b.tech ece doeait syllabus final - university of...

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Detailed Syllabus


B. Tech. Programme In

Electronics & Communication Engineering

P . G . D e p a r t m e n t o f E l e c t r o n i c s & I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y

U n i v e r s i t y o f K a s h m i r H a z r a t b a l , S r i n a g a r - 6 , J & K

DOEAIT–KU–B. Tech. - 120


 2 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course Layout  

First Year: 1ST SEMESTER




Teaching Periods

Exam Duratio

n (Hours)


Lect Tut Prac Sessional Theory Practical Total

ECE 101 Mathematics-I 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 102 Physics 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 103 Electrical Science 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 104 Computer Fundamentals 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 105 Introduction to Bio-Engineering 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 106 English Communication 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 107 LAB I – Physics Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 108 LAB II – Electrical Lab (A) 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 109 LAB III – Computer Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

Total 18 6 12 - 450 600 300 1350

First Year: 2ND SEMESTER




Teaching Periods

Exam Duratio

n (Hours)


Lect Tut Prac Sessional Theory Practical Total

ECE 201 Mathematics-II 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 202 Chemistry 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 203 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 204 Industrial Management And Economics 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 205 Engineering Graphics 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 206 LAB I – Chemistry Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 207 LAB II –Mechanics Engineering Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 208 LAB III – Engineering Graphics Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 209 LAB IV – Electrical Lab (B) 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

Total 15 5 16 - 450 500 400 1350

Course Layout (B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU

3 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Second Year: 3RDSEMESTER


No Subject

Teaching Periods

Exam Duratio

n (Hours)


Lect Tut Prac Sessional Theory Practical Total

ECE 301 Engineering Mathematics-I









ECE 302 Solid State Devices 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 303 Basic Instrumentation 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 304 Network Analysis 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 305 Digital Electronics and Logic Design 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 306 LAB I – Solid State Devices Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 307 LAB II – Basic InstrumentationLab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 308 LAB III – Network Theory Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 309 LAB IV – Digital Electronics Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

Total 15 5 16 - 450 500 400 1350

Second Year: 4TH SEMESTER


No Subject

Teaching Periods

Exam Duratio

n (Hours)


Lect Tut Prac Sessional Theory Practical Total

ECE 401 Engineering Mathematics-II









ECE 402 Simulation Tools 3








ECE 403 Electromagnetic Theory 3








ECE 404 Electronic Circuits-I 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 405 Microprocessors And Microcontrollers 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 406 Material Sciences 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 407 LAB I - Electronic Circuits Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 408 LAB II – Microprocessor Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 409 LAB III - Simulation Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

Total 18 6 12 - 450 600 300 1350

Course Layout (B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU

4 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Third Year: 5TH SEMESTER


No Subject

Teaching Periods Exam



Lect Tut Prac Sessional Theory Practical Total

ECE 501 Computer Organization and Architecture









ECE 502 Electronic Circuits-II 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 503 Signals and Systems 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 504 Linear Integrated Circuits 3








ECE 505 Communication Engineering 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 506 LAB I - Electronic Circuits Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 507 LAB II - Communications Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 508 LAB III - Linear IC Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 509 LAB IV – Computer Org and Microcontroller Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

Total 15 5 16 - 450 500 400 1350

Third Year: 6TH SEMESTER


No Subject

Teaching Periods

Exam Duratio

n (Hours)


Lect Tut Prac Sessional Theory Practical Total

ECE 601 Microwave Techniques and Devices









ECE 602 Power Electronics 3








ECE 603 Digital Signal Processing









ECE 604 Advanced Microprocessors









ECE 605 Digital Communication 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150 ECE 606

Control System

Engineering 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 607 LAB I – (A) Power Electronics Lab

(B) Microwave Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 608 LAB II – (A) Advanced

Microprocessor (B) DSP Lab

0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 609 LAB III - Digital Communication Lab 0 0 4 3 50 100 150

Total 18 6 12 - 450 600 300 1350

Course Layout (B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU

5 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Fourth Year: 7TH SEMESTER


No Subject

Teaching Periods

Exam Duratio

n (Hours)


Lect Tut Prac./Proj.

Sessional Theory Practical Total

ECE 701 Embedded Systems 3








ECE 702 VLSI Technology I 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 703 Advanced Instrumentation 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 704 Computer Networks 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 705 Elective I 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 706 Industrial Training 0 0 4 3 50 - 150 200

ECE 707 LAB I – (A) Networking (B) Elective I Lab









ECE 708 LAB II – Embedded Systems Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 709 LAB III – Instrumentation Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

Total 15 5 16 - 450 500 450 1400

Fourth Year: 8TH SEMESTER

Course No Subject

Teaching Periods

Exam Duratio

n (Hours)


Lect Tut Prac./Proj.

Sessional Theory Practical Total

ECE 801 VLSI Technology-II 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 802 Filter Theory and Applications 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 803 Elective – II 3








ECE 804 Elective - III 3 1 0 3 50 100 - 150

ECE 805 LAB I – (A) VLSI Lab (B) Elective II Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 806 LAB II – (A) Filter Lab (B) Elective III Lab 0 0 4 3 50 - 100 150

ECE 807 Seminar 0 0 2 1 100 - - 100

ECE 808 Project 0 0 8 3 100 200 300

ECE 809 Viva - Voice - - - 1 100 - 100 200

Total 12 4 18 - 600 400 500 1500

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

6 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 


Elective – I (ECE 705)

ECE 705 I Fibre Optic Communications

ECE 705 II Digital Image Processing

ECE 705 III Fundamentals of RF Design

ECE 705 IV Operating Systems

ECE 705 V Low Power Design

Elective – II (ECE 803)

ECE 803 I ASIC Design

ECE 803 II Robotics & Computer Vision

ECE 803 III Bio-Medical Instrumentation

ECE 803 IV Parallel Computation & Architecture

ECE 803 V Analog IC Design

ECE 803 V Digital IC Design

Elective – III (ECE 804)

ECE 804 I Fuzzy Logic & Neural Network

ECE 804 II Computerized Process Control

ECE 804 III Mechatronics

ECE 804 IV Transducers And Recording Systems

ECE 804 V Design & Analysis of Algorithms

ECE 804 VI Mobile Communication

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

7 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

SEMESTER – 1 Course No: ECE 101


Unit I

Calculus: Differential calculus of functions of several variables, Partial differentiation, homogeneous functions and Euler’s theorem, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series, Taylor’s theorem and mean value theorem for functions of two variables, Errors and approximations. Unit II

Applications of Differential Calculus: Maxima and minima of several variables, Lagrange’s method of multipliers for maxima and minima, Curvature of cartesian curves, Curvature of parametric & polar curves, Curve tracing. Unit III

Applications of Definite Integrals: Application of definite integrals to area, arc length, surface area and volume, double integrals, Triple integrals, Change of order of integration, Applications. Unit IV

Vector Calculus: Scalar and vector fields, differentiation of vectors, Velocity and acceleration, Vector differential operator, Del, Gradient and Divergence, Physical interpretation of the above operators, Formulae involving Del applied to product of point function, Line, surface and volume integrals.

Unit V

Application of Vector Calculus: Flux, solenoidal and irrotational vectors, Gauss divergence theorem, Green’s theorem in plane, Stoke’s theorem, Applications to electromagnetics and fluid mechanics. Books Recommended

1. Kreyszig E, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 8th Ed., John Wiley, Singapore (2001).

2. Greenberg M D, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education, Singapore (2003).

3. Jain, R K and Iyengar S R K, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 2nd Ed., Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (2003).

4. Piskunov N “Differential and Integral Calculus Vol. I & II””, 2nd Ed., CBS, Delhi (1996)

5. Thomas G B Jr., “Calculus and Analytic Geometry”, 9th Ed., Addison-Wesley, Delhi (2001).

Course No: ECE 102


Unit I

Electrostratics: Gradient of a scalar, Divergence and curl of a vector, Gauss’s law and its applications, Electric potential and electric field (in vector form), Potential due to a monopole, Dipole and multipoles (multipole expansion), Work and energy in electrostatics; dielectrics, Polarization, electric displacement, Susceptibility & permittivity, Clausius Mossotti equation.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

8 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Unit II Magneto-statics and Electrodynamics: Lorentz Force Law; magnetic field of a steady

current (Biot–Savart law), Ampere’s law and its applications, Aampere’s law in magnetized materials, electromotive force, Faraday’s law, Maxwell’s Equations, Wave Equation. Unit III

Lasers: Spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein’s coefficients, population inversion and optical pumping; Three and four-level lasers, Ruby, He-Ne, Nd:YAG, CO2, Semiconductor lasers, Industrial and medical applications of lasers. Unit IV

Theory of Relativity: Invariance of an equation and concept of ether, Michelson Morley experiment, Einstein’s postulates and Lorentz transformation equations, length, time and simultaneity in relativity, addition of velocity, variation of mass with velocity, mass-energy relation, energy- momentum relation. Unit V

Quantum Theory: The Compton effect, matter waves; group and phase velocities, Uncertainty principle and its application; time independent and time dependent, Schrodinger wave equation, Eigen values and Eigen functions, Born’s interpretation and normalization of wave function, orthogonal wave functions, applications of Schrodinger wave equation (particle in a box and harmonic oscillator). Books Recommended

1. Griffiths D, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi (1998).

2. Thyagarajan K. and Ghatak A. K, “Lasers,- Theory and Applications”, Macmilan India Ltd.,New Delhi (2000).

3. Beiser, “Perspective of Modern physics” 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill KOGAKUSHA Ltd., NewDelhi (2002).

4. Arya A P “Elementary Modern Physics” Addison-Wesley, Singapore 5. Mani,H S and Mehta G K “Introduction to Modern Physics”, Affiliated East West

Press, New Delhi. Course No: ECE 103


Unit I

Network Laws and Theorems: Network Laws for d.c. networks, Node voltage & Mesh Current methods, Delta – star and star – delta conversion, Classification of network elements, Principle of superposition and Thevenin’s & Norton’s Theorems. Unit II

Single Phase A.C. Circuits: 1-phase EMF generation, Effective and Average values of sinusoids and determination of form factor, Analysis of simple RLC-series circuits, Solution of parallel circuits and Resonance.

Three Phase A.C. Circuits 3-phase EMF generation, Delta and star connection, Line & phase quantities and relations, Solution of 3-phase circuits – balanced voltage & balanced load, Phasor diagrams, Measurement of power in three-phase circuits and Three-phase, 4-wire circuits.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

9 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Unit III Magnetic Circuits: Analogy between electric & magnetic circuits, Ampere’s circuital law,

Solutions of Magnetic circuits, Hysteresis and Eddy current losses. Transformers: Constructional details, EMF equation, rating and phasor diagrams on no load

& full load, Equivalent circuits, Regulation and efficiency, Open circuit & short circuit tests, Auto transformers.

Induction Motors: Production of revolving magnetic field, Principle of operation, Equivalent circuit, Torque-speed characteristics, Starter for squirrel cage & wound rotor induction motors, Single-phase induction motors – applications. Unit IV

D.C. Machines: Construction, EMF equation for generator & T-equation for motor, Characteristics of D.C. Generators & Motors, Speed Control of D.C. motors, D.C. motor – starters, Armature reaction & commutation. Unit V

Electrical Measuring Instruments: Operation of an instrument, PMMC instruments, Shunts & Multipliers, Multi-meters and uses, moving iron ammeters & voltmeters, Dynamometer wattmeters, A.C. watt-hour meters. Books Recommended

1. Del Torro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (1994)

2. Murthy K V B and Kamath M S, ”Basic Electrical Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi (1996).

3. Kothari D P and Nagrath I J, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1996).

4. Nagsarkar T K and Suhija M S, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Exford Univ. Press, New Delhi (2005).

5. Cotton H, “Advanced Electrical Technology”, Pitman, London (1969), reprint (1999). Course No: ECE 104


Unit I

Computer Appreciation and Organization - Characteristics, Input, Output, storage units, Binary number system, BCD Code, ASCII Code, Central Processing, Memory, Secondary Storage Devices, Input Devices, Output Devices, Computer Software. Operating Systems – File and directory operations on Windows and Linux Operating Systems, Use of various tools and utilities in Windows and Linux. Fundamentals of Networking, WWW and Internet. Unit II

Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving - The Basic Model of Computation, Algorithms, Flow-charts, Programming Languages, Compilation, Linking and Loading, Testing and Debugging, Documentation, Algorithms for Problem Solving - Exchanging values of two variables, summation of a set of numbers, Decimal Base to Binary Base conversion, Reversing digits of an integer, GCD (Greatest Common Division) of two numbers, Test whether a number is prime, Organize numbers in ascending order, Find square root of a number, factorial computation, Fibonacci sequence, Evaluate ‘sin x’ as sum of a series, Reverse order of elements of an array, Find largest number in an array, Print elements of upper triangular matrix, multiplication of two matrices, Evaluate a Polynomial.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

10 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Unit III Introduction to ‘C’ Language - Character set, Variables and Identifiers, Built-in Data Types,

Variable Definition, Arithmetic operators and Expressions, Constants and Literals, Simple assignment statement, Basic input/output statement, Simple ‘C’ programs , Conditional Statements and Loops - Decision making within a program, Conditions, Relational Operators, Logical Connectives, if statement, if-else statement, Loops: while loop, do while, for loop, Nested loops, Infinite loops, Switch statement, structured Programming. Unit IV

Arrays - One dimensional arrays: Array manipulation; Searching, Insertion, Deletion of an element from an array; Finding the largest/smallest element in an array; Two dimensional arrays, Addition/Multiplication of two matrices, Transpose of a square matrix; Null terminated strings as array of characters, Representation sparse matrices, Functions - Top-down approach of problem solving, Modular programming and functions, Standard Library of C functions, Prototype of a function: Formal parameter list, Return Type, Function call, Block structure, Passing arguments to a Function: call by reference, call by value, Recursive Functions, arrays as function arguments Unit V

Structures and Unions- Structure variables, initialization, structure assignment, nested structure, structures and functions, structures and arrays: arrays of structures, structures containing arrays, unions, Pointers- Address operators, pointer type declaration, pointer assignment, pointer initialization, pointer arithmetic, functions and pointers, Arrays and Pointers, pointer arrays. File Processing - Concept of Files, File opening in various modes and closing of a file, Reading from a file, writing onto a file. Books Recommended

1. P.K. Sinha and P. Sinha, “Foundation of Computers” BPB Publishers 2. Turban, Mclear and Wetherbe ,"Information Technology and Management" 3. Byron Gottfried "Programming with C" 4. R.G. Dromey, "How to solve it by Computer" 5. E. Balaguruswamy, "Programming with ANSI-C" 6. A. Kamthane, "Programming with ANSI & Turbo C"

Course No: ECE 105


Unit I Classification of Microorganisms - Classification, Identification and Nomenclature,

Morphological, Structure and Biochemical Characteristics of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes - Difference between Prokaryotes Cell and Eukaryotic Cell with Schematic representation, Major Characteristics of Microorganisms : Bacteria, Fungi (Mold and Yeast), Algae, Protozoa and Virus. Unit II

Microbial Nutrients and Growth Media - Bacteria, Fungi (Mold and Yeast), Algae, Protozoa and Virus, Microbial Reproduction and Growth -Bacteria, Fungi (Mold and Yeast), Algae, Protozoa and Virus Unit III

Method in Microbiology - Pure Culture Technique, Sterilization (Media and Air), Enrichment Culture, Techniques for isolation of Microorganisms, Microscopes including Staining, Techniques, Mutation.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

11 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Unit IV Nutrient Transport across Cell Membrane - Active Transport, Passive Diffusion,

Facilitated Diffusion and Group, Translocation, Structure and Function- Carbohydrates, Proteins, Amino Acids and Peptides, Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides, Lipids and Enzymes. Unit V

Bioprocess Engineering/Fermentation Technology – Basis of Bio-reactor design, Types of bio-reactors, efficient treatment, Elementary idea of canning and packing. Food preservation.

Books Recommended:

1. Schuller & Karci, Bio-Process Engineering. 2. Biosciences on the Internet: A Student's Guide by Georges Dussart 3. Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts (2nd Edition) by Michael L. Shuler and

Fikret Karg Course No: ECE 106


UNIT I Communication: Meaning, its types, significance, process, Channels, barriers to

communication, making communication effective, role in society. Business Correspondence: Elements of business writing, business letters, components and kinds, memorandum, reports writing, purchase order, quotation and tenders, job application letters, resume writing etc.


Discussion Meeting and Telephonic Skills: Group discussion, conducting a meeting, attending telephonic calls, oral presentation and role of audio visual aids. Grammar: Transformation of sentences, words used as different parts of speech one word substation, abbreviations, technical terms etc. UNIT III

Reading Skills: Process of reading, reading purposes, models, strategies, methodologies, reading activities. Writing Skills: Elements of effective writing, writing style, scientific and technical writing. UNIT IV

Listening Skills: The process of listening, the barrier to listening, the effective listening skills, feedback skills. Speaking Skills: Speech mechanism, organs of speech, production and classification of speech sound, phonetic transcription, the skills of effective speaking, the components of effective talk. UNIT V

Business Letters: Structure of business letters, language in business letters. Letters of inquiry & their places. Sales Letters, Memorandum, Quotations/tenders, Bank correspondence, Letters of application and appointments, Resume writing, Report Writing, Conducting a Meeting, Minutes of Meeting, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion Books Recommended

1. Rodriques M V, “Effective Business Communication”, Concept Publishing Company New Delhi, 1992, reprint (2000)

2. Bhattacharya. Indrajit, An Approach to Communication Skills. Dhanpat rai Co., (Pvt.) Ltd. New Delhi

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

12 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

3. Wright, Chrissie, Handbook of Practical Communication Skills. Jaico Publishing House. Mumbai

4. Gartside L, Modern Business Correspondence. Pitman Publishing London 5. Day, Robert A., How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Cambridge University

Press Cambridge 6. Gimson A C, “An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”, ELBS. (YP)

Bansal, R K and Harrison J B “Spoken English”, Orient Longman Hyderabad. Course No: ECE 107


1. Measurement of Resistance. 2. Measurement of e/m by Helical method. 3. Measurement of Numerical Aperture of Optical Fibre. 4. Determination of Resistivity of a given wire. 5. Determination of Band Gap of a semiconductor. 6. Verify Biot-Savart law. 7. To determine the refractive index of the prism material using spectrometer. 8. To verify the laws of vibrating strings by Melde’s experiments. 9. To determine the wavelength using Fransel’s biprism/diffraction grating.

