broiler growing management

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Broiler Growing





Expensive housing and equipments are not necessary.

However, a clean, dry structure that can be well

ventilated, a brooder or heat lamps to warm the chicks

and feeding and watering equipment are needed.

Provide at least 2 square feet of floor space per broiler.

Openings on three sides of the building provide plenty

of fresh air for the birds. Plastic sheeting can be used to

close sides during brooding and in cold weather. Make

certain the concrete or dirt floor is at least 6 inches

above ground level to prevent flooding.

The roof overhang should be sufficient to effectively

protect against blowing rain.

Preparation and Brooding

Clean and disinfect the poultry house, feeders and waterers at

least two weeks before the chicks arrive.

Wash the house down with soap and water. Then spray a commercial disinfectant labeled for use in poultry houses.

Be prepared for the chicks 2 days in advance. Put at least 4 inches of litter on the floor of the cleaned, disinfected house.

If a gas or an electric hover-type brooder is used, it

should operate at a temperature of approximately 92 degrees to 95 degrees F. Gradually reduce the temperature 5 degrees each week until the birds are 3 to 4 weeks old or until the house temperature reaches 70 degrees F.

When chicks are comfortable, they will bed down in a semicircle around the perimeter of the heat zone. If cold, chicks will crowd near the heat source. If too warm, they will move to the outer limits of the brooder guard.

Chilling can stunt chicks. In cold weather the heat source should be turned on 48 hours before chicks arrive to adequately heat the litter.


After birds reach 4 weeks of age, the ideal

temperature range is 60 to 75 degrees F.

When winter temperatures permit, the house

should be partially opened to improve airflow

and remove moisture. Supplemental heat may be

needed when the outside temperture is low.

In hot weather, fans or evaporative coolers are

used to cool birds more than 4 weeks old.


Optimum performance is dependent on proper nutrition. The feed dealer should be informed of the type of feed required at least 2 weeks before chicks arrive so that fresh feed can be ordered. It is absolutely essential that birds receive a high-quality poultry feed containing at least 20 percent protein. Lower protein feeds will not do the job. Some exhibitors start chicks on a high-protein (26 to 30 percent) turkey or game bird starter to stimulate additional growth. Feed the higher protein feed for 2 weeks. Switch to a broiler feed for the remaining feeding period.

feed containing at least 20 percent protein. Lower protein feeds will not do the job. Some exhibitors start chicks on a high-protein (26 to 30 percent) turkey or game bird starter to stimulate additional growth. Feed the higher protein feed for 2 weeks. Switch to a broiler feed for the remaining feeding period.

Small amounts of broiler feed lightly moistened with cooking oil and fed several times during the day will stimulate older birds to eat more and increase growth. This supplemental feeding practice can be particularly helpful in hot weather with birds more than 4 weeks of age. Caution: Do not put out more moistened feed than the birds can eat in 10 to 15 minutes. Do not moisten the feed until feeding time. Be certain all birds can eat at the same time.

An adequate level of vitamins in the diet is required to prevent leg weakness. Adequate vitamin intake can be ensured and leg problems minimized by adding water soluble poultry vitamins to drinking water at the manufacturer‟s recommended level for the first 7 days. Do not add vitamins past this period. Continued high levels can create health problems

All birds should be able to eat at once. One pie or cookie pan for feed and one chick waterer per 25 chicks are needed the first 7 days. For the first 4 weeks, one tube-type feeder per 25 birds is required. After 4 weeks, one tube-type feeder is needed for every 15 birds. Clean, fresh water must be available at all times. One 2-gallon waterer per 50 chicks is required for the first 4 weeks. One 2-gallon waterer per pen is required after birds are culled at the end of the fourth week. Waterers should be rinsed daily and scrubbed twice weekly.

Feed must be kept before birds at all times if maximum growth is to be attained. Tube feeders are recommended because they hold an ample supply of feed, can be adjusted easily as birds grow and are less likely to cause bruises than horizontal trough feeders. Feeders and waterers should be kept adjusted so that the trough portion is level with the back height of the birds.

