bronchopulmonary carcinosarcoma - thorax · carcinosarcoma of the lung is a rare but distinct...

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Thorax (1975), 30, 682.

Bronchopulmonary carcinosarcomaG. DIACONITA

Department of Pathology, Tuberculosis Institute, Bucharest, Romania

Diaconita, G. (1975). Thorax, 30, 682-686. Bronchopulmonary carcinosarcoma. Car-cinosarcoma accounted for 0-27% of nearly 3000 lung cancers examined in this depart-ment. All the patients were men aged between 44 and 62 years, and a majority of thetumours occurred in the left lung. Three patients died within six months of lung resec-tion and in each case a postmortem examination was performed. In seven thecarcinomatous component was a squamous-celled growth, and in one columnar-celled;the histology of the sarcomatous element varied. Carcinosarcomas form a distinctgroup of malignant lung tumours. In five cases sarcomatous transformation of thestroma had occurred and was considered to be the usual means by which the mixed typeof growth arises. The other three were considered to be 'collision' tumours. Carcinoma-tous metastases without sarcomatous change were seen in lymph nodes in three cases,and in the three fatal cases sarcomatous tumour had recurred.

Carcinosarcoma of the lung is a rare but distincttumour entity and usually results from malignantchange in the stroma of a carcinoma, but oc-casionally it is caused by the collision of twoseparately arising neoplasms. Kakos et al. (1971)reviewed 44 published examples. The WHOclassification of mixed lung tumours includescarcinosarcomas of embryonic type (pulmonaryblastomas), the distinctive features of which arethe presence of stromal and epithelial componentsresembling those in embryonic lung.

This paper presents the clinical and pathologicalfeatures seen in eight carcinosarcomas whichwere removed surgically; two of the cases havebeen described previously (Eskenasy, 1958; Dia-conita and Savuleanu, 1966).


All eight patients were men with an average ageof 53 years. The principal clinical signs and symp-toms included chest pain, frequent haemoptyses,cough with mucopurulent sputum, slight pyrexia,and weight loss. In two cases (2 and 8) an influ-enza-like illness was the presenting symptom butin most cases the clinical features were the resultof an obstructive pneumonitis. Chest radiographsshowed round or oval opacities located in theparahilar region in four, in the lower lobe of theleft lung in two, in the upper lobe of the rightlung in one, and in the centre of the lower lobeof the right lung in the remaining case. Broncho-

scopy was carried out in six patients and showedan endobronchial tumour which in one case ex-tended into and obstructed the left main bronchus.Bronchoscopic biopsy was taken in four and waspositive in one, but bronchial aspirates uniformlyfailed to show any malignant cells. In five patientsa pneumonectomy was done and in three a lobec-tomy was performed. Three patients died withinsix months of operation.


MACROSCOPIc The endobronchial tumours werelocated in the main left bronchus or where thelobar bronchi divided into segmental bronchi andthey totally or partially blocked the bronchiallumen (Fig. 1). All the tumours were polypoidand at their attachment had infiltrated throughthe bronchial wall. On section oval-shapedtumour masses with numerous projecting surfacenodules had spread into the lung substance butwere sharply demarcated from it. The largesttumour measured 10X7 cm; the cut surface ofsome showed extensive areas of haemorrhage andnecrosis (Fig. 2). In six cases bronchiectasis waspresent in the lung distal to the tumour.

In the three patients who died, one showed alocal recurrence of growth around the bronchialstump together with invasion of the chest wall,parietal pericardium, and diaphragm and therewas involvement of the hilar lymph nodes. In thesecond patient metastases were found in the


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horax: first published as 10.1136/thx.30.6.682 on 1 Decem

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Bronchopulmonary carcinosarcoma

FIG. 1. Tumour mass at the bifurcation of left mainstem bronchus with bronchial obstruction and extra-bronchial extension (case 8).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IJ 12 13

FIG. 2. Tumour mass, lOX7 cm, in left lower lobewith necrosis (case 2).

adrenals, and in the third case the pleura,pericardium, diaphragm, and opposite lung wereinvolved.

MICROSCOPICAL In seven cases there was

squamous-celled carcinoma and in the remainingcase a columnar-celled carcinoma. In three of thetumours the sarcomatous element was a fibro-sarcoma, in three an undifferentiated polymor-phic-celled sarcoma, and in the remaining twothere was a variable amount of fibre content(Figs 3 and 4). In five of the tumours malignanttransformation of the stroma could be traced, and

in the other three the two separate malignantcomponents intermingled and the tumours wereconsidered to be collision tumours (Fig. 5). Inthree cases the hilar lymph nodes contained onlysecondary carcinoma and in the three patientswho died both the locally recurrent growth andthat in distant organs were sarcomatous in type.


The term carcinosarcoma implies the coexistenceof carcinomatous and sarcomatous tissues in thesame tumour due to simultaneous change in bothepithelial and connective tissues. According toChaudhuri (1971), such a tumour should be ableto produce metastases of each type of growthindependent of the other. This would seem to bepossible only if the two types of tumour hadarisen independently one of the other and hadgrown into each other (collision tumour). In atrue collision tumour, the parts of the neoplasmother than where the two tumours fuse are eitheralmost pure carcinoma or pure sarcoma. In thepresent series three of the neoplasms, like thetumour described by Peltz (1962), showed micro-scopical intermingling of the two components onlyin the collision region. These cases, however, havebeen included as they had been regarded as a formof carcinosarcoma in previous reports. The re-ported incidence of metastases has varied. In thecase reported by Chaudhuri the lymph node meta-stases were carcinomatous but the subcutaneousones were sarcomatous.