Course No: ECE 108


1. To convert a galvanometer into ammeter. 2. To convert a galvanometer into voltmeter. 3. Verification of Ohm’s law. 4. Verification of KVL and KCL. 5. Verification of Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorem. 6. Verification of superposition theorem. 7. To plot the resonance curve for a series and parallel resonance. 8. To determine the armature and field resistance of a DC Machine. 9. To calibrate a test (moving iron) ammeter and a (dynamometer) wattmeter with

respect to standard (DC PMMC) ammeter and voltmeters. 10. Voltage-current characteristics of incandescent lamps and fusing time-current

characteristics of fuse wire. 11. Measurement of current, voltages and power in R-L-C series circuit excited by (single

phase) AC supply. 12. To verify line and phase voltage. 13. Open circuit and short circuit tests on a single phase transformer. 14. Connection and starting of a three-phase induction motor using direct on line (DOL)

or star-delta starter.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

13 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 109


1. Identification and functions of different internal and external components of computer system.

2. Experiments with MS Windows Operating system. 3. Familiarity with Linux Operating System. 4. Basic experiments in use of Networking for device and file shearing. 5. Experiments with WWW and Internet in uses of browsing, searching Digital

Libraries, email and security. 6. Writing algorithms for stated problems. 7. Writing basic C programs. 8. Use of conditional statements and loops in programs. 9. Writing C programs using one and muti-dimentional arrays. 10. Writing programs using functions. 11. Use of pointers and structures in programs. 12. Creation, traversal and operations on Linked lists.

Creation, reading, writing and operations on formatted and un-formatted files.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

14 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

SEMESTER – 2 Course No: ECE 201


Unit I

Ordinary Differential Equations: Formation of ordinary differential equations, solution of first order differential equations by separation of variables, Homogeneous equations, Exact differential equations, equations reducible to exact form by integrating factors, Equations of the first order and higher degree, Clairaut’s equations, Applications. Unit II

Linear Differential Equations: Linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchy’s homogeneous linear equations, Legendre’s linear equations, Simultaneous linear equations with constant coefficients, Applications. Unit III

Partial Differential Equations: Formulation and classification of PDE’s, Solution of first order linear equations, Four standard forms of non-linear equations, Linear equations with constant coefficients, Applications, separation of variable method for solution of heat, wave and Laplace equation Unit IV

Matrices: Linear dependence of matrices and rank of matrices, Linear transformations & inverse of matrices, Reduction to normal form, bilinear form and quadratic form, Consistency and solution of linear algebraic system of equations, Eigen values, Eigen vectors and their applications to system of ordinary differential equations, Cayley Hamilton theorem, Orthogonal, Unitary, Hermitian and similar matrices Unit V

Probability and Statistics: Binomial law of probability - The binomial distribution, its mean and variance - poisson distribution as a limiting case of binomial distribution - its mean and variance - fitting of binomial & poisson distributions - normal distribution - properties of normal curve - standard normal curve - simple problems in binomial, poisson and normal distributions. Books Recommended

1. Kreyszig E, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 8th Ed. John Wiley, Singapore (2001)

2. Greenberg M D, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 2nd Ed, Pearson Education, Singapore, Indian Print (2003).

3. Jain R K and Iyengar, S R K., “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 2nd Ed, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (2003).

4. Sneddon I N, “The Use of Integral Transforms, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi (1974) 5. Thomas, G B Jr. “Calculus and Analytic Geometry”, 9th Ed., Addison-Wesley, Delhi


(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

15 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 202


Molecular Structure and Bonding: The VSEPR model, Valence-bond theory, Molecular orbital theory, Molecular orbitals of polyatomic molecules, The molecular orbital theory of solids, Semiconduction and Superconduction.

Redox Behaviour and its Implications: Reduction Potentials, Redox stability in water, The diagrammatic presentation of potential data, The effect of complex formation on potentials.

Chemical and Phase Equlibria: Phase diagram for single component system, Phase diagram for mixtures, Properties of non-electrolyte solutions, Kind of Electrodes, Concentration Cells, Corrosion of Metals in Acids, Corrosion by oxygen, Corrosion by Metal contact, The Lead storage cell and Fuel Cell. UNIT II

Chemical Response to Photons: Laws of Photochemistry, Photo physical processes, Fluorescence and Phosphorescence, Flash proteolysis, Photochemical reactions: photolysis of HI, Photochemical reaction between H2 and Br2, Photosensitized reactions and Photocleavage of water. UNIT III

Probes (Tools) for Structural Elucidation: Lambert Beer’s Law, Principles and applications of U.V.Visible, Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy; Chromophores, Effect of Conjugation on Chromophores, Absorption by aromatic systems, Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy–Principles and application to simple molecules, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy-Principles and Application to simple molecules and Introduction to Photoelectron Spectroscopy. UNIT IV

Coordination Bond and its Implications: Bonding in tetrahedral and Octahedral Complexes, Applications in analytical chemistry, Biological system, Catalysis and Sandwich Compounds, Oxygen Storage and Transport.

Thermodynamic and Kinetics Aspects of Chemical Conversion: Free Enerergy and its Implications in Occurrence of a Chemical Reaction, Kinetic Aspects of Occurrence of a Chemical Reaction and Examples of Significant Chemical Reactions.


Solid State, Adsorption and Diffusion: Introduction to Solid State Chemistry, Physical and Chemical Adsorption, Theories of Adsorption, Adsorption Isotherms, Laws of Diffusion and its Implications, Nernst Distribution Law and Solvent Extraction.

Basic Principles of Organic Synthesis: Substitution, Elimination, Addition and Rearrangement Reactions, Reagents used in organic synthesis.

Books Recommended

1. Shriver D F and Atkin A W, “Inorganic Chemistry”,3rd Ed., ELBS, Oxford Press, Delhi (1999).

2. Castellan G W “ Physical Chemistry” 3rd Ed., Narosa (1995). 3. Morrison R T and Boys R N “Organic Chemistry” , 6th Ed., Pearson Education,

New Delhi (2002). 4. Skoog D A, and Holles F J, “Principles of Instrumental Analysis”, 5th Ed., Hercaurt

Asia PTE Ltd., Singapore (2001). 5. Hill J W “Chemistry for changing times” 6th Ed., Macmillan ,Canada (1995).

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

16 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 203


Introduction: System of forces, Coplanar concurrent force system, Composition and Resolution of forces, Equilibrium of rigid bodies, Free body diagram, Lami’s Theorem.

Analysis of Framed Structure: Reaction in beam with different end conditions, Determination of reactions in members of trusses: a) Analytical Methods b) Graphical Method UNIT II

Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia: Concept of C.G. and centroid, Position of Centroid, Theorem of Parallel and Perpendicular Axes, Moment of inertia of simple geometrical figures.

Stress and Strain: Concept of Stress and Strain, Simple Stresses, Tensile, Compressive , Shear, Bending and Torsion, Stress-Strain Curves, Elongation of bars, Composite bars, Thermal Stresses, Elastic Constants, Mohr’s Circle UNIT III

Physical Properties of fluids: System, Extensive and intensive properties: specific weight, mass density,specific gravity, viscosity , specific gravity, surface tension and capillarity , evaporability and vapour pressure, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids UNIT IV

Fluids Statics : Pressure, Hydrostatic law, Pascal’ s law, Different types of manometer and other pressure measuring devices, Determination of metacentric height.

Fluid Kinematics and Dynamics: Classification of fluids, Streamline, Streakline and Pathlines, Flow rate and continuity equation, Bernoulli’s Theorem, Kinetic energy correction factor and momentum correction factor in Bernoulli’s equation. UNIT V

Laminar Viscous flow and Flow Measurement Devices: Flow regimes and Reynold’s number, Laminar flow in circular pipes Hagen Poiseuille’s Law, Venturimeter, orifice meter. Books Recommended

1. Bhavikatti S S and Rajashekarappa K G, “Engineering Mechanics”, New Age International, New Delhi (1998).

2. Timoshenko S P and Young D H, “Engineering Mechanics”, McGraw Hill (International) 4/e, New Delhi (1984).

3. Kumar D S, “Fluid Mechanics”, S.K.Katira and Sons, Delhi (1998). 4. Modi P N and Seth S N, “Fluid Mechanics”, Standard Book House, New Delhi (1998), 5. Massey B S, “Mechanics of Fluids”, ELBS, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd., U.K.


(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

17 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 204


UNIT I Modern concept of Management: Scientific management-Functions of management-Planning

- Organising- Staffing – Directing – Motivating - Communicating- Co-ordinating- Controlling - Organisational structures- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationships- Span of control- Delegation- Management by Objectives. UNIT II

Personnel management: Objectives and functions of personnel management- Recruitment-Selection and training of workers- Labour Welfare- Industrial Fatigue- Industrial disputes-Trade Unions- Quality circles. Formation of companies: Proprietory-Partnership-Joint stock companies- Public sector- Joint sector and Co-operative sector. UNIT III

Marketing Management: Pricing- Promotion- Channels of distribution- Market research-Advertising. Production Management: Batch and mass production- Inventory control- EOQ-Project planning by PERT/CPM- Construction of Network (Basic ideas only). UNIT IV

Theory of demand and supply- Price mechanism- Factors of production- Land, labour, capital and organization- National income- Difficulties in estimation- Taxation- Direct and indirect taxes- Progressive and regressive- Black money- Inflation-Causes and consequences. UNIT V

Indian financial system- Reserve bank of India: Functions - Commercial banking system-Development financial institutions - IDBI- ICICI- SIDBI- IRBI- NABARD- Investment institutions – UTI - Insurance companies - Indian capital market- Stock market- Functions- Role of the public sector - Privatisation- Multinational corporations and their impact on the Indian economy. Books Recommended

1. Industrial Management by O P Khanna, Dhanpat Rai Pub. 2. Industrial Management by K.K. Ahuja, Khanna Pub. 3. Marketing Management by Philip Kotler, PHI 4. Indian economy by A.N. Agarwal, Wishwa Prakashan 5. Modern economic theory by K.K Dewett, Shyam Lal charitable trust.

Course No: ECE 205


Unit I

Introduction: Engineering Graphics/Technical Drawing-a Visual Science, Types of Engineering Drawing, Introduction to drawing equipment and use of instruments, Application of Symbols and conventions in drawing Practice, Types of lines and their use, BIS codes for lines, Technical lettering as per BIS codes, Introduction to dimensioning, Concepts of scale in drawing, Types of scales.

Theory of Projections: Relevance of projection, Theory of projections, Perspective, Orthographic, Axonometric and their basic principles, System of ortographic projection: in reference to quadrants and octants, Illustration through simple problems of projection.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

18 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Unit II

Projection of Points: Projection in quadrants and octants, Projection of point on auxiliary planes.

Projection of Lines: Parallel to both H P and V P, Parallel to one and inclined to other, Contained in profile plane, Other typical cases: three view projection of straight lines, True length and angle orientations of straight line: rotation method and auxiliary plane method, Distance between two non-intersecting lines, Trace of lines.

Projection of Planes: Difference between plane and lamina, Projection of lamina, Parallel to one and perpendicular to other, Perpendicular to one and inclined to other, Inclined to both reference planes, Plane oblique to three reference planes, Application of auxiliary planes, Trace of planes. Unit III

Projection of Solids: Definition of Solids, types of solids, and elements of solids, Projection of solids in first or third quadrant, Axis parallel to one and perpendicular to other, Axis parallel to one inclined to other, Axis inclined to both the principal plane, Axis perpendicular to profile plane and parallel to both H.P. and V.P., Visible and invisible details in the projection, Use of rotation and auxiliary plane method.

Section of Solids: Definition of Sectioning and its purpose, Procedure of Sectioning, Illustration through examples, Types of sectional planes-application to few typical examples. Unit IV

Intersection of Surfaces/Solids: Purpose of intersection of surfaces, Intersection between the two cylinder, two prisms, prism and pyramid, pyramid and pyramid, cylinder and prism, cone and cylinder, sphere and cylinder etc., Use of cutting plane and line method.

Development of Surfaces: Purpose of development, Parallel line, radial line and triangulation method, Development of prism, cylinder, cone and pyramid surfaces for both right angled and oblique solids, Development of surface. Unit V

Isometric Projection: Classification of pictorial views, Basic Principle of Isometric projection, Difference between isometric projection and drawing, Isometric projection of solids such as cube, prism, pyramid and cylinder, Discussion on insometric projection of simple machine parts.

Orthographic Projection: Review of principle of Orthographic Projection, Examples of simple machine parts, Drawing of Blocks and machine parts. Books Recommended

1. Naryana K L and Kanaiah P, “Engineering Graphics”, Tata Mc GrawHill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi (1992).

2. Gill P S, “Engineering Graphics and drafting” , Katria and Sons, Delhi (2001). 3. Bhat N D, “Elementary Engineering Drawing-Plane and Solid Geometry”, Chartotar

Publishing House, Anand (1988). 4. Luzzadde Warren J, “Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing“, Prentice Hall of

IndiaPrivate Limited, New Delhi (1988). 5. Bertoline G R, Wiebe E N, Miller G L, and Mother J L, “Technical Graphics

Communication”, Irwin McGraw Hill New York (1997).

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

19 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 206


1. Determination of amount of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate in a mixture 2. Determination of total hardness of water by EDTA method. 3. Standardization of KMnO4 using sodium oxalate. 4. Determination of Ferrous iron in Mohr’s salt by potassium permanganate. 5. Determination of partition coefficients of iodine between benzene and water. 6. Determination of concentration of a coloured substance by spectrophotometer. 7. To study the adsorption of acetic acid on activated charcoal. 8. To verify Bear’s law for a coloured solution and to determine the concentration of a

given unknown solution. 9. To draw the pH-titration curve of strong acid vs. strong base. 10. To determine concentration of a trace metals by atomic absorption

spectrophotometer. 11. To draw the phase diagram of lead in binary system.

Course No: ECE 207


1. Determination of Young’s modulus, tensile strength and percentage elongation for steel specimen on universal testing machine.

2. Plot stress-strain diagram and determine the yield point and percentage reduction in area for steel specimen.

3. Determination of deflection and verification of beam formula for a specimen in bending.

4. To determine the compressive strength for cast iron specimen on universal testing machine.

5. To perform the bending test on mild steel specimen. 6. To determine the shear strength using mild steel specimen on torsional testing

machine. 7. To verify Bernoulli’s equation using hydraulic bench. 8. To find the coefficient of friction in pipes of different materials. 9. To find losses due to sudden expansion and sudden contraction in pipes. 10. To calculate Reynold’s number for laminar and turbulent flow. 11. To calculate metcentric height.

Course No: ECE 208


1. Lettering-practice on graph paper and in sketchbook. 2. Dimensioning practice (take home assignment-study and draw sketches on

sketchbook) 3. Drawing of plane scale and diagonal scale. 4. Geometrical constructions (Study and draw on sketch book). 5. Projection of points in quadrants and octants and on auxiliary planes. Simple and

typical problems. 6. Projection of lines, simple and typical problems. 7. Projection planes-two view and three view problems. Solving the problems by

rotation and auxiliary plane method simple and typical problems.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

20 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

8. Projection of solids, projection of solids using rotation and auxiliary plane method. Special emphasis may be given on visible and indivisible details in projection of solids.

9. Sectioning of solids, determination of true section, simple and typical problems. 10. Intersection of surfaces/solids - simple and typical problems on intersection of solids,

use of line and cutting plane method. 11. Development of surfaces - simple and typical problems related to prisms cylinders,

cone, and pyramid (right angled and oblique solids). 12. Isometric projections, problems on isometric projection from orthographic projection

of simple solids. 13. Orthographic projection, problems on projection of simple blocks and machine parts.

Note: The lab will be based on CAD software tools.


1. Connection and measurement of power consumption of a fluorescent lamp. 2. Determination of open circuit characteristics (OCC) of a DC machine. 3. Starting and speed control of a DC shunt motor. 4. Connection and testing of a single-phase energy meter (unit power factor load only). 5. Two-wattmeter method of measuring power in three-phase circuit (resistive load

only). 6. Measurement of thermo emf between different types of thermocouples as a function

of temperature difference between the junction, measurement of an unknown temperature.

7. Design and use of potentiometer. 8. Study of LCR circuit with AC current. 9. Measurement of earth resistance. 10. Poly phase connection of single phase transformer. 11. To get familiar with the working knowledge of the following instruments:

i. Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO). ii. Multimeter (Analog and Digital).

iii. Function Generator. iv. Power supply.

12. i. To measure phase difference between two waveforms using CRO.

ii. To measure an unknown frequency from Lissajous figures using CRO.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

21 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

SEMESTER – 3 Course No: ECE 301


Unit I

Fourier Series and Transforms: Fourier series of periodic functions, even and odd functions, Half range expansions and Fourier series of different wave forms, Complex form of Fourier series and practical harmonic analysis, Fourier integral theorem, Fourier sine, cosine integrals and transforms, Fourier transforms of derivatives of a function, Inverse Laplace transform by the method of residues, Application of transforms to boundary value problems. Unit II

Laplace Transform: Laplace transform of various standard functions, properties of Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transforms, Convolution theorem, Laplace transform of unit step functions, impulse functions and periodic functions, Application to solution of ordinary differential equations with constant, coefficients and simultaneous differential equations. Unit III

Complex Analysis: Limit and derivative of a complex function, Analytic functions and Cauchy Riemann equations, Line integral of elementary functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula and derivatives of analytic functions, Convergence of sequences, series and power series, Taylor and Laurent series, Zeros and singularities, residues and residue theorem, Evaluation of real improper integrals, Conformal mappings, linear fractional transformations and mappings by elementary functions Unit IV

Z – Transforms: Definition of Z transform- properties –Z transform of polynomial functions– trigonometric functions, shifting property, convolution property- inverse transform – solution of 1st & 2nd order difference equations with constant coefficients using Z transforms. Unit V

Linear programming: graphical solution – solution using simplex method (non – degenerate case only) – Big-M method, two phase method- Duality in L.P.P.- Balanced T.P. – Vogels approximation method – Modi method. Books Recommended

1. Advanced Engg. Mathematics: Erwin Kreyzing- Wiley Eastern. Pub. 2. Higher Engg. Mathematics: B. S. Grewal- Khanna publishers. 3. Numerical methods in Science and Engineering: M K Venkataraman- National Pub. 4. Numerical methods: S Balachandra Rao- University Press. 5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Michael D Greenberg- PHI. 6. Theory and Problems of Vector analysis: Murray Spiegel- Schaum’s- Mc Graw Hill.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

22 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 302


Energy bands and charge carriers in semiconductors: energy bands- metals- semiconductors and insulators- direct and indirect semiconductors- charge carriers in semiconductors: electrons and holes- intrinsic and extrinsic material- n-material and p-material- carrier concentration: fermi level- EHPs- temperature dependance- conductivity and mobility- drift and resistance- effect of temperature and doping on mobility, hall effect. UNIT II

Diffusion of carriers- derivation of diffusion constant D-Einstein relation- continuity equation- p-n junctions: contact potential- equilibrium fermi levels- space charge at junctions- current components at a junction: majority and minority carrier currents- zener and avalanche breakdown- capacitance of p-n junctions. UNIT III

p-n junction diodes: volt-ampere characteristics- switching time- rectifier action- Zener diodes: volt-ampere characteristics- Tunnel diodes: tunneling phenomena- volt-ampere characteristics- Varactor diodes- Photo diodes: detection principle- light emitting diodes. UNIT IV

Bipolar junction transistors: npn and pnp transistor action- open circuited transistor- biasing in active region- majority and minority carrier distribution- terminal currents- amplification and switching- α and β gain factors- emitter efficiency γ- schottky transistors- photo transistors. UNIT V

Field effect transistors: operation- pinch off and saturation- pinch off voltage- gate control- volt-ampere characteristics- MOSFETS: n MOS and p MOS: comparison- enhancement and depletion types- control of threshold voltage- MOS capacitance. Books Recommended

1. Solid state electronic devices - Ben G Streetman- Pearson Education 2. Microelectronic Devices - Nagchaudhari, Pearson Education 3. Integrated electronics – Millman and Halkias- Mc Graw Hill. 4. Physics of semiconductor devices - S M Sze- Mc Graw Hill. 5. Semiconductor devices – Nagchoudhary- Tata Mc Graw Hill. 6. Physics of semiconductor devices - Shur- PHI. 7. Theory of Semiconductor devices - Karl Hess- PHI.

