bsu curriculum forms - bemidji state university2018/02/10  · anatomy & physiology: an...

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Curriculum Proposal

BIOL 17-18 #10 Packet Contents

1.1 Summary

New Course 1.2 BIOL 1111 Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health I (4 credits)

1.16 BIOL 1112 Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health II (4 credits)

1.27 Signatures



BSU Curriculum Forms

Form 1

Curriculum Modification Summary

College: Arts and Science

Department: Biology

Proposer: Dr. Mark Wallert

Proposer’s position: Associate Professor

Describe the modification(s) you propose, and how it (/they) will work to students'

advantage. (This description and explanation will be included in Curriculum Report

packets forwarded to the Faculty Senate.):

This proposal creates two new Anatomy and Physiology courses that are designed

for students interested in allied health fields. The courses would be required for the

Nursing Program and the Community Health Major.

These courses replace BIOL 1110 Human Biology (4 credits) and BIOL 2110

Human Anatomy and Physiology (5cr) courses previously required by the Nursing


Modifications proposed (specify number of each):

_____Course Modification(s) (form 2)

__2__New Course(s) (form 3)

____ Course Drop(s) (form 4)

_____Program Modification(s) (form 5)

_____New Program(s) (form 6)

_____Program Drop(s) (form 7)

The modifications affect (check):

_____Liberal Education

__X_Undergraduate Curriculum

_____Graduate Curriculum

_____Teacher Licensure Program(s)



BSU Curriculum Forms

Form 3 Updated: 9.19.15

New Course Form

Course Number:

Undergraduate: BIOL 1111


Course Title: Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health I

Course Description:

This course is designed as the first semester of a year-long human anatomy and

physiology course for allied health students including nursing and community

health. The course covers aspects of the structure, function, and development of the

human body from the cellular level through an introduction to the nervous system.

Both lecture and laboratory are required.

Credits: 4


Undergraduate: None


1. Reason(s) for creating this course:

This course is designed to meet the specific needs for an anatomy and physiology

course for students interested in allied health fields that require a 2-semester

sequence at the freshman or sophomore level. The course will be required as part of

the Nursing Major and Community Health Major. It will also serve some students

interested in preprofessional programs in physical therapy and physician assistant.

The course was taught twice as an experimental course listed at Biology 1930:

Nursing Anatomy and Physiology I

2. How often will this course be offered?

Fall Semester, annually.



3. What are the student learning outcomes for the course (please precede each outcome

with "Students will…")?

Students will be able to:

• Identify the anatomical structures of all body systems.

• Understand cellular and chemical principles associated with the human body.

• Understand the physiological and chemical mechanisms of all body systems.

• Develop a working vocabulary of anatomical and physiological terminology.

• Apply anatomical and physiological concepts in a healthcare environment.

4. What are the major content areas for the course?

Anatomy and Physiology from cellular level to nervous system.

Atoms, Ions, and Molecules

Biological Molecules

Energy, Reactions, Metabolism

Cell Structure and Function

Integumentary System

Bone Structure and Function

Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

Skeletal Articulations

Muscle Tissue

Axial and Appendicular Muscles

Nervous Tissue

Brain and Cranial Nerves

Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

5. Is this course repeatable for credit, and if so, what is the maximum number of credits

that can be earned?


6. If this course is intended primarily for off-campus delivery (not offered on campus),

what delivery mechanism will be used?


7. What is the projected maximum class size (cap)?


8. What qualified faculty will be available to teach this course?

Dr. Mark Wallert



NOTE WELL: Department and dean, in approving this proposal, attest both to the

adequacy of the qualifications of faculty here named, and to their availability to teach the

course at the frequency specified above, without excessive overload or disruption to other


9. What additional library and other resources need or should be provided for this course,

that are not already available?


10. What special personal property or service fee(s) would be charged to students taking

this course? These charges would be for 1) items that are retained by the student and

have an educational or personal value beyond the classroom, or 2) services that are on the

student’s behalf (see MnSCU Board Policy 5.11).

Amount per student: $ 15 per credit per student

For: Biology Differential Tuition for Laboratory Courses

11. Attach a sample syllabus for the course. Note: if this course is double-numbered (u-

grad/grad), the syllabus must include an additional component for graduate students.