Broilers and roasters respond to attention. Walk among birds and stir feed three to five times per day. This will provide exercise and increase feed consumption and growth.

Drinking Systems

Water must be available to broilers at all times. Inadequate water supply, either in volume or available drinker space, will reduce growth rate. Monitor the ratio of water to feed consumption to ensure that the flock is receiving sufficient water.

Measure water consumption to monitor:

* Feed and water system failures.

* Health.

* Performance.

At 21°C (70°F), the ratio of water to feed should be close to:

*1.8:1 for bell drinkers.•

* 1.6:1 for • nipple drinkers without cups.

*1.7:1 for • nipple drinkers with cups.

Water requirement will vary with feed consumption.

Feather Picking and Cannibalism

Snub the top beaks of birds if feather picking or

cannibalism starts. Trim one-third of the upper

beak with an electric beak snubber.

An anti-peck compound applied to the bloody

pecked spots will usually stop cannibalism if

snubbing is not feasible.

For best broiler performance, it is important to deliver the chicks to the broiler farm as quickly as possible and feed them immediately. Provide chicks with the proper environment and correctly manage them to meet all of their requirements.

During the first 10 days of life, the chicks‟ environment changes from the hatchery to the broiler house. Both current and final flock performance will suffer from deficiencies in the early environment. Chicks must establish healthy feeding and drinking behaviors if they are to achieve their genetic potential for growth.

A series of critical transitions in the first 7 to 10 days of the chick‟s life affect how and from where it receives its nutrients. This is why the management in this period is so essential for optimum flock performance.

Managing environmental impacts during


The extent to which a meat chicken farm impacts on the surrounding environment largely depends upon the management techniques applied. A well sited, designed and managed farm should have few impacts to community amenity (odour, dust, noise, light, and visual) and the environment (water and soil).

Generally, odour is the most important issue associated with meat chicken farms as its impacts are frequently more extensive. Even if the design includes best practice shed insulation, ventilation, cooling, drinking systems and automated controls, poor management can easily offset these positive aspects and lead to excessive odour emissions.

Noise can be an issue at some farms, especially where pick-ups occur at night when the noise tends to travel further, background levels are lower and neighbours have an expectation that noise will not disturb their sleep.

Meat chicken farms are not significant sources of wastewater. However, dust

fallout may contaminate watercourses either directly or by being washed in by

runoff. Hence, it is important to ensure that watercourses are isolated from

any areas where significant dust fallout occurs. If farms spread spent litter on-

farm then specific management practices are required to minimise any

impacts. Shed Preparation - Bedding

The type of clean bedding used will depend on the availability and price of

products, but it should have the following attributes:


Highly absorbent

Rapidly drying

Remains friable

Contain no matter which will restrict use of the end product (litter) on land

Best Management Practice


Bedding is dry and level.

New bedding is of sufficient depth (typically 50 mm) to keep the birds from contact with the

floor and provide warmth and comfort.

Bedding is transported to farm and installed in sheds during daylight hours.

If stockpiled, bedding is kept under cover in an area that limits its impact on neighbours.

Ventilation, Temperature and Humidity

Correct temperature and humidity relative to the age of the birds are critical for the welfare and efficient rearing of meat chickens. These must be maintained in accordance with the Broiler Growing Manual.

Tunnel ventilated sheds can be operated using the three modes of ventilation:

· Minimum Ventilatio

· Transitional Ventilation

· Tunnel Ventilation.

Each of these should be used at the appropriate stage of the bird‟s life and in the context of the climatic challenge and bird requirements in accordance with the Broiler Growing Manual. Internal curtains may also be used during brooding to assist in maintaining the required temperature.

Conventional sheds rely on wind flow and fogging to regulate temperatures.

Power ventilation is integral for the operation of both tunnel and conventional sheds to maintain the necessary bird environment and may operate 24/7 depending on the age of the birds.

