bsm adjustment - cna adjustment - consistency check job

Post on 23-Feb-2015






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Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 1 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

Base Station Management Adjustment (BSM Adjustment)

Cellular Network Administration Adjustment

(CNA Adjustment)

Consistency Check Job Aclaratoria. El contenido de este documento es basado en la experiencia del Autor, está sujeta a revisión sin notificación alguna, dicho documento no tiene ninguna intención de reemplazar cualquier Procedimiento Oficial Ericsson o del Cliente. Los procedimientos contenidos en este documento son asumidos correctos y libre de errores de cualquier tipo, no obstante, el Autor no asume ninguna responsabilidad de cualquier error o daño causado en alguna red por el uso del mismo.

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 2 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%! !% OSS BSM Adjustment – CNA Adjustment – Consistency Check job %! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%! !%=========================================================================%! !% EXCHANGE : BSCTRC %! !% HARDWARE : APZ 212 30/APZ 212 33/APZ 212 55 %! !% SOFTWARE : R11, R12, R06A, R06B, R07A, R07B, R08A, R08B %! !% BANDA : GSM 800/900/1800/1900 DATE : 15-FEB-2010 %! !%=========================================================================%!!% PREPARADO POR - NOMBRE =====> JUAN RAMOS %! !% - TELEFONO =====> (504)3390 8484 %! !% - CORREO =====> %! !%=========================================================================%! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!

El siguiente documento está elaborado para ayudar a un Ingeniero BSS Junior a realizar procedimientos básicos de Operación y Mantenimiento como ser Base Station Management Adjustment (BSM Adjustment), Cellular Network Administration Adjustment (CNA Adjustment) y Consistency Check Job, las cuales son herramientas Ericsson del Operation Support Subsystem - OSS.


The purpose of the BSM (Base Station Management) application is to enable the user to handle the base station configurations in the mobile network.

BCM provides functions for planning of parameter changes to the network. This planning includes introduction of new base stations as well as modification of existing ones. All planning is made off-line in the database without interfering with the network. Planning is made by using BWZ.

BWZ is a guide to help the user to create complete configurations and avoid erroneous data in the network. By providing a step-by-step guidance and by giving the user initial values, the user can proceed with planning tasks in a structured way.

Planned changes can be applied to the network by generating DT (Data Transcript) files which contain the necessary sequence of MML commands to be sent to the network at a network change by using, for example, Winfiol or CHA (Command Handling Application).

The effort to change the state of base stations can be reduced by using the state changing functions in BCM. The functions work on different MO levels and include commands and scripts for blocking/deblocking as well as for in service/out of service operations.


CNA manages cell and cell related data in a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) radio network. This includes functions which support addition of cells, modification of data in existing cells and deletion of cells from the network.

The cell related objects and data in the connected MSCs (Mobile services Switching Centers) and BSCs (Base Station Controllers) are controlled through a number of MOs (Managed Objects) in CNA keeping the data in persistent storage.

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 3 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

The user manipulates the parameters of the MOs using a user friendly interface when adding to or changing the logical configuration of the cellular network. The corresponding information in the valid area can be adjusted when the data of an object in the network has been changed in CNA.

The user may also use the GCC (Graphical Cell Configuration) application to display the network model superimposed on a geographical map provided by GNIP (Geographical and Logical Network Information Presentation), provided that GCC has been connected to both CNA and GNIP.

All changes to the network are initially performed in a planned area, which is later used to update the valid area and the real network.

The update function compiles the parameters of the MOs to AXE commands. The parameters of the NEs (Network Elements) are updated when the commands are transferred to them.

The consistency check function checks the MOs for consistency in order to minimize errors in the parameter settings of the cellular network.

The MOs can also be adjusted with the data in the network.

The On-Line Help provides brief operating instructions. It also contains warnings of risks, explanations of abbreviations, short-cuts and references to more general information.

CNA comprises the following functions and tasks:

Information Retrieval Adjustment Fallback area handling Log area handling Planning Update Consistency check CNA Management Application Start and Shutdown Information flow Error handling Graphical User Interface Command Line Interface

By means of the CNACMI (CNA Command Line Management Interface), it is possible for the user to perform configuration management and job management tasks. For more information about CNACMI execute the command man CNACMI.

By means of CNAUICMI (CNA User Interface Command Line Management Interface), it is possible for the user to start application window CNA Table without starting the CNA application. For more information about CNAUICMI execute the command man CNAUICMI


The consistency check is used to avoid entering inconsistent or incorrect data in the network. It is highly recommended to run a consistency check job before data in a changed planned area is transferred to the network and to the valid area.

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 4 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

It is important to execute an adjust in CNA, and in BSM if the rules involving transceiver groups (TG-rules) are included in the checks, before the consistency check rules are executed. The TG-rules use data in the BSM database.

The consistency check is based on a number of rules, around 220, which are selected and executed individually. The consistency check rules do not have a user interface of its own. The various rules are selected or deselected using the Consistency Check Preferences windows in CNA.

There are gaps in the number sequence. The main reason is that projects have started with new series and that rules have been removed in a few cases.

Nota: El procedimiento será explicado en Ingles, por facilidad con el Lenguaje del OSS-CNA.

