bronx, new york...2016/01/31  · our big banner was held with a sense of pride by two adults. other...

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FourthSundayinOrdinaryTime January31,2016

Bronx, New York



Thank you to all who participated in the March for Life - 2016. A special thank you to our 8th grade students and to their teacher

Mr. Joseph Lowe who attended this year. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our parishioners and

friends who generously donated to help cover the bus expense of sending our students to the March for Life.

May God bless you abundantly for your generosity!

FourthSundayinOrdinaryTime January31,2016

Monday- February 1, 2016 - Weekday 8:00 a.m. Viola 9:00 a.m. Jaydon Melina

Tuesday- February 2, 2016 - The Presentation of the

Lord 8:00 a.m. Nikoll Niko 9:00 a.m. Moisi Mirakaj

Wednesday- February 3, 2016 - Weekday - St. Blaise,

Bishop & Martyr; St. Ansgar, Bishop 8:00 a.m. Gjergj & Prena Radi 9:00 a.m. Jacinto, Graciela & Hector Gomez

Thursday- February 4, 2016 - Weekday

8:00 a.m. Tony Antonina Campanella 9:00 a.m. Special Intention 7:00 p.m. Marjana Gjoni

Friday- February 5, 2016 - St. Agatha, Virgin &

Martyr 8:00 a.m. Nikoll Deda Delia 9:00 a.m. Special Intention 7:30 p.m, Tom & Drane Kalaj

Saturday- February 6, 2016 - St. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs

9:00 a.m. Rita & Jerry Flowerman 5:30 p.m. Dom Gjeto Radi 7:00 p.m. Marko & Jana Marvucic

Sunday- February 7, 2016 - Fifth Sunday in

Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. Joseph Lia 9:00 a.m. Fabian & Rufino Santos 9:15 a.m. Teresa Trapasso

10:30 a.m. Mark Daka 12:00 p.m. Guido & Anna Lusardi 1:15 p.m. For all Parishioners of St. Lucy’s Parish

8:00 a.m. Special Intention

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — God appoints Jeremiah as prophet to the nations (Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19). Psalm — I will sing of your salvation (Psalm 71). Second Reading — Love with its many facets is the most important of the virtues (1 Corinthians 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]). Gospel — When Jesus claims his salvific mission is for all people, not just the Jews, he is expelled by the enraged members of the Nazarean synagogue (Luke 4:21-30). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

Requiescant in Pace Please remember in your prayers the parishioners,

friends, relatives and benefactors who recently died


Jose Henriquez, Anita Giambattista, Gaetano Mangano, Emma Palermo & Anna Mangano

May they rest in Peace, Amen.

Please bring your old palms to the rectory, they will be used for

Ash Wednesday. Por favor traiga sus viejas palmas a la Rectoría

que se utilizarán para Miércoles de Ceniza.

The Presentation of the Lord On today’s feast we contemplate the Lord Jesus, whom Mary and Joseph bring to the Temple “to present him to the Lord” (Lk 2: 22). This Gospel scene reveals the mystery of the

Son of the Virgin, the consecrated One of the Father who came into the world to do his will faithfully (cf. Heb 10: 5-7). Simeon identifies him as “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” (Lk 2: 32) and announces with prophetic words his supreme offering to God and his final victory (cf. Lk 2: 32-35). This is the meeting point of the two Testaments, Old and New. Jesus enters the ancient Temple, he who is the new Temple of God: he comes to visit his people, thus bringing to fulfillment obedience to the Law and ushering in the last times of salvation. 'It is interesting to take a close look at this entrance of the Child Jesus into the solemnity of the Temple, in the great comings and goings of many people, busy with their work: priests and Levites taking turns to be on duty, the numerous devout people and pilgrims and pilgrims anxious to encounter the Holy God of Israel. Yet none of them noticed anything. Jesus was a child like the others, a first-born son of very simple parents. Even the priests proved incapable of recognizing the signs of the new and special presence of the Messiah and Savior. Alone two elderly people, Simeon and Anna, discover this great newness. Led by the Holy Spirit, in this Child they find the fulfillment of their long waiting and watchfulness. They both contemplate the light of God that comes to illuminate the world and their prophetic gaze is opened to the future in the procla-mation of the Messiah: “Lumen ad revelationem gentium!” (Lk 2: 32). The prophetic attitude of two elderly people contains the entire Old Covenant which expresses the joy of the encounter with the Redeemer. Upon seeing the Child, Simeon and Anna understood that he was the Awaited One.