Brooder Management

Two basic systems of temperature control are used for brooding broiler chicks:

Spot • brooding (canopy or radiant heaters). The heat source is local so chicks can move away to cooler areas and thus select for themselves a preferred temperature.

Whole-house • brooding. The heat source is larger and more widely spread so chicks are less able to move to select a preferred temperature. Whole-house brooding refers to situations where the whole house or a defined part of the house is heated by „forced air heaters‟ only and the aim is to achieve one temperature in the house or air space.

In both spot and whole-house brooding systems, the objective is to stimulate both appetite and activity as early as possible. Achieving the optimum temperature is critical

Best Management Practice

recommendations: Maximum and minimum temperature is recorded daily on the shed record

cards and HACCP sheets as required.

The shed is pre warmed in winter to suit the birds‟ requirements and also in summer if needed in accordance with the Broiler Growing Manual.

Shed temperature is adjusted as the birds grow in accordance with the Broiler Growing Manual.

Humidity is maintained between 50% and 70% Relative Humidity to optimise bird comfort.

When operating tunnel ventilation mode:

Fans and cooling systems are operated so as to optimise bird comfort in accordance with the Broiler Growing Manual.

Cooling Pads are sanitised with a Quaternary compound or other approved disinfectant, applied to the sump in accordance to the manufacturers recommendations or the processor‟s biosecurity requirements.

Lighting Lights are operated inside sheds for management and animal

welfare purposes in accordance with the Broiler Growing Manual. The ability to manage light intensity is important to bird welfare and is varied according to the birds‟ age and the operations being undertaken within sheds usingcontrollers and dimmers. Outdoor lighting is used to facilitate night operations and security..

Best Management Practice recommendations:

Lighting program is operated in accordance with Broiler Growing Manual.

Throughout the batch lights are maintained in order to provide even light distribution.

One row of lights is located in the centre of each shed and is able to be dimmed to allow for safe night time pickups.

Shade cloth, blinds (black internal surface), shrubs and trees are used to minimise light in open sheds and so reduce scratching mortality.

The impact of light on neighbours is minimised through shading of lights and careful operation.

Energy efficient lighting is used wherever possible.

Litter management in the shed

Best Management Practice of litter material is integral to a well-operated

chicken meat farm. It has implications for both the health of the flock and for

dust and odour levels. Factors affecting litter quality are shown in Figure 1


The moisture content of the poultry litter needs to be monitored regularly

with the aim of maintaining it between 15 and 30 per cent. The litter moisture

level is relatively easy to estimate with a reasonable degree of accuracy by

using Table 2. For greater accuracy use a low-cost moisture meter.

Best Management Practice

recommendations: A vendor declaration is received from the bedding supplier certifying the

material provided is free of contamination (such as, but not restricted to, treated pine) and this is kept with the batch records.

Shed floors are constructed of an impermeable material. The use of impermeable hard surfaces such as concrete offer benefits with respect to cleaning and disinfection. If the floor is constructed of compacted earth, then it is important to ensure the floor is level and repaired if necessary before bedding is spread to ensure at least 50mm of uncompacted bedding material is evenly distributed in all areas of the shed.The amount of bedding required and supplied in each shed is recorded on the batch card.

Litter moisture content is visually monitored daily in each shed, with particular emphasis on likely high moisture areas (e.g. around the air inlet, near drinkers).

Litter moisture content is maintained between 15% and 30% (wet basis). Assess moisture levels in each shed on a weekly basis at equally spaced points along and across the shed (such as: three points under the drinker lines; three points between the drinker lines; three points near the shed wall).

Areas of wet or caked litter within the shed are topped up, aerated (rotary hoed) to enhance drying or the wet litter is removed and replaced.

Foggers must be maintained and operated to avoid coarse drops that fall to the floor. The misted water should evaporate before reaching the floor so as not to wet the litter.

