its best to use a fresh battery for

optimum results. If you are using it 24/7 then change the battery every 2 or 3 days.

DISCLAIMER: The Pathogen Eradicator is not intended for use in the cure, mitigation,

treatment, or prevention of any disease; not intended to affect the structure of any function of

the body; not intended for medical or therapeutic purpose. All information is for educational

purposes only. Do not experiment with the Eradicator if pregnant or wearing a pace maker.

Talk with a health professional before attempting any self health program.


The Budwig Center uses SCIO ENERGETIC FREQUENCY EQUIPMENT which is a

specially designed computer generated program that enables us to determine exactly

that is just right for your body. On the very first day you will learn about and personally

experience the benefits of this equipment as you will receive a full head to toe analysis

with this program so that we can then recommend what supplements and therapies

would be best for you based on your health status.

www.BudwigCenter.com 20


Vibration between two objects can be seen in everyday life, from a tuning fork to a

guitar string. The destructive capabilities of resonance have been widely

demonstrated, for example when an opera singer hits a particular note and breaks a

glass. In this instance the musical tone sets the glass in motion, and as the motion

builds the glass shatters.

Built in therapies you could receive and learn about are: Bicom treatment, meridian

balance, nutrition, allergy desensitization, colour therapy, detoxification, emotional

growth, homoeopathic, NLP, cranial sacral therapy, iridology, electro acupuncture,

brain wave adjustment, skin therapy, null field therapy, colour program, TENS,

affirmations. (most treatments are performed in a matter of seconds).

The QXCI/SCIO system supports a database containing static tri-vector field

information (voltage, current and resistance vectors) on over 9000 substances and

patterns. The patient is attached to the unit through electrical conducting head wrist

and ankle bands. During the fully automated bio-resonance assessment process the

database information is compared with that of the clients changing tri-vector fields

through evoked potential electro physical reactions.



The Budwig Center uses HLB (High-

Resolution Blood) analysis as well as the

SCIO testing. What is HLB? Well, most

laboratories will magnify a blood sample

up to 1,200 times and then work with

these results.

Budwig Center is one of the few clinics in the world with this blood test.

www.BudwigCenter.com 21

However by using a HLB microscope we are able to magnify a fresh and a dry blood

sample up to 20,000 times its normal size. Then we apply the ‘darkfield diagnostic

method’ developed by Dr. Günther Enderlein of Germany. Darkfield diagnostics is a

relatively new approach, which enables the health care professional to see what your

body is lacking and the state of the illness. The darkfield blood test is usually done on

the first day of your arrival at our clinic so we are able to determine which

supplements are best suited for you. Also it gives us a very complete analysis of your

current state of health and wellness. Would you like to see a picture of your blood and

learn what it means? You will have that possibility during the Wellness course! This

test measure the level of cancer from a scale of 1 – 10 and also indicates if there is any

metastasis (spreading to other parts of the body)

PPeerrffeecctt BBlloooodd SSaammppllee VVeerryy UUnnhheeaalltthhyy BBlloooodd SSaammppllee

• Test results in 30 minutes – with NO pain!

• Magnification up to 18,000 times!

• Only 2 drops of blood needed

• FFrreesshh bblloooodd aanndd ddrryy bblloooodd aannaallyyssiiss

PPeerrffeecctt DDrryy BBlloooodd SSaammppllee FFrreeee RRaaddiiccaall DDaammaaggee

High Resolution Magnification of your blood will reveal your state of health with 90%

diagnostic accuracy:

• Weak and/or disturbed immune system

• Early aging symptoms

• Cancer and other acute or chronic illnesses

• Free radical damage

www.BudwigCenter.com 22

• Heavy metal intoxication


Pain Relief Gel - is designed for people who have tried everything and have failed to

conquer pain. Often pain is associated with cancer and Pain Relief Gel is essential.

Some 50 million people fit into the chronic pain category and many do not find relief

Pain Relief Gel is effective for all types of pains such as:

•Arthritis •Back Pain •Headaches •Shingles •Sore Muscles

•Sport's Injury •Muscle Stress and Tension •Trauma Injury

•Herpes Pain •Post Operative Pain

This Pain Relief Gel that has been utilized by: The Miami Dolphins Athletic Trainers -

The South Florida Olympic Soccer Operating Committee - Roger Clemens, Major

League Pitcher - Ricky Jackson, NFL Linebacker

Bart Vale, World Champion Shoot Fighter - Mary Pierce, Women's Top Ranked Tennis

Player - Physicians, Clinics, Hospitals and Veterinarians and Thousands of Ordinary

Individuals Who Suffer from Many Different Forms of Pain

Patient No. 1: A 75-year-old man received abatement of pain from facial neuralgia due

to multiple fractures of the jaw. Duration effect was four hours and patient was able to

discontinue opiate narcotics.

Patient No. 2: 50 percent relief on a 54 year old patient suffering from intractable itch

of her feet which was presumed to be a neuropathy.

Patient No. 3: Minimal improvement on an 89 year old patient suffering with

peripheral neuropathy on both legs with pain and itch brought on by adult-onset

diabetes mellitus 2 and arthrosclerotic peripheral vascular disease.

Patient No. 4: A 72-year-old gentleman had post zoster neuralgia and felt that Gel was

soothing and gave him some comfort from two to four hours. After two months he

was able to discontinue its use.

Patient No. 5: A 36-year-old woman uses Gel for painful upper back trapezius muscles

and found that this was a great benefit. She used it on the intermittent basis for

muscle spasms.

www.BudwigCenter.com 23

Ingredients: Camphor (.53%) Also Contains: Water, Aloe Vera Gel, Carbomer 940,

Triethylanalamine, Eucalyptus Oil, Methyl Salicylate, Peppermint Oil, Methylparaben,

Propylparaben, EDTA.


Deep Photon Infrared LED Light Therapy

NASA Space Technology Shines Light on

Healing - Release: 00-336 For Release

December 18, 2000.

Doctors at the Medical College of Wisconsin in

Milwaukee have discovered the healing power

of light with the help of technology developed

for NASA's Space Shuttle.


• Increases energy inside the cells

(indispensible in overcoming cancer)

• Speeds up healing on a cellular level

• Produces the same light wave doctors need to remove tumors

• 150 to 200 percent faster growth of skin and muscle cells

• 40-50 percent improvement in musculoskeletal training injuries

• 77% to 91% reduced pain (often a problem with cancerous activity)

Using powerful light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, originally designed for commercial plant

growth research in space, scientists have found a way to help patients here on Earth.

Doctors are examining how this special lighting technology helps hard-to-heal wounds,

such as diabetic skin ulcers, serious burns, and severe oral sores caused by

chemotherapy and radiation. The project includes laboratory and human trials,

approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The Budwig Center is pleased to be leaders in Spain

and Europe offering this cutting edge therapy that

according to the American manufacturer is able to

penetrate up so deep into the body that the healing

rays can reach right to the bones. Before "Deep

Photon therapy" was invented healing infrared rays

could only reach about 1.5 to 2 inches depth of

penetration. The combination of infrared and LED

lights is part of the clever design of this therapy. With

Dr. Budwig's plan, the timorous cancer cells follow their normal cycle and ultimately

www.BudwigCenter.com 24

disappear as cells do. She was not into destroying cells but restoring cells. Deep Photon

therapy works on the same principle. Used in conjunction with the flaxseed oil and

cottage cheese mixture of Dr. Budwig this enables the cells to store photons from the

sun, creating more healing energy; a good reason to be outside on a sunny day,

collecting photons for at least 30 minutes or more daily and using Photon therapy on a

regular basis.

"So far, what we've seen in patients and what we've seen in laboratory cell cultures, all

point to one conclusion;" said Dr. Harry Whelan, professor of paediatric neurology and

director of hyperbaric medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin. "The near-

infrared light emitted by these LEDs seems to be perfect for increasing energy inside

cells. This means whether you're on Earth in a hospital, working in a submarine under

the sea or on your way to Mars inside a spaceship, the LEDs boost energy to the cells

and accelerate healing."

"I could feel the healing energy of the Deep Photon light system as it entered my

breast where the tumor was. It felt good and I noticed even after one treatment

changes in the breast tissues" said Christine B, a recent patient at Budwig Center.

"I had terrible pain in the coccyx bone where my cancer was. I had to take pain

medicine just to sleep. After a using the Deep Photon therapy the pain was greatly

reduced" says Andy R of the UK - Oct 09 patient at Budwig Center.

"I was born with a deformed intestine and when I combine the wrong foods or get

overly anxious or tired I experience pain and indigestion for hours at a time usually

keeping me awake at night, but after just 20 minutes of Deep Photon therapy over my

stomach the pain subsided and I had a good night sleep" says Linda J who was treated

in Oct 09 at the Budwig Center.

"A few weeks ago I experienced a semi-deafness in first one ear and in then in both

ears. It was like my ears were plugged. The deafness would come upon me in the

morning and then would gradually go away over the next few hours, but it did not

stop. It happened every day or two and was getting progressively worse, such that I

would experience this semi-deafness for more and more hours of the day. (I am 60

years old). Finally I decided that maybe I would go with the possibility of excess

earwax. I figured that maybe I could soften the earwax with the red light [Deep

Photon] and then see if I could scrape some out. In the evening when I lay down, I

irradiated my left ear on the NICO setting for 30 minutes [using the Deep Photon] and

then tried to clean my ear. Nothing. So I did it again and went to sleep. So that evening

I did about 60 minutes. The next morning I arose and went for a walk. When I got back

I took a shower. Afterwards I was drying myself off with my towel and I cleaned my

ear. AND ALL THIS STUFF CAME OUT!!!. I dirtied a whole towel cleaning out my left

ear. But I still could not hear well. That evening I did the same thing and the next

morning after showering I again used a whole towel to clean my ear. I still could not

hear well. The third day I repeated the whole scenario and boom I could hear. I

repeated the procedure on my right ear. Nothing dramatic happened except that I

could hear again. The earwax just gradually migrated out to where I could remove it

www.BudwigCenter.com 25

with a towel" says Douglas Porter Owen - Oct 6/09

Dr. Whelan's NASA-funded research has already seen remarkable results using the

light-emitting diodes to promote healing of painful mouth ulcers caused by cancer

therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy. The treatment is quick and painless.

"NASA is proud to support a program that helps children with brain cancer -and

promises to help even greater numbers of people with technology to accelerate the

healing process. The LEDs needed to grow plants in space produced the same

wavelengths of light the doctor needed to remove brain tumors," said Ignatius.

In the laboratory, Whelan and his team have shown that skin and muscle cells grown in

cultures and exposed to the LED infrared light grow 150 to 200 percent faster than

ground control cultures not stimulated by the light. Scientists are trying to learn how

cells convert light into energy, and identify which wavelengths of light are most

effective at stimulating growth in different kinds of cells.

To expand the wound healing study, Whelan - a commander and diving medical officer

in the U.S. Navy reserve assigned to Naval Special Warfare Command (Naval Special

Warfare Group TWO) - is working with doctors at Navy Special Warfare Command

centers in Norfolk, VA, and San Diego, CA. They reported a 40 percent improvement in

patients who had musculoskeletal training injuries treated with the light-emitting


A wound-healing device was placed on the USS Salt Lake City submarine, and doctors

reported 50 percent faster healing of crewmember's lacerations when exposed to the

LED light. Injuries treated with the LEDs healed in seven days, while untreated injuries

took 14 days.

The LED research project will continue for the next 18 months, with doctors studying

100 patients at two major teaching affiliates of the Medical College of Wisconsin.