Course No: ECE 303


Measurement Systems and Characteristics Of Instruments: Introduction- Measurements, Significance of measurements, Methods of measurements, Instruments and measurement system, Electronic instruments, Classification of instruments, Deflection and Null type instruments, Comparison Analog and Digital Modes of operation, Application of measurement system, Errors in measurements, Types of errors, Accuracy and Precision, Noise, Resolution or discrimination, loading effects, Units, Absolute units, Fundamental and Derived units.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

23 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

UNIT II Electromechanical Indicating Instruments: D’Arsonaval Galvanometer- Construction of

D’Arsonaval Galvanometer, Torque equation, Dynamic behavior of Galvanometer, Ballistic galvanometer- Construction and theory, Introduction to PMMC Instruments and Moving iron instruments, Instrument transformers. Bridge Circuits for RLC Measurements: Measurement of R, L and C, Wheatstone, Kelvin, Maxwell, Anderson, Schering and Wien bridges Measurement of Inductance, Capacitance, Effective resistance at high frequency, Q-Meter. UNIT III

Electronic Instruments: Introduction-Electronic Voltmeter, Electronic multimeter, Logic Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Function generator, Wave analyzer, Harmonic Distortion Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Introduction- CRO, Cathode ray tube, Block diagram of CRO, Measurement of voltage, phase and frequency using CRO, Special purpose oscilloscopes. UNIT IV

Transducers: Principles of operation, Classification of transducers based upon principle of Transduction, Summary of factors influencing the choice of transducer, Qualitative treatment of Strain Gauge, LVDT, Thermocouple, Piezo-electric crystal and Photoelectric transducers. UNIT V

Data Acquisition System and Telemetry: Introduction- Analog and digital data acquisition system, Methods of data transmission, General telemetry system, Types of telemetry systems.

Books Recommended

1. 1. Sawhney A K, “Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation”, Dhanpat Rai and

2. Sons 3. 2. Kalsi H S “Electronic Instrumentation “ 4. 3. Gupta JB “Measurements and Instrumentation”, S K Kataria & Sons, Delhi, First

Edition (2003) 5. 4. Cooper W D, Helfrick A D “Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement

Techniques”, 6. PHI, 7. 5. Murthy D V S “Transducers and Instrumentation”, Prentice Hall of India, New

Delhi, Tenth Edition (2003).

Course No: ECE 304


Circuit Concepts: Review of circuit concepts, DC Resistive Circuits and Network Theorems: Kirchoff’s voltage law, Kirchoff’s current law, Voltage division and current division, Series parallel Network reduction, Loop and Mesh currents, Matrices and Mesh currents, Determinants and mesh current Input résistance, Node voltage method.

Unit II

Network theorems-Super position theorem- Reciprocity theorem - Thevenin’s theorem- Norton's theorem- Millman's theorem- Maximum power transfer theorem- Tellegen’s theorem- Graph of a network -Trees- co-trees -Incident matrix- cut- set matrix-tie-set matrix- Analysis of networks- equilibrium equations.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

24 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

UNIT III Fourier analysis and Laplace transform - Fourier analysis of periodic signals-Trigonometric

and exponential forms- Non periodic signals and Fourier transforms- Frequency spectrum of periodic waveforms - Laplace Transform- Review of theorems-Laplace transform of important signal waveforms - Periodic functions- Initial value and final value Theorems- DC&AC transients- Solution of network problems using Laplace transform. UNIT IV

Two-port Networks and Filters - Voltage and Current ratios of two - port networks -Admittance- impedance- hybrid and transmission parameters of two port networks. Passive filters as two port networks- Characteristics of ideal filters-Image impedance- Constant K low pass- High pass and Band pass filters-m-derived filters-Composite filters. UNIT V

Network Synthesis – Realizability concept – Hurwitz property – positive realness – properties of positive real function – Synthesis of R, L, RC and LC driving point functions – Foster and Cauer forms. Books Recommended

1. Network analysis -M.E Van Valkenburg, PHI 2. Circuits and Networks – analysis & synthesis – A. Sudhakar & S P ShyamMohan 3. Network and Systems -D Roy Chaudhary 4. Network analysis and synthesis -Franklin F Kuo – John Wiley & Sons 5. Engineering Circuit Analysis -W H Hayt & Jack Kennerly – Mc-Graw Hill

Course No: ECE 305


Number Systems And Boolean Algebra: Review of Number systems, Radix conversion, Complements 9’s&10’s, Subtraction using 1’s & 2’s complements, Binary codes, Error detecting and Correcting codes, Theorems of Boolean algebra, Canonical forms, Logic gates. UNIT II

Digital Logic Families: Introduction to bipolar Logic families: RTL, DCTL, DTL, TTL, ECL and MOS Logic families: NMOS, PMOS, CMOS, Details of TTL logic family - Totem pole, open collector outputs, TTL subfamilies, Comparison of different logic families.


Combinational Logic: Representation of logic functions, Simplification using Karnaugh map, Tabulation method, Implementation of combinational logic using standard logic gates, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, Encoders and Decoders, Code Converters, Adders, Subtractors, Parity Checker and Magnitude Comparator. UNIT IV

Sequential Logic Concepts And Components: Flip flops - SR, JK, D and T flip flops - Level triggering and edge triggering, Excitation tables - Counters - Asynchronous and synchronous type Modulo counters, design with state equation state diagram, Shift registers, type of registers, circuit diagrams.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

25 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

UNIT V Semiconductor Memories: Memory organization, Classification, and characteristics of

memories, Sequential memories, ROMs, R/W memories, Content Addressable memories, Charged-Coupled Device memory, PLA, PAL and Gate Array. Books Recommended

1. 1. Malvino and Leach “Digital principles and Applications” Tata McGraw Hill. 2. 2. Jain R P “Modern Digital Electronics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, (2003) 3. 3. Mano M Morris, “Digital Design” Pearson Education, Third Edition, (2006) 4. 4. James W. Bignell and Robert Donovan, “ Digital Electronics”, 5th Edition (2007) 5. 5. Flecther “An Engineering Approach to Digital Design”, Prentice Hall of India,

New Delhi. 6. 6. Tocci Ronald J “Digital Systems-Principles and Applications” Prentice Hall of

India, New Delhi Course No: ECE 306


1. Study of Hall Effect. Determination of concentration and type of impurity using Hall

Effect. 2. Study V-I characteristics of:

1. P-n junction diode. 2. Zener diode. 3. Tunnel diode.

Calculation of DC and dynamic resistance in each case. 3. Study I/O characteristics of photodiode. 4. Study V-I characteristics of transistor (PNP and NPN). Calculate the performance

parameters of transistor. 5. Study V-I characteristics of JFET and MOSFET. Determination of their performance

parameters. 6. Measurement of resistance and resistivity by four probe method.

Course No: ECE 307


1. To study the waveform on a storage oscilloscope. 2. To study the dynamic recording of different signals on oscilloscope recorders. 3. Measurement of inductance by Maxwell’s bridge. 4. Measurement of small resistance by the Kelvin’s bridge. 5. Measurement of medium resistance with the help of Wheatstone bridge. 6. Measurement of capacitance by Schering bridge. 7. To find Q of a coil by a series resonance method and verify it by using Q-meter. 8. To study the recording of different signals from sensors on magnetic tape recorder. 9. Design of pulse generator. 10. Design of sweep generator. 11. Design/study of frequency synthesizer. 12. Design of digital voltmeters (Dual slope, successive approximation types) 13. Digital measurement of time interval, phase, period, frequency and ratio of two


(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

26 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 308


1. Verification of Thevenin’s theorem. 2. Verification of Norton’s theorem. 3. Verification of maximum power transfer theorem. 4. Verification of superposition theorem. 5. Verification of Reciprocity theorem. 6. Design and implementation of T and ∏ passive filters. 7. Determination of h-parameters of a network. 8. Study of sinusoidal steady state response of a network. 9. Study of transient response of a network. 10. Study of passive differentiator and integrator. 11. Synthesis of RC-network for a given network function. 12. Verification of equivalence of star and delta transformation.

Course No: ECE 309


1. Interfacing of TTL and electromagnetic relay using transistor, opto coupler (4N33)

and Darlington array (ULN2803). 2. Logic family interconnection (TTL to CMOS and CMOS to TTL). 3. Verification of the truth tables of TTL gates (7400, 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432,

7486….). 4. Verify the NAND and NOR gates as universal logic gates. 5. Verification of the truth table of the Multiplexer 74150. 6. Verification of the truth table of the De-Multiplexer 74154. 7. Design and Verification of the truth table of half and full adder circuits. 8. Design and Verification of the truth table of half and full subtractor circuits. 9. Design and test of an SR F/F using NAND/NOR gates. 10. Verify the truth table of a J-K F/F (7476). 11. Verify the truth table of a D F/F (7474). 12. Operate the counters 7490, 7493, and 74194. Verify the frequency division at each

stage and with a low frequency clock (say 1 Hz) display the count on LED’s. 13. Verify the truth table of decoder driver 7447/7448. Hence operate a 7 segment LED

display through a counter using a low frequency clock.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

27 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

SEMESTER – 4 Course No: ECE 401


Unit I

Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Successive bisection method-Regula falsi method - Newton –Raphson method – solution of system of linear equations by Jacobi’s iteration method and Gauss-Siedel method. Unit II

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: Taylor’s series method- Euler’s method –Modified Eulers method - Rungea – Kutta method (IV order)-Milne’s predictor corrector method.

Unit III Finite differences: meaning of ∆, , E, μ, δ - interpolation using Newton’s forward and

backward formula- central differences- problems using Stirling’s formula- Lagrange’s formula and Newton’s divided difference formula for unequal intervals.

Unit IV Curve Fitting: Regression, Fitting Linear Equations, Fitting transcendental Equations, Fitting,

polynomial function, Multiple linear regression, Solution of partial Differential equations, Deriving Difference Equations, Elliptic equations, parabolic equations, hyperbolic equations

Unit V Difference Calculus: Numerical differentiation using forward and backward differences.

Numerical integration- Newton-Cote’s formula- trapezoidal rule- Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rule-

simple problems- difference equations - solutions of difference equations.

Books Recommended 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics - B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers. 2. Engineering Mathematics Vol.II -3rd year Part A & B - M.K. Venkataraman,

National Publishing Company 3. Elements of Partial Differential Equations - Ian N.Sneddon.,McGraw Hill. 4. Miller and Fread’s Probability and statistics for engineers – Richard A Johnson,

Pearson Education Asia / PHI. 5. A text book of Engineering Mathematics (Volume II) – Bali and Iyengar, Laxmi

Publications Ltd. 6. Advanced Engg. Mathematics Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 7. Probability and statistical inferences – Hogg and Tanis, Pearson Education Asia.

Course No: ECE 402


Unit I

Introduction to Simulation: analog simulation - Digital Simulation - RF Simulation, Analysis: DC Operating Point Analysis - AC Analysis - Transient Analysis - Fourier Analysis - Noise Analysis - Distortion Analysis - DC Sweep Analysis - DC and AC Sensitivity Analyses - Parameter Sweep Analysis - Temperature Sweep Analysis - Transfer Function Analysis - Worst Case Analysis - Monte Carlo Analysis - RF Analyses - Batched Analyses. Circuit Design using Simulation Software.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

28 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Unit II

MATLAB: Introduction, Interactive Computation, Scripts and Functions, Graphics, Applications

Unit III

Computer applications in Numerical analysis: Solving a linear system, Gaussian Elimination, Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Curve fitting and Interpolation, Numerical Integration and Differentiation.

Unit IV

Computer Aided Design (CAD), CAD Tools: Design Entry, Initial Synthesis, Functional Simulation, Logic Synthesis and Optimization, Physical Design, Timing Simulation.

VHDL: Introduction, Entity, Architecture, Configuration Declaration, Generic, Data Objects, Examples of VHDL Codes.

Unit IV

Digital Design using VHDL, combinational and sequential lodic design, applications of VHDL in digital design using FPGA and CPLD starter kits.

Books Recommended 1. Rudrapratab, Getting started with Matlab, Oxford University Press. 2. Balagurasamy, Numerical Methods, Tata McGraw Hill Publications 3. Charles H. Roth, Jr., Digital System Design using VHDL, Thompson Press. 4. Ibrahim Zeid, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, Tata Mraw Hill

Course No: ECE 403


Electrostatic Fields: Divergence Theorem, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation in various co-ordinate systems, solution of single dimensional Laplaces equation, Conditions at a boundary between dielectrics, Electrostatic uniqueness theorem, capacitance, Calculation of capacitance for simple rectangular, Cylindrical and spherical geometries. Effect of multi-layer dielectrics, Energy and Mechanical forces in electric fields, Method of Electrical images for a point charge in the neighborhood of infinite conducting plane, Application of image method for transmission line capacitance calculations.

Unit II

Magnetic Fields: Ampere’s work law in differential vector form, Ampere’s law for a current element. Magnetic vector Potential, Magnetic scaler Potential, Magnetic dipole, Energy and Mechanical forces in magnetic fields, Image of current carrying conductor in the neighborhood of a magnetic plane. Maxwell’s Equations: Equation of continuity for time varying fields. Inconsistency of Amperes law, Maxwell’s equations and their physical interpretation, Conditions at a boundary surface.

Unit III

Electromagnetic Waves: TEM, Derivation of the wave equation and their general solution. Plane waves in unbounded media, Reflection and refraction of plane waves at surface interface, surface impedance, Penetration of Flux and Current in a conductor, Transmission line analogy.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

29 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Poynting Vector and Flow of Power: Poynting’s theorem, Interpretation of (E x H) - vector, Instantaneous, Average and complex Poynting Vector, Power Loss in a plane conductor.

Unit IV

Guided Waves and Wave Guides: Characteristics of TE and TM waves, wave impedance, transmission line theory, impedance matching by means of stab lines, TE and TM waves in circular guides, Introduction to wave guides, Circuits, line and guides - a comparison, Rectangular and circular wave guides, TE and TM waves in rectangular wave guides, Impossibility of TEM waves in wave guides, Wave impedances and characteristics impedances, Transmission line analogy for wave guides, Attenuation and Q-factor of wave guides, Dielectric slab wave guides.

Unit V

Antenna Fundamentals: Directional properties of Dipole antennas, SW-antennas, Antenna gain, effective area, antenna terminal impedance, transmission loss between antennas, antenna temperature and S to N ratio, concept of space communication.

Books Recommended

1. Jordon E C and Balmain K G, “Electromagnetic waves and Radiating System”, second edition, Prentice Hall New Delhi (1993).

2. Carter G W, “The Electromagnetic Fields in its Engineering aspects”, Longmans, Green and Co. London, (1954)

3. Hayt W H, “Engineering Electromagnetics”, McGraw Hill Book Co, second Edition, NY (1967)

4. Wazed Miah M A, “Fundamentals of Electromagnetics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, (1982).

Course No: ECE 404


Rectifiers and Power supplies: Half wave- full wave and bridge rectifiers- working- analysis and design- C filter analysis- regulated power supplies: series and shunt- design of regulated power supplies for specified output conditions- current limiting- short circuit protection- IC regulated power supplies. UNIT II

Transistor as an amplifier: Transistor at low frequencies- h parameter model analysis- expression of voltage and current gain- input and output impedance- CE- CB and CC configurations- comparison- transistor parameters from static characteristics- FET: operation- characteristics- small signal model. UNIT III

Transistor Biasing: operating point- DC and AC load lines- Q point selection- bias stability- definition of stability factors- derivation of stability factor for ICO variation- fixed bias- collector to base bias- self bias circuits- bias compensation- compensation for ICO and VBE. UNIT IV

RC Coupled amplifier: working- analysis and design- phase and frequency response- FET amplifier: biasing- analysis and design.

(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

30 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

UNIT V Wave shaping circuits: clipping- clamping- RC integration - differentiation- transistor as a

switch- astable multivibrator- working and design - UJT- working and applications- simple sweep circuit. Books Recommended

1. Electronic devices and circuits: Boylsted & Nashelsky- Pearson Edn. 2. Integrated Electronics: Millman & Halkias- Mc Graw Hill. 3. Electronic Principles: Malvino- Tata Mc Graw Hill. 4. Electronic devices and circuits: Bogart- UBS. 5. Electronic devices and circuits: Allen Mottershed- PHI. 6. Electronic devices: Floyd- Pearson Edn. 7. Electronic devices and applications: B Somanathan Nair- PHI. 8. Electronic devices and circuits: J B Gupta- S K Kataria & Sons Pub.