Fans and ventilation management must be used in cold weather in a manner that will avoid moist incoming air condensing on the floor next to the wall causing wet cold litter. Heaters should be used if necessary to maintain target temperature.

Ammonia level in sheds is controlled for both bird and human health by ensuring they are consistently below levels where they can be detected by smell (10 – 15 ppm). (When ammonia levels cause irritation (> 25 ppm) immediate action must be taken to reduce levels by reducing litter moisture content and/or increasing ventilation).

When ventilating to remove ammonia from the shed, temperature and humidity must be maintained to a standard appropriate to the age of the birds.

Excessive dust generation is controlled by fogging the shed when required.

Gut problems in birds can cause wet litter, and immediate action must be taken to identify and, if possible, eliminate these problems.


Vaccination alone cannot protect flocks against overwhelming disease challenges and poor management practices.

Develop vaccination programs for broilers in consultation with • trained poultry veterinarians.

Vaccination is more effective when disease challenges are minimized through well-designed and implemented biosecurity and management programs.

Base vaccination programs on local • disease challenges and vaccine availability.

Every bird must receive the intended dose of vaccine.•

Breeder flock vaccination programs must be factored into the • design of an appropriate vaccination program for broiler progeny.

Dead Birds Dead birds result from a range of routine disease, with the largest number of

deaths usually occurring in younger very small birds. Mass death events may also occur due to catastrophic equipment failure or significant disease events. This section deals with the safe dispose of dead birds resulting from routine operations.

Animal waste is defined in the Act as including “…dead animals, animal parts and any mixture of dead animals and animal parts.” Animal waste is pre-classified as General Solid Waste (Putrescibles). This means that the disposal of dead birds to land would require a resource recovery exemption or will need to be subject to an Environment Protection Licence. Carcass disposal practices must not contaminate ground and surface water, cause odour

nuisance, or land contamination as per the provisions of the POEO Act. Poor management of dead and or diseased birds could also increase biosecurity risks.

Best management practice for the treatment of dead birds requires the daily collection from the shed and removal from the farm for rendering (if the farm is located close to rendering plants). If farms do not have ready access to rendering plants the next preferred method of disposal is composting.

Best Management Practice

recommendations: Farm practices for dead bird management and disposal comply

with the National Farm Biosecurity Manual for Chicken Growers (Australian Chicken Meat Federation 2010).

Dead birds are disposed of or stored appropriately (for example, frozen) within 24 hours of dying.

Where there is regular offsite removal of dead birds, the birds are collected daily, placed in an enclosed container and either taken off-site or stored in freezers until collection.

A contingency plan is in place for disposal of mass bird mortalities (for example, from endemic disease, heat stress or exotic disease)

Off-site Disposal

Rendering involves the removal of dead birds off farm. It is

limited by economies of scale and is only viable if a rendering

plant is located close by. Transport to a licensed waste facility


prior discussion with the local waste facility manager.

Birds may also be temporarily stored on site and subject to

agreement of the facility manager

disposed of to an authorised site such as a commercial composting

facility or landfill.

Best Management Practice


Dead birds are stored in specifically designed pick up containers with secure

lids and taken off-site daily or stored in freezers until collection.

Collection point is in a designated area located as far away from the operational area of the farm and from adjoining residences as possible. It should also be appropriately screened or

signposted. Ideally the collection vehicle should not enter the production area.

Provide adequate room for stopping and loading.

A contingency plan (e.g. short-term freezing) for situations where mortalities cannot be collected promptly is developed and maintained.

Any spillage in collection areas is immediately cleaned and decontaminated. Regular cleaning and disinfection of carcass storage containers and the collection area is also undertaken to minimise the spread of disease by flies

Records are maintained of collection (date and mass).

Personnel disposing of dead birds should be instructed on the need to maintain personalhygiene.

On-site Disposal

Composting in Sealed Bins

The composting of dead birds and litter should be conducted on

a concrete slab or other suitably impermeable material and

covered by a roof. These measures are designed to prevent

contamination of ground or surface waters or the surrounding

area and to achieve the necessary temperatures for destruction of

pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Composting in Bays and Piles If performed correctly, composting carcasses in open bays and

piles is an environmentally and biologically safe alternative.