Researchers will continue to examine the influence of LEDs on cells grown in the

laboratory, and will explore the benefits that LEDs might provide to counteract

possible cell damage caused by exposure to harmful radiation and weightlessness

during long space missions. NASA News, Marshall Space Flight Center News Release

00-336 (12-18-00)

Therapeutic Light - By Chukuka S. Enwemeka, PT, PhD, FACSM

Light is a form of energy that behaves like a wave and also as a stream of particles

called photons. Dr Budwig the famous German doctor who was nominated seven

times for the Nobel Prize discovered the affinity of the human body with the sun. She

found that if the body has the right balance of oils and proteins, it has a magnetic field

which attracts the photons in sunlight and thus is open to the healing powers of the


The development of monochromatic light sources with single or a narrow spectra of

www.BudwigCenter.com 26

wavelengths paved the way for studies, which continue to show that appropriate

doses and wavelengths of light are therapeutically beneficial in tissue repair and pain

control. Evidence indicates that cells absorb photons and transform their energy into

adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the form of energy that cells utilize. The resulting ATP is

then used to power metabolic processes; synthesize DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes, and

other products needed to repair or regenerate cell components; foster mitosis or cell

proliferation; and restore homeostasis. More recent reports include studies that

indicate that 77% to 91% of patients respond positively to light therapy when treated

thrice weekly over a period of 4 to 5 weeks. Not surprisingly, CTS is one of the first

conditions for which the FDA granted approval of low power light therapy.



The Body Master is so much more effective

than the current so-called Rife machines,

Zappers, Beck machines, or other similar

energy-enhancement devices on the

market today. Many have tried to

rediscover the frequencies that Royal

Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 – August 5,

1971) used to discovered cancer causing

microbes. http://www.rifemachines.com/

BODY MASTER blocks pain, optimizes cellular functioning, detoxifies, fight Infection,

and energizes. It is a new, electrical-energy device that can be used in conjunction or

replace Rife machines, Zappers, Beck machines and other similar energy frequency

generators. Dr. Budwig’s approach was to heal the cells. Using Rife, Zappers and other

Frequency machines do not attack the cancer cells but only destroys the microbes in

the cells. Hence the cells can repairs themselves quicker. Budwig Center uses the

BODY MASTER for 20 minutes per day up to 2 times per day at our clinic and

recommends the PATHOGEN ERADICATOR the rest of the day 24 hours per day for

complete parasite and microbe contol


Biologists have shown that bodies utilize bio-electricity to operate the nervous system

and its control of the cellular tissues. The brain triggers nerves to create complex, low-

amplitude electrical signals that trigger proteins in the cellular wall to change shape,

thereby changing cellular functions.

There are many electrical devices sold to change cellular functions, kill infections, cure

cancer, and to cleanse the blood like Beck devices, Zappers, so-called Rife Machines,

www.BudwigCenter.com 27

and others. In order to be effective, these machines must mimic these same

waveforms in order to make changes in the body.

There are many electrical devices sold to change cellular functions, kill infections, cure

cancer, and to cleanse the blood like Beck devices, Zappers, so-called Rife Machines,

and others. In order to be effective, these machines must mimic these same

waveforms in order to make changes in the body.

There are many different waveforms created by the nervous system to control all of

our tissues. Some of these waveforms differ from one another because of their

different frequencies and others through different wave shapes. Each cellular protein

has a specific group of electrical signals that it will respond to. The signals have specific

strength (amplitude), waveform (shape of the signal), and frequency.

However most of these devices work on a Square Wave form only. Some of these

machines do have multiple frequency choices available for the user. But most of these

machines only utilize simple square wave, sine wave, or saw-tooth waves. Therefore,

these devices will only work some of the time, because, even if the frequency is

correct, the signal strength must be very low and the waveform must be a very simple


The Body Master is an electrical device designed to change your cellular function. It

utilizes very weak currents. You will probably not feel the current if you are using it


The Body Master’s electrical synthesizing circuits are utilized to make many different

waveforms within the frequencies that the user has selected. So it is like a key ring

with hundreds of keys—each opens your cells in a way needed to optimize your health

physically, emotionally, or mentally.

The frequencies are arranged in Programs to simplify use.

This way the user won’t have to look at large tables of

frequencies to gauge which frequencies will be useful for

him/her. Programs range from creating euphoria, to

removing chemicals lodged in your system, to enhancing

a good night’s sleep.

Each Program—most of which last 23 minutes—utilizes a

sequence of different frequencies while creating many

different waveform shapes. With so many waveforms, the

www.BudwigCenter.com 28

chances of triggering cellular changes are much higher

than with machines with fixed waveforms.

This is combined with the same, weak currents that your nerves utilize. This enables

deep penetration to your cells.

The Body Master mimics your body’s own electrical nervous signals. The process is

gentle, effective, and fully welcomed by your body.

Of the 91 programs, only one was pre-existing (program 90). This was included as it

was used in a previous device that has reportedly had 100% success in clearing breast

cancer over many years usage.

The Body Master is used by a trained therapist. Wires coming from the device attach

to silver chloride tabs that stick to the body wherever they’re placed. (Different

conditions require different placement so that the current can run through the

appropriate body parts.)

Here is a list of the categories for which Body Master has effective frequencies:


1) Increase Athletic Coordination, Flexibility

2) Strengthen and Detoxification of the cells

3) Create Emotional Balance and Stability

4) Create Euphoria

5) Organ Optimizer (ONLY with low infections)

6) Increase Communication Abilities

7) Structural Optimization

8) Increase Youthfulness


9) Bacterial infection

10) Candida infection

11) Pneumonia Acute /chronic bronchitis Lung infection

12) Common cold fever hacking cough blows nose

13) Sinusitis Hay fever Blocked nose Face pressure

14) Influenza Dizziness Nausea Diarrhea

15) Sore Throat Laryngitis Hurts to cough

16) Lyme Disease Spirochete infection

17) Parasitic infection

18) Viral infection Fever Flu

19) Yeast/Fungus/Mold infection


20) Allergies Asthma Auto-Immune disease

21) Acute infection Staph Boils Ear/Gum/Bone infection

22) Acute infection Strep Sore throat High fever

23) Muscle-Bone: Strain Sprain Arthritis TMD

www.BudwigCenter.com 29

24) Chronic Staph: Old infections & Cavitations

25) Bone mercury/amalgam toxicity

26) Bone titanium and dental chemical toxicity

27) Acute fatigue Tiredness Chronic fatigue

28) Muscles work trauma sports Fibromyalgia

29) Indigestion Bloating Food poisoning

30) Hangover Poisoned Short-term toxic reactions

31) Tension/full headache Chronic neck pain

32) Advance Sleep Phase Sleep Disorder Seems too early to go to bed

33) Delayed Sleep Phase Sleep Disorder Seems you are going to bed too early

34) Obesity treatment (for brain and liver)

35) Weight-gain treatment (for brain and thyroid)


36) Acute organ dysfunction Calm down the organs

37) Blood sugar disorder Liver/Pancreas

38) Bones, joints, ligaments, tendons Calm inflammation

39) Chronic organ dysfunction Stimulate functioning

40) Digestive system dysfunction Stimulate functioning

41) Eyes, vision, sense of taste

42) Ears, hearing, sense of smell

43) Gall bladder disorders Calm functioning

44) Cardiovascular disorders Stimulate functioning

45) Hormonal imbalances

46) Liver disturbances Calm functioning

47) Lymphatic system disturbances

48) Nervous system disorders

49) Respiratory tract disorders

50) Sex organ disorders

51) Skin disorders

52) Spleen disorders

53) Urinary tract disorders


54) #1 Food toxins--Spoiled--Emotional pollutants

55) #2 Heavy metals

56) #3 Halogens—Chlorine—Bleach–Cleaners—Soaps—Sodium lauryl sulphate

57) #4 Pesticides—Petroleum—Ozone—Ether—Cocaine

58) #5 Bad Aromas—Bad water—Liquor—Mental Pollutants

59) #6 Noise—Bad vibrations—Effects acute and chronic

60) #7 Plastics—Cancer and other Chemotherapy agents—Glue—GMOs (Genetically

Modified Organisms)

61) #8 Mold/Fungi—Rotten smells—Bad air—Toxins

62) #9 Radiation—Burns—EMFs (ElectroMagnetic Fields)—Microwaves

63) #D Beer, wine cheese cigs candy hemp Toxins

64) #F Meds Fast food Speed MSGs Synth Toxins

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Can be changed with Rife frequencies treat causes with chronicity

65) Angry Stubborn Short-tempered Rude Blunt

66) Bitterness Sour No Joy Argues

67) Lacks Compassion Coldness Objectivity

68) Empty Hollow Blank No plans or ideas

69) Fear Cowardice No Commitment Paralyzed

70) Grief Regret Rejection Self blame

71) Hate Plots Blames Wants to Harm Vengeance

72) Serious No sense of humor Hilarity Too silly

73) Lack of integrity Immoral Self-serving Wicked

74) Jaded Sophisticated Proud Worldly

75) Liar Cheating Dishonest Unethical

76) Lack of love Can’t give or receive

77) Closed mind Paradigm blindness

78) Spacey No concentration Vague Forgetful

79) Tedium vitae (Weary of life) Bored

80) Stress Upset Wired Excitement Bad news


81) Addictive behaviors

82) Anxiety Nervousness Hysteria

83) Depression Negativity Fault-finding

84) Abusive behaviors

85) No understanding Hallucinations Inaccurate

86) Phobia Hypochondriasis Body over-aware

87) Learning disabilities Confusion No clarity

88) Fixation OCD Autism Controlling

89) Sleeplessness (insomnia)


90) Cancer 1—Breast tumors and soft tissue CA

91) Cancer 2—Hard tissue CA

92) Rejuvenation



An extraordinary variety of viruses, bacteria, parasites, and organisms stand ready to attack us

and feed off our bodies' cells. The BODY MASTER is designed to destroy harmful viruses,

bacteria and cancer causing microbes allowing the cells to heal and repair themselves.

The approximate sizes of microbes can be approximated by using the following rule of thumb:

• VIRUSES are the smallest of all infectious agents, averaging about 100

nanometers (100 billionths of a meter) in length. They have so few genes

www.BudwigCenter.com 31

and proteins of their own that in order to reproduce they need to

commandeer the machinery of the cells they invade.

• BACTERIA vary widely in size and shape, but tend to be at least 10 times

larger than viruses, or at least 1 micrometer (1 millionth of a meter) long.

They are single-cell organisms that reproduce independently.

• SINGLE-CELL ORGANISMS tend to be at least 10 times larger than

bacteria, or about .01 millimeter long.

• MULTI CELLULAR ORGANISMS are so large they can usually be seen with the naked eye. Tapeworms, for instance, can reach a length of 6 meters

(20 feet).

Food and water are the most common sources of parasite and invading organism transmission.

Since most of us eat three times a day and drink water frequently throughout the day, our

exposure to these sources is constant. Tap water has been found to be contaminated with

harmful organisms. Both plant and animal foods carry parasites, and cleaning and cooking

methods often do not often destroy them before ingestion. The CDC (Center for Disease

Control) cites food as the catalyst behind 80 percent of the pathogenic outbreaks in the U.S.

Most are linked to restaurants and delis where less than sanitary conditions exist -- from food

preparation and storage to the utensils and servers' hands.

Animals, just like humans, can become infected with parasites and unhealthy

organisms. Internally, contaminated water and food can spread the problem

to our pets. Externally, animals become infected by organisms on their

bodies, especially on their fur, because of exposure to infected animal

wastes. Forgetting to wash your hands even one time after handling or

cleaning up after your animal can transmit the parasite to you. Pets are a

wonderful part of our lives. They provide comfort, companionship, protection, amusement,

and unconditional love for their owners. Yet, pets, like humans, are often victims of serious

infections that can unintentionally be passed on to their owners. In fact, there is a whole set of

diseases classified as 'zoonoses' (animal-transmitted diseases) in parasitology textbooks.

Animals are major carriers of harmful organisms, and most physicians, let alone the general

public, are seemingly unaware of this fact. Experts have projected that of the 110 million pet

dogs and cats in this country, over half may be infected with at least one or more different

kinds of harmful organisms. Considering these numbers, the potential for transmission of

www.BudwigCenter.com 32

parasitical invading organism infection from animals to humans is extremely high. Making a

parasite cleanse an essential part of an effective health maintenance program for both people

and animals alike.