Biology 1111: Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health I Fall 2017

Lecture: MWF 10:00 – 10:50 a.m. Location: Sattgast 208

Laboratory: Wednesday: 2:00 – 3:50 p.m.; 4:00 – 5:50 p.m. Thursday: 10:00 – 11:50 a.m.; 12:00 – 1:50 p.m.; 2:00 – 3:50 p.m. Location: Sattgast 241

Professor: Dr. Mark Wallert Associate Professor of Biology Office: Sattgast 218H Lab: Sattgast 233/244 Phone: 755-2925 E-mail:

Graduate Assistants/Laboratory Instructors: Clarice Wallert Thursday 12:00 – 1:50, 2:00 – 3:50 Kyle Bagnell Wednesday 4:00 – 5:50, Thursday 10:00 – 11:50 Office: Sattgast 220

Office Hours: M 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. T 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. W 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. H 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. M 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Meeting times available by appointment. Please email to schedule.

Biology Learning Center Hours: Sattgast 220 M 9 – 10 Kyle Bagnell T 9 – 11 Kyle Bagnell W 12 – 2 Clarice Wallert H 10 – 12 Clarice Wallert

Required Textbook: Anatomy & Physiology: An Integrative Approach 2nd Edition McKinley, O'Loughlin and Bidle with Connect Access The Book and Connect access are sold at the BSU Bookstore. The bundle price is

Laboratory Manual: Provided on D2L Students must download and print the manual prior to coming to laboratory each week.



substantially cheaper than buying them separately.

Course Description: This course is designed at the first semester of a year-long human anatomy and physiology course for nursing students. The course covers aspects of the structure, function, and development of the human body from the cellular level through an introduction to the nervous system. Both lecture and laboratory are required.

Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:

• Identify the anatomical structures of all body systems.

• Understand cellular and chemical principles associated with the human body.

• Understand the physiological and chemical mechanisms of all body systems.

• Develop a working vocabulary of anatomical and physiological terminology.

• Apply anatomical and physiological concepts in a healthcare environment.

Course materials available D2L Brightspace:

• Syllabus

• Schedule

• PowerPoint Lectures in PowerPoint Format

• PowerPoint Lectures in PDF format

• Study Guides

• Connect Access

• Grades

• Announcements and Reminders

Connect Assignments: An assignment will be given for most chapters we cover in the McGraw-Hill Connect program required for the course. These assignments will be worth a total of 130 points. These assignments provide a comprehensive overview of the material covered in the course and are designed to help you prepare for exams. You will enter McGraw-Hill Connect through the McGraw-Hill Campus link in the Content area of D2L Bright Space. You must purchase access to McGraw-Hill Connect with your textbook.



Attendance: Class attendance is considered mandatory. You are responsible for all the material covered in class. Some of this material covered in class is not in the textbook. There will be a minimum of 13 days when the in-class questions using the iClickers will be used for attendance. Each attendance quiz is worth 5 points each. I will not announce which day’s questions count for attendance until that day. The only way to make up an attendance quiz is to have a University excused absence that you have talked to me about the absence prior to missing the class. I reserve the right to give extra credit for work done in class on the days of my choosing.

iClickers: Students must have an iClicker or the appropriate iClicker app. We will use the iClicker for interactive portions of the lecture. We will also use the iClicker for taking attendance.

Study Guides: Available for each chapter we will cover in the book. Includes:

• Learning Outcomes for each chapter that I want you to focus on.

• Terminology List

• Recommended Exercises from book chapters

• Any additional study materials that I feel will be helpful.



Laboratory Laboratory is a required component to this course and will account for 33% of your grade. You must be enrolled in a laboratory section. The laboratory accounts for up to 395 points towards your final grade in the course.

13 laboratory sessions worth 15 points each. 2 laboratory exams worth 100 points each.

You must make arrangements with your laboratory instructor if you have an excused absence for missing a laboratory prior to missing that laboratory session. 2 unexcused absences from laboratory will result in a student’s grade being reduced 1 letter grade. 3 unexcused absences from laboratory will result in the student failing the course. You will have a separate D2L Brightspace site for your laboratory.



