brothers & sisters, as most of you know, before i became a...

Post on 04-Jun-2020






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Brothers & Sisters,

As most of you know, before I became a pastor, I was a television meteorologist in Kansas. As April ended and May began, it became the busy season for me. It seemed as if there were storms every night. At times, it got to the point that severe thunderstorms were going to be my way of life.

Weather has always been a perfect illustration for my walk of faith. There are times where the sun is shining and everything is hunky-

dory. There are cloudy times when things are ok, not perfect, but ok. There are times when the rain and/or snow comes and life gets more and more difficult. Then, there are times when the winds, hail, tornadoes, blizzards, and flooding rains occur that makes life difficult, if not impossible, I think. But, you know something without weather, we wouldn't have the seasons that we have, which would mean no trees, no food, no flowers, no growth...etc.

The storms of the world are a great parallel for the storms of our lives. At some point, each and every one of us have had and will have storms in our lives—job loss, illness, death— that will make our journey seem like we are on an impossible path to continue on. But, just as the storms of the earth can help facilitate change, so, too, can the storms of our lives facilitate change.

This change can be for the good or for the bad. How we accept the change is up to us. Now, I’m not here to tell you that all the storms that we encounter will go away and the rest of our days will be spent walking down sunshiny paths. But, what I can tell you, is that if we look in the storms of life for what good can come out of it, things can change for the better. Even in the midst of tragedy, you can find something to hold onto to help through the storm—an idea, a person, God.

I just wish it was like TV, and I could get an advance warning,

Prayers for the Community & the World Adeline Sanford, Amy Hewitt, Amy Hamilton, Connie Asquith,

Hilbert Baumgarten, Faith Hudson, Grace Hansen, Hope Hamre, Janson Steffan, Jeanne Quenette, Rev. Joe & Ann LaFortune, Judy Belter, Meghan Wateland, Luella Laske, David Sterner,

Judy Roark, Sarah Fries, Ruby Olson, Kathy Hewitt, Gavin Maus, Dorothy Scilley, Jacob Brown, Loretta Bernhoft

We remember all of our servicemen and servicewomen.

We remember those who travel.

We remember the people of Japan and Ecuador.

We lift up the bereaved family of Tip Vining.

Lord, hear our prayer…

We bring our lives and our selves to You, O God. You know all that we carry as part of what makes us who we are. You know the tears we have cried, and the broken relationships we mourn. You know the loves we have found, and those we have lost, the companions we celebrate and the ones we miss. You know the longings of our hearts, the things we desire for our good and those we want even though they may harm us. You know the tasks that make up our days, those in which we have succeeded and those in which we have failed. Those which we look forward to with fear, and those we can't wait for. All of these things, and so much more, we offer to You, as our prayer.

May Your Spirit – the gift hidden within us – fill each of these parts of us with God, and transform them into the stuff of Your Kingdom.

Thank You for Your life-changing love, and for all that it has already given us. Thank You for Your compassion and faithfulness, for all that we know You will still do within us and through us.

Thank You for being God, and for being available to us – for Your intimate, compassionate and strengthening friendship. And for making it possible for us to bless You with our love, in return.


The last day of Sunday School will be Sunday, May 22. We thank Rachel Baumgarten, Janel Gust, Crystal Maus, Connie Rieck, Heidi Heilman, and everyone who taught and supported our Sunday School this year. Also, a big thanks to our students who come eager to learn!!

Church Women United is holding their May Friendship Day and Fellowship of the Least Coin on Friday, May 6th at 7:00 pm at Faith United Methodist in Fargo. All ladies are invited!!

The preschoolers filled April with many fun activities to learn about caterpillars, butterflies, birds, Earth, recycling, planets, and oceans. We hope you can join us for our spring program on May 12 at 9:15 a.m. The last day of preschool is May 19. The Bible verse for April was, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." - Galatians 5:22-23 The Shepherd’s Christian Preschool

Join us for the Women’s Breakfast on Join us for the Women’s Breakfast on Join us for the Women’s Breakfast on Join us for the Women’s Breakfast on Saturday, April 16th at the Fryin’ Pan, Saturday, April 16th at the Fryin’ Pan, Saturday, April 16th at the Fryin’ Pan, Saturday, April 16th at the Fryin’ Pan,

300 Main Ave. in Fargo.300 Main Ave. in Fargo.300 Main Ave. in Fargo.300 Main Ave. in Fargo. ALL LADIES ARE INVITED!!!ALL LADIES ARE INVITED!!!ALL LADIES ARE INVITED!!!ALL LADIES ARE INVITED!!!