The CDC estimates that the number of parasites present in the

United States alone number in the thousands. They are categorized

according to structure, shape, function, and reproductive ability.

These include microscopic organisms (protozoa); roundworms,

pinworms, whipworms, and hookworms (nematoda); tapeworms

(cestoda); and flukes (trematoda).




Dwarf Tape worm

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Intestinal Fluke

Fish Tapeworm

Amoeba Organisms



This type of magnetic therapy is not the 15 or 20 minute Bio Magnetic extremely

powerful magnetic therapy. Instead it is a totally different use of magnets with a

totally different approach. Medical magnets are placed on areas of the body where

there is an illness or pain and left 24/7 for weeks and months. It could possibly be

dubbed "the lazy man's cure" as you simply sit on, sleep on or wear magnets on your

body and you receive the healing benefits. It might seem recommendable for anyone

simply as a preventive for any kind of disease. Magnetic therapy combined with the

Dr. Budwig formula creates a powerhouse of healing

Dr. Philpott treated a woman, aged 71, who had a basal cell carcinoma on her

forehead as a result of intense sunburn. Every night, Dr. Philpott had the woman sleep

with a 12,300-gauss magnet placed, negative side down, directly on the cancerous

area. In 6 weeks, this pathological spot had dried up and peeled off without a scar,

reports Dr. Philpott. Five years later there was still no reappearance of the cancer.

Neo will be effective over a radius of 6 to 8 inches and penetrate 5 to 6

inches into the area. Rated at 12,300 gauss core/1,500 gauss surface ideal

for breast, liver, pancreatic, melanoma, forehead, stomach cancer and

tumors - attaches with Medical tape

www.BudwigCenter.com 34


Woman, aged 75, who had a melanoma tumor on her forehead. Dr. Philpott had the

woman wear a 3950-gauss magnet over the cancerous growth for 24 hours a day for 3

months. After one month of this treatment, the tumour stopped growing and its

soreness eased up; then the tumor started to recede and dry up; after 10 weeks, it

literally fell off her forehead.

A negative pole magnetic field is applied to the cancer. This changes the pH of the

cells, which are too acidic, (cancer cells operate in a pH acid state) making them more

alkaline, which is favourable to healing. In addition, the negative magnetic field

releases oxygen bound up in the acids of the unhealthy cells. The oxygen then diffuses

throughout the cells, restoring health and vitality.

A male diagnosed by biopsy of having a prostatic cancer with bone metastasis to the

sacral area was treated continuously over the sacral and lower abdominal areas which

would radiate into the pelvic area and thus place the pelvic area in the magnetic field.

Three months later there was no evidence of bone cancer on X-Ray. The PSA had

changed from an original abnormal 28 to a normal 2.

A male in his late 20's with an inoperable glioblastoma of the brain which had

rendered him unconscious and completely unresponsive to the environment was

corrected by a continuous negative magnetic field applied to the head. We offer two


A female with cancer of the lung with a symptom of loss of appetite breathed negative

poled oxygen for a period of four hours and her appetite returned.

Here are just some of the different types of medical magnets recommended

depending on where the cancer is located or other types of illnesses that is being


This very comfortable MAGNETIC HAT uses

special neodymium magnets placed

strategically on the inside rim. People with a

brain tumor wear the hat during the day and

sleep on a MAGENTIC PILLOW at night, thus

receiving 24/7 therapy

www.BudwigCenter.com 35

A male with cancer had been treated with chemotherapy. Two years later the

oncologist decided it would be wise to undergo a second course of chemotherapy.

During his first chemotherapy treatment he lost his hair and his fingernails and

toenails. During the second course of chemotherapy he did not lose his hair, fingernails

or toenails.


With Cancer there are two factors that are always present. Those two factors are pH

acid (instead of pH alkaline state) and lack of oxygen. Medical magnets manipulate

those two factors in a totally natural way. The body through its mechanism of the

nervous system and cells that surround the nervous system concentrates the negative

electromagnetic field at the site of injury for healing. However the magnets must be

kept in place 24/7 to maintain the negative magnetic field and in order for healing to


The negative magnetic field is alkalinizing. We have to have the alkalinized area for

healing to occur because you cannot have oxygen in an acidic medium. You can only

have molecular oxygen in an alkaline medium. The pH of our blood is 7.4; we are all

alkaline. When we go acid, we become sick and we develop all kinds of symptoms.

Where ever that acid is that area is inflammatory; we may call it arthritis or if it is in

the brain we may call it psychosis. Depending entirely on where the acid state is

determines what is going to happen.

We get an estimate of 10,000 injuries to our genetic material called DNA in the course

of a day from Carcinogenic chemicals. The DNA can be healed (repaired) as long as that

cell has plenty of oxygen and has an alkaline medium. We are repairing our DNA all the

time, but if it is in an acid state it doesn't repair. The cancer cell gets injured and since

it is in an acid state it cannot repair so it reproduces itself with its defective injured

DNA. The way we can defeat cancer is to make the conditions under which cancer

cannot exist.

We raise the alkalinity of the area with a negative magnetic field. The negative

magnetic field also raises the oxygen level.


www.BudwigCenter.com 36

In order to function at optimum capacity, the internal body environment must remain

as close to neutral as possible. When excess acid is present, the body must go out and

find alkaline elements to begin the process of neutralizing this excess acid. Alkalines

are usually present in the blood, but because the blood cannot tolerate much variation

in its pH level, this is never a good source from which to borrow. A better source for

alkaline elements is the internal organs and tissues. These areas can tolerate a greater

degree of pH level fluctuation.

Even though the internal organs and tissue can exist in the short-term without all of

the necessary alkaline, it is of critical importance that the borrowed alkaline be

replaced. However given the way many people eat today, it is not uncommon for

alkaline to be borrowed and not replenished every single day, and worse, many times

in a single day. Taking more alkaline than is being replenished will sooner or later

create a deficit.

Enzymes (found in raw fruit, vegetables, greens) are crucial to the proper functioning

of the body’s organs. However, when the body’s pH levels are not balanced, as is the

case when acidification is present, enzymes are not able to fulfil their roles properly,

and oftentimes, not at all. When enzymes begin functioning more slowly and

erratically, illness will typically follow. The illnesses that develop depend on the

enzymes that are affected and also the extent of acidification. When acidification

becomes so bad that enzymes cannot function at all, the body will stop functioning as

it should, and many times, the end result is death. If we were to ask "What is killing

us?", the answer might be "ACIDOSIS"! It has been demonstrated that an acidic,

anaerobic (lacking oxygen) body environment encourages the breeding of fungus,

mold, bacteria, and viruses.

Magnet therapy applies a negative pole magnetic field to the body. This changes the

pH of the cells, which are too acidic, making them more alkaline, which is favourable to

healing. In addition, the negative magnetic field releases oxygen bound up in the acids

of the unhealthy cells. The oxygen then diffuses throughout the cells, restoring health

and vitality


German doctor Ryke Geerd HAMER, in the habilitation script he presented at

[Germany’s] Tübingen University in October 1981, Dr. HAMER summarized his

research with this statement: "I searched for cancer in the cell and I have found it in

the form of a wrong coding in the brain."

From his personal experience--he himself has had a cancer-and from those patients he

took care of in many university clinics, Dr. HAMER established over the years that

there is always a definite syndrome at the source of cancer, and not just a kind of

stress. It requires a strong stimulus, a brutal psychic trauma, which hits the patient as a

major event in his life, an acute dramatic conflict, lived in a complete psychic isolation.

The Body-Mind Connection

www.BudwigCenter.com 37

Medical doctor and cancer surgeon Ryke Geerd Hamer has examined 20,000 cancer

patients with all types of cancer. Dr. Hamer has come up with some revolutionary

information. X-rays taken of the brain by Dr. Hamer showed in all cases a "dark

shadow" somewhere in the brain. These dark spots would be in exactly the same place

in the brain for the same types of cancer. There was also a 100% correlation between

the dark spot in the brain, the location of the cancer and the specific type of

unresolved conflict.

On the basis of these findings, Dr. Hamer suggests that when we are in a stressful

conflict that is not resolved, the emotional reflex centre in the brain which

corresponds to the experienced emotion (e.g., anger, frustration or grief), will slowly

break down. Each of these emotion centres are connected to a specific organ. When a

centre breaks down, it will start sending wrong information to the organ it controls,

resulting in the formation of deformed cells in the tissues: cancer cells.

Dr. Hamer started including psychotherapy as an important part of the healing process

and found that when the specific conflict was resolved, the cancer immediately

stopped growing at a cellular level. The dark spot in the brain started to disappear. X-

rays of the brain now showed a healing edema around the damaged emotional centre

as the brain tissue began to repair the afflicted point. There was once again normal

communication between brain and body. A similar healing edema could also be seen

around the now inactive cancer tissue. Eventually, the cancer would become

encapsulated, discharged or dealt with by the natural action of the body. Diseased

tissue would disappear and normal tissue would then again appear.

Nearly every doctor will confirm that anxiety and stress are the

primary reasons why most people get sick. That is why we have epidemic numbers of

people who have serious health problems. Watch this short YouTube presentation on

EFT at www.emofree.com

What about the feelings in our bodies which seem to connect with our words and

images? How is it that we continue to make the same mistakes and tell ourselves what

others have told us? If the saying that ‘You can if you think you can’ is true. Why is it

that we find we really cannot? There must be some fundamental truth we are missing,

a puzzle piece that has somehow been mislaid. We physically walk today because we

learnt to walk before we can remember. When we dress we have no need to think

about which leg to put into our trousers first or which shoe to put on first.


PAST INFLUENTIAL WRITING - My teacher said I was thick and that I would never

amount to much and he was right. My friends said I was easily influenced and I am.

www.BudwigCenter.com 38

My Mum reacted as if whatever I

did was never good enough - and it

never was. My closest friend told

me I was too soft and I am. Why

are other's observations or

predictions still happening? Could it

possibly be anything to do with me?

Was it what was said, or how I

perceived life for me which became

the mechanism of myself fulfilling


This happened, or is still happening,

for me as long as I continue to hold

onto these beliefs. This is often an

unconscious process which was

intended for a positive purpose. My

knee jerk reactions can be triggered

by myself talk, the images created

in my mind as well as taste, touch,

smell or gut feelings. PRESENT

WRITING - When we think of the

‘here and now’ we may well ask

who is currently writing on the wall

of our mind?

Are we still stuck in the mire of an old self fulfilling prophecy? Why do we continue to

believe what was said to us? Did we just believe negative suggestions or did we also

absorb positive messages? From where do the images we keep seeing originate?

With few exceptions the routine of our life is more or less identical and unconsciously

competent and automatic. There are relatively few responses which no longer serve

us well. Are all of our physical, emotional, spiritual, professional, social and financial

responses similar to this? When you are traumatized from experiences in life such as

accidents, illness, operations, emotional upsets, disappointments, surgery, chemical

overloads and many other life situations, the resulting energetic shock from the

trauma can block or interrupt the flow of information to and from some of the

neurotransmitters that tell the brain how to regulate the chemistry of your body. The

result of trauma is a body and mind out of balance.

Basically, the idea is that most emotional issues involve a disruption to the free flow of

the subtle energies that circulate throughout the body. In short, when emotional stress

occurs those subtle energies have been short-circuited. Correct this disruption and the

problem reduces or disappears. This process is like an emotional version of

acupuncture except that needles are not used. Instead, you stimulate certain energy

meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips.

www.BudwigCenter.com 39

Interestingly, since our emotional stressors are often linked with our physical ailments,

we often find that diseases and other symptoms fade upon proper use of this process.

There are tens of thousands of psychologists and medical doctors that are currently

using this exciting innovation in medical care.

Many clinics today concentrate on the physical body only. Our immune system is often

challenged and weakened by upsetting emotional trauma. “Everyone recognizes that

stress plays a major role in nearly every disease. Even the conservative government

public health agency CDC (Center for Disease Control) states that 85% of all diseases

have an emotional element” says Dr. Mercola.

