btc development contribution scheme (draft)

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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The Scheme sets out the following: • The classes of public infrastructure and facilities in respect of which contributions will be sought. • The contributions required to be paid. • The exemptions that may apply. • The main public infrastructure and facilities for which contributions will be sought





June 2013




1.0 Introduction

2.0 Preamble

3.0 Classes of Public Infrastructure and Facilities

4.0 Basis for the Determination of the Contribution

5.0 Exemptions that apply

6.0 List of Projects of Public Infrastructure and Facilities


1.0 Introduction

The Draft Scheme has been prepared in accordance with S48 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, and regard was had to the “Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Development Contributions”, issued by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government in January 2013. It will apply to lands within the Bray Town Council administrative area, and shall be for the period to 2022, or until a new scheme is adopted, either solely for the Bray Town Council administrative area or as part of a combined Co Wicklow scheme.I t shall be reviewed periodically.

2.0 Preamble

2.1 The Scheme sets out the following:

The classes of public infrastructure and facilities in respect of which contributions will be sought.

The contributions required to be paid. The exemptions that may apply. The main public infrastructure and facilities for which contributions

will be sought.

2.2 The public infrastructure and facilities identified in the list of public infrastructure in Appendix 1 are considered to be those projects that are required to facilitate development envisaged in the Bray Town Development Plan, and that can be progressed with the funding which it is projected will be received under the Scheme up to 2022 and any other required funding.

2.3 Public infrastructure and facilities are defined in S48 (17) of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.

2.4 The Planning Authority when granting a permission under S34 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, will include conditions requiring the payment of contributions in respect of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting development in its functional area in line with the terms of the Scheme.

2.5 The Planning Authority may, in addition to the terms of the Scheme, require the payment of special contributions in respect of a particular development where specific costs not included in the Scheme are, or will be, incurred by the Local Authority in respect of public infrastructure and facilities which benefit the proposed development. The provisions set out under S48 (12) of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, shall apply to any special contribution required by a condition attached to a permission.

2.6 An appeal may be brought to An Bord Pleanala where an applicant for permission considers that the terms of the Scheme have not been properly applied in respect of any condition laid down by the Planning Authority, or in relation to a condition requiring the payment of a special contribution laid down by the Planning Authority.



3.0 Classes of Public Infrastructure and Facilities

3.1 Table 3.1 sets out the classes of public infrastructure and facilities in respect of which contributions will be sought.

Table 3.1

Class of public infrastructure and



Class 1 Roads and Transportation

Class 2 Water and Drainage

Class 3 Community & Recreational Amenity


4.0 Basis for the Determination of the Contribution

The basis for determining the contribution rates is to estimate the cost of providing the relevant public infrastructure required to facilitate the projected population growth over the period 2013 to 2022. The period chosen allows the population growth targets set down in the County Development Plan Core Strategy 2010 to be used, as required by the Dept.’s Guidelines.

It is hard to predict the level of growth for Bray Town versus its environs. In the census 2011, Bray had a population of 27727 and housing stock of 10897. The environs (within Co. Wicklow) had a population of 1621 and 621 housing units, giving a total population of 29332 and 11518 housing units.

The core strategy of the Wicklow County Development Plan, based on the requirements of the National Spatial Strategy and Regional Planning Guidelines, envisages Bray growing to a population of 45000, requiring a total of 20874 dwellings. This will require an extra 9350 units over the census figure in 2011. For the purposes of this scheme, it is assumed that one third of these will be built within the Town Council area, and that some of these have been constructed since the census, yielding a net 3000 dwellings to be constructed up to 2022

To allow for the employment needs of those who will occupy these new dwellings, this scheme will assume that commercial and industrial development will be provided to employ one person per house. The gross area of buildings required per employee varies from circa 25 m2 to 100 m2 for industrial and higher for storage and distribution. For the purposes of this scheme it will be assumed that 60 m2 of employment buildings will be provided for each employee, yielding a requirement for 180000 m2of employment floor area

4.1 Estimated Cost of Public Infrastructure

Class 1 Roads & Transportation

For Class 1, all projects identified in the Development Plan and the current Development Contribution Scheme were examined. The final list of projects that was chosen to be included for the purposes of the Contribution Scheme (list attached) were those which it was considered were needed for the projected population growth.

The estimated overall cost (including design & financing) of providing the Class 1 infrastructure was €41.317, and each scheme was analysed to determine the benefit that would accrue to existing development, leaving a net figure of €19.408 to be funded by projected new development.

Therefore, the amount to be collected under the Contribution Scheme for Class 1 is €19.408M

This amount is to be collected 75% from residential development (€14.556M) and 25% from Industrial/Commercial Development (€4.852M). These proportions differ from those used in the Wicklow County area and reflect that


Bray is a major employment and retail area and thus would have a greater proportion of employment infrastructure.