Course No: ECE 405


History and Evolution, types of microprocessors, 8085 Microprocessor, Architecture, Bus Organization, Registers, ALU, Control section, Instruction set of 8085, Instruction format, Addressing modes, Types of Instructions. Unit II

Assembly language programming in 8085, Macros, Labels and Directives, Microprocessor timings, Micro instructions, Instruction cycle, Machine cycles, T states, State transition diagrams, Timing diagram for different machine cycles. Serial I/O using SID, SOD. Interrupts in 8085, RST instructions, Issues in implementing interrupts, Multiple interrupts and priorities, Daisy chaining, Interrupt handling in 8085, Enabling, disabling and masking of interrupts. Unit III

Data transfer techniques, Programmed data transfer, Parallel data transfer using 8155. Programmable, parallel ports and handshake input/output, Asynchronous and Synchronous data transfer using 8251A. Programmable interrupt controller 8259A. DMA transfer, cycle stealing and burst mode of DMA, 8255, 8257 DMA controller, Interfacing memory and I/O devices, Addressing memory, interfacing static RAMs, Interfacing and refreshing dynamic RAMs, Interfacing a keyboard, Interfacing Unit IV

Atmel AT89C51 microcontroller – features - pin configurations - internal block schematic - pin descriptions - PORT0, PORT1, PORT2, PORT3, idle & power down mode - power control register - program protection modes - flash programming & verification. Unit V

Machine cycles – interrupts - interrupt sources - interrupt enable register - interrupt priority - interrupt control system - interrupt handling - single step operation - port bit latches and buffers - port structures and operation - accessing external memory – programming examples. Timer0 & Timer1 - TMOD SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3 - TCON SFR - serial interface - SCON SFR - mode0, mode1, mode2, mode3- block schematics- baud rates- power on reset circuit- ONCE mode- on chip oscillator- external program & data memory timing diagrams- I/O port timings – programming examples.

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31 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Books Recommended 1. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications

with 8085. Fourth edition, Penram International Publishing 2000. 2. Barry.B.Brey. “The Intel Microprocessor 8086/8088. 80186, 80286, 80386 and

80486 Architecture Programming and Interfacing”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd. 3. Douglas V.Hall, Microprocessor and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware. Tata

McGraw-Hill, Second Edition. 4. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller, and

Embedded Systems, Prentice Hall 2000. 5. Kenneth J.Ayala., “The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and

Applications”, Penram International Publishing (India). 1996. 6. Kenneth J.Ayala “The 8086 Microprocessor, Programming and Interfacing the PC”,

Penram International Publishing. 1995. 7. Ray A.K.Bhurchandi.K.M, “Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals”, Tata

McGraw-Hill, 2002

Course No: ECE 406


Crystal Structure: Fundamental concepts, Closed packed structures, Crystal systems,Crystallographic planes and directions, Miller indices, Point defects. Electrical Properties: Classical free electron theory of metals, Quantum theory – Particle in a box, Wave function and energy states, Finite potential barrier, Tunneling, Fermi-Dirac distribution law, Density of energy states, Kronig-Penney model, Classification of solids into conductors, Semiconductors and insulators, Zone schemes, Effective mass. UNIT II

Dielectric Properties: Dielectric materials, Polarization mechanisms, Dipole moment, Dielectric strength, Methods for producing polarization, Application of dielectric materials.


Magnetic Properties: Basic concepts, Soft and hard magnetic materials, Ferrites, Selection techniques for applications, Magnetic recording, Magnetic memories. Optical Properties: Index of refraction, Damping constant, Characteristic penetration depth and absorbance, Reflectivity and transmissivity, Atomic theory of the optical properties, Optical storage devices.


Superconductivity: Properties of superconductors, London equations, Quantum explanation of superconductivity, Applications of superconductors. Ceramics: Basic structures and properties, Processing of ceramic materials, Conduction in ionic materials, Ceramic dielectric.


Semiconductor Materials: Intrinsic and extrinsic materials, Electron and hole concentrations at equilibrium, Temperature dependence of carrier concentrations, Conductivity and mobility, Effect of temperature and doping on mobility, Direct and indirect recombination of electron and holes, Diffusion and drift of carriers, Diffusion length, Contact potential. Hall Effect and its Applications. Books Recommended:

1. Hummel R E “Electronic Properties of Materials”, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, (1997)

2. William D Callister, Jr “Materials Science and Engineering”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, (2002)

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32 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

3. Dekker A J “Solid State Physics”, MacMillan, India Limited, Madras, (2000) 4. Pillai S O “ Solid State Physics”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, (1999) 5. Van Vlack L H “Elements of Material Science and Engineering”, Addison Wesley

Publishers 6. Streetman B G and Banerjee S “Solid State Electron Devices”, Prentice Hall of India, New

Delhi, (2001)

Course No: ECE 407


1. Interfacing of TTL and electromagnetic relay using transistor, opto coupler (4N33) and Darlington array (ULN2803).

2. Logic family interconnection (TTL to CMOS and CMOS to TTL). 3. Verification of the truth tables of TTL gates (7400, 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432,

7486….). 4. Verify the NAND and NOR gates as universal logic gates. 5. Verification of the truth table of the Multiplexer 74150. 6. Verification of the truth table of the De-Multiplexer 74154. 7. Design and Verification of the truth table of half and full adder circuits. 8. Design and Verification of the truth table of half and full subtractor circuits. 9. Design and test of an SR F/F using NAND/NOR gates. 10. Verify the truth table of a J-K F/F (7476). 11. Verify the truth table of a D F/F (7474). 12. Operate the counters 7490, 7493, and 74194. Verify the frequency division at each

stage and with a low frequency clock (say 1 Hz) display the count on LED’s. 13. Verify the truth table of decoder driver 7447/7448. Hence operate a 7 segment LED

display through a counter using a low frequency clock.


1. Familiarization with 8085 trainer kit, manual code entry. 2. Programs using 8085 ALP on trainer kit and using simulators. 3. Writing and executing Basic 8085 ALP programs for Arithmetic and Logical

Operations. 4. Writing and executing advanced 8085 ALP programs. 5. Programming examples using timer and external interrupts. 6. Programming using 8051 microcontroller kit. 7. Interfacing of A/D converter and D/A converter modules with

Microprocessor/Microcontroller. 8. Interfacing of Alphanumeric LCD display and Matrix keyboard interface modules

with Microprocessor/Microcontroller. 9. Interfacing of Seven segment display and Stepper modules with

Microprocessor/Microcontroller. Course No: ECE 409


1. Use CPLD XC 9572 kit to implement 2-input XOR gate and 8-input NAND gate. 2. Use CPLD XC 9572 kit to implement 3-input decoder, and 4-to-1 Multiplexer. 3. Use CPLD XC 9572 kit to implement Half Adder. and Full Adder using half adder


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33 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

4. Use CPLD XC 9572 kit to implement 7-segment decoder and RS F/F. 5. Use CPLD XC 9572 kit to implement 4-bit counter. and Decade counter. 6. Design, simulation and synthesis of a full adder. 7. Design, simulation and synthesis of an Odd parity generator for a 4-bit word. 8. Design, simulation and synthesis of a 2:1 Multiplexer. 9. Design, simulation and synthesis of a 3 to 8 line decoder. 10. Design, simulation and synthesis of a T F/F that toggles with falling edge of clock. 11. Design, simulation and synthesis of a 4-bit counter. 12. Design, simulation and synthesis of a SR F/F. 13. Design, simulation and synthesis of a tristate driver. 14. Design, simulation and synthesis of a JK F/F with reset. 15. Design, simulation and synthesis of an N-bit register. 16. Design, simulation and synthesis of the following through the use EDA tools.

i. V-I characteristics of diode, Zener diode, Tunnel diode, transistor, JFET and MOSFET.

17. Design, simulation and synthesis of the following through the use EDA tools. i. Diode as rectifier.

ii. Zener diode as voltage regulator. 18. Design, simulation and synthesis of the following through the use EDA tools.

i. Clipper and clamper circuits. ii. Transistor, JFET and MOSFET as amplifiers, oscillators, multivibrators etc.

19. Design, simulation and synthesis of the following through the use EDA tools. iii. Applications of 555 timer. iv. Programming of various numerical methods using C-programming.

20. Writing programs using MATLAB for simulation (At least 10 Programs).

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34 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

SEMESTER – 5 Course No: ECE 501


Unit I

Basic structure of computer hardware and software- addressing methods and machine programming sequencing- different addressing modes- instruction sets- computer arithmetic logic design- fast adders- multiplication- Booth’s algorithm- fast multiplication- integer division- floating point numbers. Unit II

Control unit- instruction execution cycle- sequencing of control signals- hardwired control- PLAs- micro programmed controls- control signals- micro instructions - Micro program sequencing- branch address modification- pre fetching of micro instructions. Unit III

Memory organization- semi conductor RAM memories- internal organization- bipolar and MOS devices- dynamic memories- multiple memory modules and interleaving- cache memories -mapping functions - replacement algorithms- virtual memories- address translation-page tables - memory management units- secondary memories- disk drives- standards. Unit IV

Input-Output organization- accessing I/O devices- direct memory access (DMA)- interrupts and interrupt handling- handling multiple devices- device identification- vectored interrupts- interrupt nesting- daisy chaining- I/O interfaces- serial and parallel standards- buses-scheduling- bus arbitrations- printers- plotters- VDUs. Unit V

Introduction to parallel processing and architecture- classification- array processors- pipeline architecture- interconnection- networks- multistage networks- message passing architecture. Books Recommended

1. Computer Org. & Architecture- Stallings, Pearson Education. 2. Computer organization and Architecture – Hayes J P 3. Computer organization – Hamacher C V, Mc Graw Hill. 4. Computer Systems and Architecture – Vincent P Heuring, H F Jordan, Pearson Edn. 5. Computer organization and Design – Pal Choudhary


Unit I

High frequency equivalent circuit of a transistor. Hybrid pi model- explanation of components -r parameters in terms of h parameters -Tuned amplifiers -principle - single tuned and double tuned amplifiers -frequency response -applications (no analysis) -multistage amplifiers -frequency response.

Unit II Feedback -different types -positive, negative, voltage, current, series and shunt feedback -

Feedback in amplifiers -its effect on amplifier performance -typical feedback arrangements -emitter follower - darlington emitter follower -cascade amplifier (principles only) -difference amplifier.

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35 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Unit III Oscillators -conditions for oscillation -analysis and design of RC phase shift oscillator,

general form of oscillator circuit -working of Hartley, Colpitt's, Crystal, tuned collector and Wien Bridge oscillators.

Unit IV Mono-stable multi vibrator -analysis - design - applications - triggering - Bistable multi-

vibrator -analysis and design -different methods of triggering -commutating capacitor -Schmitt trigger -working -design.

Unit V Large signal amplifier -harmonic distortion -analysis of class A, class B, class C and class D

amplifiers -complimentary and symmetry stage -sweep generators -voltage and current sweeps -time base generators -linearisation -miller and bootstrap sweeps - applications.

Books Recommended 1. Electronic devices and circuits -Boylsted & Neshelsky, Pearson Edn. 2. Integrated electronics -Millman & Halkias, Mc Graw Hill 3. Electronic principles -Malvino 4. Electronic devices and circuits -Bugart 5. Microelectronics Digital and Analogue -Botkar.

Course No: ECE 503


Dynamic Representation of Systems - Systems Attributes- Causality- linearity- Stability- time-invariance. Special Signals- Complex exponentials- Singularity functions (impulse and step functions).. Linear Time-Invariant Systems: Differential equation representation- convolution Integral. Discrete form of special functions. Discrete convolution and its properties. Realization of LTI system (differential and difference equations).

Unit II Fourier Analysis of Continuous Time Signals and Systems - Fourier Series- Fourier

Transform and properties- Parseval’s theorem- Frequency response of LTI systems. Sampling Theorem.

Unit III Fourier Analysis of Discrete Time Signals & Systems - Discrete-Time Fourier series-

Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (including DFT) and properties. Frequency response of discrete time LTI systems.

Unit IV Laplace Transform - Laplace Transform and its inverse: Definition- existence conditions-

Region of Convergence and properties- Application of Laplace transform for the analysis of continuous time LTI system (stability etc.) Significance of poles & zeros- Z-Transform - Z-Transform and its inverse: Definition- existence- Region of convergence and properties- Application of Z-Transform for the analysis of Discrete time LTI systems- Significance of poles and zeros.

Unit V Random Signals - Introduction to probability. Bayes Theorem- concept of random variable-

probability density and distribution functions- function of a random variable. Moments- Independence of a random variable. Introduction to random process. Auto and cross correlation. wide-sense stationarity- power spectral density White noise- Random processes through LTI systems.

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36 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Books Recommended 1. Signals and Systems: Oppenheim Alan- V- Willsky Alan. S- Pearson Edn. 2. Communication Systems: Haykin Simon- John Wiley. 3. Signals and Systems: I J Nagrarth- Tata Mc Graw Hill. 4. Signals and Systems: Farooq Husain- Umesh pub. 5. Adaptive signal processing: W Bernad- Pearson Edn.

Course No: ECE 504


Introduction to operational amplifiers – Basic differential amplifier - dual input balanced output and unbalanced output- Internal block schematic of op amp - Pin identification- power supply requirements - typical data sheet - Op-amp parameters - ideal op amp - transfer curve - equivalent circuit- open loop configurations - frequency response of op amps - compensating networks - slew rate and its effect. UNIT II

Op amp in closed loop configuration: Different feedback configurations- Voltage series feedback and voltage shunt feedback - concept of virtual ground- voltage follower - V/I converters and its applications - Differential amplifiers with one op amp and 3 op amps- Use of offset minimizing resistor (ROM) and its design. UNIT III

DC and AC amplifiers, Peaking amplifiers, Summing, Scaling and Averaging amplifiers,

Differential amplifier, Instrumentation amplifiers, V to I and I to V converters, Differentiator and integrator, A to D and D to A converters, Log and antilog amplifiers, Sample and hold circuits, Schmitt trigger


Phase-shift & Wein bridge Oscillators, Square wave, triangular wave and saw-tooth wave generators, Voltage controlled oscillator. Specialised Ics: Phase Locked Loop- Operating principles and applications, Voltage Regulators - Fixed, adjustable and switching regulators, 555 Timer- its applications as Monostable and Astable multivibrators


Specialized ICs and applications: Voltage regulator ICs – 78XX and 79XX series- 317 variable regulators- 1723 switching regulators- 566 VCO chip- Phase locked loop(PLL) - capture and lock range- 565 PLL - PLL applications: Frequency multiplication and division- AM demodulation- FM detection- FSK demodulation - LM 380 power amplifier - intercom using LM 380- 8038 Function generator chip - applications. Books Recommended

1. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: Ramakand Gaykwad- PHI publications. 2. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: R F Coughlin- Pearson Education. 3. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: Ravi Raj Dudeja- Umesh Publications. 4. Linear Integrated circuits: Roy Choudhary & Jain- Wiely Eastern Publications. 5. Integrated circuits: K R Botkar

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37 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 505


Analog Modulation Techniques: Introduction, Theory of Amplitude Modulation; AM Power Calculations, AM Modulation with a Complex wave, Theory of Frequency Modulation (FM); Spectra of FM Signals, Narrow Band and Wide Band FM, Theory of Phase Modulation, Comparison of AM and FM, Comparison of PM and FM, Noise and Frequency Modulation, Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis. UNIT II

AM Transmission/AM Reception: Introduction, Generation of Amplitude Modulation, Basic Principles of AM Generation; Square law Diode Modulation, Vander Bijl Modulation, Suppressed Carrier AM Generation, Ring Modulator, Balanced Modulator.Tuned Radio Frequency (TRF) Receiver, Basic Elements of AM Super-heterodyne receiver; RF Amplifiers Characteristics-Sensitivity,Selectivity, Image Frequency Rejection, MixersTracking and Alignment, Local Oscillator, IF Amplifier, AM Detectors; Envelope or Diode Detector, AGC, AM Receiver using Transistors Communication Receiver. UNIT III

FM Transmission/FM Reception: Generation of FM by Direct Methods.Indirect Generation of FM; The Armstrong Method, FM Stereo Transmission.FM Receiver Direct Methods of Frequency Demodulation; Slope Detector, Travis Detector Foster Seely or Phase Discriminator, Indirect methods of FM Demodulation; FM Detector using PLL and Stereo FM Multiplex Reception. UNIT IV

SSB Transmission/SSB Reception: Advantages of SSB transmission, Generation of SSB; Independent Side-Band Systems (ISB), Vestigial Side-Band Modulation (VSB).SSB Product Demodulator, Balanced Modulator as SSB Demodulator, ISB/Suppressed Carrier Receiver. UNIT V

Pulse Modulation Transmission and Reception: Introduction, Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), PAM Modulator Circuit, Demodulation of PAM Signals, Pulse Time Modulation (PTM); Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), PPM Demodulator.FSK ,PSK. Books Recommended

1. George Kennedy, “Electronic Communication System”, 4th edition, McGraw- Hill (2000).

2. Gary M. Miller and Jeffery S. Beasley, “Modern Electronic Communications “, 7/e PHI.

3. Simon Haykin, “ Communication Systems”, 8th edition, Wiley Pubclishers. 4. Wayne Tomasi, “ Electronics Communication systems”, 4th edition, Pearson

Publishers. 5. Proakis,’Communication Systems”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publications.

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38 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 506


1. Power amplifiers: Design of class A and class AB push-pull stage-verification of power output.

2. IC power amplifier. 3. Oscillators: Design of RC phase shift, Weinbridge, Hartley and Colpitts oscillators. 4. Design of bootstrap sweep generator. 5. Schmitt trigger. 6. Feedback amplifier, design of two stage RC coupled amplifier. 7. Tuned amplifiers. 8. Study of h-parameters of a transistor.

Course No: ECE 507


1. To study AM using a diode/transistor and determine the depth of modulation. 2. To study envelope detector for demodulation of AM signal and observe diagonal

peak clipping effect. 3. Frequency modulation using VCO. 4. Study of PLL and detection of FM signal using PLL. 5. Generation of DSB-SC signal using balanced modulator. 6. Generation of SSB signal. 7. Detection of DSB-SC and SSBSC using Costas receiver. 8. Measurement of Noise Figure using a Noise generator. 9. Study the functioning of super heterodyne AM receiver. 10. Measurement of Sensitivity, Selectivity and Fidelity of radio receivers. 11. Noise power spectral density measurement.

Course No: ECE 508


1. Measurement of op-amp parameters - CMRR, slew rate, open loop gain, input and

output impedances. 2. Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, integrators and differentiators – frequency

response. 3. Instrumentation amplifier - gain, CMRR and input impedance. 4. Single op-amp second order LPF and HPF - Sallen-Key configuration. 5. Narrow band active BPF - Delyiannis configuration. 6. Active notch filter realization using op-amps. 7. Wein bridge oscillator with amplitude stabilization. 8. RC phase shift oscillator. 9. Astable and monostable multivibrators using op-amps. 10. Square, triangular and ramp generation using op-amps. 11. Astable and monostable multivibrators using IC 555. 12. Linear sweep generation using IC 555. 13. Design of PLL for given lock and capture ranges & frequency multiplication. 14. Precision limiters using op-amps. 15. Log and Antilog Amplifiers. 16. Sample and Hold Circuit. 17. Analog-to-Digital Converter. 18. Digital-to-Analog Converter.