We have found that almost everyone that comes to our clinic with a chronic illness has

had some serious negative emotional trauma in the past.

Every cancer patient has emotional issues that need to be dealt with, even though

many patients will continually indicate that "they are just fine" in order to not trouble

the family or a loved one. Past emotional hurts, anger, jealousy, conflict, trauma, etc.

must be dealt with. Budwig Center is one of the few clinics in Europe that has the

EMOTIONAL Re-Mapping system that basically is like pressing a “Restart” button on

your past and current negative emotional experiences. How it works is you sit in the

specially designed magnetic chair for ten minutes with headphones on listening to

beautiful relaxing music while wearing uniquely designed dark glasses which enables

you to watch an amazing light show generated by your brain waves

The overall effect cancels out the stressed excess

energy in your body, smoothing out the edges and

bringing you back into a state of balance that

allows the body to heal itself on all levels. The

chair rests on a platform of magnets and has two

transducers connected to the base and the back

and these transducers send you the balancing

frequencies that your need. This is a permanent fix

not temporary like most therapies.

We combine the Emotional ReMapping with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

sessions along with the frequencies from the BODY MASTER and Bach Flowers for

incredibly effective results.

The synergistic combination of EFT, colored lights, sound, magnetism and vibration

stimulate all the senses of the body gently brings you back into a state of Balanced

Energy as the brain begins to correct the chemistry of the body over the next three

days __________________________________________

www.BudwigCenter.com 40

The Original Bach Flower Remedies®

BUDWIG CENTER is also trained in the use of The Bach Flower Remedies® which are a

safe and natural method of healing. They gently restore the balance between mind

and body by casting out negative emotions, such as, fear, worry, hatred and

indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach

Flower Remedies® allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the

body is free to heal itself.

Each of the 38 remedies discovered by Dr Bach is directed at a particular characteristic

or emotional state. To select the remedies you need, think about the sort of person

you are and the way you are feeling.

The Bach Flower Remedies® are 100% safe and natural and work in conjunction with

herbs, homeopathy and medications. They are safe for everyone, including children,

pregnant women, pets, elderly and even plants.

Dr. Bernie Siegel on the healing power of feelings and consciousness: ”Those who

were extremely satisfied with their lives had one-tenth the rate of serious illness and

death suffered by their thoroughly dissatisfied peers even after the effects of alcohol,

tobacco, obesity, and ancestral longevity were statistically eliminated.”

The two best-known mental and emotional factors that adversely affect health are

stress and grief, especially if the latter is accompanied by loneliness. According to

Larry Dossey, grief, especially when accompanied by loneliness, can also adversely

affect the immune system. In a 1977 study of the immune systems of widowed people

in Sydney, Australia, researchers found that the bereaved showed significantly less

immune activity than the control group.

Of course, illness itself can lead to the same loneliness that aggravates the disease. In

one study, conducted over nine years in Alameda County, California, death rates in a

group of 7,000 people were correlated with indicators of social interaction, such as

church membership, marital status, and other indicators of social activity. Death rates

were found to be highest among those who had the fewest relationships -- even when

factors such as socioeconomic status, cigarette smoking, and other health-related

factors were taken into consideration. Isolation was linked to higher death rates from

heart disease, cancer, and all other illnesses, as well as suicide and accidental death.

Mental and emotional factors have been tied to cancer in several important ways. Like

heart disease, cancer correlates positively with stress. Siegel cites two studies. In the

1970s, a study of mice bred to develop breast cancer, the cancer rate varied from 92

www.BudwigCenter.com 41

percent, for mice that were subject to stress, to 7 percent, for those that were not. In

another experiment, in which rats injected with tumor cells and then given electric

shock, 73 percent of the rats that could not escape the shock developed cancer. Of

those that could, only 37 percent developed the disease, doing slightly better than the

rats that received no shocks at all.

”Work done by the Simontons, Jeanne Achterberg and G. Frank Lawlis compared the

predictive value of psychological factors and blood chemistry in 126 patients with

extensive cancer. Virtually every psychological test showed a statistical relationship to

one or more blood components. The patients who did most poorly were those who

were very dependent on others -- such as the doctor -- for motivation and esteem,

who used psychological defenses to deny their condition, and who visualized their

bodies as having little power to fight the disease. Compared with patients who did

well, those whose disease progressed fastest were more conformist to sex-role

stereotypes and developed images that were more concrete and less creative or


One of the more important traits of the cancer personality type is an inability to

express emotions. Siegel, who calls it an inability to "be your own person," says: ”As

Elida Evans observed in her groundbreaking 1926 study of the cancer personality,

‘Development of individuality is a safeguard to life and health.”

Cancer patients tend to be "nice" people possessing low self-esteem and an

exaggerated desire to please others. Several studies have shown that cancer patients

can often be identified by their psychological profile.

Some of the most valuable work has been done by Dr. Caroline Bedell Thomas of Johns

Hopkins University Medical School. Beginning in 1946, she took personality profiles of

1,337 medical students, then surveyed their mental and physical health every year for

decades after graduation. Her goal was to find psychological antecedents of heart

disease, high blood pressure, mental illness, and suicide. She included cancer in the

study for the sake of comparison, because she originally thought it would have no

psychological component. However, the data showed a "striking and unexpected"

result: the traits of those who developed cancer were almost identical to those of the

students who later committed suicide. Almost all the cancer patients had throughout

their lives been restricted in expressing emotion, especially aggressive emotions

related to their own needs.

Divorce has even worse effects, according to Siegel, because "...it's harder to accept

that the relationship is really over."

”Indeed, divorced people have higher rates of cancer, heart disease, pneumonia, high

blood pressure, and accidental death than married, single, or widowed persons.

www.BudwigCenter.com 42

Married men also have one-third the lung-cancer incidence of single men and can

smoke three times as much with the same cancer incidence as single men.”

People who express their negative emotions tend to do better. Being ornery and

cantankerous pays more often than not. Siegel, who calls this expression "fighting

spirit," says: ”Psychologist Leonard Derogatis, in a study of thirty-five women with

metastatic breast cancer….those who asked a lot of questions and expressed their

emotions freely did better. Likewise, National Cancer Institute psychologist Sandra

Levy has shown that seriously ill breast-cancer patients who expressed high levels of

depression, anxiety, and hostility survived longer than those who showed little

distress. Levy and other researchers have also found that aggressive ‘bad’ patients

tend to have more killer T cells, white cells that seek and destroy cancer cells, than

docile "good" patients. A group of London researchers under Keith Pettingale recently

reported a ten-year survival rate of 75 percent among cancer patients who reacted to

the diagnosis with a ‘fighting spirit,’ compared with a 22-percent survival rate among

those who responded with ‘stoic acceptance’ or feelings of helplessness or




The Reviber is a compact and powerful machine that:

� Tones and Stengthens Legs & Buttocks

� Increases Circulation & Metabolism

� Increases Bone Mineral Density

� Improves Posture and Balance

� Strengthens Pelvic-Floor Muscles

This is achieved in two ways: Gravity & Vibration

Developed from the space age technology of providing exercise

in outer space to combat osteoporosis and enhance circulation.

The up-and-down movement of the Reviber means that while

you are on the machine, you are literally heavier because of the

up-and-down acceleration G-Forces. This is great for the body

because it is forced to respond to the added load by becoming

stronger. In addition, the body is exercised by the thousands of

small vibrations stretching the muscles, which the body counters

with a corresponding contraction

www.BudwigCenter.com 43

This stretch reflex works the muscles so thoroughly that the body becomes stronger

very quickly. The Reviber action awakens every cell in the body leaving you tingling all


A study on men found that "...the biological mechanism produced by vibration is

similar to the effect produced by explosive power training (jumping and bouncing)."

From studies on women the researchers concluded that standing on a vibrating surface

is as beneficial as going to the gym for improving leg strength and speed of movement!

Perineal Muscles Stimulator - The perineum is the area of skin and muscle between the

base of the genitals and the anus. This is the area of the body that you are advised to

tighten and relax during pelvic floor exercises. For both men and women strong pelvic

floor muscles are essential in helping to maintain urinary continence, good sexual

responses, sensitivity and satisfaction. In women they’re also crucial to successful

childbirth and fast recovery after the childbirth. It also has a positive affect on colon

health and elimination

Reflexology - This Reflex Zone is specifically molded to stimulate the reflexology points

that help to improve blood flow to the intestines, which aids digestion in the stomach

and pancreas. Take your shoes off and then just place your feet together over the arch

and keep them there for 1 - 2 minutes.

Standing - For maximum effect and the whole body response simply stand

on the comfortable rubber topper. For those with poor balanace, you may

wish to position the Reviber in a doorway so that your hands can provide

additional support.

Sitting - For those who find it uncomfortable standing, position the

Reviber in front of you chair and place both feet on the plate. Keep your

back and neck straight, for a stronger vibration push your legs harder onto

the plate.


Kinetic energy is transferred through the body via

movement of the ankles, replicating ancient pulsing

techniques; the sacrum is gently rocked as a wave

movement oscillates to the cervical area releasing

gravitational pressure and daily stresses that are placed

on the body. The Chi is used successfully in Australian

Hospitals to treat Lymph oedema and an array of testimonies recommends the Chi for

alleviating the effects of painful ailments.

www.BudwigCenter.com 44

The Chi can be used to relax muscles prior to treatments and is fantastic in aiding

sciatic release and restoring the body's equilibrium. The Chi's non-impact, no effort,

chi stimulating exercise routine must be experienced!

The Zen Chi's rhythmic motion produces a movement through the body. The motion

replicates an exercise movement and a great sensation of tingling can be felt through

the whole body when a session stops.


� Had surgery in the last 3 months

� Cancer is metastasizing

� Had Chemo and Radiation in the last 2 years

� Have Advanced Osteoporosis


Budwig Center uses the popular Ionic foot spa system that helps to relax and detoxify

your body through the 2,000 pores on the bottom of each foot. A course of relaxing 30

minute Detox Foot Spa sessions leaves you feeling fresh and revitalized. Placing your

feet in the warm, salty, ionised water activates an electronic array. This sends

energizing electrical signals up through the lymphatic system to stimulate the

detoxification process. The water in the Detox Foot Spa becomes an extension of your

body. Then you sit back and relax for 30 minutes. We will have you drink at least 500ml

(a pint) of pure water during the treatment. The water will change color during the

treatment - most of this comes from the array.

Color Material Or Area Of The Body Being Detoxified

www.BudwigCenter.com 45

Black detoxification of the liver

Black Flecks Also from the liver, generally tobacco residue and/or

cellular debris

Brown Detoxifying from liver, cellular debris, tobacco

Dark Green Gall bladder detoxification for increased bladder health

and control

Orange Joint detoxification for increased mobility and natural


Red Flecks Blood clot material being extracted

White particles (clumpy) Yeast buildup from the body

White Foam Detoxification of lymphatic system

Yellow-Green Removed buildup from the kidneys, bladder, urinary

tract and female/prostate area


On a cloudy day you can benefit from FIR CERAMIC RAYS.

The normal human body temperature is 98.6 degrees

with most of our body heat being radiated away from our

bodies at an 8-10 micron wavelength. The Hot House

directs an 8-10 micron wavelength back towards our

body, therefore matching the radiant energy leaving our

body. This makes it best for our body's overall comfort.

This offers direct heat on a specific area where cancer

activity is present. It is best to be used directly on bare

skin. A light cotton sheet could be put over the DOME

and over the body area to create more heat and/or for



www.BudwigCenter.com 46

• They are a specific wave length of light from the sun.

• They are the safest and most beneficial rays from the sun.

• They are part of the electromagnetic spectrum just below red light rays.

• They are not visible to the human eye, yet they can be seen with special


They are perceived as a gentle, comfortable type of radiant heat. Some research by

NASA indicates that within the broad infrared spectrum the rays in the 8-14 Micron

range are the Far Infrared (FIR) rays from the sun that safely reach the earth's service.