Exams: Regular Lecture Exams There will be 5 Regular Lecture Exams worth 100 points each. Exams will include 50 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each. All material from lectures, study guides, reading assignments and homework are eligible for exams. Regular Laboratory Exams There will be 2 Regular Laboratory Exams worth 100 points each. Exams will include 50 questions Exams will include identification and short answer questions. Spelling counts. All material from laboratory, reading assignments and related homework are eligible for exams. Final Exam The final exam will be worth 200 points The exam will include 100 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each. There will be 20 questions related to each lecture section of the course. Supporting materials from the laboratory for those sections will also be included. Some of the questions will come directly from previous lecture and laboratory exams. Exam Grades Each exam will be graded on a curve, with the grades being determined by a percentage of the high grade on the exam. A 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% curve will be used. The calculated curve will be given following each exam. Dropping Lowest Regular Exam Score The lowest exam score from the 5 regular lecture exams will be dropped from the final grade calculation. This allows students to recover from a bad exam score or experience without dramatically lowering the course grade. You are not allowed to drop Laboratory Exams or the Final Exam

Make-up Exams: Make-up Exams will be given only under extreme circumstances or for Official University Activities. Make-up exams for Official University Activities will only be given if you talk with me prior to the examination date. Make sure to talk to be about your specific situation in order for me to determine the need for a



make-up exam. Make-up exams may not be possible for laboratory exams due to the nature of the exams

Lecture Exams: Exam 1: September 6 Exam 2: September 22 Exam 3: October 11 Exam 4: November 1 Exam 5: December 1 Final Exam: Tuesday, December 7, 1:00 p.m.

Laboratory Exams: Exam 1: September 27 and 28 Exam 2: November 15 and 16

Course Grades: Final grades for the course will be calculated based upon a total of 1200 points

• 600 points for regular lecture and laboratory exams o 5 regular lecture exams

▪ Drop the lowest lecture exam score o 2 laboratory exams

• 200 points for the Final Exam

• 195 points for laboratory quizzes, case studies, and participation

• 130 points for connect assignments

• 75 points from lecture attendance, class participation, and signature pages

Bonus Points: A maximum of 25 bonus points can be obtained throughout the semester. 5 bonus points will be given for attendance at Sanford Health Professions Seminars, Biology Graduate Student Seminars, and other events announced throughout the semester. Each student is encouraged to attend at least 5 of these events.

Accommodations: . “Upon request students with a documented disability may receive appropriate and reasonable accommodations in this course including information in an alternate format. Please contact the Disability Services Office at 755-3883 or email”

Mental Health: You may experience mental health concerns or stressful events that may lead to diminished academic performance. The Student Center for Health & Counseling is available to assist you with concerns. Cedar Hall 1st Floor 755-2053



Academic Integrity: BSU students are expected to practice the highest standards of ethics, honesty and integrity in all of their academic work. Any form of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating and misrepresentation) may result in disciplinary action. Possible disciplinary actions may include failure for part of all of a course as well as suspension from the University.

Syllabus and Schedule Signature Page: All students are required to print the syllabus and schedule. After printing the syllabus and schedule you need to sign the signature page at the end of the syllabus. The signature pages (an only the signature pages) must be turned in by Monday, August 28 by the end of class. (5 points each) Signature pages turned in late will receive no points. No grades for the course will be posted if the signature pages are not turned in. You will not be allowed to take the first exam unless the signature pages are turned in.



Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health I TB = Textbook Fall 2017

Week Day Date Lecture Laboratory Assignment


M 8/21 Lecture 1: Course Introduction

Laboratory 1: Laboratory Safety, Metric Units, and Trivia

TB Chapter 1: Pages 1 – 28 W 8/23 Lecture 2:

Anatomy and Physiology

F 8/25 Lecture 3: Atoms, Ions, and Molecules


M 8/28 Lecture 4: Atoms, Ions, and Molecules

Laboratory 2: Positions, Planes and Body Cavities Microscopes 1

TB Chapter 2: Pages 29 - 69

W 8/30 Lecture 5: Biological Molecules

F 9/1 Lecture 6: Biological Molecules


M 9/4 No Class - Holiday Laboratory 3: Cell Structure, Diffusion, Osmosis & Membrane Transport Microscopes II