Willis (1960) considered a carcinosarcoma asan epithelial neoplasm with sarcomatous trans-formation of the stroma, a view which is nowgenerally accepted and which appears to be con-firmed by five cases in the present series.

In the present series metastatic carcinomatousgrowth was present in the hilar lymph nodes inthree of the cases, but the local recurrent growthwas sarcomatous in type. In one case a sarcoma-tous metastasis was found in the adrenal, unlikethe previous findings of Stackhouse, Harrison,and Ellis (1969). Both Barson, Jones, and Lodge(1968) and Stackhouse et al., found that metasta-tic growth in their cases was of a mixed type butpredominantly sarcomatous.Carcinosarcoma cannot be differentiated pre-

operatively from other malignant tumours of thelung and the diagnosis is established only by histo-logical examination. Preoperative confirmation ofthe malignant nature of the tumour is sometimesdifficult and may require more than one broncho-scopic biopsy. The sarcomatous areas may not beuniformly distributed throughout the tumour as


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G. Diaconitd

FIG. 3. Areas of squamous-celled carcinoma and fibroblastic sarcoma, showing sarcomatoustransformation of stroma (case 8) X200.

FIG. 4. A reas of squamous-celled carcinoma and polymorphic type sarcoma dueto sarcomatous transformation of stroma (case 5) X200.




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ctober 18, 2020 by guest. Protected by


horax: first published as 10.1136/thx.30.6.682 on 1 Decem

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Bronchopulmonary carcinosarcoma

FIG. 5. Region of fusion of a cuboidal-celled adeno-carcinoma and sarcoma. A collision-type ofcarcinosarcoma (case 4) X 175.

in five of the present cases, but Weaver, Branfoot,and Hargrove (1971) and Drury and Stirland(1959) have emphasized the importance of com-

plete intermingling of carcinoma and sarcoma

cells if the tumour is to be regarded as a truecarcinosarcoma. In none of the present cases was

cytological or biopsy examination successful inestablishing the true histological nature of thetumour; it showed only that it was a malignantneoplasm.

In five of the present series sarcomatous trans-formation of the stroma in a carcinoma could betraced and accounted for the mixed nature ofthe tumour. The sarcomatous tissue presented a

varied histological appearance; in some placesthe carcinomatous tissue was surrounded by very

anaplastic and degenerate sarcomatous stromawhile in others the stroma as yet showed no

features of malignancy. The carcinoma in all fivewas of the squamous-celled type, as in the casesreported by Davis et al. (1972), and there was no

evidence that malignant epithelial changes had

been induced by a primary underlying sarcoma;it appeared to be rather the reverse process.Among the theories of origin of the non-colli-

sion-type of carcinosarcoma is the suggestion thatthey may be derived from mutation of carcinomacells into malignant connective tissue cells.Abricosov (1947) considered that during 'blasto-matous' development epithelial cells might differ-entiate into cells of mesenchymal type, that is,connective tissue metaplasia of epithelial cells.Craciun and Niculescu (1953), however, con-sidered that two independent neoplastic processesoccurred in the same organ.Three cases in the present series are regarded

as collision tumours in which a focus of an inde-pendent sarcoma is considered to have extendedinto a separate carcinoma with a zone where thetwo intermingled. The more rapid growth of thesarcoma resulted in sarcomatous metastases, andthis is considered also to support the independentnature of the two tumours.


Abricosov, A. I. (1947). The tumours of the lung. InSpecial Pathological Anatomy, Vol. 3. Medghiz,Moscow (in Russian).

Barson, A. J., Jones, A. W., and Lodge, K. V. (1968).Pulmonary blastoma. Journal of Clinical Path-ology, 21 480.

Chaudhuri, M. R. (1971). Bronchial carcinosarcoma.Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,61, 319.

Craciun, E. C. and Niculescu, S. T. (1953). Sinergismeoncogene. In Probleme de Oncologie, p. 151.E. S. Bucuresti (in Romanian).

Davis, P. W., Briggs, J. C., Seal, R. M. E., andStorring, F. K. (1972). Benign and malignantmixed tumours of the lung. Thorax, 27, 657.

Diaconita, G. and S6vuleanu, 0. (1966). Beitrage zumStudium des Carcinosarkoms der Lunge. Frank-furter Zeitschrift fur Pathologie, 76, 102.

Drury, R. A. B. and Stirland, R. M. (1959). Carcino-sarcomatous tumours of the respiratory tract.Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 77, 543.

Eskenasy, A. L. (1958). Pulmonary carcinosarcomaMorfologia Normala si Patologica, 3, 367.(Romanian).

Kakos, G. S., Williams, Th. E., Assor, D., and Vasko,J. S. (1971). Pulmonary carcinosarcoma. Etio-logic, therapeutic, and prognostic considerations.Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,61, 777.

Peltz, L. (1962). Ober einem sogenannten Kollisions-tumor der Lunge. Frankfurter Zeitschrift fiurPathologie, 71, 485.

Stackhouse, E. M., Harrison, E. G., and Ellis, F. H.(1969). Primary mixed malignancies of lung.


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horax: first published as 10.1136/thx.30.6.682 on 1 Decem

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686 G. Diaconitd

Carcinosarcoma and blastoma. Journal of Willis, R. A. (1960). Pathology of Tumours, 3rdThoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 57, 385. edition. Butterworth, London.

Weaver, P. C., Branfoot, A. C., and Hargrove, R. L.(1971). An endobronchial carcinosarcoma treated Requests for reprints to: Dr. G. Diaconita, Departmentby lobectomy. Journal of Thoracic and Cardio- of Pathology, Tuberculosis Institute, Bucharest,vascular Surgery, 61, 300. Romania.

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horax: first published as 10.1136/thx.30.6.682 on 1 Decem

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