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 5 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

!===========================================================================! ! BASE STATION MANAGEMENT (BSM Adjustment) ! !===========================================================================! ! Open CNA Window. ! !===========================================================================! - From OSS Workspace Menu Chose (by clicking to the right side): . Base Station Management (BSM)

OSS - CNA Workspace main window

BSM: Base Station Management window

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 6 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

- From BSM: Base Station Management . Select the Network (In this example AXE2)

BSM: Base Station Management window

- From BSM: Base Station Management . Right click. File . Adjust ("BSM: File Adjust" Window will pop-up

BSM: Base Station Management window

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 7 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

Calling BSM: File Adjust window

Set the following fields: ALWAYS DELTA IMMEDIATELY After Adjust

You will have to wait an e-mail in the OSS when finish the BSM Adjustment.

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 8 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

!===========================================================================! ! CELLULAR NETWORK MANAGEMENT ADJUSTMENT (CNA Adjustment) ! !===========================================================================! ! Open CNA Window. ! !===========================================================================! - From OSS Workspace Menu Chose (by clicking to the right side): . Configuration . Configure GSM Radio Network . Cellular Network Administration (CNA)

OSS - CNA Workspace main window

CNA - Application main window

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 9 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

- From CNA Toolbar window Choose: . File . New Job . Adjustment Job... ("CNA - New Adjustment Job" Window will pop-up)

Opening the Adjustment Job window

CNA – New Adjustment Job window

Fill the fields. NAME: CNA_AJ_20100125 (EXAMPLE) Set the Fields. Extent Parameters -> ALL

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 10 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

Scheduling Start -> Immediate Delayed - > If you will set the CNA Adjustment every day, or every week, or every month. Usually the customer performs a CNA Adjustment every day in early hours. Behaviour Action on fault -> Continue Check Only -> No Fallback area -> No Job Queuing Enable -> YES Number of Retries -> 10 Time Between Retries -> 180

CNA - New Adjustment Job

After press NEW

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 11 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

Check your Job - From CNA Toolbar window chooses: . File

. Jobs . All... or My Own...

Appear a CNA – Jobs window

CNA Application main window

CNA – Jobs window

Your Job is Active... After the result could be: Complete or Failed. Complete, the CNA Adjustment was successful in all the Network or BSC that you select. Failed, the CNA Adjustment was not successful, maybe one or more node has problem for perform the CNA Adjustment.

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 12 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

CNA – Jobs window

The status of the Job is showing in the window

If you want to check the Update made in the Network, gives double click in the job, and appear all the parameters changes.

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 13 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

!===========================================================================! ! CONSISTENCY CHECK JOB ! !===========================================================================! ! Open CNA Window. ! !===========================================================================! - From OSS Workspace Menu Chose (by clicking to the right side): . Configuration . Configure GSM Radio Network . Cellular Network Administration (CNA)

OSS - CNA Workspace main window

CNA - Application main window

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 14 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

- From CNA Toolbar window Choose: . File . New Job . Adjustment Job... ("CNA – Consistency Check Job" Window will pop-up)

Opening Consistency Check Job window

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 15 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

CNA – New Consistency Check Job window

Fill the fields. NAME: CNA_CC_20100125 (EXAMPLE) Set the Fields. Scheduling Start -> Immediate Delayed - > If you will set the CNA Adjustment every day, or every week, or every month. Usually the customer performs a CNA Adjustment every day in early hours. Behaviour Extent -> Complete Write Rules -> YES If you have a filter, you will search File... After press NEW

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 16 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

Check your Job - From CNA Toolbar window chooses: . File

. Jobs . All... or My Own...

Appear a CNA – Jobs window

CNA Application main window

CNA – Jobs window

Your Job is Active... After the result could be: Complete or Failed. Complete, the CNA Adjustment was successful in all the Network or BSC that you select. Failed, the CNA Adjustment was not successful, maybe one or more node has problem for perform the CNA Adjustment.

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 17 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

CNA – Jobs window

The status of the Job is showing in the window

If you want to read the inconsistencies in the Network, gives double click in the job, and appear all the parameters that maybe have problems.

How I could create a Filter for a Consistency Check Job?

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 18 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

!===========================================================================! ! CREATING A FILTER FOR CONSISTENCY CHECK JOB ! !===========================================================================! ! Open CNA Window. ! !===========================================================================! - From OSS Workspace Menu Chose (by clicking to the right side): . Configuration . Configure GSM Radio Network . Cellular Network Administration (CNA)

OSS - CNA Workspace main window

CNA - Application main window

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 19 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

- From CNA Toolbar window Choose: . Options . Consistency Check Preferences... ("CNA – Consistency Check Preferences" Window will pop-up)

Opening Consistency Check Job window

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 20 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

CNA – Consistency Check Preferences window

In every window you will select the parameter that you want to include or exclude in the filter for Consistency Check Job. When you finish you will have to save the filter.

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 21 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

- From CNA - Consistency Check Preferences window Choose: . File . Save as ("CNA – Consistency Check Preferences:Save File" Window will pop-up)

CNA – Consistency Check Preferences

Confidential SERCOM HONDURAS 22 (22)

Prepared (also subject responsible if other) Deparment

Juan Ramos Enginnering Approved Checked Date Rev Contact Number

Cesar López Javier Cano Feb. 15, 10 A (504) 3390 8484

BSM Adjustment - CNA Adjustment - Consistency Check Job

CNA – Consistency Check Preferences:Save File window

Gives a name for the filter and press OK.

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