Pope Benedict XVI

FourthSundayinOrdinaryTime January31,2016

Message from Fr. Pergjini- The March That Couldn’t Be Stopped It was Friday January 22, 2016. Despite the frightening forecast of the biggest blizzard of the year, we decide to go ahead and travel to Washington DC, for the annual Pro-Life March and national rally. Thousands of people from across America also braved the harsh predictions, and found their way to our nations Capital to lend mutual support and inspiration to the cause of life, and to raise up a common voice of prayer from coast-to-coast for the enormous numbers of lost children, killed by abortion. This year I approached our 8th grade teacher, asking if he might make the sacrifice and come along with me to the march, and was happily surprised when he immediately responded “yes” with great enthusiasm. I was hoping if the teacher came along, some of his students might follow, and perhaps others in our parish. Thanks to him, we had thirty students interested in joining the March. Parents, of course, had to sign their permission. It was the first time for us, taking students along. Thursday night, word came that some parishes had canceled due to the dire weather predictions. I decided to go ahead. Early on Friday morning, I awoke at 5am to be ready for the Mass at 6am. To my surprise, our students and their teacher showed up for Holy Mass. It was a great delight and comfort to see them. However, there was also anxiety in my heart. After distributing Holy Communion, I knelt before the tabernacle, and looked up with trust toward the living presence of Christ in the tabernacle. I’m always begging God for help, but today, even more so, with so many of our young people traveling for the first time to the March. I prayed to our Blessed Mother for guidance and protection, that we might arrive safely to the Washington March, and then safely back home again, before the worst of the storm might arrive. I stood up filled with trust that Christ was with us always. We left with almost a full bus. Only seven people canceled because of the weather. On the way we said the rosary out loud. The students were very well behaved. After a long drive, we arrived in Washington D.C. a little bit early. For many of our young people, it was their first visit to the nation’s Capital. Weary from the drive, the students quickly came to life again when they saw so many groups of young people their age, and even younger. They were further touched by so many parents who brought along young children, even in the bitter cold weather. Just to be part of all this, in person, was already becoming a wonderful experience. Fortunately, we arrived before the snow and the cold wind whipped up. We found our way to the rally where thousands of people were present, welcoming different pro-life speakers with cheering voices while holding banners from the pro life movement. The march started and the snow started along with it. We kept walking in the snow, along with thousands of other people. Rosaries and songs mixed together in the air. We felt united and connected with everyone in this great common cause, even if we did not know each other’s names. To raise up a common voice with the powerful message of life, is to speak on behalf of those who are unable to speak, and to defend the defenseless infants we will never know. This was the deep spirit which united us despite the freezing cold and the blinding snow, as we tramped along together. Catching sight of small children marching at the side of their parents was a frequent inspiration for us. These young ones may not yet know the dread meaning of abortion. But someday, when they grow older, they will understand, and remember this bitter cold March for Life with their parents, and so many thousands of strange, wonderful, and brave faces, bundled against the blizzard. They had came from all corners of our country, acting together as one, adding their silent statement to the windy Capital, confirmed by thousands and thousands of rhythmic steps as they were hushed by the snow into a softly murmuring shuffle. Our big banner was held with a sense of pride by two adults. Other young marchers would pass by, curious to see our banner and what it said. They smiled happily toward our group, and waved encouragement. Some came over and asked us questions about where we were from. Our group faithfully gathered, marched, and stayed close by to our banner, least we become lost in the huge crowd and the worsening storm. After about an hour of marching, we arrived at the end point where thankfully, our bus was waiting for us. Plenty tired and numb with the cold of the day, we were surely happy to step aboard and begin the long trip home. Greatly thankful to our Almighty Father for the chance to get off our feet and out of the wind and the snow, we headed north, homeward bound, while the gathering gale of frozen wind and snow grew darker behind us. Once again, we recited the rosary on the way home, thankful to God for not losing anyone in the storm and the crowd, and for the opportunity to raise our own small voice in harmony with thousands of others, on behalf of the cause of life, new life, old life, and all life. We thanked our Blessed Mother for her guidance and protection. A wave of great joy and spiritual gratitude quietly swept over us on the bus as though we were living together in a vivid dream. Safe from the gathering darkness outside, we dozed in our seats. Highway traffic was light, as fear of the storm was great. After what felt like a very long ride, we arrived home safely in the Bronx. Greatly tired, we were still jubilant to have walked in the March for Life together and for the first time. We walked for our Parish. We walked for the little babies who will never grow up. We walked for the parents who are brave and generous to raise up their children in a loving family. We walked for our own parents. And we walked to give thanks to God for the gift of life in all its many forms and faces across America, from sea to shining sea. After a good rest, we hope our young people will remember this day, and the great solidarity we felt with so many who support the Pro-Life movement. We hope they might pass the word to their friends, that life everywhere, especially a little baby’s life, one of God’s greatest gifts, is to be treasured above all else. Once again, I prayed after Holy Communion, first in thanksgiving for our trip and safety along the way. I also prayed that God’s vision of life, of hope, and of love, will remain in the minds and hearts of our students, and all of us. We marched looking up, toward the vision of Life, His own life, reflected in the tiny face of every new baby. We thank Our Lord and Savior for the beauty of our faith, and the realization that all life is sacred. Now may we raise our voices to defend every human life, from the very beginning to the very end! Our Lady of the Unborn pray for us! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! Amen.

