bt retail · 2016-04-20 · bt annual review 2001 11 >> customers are now benefiting from...

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BT Annual Review 20018

BT RetailOur 21 million UK customers, businessand residential, all want to get the bestfrom what we have to offer – the bestvalue, the best choice, the best services.They all want to be treated as individuals.And that’s what we want to do for them.Which is where BT Retail comes in…

Who are we?The UK’s leading fixed-networkcommunications business

Who are our customers?21 million business and residentialcustomers

What do we do?We are dedicated to connecting people tothe world around them, completely. This ispossible through our extensive product and service portfolio covering voice, data,internet and multimedia, as well asmanaged and packaged communicationssolutions. We are able to connect people,businesses of all sizes and communities ona scale that no one else can.

How big are we?Turnover £11,813 million, 53,600 employees

BT has continued to reduce prices and simplifyits pricing structure, while at the same timeintroducing new options to give customersgreater choice and control over how they arecharged for using our products and services.All our residential customers (except those onspecial schemes for low users) now get aninclusive call allowance included as part ofthe standard rental.

The new BT Together range of pricing plansprovides residential and smaller businesscustomers with competitive prices, inclusivecall allowances and other features, for example,unlimited off-peak voice and/or internet calls,for a fixed monthly fee. Over eight million >>

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>> customers are now benefiting from one ofthe choices from BT Together.

SurfTime, BT’s low-cost internet accessservice which offers unlimited internet calls fora fixed fee, was launched in June 2000 and nowhas more than 446,000 customers.

So, customers can choose the deal that suitsthem best. And gives them best value. Anindependently audited report, published inJanuary 2001, compared the best prices offeredat that time by major UK telecoms suppliers.Five typical residential customer bill profiles wereanalysed and, in each case, BT was the cheapestoperator providing nationwide coverage.

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BT WholesaleThe world of communications is becomingincreasingly “connected”. All sorts oforganisations are offering all sorts ofproducts and services to all sorts ofcustomers. But, whatever they offer,voice, data, mobile or anything else, the one thing they must have is accessto fast and reliable networks. And that’swhere BT Wholesale comes in…

Who are we?The principal network services providerto the UK

Who are our customers?Telecoms operators and service providers,including other parts of BT

What do we do?We run the UK network and providewholesale and service provider products,such as high-speed ADSL and ISDNconnections and internet protocol (IP) access

How big are we?Turnover £11,493 million, 30,000 employees

BT Wholesale develops, maintains and operatesnetworks and uses them to help meet the needsnot just of other parts of BT – BT Retail, BTIgnite, BT Wireless and BTopenworld – butmany other operators and service providerswho may have no other connection with BT at all.

So BT Wholesale’s customers can concentrateon doing what they do best and leave BTWholesale to provide the necessary technicalsupport. Increasingly, this means more thanjust networks alone. >>

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>> BT Wholesale continues to find innovativeways of combining different products andservices to provide single, simple solutionswhich meet all of their customers’communication needs. In short, BT Wholesaleis the ‘one stop shop’ supplier capable ofbuilding complete solutions for its customersand working with them to help them succeedin their chosen markets.

BT’s UK network provides the foundationfor all of BT Wholesale’s activities. Withenough cable to stretch the equivalent ofnearly 3,000 times round the world andcurrently carrying more than 300 millioncalls every day, keeping it up and runningis a major business in its own right.

Large scale investment over the past year hasled to further improvements in performance.The core network (the backbone of the networkwhich connects major exchanges) can nowcarry half as many calls again as it could thistime last year, so helping to meet the demandfrom internet and mobile users, and businesscustomers who are sending ever-increasingamounts of data over the network.

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BT WirelessMobile phones have come a long way ina short period of time. From being onlyaccessible to business executives at vastexpense, they are now readily available inevery household and are an integral partof everyday life. They already provide agateway to a whole range of services suchas e-mail, information and internet, andthere is more to come, including video.Which is where BT Wireless comes in…

Who are we? One of Europe’s leading mobilecommunications businesses

Who are our customers?Residential and business users of mobileservices in the UK, Germany, TheNetherlands and the Republic of Ireland

What do we do?We offer a range of mobile voice and dataservices, including Genie, one of Europe’sleading mobile internet portals

How big are we?Turnover £3,947 million, 14,900 employees

BT Wireless has approximately 16.9 millioncustomers. New services are being introduced,and taken up, at a dramatic rate. For example,the number of text messages sent to mobiles inthe UK has grown, over the last year, from afew million to over 200 million a month.