Pastor Eric here—I just want everyone to know how much the church appreciates the work of everyone at the Preschool. Linda, Jill, Connie, Janel, Crystal, and the all the other volunteers and moms and dads, do a amazing job with the children. It is truly a joy to see the children learning, laughing and playing. We are so blessed to have wonderful teachers and students be a part of this ministry!!

Pastor Eric’s Office Hours Monday-Thursday 10AM—1PM

As always, there are other events such as hospital & home visits, meetings, out-of-state retreats, illness and other engagements that can come up. Please call church prior to coming,

or make an appointment.

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Sunday, May 1 Sixth Sunday after Easter Moravian Music Sunday Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67

Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5; John 14:23-29

Thursday, May 5 Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47

Ephesians 1:15-23; Luke 24:44-53

Sunday, May 8 Seventh Sunday of Easter

Ascension Sunday Acts 16:16-34; Psalm 97

Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21; John 17:20-26

Sunday, May 15 Day of Pentecost

Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17, (25-27)

Sunday, May 22 Trinity Sunday

Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31; Psalm 8 Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15

Sunday, May 29 Second Sunday after Pentecost

1 Kings 8:22-23, 41-43; Psalm 96:1-9 Galatians 1:1-12; Luke 7:1-10

What’s happening — this month and beyond!

2016 C(:;)0;%<,(:%3 W%</+=()1 “Paul wrote: ‘I am not seeking my own good but the good of many,

so that they may be saved.’”—I Corinthians 10:33

On Sunday, May 1, we will celebrate Moravian Music Sunday. Rachel Baumgarten will lead the service. Thanks, Rachel!!!

We will honor the ladies of our congregation on Sunday, May 8

We will celebrate Holy Communion in observance of Pentecost on Sunday, May 15.

There will be a Joint Board meeting following

worship on Sunday, May 15.

The Women’s Breakfast group w ill m eet at 1 pm on Saturday, May 21 at the Fargo Fryin’ Pan on Main Ave.

The last day of Sunday School will be May 22.

We will have our first outdoor worship on Sunday, May 29.

Lunch to follow.

Movie Studies continue every Tuesday evening at 7pm .

North Dakota Moravian Men’s Breakfast Saturday, May 21 — 8:00 AM @ Bethel Moravian Church

All men are invited.

If you need to hold an event at the church, please check the master calendar in the office for availability.

Opportunities to serve in May

Greeters—Welcoming, outgoing persons to assist and meet the needs of our guests on Sunday morning and other special occasions. Live out your mission to serve God by serving others. No need to sign up! Just come early and welcome with a smile.

Joyful Noise Offering — We take this offering on the first Sunday of every month helps to extend a scholarship program to those interested in attending Shepherd’s Christian Preschool.

The Food Collection basket—Please bring food items to feed the homeless. The Lord says, “What you do for the least of these my brothers and sisters, you do unto me.” We collect them on the last Sunday of the month and deliver it to the Fargo Emergency Food Pantry.

Prayer Shawl Ministry/Outreach — Want to do something for a friend with cancer, a neighbor whose son/daughter is serving overseas in the military, a new mother? Discover the blessing that comes from blessing others. Once a month, we will share in the joy of giving as we knit and/or crochet for the loved ones on our prayer list. No experience required!

2016 Watchwords If you haven't drawn your watchword for 2015, there a basket

located at the rear of the sanctuary for you to choose one.


It’s almost time to start thinking about the garden and flowers around the church.

Watch for more information on how you can help!!

Having trouble getting to church on Sundays? If there is a Sunday where you need assistance making it to

worship and are in need a ride, please call the church office, and we may be able to connect you with someone in your area.

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