TB Chapter 3: Pages 70 – 101 W 9/6 Exam 1

F 9/8 Lecture 7: Energy, Reactions, Metabolism


M 9/11 Lecture 8: Energy, Reactions, Metabolism

Laboratory 4: Tissues and Histology

TB Chapter 4: Pages 102 – 150

W 9/13 Lecture 9: Cell Structure and Function

F 9/15 Lecture 10: Cell Structure and Function



Week Day Date Lecture Laboratory Assignment


M 9/18 Lecture 11: Integumentary System

Laboratory 5: Bone Structure and Function Exam 1 Review

TB Chapter 6: 185 – 210

W 9/20 Lecture 12: Integumentary System

F 9/22 Exam 2


M 9/25 Lecture 13: Bone Structure and Function

Laboratory Exam 1 TB Chapter 7: 211 – 238

W 9/27 Guest Speaker: Nursing Careers

F 9/29 Lecture 14: Bone Structure and Function


M 10/2 Lecture 15: Bone Structure and Function

Laboratory 6: Head and Tarsal Muscle and Bones

TB Chapter 8: Pages 239 – 296

W 10/4 Lecture 16: Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

F 10/6 Lecture 17: Axial and Appendicular Skeleton


M 10/9 Lecture 18: Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

Laboratory 7: Arm and Shoulder Muscles and Bones

W 10/11 Exam 3

F 10/13 Lecture 19: Skeletal Articulations



Week Day Date Lecture Laboratory Assignment


M 10/16 Lecture 20: Skeletal Articulations

Laboratory 8: Pelvis and Leg Muscle and Bones

TB Chapter 9: Pages 297 - 330

W 10/18 Lecture 21: Muscle Tissue

F 10/20 Guest Speaker: Allied Health Careers


M 10/23 Lecture 22: Muscle Tissue

Laboratory 9: Brain and Cranial Nerves

TB Chapter 10: Pages 331 – 369 TB Chapter 11: Pages 370 - 436

W 10/25 Lecture 23: Muscle Tissue

F 10/27 Lecture 24: Axial and Appendicular Muscles


M 10/30 Lecture 25: Axial and Appendicular Muscles

Laboratory 10: Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

W 11/1 Exam 4

F 11/3 Lecture 26: Nervous Tissue


M 11/6 No Class Wallert Family Holiday

Laboratory 11: Review and Open Laboratory

TB Chapter 12: Pages 437 – 482

W 11/8 Lecture 27: Nervous Tissue

F 11/10 No Class Veterans Day



Week Day Date Lecture Laboratory Assignment


M 11/13 Lecture 28: Laboratory Exam 2

TB Chapter 13: 483 – 536

W 11/15 Lecture 29: Brain and Cranial Nerves

F 11/17 Lecture 30: Brain and Cranial Nerves


M 11/20 No Class Thanksgiving Week

No Laboratory

W 11/22

F 1/24


M 11/27 Lecture 31: Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

Laboratory 13: Evaluations and Something Fun

TB Chapter 14: 537 – 575

W 11/29 Lecture 32: Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

F 12/1 Exam 5


M 12/4 Final Exam Preparation & Evaluations

No Laboratory

W 12/6 No Class Reading Day

H 12/7 Final Exam 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.



BSU Curriculum Forms

Form 3 Updated: 9.19.15

New Course Form

Course Number:

Undergraduate: BIOL 1112


Course Title: Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health II

Course Description:

This course is designed as the second semester of a year-long human anatomy and

physiology course for allied health students including nursing and community

health. The course covers aspects of the structure, function, and development of the

human body from the nervous system through digestion and nutrition. Both lecture

and laboratory are required. Prerequisite: BIOL 1111

Credits: 4


Undergraduate: BIOL 1111: Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health I


1. Reason(s) for creating this course:

This course is designed to meet the specific needs for an anatomy and physiology

course for students interested in allied health fields that require a 2-semester

sequence at the freshman or sophomore level. The course will be required as part of

the Nursing Major and Community Health Major. It will also serve some students

interested in preprofessional programs in physical therapy and physician assistant.

The course was taught twice as an experimental course listed at Biology 1930:

Nursing Anatomy and Physiology II

2. How often will this course be offered?

Spring Semester, annually.



3. What are the student learning outcomes for the course (please precede each outcome

with "Students will…")?

Students will be able to:

• Identify the anatomical structures of all body systems.

• Understand cellular and chemical principles associated with the human body.

• Understand the physiological and chemical mechanisms of all body systems.

• Develop a working vocabulary of anatomical and physiological terminology.

• Apply anatomical and physiological concepts in a healthcare environment.

4. What are the major content areas for the course?

Anatomy and Physiology from the nervous system to digestion and nutrition.