However, these facilities require correct design and management

to avoid any bio-security and odour issues.

Best Management Practice

recommendations: The design of any on site composting systems complies with

Council regulations and the Environmental Guidelines Composting and Related Organics (DECC 2004).

The size of the compost bins is sufficient to more than manage the predicted volume of routine dead birds during production cycles. Additional capacity should exist to manage periodic fluctuations, but additional disposal methods will be required for a mass death event.

Compost bins are located to; as far as possible from property boundaries and sensitive land uses and are preferable out of public view. To minimise biosecurity risks they should also be located away from production areas and sheds.

Any composting bins are sealed and are regularly serviced and maintained.

Compost pads are located on an impermeable pad (i.e concrete or similar material). Any leachate is collected and managed via drains/ponds with impermeable liners.

Rodents, cats, dogs, feral animals, scavenging birds are excluded from composting carcasses.

Minimise the presence of flies in dead bird collection and disposal areas by ensuring bird sare not left uncovered.

Personnel disposing of dead birds should be instructed on the need to maintain personal hygiene.

Burial Burial is an economical option and can be appropriate on some sites where

other options are not feasible. Not all soil types or locations are suitable for on-site burial, for instance areas with a high risk of water table contamination or shallow soils. Dead bird disposal via burial may also not be appropriate in more closely settled areas and on smaller properties where there is a higher risk of odour or of predation by domestic animals: Consult with local regulatory authorities before considering this option.

Best Management Practice recommendations:

The bottom of the trench or pit is at least 3 metres above the maximum ground water table.

Burial cells should be lined with a modified soil or clay liner of at least 900mm of recompacted clay with in-situ permeability (K) of less than 10-9 ms-1 or an equivalent synthetic liner product. The liner must cover the base and all sides of the burial cell, so that the ground water is protected from contamination. The final cover is at least 1 metre of compacted clay soil. The trench or pit must be covered daily to contain odours and exclude pests

The trench or pit is designed so that there is no surface or sub-surface seepage and no surface water entering.

Burial sites are located out of public view.

Incineration While incineration is biologically the safest carcass disposal method,

it is not the preferred practice for the following reasons:

It must to be performed efficiently, consistently and effectively to ensure completeincineration and to avoid odour and particulate nuisance complaints.

Appropriate incineration is expensive. It requires specific approval and use of specifically designed and authorised incineration equipment.

The process eliminates the nutrients and organic matter that can be beneficially re-used.

Burning carcasses in open fires is unacceptable, as this creates smoke and odour and is unlikely to maintain a sufficiently high and consistent temperature. It is also a biosecurity hazard as thermal updraughts may disperse feathers and other matter.

Management of Extremes and


Extremes and emergencies on a meat chicken farm (i.e. during

high temperatures, loss of power and/or water supply) may

result in mass bird losses. Farms must assess risks for their

operation and have contingency plans in place to deal with these

circumstances to avoid mass bird deaths, welfare issues, impacts

to surface and groundwater and the spread of disease vectors.

The highest risk is interruption to the power supply.

Failure of Power and/or Water Supply

Power supply problems that result in interruptions to ventilation

and cooling equipment can result in mass bird deaths.

Best Management Practice

recommendations: Warning systems are installed to notify operator of power or

water supply failure.

Back up power supply is available, with adequate fuel supply.

Standby generators are regularly run (at least weekly) to ensure they are working effectively.

An adequate supply of spare parts is kept on hand (such as water pump for the cooling or drinker system).

Potential noise impacts are addressed during the installation of standby generators by installing mufflers and considering acoustic screening.

A back-up supply (tanks) or contingency for at least two days water is provided in case of breakdown or loss of supply (at least 2 litres per bird).