The most effective in penetrating the human body and the most beneficial to the

human body are in the 8-10 Micron Range. Due to this comfort and FIR’s ability to

penetrate deep into our body and elevate the body's surface temperature, it locally

increases circulation and reduces pain, which allows you to feel better.

The warming effect of FIR stimulates your metabolism and blood circulation. It also

promotes the elimination of such things as poisonous carcinogenic heavy metals, toxic

substances from food processing, lactic acid, free fatty acids, and subcutaneous fat

associated with aging and fatigue, excess sodium associated with hypertension and

uric acid (which causes pain). When these sebaceous glands are activated, you can

eliminate through your skin and not your kidneys.

The surface temperature of this unit is controlled automatically by a built-in specially

designed regulator. This regulator will only allow a set temperature. This unit also

includes a safety device to ensure that any chance of overheating due to malfunction

does not occur. This product is not a huge machine as you may have seen in hospitals.

It is designed to be used easily at your home and be taken with you in its carrying bag

when you are away from home.


Using Fever Therapy to Treat Cancer

We are surprised at how many people come to the BUDWIG CENTER and when we ask

them if they sweat easily or often have a fever when they get sick most cancer patients

say: "I cannot remember that I ever had fever."

This needs to be corrected as sweating and fever are Nature’s way of riding the boy of

poisonous toxins.

In researching the benefits of hyperthermia/fever therapy, we came across the work of

Dr. William B. Coley. He was not your ordinary doctor, but more of a ‘Sherlock Holmes’

of cancer.

www.BudwigCenter.com 47

In 1891, he began treating patients with a germ called Streptococcus pyogenes to

induce a fever. His first patient developed a raging fever, and then the "miracle"

occurred: the tumors of his tonsils and neck completely disappeared, and only a scar

remained. This man, who could only swallow liquids and whisper when Coley started

the treatment, made a complete recovery. (Ten years later he was still free of cancer.)

Over the years Coley published dozens of articles in the best medical journals. These

recorded his success (and sometimes his failure) in applying the mixed bacterial

vaccine to people with advanced cancer. In sarcomas, he claimed 41 percent complete

cures. In other kinds of cancer there were many astounding remissions.

Dr. Budwig writes in her book "Der Tod des Tumors (Bd. 2)" [The Death of the Tumor, Vol. 2] on

page 143 on the subject of self-help and treatments she endorsed: "What other therapeutic

measures are advisable, permitted, recommended? I always reply: Everyone should do what

they can: cold water treatments*, hyperthermia**, homeopathy, phytotherapy (herbs)***,

even psychotherapy, or sometimes even surgical intervention depending on the situation.

However, anything that slows the natural vital functions is to be avoided, such as barbiturates

and analgesics (pain killers). Dr. Budwig wrote for instance in Der Tod des Tumors, Bd. II, re

irradiation of cancer patients: “The sun is considered beneficial, as is additional support via red

light, including the red light of the ruby laser.” Another very Budwig-knowledgeable person

believes that the Far Infrared (FIR) Sauna is one of the healing methods which would be

complementary (well compatible) and could help the success rate of the Budwig Protocol. As

can be seen for instance from the above quote, Johanna Budwig considered the red band of

the solar spectrum to have a particular healing power (loosely quoted).

Today most of experience the positive effects of heat, such as a Turkish bath, a sauna

or sunbathing in the heat of the sun. However to effectively treat cancer the secret is

in the method of treatment. The viral core molecule of RNA cannot reproduce if the

body temperature is above 101 degrees. With a mild fever of just 101 degrees the

telomers on the ends of the RNA molecule cannot attach and the virus cannot

reproduce itself, and the body's white blood cells quickly destroy the invading virus.

Whole-body and localized hyperthermia in conjunction with other anti-cancer

therapies has been accepted as a proven natural cancer therapy. Millions of weak

cancer cells are weakened even further by controlled high temperatures and when

they self-destruct are naturally expelled from the body. However just heat therapy on

its own is not enough. Studies show that its more effective when used in conjunction

with other therapies. Budwig center teaches the practice of hyperthermia as an

adjunct to other cancer treatments

What does treatment consist of? Generally speaking, whole-body hyperthermia

induces a fever. Patients lie naked in a structure that is like a small tent, where they

are closely monitored. The idea is that the body to temperatures - between 107 and

113 degrees F (about 41 to 45 Celsius). To induce a fever and sweating even in people

www.BudwigCenter.com 48

that normally do not easily do so a special herbal tea is drank beforehand and the

same herbal composition is applied to the body before each session to ensure results

The principle of fever therapy is that cancer cells react more sensitively to the effects

of excessive heat than normal cells. Also, tumours have an impaired ability to adapt

their blood circulation to the effects of high temperatures and thus hyperthermia can

cause a reduction of blood flow to a tumour. In addition, heat at this level pushes

cancer cells toward acidosis (decreased cellular pH) which decreases the cells´ viability

and ability to spread. It also activates the immune system, causing both increased

production of interferon alpha, and increased immune surveillance. Tumour masses

tend to have oxygen deprived (hypoxic) cells within the inner part of the tumour.

These cells are very sensitive to heat.

The Lancet published the results of a six year cancer study comparing the effectiveness

of hyperthermia. What seems to be the case is that hyperthermia overcomes tumour

resistance to chemo and radiation; that it can help the performance of some chemo

agents and that it helps destroy cancer cells in especially resistant phases of cell

division. Issels also suggested that hyperthermia induces heat-shock proteins on the

surface of the tumour, "tagging" them to be zapped by the patient´s own immune


Strange as it might sound, there is evidence that the frequent fevers of malaria might

function as a cancer-protecting factor. Dr Paavo Airola in his book, Worldwide Secrets

of Staying Young related the story of the Pontine swamps near Rome in Italy, which,

until a few decades ago, were a breeding ground for malaria-carrying mosquitoes. The

swamps were dried out, and the malaria disappeared. However, during the next

decades, that area, which had before been almost free of cancer, saw an increase in

cancerous diseases. After a generation, the cancer incidence level of that area had

reached the level of the rest of Italy.

With a fever, the malignant cells are selectively destroyed at temperatures of 106 to

110 degrees F, (43 degrees Celsius) so the frequent fever attacks of people in the

malaria-infected area may have mobilized the body’s own defenses too frequently for

cancer to take hold.

Dr Clare Vernon of the Hammersmith Hospital is another enthusiast, quoted in The

Lancet as saying, "I think every major cancer centre should have a hyperthermia unit."

Hyperthermia was used at the hospital for around 25 years, but it is not currently

available for a variety of reasons, none to do with its efficacy. Dr Vernon says,

"Hyperthermia is very effective even when other treatments have failed. It´s also

relatively cheap and well tolerated

Hyperthermia treatment for cancer is where the body tissue is exposed to high

temperatures. Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and kill cancer

www.BudwigCenter.com 49

cells, usually with minimal injury to normal tissues. It is proposed that by killing cancer

cells and damaging proteins and structures within the cells, hyperthermia treatment

may shrink tumors (National Cancer Institute [NCI], 2004)

A Connecticut nutritionist was diagnosed with a large malignant breast tumor. Her

doctor determined it was an aggressive cancer that was growing very fast. She opted

for Thermotherapy combined with natural supplements both which we use at Budwig

Center. After a few weeks of treatment she was able to return home, and... She’s

been cancer-free for over seven-and-a-half years. Cancer cells are more sensitive to

heat and it weakens them compared to normal healthy cells.

In conjunction with heat, infrared rays also enhance the detoxifying effect of each

session. Typical sweat produced under normal conditions and regular steam saunas

contains 97% water and 3% toxins. Sweat produced from a Far Infrared sauna is found

to be 80-85% water and 15-20% toxins! At Budwig Center we put a lot of emphasis on

detoxifying your body and get rid itself of an accumulation of potentially carcinogenic

heavy metals such as lead, mercury, zinc, nickel, cadmium, as well as alcohol, nicotine,

sodium, sulfuric acid lead, copper, aluminum, pesticide residues, petroleum-based

toxins, chloride, fluoride, as well as fat and cholesterol.

Drink plenty of pure spring water during each thermotherapy sauna session.

The infrared radiant waves penetrate the body's tissues to a depth of over 45mm. It's

energy output is tuned to correspond very closely to the body's own radiant energy

that our body generates. Far infrared radiation (FIR) is considered harmless for

humans. Infrared heaters are even used to heat premature babies in hospital

incubators. But some people with certain illnesses and conditions shouldn’t use an

infrared sauna or should use it with great caution.

In an infrared sauna, the infrared heater produces radiant energy, which is the same as

the heat from the sun, only without the harmful ultraviolet rays. Most of these heaters

draw on technology developed in 1965 by Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa, a member of the

Research and Development Department of Fuji Medical. While the weight of the

water loss can be regained by drinking water, the calories consumed will not be. Since

an Infrared Thermal System helps generate two or three times the sweat produced in a

hot-air sauna - From Journal of the American Medical Association. August 7th, 1981.

FIR heat is helpful against cancer because the increase in cellular temperature

stimulates heat shock proteins in cells. One of the functions of heat shock proteins is

to clean up denatured and otherwise defective proteins and dump them into the

www.BudwigCenter.com 50

extracellular microenvironment. This acts to stimulate immune cells to attack the

origin cell if the dumped proteins are significantly aberrant. Cancer cells overexpress

heat shock protein and also overexpress deformed proteins. This causes an increased

signal for antigenic attack around the cancer cells.

A fever is the body's natural attempt to destroy invading organisms and to sweat

impurities out through the skin. Fever is an effective natural process of curing disease

and restoring health.


During a fever, multiple benefits take place in our body.

• First of all the functioning of the immune system is stimulated.

• At the same time the growth of bacteria and virus is forced to slow down.

• The production of white blood cells, the primary agents of the immune system,

is increased

• Also the rate of their release into the blood stream.

• Also the generation of antibodies speeds up

• The production of interferon, an anti viral protein that also has powerful

cancer-fighting properties.

Starting in 1951, in his hospital in Germany, Josef M Issels, M.D. administered several

100,000 fever treatments without any adverse side effects or complications to

thousands of his patients suffering from progressive metastatic cancer. Studies carried

out in his hospital showed the remarkable immune enhancing effects of fever therapy.

Dr Josef Issels says, "Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the

treatment of many diseases, including cancer".



BUDWIG CENTER shares information on how to induce a natural artificial fever and

sweating, even in those who normally do not sweat or experience fever by drinking a

natural herbal tea blend and rubbing the body with this compound before each


We recommend 3 days of flaxseed oil enemas beforehand

You will remain in the Hyperthermia unit for approx 60 minutes. However if you

develop symptoms, such as: feeling faint, nausea, do not start sweating after 10

minutes, develop a headache, vomiting or general malaise the session will be stopped.

www.BudwigCenter.com 51

After the session you will have a warm to cool shower to close the pores of the skin.

Frequency therapy with the BODY MASTER or QUANTUM and/or a massage would be

suggested afterwards

Even though the safety of hyperthermia is well established, hyperthermia is absolutely

incompatible with an herbal remedy called Carnivora.



At the BUDWIG CENTER you will also learn about the Baking Soda therapy and be able to learn how to receive this with certain forms of cancer. Dr. Simoncini says Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It’s an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Studies have already shown how manipulation of tumor pH with sodium bicarbonate enhances some forms of chemotherapy.

When using these substances it is safer to change one’s vocabulary and not say one is treating and curing cancer. Far better to conceptualize that one is treating the infectious aspect of cancer, the fungus and yeast colonies and the yeast like bacteria that are the cause

Sodium bicarbonate therapy is harmless, fast and effective because it is extremely diffusible. A therapy with bicarbonate for cancer should be set up with strong dosage, continuously, and with pauseless cycles in a destruction work which should proceed from the beginning to the end without interruption for at least 7-8 days. In general a mass of 2-3-4 centimeters will begin to consistently regress from the third to the fourth day, and collapses from the fourth to the fifth,” says Dr Simoncini.