Brain and Cranial Nerves

Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

Autonomic Nervous System


Endocrine System



Vessels and Circulation

Respiratory System

Urinary System

Fluid and Electrolytes

Digestive System

Nurtrition and Metabolism

5. Is this course repeatable for credit, and if so, what is the maximum number of credits

that can be earned?


6. If this course is intended primarily for off-campus delivery (not offered on campus),

what delivery mechanism will be used?


7. What is the projected maximum class size (cap)?


8. What qualified faculty will be available to teach this course?

Dr. Mark Wallert



NOTE WELL: Department and dean, in approving this proposal, attest both to the

adequacy of the qualifications of faculty here named, and to their availability to teach the

course at the frequency specified above, without excessive overload or disruption to other


9. What additional library and other resources need or should be provided for this course,

that are not already available?


10. What special personal property or service fee(s) would be charged to students taking

this course? These charges would be for 1) items that are retained by the student and

have an educational or personal value beyond the classroom, or 2) services that are on the

student’s behalf (see MnSCU Board Policy 5.11).

Amount per student: $ 15 per student per credit

For: Biology Differential Tuition for Laboratory Courses

11. Attach a sample syllabus for the course. Note: if this course is double-numbered (u-

grad/grad), the syllabus must include an additional component for graduate students.



Biology 1112: Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health II Spring 2017

Lecture: MWF 10:00 – 10:50 a.m. Location: Hagg-Sauer 100

Laboratory: Wednesday: 2:00 – 3:50 p.m. & 4:00 – 5:50 p.m. Thursday: 10:00 – 11:50 a.m.; 12:00 – 1:50 p.m.; 2:00 – 3:50 p.m. Location: Sattgast 241

Professor: Dr. Mark Wallert Associate Professor of Biology Office: Sattgast 218H Lab: Sattgast 233 Phone: 755-2925 E-mail:

Graduate Assistants/Laboratory Instructors: Rebecca Florke W 4:00, H 12:00, Supplemental Instruction Clarice Wallert H 10:00, H 2:00, Supplemental Instruction Office: Sattgast 220

Office Hours: Monday: 9:00 – 9:30, 11:00 – 12:30, 2:00 – 4:00 Wednesday: 9:00 – 9:30, 11:00 – 12:30 Thursday: 10:00 – 11:00 Friday: 11:00 – 12:30, 2:00 – 3:30 Meeting times available by appointment

Office Hours: G.A. Office hours will posted on the door of Sattgast 220 as well as in the D2L Brightspace pages for the laboratory sections.

Required Textbook: Anatomy & Physiology: An Integrative Approach 2nd Edition McKinley, O'Loughlin and Bidle with Connect Access This is the same book bundle we used fall semester.

Required Laboratory Manual: Laboratory Manual Main Version for McKinley's Anatomy & Physiology Christine Eckel and Theresa Bidle The Books and Connect access are sold at the BSU Bookstore. The bundle price is substantially cheaper than buying them separately.



Course Description: This course is designed as the second semester of a year-long human anatomy and physiology course for nursing students. The course covers aspects of the structure, function, and development of the human body from the nervous system through digestion and nutrition. Lecture and a required laboratory section are combined into a single grade for the course.

Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:

• Identify the anatomical structures of all body systems.

• Understand cellular and chemical principles associated with the human body.

• Understand the physiological and chemical mechanisms of all body systems.

• Develop a working vocabulary of anatomical and physiological terminology.

• Apply anatomical and physiological concepts in a healthcare environment.

Course materials available in D2L Brightspace:

• Syllabus

• Schedule

• PowerPoint Lectures in PDF format

• PowerPoint Lectures in PowerPoint format

• Study Guides

• Grades

• Announcements and Reminders

Supplemental Instruction / Group Tutoring: Each week of the semester, Rebecca Florke and Clarice Wallert will provide 2 separate 1 hour group tutoring sessions. These sessions are designed to allow students to ask questions related to the material being covered in the class and prepare for exams. The sessions will be held in Sattgast 248. Monday 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Connect Assignments: Regular assignments will be given in the McGraw-Hill Connect program required for the course. These assignments provide a comprehensive overview of the material covered in the course. Each assignment will be worth 10 points.



