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  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    Jacqueline BrowningFRIT 7430: Instructional Design

    Stage 3, Understanding by Design

    Thursday, February 20, 2014

  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    Title of Unit Job Hunting and theInterview Process

    Grade Level 8th


    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    a. Compose and produce an effective application letter and resume.

    b. Utilize the proper format for a thank you letter for a job interview.

    c. Differentiate among suitable business attire, e.g. casual, business-casual, professional business, andformal attire.

    Understandings:Student will understand how to successfully seek employment.Student will understand proper communication.Student will understand dress codes.

    Essential Questions:

    Overarching Questions:

    Why is it important to know how to look for a job properly?

    Why is proper communication important in the jobmarket?

    Why do we dress differently for different jobs?

    Topical Questions:

    How do you build your cover letter andresume, and why are they important?

    What is proper follow to an interview?

    In the future, how will you dress for successin the workplace?

    How do you properly apply for a job?

    What are the different ways to communicate

    with future employers?

    How do you successfully search foremployment?

    What are interview do's and don't's ofinterviewing?

  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences

    Week 1

    Day One:

    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    a. Compose and produce an effective application letter and resume.

    b. Utilize the proper format for a thank you letter for a job interview.

    c. Differentiate among suitable business attire, e.g. casual, business-casual, professional business,

    and formal attire.

    Understandings:Student will understand how to successfully seek employment.

    Student will understand proper communication.

    Student will understand dress codes.

    Essential Questions:

    Why is it important to know how to look for a job properly?

    Why is proper communication important in the job market?

    Why do we dress differently for different jobs?

    Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their journal entry excel file.Pretest Student will fill out pretest. The goal of the pretest is to let me know what the students

    prior knowledge is about employability and workplace environment.Self-Grade/Feedback Students will self-grade their tests for review and turn in, assignment is

    ungraded. Absent students are not required make up.Material Used: Student Journal, Pretest

    Day Two:Objectives & Standards:BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    The student will know how to properly create a resume.

    Daily Essential Question: What are the different ways to communicate with future employers?Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their

    journal entry excel file.

    Discussion/Note Taking Over through resume with students and have the students use a blankresume to take notes on each section of resume.Video Show students video discussing how to communicate with future employers and how yousend your information.Summary/Ticket Out the Door What are the different ways to communicate with futureemployers?Material Used: Student Journal, PowerPoint Presentation, Video: Who would you Hire?

    Day Five:

    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    Skills & Knowledge:

    The student will know how to provide and follow written and verbal communication.

    The student will know how to properly create a resume.

    Daily Essential Question: How can you successfully search for employment?Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their

    journal entry excel file.Note/Discussion Discuss with students the different types of ways to search for employment.

    WebQuest Have students complete WebQuest that takes the students through a career searchwebsite.Ticket out the Door: Answer, What was the most important or fun thing that you learned thisweek?Material Used: Student Journal, WebQuest

    Week 2

    Day Six:

    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    Skills & Knowledge:

    The student will know how to provide and follow written and verbal communication.

    The student will know how to properly create a resume.

    Daily Essential Question: How can you successfully search for employment?

    Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their journal entry excel file. Quiz Have students complete online quiz about career searching online.

    Video Career Fair Prepared Video that talks and hits on the important points of a career fairand how to make yourself stand out. Summary The essential question of the day will be answered, how can you successfully searchfor employment?Ticket out the Door How can you successfully search for employment?

    Material Used: Student Journal, Online Quiz, Video

    Day Seven:BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    a. Compose and produce an effective application letter and resume.

    Skills & Knowledge:

    The student will be able to produce an effective resume.

    The student will know how to properly create a resume.

    Daily Essential Question: What makes a resume?Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their

    journal entry excel file.Lesson Go through a blank resume and discuss in detail the sections of an interview.

    Pictorial Have students take notes using a blank resume as a note taking guide.

    Material Used: Student Journal, Blank Resume Worksheets, PowerPoint Presentation on Resumes,Sample Resumes Day Eight:BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    a. Compose and produce an effective application letter and resume.
  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    Skills & Knowledge:

    The student will be able to produce an effective resume.

    The student will know how to properly create a resume.

    Daily Essential Question: What makes a resume?

    Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their journal entry excel file. Matching/Small Group Have students work in groups to create a resume using provided differentsections. Turn results in for daily grade.Material Used: Student Journal, Group Project

    Day Nine:

    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    a. Compose and produce an effective application letter and resume.

    Skills & Knowledge:

    The student will be able to produce an effective resume.

    The student will know how to properly create a resume.

    Daily Essential Question: What makes a resume?

    Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their journal entry excel file. Microsoft Word - Introduce creating a resume using Microsoft Word. Use the examples fromMicrosoft to talk about different types of resumes and how they are useful.Ticket Out the Door - What makes a resume?

    Material Used: Student Journal, Microsoft Word, Computers

    Day Ten:

    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    a. Compose and produce an effective application letter and resume.

    Skills & Knowledge:

  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    The student will be able to produce an effective resume.

    The student will know how to properly create a resume.

    Daily Essential Question: What makes a resume?Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their journal entry excel file.Quiz Students will take online quiz about resumes.

    Material Used: Student Journal, Quibilo Online Quiz

    Week 3

    Day Eleven:BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    a. Compose and produce an effective application letter and resume.

    Skills & Knowledge:

    The student will be able to produce an effective resume.

    The student will know how to properly create a resume.

    The student will know how to provide and follow written and verbal communication.

    Daily Essential Question: Why are resumes and cover letters important?

    Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their journal entry excel file. Video Watch video on resume etiquette. Homework Create your own resume in Microsoft Word.

    Ticket out the Door - Why are resumes and cover letters important?

    Material Used: Student Journal, Video on Resume Etiquette, Microsoft Word, Computers

    Day Twelve:Objectives & Standards:

    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    c. Differentiate among suitable business attire, e.g. casual, business-casual, professional business,
  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    and formal attire.

    Skills & Knowledge:The student will know what the proper business attire is for different workplace environments.

    The student will be able to properly dress for different business environments.

    Daily Essential Question: In the future, how will you dress for success in the workplace?

    Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their journal entry excel file.Notes: KWL Chart Have students fill our KWL Chart while going over Dress Codes andEtiquette for the work place.Video Clips: Show video clips from Who would you hire? DVD.

    Ticket out the Door: How would you dress for an interview at the corporate office or Coca-Cola?

    Material Used: Student Journal, PowerPoint Presentation, Who would you Hire? DVD, KWLChart Day Thirteen:Objectives & Standards:

    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    c. Differentiate among suitable business attire, e.g. casual, business-casual, professional business,and formal attire.

    Skills & Knowledge:The student will know what the proper business attire is for different workplace environments.

    The student will be able to properly dress for different business environments.

    Daily Essential Question: In the future, how will you dress for success in the workplace?

    Quiz Students will take quiz on dress code types.

    WebQuest Have students start on a Webquest having them research proper interview follow-up.

    Material Used: Student Journal, Quiz Dress Codes, WebQuest

    Day Fourteen:

    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    b. Utilize the proper format for a thank you letter for a job interview.

  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    Skills & Knowledge:

    The student will know how to format a proper thank you letter.

    The student will be able to properly format formal thank you letters.

    Daily Essential Question: What is proper follow to an interview? Warm-Up Student Journal Entry. Journal is to be completed on the students computer using their

    journal entry excel file. WebQuest Have students complete their Webquest on proper interview follow-up.

    Discussion Discuss with students the different types of interview follow up. Go through thesecond and third follow ups that they might need to make.Homework: Study Guide for Summative

    Material Used: Student Journal, PowerPoint Presentation, Study Guide, WebQuest Extras

    Day Fifteen:

    BCS-CA1-8. Students will use a variety of forms of communication in the successful pursuit ofemployment.

    a. Compose and produce an effective application letter and resume.

    b. Utilize the proper format for a thank you letter for a job interview.

    c. Differentiate among suitable business attire, e.g. casual, business-casual, professional business,and formal attire.

    Understandings:Student will understand how to successfully seek employment.

    Student will understand proper communication.

    Student will understand dress codes.

    Essential Questions:

    Why is it important to know how to look for a job properly?

    Why is proper communication important in the job market?

    Why do we dress differently for different jobs? Warm-Up Go over study guide and any questions.

    Post-Test: Students will have the period to complete the post test that we go over the standards inthis unit.Material Used: Post Test

  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    Notes to the Instructor

    Differentiation:Gifted Offered more options involving higher order thinking, additional creative assignment andonline WebQuests, and more restricted responses for assignments. Additional time for working on

    journal.Special Education Offered word banks, less options, daily note taking partners, peer tutors while oncomputers, additional help before school, and extended time for assignments. Speech: Alternative

    project for interview presentation in front of class.Daily Journal Students will be able to work on journal during the given time. The grade will be

    based on participation and effort. Students who are unable to complete because of previously discussedability will not be penalized.

  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    Stage 3 Scoring Rubric

    (0 Points) (3 Points) (5 Points) YourScore

    1. Does not clearlycommunicateWHERETO for learningactivities

    Fails to provide a pretestfor learners.

    Codes some learningactivities withWHERETO

    Clearly codes each activitywith WHERETO

    Includes a pretest to check forprerequisite skills andknowledge.

    2. Alignment is notdemonstrated betweeninstructional strategies,standards, andunderstandings of theunit.

    There is evidence ofalignment between someof the instructionalstrategies, standards, andunderstandings of theunit.

    Alignment is clearlydemonstrated betweeninstructional strategies,standards, andunderstandings of the unit.

    Matches all essentialquestions, understandings,skills, and knowledge with acorresponding instructionalstrategy.

    3. Instruction has oneglobal starting point forall learners.

    No evidence of anattempt atdifferentiation

    Utilizes Gardnersstrategy to providedifferent Entry Points.

    Evidence of an attempt atdifferentiation exists

    Utilizes Gardners strategy toprov ide different EntryPoints to meet the needs ofall types of intelligences.

    Clear plan for differentiation

    4. Fails to provideopportunities forstudents to RETHINKideas, REFLECT, and to

    REVISE work.

    Provides opportunitiesfor students to RETHINKbig ideas, REFLECT onprogress, and REVISE

    their work.

    Provides numerousopportunities for students toRETHINK big ideas, REFLECTon progress, and to REVISE

    work.5. Does not indicate the useof technology in ameaningful way

    Includes the use oftechnology

    Includes the use of technologyin a meaningful way.

    Off the shelf resources areproperly referenced

  • 8/13/2019 Browning Technology Integrated Plan


    FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 3 Assignment

    6. Assignment is notorganized

    Assignment Instructionsnot followed

    Several errors ingrammar and form,which distracted thereader

    Assignment somewhatorganized

    Most assignmentinstructions followed

    A few errors in grammarand form whichdistracted the reader

    Assignment is organized

    Assignment Instructionsfollowed

    No errors in grammar or formthat distracted the reader.

    Your Total Score /30

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