At the Budwig Center we focus on baking soda infusions for colon, rectum, ovarian and uterus cancer

Also each morning you will be taught how to alkalize the body with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice

CAUTION: It may be noted that baking soda can deplete the body of essential vitamins (especially B vitamins) and minerals, folic acid and chromium. The Budwig diet provides plenty of all of these. For Vitamin B consume the yeast food flakes, Celtic sea salt for minerals and folic acid is found in dried beans wholegrain breads spinach lentils, kidney split peas, potatoes, beetroot, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, broccoli, almonds, cabbage, nuts, asparagus, bananas, grapes and peaches. As for chromium it can be found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and some spices which are all a part of the Budwig regime.


The OTO Electro-Reflexologist ER-839S is registered as Class 2A Medical Device CE.

The OTO Electro-Reflexologist ER-839S is a compact physiotherapeutic device

www.BudwigCenter.com 52

developed by a group of doctors and electronic engineers that helps improve blood

circulation, reduce swelling, and ease aches & pains

The Reflexologist uses safe, low frequency electrical

waves to stimulate all the nerves endings of the feet. This

helps improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, and

ease aches & pains.

How It Works: The Reflexologist has two large foot pads to place your feet and easy-

to-use controls to personalise the level of muscle stimulation.

Simply plug The Reflexolotist into the mains, place both your feet on the large foot

pads and find a comfortable setting. Mild electrical impulses will stimulate the

thousands of nerve endings in the soles of your feet, feeling like a pleasant “tingling”.

This in turn works the muscles of the calf much like gentle exercise. Immediately the

blood is circulated throughout the foot and pumped back up through the legs,

improving your blood circulation and reducing fluid retention around the ankles. With

regular use of The Reflexologist, you will experience a significant improvement in

blood circulation and reduced swelling within 4 weeks.

Benefits of the OTO Electro-Reflexologist ER-839S:

• Relieves stress, fatigue, aches and pain.

• Improves blood circulation.

• Reduces swollen ankles / fluid retention

• Promotes better health and wellbeing.

"I would just like to say that I ordered the Reflexology machine last week for my father.

He has used it 3 times a day every day for 30 minutes each time. He has bad circulation

in his legs, and has been told by the hospital, there is nothing more they can do. But in

this short space of time he has had more relief from this machine than the doctors have

done in over 5 years. So much so that I am ordering another machine for my wife who

has Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have always been cynical of "Testimonials", but I could not

let the chance go by to tell others. Thank you is not enough." Barry Ledsom



Your body has about 60 trillion cells. The 2 to 4 G forces (gravitational pull) involved in

bouncing with a “Rebounder” squeezes out toxins. Then, during the brief weightless

period when the body is suspended in the air, the lower pressure in the cell promotes

www.BudwigCenter.com 53

the movement of nutrients into the cells. Thus the flow of materials to and from cells is

improved. It is like getting every cell in your body to exercise.

Increases Lymphatic Circulation

The body’s lymphatic system is a network of vessels that transports nutrients and

drains toxin products from tissues. It does not contain its own pumping mechanism

and relies on external pressure including breathing and muscular contraction to propel

its contents through a system of one-way lymphatic valves. Trampoline use helps the

lymphatic system eliminate toxins by increasing the gravitational pull as you bounce.

The lymphatic system is the metabolic garbage can of the body. It rids the body of

toxins, fatigue substances, dead cells, cancer cells, nitrogenous wastes, trapped

protein, fatty globules, pathogenic bacteria, infectious viruses, foreign substances,

heavy metals, and other assorted junk the cells cast off. Especially women with breast

cancer would want to obtain a Rebounder and do daily sessions. Even 3 or 5 minutes

will make a remarkable different.


� Had surgery in the last 3 months

� Cancer is metastasizing

� Had Chemo and Radiation

� Have Advanced Osteoporosis



In addition to rebounding Budwig Center does

regular lymphatic drainage and massage therapy

We make sure there are no trapped nerves or

frozen muscles which could impede the free flow

of energy. It’s important that the body is in

optimum condition to benefit from the protocol.


The Breast Lump Detection Glove - Highly Accurate in Clinical Trials

www.BudwigCenter.com 54

Death from breast cancer can be avoided with early detection.

Trained therapists at BUDWIG CENTRE are using The Breast Detection Glove and/or

UltraSound specially designed to detect breast lumps. Class 1 medical device proven

efficiency in a clinical trial in Rome under the direction of Professor Dr. Meggiorini. It

magnifies the sensitivity of the fingers allowing lumps the size of a grain of sugar to be

detected which simply is not possible using bare hands.

What Is The Glove Like? The glove itself is a double layer

of polyurethane with mineral oil between the layers. This

allows for greatly enhanced ability to feel lumps. It is very

gentle and non-intrusive and only takes about 15 minutes

to complete the examination. With UltraSound if you feel

some discomfort or pain that is a sign there are toxins

trapped in the lymph glands

What Did The Clinical Trial Show?

In a clinical trial in Rome under the direction of Dr. Meggiorini 108 women were

studied for nearly a year. These women all had previous lumps and were considered at

high risk for developing breast cancer. They were split into two equal groups. Group A

was tested with the Breast Detection Glove while group B examinations were done

with bare hands. At the 6 month follow up, 84% (45 in each group) of these patients

had recurrence of the lumps confirmed by mammography. In Group A, the group with

the Breast Glove had a 100% detection rate according to Dr. Meggiorini. In group B,

only 22 of 45 (less than 50%) women had detected lumps by using bare hands.

BUDWIG CENTER also uses a small but very effective hand held Ultra Sound unit to

check for trapped lymph toxins in the breast and the entire lymph system. The Ultra

Sound not only detects the affected areas but also breaks up the toxins so they can be

expelled through the lymph system. A build up of toxins in the breast area could with

time lead to breast cancer. Well over 90% of women tested with the Ultra Sound had

some hard lumps and areas that needed some Ultra Sound combined with a special

massage technique. One woman from Brazil has such hard lumps it was as though

pieces of wood had been inserted in her breast. She was pleased to have had that

checked and within a week her breasts were back to normal and the lymph system



www.BudwigCenter.com 55


Below are just a few of the selected Budwig Approved Recipes for you to sample

The full BUDWIG Selection is found in the BUDWIG WELLNESS MANUAL


Avocado Moose Breakfast

Add the following into your blender:-

1 Avocado

¼ cup of berries of your choice

1-2 TBS of either or all of the following oils, cold pressed sunflower seed oil, flaxseed or

organic coconut oil.

1 tsp of cinnamon and or nutmeg

1 tsp of raw organic chocolate powder (optional)

Blend in your regular blender or with a hand blender for 30 seconds to a minute on full

power, serve and enjoy.

Tip – Keep the avocado’s and berries in the fridge so that it’s chilled when you eat it.

Quick and Easy Oatmeal Porridge

1 cup quick oats dash of cinnamon

2 cups rice milk or oat milk to flavor

2 tablespoons organic flax oil

1/4 teaspoon vanilla plain nonfat yogurt to top

• Combine the oats, milk in a saucepan.

• Bring to a boil. Cook about 1 minute over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

• Remove from heat. Add the vanilla, cinnamon, and honey. Stir in the flax oil.

www.BudwigCenter.com 56



Preheat the oven to 220 C

1 Kg of Spelt Flour

1 tsp of celtic sea salt

1 tsp of baking powder

½ tsp of baking soda

1/3 cup of cold pressed sunflower seed oil

1 cup of kefir or yogurt (add ¼ cup more if mixture seems too dry)

1. Mix dry ingredient in mixing bowl

2. Add 1/3 cup of cold pressed sunflower seed oil and kefir, mix quickly to a soft


3. Divide into 2 parts

4. Place into 2 loaf pans

5. Bake for 25-30 minutes

OATMEAL PANCAKES (excellent replacement for bread and to replace wheat products)

In a mixing bowl measure:

1 ½ cups oatmeal

1 ¾ cups oat milk (sold in heath food shops)

¼ cup sunflower seed oil

2 grated apples (not the skin)

1 tsp. Vanilla

Mix well, then add:

1 cup oat flour (you could grind oats in coffee grinder to make flour)

1 cup of Spelt (wholegrain) flour

½ tsp. Sea Salt

3 tsp. Baking powder

www.BudwigCenter.com 57

Stir well and spoon onto hot grill or frying pan, turning when bubbles appear on dough

and pancake is golden brown. Do no stir mixture more than once as you loose the

effect of the baking powder.

Drizzle a little pure lemon juice over the pancake and then put some apple sauce or a

tomato or some fresh berries or fruit on it

Apple Sauce – 4 apples (no skin) in ¼ cup of water – bring to boil and let simmer for 10

minutes, add a little cinnamon and put in refrigerator

Flaxseed Sprouts.

Soak some flaxseeds in water for 5-6 hours. Then drain the seeds. As flaxseed soak too

much water, keep the seeds in a plate & dry them under a ceiling fan for a few hours.

Then put dried but still moist flaxseeds in plastic sprouter or hang in a cloth over night.

You get very very tasty sprouts.

Low-Carb Breakfast Recipe - from Hannelore Volkman, Fillmore, New York

Mix in blender: 1/2 cup oat milk

1 apple or any fruit

1 small handful nuts

1 small handful dates

Blend well on high and add 3 tablespoons Vita Flax.

Exotic porridge

1 cup of oats (organic is better)

Boil in your almond or oat milk.

Add stevia or a little honey for extra sweetness if required or a few raisins

Rice pudding

You can have this for breakfast or desert, hot or cold

Boil plain brown rice (organic if possible) and drain.

Add your almond or oat milk.

Add some cinnamon, raw chocolate


www.BudwigCenter.com 58


Boil lentils in water then rise, fill pan with water and ¾ cup of cold pressed sunflower

seed oil or just until it covers the lentils. Cook for 5 minutes

Meanwhile cut and chop 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, 1 red pepper and 1 potato and onion.

Add the carrots, onion and potatoes ONLY. Cook for another 10 minutes. Now add

the tomatoes, red pepper and mix well. Add 3 cloves of chopped garlic, 2 Tbps of

paprika, cumin and tarragon. Cook for a further 5 minutes and serve.

Flaxseed oil and Cottage cheese salad dressing.

I use 2 tbsp flaxoil, 1 cottage cheese, 1 yogurt, 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp lemon

juice, 1 tsp raw honey, 1 tsp mustard, 1 clove garlic chopped and sometimes a little

onion. Makes a nice honey mustard. You can add 1/4 tsp turmeric and 1/4 tsp ginger.


• Half a bag of Bulgar wheat

• 1 lemon

• 1-2 cloves of garlic

• 1 cucumber

• Half avocado

• 1 half beetroot

• 1 tomato

• 1 pepper

• Fresh coriander

• Onion

Boil the bulgar as you would rice when it is round and fluffy it is ready! Drain off the

water if necessary.

Meanwhile chop up the veggies and herbs into small pieces (leave cold) and add to

the bulgar, mix well and add oil and salt to taste

Steamed Vegetable Soup

Steam random veggies, throw them in the blender, and make soup. Use either a small

white potato or ½ sweet potato (sweet potatoes are a better food), onion, and then

carrot, green pepper, turnip, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini (any or all -

whatever I find in the garden or fridge). Add 1 teaspoons of sea Salt, 3 Tablespoons of

Nutritional Yeast flakes, 1/4 teaspoons cayenne pepper, 1/2 Tablespoons Kelp

Granules (optional), and blend it to death along with the water that you steamed with.

Add ground flax seeds to each bowl. The potatoes are comparatively high calorie, but

the rest of the veggies are extremely low calorie, so you can eat as much of this soup

www.BudwigCenter.com 59

as you want. It's a great way to include veggies that you don't necessarily care for - it

all tastes the same when it's blended up. You could include grains as well - you would

want to blend them so that you would have a liquid diet.