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39 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

19. study of &*XX and &(XX series of voltage regulators. 20. Study of 317 variable voltage regulator. 21. Study of 565 PLL chip. 22. Applications of PLL.

Course No: ECE 509


1. Design of computer arithmetic circuit. 2. DOS/BIOS programming: Reading keyboard (Buffered with and without echo) –

Display characters, Strings. 3. Writing C/assembly programs for low level device access of PCs. 4. Design and construction of a simple flash programmer for 89C51/89C2051 µC. 5. Computer aided assembly language program development for 89C51/89C2051. 6. Use of assembler, linker and simulator for 89C51/89C2051. 7. Programming examples. Sorting, arithmetic operations (Using assembler, simulator). 8. Programming examples using Embedded ‘C’ compiler for 89C51/89C2051. 9. Programming examples using timer, external interrupts. 10. Design and construction of the following interfacing modules.

(i) A/D converter. (ii) D/A converter. (iii) Alphanumeric LCD display. (iv) Matrix keyboard interface. (v) Seven segment display. (vi) Extending I/O port using shift registers (74HC595, 74HC165). (vii) Stepper motor. (viii) Infra red transmission and reception. (ix) Opto isolated I/P and O/P. (x) Serial EEPROM. (xi) Real time clock. (xii) Interfacing using RS 232 and printer port.

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40 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

SEMESTER – 6 Course No: ECE 601


UNIT I Microwave Tubes: UHF limitations in conventional tubes, Analysis and operation of

multicavity and reflex, Klystron, Admittance diagram of Klystron. Analysis and Operation of a traveling wave magnetron, Performance Charts of magnetron tubes; principle of operation of Traveling Wave Tube. UNIT II

Microwave Components: Coupling-probes and loops Apertures, Attenuators, Phase shifters. Waveguide cornors,bends and twists. Matched Terminators, short circuit plunger, waveguide tees-E, Hybrid. Hybrid rings. Directional Coupler, two-hole directional coupler. Isolator, Circulator. UNIT III

Microwave Semiconductor Devices: Classification of Microwave Devices, Point Contact diode; Tunnel Diode; Gunn Diode, two valley structures, mode of operation, circuit realization. IMPATT Diode, read Diode, circuit realization. PIN diode, basic principles of operation equivalent circuit , and application as switch, modulator and Phase shifter. Microwave Bi-polar and Field effect Transistors-Characteristics and performance. Parametric amplifiers. UNIT IV

Microwave Network Theory: Symmetrical Z and Y Matrics for reciprocal network. Scattering ma-matriz representation of multiport network-properties of S-parameters. Relation of Z,Y and ABCD parameter with S-parameters. UNIT V

Microwave measurements: Tunable detector, slotted line carriage. Measurement of VSWR and Reflection coefficient, impedance using slotted line. Use of smith chart. Impedance matching, Double and triple stub tuners, Quarter wave Transformer. Measurement of Frequency and Wavelenght. Measurement of Frequency and wavelength. Measurement of Microwave power-low-high, use of bolometer, thermisters, calotimetery. Books Recommended

1. Reich A J, “Microwave principles”, Van Nostrand, Affilated East-West press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

2. Collin R E, “Fundamentals of Microwave Engg”, McGraw-Hill. 3. Liao S Y, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, Prentice hall of India, (1995) 4. Das A and Das S K, “Microwave Engineering” Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing

Companty Limited, New Delhi,(2001). 5. K C Gupta, “Microwave”, New Age International, New Delhi,(1983)

Course No: ECE 602


Power semiconductor Devices - History of development of Power Electronic devices- Constructional features- Characteristics- rating and specification- gate/base drive circuits-protection including cooling and application consideration of diodes- SCRS, GTO, BJTS, MCT, MOSFET and IGBT. Series and parallel operations of SCR- Electromagnetic interference.

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41 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 


AC to DC Converters - Operation and analysis of Single phase and multi-phase uncontrolled and controlled rectifiers with R, RL and back EMF load- effect of source inductance- free wheeling effect- power factor improvement methods for phase Controlled rectifiers- filters. PWM chips: SG3524 and TL 494- Block schematic. UNIT III

AC to AC Voltage Converter - Operation and analysis of single phase integral cycle and phase controlled converters- Configuration of three phase controllers. UNIT IV

DC to DC Converters - Chopper classification- Step down- step up and four quadrant converters operation- analysis and control with R, RL and EMF load- current and voltage Commutation circuits. UNIT V

DC to AC Converters - Single phase and three phase bridge inverters- VSI and CSI- voltage control - PWM & Square wave operation- Harmonics and their reduction techniques.

Books Recommended

1. Power Electronics: Rashid Muhammad, Pearson Edn. 2. Power Electronics: Harish C Ray, Galgotia Pub. 3. Thyristors and Applications: Ramamoorthy. 4. Power Electronics: Converter, Applications and Design, Mohan Ned, John Wiley, 5. Power Semiconductor Circuits: Dewan, S.B. and Satrughan A, John Wiley & Sons,

1975. 6. Thyristorised Power Controllers: Dubey, G.K., Doradlla, S. R., Wiley Eastern, 1987.

Course No: ECE 603


Introduction: Limitations of analog signal processing, Advantages of digital signal processing and its applications; Some elementary discrete time sequences and systems; Basic elements of digital signal processing such as convolution, correlation and autocorrelation, Concepts of stability, causality, linearity, difference equations UNIT II

Frequency Domain Representation of Discrete Time Signal and Systems: Complex exponentials as Eigen functions of LTI systems; Fourier Transform of sequences. Fourier Transform theorems and symmetry properties of Fourier Transform. Sampling of Continuous Time Signals: Sampling and aliasing problem, Reconstruction of a continuous time signal from its samples; Discrete Time Processing of Continuous time signals and vice-versa. Decimation & Interpolation; changing the sampling rate by integer and non-integer factors using discrete time processing. UNIT III

The Z Transform: Z-Transform, Region of convergence; Properties of the Z-transform; convolution theorem; Parseval’s relation; Unilateral Z-transform and its application to difference equations with nonzero initial condition.

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42 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

UNIT IV Discrete Fourier Transform: DFT and its properties; Linear Periodic and Circular

convolution; Linear Filtering Methods based on DFT; Filtering of long data sequences; Fast Fourier Transform algorithm using decimation in time and decimation frequency techniques; Linear filtering approaches to computation of DFT. UNIT V

Design of Digital Filters: Linear Phase FIR filters; Design methods for FIR filters; IIR filter design by Impulse Invariance, Bilinear Transformation, Matched Z-Transformation, Frequency Transformation in the Analog and Digital Domain. Finite Precision Effects: Fixed point and Floating point representations, Effects of coefficient unitization, Effect of round off noise in digital filters, Limit cycles. Books Recommended

1. Oppenheim A V & Sehafer R W, “Discrete Time Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall (1989).

2. Proakis J G & Manolakis D G, “Digital Signal Processing”, Pearson Education India. 3. Oppenheim A V, Willsky A S & Young I T, “Signal & Systems”, Prentice Hall,

(1983). 4. Ifeachor and Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing”, Pearson Education India. 5. D.J. DeFatta, J.G.Lucas and W. S. Hodgkiss, Digital Signal Processing, J Wiley and

Sons, Singapore, 1988 6. Andrias Antonion, “Digital

Course No: ECE 604


Evolution of microprocessors and Micro-Computers, Generations of Computers, Introduction to Microprocessor based Computer Systems, Data Representation, Applications of Microprocessors, Concept of BUS, Types of Buses (Dedicated, Multiplexed, Synchronous, Asynchronous), Tri-state devices, Buffers, Latches. Introduction to 8086 Microprocessor, Pin-out diagram of 8086 Microprocessor, Architecture of 8086 Microprocessor, Functions of BIU, EU, Working of 8086 Microprocessor, Various Registers of 8086 Microprocessor and their purpose, Memory Addressing Modes, Concept of Segmentation, Effective and Physical Address, Various Address Modes of 8086 Unit II

Introduction to Programming, Various level of Programming, Instruction set of 8086 Microprocessor, Data transfer instructions, Arithmetical and Logical instructions, Branch Instructions, Processor control instruction, String operation instructions. Assembly language Programming, use of Procedures and Macros in ALP, input/output using Interrupts, Use of various types of sequence control instructions, Unit III

Introduction to interrupts and Interrupt service subroutines, Interrupt Vector table, various types of Interrupts, Software Interrupts, Hardware Interrupts, Multiple Interrupts, Input /Output structure, Device Access, Operating Systems Calls, BIOS Calls and Direct Device Access, Hardware Specifications of 8086 Microprocessor, Pin-out diagrams and Function of each pin, Various Types of 8086 microprocessor, Architecture and operation of 8284A Clock Generator, Buffering and Latching of 8086 Microprocessor, Bus timings, Timing Diagrams, Wait States, Minimum Mode 8086 System, 8288 Bus Controller, Maximum Mode 8086 System, Peripheral Devices and Interfacing, Memory interfacing, Memory mapped and I/O Mapped Schemes, Introduction to memory and its types,, Memory Interfacing, Memory Device specifications, Use of Decoders, Even and Odd Addressing.

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43 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Unit IV Intel 80286 Microprocessor, 80286 Architecture, system connection – Real address mode

operation – Protected mode operation, Intel 80386 Microprocessor, 80386 Architecture and system connection – Real operating mode – 386 protected mode operation – segmentation and virtual memory – segment privilege levels and protection – call gates – I/O privilege levels – Interrupts and exception handling – task switching – paging mode – 80386 virtual 86 mode operation. Unit V

Advanced Intel Microprocessors, 80486 – Processor model – Reduced Instruction cycle – five stage instruction pipe line – Integrated coprocessor – On board cache – Burst Bus mode. Pentium – super scalar architecture – u-v pipe line – branch prediction logic – cache structure – BIST (built in self test) – Introduction to MMX technology. Difference between CISC and RISC processors, various emerging trends in Microprocessor Design Books Recommended

1. Barry.B.Brey. “The Intel Microprocessor 8086/8088. 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 Architecture Programming and Interfacing”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd.

2. Douglas V.Hall, Microprocessor and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware. Tata McGraw-Hill, Second Edition.

3. Microprocessor and x86 Programming, V. R. Vengopal, McGraw Hill Publishing Company

4. Microprocessor Theory and Applications, M. Rafiq-u Zaman, McGraw Hill Publishing Company

5. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller, and Embedded Systems, Prentice Hall 2000.

6. Kenneth J.Ayala., “The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and Applications”, Penram International Publishing (India). 1996.

7. Kenneth J.Ayala “The 8086 Microprocessor, Programming and Interfacing the PC”, Penram International Publishing. 1995.

8. Ray A.K.Bhurchandi.K.M, “Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002

9. Microprocessor, Avtar Singh, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. Course No: ECE 605


Unit I Elements of digital communication systems, advantages of digital communication systems,

Elements of PCM: Sampling, Quantization & Coding, Quantization error, Companding in PCM systems. Differential PCM systems (DPCM). Delta modulation, its draw backs, adaptive delta modulation, comparison of PCM and DM systems, noise in PCM and DM systems. UNIT II

Introduction, ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, DEPSK, QPSK, M-ary PSK, ASK, FSK, similarity of BFSK and BPSK. Base band signal receiver, probability of error, the optimum filter, matched filter, probability of error using matched filter, coherent reception, non-coherent detection of FSK, calculation of error probability of ASK, BPSK, BFSK,QPSK. Unit III

Discrete messages, concept of amount of information and its properties. Average information, Entropy and its properties. Information rate, Mutual information and its properties, Introduction to source coding, Advantages, Shannon’s theorem, Shanon-Fano coding, Huffman coding, efficiency

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calculations, channel capacity of discrete and analog Channels, capacity of a Gaussian channel, bandwidth –S/N trade off. Unit IV

Introduction to LINEAR BLOCK CODES, Matrix description of Linear Block codes, Error detection and error correction capabilities of Linear block codes, Hamming codes, Binary cyclic codes, Algebraic structure, encoding, syndrome calculation, BCH Codes. Introduction to CONVOLUTION CODES, encoding of convolution codes, time domain approach, transform domain approach. Graphical approach: state, tree and trellis diagram decoding using Viterbi algorithm. Unit V

Message Jamming and eavesdropping, Active and Passive attacks, Cryptography, Transposition, Substitution and Product ciphers, Public Key Crypto Systems, Introduction to DES algorithm, Pseudo- Noise (PN) sequences (Properties and Circuit Implementation), Spread- Spectrum Modulation (theory and applications), Spread- Spectrum techniques, Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), Frequency Hopping Spread-Spectrum and Time Hopping Spread-Spectrum. Books Recommended

1. Digital Communication By Simin Hykin, 2. Digital and Analog Communication by K. Shan Mugam. 3. Digital and Analog Communication by Tomasi, 4. Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks by T. Viswanthan, PHI. 5. William stallings - Data and Computer Communication (4th ed.)-PHI 6. Larry Haghes - Introduction to Data Communication - a practical approach - Jones

and Bartiett Publishers

Course No: ECE 606


Control Systems, types of control systems, feedback & its effects, linear & non-linear systems, superposition in linear systems, cascade and feed-forward control, controller tuning, measurement and control of pressure, flow, level, temperature, humidity, speed. Unit II:

Block diagrams, transfer functions, signal flow graphs, time domain performance of loop gain of first and second order control systems, (steady- state response and transient response), S- plane root location & the transit response, P-I-D controllers. Unit III

Stability and frequency Domain Analysis, Stability of linear control systems, effect of feedback as stability and sensitivity, Routh- Herwitz criterion and bode plots, Root-locus plot, Nyquist criterion. Unit IV

State equations, state transition matrix, state transition equations, state diagrams, state space representation from ordinary differential equations, concepts of controllability and observability. Unit V

Introduction to control system design - preliminary considerations - lead, lag and lead - lag compensation, Design of lead compensators and lag compensators. Elements of discrete control systems - transfer functions of discrete data systems stability of closed loop discrete system - jury’s test bilinear transformation method

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Books Recommended

1. I J Nagarath and M.Gopal - Control Systems Engineering - New Age International Ltd. - New Delhi

2. B.C Kuo - Automatic Control Systems-Prentice Hall of India - New Delhi 3. K Ogata - Modern Control Engineering - Prentice hall of India - New Delhi


1. SCR characteristics 2. Triac and Diac characteristics 3. Phase controlled rectifier-resistance triggering 4. Phase controlled rectifier- UJT triggering 5. Chopper circuits 6. Simple DC to AC inverter circuit 7. Driven DC to AC inverter using MOSFET & IC 8. IGBT characteristics 9. Inverter circuit using IGBT 10. Digital triggering circuit for phase controlled rectifiers 11. Application of ICS: PWM IC TL 494, optocoupler IC -MCT2E 12. AC phase controlled using triac. 13. To control the speed of DC motor using TRAIC.


14. Study of Microwave components and Instruments 15. To study the characteristics of reflex Klystron 16. Tuning of Klystron Mechanical and Electronics Methods 17. To study the Characteristics of Crystal Detector. 18. To measure the Frequency using direct reading frequency meter and compare it with

indirect frequency meter. 19. To measure VSWR, Insertion loss and attention of fixed and variable attenuator 20. Measurement of Directivity and Coupling coefficient of an directional coupler 21. To plot and study the V-I characteristics of a Gunn diode 22. To match impedance for maximum power transfer using a slide screw tuner 23. calibration of the attenuation constant of an attenuator 24. Determination of a radiation Characteristics and gain of an antenna 25. Measurement of Q of a cavity by slotted line method.

Course No: ECE 608


1. ALPs for basic arithmetic and logical operations on 8, 16 and 32 bit numbers. 2. ALPs for solving basic computing problems like sorting, series, factorial, GCD,

LCM, Number conversions, etc. 3. Use of MS DOS debug, inline C Assembly instructions, MASM and TASM for ALP

of x86 Microprocessors. 4. ALPs involving operations on BCD numbers. 5. ALPS involving string operations. 6. Using of macros and procedures in ALPs. 7. ALPs involving File and Directory operations.

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46 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

8. ALPs involving date and time operations. 9. Writing of TSR ALPs. 10. Interfacing and use of 8255 in various I/O modes. 11. Interfacing of A/D convertor and D/A Convertor. 12. Interfacing of Stepper motor and LED/LCD Modules. 13. Writing programs using ALPs of 16 and 32 bit processors. 14. Using advanced instructions of 16 and 32 bit microprocessors.


15. Write a program in Matlab to generate standard sequences. 16. Write a program in Matlab to compute power density spectrum of a sequence. 17. To write a Matlab program for noise reduction using correlation and autocorrelation

methods. 18. Write a program in Matlab to verify linear convolution. 19. Write a program in Matlab to verify the circular convolution. 20. To write a Matlab programs for pole-zero plot, amplitude, phase response and

impulse response from the given transfer function of a discrete-time causal system. 21. Write a program in Matlab to find frequency response of different types of analog

filters. 22. Write a program in Matlab to design FIR filter (LP/HP) through Window technique

a. Using rectangular window b. Using triangular window

Course No: ECE 609


1. To study and observe waveform of FSK Modulation and demodulation. 2. To study the characteristics of second order Band pass filter 3. To study sampling and time division Multiplexing and demultiplexing. 4. To study the characteristics of Gaussian noise and to measure its spectrum height in

the frequency band over which its spectral density is flat. 5. To study delta modulation and demodulation. 6. To observe the time domain and spectral Characteristics of the waveform of BPSK,

QPSK and offset-QPSK, to build modulators for them and measure their BER Performance with ideal receivers.

7. To implement the optimal receiver for 4- PAM and 16 QAM modulated signals, study the spectral characteristics of PAM, QAM and measure their BER performance.

8. Study of pulse code modulation (PCM) and demodulation. 9. Study of delta modulation and demodulation and observe the effect of slope overload. 10. study of pulse data coding techniques for NRZ formats. 11. Data decoding techniques for NRZ formats.