Having regard to the projected growth rates of 3,000 residential units (of average size of 100 m2) and 180,000 m2 of Industrial/Commercial development the average unit rates to be sought are calculated as follows:

Residential: €14.556M/300000 = €48.55 per m2

Industrial/Commercial: €4.852M/180,000 = €26.956/m2.

Class 2 Water & drainage

Under the current Contribution Scheme the water & sewerage projects contained in the Water Services Programme were costed and the marginal cost was sought to be raised under and within the period of that Contribution Scheme. However, to take into account the fact that generally water & sewerage projects are designed to provide for 20 years increased capacity, and thus provided an excess of capacity for the period of the Contribution Scheme, the method of estimating the costs applicable to the period 2013 to 2022 was modified. This was done by effectively pushing the repayment period out to the design life of a water services scheme, and adding the cost of financing such schemes, pending new development that can take up the capacity, and repay the expenditure of such schemes.

With water & sewerage projects the Marginal Cost is the relevant cost, as it already takes into account the benefit that accrues to the existing development which is paid by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.

To estimate an actual cost of providing water & sewerage infrastructure for a dwelling the actual marginal cost of the Bray/Shanganagh Sewerage Scheme (constructed in 2012) was €300 per population equivalent (pe).

The estimated marginal cost of providing the Bray North Water improvement scheme is €200 per pe. However, as 50% of new development lands within the town already have adequate water supply capacity, only €100 needs to be raised to cover the marginal costs of the North Bray Water Improvement Scheme

Therefore, it is considered that it would be appropriate to take the cost of providing water services as being €400 per pe €1000 per dwelling.

Given the fact that water & sewerage schemes are designed for a 20 year design life the financing cost has been estimated at 30% (i.e. 3% per annum over 10 years) ~ €1300 per dwelling is required for water & sewerage.

There is also a requirement to raise contributions for surface water infrastructure, which can include surface water sewer networks, upgrading of existing water courses, etc works. It is estimated that €900 per dwelling is required.

Based on the above it is considered that on average €2200 per dwelling, or €22 per m2 is required for Class 2.


The equivalent for commercial/industrial should be based on domestic usage only; a business that has trade effluent and water demand can be levied as a special levy. Given the higher employee numbers in commercial/office developments, it is considered that the utilisation of water services would be of the order of 80% of the per m2 of domestic, and industrial/distribution would be 60% of domestic, yielding a charge of €17.60 per m2 for commercial/retail, and €13.20 per m2 for industrial/distribution

Class 3 Community & Recreational Infrastructure

The projects to be funded are include in Appendix 1, and taking into account the benefit of each project that will accrue to existing development, the amount needed to be funded by new development, is €6.4 million.

The Wicklow County Council scheme splits the amount to be collected from residential development at 90% and 10% from commercial/industrial. To take into account the greater amount of employment development planned for Bray, this scheme will adopt a 80%/20% split. Thus €5.12M will be funded by residential development, and €1.28M funded by industrial/commercial.

Residential: €5.12/300000 = €17 per m2

Industrial/Commercial: €1.28/180000 = €7 per m2

4.2 The development contributions to be sought for each development type are set out below.

Table 1Residential Commercial/Retail Industrial/Distribution









Class 2: Water/Drainage 22.00






Class 3:








TOTALS 87.55






current rates in RED

Conditions requiring payment of the contributions provided for in the Scheme will be imposed in all decisions to grant planning permissions made by the Council immediately following the adoption of the Scheme.

The contributions under the Scheme shall be payable prior to commencement of development or as otherwise agreed by the Council. Contributions shall be payable at the index-adjusted rate pertaining to the year in which implementation of the planning permission is commenced, as provided for in


paragraph 4.4 below. Any outstanding balance will be subject to indexation in accordance with the scheme or may be subject to interest charges, whichever is the greater.

Industrial/Commercial/Retail and Industrial/Distribution refers to all industrial and commercial developments, including extensions.

Residential extensions will be subject to contributions at the m2 rates identified in Table 1, with a waiver given for the first 40m2.

For clarification, the waiver for the first 40m2 will only apply in full where the dwelling has not been previously extended, with a reduced waiver allowed, where the dwelling has been previously extended by less than 40m2.

The floor area of proposed development shall be calculated as the gross floor area. This means the area ascertained by the internal measurement of the floorspace on each floor of a building (including internal walls and partitions) and including mezzanine floors. In the case of multi-unit residential buildings, only the floor area of each residential unit will be included.

4.3 In the case of replacement residential units the contribution sought will be the difference in the contribution for the original unit size and the new unit size.

4.4 Buildings/Structures (including non-mobile plant & machinery), which form part of developments, including Recreation/Leisure Development Types, will incur development contributions at the appropriate rate for the main development type.

4.5 Contributions in Table 1, will increase on each and every 01st of January in line with the Wholesale Price Index - Building and Construction (i.e. materials and wages) published by the Central Statistics Office, (or similar index if discontinued).

4.6 Reduced rates for temporary permissions, for 10 years or less, shall be charged as follows:

33% of the relevant contribution specified in the Scheme for permissions up to 3 years.