Attendance: Class attendance is considered mandatory. You are responsible for all the material covered in class. Some of this material covered in class is not in the textbook. There will be a minimum of 10 unannounced attendance quizzes during the semester worth 5 points each. The only way to make up an attendance quiz is to have a University excused absence that you have talked to me about prior to missing the class. I reserve the right to give extra credit for work done in class on the days of my choosing.

Study Guides: Available for each chapter we will cover in the book. Includes:

• Learning Outcomes for each chapter that I want you to focus on.

• Terminology List

• Recommended Exercises from book chapters

• Any additional study materials that I feel will be helpful.

Laboratory Laboratory is a required component to this course. You must be enrolled in a laboratory section. The laboratory accounts for up to 380 points towards your final grade in the course.

9 laboratory sessions worth 20 points each. Weekly Attendance Weekly Laboratory Quizzes

2 laboratory exams worth 100 points each. You must make arrangements with your laboratory instructor if you have an excused absence for missing a laboratory prior to missing that laboratory session. Having 3 unexcused absences from laboratory will result in the student failing the course. You will have a separate D2L Brightspace site for your laboratory.



Exams: Regular Lecture Exams There will be 5 Regular Lecture Exams worth 100 points each. Exams will include 50 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each. All material from lectures, study guides, reading assignments and homework are eligible for exams. Regular Laboratory Exams There will be 2 Regular Laboratory Exams worth 100 points each. Exams will include identification and short answer questions All materials from laboratory, reading assignments and related homework are eligible for exams. Final Exam The Final Exam will be worth 200 points The exam will include 100 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each. There will be 20 questions related to each lecture section of the course. Supporting materials from the laboratory for those sections will also be included. Some of the questions will come directly from previous lecture and laboratory exams. Exam Grades Each exam will be graded on a curve, with the grades being determined by a percentage of the high grade on the exam. A 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% curve will be used. The calculated curve will be given following each exam. Dropping Lowest Regular Exam Score The lowest exam score from the 5 regular exams and 2 laboratory exams will be dropped from the final grade calculation. This allows students to recover from a bad exam score or experience without dramatically lowering the course grade. You are NOT allowed to drop the Final Exam

Make-up Exams: Make-up Exams will be given only under extreme circumstances or for Official University Activities. Make-up exams for Official University Activities will only be given if you talk with me prior to the examination date. Make sure to talk to me about your specific situation in order for me to determine the need for a make-up exam. Make-up exams may not be possible for laboratory exams due to the nature of the exams



Exam Dates: Exam dates will not change except for emergencies or natural disasters.

Lecture Exams: Exam 1: January 30 Exam 2: February 17 Exam 3: March 10 Exam 4: April 3 Exam 5: April 21 Final Exam: May 4, 1:00 p.m.

Laboratory Exams: Exam 1: February 22 and 23 Exam 2: April 12 and 13

Student Achievement Conference: The BSU Student Achievement Conference will be held Wednesday, April 5, 2017. All students are required to attend the conference as part of this course. Students must attend 2 Oral Presentations and 2 Poster Presentations and complete the appropriate presentation forms and turn them in to the Assignment Submission Folders provided in D2L Brightspace. Evaluation of each presentation is worth 10 points for a total of 40 points. No excused absences will be given for purposes other than official University events.

Course Grades: Final grades for the course will be calculated based upon a total of 1200 points

• 600 points for regular lecture and laboratory exams o 5 lecture exams o 2 laboratory exams o Drop the lowest exam score

• 200 points from the Final Exam

• 180 points from Laboratory Quizzes and participation

• 120 points from Connect Assignments

• 60 points from Lecture Attendance Quizzes and Signature Pages

• 40 points from Student Achievement Conference Assignment




Upon request students with a documented disability may receive appropriate and reasonable accommodations in this course including information in an alternate format. Please contact the Disability Services Office at 755-3883 or email

Mental Health: You may experience mental health concerns or stressful events that may lead to diminished academic performance. The Student Center for Health & Counseling is available to assist you with concerns. Cedar Hall 1st Floor 755-2053

Academic Integrity: BSU students are expected to practice the highest standards of ethics, honesty and integrity in all of their academic work. Any form of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating and misrepresentation) may result in disciplinary action. Possible disciplinary actions may include failure for part of all of a course as well as suspension from the University.