Salads, Dressings & Dips

Miso-Ginger Dressing

1 cup water

1/2 tablespoon peeled and chopped fresh ginger

1-1/2 tablespoons mellow white miso

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon tahini

1/2 scallion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

3 tablespoons organic flax oil

• Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and process until creamy.


Dr. Budwig's OleoLux (replaces Butter)

9 tblsps Flax Oil

18 tblsps Coconut Oil, no chemicals

half a medium onion

10 cloves of garlic.

Heat the coconut oil, add chipped onion and garlic, and cook until lightly browned.

Strain through sieve, and let cool slightly. Add to flax oil, and refrigerate.

Sesame Seed Dressing (Flax for Life! book)

3/4 cup orange juice

1/4 cup flax oil

3 tablespoons sesame seeds

Blend all ingredients together vigorously in a mixing bowl, shaker bottle or blender.

Delicious over salad or fresh cut-up fruit

www.BudwigCenter.com 60

Herbal Bouquet Salad Dressing

2 cloves garlic, crushed 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano

1/4 cup organic flax oil

1/2 teaspoon dried savory

1/4 cup extra virgin sunflower seed oil

1/4 teaspoon ground coriander

4 tablespoons lemon juice

1/8 teaspoon dried sage

1/2 teaspoon dried basil

salt or salt substitute to taste

1/2 teaspoon dried chervil

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

1/4 teaspoon dried thyme

• Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and process to an even

consistency. Makes about 3/4 Cup


2 c. bulgar,

1 tbsp. chopped onion,

2 tbsp.cold pressed sunflower seed oil,

2 c. water,

Sea Salt, pepper, Sprinkle of chopped parsley

Saute onion about 8 minutes in oil (until almost tender). Add bulgur and cook until

golden. Add water, salt and pepper. Cover and bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer

for 15 minutes. Garnish with parsley. May top with yogurt.


1 c. bulgar wheat

Pour boiling water over bulgar in a ceramic or pyrex bowl and let stand until water is

absorbed and wheat is cooked (about 1 1/2 hours).

www.BudwigCenter.com 61

Add oil, vinegar, garlic powder, salt and pepper and chill.

Chop and chill vegetables and combine with cold wheat mixture. Return to refrigerator

to let flavors blend for an hour or so if you have time.

(Estimate on vegetable quantities we use: 1/2 - 1 bunch green onions, 1 green pepper,

3 small tomatoes, 1/2 bunch parsley, 1/2 bunch spinach, about 4 ounces salad olives.)

Fresh Mexican Salsa

A zesty traditional Mexican salsa made even better with the addition of flax oil. Great

as a dip for tortilla chips or as a sauce on enchiladas, burritos, and tacos.

3 tomatoes, diced 1 small jalapeño pepper

4 sprigs fresh cilantro

1/2 cup tomato sauce

1/2 medium onion, diced

3 tablespoons organic flax oil

1 scallion, chopped

• Combine the tomatoes, cilantro, onion, scallion, and jalapeño pepper in a blender or

food processor and process to desired consistency, chunky or saucy.

• In a separate bowl, combine the tomato sauce and flax oil. Stir to a uniform


• Mix everything together and chill until ready to serve. Makes 2 Cups


A fantastic-tasting Middle Eastern dish to be used as a dip or as a filling in pita

sandwiches. An excellent source of complete protein and, now, essential fatty acids.

1-15 oz. can or 1 2/3 cups cooked garbanzo beans (chickpeas)

1/4 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)

3 tbsp. Flax Seed oil

1/4 tsp. ground coriander

1/4 tsp. paprika

2 tbsp. minced fresh parsley for garnish

www.BudwigCenter.com 62

3 tbsp. lemon juice

2 medium cloves garlic

1/4 tsp. ground cumin

1/4 cup minced scallions

dash of cayenne

In a blender or food processor, process the garbanzo beans, tahini, lemon juice, and

flax oil until the mixture reaches the consistency of a coarse paste. Use as much of the

garbanzo liquid or water as needed. Add the garlic, coriander, cumin, paprika, and

cayenne and blend thoroughly. Transfer the hummus to a bowl and stir in the scallions.

Cover the hummus and refrigerate. Garnish with parsley before serving. Makes about

2 1/2 cups


A great dip containing healthful essential fatty acids

2 ripe avocados, peeled and quartered

1 tbsp. (packed) chopped fresh cilantro leaves

2 tbsp. Flax Seed oil

dash of sea salt

2 cloves garlic

pressed cilantro, cayenne and a wedge of lime for garnish

1 jalapeno pepper, seeds removed

2 to 3 tbsp. chopped onion

dash of cumin powder

1/2 tbsp. lemon juice

Place the avocados in a food processor and puree. Add the remaining ingredients and

puree to a thick, even consistency. Transfer to a small bowl and garnish with cilantro,

cayenne and a lime wedge.

Soups, Vegetables & Entrees

Black Bean Soup

www.BudwigCenter.com 63

This soup can be made up to 4 days ahead: simply pour it into an airtight container,

refrigerate, and reheat to serving temperature.

2 teaspoons extra virgin sunflower seed oil

4 cups cooked black beans

2 medium red onions, chopped

2 cups water

1 jalapeño pepper, minced 2 tablespoons organic flax oil

2 large cloves garlic, minced

2 tablespoons sour cream or plain nonfat yogurt to top

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1/2 teaspoon chili powder

• Heat the cold pressed sunflower seed oil in a medium saucepan. Add the onions and

jalapeño pepper. Sauté over moderate heat, stirring frequently, until the onions begin

to brown, about 4 minutes.

• Stir in the garlic and reduce the heat to low. Cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute.

Stir in the cumin and chili powder.

• Combine the onion mixture, beans, and water in a heavy pot. Cook over low heat,

stirring occasionally, until the beans are hot, about 5 minutes.

• If a smooth texture is preferred, transfer the soup to a food processor or blender and

puree until smooth.

• Once the soup is removed from heat, stir in the flax oil.

• Top with a dollop of sour cream or yogurt.


Split Pea Soup

A warming and nourishing soup

5-1/2 cups water

dash of cayenne

1-1/2 cups split peas, rinsed and drained

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1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper

1/2 cup minced carrot

1/2 cup quartered and thinly sliced carrot

1/2 tablespoon onion powder

3 tablespoons organic flax oil

1/2 teaspoon dried dill weed or 1 tablespoon minced fresh dill

• Bring the water to a boil in a large pot. Stir in the peas with the vegetable stock or

bouillon cube.

Cover and cook over low heat for 1 hour.

• Add the remaining spices and vegetables. Cover and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes.

• Remove from heat and cool to serving temperature.

• Stir in the flax oil and serve. SERVES 6

Whipped Acorn Squash and Yams

A twist on tradition by adding flax oil.

2 large acorn squash, halved

Dash of cinnamon

2 large or 4 medium yams

grated nutmeg

1/2 cup fresh orange juice

3 tablespoons organic flax oil

1 tablespoon honey

• Bake the squash and yams for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until tender.

• Scoop out the squash from the skins and place in a large mixing bowl or food

processor. Remove the yam flesh from the skins and add to the squash.

• Add the orange juice, spices, and flax oil. Whip or mash together.


Dr. Budwig's Salad Dressing/ Mayonnaise

www.BudwigCenter.com 65

2 tblsps Flax Oil

4 tblsps organic, low fat cottage cheese

2 tblsps milk (preferably raw and/or unhomogenized)

2 tbsps of Lemon juice or Apple Cider Vinegar.

Blend together, and add: mustard, chopped (organic) pickles, spices and herbs to taste.

I used a small half pint canning jar on my blender.

The Vitamin Lady's Juice combo

Couple of slices fresh ginger

2 cloves garlic

1/4 lemon

1 apple

2 lbs carrots

Some broccoli, zucchini, beet or other solid fresh veggie

Some kale, chard, bok choy, spinach or other leafy green

Some pineapple, strawberries, blueberries or other soft fresh berry/fruit

2tblsps ground flax

Powdered muscadine grape

Aloe vera juice - 1 or 2 fl.oz

Noni juice - 1 fl.oz

Creamy Avocado Recipes

Our Family's Favorite Avocado Recipe

1 ripe avocado, mashed

3 tbsp. salsa

1 tbsp. Spanish onion, finely chopped

1 tbsp. lemon juice

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

www.BudwigCenter.com 66

1/4 tsp. onion powder

sea salt to taste

1/2 tsp. Vegit seasoning (optional)

Blend all the ingredients in a bowl and serve with cut up raw vegetables.

Avocado Salad Dressing

1/4 seedless cucumber, finely diced

1 ripe avocado, mashed

1 tomato, finely diced

1/4 tsp. onion powder

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1 tbsp. Spanish onion, finely chopped

1 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tsp. fresh berry or fruit juice

1/4 tsp. Vegit (optional)

1 tbsp. Budwig mayonnaise

sea salt to taste

Mash the avocado with onion powder, garlic powder, xylitol, and mayonnaise. Add a

little water to thin the avocado mixture. Stir in the diced cucumber, tomato and onion.

Pour the dressing over romaine lettuce. Serve immediately.

Easy Black Bean Soup

3 cups Water

2 cans Black Beans

2 Stalks celery, chopped

1 Onion, chopped

1 tbsp cold pressed sunflower seed oil

2 Cloves Garlic

www.BudwigCenter.com 67

1 tbsp Fresh Ginger, chopped fine

Black pepper to taste

Heat oil in skillet. Saute onion until tender (5 min?). Add Celery, garlic, ginger -- cook 1-

2 mins more to release flavors. Add everything else and simmer 30 mins or so to mix

flavors and thicken a little.


Raise your top rack as high as it will go, get the broiler going.

On a steel, high-edged baking sheet, sprinkle some millet.

Pop it under the broiler for a very short period of time.

You don't even need to brown it completely to enhance the flavour. Although, millet on it

own (simmered) has a wonderful, earthy flavour. I neat trick with any grain is to grab a few

garlic flowers & stems, bruise it with the back of your knife and place it in your cooking grain.

After its done, pull out the garlic flowers and discard. It will impart a nice garlicky aroma


Blend the following ingredients well in a blender

2 cups of water

3 beets

1 small root ginger (slice it first)

3-4 large cloves of garlic

6-7 bay leaves

Pour the mixture into a bowl.

Blend the following ingredients for a short time (about 30 seconds):

2 cups of water

2 carrots

2 stalks of celery

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

½ cup of cold pressed sunflower seed oil

1 tablespoon of honey

www.BudwigCenter.com 68

sea salt to taste

Add ½ cup walnuts and blend on low speed very quickly, so they just break into small

pieces but are not blended. Pour into the same bowl and stir.

Dice or grate:

¼ head cabbage

1-2 carrots

1 bunch parsley

Add grated ingredients to the blended mixture. Stir and serve.

Serves 7 -10

As an extra kick add a blob of almond paste.

Cold Creamy Carrot Soup

3 cups fresh carrot juice

1 large avocado

handful of alfalfa sprouts cut into thirds

small sprig of parsley or cilantro leaves

1. Make carrot juice.

2. Cut avocado in half.

3. Place carrot juice and avocado in blender, and blend until smooth.

4. Put sprouts and parsley on top of the soup.

5. Note: Any combination of vegetable juice can be used to make soup.

Zucchini Surprise

3 shredded zucchini

2 red apples cut in small pieces

1 avocado cut in small slices

cumin to taste

sea salt to taste

www.BudwigCenter.com 69

1. Mix all ingredients together and serve.

Pinenut Basil Dressing

1 cup pine nuts soaked overnight

1 cup filtered water

2 cups fresh basil

1 TBS Nama Soy

1. Blend soaked pine nuts in a food processor with basil, water, and soy until creamy.

Sea Vegetable Slaw

1 handful of hijiki seaweed, soaked and drained

1 handful of chopped cilantro

1 handful of chopped scallions

4 cups of shredded cabbage

vegetable seasonings, or herbs to taste

1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, and serve.