50% of the relevant contribution specified in the Scheme for permissions up to 5 years.

66% of the relevant contribution specified in the Scheme for permissions up to 10 years.

4.7 There will be no double charging. Credit will be given for previously paid development contributions or previous authorised use or existing floor areas.

4.8 As an incentive for employment generating development in the town, where contributions are attached to a permission in accordance with Table 1 of this Scheme, a once off reduction/refund of 20% in development contributions for Industrial/Commercial development, as set out in Table 1, will be allowed for


development which is completed within two years of the adoption of this scheme. This reduction/refund will be applied at the time the development has been completed.

Developments that benefit from the 20% reduction detailed in 4.7 will not be entitled to any reduction detailed in Table 5.1.

4.9 This paragraph refers to where permission is granted for development after the date of adoption of this Scheme, and the subject development includes for retention and/or completion of residential units or industrial/commercial buildings. Where substantial works have been carried out to the individual residential units or industrial/commercial buildings, in the opinion of the Planning Authority, on foot of a previous permission, or alternatively where no permission was granted, the contributions required for these incomplete residential units, or industrial/commercial buildings, will be computed on the basis of the contribution scheme that was in operation when works on those units were commenced.


5.0 Exemptions

5.1 S48 (3) (c) of the Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended, allows for a reduction in contributions or no contribution in certain circumstances under the terms of the Scheme. Table 5.1 details the exemptions that are allowed under the Scheme.

5.2 No exemptions/reductions will be allowed for retention permissions.

Table 5.1

Development Type Reduction/Increase

Social Rented Housing 100% reduction

Housing provided by Voluntary organisations or Co-Operative housing bodies as outlined in Article 157 (2) of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001, as amended

100% reduction

Facilities provided by organisations which are considered exempt from planning fees as outlined in Article 157 (1) (a) – (c) of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001, as amended

100% reduction

Commercial development in the core town centre areas/main street locations, that consolidates and strengthens the historical town centre.


Residential extensions for disabled persons in receipt of a disabled persons grant.

100% reduction

Buildings designed or intended to be used for non-profit social, recreational or religious purposes. Development designed or intended to be used for workshops training facilities, hostels (or other accommodation) for persons with disabilities and which is not be used for profit or gain.

100% reduction

Works to Protected Structures that contribute to their protection and restoration

50% reduction

Crèche/Childcare facilities 50% reduction


6.0 List of Public Infrastructure and Facilities

6.1 The list of projects for the various Classes of public infrastructure and facilities is set out in the tables included in Appendix 1.

6.2 The projects identified for Class 3 are on the basis of a Community Facilities Hierarchy. The particular needs of each location will be assessed in identifying the appropriateness of a particular project. The contributions raised for Class 3 may be used to provide funding for the provision of facilities developed with local communities and communities of interest.

6.3 The cost of providing certain projects identified in Appendix 1 will require a proportion of the costs to be met by the County Council or a developer.

6.4 Where a project listed in Appendix 1 is constructed/provided by a developer as part of a planning permission, a portion of the cost of constructing/providing the project may be offset against the relevant contributions due under the subject permission, depending, inter alia, on Wicklow County Council’s capital investment priorities. In computing any offset, the Planning Authority will have regard to the actual costs incurred by the developer in constructing/providing the project. Furthermore, only the marginal costs (i.e. the costs of those additional works which were required over and above that required for the developer’s own development, to which the permission related) will be used to compute any offset.


Appendix 1

Public Infrastructure & Facilities



The following works include the necessary surface water drainage, public lighting and footpaths

Project Name

Killarney Road and Church Road

Multi-storey car park @ Herbert Road

Town Centre Traffic Management Works

Strengthening & Improvements to footpaths & roads

**Hills Roundabout – N11

Bray SCR

Dublin Road

Killarney Lane Improvements

Kilbride Lane Improvements

Widening of Greystones Road from Newcourt to Briarwood

Golf Club Lands Transport Infrastructure inc Bridge

Pedestrian Bridge across River Dargle

Upgrading of Dargle Road

Cycle Lanes throughout Town

Bray Bridge Footbridges & Seapoint Road

Convent Hill widening

** 50% of the total cost of this scheme is only taken by Bray TC



Project Name

Shanganagh Sewerage

Bray catchment Sewerage

Bray North Water

Bray Water Supply Scheme



Project Name

Naylors Cove Improvements

Mermaid Arts Centre

Community Childcare Facility Little Bray

Community Childcare Facility Southern Cross

Dargle River Walk & Greenways

Play Space

Multi Use Games Area

Athletics Track

Seafront Masterplan

Harbour Enhancement Masterplan

Library Development Plan

South Beach Boat Slip

Changing Facilities, Additions & Enhancements

Sports Facilities/ Pitches

Cliff Walk Improvements

Former Loreto Lands Landscaping Improvements

Bray Head former Par 3

Boardwalk/Beachfront Accessibility

Springfield Cemetery Urn Wall


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