Syllabus and Schedule Signature Page: All students are required to print the syllabus and schedule. After printing the syllabus and schedule you need to sign the signature page at the end of the syllabus. The signature pages must be turned in by Friday, January 13 by the end of class. (5 points each) Signature pages turned in late will receive no points. No grades for the course will be posted if the signature pages are not turned in. You will not be allowed to take the first exam unless the signature pages are turned in.



Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health II TB = Textbook Spring 2017 LM = Lab Manual

Week Day Date Lecture Laboratory Assignment


M 1/9 Course Introduction No Laboratory

TB Chapter 13: Pages 509 - 536 W 1/11 Brain and Cranial


F 1/13 Brain and Cranial Nerves


M 1/16 No Class MLK Day Laboratory 1 Brain and Cranial Nerves

TB Chapter 14: 537 – 575 LM Chapter 15

W 1/18 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

F 1/20 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves


M 1/23 Autonomic Nervous System

Laboratory 2 Brain and Cranial Nerves

TB Chapter 15: 576 – 602 LM Chapter 15 W 1/25 Autonomic Nervous

System F 1/27 Autonomic Nervous

System 4

M 1/30 Exam 1 Laboratory 3 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

TB Chapter 16: 603 – 653 LM Chapter 16

W 2/1 Senses

F 2/3 Senses


M 2/6 Endocrine System Laboratory 4 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

TB Chapter 17: 654 – 700 LM Chapter 16

W 2/8 Endocrine System

F 2/10 Endocrine System


M 2/13 Blood Laboratory 5 Senses and Reflexes

TB Chapter 18: 701 – 730 LM Chapter 18

W 2/15 Blood

F 2/17 Exam 2


M 2/20 No Classes – Faculty Duty

Laboratory Exam 1 TB Chapter 19: 731 - 775

W 2/22 Heart

F 2/24 Heart


M 2/27 Heart Laboratory 6 Blood

TB Chapter 20: 776 – 832 LM Chapter 20

W 3/1 Vessels and Circulation

F 3/3 Vessels and Circulation



Week Day Date Lecture Laboratory Assignment

9 M 3/6 Respiratory System Laboratory 7 Heart and Circulation

TB Chapter 23: 890 – 941 LM Chapter 21 and 22

W 3/8 Respiratory System

F 3/10 Exam 3


M 3/13 No Classes – Spring Break

No Laboratory

W 3/15

F 3/17


M 3/20 Urinary System Laboratory 8 Heart and Circulation

TB Chapter 24: 942 – 987 LM Chapter 21 and 22

W 3/22 Urinary System

F 3/24 Urinary System


M 3/27 Fluid and Electrolytes Laboratory 9 Respiration

TB Chapter 25: 988 – 1019 LM Chapter 24

W 3/29 Fluid and Electrolytes F 3/31 Fluid and Electrolytes


M 4/3 Exam 4 No Laboratory - Student Achievement Conference Assignment

TB Chapter 26: 1020 - 1067 W 4/5 No Classes – Student

Achievement Conference

F 4/7 Digestive System


M 4/10 Digestive System Laboratory Exam 2 TB Chapter 27: 1068 - 1092 W 4/12 Digestive System

F 4/14 Nutrition and Metabolism


M 4/17 Nutrition and Metabolism

No Laboratory

W 4/19 Nutrition and Metabolism

F 4/21 Exam 5


M 4/24 No Classes – ASBMB Meeting

No Classes 4/25 and 4/27

W 4/26 No Classes – ASBMB Meeting

F 4/28 No Classes Final Exam Schedule


H 5/4 Final Exam 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.



BSU Curriculum Forms

Form 8 Updated: 09.18.15


Mark Wallert / Associate Professor / 10.25.2017

Proposer / Title / Date

Elizabeth Rave / Biology Department Chair / 10.25.2017

Chair or Director / Department or Program / Date

Note: "All departmental recommendations [on curriculum] must be reviewed and

approved by the department's faculty."--IFO/MnSCU Master Agreement

2009-2011, 20.A.3 (p. 80).

At this point, packet goes to Records Office/Curriculum Coordinator to be logged in

to the Curriculum Proposal Progress Grid.

Colleen Greer / Dean of College of Arts and Sciences / 12.05.2017

Dean / College / Date

Note: If proposal is sent back to the Proposer, please notify the Curriculum

Coordinator. If approved, packet goes to Academic Affairs Office.

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