Bell Pepper Crackers

4 cups chopped red bell pepper

2 TBS soaked raisins

4 TBS raisin soak water

2-4 TBS your favorite seasonings

1/2 cup almond butter or ground almonds

1. Blend all of the ingredients

2. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for approximately 8 hours.

Live Food Fruit & Nuts

20 small apples

1 quart soaked almonds

cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, ginger

www.BudwigCenter.com 70

1. Process the apples in a food processor.

2. Process the almonds in a food processor.

3. Blend the processed apples and almonds in a bowl, and add spices to taste.

Sweet Potato Salad

1 large sweet potato

2 carrots

1 courgette

Slice finely ½ onion and add 1 avocado in large slices. Mix well


6 Tablespoons (SoupSpoon UK) sunflower seed oil

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon of celtic sea salt

1 teaspoon oregano

Mix well and pour over salad

Mock Meat Loaf - Recipe contributed by Michele Homer

1 beet, grated

1-2 sweet potatoes, grated

1-2 white potatoes, grated

1 turnip, grated

1 onion, cut-up

3 celery stalks, with leaves

1 pound raw walnut. Put each item in a food processor individually. When each item is

processed, place in a large bowl. Mix together and refrigerate overnight. Next day,

shape into a loaf.

To add to your rice, baked potato or gluten free spaghetti.

Make a raw sauce with the following:

Tomato sauce

www.BudwigCenter.com 71

1 cup of chopped tomatoes per person

1 garlic glove or as required

1 green or red pepper

3 mushrooms

oregano or fresh coriander ( you can change the herbs but these are the most popular


Banana Split

Slice 1 banana in half lengthways and add whatever other chopped fresh fruit


Break up some walnuts or any other nuts you like over the fruit.

Take 1 tsp of raw chocolate powder (Add 1 tsp of mesquite meal if permitted at this

stage or is available) and 1 TBS spoon of extra virgin coconut oil mix well to form a

chocolate syrup pour on top and enjoy

Raw Chocolate

½ cup of cold pressed sunflower seed oil into a food processor

¾ cup of shredded coconut

10 dates (be sure there is no sugar added as a preservative) – remove stones

Mix well

1/3 cup of ground up almonds o 20 pieces of walnut

Mix well

1 TBPS (soupspoon) vanilla (optional)

½ cup of yogurt (preferably goat yogurt or kefir)

Mix well

¾ cup of raw chocolate powder

Mix well

Put it the freezer overnight before serving

Avocado Moose Desert

www.BudwigCenter.com 72

1 Avocado

1 Banana

1-2 TBS of either or all of the following oils cold pressed sunflower seed oil, flaxseed or

organic coconut oil.

1 tsp of raw organic chocolate powder (optional)

1 cup of walnuts.

Ice Cream Basic Vanilla (and you can add berries, nuts and juices to make it another


3 Tbsp flasseed oil

3 Tbsp milk

1 Tbsp honey

100 g. Quark

1 tsp ground vanilla

Mix Quark, Flaxseed oil, milk and honey in blender. Mix well with the vanilla. Pour

into container with liquid and place in freezer. Very smooth when frozen. You could

get it very cold without freezing and eat it that way.

Dried apricot and prune juice

2 small glasses of water (use the water that your dried fruit and seeds has been soaked in)

10 dried apricots pre-soaked and deseeded

10 dried prunes pre-soaked and deseeded

1 tablespoon of pre-soaked linseeds

1 tablespoon tahini paste if available

Watermelon wonder

1 small glass of water

2 big slices of watermelon with the black seeds

I peeled cucumber

1 tablespoon chopped ginger

Kiwi delight

1 small glass of water

www.BudwigCenter.com 73

½ honeydew or green melon

4 kiwi fruit

I green apple

1 green pear

Juice of 1 lime

Fennel and apple

2 small glasses of water

½ pineapple

2 sweet apples

½ bulb young fennel

Remember that you can add nuts and seeds, spices and fresh herbs. I love coconut powder,

carob powder, cinnamon and all-spice.

Apples, pears, bananas are staple fruits for smoothies so experiment with as many variation as

you like.

Peach with mint

2 small glasses of water

4 peaches or nectarines

1 apple

Juice of 1 lime

Small handful of fresh mint leaves

Combining fruits and vegetables seems the easiest way to add Superfood. Here is one that you

can try

Lemon Cheesecake – contributed by Christiana Weeks

(You need a coffee grinder and good processor to do this properly)

Grind 3 TBPS of flaxseeds with the coffee grinder (3 TBPS per person)

Add 1 handful of raw oats (1 handful per person) along with the ground flaxseeds into

the food processor along with 1 banana and some cold pressed sunflower seed oil and

blend for 2 minutes

www.BudwigCenter.com 74

Put into dish as a base and pat down and freeze (optional)

Add ½ cup of cottage cheese and 3 TBPS of flaxseed oil (as per the Budwig recipe) into

a blender and blend with the rind of a whole lemon and add the juice as well

Spread on top of base; add slices of banana (decoration) Enjoy!!

Carrot Fruit Cake - Recipe contributed by Laurie Godbois


1 cup dried figs, soaked

1 cup raisins, soaked

1/2 cup pitted dates

4 cups shredded carrots

3 cups soaked nuts (almonds, walnut, or cashews)

1/2 teaspoon each: ginger, cloves, cardamom


1/2 cup dates

1/2 cup cashews

1/2 cup soaking water

Soak figs, raisins and dates in 3 1/2 cups of water for one hour, reserving liquid. Soak

nuts in 5 cups of water for 8-12 hours. Drain, rinse and drain nuts again. Place nut in

food processor and chop finely, place in large bowl. Add figs, raisins, dates and spices

to processor and process until smooth. Pour mixture into bowl with the nuts. Mix well.

Add carrots mix thoroughly. Form mixture into desired shape.

Process dates, cashews and soaking water until smooth. Spread on top of the cake.

Carob Pudding - Recipe contributed by Lena Aurora

2-3 avocados

1 3/4 cups dates, putted, cut up

1/2 - 3/4 cup water

3 tablespoons raw carob powder

www.BudwigCenter.com 75

In a blender, place avocados and blend until smooth. Add dates, a few at a time, with

water and blend until smooth. Add carob and blend until mixed in. Pour mixture in a

serving bowl and chill. Serves 4-6

Hot Carob Cereal (from The Healing Power of Flax by Herb Joiner Bey, N.D)

2 1/4 cups water or rice milk

1 cup oatmeal

1 tablespoon unsweetened carob powder

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

2 tablespoons flax oil

1 tablespoon raisins

plain soy yogurt to top (optional)

Bring the water or rice milk to a boil. Stir in the oatmeal, carob powder, and cinnamon.

Cook for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the flax oil, raisins, and honey. Let

sit with lid on for 1 minute. Serve topped with yogurt if desired. Serves 1-2

Apple Muesli

Popularized in Europe, muesli is a tremendously healthy way to start your day.

2 tablespoons oatmeal

4 teaspoons water

2 apples

Juice of ½ lemon

3/4 cup yogurt

1 tablespoon raisins

2 tablespoons organic flax oil

2 tablespoons honey

3 tablespoons chopped walnuts

Soak the oatmeal overnight in the water.

Grate the apple or process in a food processor.

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Eat immediately .Serves 2

www.BudwigCenter.com 76

Pineapple-Strawberry Smoothie (Flax for Life! book)

1 1/2 cups chilled pineapple juice

2 tablespoons flax oil

4 tablespoons nonfat yogurt

10 frozen strawberries

Ice cubes

In a blender, combine ingredients in the order listed and puree to a smooth

consistency, adding ice cubes as needed. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy!

Banana-Strawberry Smoothie

6 strawberries, frozen

1 banana, frozen

1 tbsp. yogurt or raw milk

1 1/4 cup water

1 tsp. flax oil

In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

Tropical Shake

1/2 banana, frozen

4 strawberries, frozen

1/2 mango

1 1/4 cup water

1/8 tsp. natural coconut extract

1 tsp. flax oil

6 ice cubes

In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

Banana-Berry Smoothie

www.BudwigCenter.com 77

1/2 pear, cored

1/2 banana, frozen

1/4 cup frozen blueberries or frozen mixed berries

1 tbsp. raw milk or yogurt

1 1/4 cup water

1/8 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. flax oil

In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.

Banana-Orange-Strawberry Shake

6 strawberries, frozen

1/2 banana, frozen

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup orange juice

1 tbsp. raw milk or yogurt

1 tsp. flax oil

In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve



Cancer is NOT a death sentence; everyday people around the world are winning the

fight on Cancer with this program. Cancer is however a formidable foe and it requires

strict discipline and accurate knowledge of the Budwig protocol to win the battle. Too

many combine the Budwig with other therapies and supplements which often makes

the program ineffective or even counterproductive. Others do just the Flaxseed oil and

Cottage cheese and juices. However there are plenty of herbal combinations and

potent anti-cancer teas that are part of the approved Budwig protocol. We use

selected herbal foods, herbal teas, homeopathic formulas that are Budwig approved in

conjunction with detoxification.

Would you like some guidance?

www.BudwigCenter.com 78

You may be able to win the battle over cancer on your own by doing some research

and self-discipline with a healthy diet. However would you like a little help?

Enroll in our HOME PROGRAM or come to our clinic for a week or two and receive full

support right up to the day that you are ‘cancer free’

Here are just some of ‘life saving’ knowledge our comprehensive BUDWIG WELLNESS

COURSE will share with you.

1. Natural remedies you could use to stop vomiting

2. A list of herbs that are acceptable with the Budwig protocol

3. The herb you use to control estrogen driven breast cancer

4. When should vomiting be considered a good “sign” and when is it not?

5. The natural approach you use to overcome long term diarrhea

6. The connection between coffee enemas and regular headaches

7. How to do a deep liver cleanse to rid the bodies of years of toxic waste and

“stones” in the gallbladder

8. What Dr. Budwig did to revive the very weak

9. How to get the benefits of the sun even if you live where it rains most of the


10. Procedures that stop the spreading (metastasis) of cancer

11. What is the major cause of pain?

12. Three natural things that will stop most pain

13. Which sweeteners that are allowed on the Budwig program

14. How to obtain an accurate cancer test every 3 or 4 months for $50 US without

going to your doctor

15. Why many people get cancer again within 3 to 5 years after surgery or

chemotherapy and how not to be one of them

16. The four basic characteristics of the “cancer personality”

17. The deadly connection between “root canals” and breast cancer?

18. Why breast cancer was originally called the “nuns disease”

19. How to heal emotionally and handle difficult people in your life

Our goal is to help as many people as we can. If you are experiencing financial

difficulties at this time and need our help contact us and we will do our best to help

you just the same. If you are not able to come to our Center in Southern Spain we

have a very effective IN HOUSE PROGRAM with three different options.

Help Us Spread the Budwig Message!

Dr. Lloyd Jenkins, ND

www.BudwigCenter.com 79

For legal reasons while you are in Spain with Budwig Center, you are enrolled in our Wellness Course of learning.

We do not “treat” any aliment or disease, but “teach” you about the disease and the different machines and

therapies available and how you can be treated. You are taught how to operate the different therapeutic

equipment and provided with details of where to purchase these if you want to. Our approach is academic and

educational. In other words we provide information as cancer support and we advocate a holistic approach to

natural health and wellbeing. Once you learn about the different therapies and treatments, it is entirely up to you if

you would like to try certain therapies, supplements and treatments. Do not stop or alter any current medications,

treatments or therapies that you have been prescribed without first consulting your Health Care Professional. The

body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, self-discipline, and lifestyle, as well as

emotional and environmental factors and that there is no promised cure or guaranteed results when you apply

what you will learn. The information provided in this Training Manual and during your visit to Budwig Center is for

educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a health care professional, and should

not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem.

No part of this report can be reproduced without the written permission of Dr. Lloyd





Tel: +34 952 381 447

Direct Line to Dr. Lloyd Jenkins +34 677 026 818 (Spain)

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