This is just the beginning. Technologicaladvances are bringing internet access tomobiles, creating a whole new experience forcustomers. They may have a range of bafflingnames, WAP, GPRS, 3G, but they all mean onething: highly personalised voice, multimediaand packaged services delivered to mobilesto meet customers’ needs now and inthe future. >>

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>> And BT Wireless is playing a leadingrole. June 2000 saw the launch of the world’sfirst GPRS service, offering mobile e-mailand internet access, primarily for businesscustomers. With Genie, our global mobileinternet portal, we pioneered mobile internetservices in Europe and beyond. Genie is themost popular mobile internet service in theUK and already has four million* customersinternationally.

BT Wireless continues to work with someof the world’s leading communications andtechnology companies, such as AT&T andMicrosoft, to develop and introduce newproducts and services that will maintain andenhance its position as one of the world’sleading mobile operators.

BT IgniteIt’s a competitive world out there.Businesses have got enough to thinkabout without having to worry about thenuts and bolts of how they are going tocommunicate with their customers, theirsuppliers and their employees. Why notlet someone else do that? Which is where BT Ignite comes in…

Who are we? BT leader in high value services for businesses

Who are our customers?400,000 businesses throughout Europe

What do we do?We offer major business customers internetsolutions and broadband IP services

How big are we?Turnover £3,861 million, 18,800 employees

BT Ignite does two main things for itscustomers. It brings together communicationand information technology to help businessesrun more efficiently, and it manages a high-speed fibre network that links Europe’s majorcities, so helping businesses to communicatemore effectively.

BT Ignite Solutions (formerly SyncordiaSolutions) helps businesses analyse their needsand then comes up with the appropriatecommunications solution. For example,European Education Consultants, designers ofspecialist software for health and safety inschools, chose BT Ignite to develop a completeon-line management system >>

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*Source Red SheriffServices’ datacollection software

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>> incorporating a number of BT products,such as BT Web Publisher, BT Broadcaster andBT SurfTime.

Syntegra is the global consulting and systemsintegration business within BT Ignite. Asbusiness system experts, Syntegra developsinnovative ideas for its clients and designs,delivers and manages information technologyand communications systems. It has customersin more than 60 countries.

With 21 internet data centres in Europe, BT Ignite enables customers to run their ownwebsites and other e-business applicationswithout having to invest in their own computingand communications hardware. Supporting BT Ignite’s activities is its fibre network, whichconnects 250 European cities.

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BT Annual Review 2001 21BT Annual Review 200120

BTopenworldNews of the internet’s death has beengreatly exaggerated. Now that the frothand hype are subsiding, it is becomingincreasingly clear that, to succeed,companies must offer well-designed,easy-to-use services that actually do whatusers want and need. Which is whereBTopenworld comes in…

Who are we?BT’s mass-market internet business

Who are our customers?Internet users in the UK. BTopenworld has approximately 1.25 million activecustomers – customers who accessBTopenworld’s internet products on aregular basis

What do we do?We develop and run internet services (bothdial-up and broadband) such as BTinternet

How big are we?Turnover £212 million, 700 employees

The internet can be both exciting andfrustrating. Although it provides access toan immense amount of information, and isbringing rapid changes in areas as diverse as education, shopping and entertainment,using it can be complicated and slow.

This is all set to change with the arrival ofbroadband internet, which vastly increases thespeed at which information can be transmittedand received. The opportunities fortransforming the way the internet is used areenormous. And BTopenworld is working toensure that these opportunities are realised. >>

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>> BTopenworld already runs BTinternet,which offers unlimited off-peak internet accessfor a flat fee and has more than a millionregistered customers, and provides and managesinternet services for major companies – such asDell, WH Smith and ONdigital.

And now BTopenworld is building on thissuccess to develop the products and servicesthat will enable customers to make the mostof the broadband internet. Already, it haslaunched a range of mass-market, broadbandservices aimed at consumers, small businessesand teleworkers.

We continue to develop a range of tools,including communications, navigation andpersonalisation, all of which will be linked andmade available through a Personal openworldPortal accessible across a number of devices.

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