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SEMESTER – 7 Course No: ECE 701


UNIT I Embedded Processing Systems – Introduction, Components of Embedded Systems,

Embedded Processors: Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSP and ASICs, Comparative Assessment of Embedded Processors UNIT-II

Pipelining, Memory Devices: ROM family, RAM family, Interfacing memory, Embedded Programming - C and C++, Programming languages for embedded systems: desirable, characteristics of programming languages for embedded systems, low-level versus high-level languages, Input-output Ports and Interfacing, I/O Programming UNIT-III

Interrupts and their servicing, timing devices and interfacing, Analog I/O techniques, Embedded Communications: Serial Bus, Parallel Bus, Networking and Wireless Standards, Introduction to Real-Time Operating System (RTOS), RTOS: memory management UNIT-IV

I/O Management and Device Drivers, Software Engineering Practices: Embedded Software development process UNIT-V

Hardware-Software Co-design in an embedded system, Tools and Trends in Embedded systems design Recommended Books

1. Raj Kumar, “Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, Third Reprint, (2003).

2. John Catsoulis, O’Reilly, “Designing Embedded Hardware”, First Indian Reprint, (2003).

3. David E. Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, Pearson Education Asia, Fifth Indian Reprint, (2002).

4. Michael Barr, O’Reilly, “Programming Embedded Systems in C and C ++”, (1999). 5. J.W. Valvano, "Embedded Microcomputor System: Real Time Interfacing",

Brooks/Cole, 2000. 6. Jack Ganssle, "The Art of Designing Embedded Systems", Newnes, 1999. 7. V.K. Madisetti, "VLSI Digital Signal Processing", IEEE Press (NY, USA), 1995.


Unit I

Process steps in IC fabrication: Crystal growth and wafer preparation- Czochralski process- apparatus- silicon shaping, slicing and polishing- Diffusion of impurities- physical mechanism- Fick’s I and II law of diffusion- Diffusion profiles- complementary (erfc) error function- Gaussian profile- Ion implantation- Annealing process

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Unit II Oxidation process- Lithography- Photolithography, Fine line lithography, electron beam and

x-ray lithography- Chemical vapour deposition (CVD)- epitaxial growth- reactors- metallisation- patterning- wire bonding and packaging. Unit III

Monolithic components: Isolation of components- junction isolation and dielectric isolation- Transistor fabrication- buried layer- impurity profile- parasitic effects- monolithic diodes- schottky diodes and transistors- FET structures- JFET- MOSFET- PMOS and NMOS, control of threshold voltage (Vth)- silicon gate technology- Monolithic resistors- sheet resistance and resistor design- resistors in diffused regions- MOS resistors- monolithic capacitors- junction and MOS structures- IC crossovers and vias. Unit IV

CMOS technology: Metal gate and silicon gate- oxide isolation- Twin well process- Latch up- BiCMOS technology- fabrication steps- circuit design process- stick diagrams- design rules- Capacitance of layers- Delay- Driving large capacitance loads- Wiring capacitance- Basic circuit concepts- scaling of MOS structures- scaling factors- effects of miniaturization. Unit V

Subsystem design and layout- Simple logic circuits- inverter, NAND gates, BiCMOS circuit, NOR gates, CMOS logic systems – bus lines- arrangements- power dissipation- power supply rail distribution- subsystem design process- design of a 4 bit shifter. Books Recommended

1. VLSI technology: S M Sze, Mc Graw Hill pub. 2. Basic VLSI design: Douglas Pucknell, PHI. 3. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: H E Weste, Pearson Edn. 4. Integrated Circuits: K R Botkar, Khanna Pub. 5. CMOS circuit design layout and simulation: Barter, IEEE press. 6. Introduction to VLSI: Conway, Addison weslay.

Course No: ECE 703


Functional descriptions of measuring Instruments-Functional elements of an Instrument, active and passive transducers, analog and digital modes of operation, null and deflection methods, static and dynamic characteristics. UNIT II

Basic methods of force measurement- characteristics of elastic force transducers, resolution of vector forces and moments in to rectangular components UNIT III

Measurement viscosity of density, specific gravity scales used in petroleum industries-Different methods of measuring consistency and viscosity –Methods for measuring moistures and humidity – Electrical conductivity – Dielectric constant-Automatic electric psycho meter UNIT IV

Measurement of speed- Mechanical- Electrical- Electronic methods- stroboscopic method –Measurement of acceleration- various types- calibrations.

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UNIT V Power plant instrumentation- Diesel electrical power plants, Gas turbine power plants, gas

and steam turbines combined cycles, nuclear reactors, fluctuating loads on power plants. Instrumentation and control of power plants.

Books Recommended

1. DOEBLIN: Measurement systems, applications and design, Mc Graw Hill. Pub.Co. 2. D.Patranabis: Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Mc Graw Hills Pub.Co. 3. NAKRA, CHAUDBRY: Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis Mc Graw Hill.

Pub.Co. 4. ECKMAN: Industrial Instrumentation- Wiley Eastern

Course No: ECE 704


Unit I OSI, TCP/IP and other networks models, Examples of Networks: Novell Networks, Arpanet,

Internet, Network Topologies WAN, LAN, MAN. UNIT - II

Transmission media copper, twisted pair wireless, switching and encoding asynchronous communications; Narrow band, broad band ISDN and ATM. UNIT - III

Design issues of Data Link layer, framing, error detection and correction, CRC, Elementary Protocol-stop and wait, Sliding Window, Slip, Data link layer in HDLC, Internet, ATM, ALOHA, MAC addresses, Carrier sense multiple access. IEEE 802.X, Standard Ethernet, wireless LANS. Bridges, UNIT - IV

Virtual circuit and Datagram subnets-Routing algorithm shortest path routing, Flooding, Hierarchical routing, Broad cast, Multi cast, distance vector routing. Dynamic routing – Broadcast routing. Rotary for mobility. Congestion, Control Algorithms – General Principles – of Congestion prevension policies. Working of Internet: The Network layer in the internet and in the ATM Networks. UNIT –V

Transport Services, Connection management, TCP and UDP protocols; ATM AAL Layer Protocol. Network Security, Domain name system, SNMP, Electronic Mail; the World WEB, Multi Media. Books Recommended

1. Computer Networks — Andrew S Tanenbaum,4th Edition. Pearson Education/PHI 2. Data Communications and Networking – Behrouz A. Forouzan.Third Edition TMH. 3. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networks-S.Keshav, 2nd Edition, Pearson

Education. 4. Understanding communications and Networks, 3rd Edition, W.A. Shay, Thomson.

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50 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 705 Elective I – ECE 705I


UNIT I Overview of optical fiber communication - Historical development, The general system,

advantages of optical fiber communications. Optical fiber wave guides- Introduction, Ray theory transmission, Total Internal Reflection, Acceptance angle, Numerical Aperture, Skew rays. Cylindrical fibers- Modes, Vnumber, Mode coupling, Step Index fibers, Graded Index fibers. UNIT II

Single mode fibers- Cut off wavelength, Mode Field Diameter, Effective Refractive Index. Fiber materials. Signal distortion in optical fibers- Attenuation, Absorption, Scattering and Bending losses, Core and Cladding losses.


Information capacity determination, Group delay, Types of Dispersion - Material dispersion, Wave-guide dispersion, Polarization mode dispersion, Intermodal dispersion. Pulse broadening. Optical fiber Connectors- Connector types, Single mode fiber connectors, Connector return loss. Fiber Splicing- Splicing techniques, Splicing single mode fibers. Fiber alignment and joint loss- Multimode fiber joints, single mode fiber joints.


Optical sources- LEDs, Structures, Materials, Quantum efficiency, Power, Modulation, Power bandwidth product. Injection Laser Diodes- Modes, Threshold conditions, External quantum efficiency,Laser diode rate equations,Resonant frequencies. Reliability of LED&ILD, Source to fiber power launching - Output patterns, Power coupling, Power launching, Equilibrium Numerical, Aperture, Laser diode to fiber coupling. UNIT V

Optical detectors- Physical principles of PIN and APD, Detector response time, Temperature effect on Avalanche gain, Comparision of Photodetectors, Optical receiver operation- Fundamental receiver operation, Digital signal transmission, error sources, Receiver configuration, Digital receiver performance, Probability of error, Quantum limit, Analog receivers. Optical system design —Considerations, Component choice, Multiplexing, Point-to- point links, System considerations, Overall fiber dispersion in Multi mode and Single mode fibers, Transmission distance, Line coding in Optical links, Measurement of Attenuation and Dispersion, Eye pattern. Books Recommended

1. Optical Fiber Communications – Gerd Keiser, Mc Graw-Hill International edition, 3rd Edition, 2000.

2. Optical Fiber Communications – John M. Senior, PHI, 2nd Edition, 2002. 3. Fiber Optic Communications – D.K. Mynbaev , S.C. Gupta and Lowell L. Scheiner,

Pearson Education, 2005. 4. Text Book on Optical Fibre Communication and its Applications – S.C.Gupta, PHI,

2005. 5. Fiber Optic Communication Systems – Govind P. Agarwal , John Wiley, 3rd

Ediition, 2004. 6. Fiber Optic Communications – Joseph C. Palais, 4th Edition, Pearson Education,


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Elective I – ECE 705II


Unit I Digital image fundamentals: representation - elements of visual perception - simple image

formation model - Image sampling and quantization - basic relationships between pixels – imaging geometry. Review of matrix theory results: Row and column ordering - Toeplitz, Circulant and Block matrices. Review of Image transforms: 2D-DFT, FFT, Walsh , Hadamard , Haar, DCT and Wavelet transforms. Unit II

Image enhancement: Spatial domain methods: point processing - intensity transformations, histogram processing, image subtraction, image averaging; Spatial filtering- smoothing filters, sharpening filters. Frequency domain methods: low pass filtering, high pass filtering, homomorphic filtering. Generation of spatial masks from frequency domain specifications. Unit III

Image restoration: Degradation model - Diagonalization of circulant and Block circulant matrices - Algebraic approaches - Inverse filtering - Wiener filter - Constrained Least squares restoration - Interactive restoration - Geometric transformations. Fundamentals of Colour image processing: colour models - RGB, CMY, YIQ, HIS - Pseudo color image processing - intensity slicing, gray level to color transformation. Unit IV

Image compression: fundamentals- redundancy: coding, inter pixel, psychovisual, fidelity criteria, Models, Elements of information theory, Error free compression- variable length, bit plane, lossless predictive, Lossy compression- lossy predictive, transform coding. Fundame ntals of JPEG, MPEG, Fractals. Unit V

Image segmentation: Detection of discontinuities - point, line and edge and combined detection ; Edge linking and boundary description - local and global processing using Hough transform – Thresholding - Region oriented segmentation - basic formulation, region growing by pixel aggregation, region splitting and merging - Use of motion in segmentation. Fundamentals of Representation and Description. Books Recommended

1. Gonzalez and Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, 2 Ed, Pearson Education, 2002. 2. Anil K. Jain “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, 2003. 3. Mark Nelson, Jean-Loup Gailly “The Data compression Book” 2 Ed, bpb

Publications. 4. Pratt William K.,”Digital Image Processing”, John Wiley & sons 5. Chanda & Majumdar, “Digital Image Processing and Analysis” , PHI. 6. M.Sonka,V. Hlavac, R. Boyle, “Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision”,

Vikas Publishing House

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Elective I – ECE 705III


UNIT I Introduction: Importance of RF Design, RF Behaviour of Passive Components, Chip

Components and Circuit Board Considerations, General Transmission Line Equation, Micro Strip Transmission Lines, Single and Multi Port Networks: Interconnecting Networks, Network Property and Application, Scattering Parameters. UNIT II

Active RF Component and Modelling: Semiconductor Basics, RF Diode, Bipolar Junction Transistor, RF Field Effect Transistors, High Electron Mobility Transistor, Diode Models, Transistor Models UNIT III

Matching & Biasing Network & RF Filter: Overview of RF Filter design, Matching and Biasing Networks. Basic blocks in RF systems and their VLSI implementation, Low noise, Amplifier design in various technologies, Design of Mixers at GHz frequency range, various mixers- working and implementation. Oscillators- Basic topologies VCO and definition of phase noise, Noise power and trade off. Resonator VCO. designs, Radio frequency Synthesizers- PLL, Various RF Synthesizer architectures and frequency dividers, Power Amplifier design, Design issues in integrated RF filters. UNIT IV

RF Transistor Amplifier: Characteristics of Amplifiers, Amplifiers Power Relation, Stability Considerations, Constant Gain, Noise Figure Circles, Constant VSWR Circles, Broad Band, High Power and Multistage Amplifiers UNIT V

Oscillators and Mixers: Basic Oscillator Model, High Frequency Oscillator Configuration, Basic Characteristics of Mixers. Books Recommended

1. Reinhold Ludwig, Pavel Bretchko,”RF Circuit Design”,1st Indian Reprint,2001,Pearson Education Asia

2. B Razavi,”Design Of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit”,Mc Graw Hill,2000. 3. R. Jacob Baker, H.W. Li, D.E. Boyce “ CMOS Circiut Design, layout and

Simulation” PHI 1998 4. Y.P. Tsividis “Mixed Analog and Digital Devices and Technology” TMH 1996 5. Thomas H. Lee “Design of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits” Cambridge University

Press 1998.


Unit I

Introduction: Operating Systems, Multi programmed Batched system, Time storing systems, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Real Time Systems, Computer System Structures: I/O structure, Storage Structure, Storage Hierarchy, Hardware, Protection, General System Architecture. Operating System Structures: System components, Operating System Service, System Calls, System programs, System Structure, System Design and Implementation, System Generation, Virtual Machines.

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Unit II Processes : Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operation on Processes, Cooperating

Proceses, Interprocess Communication. CPU Scheduling : Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple Processor Scheduling, Real Time Scheduling, Algorithm Evaluation. Process Synchronization : The Critical Section Problem, Synchorization Hardware, Semaphores, Classical Problems of Synchronization, Critical Regions, Monitors. Deadlocks.: Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Delection, Recovery from Deadlock, Combined Approach to Deadlock Handling. Unit III

Memory Management: Logical versus Physical Address Space, Swapping, Contiguous Allocation, paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with paging. Virtual Memory: Demand Paging, Performance of Demand Paging, Page Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing, Demand Segmentation. File System Interface: Access Methods, Directory Structure, Protection, Consistency Semantics. File System Implementation: File System Structure, Allocation Methods, Free Space Management, Directory Implementation, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery. Unit IV

I/O Systems : I/O Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O Requests to Hardware Operations, Performance Secondary-Storage Structure : Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-Space Management, Disk Reliability, Stable Storage Implementation. Tertiary-Storage Structure: Tertiary-Storage Devices, Operating-System Jobs, Performance Issues Unit V

Network Structures: Topology, Network Types, Communication, Design Strategies. Distributed System Structures : Network Operating Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, Remote Services, Robustness, Design Issues Distributed File Systems : Naming and Transparency, Remote File Access, Stateful versus Stateless Service, File Replication. Distributed Coordination : Event Ordering, Mutual Exclusion, Atomicity, Concurrency Control, Deadlock Handling, Election Algorithms, Reaching Agreement, Protection: Goals of Protection, Domain of Protection, Access Matrix, Implementation of Access Matrix, Revocation of Access Rights. Security: The Security Problem, Authentication, One-Time Passwords, Program Threats, System Threats, Threat Monitoring, Encryption, Computer-Security Classifications. Books Recommended

1. Silberschatz Galvin, "Operating System Concepts", 1999, Addison-Wesley Longman.

2. Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull, "Operating Systems: Design & Implementation", 2002, Pearson Education Asia.

3. D.M.Dhamdhere, "Operating Systems: A Concept Based Approach", 002, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company.

4. A.S. Godbole, ..Operating Systems", Tata McGraw Hill, 2002

Elective I – ECE 705V


Introduction: Introduction to Low-Power VLSI Design, sources of Dissipation in Digital Integrated circuit, Degree of freedom, Recurring Themes in Low power, Low Power Approaches,

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UNIT-II Device and Technology Impact on Low Power Electronics: Dynamic Dissipation in

CMOS, Effect on speed, Constrictions on Reduction, Transistor Sizing and Gate oxide Thickness, Impact of Technology Scaling UNIT-III

Low Power Circuit Techniques: Power consumption in circuits, Flip-Flop and Latches, Logic, High Capacitance Nodes UNIT-IV

Low Power Clock Distribution: Power Dissipation in clock Distribution, Single Driver vs Distributed Buffer, Zero Skew vs Tolerable Skew, Chip and Package Co-Design of clock. UNIT-V

Logic Synthesis for low power: Power Estimation Technique, power Minimization Technique. Low power Memory Design: Sources of power dissipation in D-RAM and S-RAM, Low power DRAM circuit, Low power SRAM circuit Books Recommended

1. Jan M.Rabay and Massoud Pedram “Low Power Design Methodology” Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996

2. Gary K. Yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, KAP, 2002 3. Rabaey, Pedram, “Low power design methodologies” Kluwer Academic, 1997 4. Kaushik Roy, Sharat Prasad, “Low-Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design” Wiley, 2000 5. J.M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan and B. Nikolic: Digital Integrated Circuits- A Design

Perspective, 2nd ed., PHI, 2003 Course No: ECE 706


The students are required to undergo training at some center of excellence outside the state to

get additional exposure in the new and emerging trends in the discipline of Electronics and

communication engineering. This component shall be evaluated by the host Institute through conduct

of theory and practical examinations in collaboration with the teacher in-charge of the Department.

Course No: ECE 707


1. Experiments on use of Computer Network. 2. User Account management on a computer network 3. Experiments on resource shearing 4. Experiments on communication in a computer network. 5. Configuring a Network Operating System for DHCP, various services, FTP, Telnet,

Active Directory, etc. 6. Experiments on Creation of LAN, WAN and cabling. 7. Writing of Socket programs

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ECE 705 I FIBRE OPTIC COMMUNICATION LAB Experiments on the following topics: 1. To setting up fiber optic analog link. 2. Study of losses in optical fiber. 3. Study of numerical aperture of optical fiber. 4. Study of time division multiplexing (digital). 5. Study of framing in time division multiplexing. 6. Study of Manchester coding and decoding. 7. Study of voice coding and codec chip. 8. Study of characteristics of fiber optic LED’s and photo detector.

ECE 705 II DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING LAB Experiments on the following topics: 1. Image fundamentals. 2. Image processing and display. 3. Image processing algorithms. 4. Image formation and image reconstruction. 5. Image quality metrics. Image quality analysis. 6. Image transforms. 7. Gray levels and transformations. 8. Image enhancement 9. Image filtering 10. Image restoration 11. Image compression. Two-dimensional DCT and FDCT. JPEG compression. 12. Image segmentation and Input-Output File handling ECE 705 III FUNDAMENTALS OF RF DESIGN LAB Experiments on the following topics: Use of Computer-Aided Design to:

1. Microwave Filter Design 2. Simulation and Application of Microwave components: Wire, Resistors, Capacitors,

Inductors, Diodes, Trnsistors, MESFET, MODFET/HEMT 3. High frequency Amplifier Design. 4. Small Signal RF Amplifier Design 5. RF Power Amplifiers 6. Large Signal Amplifiers ECE 705 IV OPERATING SYSTEMS LAB Experiments on the following topics: 1. Basic Concepts: 2. Operating System Structure 3. Process Management 4. Memory Management 5. Distributed Operating Systems 6. Protection And Security ECE 705 V LOW POWER DESIGN LAB Experiments on the following topics: 1. Power Dissipation Measurement in Digital Integrated circuits 2. Design of low power circuits 3. Low power Memory Design

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Course No: ECE 708


1. Study A/D Converter and Analysis of External input using A/D converter and

Display the result on LCD. 2. Study D/A Converter, Waveform generation i.e. ramp wave, step wave, square wave,

triangular wave. 3. Display the status of 4-bit Keyboard switches on LCD and interface the LCD with

micro-controller to display data or character string. 4. Study the 7-segments Display, Digital clock, counter (0-9) and (0-99). 5. Study the L.E.Ds, check the status of any ports, add two numbers and display the

result on L.E.Ds, multiply the two numbers and display the result on L.E.Ds 6. Study the Relay Switch and perform switching of relays to turn ON/OFF. 7. Study the Buzzer operation by using the micro-controller. 8. Study the stepper motor.