FourthSundayinOrdinaryTime January31,2016

Our Lady of Lourdes

Thursday, February 11, 2016 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be

celebrated at the Grotto at 12:30pm

Pope John Paul II designated the 11th of February as World Day of the Sick, “a special time of prayer

and sharing, of offering one’s suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding us to see in our sick brother and sister the face of Christ who, by suffering, dying, and rising, achieved the salvation of humankind”.

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Tuesday, February 2nd

All are invited to bring candles to be blessed for personal and family use after the 8:00 & 9:00 a.m. Holy Masses.

The Feast of Saint Blaise

Wednesday, February 3rd

Blessing of the throats will take place after the 8:00 & 9:00a.m. Holy Masses.

This Friday, February 5th, is the

First Friday of the month.

From 6:00-7:30 p.m. there will be

exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

followed by Holy Mass at 7:30 p.m.

La Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor El martes, 2 de Febrero– Todos están invitados a traer velas para ser bendecidos para su uso personal y familiar después de las 8:00 y 9:00 a.m. Santas Misas.

La Fiesta de San Blas El miércoles, 3 de Febrero– Bendición de las gargantas llevará a cabo después de las 8:00 y 9:00 a.m. Santas Misas.

FourthSundayinOrdinaryTime January31,2016

Grupo de Parejas Invitamos a toda la comunidad a ser testigos de la renovación de promesas bautismales de las hermanos que han participado en las terapias matrimoniales.

Febrero 7, 2016 - 1:15 p.m.

We welcome Isabella Asllani, Ana Karolina Mirdita,

Jack Mendoza-Hernandez, Jacob Mendoza-Hernandez &

Alicia Isabel Dominguez Baptized on January 24, 2016

into the Roman Catholic Church and

our Parish community of St. Lucy


S . L ’ P /S 7th Annual Dinner Dance

Friday, May 13, 2016

Come and celebrate our 7th annual Parish/School Dinner Dance

Beckwith Pointe 700 Davenport Avenue - New Rochelle, New York

Cocktails - Dinner - Music and Dancing 50/50 Raffle

Cost: $80.00 per person We will be honoring Josephine Barresi,

Teresita Carrion, Diane Diaz, Maria Iacovella, Virgilio Ramirez, Marvin Rodriguez, Josephine Trapasso, Rosina Vairo

On February 15th, 2015, the world learned of the murder of twenty-one Coptic Christians at the hands of ISIS terrorists in Libya. At the time, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, referred

to the witness of these brave Christians as “a testimony which cries out to be heard.” As members of the Archdiocese of New York we will take time to pause in prayer and to remember all those who face the stark reality of religious persecution in the Middle East and elsewhere. On Monday, February 15th, at 10 a.m. we will celebrate the Mass “For Persecuted Christians”. Holy Mass will be followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. We invite all parishioners and friends to attend and join together to remember and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

Prayerfully Consider Your Sacrifice

The Cardinal ’ s Annual Stewardship Appeal serves

many diverse communities across our 10 counties. As Disciples of Christ, we are called to share our gifts with our brothers and sisters. Even small sacrifices can make a big impact. Please answer the call and make your commitment today.

ST LUCY’S SCHOOL 830 Mace Avenue Bronx, NY 10467 (718)-882-2203


Grades PreK-8 Tuesday, February 2nd

9am to 11am and 7pm to 8pm

PreK For All Available (Children must be born in 2012)

For more information call 718-882-2203


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