Mass Mortality Event

Farms require a contingency plan to cope with

occurrences of high mortalities. The disposal options

available for a mass death of birds depend upon the

cause of death. Disposal options may include:

Burial on-farm.

Disposal in a land-fill site.




In the event of mass deaths the farm operator must immediately

contact the processor. This will enable an investigation to

ascertain the cause of death and the best option for the disposal

of the dead birds

Best Management Practice recommendations:

Processor is notified and, when appropriate, the processor will

notify the relevant authority.

Farms have a written contingency plan for disposal of mass


A current contingency plan is maintained and displayed, and is

available to all staff.

All staff are aware of their responsibilities should a mass

mortality event occur.

A systematic approach is helpful when

troubleshooting health issues on the farm.

These are the things to look at: Feed: availability, consumption, distribution, palatability, nutri• tional content,

contaminants and toxins, and withdrawal.

Light: adequate for efficient • growth and development, uniform exposure and intensity.

Litter: moisture level, • ammonia level, pathogen load, toxins and contaminants, depth, material used, distribution.

Air: speed, contaminants and toxins, • humidity, temperature, availability, barriers.

Water: source, contaminants and toxins, additives, availability, • pathogen load, consumption.

Space: bird density, feed availability, water availability, limiting obstacles, limiting equipment.

Sanitation: • hygiene of premises (inside and outside of house), pest control, maintenance, cleaning and disinfection practices.

Security: biosecurity risks.


أول يوم بمجرد وصول الكتاكيت يتم انزال الكتاكيت داخل الحضانة على االتى:

تشيك بوست((Chick Boast 5 كتكوت لمده 1000/ كجم 5=كتكوت / جم

(بادى تسمين -تركيبة نباتى )او ( ناعم ) ساعة ثم علف بادى 24

يتم األستقبال على النحو التالى ساعة 24وبعد أول :

1- ( المضاد الحيوى الناتج من اختبار الحساسيه ) اللتر /جم 1/2تايلوزين ) او

فيتامين (+ اللتر/سم 1/2)3د .فيتامين أ( + اللتر /جم 1/4كوليستين + E"20 "%1/2ساعة متصلة72لمدة ( اللتر/سم

2- لتر /جم1ب ك كولين+ اللتر /سم2( تسيوفوروليجو ) امالح معدنيه سائله ساعه 48لمدة " مياه"

3- ساعة 24لمدة اللتر/ سم 1/2 (أنميونير ) منشط مناعه

برنامــج اللقاحــات:-

1- يوم رش 1عمرIB (H-120) ميلاير ( تروفاك)حقن انفلوانزا حى / ميلاير

سم تحت الجلد0.2

2- أيام هتشنر 7عمر

3- ايام جامبورو 8عمرD.78

4- (ميت ) ايام انفلوانزا 9عمرH5N1 (ميلاير )سم تحت الجلد 0.5

5- او بيرسافاك أو ( بيرسافين ) عترة حامية يوم جامبورو 13عمرIBD


6- يوم 14عمرIB (CR88) 4/91 ) ) او

7- ساعة 12لمدة اللتر /سم 1/2( انميوتير ) منشط مناعه يوم 16و 15عمر فى اليوم

8- (انترفت)الطائر /سم . ,3يوم حقن ميت نيوكسل 17عمر

9- ( كولون ) يوم تحصين 18عمر

10- يوم قياس درجة المناعة 30عمر

اضـافات األعـــالف :-

* لعمر التسويقالطن / ك 1/2( سالينومايسين) مضاد كوكسيديا

*الطن للتسويق/ ك 1/2( اليتوكس) و سموم مضاد فطريات

* مضاد سالمونيال ( سالستوبMd )2 يوم 21الطن لعمر /ك

* يوم 21الطن لعمر / ك 1بمعدل ( عليقة )ب ك كولين

* يوم 21الطن لعمر / ك 1أمالح معدنية بمعدل

* للتسويق( الطن/ك1/2" زابمبكس"انزيمات هاضمه )منشط نمو

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