Course No: ECE 709


1. Study of dead weight tester and calibration of pressure gauge 2. Measurement using LVDT 3. Measurement using

i. strain gauge ii. pressure transducer

4. Measurements using Photocell/LDR 5. Temperature measurement using RTD 6. Temperature measurement–using thermocouple–using diode 7. Measurement of distance using ultrasonic method 8. Measurement of PH and viscosity 9. Measurement of level 10. Flow measurement

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SEMESTER – 8 Course No: ECE 801


Introduction to IC Technology – MOS, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS & BiCMOS technologies- Oxidation, Lithography, Diffusion, Ion implantation, Metallisation, Encapsulation, Probe testing, Integrated Resistors and Capacitors. UNIT II

Basic Electrical Properties of MOS and BiCMOS Circuits: Ids-Vds relationships, MOS transistor threshold Voltage, gm, gds, figure of merit; Pass transistor, NMOS Inverter, Various pull ups, CMOS Inverter analysis and design, Bi-CMOS Inverters. UNIT III

VLSI Design Flow, MOS Layers, Stick Diagrams, Design Rules and Layout, 2 �m CMOS Design rules for wires, Contacts and Transistors Layout Diagrams for NMOS and CMOS Inverters and Gates, Scaling of MOS circuits, Limitations of Scaling. Logic Gates and Other complex gates, Switch logic, Alternate gate circuits, Basic circuit concepts, Sheet Resistance RS and its concept to MOS, Area Capacitance Units, Calculations, Delays, Driving large Capacitive Loads, Wiring Capacitances, Fan-in and fan-out, Choice of layers UNIT IV

Subsystem Design, Shifters, Adders, ALUs, Multipliers, Parity generators, Comparators, Zero/One Detectors, Counters, High Density Memory Elements. PLAs, FPGAs, CPLDs, Standard Cells, Programmable Array Logic, Design Approach. UNIT V

VHDL Synthesis, Circuit Design Flow, Circuit Synthesis, Simulation, Layout, Design capture tools, Design Verification Tools, Test Principles. CMOS Testing, Need for testing, Test Principles, Design Strategies for test, Chiplevel Test Techniques, System-level Test Techniques, Layout Design for improved Testability. Books Recommended

1. Essentials of VLSI circuits and systems – Kamran Eshraghian, Eshraghian Dougles and A. Pucknell, PHI, 2005 Edition.

2. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - Weste and Eshraghian, Pearson Education, 1999. 3. REFERENCES : 4. Chip Design for Submicron VLSI: CMOS Layout & Simulation, - John P. Uyemura,

Thomson Learning. 5. Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems - John .P. Uyemura, JohnWiley, 2003. 6. Digital Integrated Circuits - John M. Rabaey, PHI, EEE, 1997. 7. Modern VLSI Design - Wayne Wolf, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 1997.

Course No: ECE 802


Unit I Introduction to Active elements, primary and secondary building blocks, operational

amplifier, operational transconductance, amplifier (OTA), immitance converters and inverters, generalized immitance converter, pathological elements, (Nullator, Notrato, and Nuller) and their use in realizing controlled sources and other active elements,

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Unit II

Active filter synthesis, cascade approach, first order networks, simulated inductance approach and FDNR, approach, to op-amp RC filters, the BIQUAD (Single amplifier and multi-amplifier biquads) filters, negative feedback topology, positive feedback topology, some design problems, introduction to active-R filters. Unit III

Introduction to Analog filter theory, filter approximations, Butterworth approximation, Chebyshev approximation and inverse Chebyshev approximation, frequency transformations, low pass-lowpass, low pass-highpass, lowpass-bandpass and low pass to band reject transformations.,, some design problems Unit IV

Current Mode Filters: Current mode approach, Areas of Applications, Current mode amplifiers, Current conveyors, Current feedback amplifier, Current mode filter design Unit V

Sensitivity study, Sensitivity function, magnitude and pass sensitivities, single parameter sensitivity, multiple parameter sensitivity, gain sensitivity, root sensitivity, general relation of network function sensitivities. The MOS switch, The Switched capacitor/resistor equivalence, analysis of switched capacitor filter using charge conservation equations, switched capacitor biquads, design example, Use SPICE and Micro-Sim in Analysis and of Filters. Books Recommended

1. Passive and Active Filter Theory and Implementation, Wai Kai Chen,, John Wiley and Sons, 1986

2. Analog Filter Design, M. E. van Valkenburg, Holt Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1982

3. Analog and Digital Filters: Design and Relization, Y. F. Lam, Englewood N. J. 1979.

4. Principles of Active Network Synthesis and Design, Gobind Daryani, John Wiley, New York

Course No: ECE 803

ELECTIVE –II Elective II – ECE 803I


Unit I Introduction to ASICs: - Types of ASICs - Design flow - CMOS logic: CMOS transistors

CMOS Design rules - Combinational Logic Cell -Sequential logic cell - Data path logic cell – I/O cells - ASIC library design: Transistors as Resistors - Transistor Parasitic Capacitance-Logical effort. Unit II

Programmable ASICs: - Anti fuse - static RAM - EPROM and EEPROM technology – practical issues - Programmable ASIC logic cells : Actel ACT - Xilinx LCA - Altera FLEX - Altera MAX. Programmable ASIC I/O cells : DC & AC inputs and outputs - Clock & Power inputs - Xilinx I/O blocks.

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Unit III Programmable ASIC interconnect: Actel ACT -Xilinx LCA - Xilinx EPLD - Altera MAX

5000 and 7000 - Altera MAX 9000 - Altera FLEX. Programmable ASIC design software : Design systems - Logic Synthesis - Half gate ASIC. Low level design entry : Schematic entry - Low level design language - PLA tools - EDIF- CFI design representation. Unit IV

Logic synthesis: Verilog and logic synthesis -VHDL and logic synthesis. Simulation: types of simulation. : Testing: boundary scan test – fault simulation - automatic test pattern generation. Unit V

ASIC construction: System partition - FPGA partitioning - partitioning methods - Floor planning and placement: floor planning - placement - physical design flow. Routing : global routing – detailed routing - special routing - circuit extraction - DRC. Books Recommended

1. M.J.S .Smith, - Application - Specific Integrated Circuits – Pearson Education -1997. 2. Andrew Brown, - VLSI Circuits and Systems in Silicon -, McGraw Hill, 1991. 3. S.D. Brown, R.J. Francis, J. Rox, Z.G. Uranesic, "Field Programmable Gate Arrays"-

Kluever Academic Publishers, 1992. 4. Mohammed Ismail and Terri Fiez, "Analog VLSI Signal and Information

Processing", McGraw Hill, 1994. 5. S. Y. Kung, H. J. Whilo House, T. Kailath, " VLSI and Modern Signal Processing ",

Prentice Hall, 1985. 6. Jose E. France, Yannis Tsividis, " Design of Analog - Digital VLSI Circuits for

Telecommunication and Signal Processing", Prentice Hall, 1994. Elective II – ECE 803II



Robotics: Introduction- Robotic Mechanism - Classification of Robots - Drive Systems Robots - Co-ordinate system - Degrees of Freedom Spatial Descriptions -Transformations Position and orientation - Description of Frames - Mapping involving frames - Transform equations. UNIT II

Kinematics of Manipulators Link parameters Link frame assignment and forward kinematics Inverse manipulator kinematics Velocities and static forces Velocity transformation Force control system Interfacing computers to Robots RS 232 Interface Hardware Handshaking Software Handshaking RS 232 communication. UNIT III

Machine Vision: Introduction Image Geometry Co ordinate Systems Sampling and Quantization Image Definitions Levels of Computation Point Level Local Level Global level Object Level, Binary Image Processing Thresholding , Geometric properties Size Position Orientation Projections Binary Algorithms Morphological Operators Basic Lighting Techniques. UNIT IV

Optics - Lens Equation Image Resolution Depth of Field View Volume Exposure Shading Image radiance Surface orientation Reflectance Map Shape from Processing Color constancy : Statistical methods of Texture analysis- Structural analysis of Ordered Texture Model based methods for Texture analysis Shape from Texture Depth stereo imaging Stereo matching Shape from X-Range Imaging Active Vision.

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UNIT V Dynamic Vision Change Detection Segmentation using motion Motion Correspondence

Image flow Segmentation using a moving camera Tracking Shape from motion Object recognition System components Complexity of Object Recognition Object Representation Feature Detection Recognition Strategies Verification. Books Recommended

1. P.A.Jananki Raman, " Robotics and Image Processing " , Tata McGraw Hill 1991. 2. Ramesh Jain, Rangachar Kasturi, Brian G.Schunck, Machine Vision, Mc Graw Hill

International Edition, 1995. 3. K.S.Fu, R.C. Gonzalez, C.S.G.Lee," Robotics Control, Sensing, Vision, and

Intelligence, McGraw-Hill Incs., 1987. 4. Michael C.Fairhurst, " Computer Vision for Robotic Systems- An Introduction , 5. Prentice Hall Inc., 1988.

Rembold and others, " Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 6. Mikell P. Groover, Mitchell Weiss, Roger N.Nagel, Nicholas G.Odrey 7. Industrial Robotics Technology, Programming and Applications, McGraw- Hill

International Editions, 1986. 8. Awcock and R.Thomas, "Applied Image Processing ", McGraw Hill, Inc, 1996. 9. Rembold, " Microsystem Technology and Micro Robotics " Springer Ferlog,

ublishers, 1998. Elective II – ECE 803III



ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY AND BIO-POTENTIAL RECORDING :The origin of Bio-potentials; biopotential electrodes, biological amplifiers, ECG, EEG, EMG, PCG, EOG, lead systems and recording methods, typical waveforms and signal characteristics. UNIT II

BIO-CHEMICAL AND NON ELECTRICAL PARAMETER MEASUREMENT :PH, PO2, PCO2, PHCO3, Electrophoresis, colorimeter, photometer, Auto analyzer, Blood flow meter, cardiac output, respiratory measurement, Blood pressure, temperature, pulse, Blood cell counters. UNIT III

ASSIST DEVICES AND BIO-TELEMETRY :Cardiac pacemakers, DC Defibrillator, Telemetry principles, frequency selection, Bio-telemetry, radio-pill and tele-stimulation. UNIT IV

Respirator and pulmonary measurements and rehabilitation: Physiology of respiratory system, respiratory rate measurement, artificial respirator, oximeter, hearing aids, functional neuromuscular simulation, physiotherapy, diathermy, nerve stimulator, artificial kidney machine UNIT V

Recent trends: Medical imaging, X-rays, laser applications, ultrasound scanner, echo cardiography,CT Scan MRI/NMR, cine angiogram, colour doppler systems, Holter monitoring, endoscopy.

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Books Recommended 1. Leislie Cromwell, “Biomedical instrumentation and measurement”, Prentice Hall of

India, New Delhi, 2002. 2. Khandpur, R.S., “Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, TATA McGraw-Hill,

New Delhi, 1997. 3. Joseph J.Carr and John M.Brown, “Introduction to Biomedical equipment

Technology”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1997. Elective II – ECE 803IV


Unit I

What is Parallel Computing? , The Scope of Parallel Computing, Issues in Parallel Computing, A Taxonomy of Parallel Architectures, Control Mechanism, Address-space Organization, Interconnection Networks, Processors Granularity, SIMD Architecture: Overview of SIMD Architecture. Design and Performance Issues, MIMD Architecture: Shared Memory Architecture, Uniform and Non-uniform Memory Access Multi Processors, Parallel Vector Processors (PVP), Symmetric Multiple Processors (SMP), CC-NUMA, NUMA and COMA Architectures, Distributed Memory Architecture: Cluster Architecture -Design and other Issues MPP Architecture Unit II

Basics of Interconnection Networks: Interconnection Environments, Network Components, Network Characteristics, Network Performance Metrics, Network Topologies and Properties: Topologies and Functional Properties, Routing Schemes and Functions, Networking Topologies, Buses, Crossbar and Multistage Switches: Multiprocessor Buses, Crossbar Switches, Multistage Interconnection Networks, Comparison of Switched Networks, Gigabit Network Technologies: Fiber Channel and FDDI Rings, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet, Myrinet for SAN/LAN Construction Unit III

Paradigms and Programmability: Algorithmic Paradigms, Programmability issues Parallel Programming Examples, Parallel Programming Models: Implicit Parallelism, Explicit Parallel Models, Other Parallel, Programming Models, Shared Memory Programming: The POSIX Threads (Pthreads) Model, The Open MP Standard, Message-Passing Programming: The Message Passing Paradigm, Message Passing Interface (MPI), Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM), Data Parallel Programming: The Data Parallel Model, The Fortran 90 Approach, Ottler Data Parallel Approaches Unit IV

Performance Metrics for Parallel Systems: Run Time, Speedup, Efficiency Cost, Scalability and Speedup Analysis: Amdahl's Law: Fixed Problem Size, Gustafson's Law: Fixed Time, Sun and Ni's Law: Memory Bounding, Isoperformance Models, Sources of Parallel Overheads: Interprocessor Communication, Load Imbalance Extra Computation, System and Application Benchmarks: Micro Benchmarks, Parallel Computing Benchmarks. Business and TPC Benchmarks, SPEC Benchmark Family. Unit V

Sorting Algorithms. Searching Algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Matrix Multiplication, Dense Matrix Computations. Sparse Matrix Computations Books Recommended

1. Kai Hwang and Zhiwei Xu, "Scalable Parallel Computing", 1997, McGraw Hill New York.

2. Vipin Kumar, Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, "Introduction to Parallel Computing, Design and Analysis of Algorithms", 1994, Redwood City, CA, Benjmann/ Cummings.

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3. Barry Wilkinson and Michael Allen, "Parallel Programming", 1999, Pearson Education Asia.

4. AI Geist, Adam Beguelin, Jack Dongarra, Weicheng Jiang, Robert Manchek and Vaidy Sunderam, "PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine -A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing", 1994, MIT Press.

5. Rohit Chandra, Ramesh Menon, Leo Dagum, David Kohr, Dror Maydan, and Jeff McDonald, "Parallel Programming in OpenMP", 2000, Morgan Kaufmann.

Elective II – ECE 803V


Review of MOS Devices: MOS transistor models. NMOS, PMOS, CMOS, Introduction to analog VLSI and mixed signal issues in CMOS technologies, Basics of system hardware design methodology: Hierarchical design using top-down and bottom-up methodology UNIT-II

Basic Electrical Properties And Circuit Concepts: Basic Electrical Properties of MOS circuits: MOS transistor operation in linear and saturated regions, MOS transistor threshold voltage, MOS switch and inverter, latch-up in CMOS inverter; sheet resistance and area capacitances of layers, wiring capacitances MOS models, SPICE Models UNIT-III

Circuit Characterization and Performance Estimation: Estimation of R, C, L, Switching Characteristicsdelay models. Power dissipation. ; MOSFET scaling - constant-voltage and constant-field scaling UNIT-IV

CMOS Analog blocks: Current Sources and Voltage references. Differential amplifier and OPAMP design. UNIT-V

Practical Aspects and Design Verification: Semi-custom and cell library based design. Design of. Hardware description languages for high level design. Logic, circuit and layout verification. Analog Testing and Layout issues. Introduction to different tool used in Analog design Books Recommended

1. Weste N and Eshranghian K, “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design”, Pearson Education Asia (2001).

2. Glaser L and Dobberpuhl D, “The Design and Analysis of VLSI Circuits”, Addison Wesley (1985).

3. Rabaey J, “Digital Integrated Circuits: Design perspective”, Prentice Hall India (1997).

4. Perry D, “VHDL”, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill International (1995). 5. Pucknell D A and Eshraghian K, “Basic VLSI Design”, Prentice Hall India, New

Delhi (2003). 6. D. A. Johns and K. Martin, Analog Integrated Circuit Design, Wiley Student Edition,

2002 7. P. R. Gray and R. G. Meyer, Analysis and design of Analog Integrated circuits 4th

Edition, Wiley Student Edition, 2001. 8. B. Razavi, RF Microelectronics, Prentice-Hall, 1998. 9. P. E. Allen and D. R. Holberg, CMOS Analog Circuit Design, 2nd edition, Oxford

University Press, 1997.

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Elective II – ECE 803VI


UNIT-I Introduction: Digital IC, Digital Combinational and sequential circuit, issue in digital IC

design, Quality, metrics of Digital Design. Review of CMOS. UNIT-II

Designing Combinational Logic Gate in CMOS : Static C-MOS Inverter and its characteristics, CMOS Design consideration Transistor Sizing, Power Dissipation, Design Margining, Ratioed Logic, Pass Transistor Logic, Dynamic C-MOS design, basic principle, speed and power Dissipation of Dynamic Logic, Signal Integrity in Dynamic Design, Cascaded Dynamic. UNIT-III

Designing Sequential Logic Circuits: : Introduction ,Static Latches and registrars, Dynamic Latches and Registers, Alternative Register Styles, Pipelining. UNIT-IV

Implementation Strategies for Digital ICS: Custom, Semi custom Circuit Design, Cell –Based Design Methodology, Array Based Implementation Approach, Layout, Designing Memory: Memory Classification, Memory Architecture and Building Block,Read only Memories, Nonvolatile Read Write Memories, Read-Write Memories, Memory Peripheral Circuits UNIT-V

Programmable logic devices: Introduction to PLA, PAL, PLD/CPLD, PGA/ FPGA, ASIC their applications and Architecture Books Recommended

1. J.M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan and B. Nikolic: Digital Integrated Circuits- A Design Perspective, 2nd ed., PHI, 2003

2. D.A. Pucknell and K. Eshraghian, Basic VLSI Design, PHI, 1995 3. E.D. Fabricius, Introduction to VLSI Design, McGraw Hill, 1991 4. N.H.E. Weste and K. Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - a System

Perspective, 2nd ed., Pearson Education Asia, 2002 5. S.M. Kang and Y. Leblevici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design,

3rd ed., McGraw Hill, 2003 6. J. P. Uyemura, Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, John Wiley & Sons

(Asia) Pte Ltd, 2002 7. W. Wolf, Modern VLSI Design - System on Chip design, 3rd ed., Pearson Education,

2004 8. R. Jacob Baker, CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, IEEE Press, 1997

Course No: ECE 804



Unit I

Fuzzy Logic: Basic concepts of Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy vs Crisp set, Linguistic variables, membership functions, operations on Fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers and intervals, Arithmetic on fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzification, Approximate reasoning, Fuzzy control and Expert systems, Fuzzy if-then rules, Variables inference techniques, Defuzzification techniques, Basic Fuzzy

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interference algorithm, application of fuzzy logic , Fuzzy system design implementation, useful tools supporting design. Unit II

Neural Networks Characteristics: History of Development in neural networks, Artificial neural net terminology, model of a neuron, Topology, ANN architecture, Types of learning. Supervised, Unsupervised learning, Basic Learning laws. Unit III

Basic Learning laws, Hebb’s rule, Delta rule, widrow and Hoff LMS learning rule, correlation learning rule instar and ouster learning rules. Unit IV

Unsupervised Learning: Competitive learning, K-means clustering algorithm, Kohonen’s feature maps. Radial Basis function neural networks - recurrent networks, Real time recurrent and learning algorithm. Unit V

Introduction to Counter propagation Networks- CMAC Network, ART networks, Application of NN in pattern recognition, optimization, Control, Speech and decision making. Books Recommended

1. Berkin Riza C and Trubatch, “ Fuzzy System design principles- Building Fuzzy IF-THEN rule bases”, IEEE Press.

2. Yegna Narayanan, “Artificial Neural Networks”. 8th Printing. PHI(2003) 3. Patterson Dan W, “Introduction to artificial Intelligence and Expert systems”, 3rd

Ed., PHI 4. Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks” Pearson Education. 5. Yen and Langari, “Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, Control and Information”, Pearson

Education. 6. Jacek M Zaurada, “Introduction to artificial neural Networks Jaico Publishing Home,

Fouth Impression.

Elective III – ECE 804II


Unit I Programmable Logic Devices: Basic Concepts- Programming Technologies. Programmable

Logic Array (PLA)- Programmable Array Logic (PAL)- Design and Application Unit II

Programmable Logic Controllers: Combinational logic controllers, sequential logic controllers, logic controller design using programmable logic devices, Introduction to programmable logic controllers - PLC programming languages, Commercially available PLCs, Microprocessor based PLCs. Unit III

Distributed Control Systems - Basic packages, cost estimating, data highways – field buses, multiplexers and remote terminal units, CRT displays, flow sheet symbols, I/O hardware and setpoint stations.

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Unit IV Distributed Control Systems: Supervisory computer tasks and configurations, system

integration with PLCs and computers, Fibre - Optic local area networks: MAP and TOP, Fieldbuses, MAP, TOP. Unit V

Network protocols: Printers, Operator interfaces, workstations, wiring practices and signal conditioning, communication systems, case study- Allen- Bradlley Protocol (AB. Protocol) Books Recommended

1. Enrique Mandado, Jorge Marcos, Serafin A Perrez, - Programmable Logic Devices and logic Controllers - Prentice Hall- 1996

2. Dobrivoje Popovic and Vijay P. Bhatkar - Distributed Computer Control for Industrial Automation - Marcel Dekker, INC, 1990.

3. B.G Liptak - Handbook of Process Control - 1996

Elective III – ECE 804III



Rotational drives - Pneumatic Motors: continuous and limited rotation - Hydraulic Motors: continuous and limited rotation - Brushless DC Motors - Motion convertors, Fixed ratio, invariant motion profile, variators, remotely controlled couplings Hydraulic Circuits and Pneumatic Circuits. UNIT II

Mechanical Systems and Design - Mechatronic approach - Control program control, adaptive control and distributed systems - Design process - Types of Design - Integrated product design - Mechanisms, load conditions, design and flexibility Structures, load conditions, flexibility and environmental isolation – Man machine interface, industrial design and ergonomics, information transfer from machine from machine to man and man to machine, safety. UNIT III

Real time interfacing - Introduction Elements of data acquisition and control Overview of I/O process - Installation of I/O card and software - Installation of application software- Overframing. UNIT IV

Case studies on Data Acquisition - Testing of transportation bridge surface materials - Transducer calibration system for Automotive applications Strain Gauge weighing system - Solenoid force - Displacement calibration system - Rotary optical encoder - Inverted pendulum control - Controlling temperature of a hot/cold reservoir - Pick and place robot - Carpark barriers. UNIT V

Case studies on Data Acquisition and Control - Thermal cycle fatigue of a ceramic plate - pH control system - De-Icing Temperature Control System - Skip control of a CD Player - Autofocus Camera, exposure control. Case studies on design of Mechatronic products - Motion control using D.C. Motor, A.C. Motor & Solenoids - Car engine management - Barcode reader. Books Recommended

1. Bolton, -Mechatronics - Electronic Control systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering-, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., 1999.

2. Devdas shetty, Richard A. Kolk, -Mechatronics System Design,- PWS Publishing company, 1997

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3. Bradley, D.Dawson, N.C. Burd and A.J. Loader, Mechatronics: Electronics in Products and Processes, Chapman and Hall, London, 1991.

4. Brian Morriss, Automated Manufacturing Systems - Actuators, Controls, Sensors and Robotics¿, Mc Graw Hill International Edition, 1995.

5. Gopel Sensors A comprehensive Survey Vol I & Vol VIII, BCH Publisher, New York.

Elective III – ECE 804IV


Unit I

Transducers - definition and classification, Electrical transducers, selecting a transducer Temperature measurements: standards and calibration, thermal expansion methods - bimetalic thermometers, liquid in glass thermometers, vapour pressure thermometers. Unit II

Termocouple - principle, fundamental laws, reference junction considerations, types of thermocouples, industrial thermocouples, thermopiles. Resistance temperature detectors - Principle measurements using three wire and four wire bridge circuits, solid state sensors, quartz thermometers, optical pyrometers, digital thermometers. Unit III

Displacement transducers: variable resistance transducers, variable inductance transducers, LVDT - construction, principle, characteristics, advantages, Variable capacitance transducers, piezo-electric transducers, digital displacement transducers. Unit IV

Strain measurements: strain gauges - different types, resistive- semiconductor and optical strain gauges, strain gauge circuits, temperature compensation, Practical Applications Unit V

Recorders: Strip chart recorders, galvanometric recorders, servo recorders, oscillographic recorders, magnetic recorders, direct recording, FM recording, digital recorders, electro mechanical recorders.

Display devices, Classification of displays, cathode ray tube, LEDs in direct and indirect bandgap materials, typical uses of LEDs, Liquid crystal displays, theory of liquid crystal display operation, typical use of LCDs. Books Recommended

1. Beckwith: Mechanical Mesurements 5/e, Pearson Education 2. D V S Murthy, Transducers and Instrumentation, prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,

New Delhi 3. B S Sonde, Transducers and Display Systems, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 1979 4. E A Doeblin, Measurements Systems - Application and Design, Mc Graw Hill, N Y,

1990. 5. J W Dally, W.F Riley and K G McConnel, Instrumentation for Engineering

Measurements, John Wiley and sons Inc., N.Y, 1993.

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Elective III – ECE 804V


Computational complexity: average and worst-case analysis, time and space complexity, notion of optimality. Examples: Finding the largest and Second largest entries in a list, the Tournament Method, recursive algorithms, conversion to non-recursive algorithms. Unit II

Divide and Conquer method: Finding the maximum an minimum, Quick Sort, Selection Sort, Heap and heap sort, sets and disjoint sets: Union and Find algorithms. Greedy Algorithms: Optimal storage on tapes, Knapsack problem- Job sequencing with deadlines- Minimum Spanning trees. Unit III

Biconnectivity, strong connectivity and path finding algorithms: Breadth first search and depth first search. Unit IV

Basic concepts, Multistage graphs, All pairs shortest paths, Optimal binary search trees, travelling salesman problem, O/I knapsack, flow shop scheduling. Unit V

Backtracking: N-Queen Problem, Sum of subsets, graph colouring, Hamiltonion cycles. Branch and Bound: 15-Puzzle Problem, traveling salesman problem, 0/1 knapsack problem, and Efficiency considerations, Introduction to NP-Completeness: Pattern matching, lower bound theory, comparison of trees for sorting and searching, NP-Hard and NP-complete problems: Basic concepts- Reducibility - Cook's theorem (without proof) - Turing Machines, NP-Hard Graph Problems. Books Recommended

1. A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft And J.D. Ullman, The Design And Analysis Of Computer Algorithms, Addison Wesley.

2. E.Horowitz And S.Sahni, Fundamentals Of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia. 3. T.H.Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, Introduction To Algorithms, The MIT

Press, Cambridge. Elective III – ECE 804VI


UNIT-I Introduction to Cellular Mobile Systems:A basic cellular system, performance criteria,

uniqueness of mobile radio environment, operation of cellular systems, planning a cellular system, analog & digital cellular systems. Elements of Cellular Radio Systems Design: General description of the problem, concept of frequency reuse channels, co-channel interference reduction factor, desired C/I from a normal case in an omni directional antenna system, cell splitting, consideration of the components of cellular systems.


Interference: Introduction to co-channel interference, real time co-channel interference co-channel measurement design of antenna system, antenna parameter and their effects, diversity receiver in co-channel interference – different types. UNIT-III

Cell Coverage for Signal & Traffic: General introduction, obtaining the mobile point to point mode, Radio propagation characteristics: models for path loss, shadowing and multipath fading,

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68 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

propagation over water or flat open area, foliage loss, propagation near in distance, long distance propagation, point to point prediction model characteristics, cell site, antenna heights and signal coverage cells, mobile to mobile propagation. UNIT-IV

Cell Site Antennas and Mobile Antennas: Characteristics of antennas, antenna at cell site, mobile antennas Frequency Management, Channel Assignment and hand off: Frequency management, fixed channel assignment, non-fixed channel assignment, traffic & channel assignment, Why hand off, types of handoff and their characteristics, handoff analysis, dropped call rates & their evaluation. UNIT-V

Multiple access techniques used in mobile wireless communications: FDMA/TDMA, CDMA. FDM/TDM Cellular systems, Cellular CDMA, soft capacity, Earlang capacity comparison of FDM/TDM systems and Cellular CDMA. Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) system overview: GSM Architecture, Mobility management, Network signaling ,Frequency allocation and control, Base System and Master System, GSM, DCS 1800, Various value added services.

Books Recommended

1. Wireless Communication; Principles and Practice; T.S.Rappaport 2. Mobile Commu8nication 3. Principles of Mobile Communication, G.LStuber Kluwer Academic, 1996. 4. Wireless and Digital Communications; Dr. Kamilo Feher (PHI) 5. Mobile Communication Hand Book; 2nd Ed.; IEEE Press 6. Mobile Communication Engineering – Theory & Applications; TMH

Course No: ECE 805


Experiment of the VLSI lab will be based on: Circuit Design using SPICE, VHDL/ Verilog, Design using FPGA/CPLD


ECE 803I ASIC Design Lab Experiments on the following topics: 1. VHDL Code: Analysing & Simulation of basic digital circuits: Adder, Flip-flops,

Multiplexer etc. 2. Synthesis: using FPGA/CPLD (Example: Xlinix, Altera, etc) ECE 803II Robotics and computer vision Lab Experiments on the following topics: 1. Robot Hardware. 2. Robot programming languages 3. Design of Robots for various Applications 4. Robot control using voice and infrared 5. Robotic trainer kit - PC based control of robotic actions ECE 803III Biomedical Instrumentation Lab Experiments on the following topics: 1. Biomedical transducers 2. Biomedical instruments 3. Biomedical Measurements

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69 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

ECE 803IV Parallel Computations and Architecture Lab Experiments on the following topics: 1. Parallel Computing 2. Advanced Networking 3. Paradigms and Programmability 4. Advanced sorting algorithms ECE 803V Analog IC Design Lab Experiments on the following topics: 1. Design of MOS transistor models using PSPICE 2. Design of Hardware description languages for high level design. 3. Design of CMOS Analog blocks

ECE 803VI Digital IC Design Lab Experiments on the following topics: 1. Designing Combinational Logic Gate in CMOS 2. Designing Sequential Logic Circuits 3. Designing Memory 4. Programmable logic devices

Course No: ECE 806


1. Design of filters using OTA (CA 3080), CC, CFA (AD844) 2. Study of Sensitivity, distortion and static power of filter. 3. Design of GIC. 4. Design of positive and negative impedance converters and inverters. 5. Design of simulated impedance blocks using OTA. 6. Design of amplifiers, integrator, differentiator etc. using OTA. 7. Design of Butterworth, Chebyshev and inverse Chebyshev filters.


ECE 804I Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network Lab 1. Use of fuzzy logic tool box of MATLAB. 2. Implement the basic logic gates using Single layer perceptron and show linear

Separability on XY graph. 3. Design the multilayer Artificial Neural Networks for XOR gate and show that the

patterns are linearly inseparable. 4. Implement the Generalized Delta Rule for training the multilayer Artificial Neural

Networks. 5. Design a Hopfield network for memorizing different patterns. Test the network

stabilization in case input is corrupted. 6. Design a Counter-propagation Network for Digit Recognition. Find out the Weight

matrix for both Competitive and Grossberg layer.

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70 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

ECE 804II Computerized Process Control Lab 1. ON-OFF controller with and without neutral zone-level control, flow control 2. Temperature control using P, PI, PD, and PID controllers–Study of output response 3. Flow control using P, PI, PD, and PID controllers–Study of output response 4. Liquid level control using P, PI, PD, and PID controllers–Study of output response 5. Controller tuning for various processes – using Ziegler-Nichols rule 6. Controller tuning for various processes – using Cohen and Coon rule 7. Study of PLC-ladder diagram implementation for simple processes 8. PLC Simulator-Simulation of complex control systems 9. Study of feed forward, cascade, and ratio controls 10. Development of VI for temperature measurement-with display, and visual and sound

alarms 11. Development of VI for level measurement-with display, and visual and sound alarms 12. Development of VI for measurement of torque/speed/displacement 13. Development of VI for audio signal spectrum analyser 14. Data Logger 15. PC based control of robotic actions 16. Implementation of digital control algorithms 17. Simulation of Artificial Neural Networks –use any software 18. Fuzzy Logic Controller–use any software 19. Simulation of Heat Exchanger Temperature Control

ECE 805III Mechatronics Lab 1. Design and testing of the following circuits:

i. Pressure control ii. Flow control

iii. Direction control 2. Design and testing of the following circuits:

i. Level Control ii. Temperature control

iii. Cascade control 3. Design and testing of the following circuits:

i. Stepper Motor Control ii. DC motor speed control

iii. Binary distillation column control 4. Design and testing of the following circuits:

i. Driving of circuit with programmed logic sequence, using an optional PLC in hydraulic Electro hydraulic Trainer.

ii. Circuits with logic controls 5. Design and testing of the following circuits:

i. Circuits with timers ii. Circuits with multiple cylinder sequences in Pneumatic Electro pneumatic

Trainer. 6. Modeling and analysis of basic electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic systems using

MATLAB software 7. Familiarisation of programmable logic controller, development of ladder diagrams

and simulation 8. Comparative study of P, PI, PD and PID controllers 9. Study of Micro controller Kits. 10. 8051 / 8031 Programming Exercises. 11. Stepper Motor interface. 12. D.C motor controller interface. 13. Study of interrupt structure of 8051. 14. Interfacing high power devices to microcomputer port lines, LED, relays and LCD


(B.Tech. ECE) DOEIT, KU  

71 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

15. Linear actuation of hydraulic cylinder with counter and speed control. 16. Hydrometer rotation with timer and speed control. 17. Sequential operation of pneumatic cylinders. 18. Traffic light controller. 19. Speed control of DC motor using PLC. 20. Testing of Relays using PLC.

ECE 805IV Transducers and Recording Systems Lab Experiments on the following topics: 1. Transducers of different types 2. Thermocouple 3. Use of transducers for resistance, inductance, displacement, etc. 4. Strain measurements ECE 805V Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab 1. Write a program to perform a Linear Search. 2. Write a program to perform a Binary Search 3. Write a program to sort elements of an array using Binary Sort. 4. Write a program to sort elements of an array using Merge Sort. 5. Write a program to sort elements of an array using Quick Sort. 6. Write a program to sort elements of an array using Bubble Sort. 7. Program for concatenation of two strings 8. Make a comparison statement & analyze it from time & space complexity point of

view. 9. Write a program for the Tower of Hanoi problem using recursion 10. Write a program for the insertion of a node, searching of anode, deletion of node and

traversing a tree in preorder, post order, and inorder form. 11. Write a program for creating and traversing a graph. 12. Write a program for finding the hash address using division method, mid square

method and folding method 13. Write a program for 4-Queen/8-Queen problem. 14. Write a program of tic-tac-toe. 15. To search an element from an array using hashing.

ECE 805 V Mobile Communication Lab Experiments on the following topics: 1. FDMA, TDMA, CDMA 2. Cellular Antennas 3. Wireless cellular radio communication

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72 Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. (ECE), P. G. Department of Electronics & IT, University of Kashmir 

Course No: ECE 807


Each student shall present a seminar in the 8th semester on a topic relevant to Electronics and

Communication Engineering for about 30 minutes. The topic should not be a replica of what is

contained in the syllabus. The topic shall be approved by the Seminar Evaluation Committee of the

Department. The committee shall evaluate the presentation of students. Seminar report in the

prescribed form shall be submitted to the department after the approval from the committee.

Course No: ECE 808


This project work is the continuation of the project initiated in 6th semester. Each student

group should complete the project work in this semester. Each student is expected to prepare a report

and a technical paper in the prescribed format, based on the project work. The paper may be prepared

as per IEEE standard and can have a maximum of eight pages. Members of the group will present the

relevance, design, implementation, and results of the project before an evaluation committee

consisting of the guide, and three/four faculty members of the department. The evaluation committee

may also carry out continuous assessment of the project through progress seminars conducted during

the semester.

Course No: ECE 809


Objective of the viva-voce is to examine the knowledge acquired by the student during the

B.Tech. course, through oral examination. The students shall prepare for the oral examination based

on the theory and laboratory subjects studied in the B.Tech. course, seminar, and project work. The

examination for viva-voice shall be conducted jointly by external and internal examiners. External

examiner for the viva-voice shall be appointed by the University and internal examiner shall

appointed by the head of the department. Each student has to submit the certified reports seminar, and

project (interim report, main report, and technical paper) before the examiners.


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