bro chop ti max us 72 dpi

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  • 8/8/2019 Bro Chop Ti Max Us 72 Dpi


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  • 8/8/2019 Bro Chop Ti Max Us 72 Dpi


    Electronic setting o shed crossing

    Insertion with

    up to 12 colors

    Optimized shed geometry in combination with guided

    gripper or ree ight insertion system, or unequalledindustrial speeds and maximum yarn riendliness

    Accurate, user-riendly machinesetting using the keyboard or

    interactive display at insertion side

    Reed width o 190, 210, 220, 230, 250, 300,

    320, 340, 360, 380, 400, 430 and 460 cm

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    I versatile and productive weavingis your objective, now you can besure o real plus value with the

    unique, uture-oriented OptiMax.

    The OptiMax oers all the possi-bilities or weaving yoursel to the

    top in your market. Ready or everynew opportunity. Guaranteeing op-

    timum abric quality. Best in classor minimum energy consumption.

    Optimizing your precious time. And

    creating space to unleash your ut-most creativity.

    I you really want to get the mostout o your market, your material,

    your energy, your time and yourtalent, the OptiMax provides the

    platorm or you to stay ahead.Always. Everywhere.

    Sumo main motor with direct

    machine drive is standard

    Both standard and optional eatures are reerred to in the text and illustrations o this brochure.

    Easy width changes

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  • 8/8/2019 Bro Chop Ti Max Us 72 Dpi


    Get the most out of

    your market (1)

    Never beore has any weaving machine been somodular in design. In the new OptiMax concept,each machine is based on a common platormdesigned to accommodate uture extensions orconversions. This modularity saeguards yourinvestment: no other weaving machine is soeasy to adapt in order to take advantage o newmarket opportunities.

    Optimized shed geometryIn developing the OptiMax special attention was paid

    to the shed geometry. The short stroke o the sley and

    the rames and the redesigned rapier heads, allowthe machine to weave with smaller shed opening. Lessstress is put on the warp ends, resulting in increased

    warp riendliness especially in case o flament weaving.The optimized shed geometry leads to uniorm abric

    characteristics over the whole width. The location o thesley cams below the abric allows heavier beat-up orces,

    so abrics with real high cover actors can be woven withease.

    OptiMax can be ftted with a Guided Gripper system or

    maximum speeds or a Free Flight system or maximumversatility. Both systems are interchangeable.

    Guided Gripper systemThe Guided Gripper system (GC) is the standard solutionor spun yarns. The rapier tape o the newly designed

    light-weight Guided Gripper system is perectly guided byone-piece hooks. Together with the small shed and small

    rapier head, industrial speeds are obtained that werenever reached beore. The stroke o the guiding hooks

    through the lower shed has been optimized or extremewarp riendliness, widening the feld o application in

    flament weaving.

    Free Flight systemThe Free Flight system (FF) is specially designed orweaving delicate abrics, providing maximum warp

    riendliness and flling versatility. Free Flight meansthat the rapier tape is no longer guided by hooks, so

    the yarns cannot be damaged by hooks diving into thewarp yarns. The machine has a covered raceboard or

    gentle treatment o flament warp yarns, as used ore.g. upholstery weaving, or the rapier is guided by

    supporting hooks, as used or e.g. wool or worstedweaving. The stability o the Free Flight rapier head is

    assured by an enlarged tape.

    Quick Step illing presenter or up to -colorinsertionThe wet presenter is ully modular, allowing you to startwith e.g. 4-color insertion and to add more channels

    depending on your needs. OptiMax is available with upto 12-color insertion (specially or necktie, upholstery

    and label weaving). The color and weave pattern arecontrolled by microprocessor or jacquard.

    Finally, the Quick Step modules are interchangeable, and

    there are no mechanical drives, so no maintenance orlubrication is required.

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    your market (2)

    Exchangeable shed ormationThe OptiMax can be ftted with a positive cam motion,electronic positive dobby or electronically driven jacquard.

    The basic machine structure or the cam, dobby and jacquard versions is identical, making it possible to

    change the shed ormation system at any time in theuture.

    OptiLenoBased on an entirely new uture-oriented concept, theOptiMax also oers the possibility to produce leno abrics

    without the need or a superstructure or leno heddles.

    With the OptiLeno module (patented), it is possible notonly to obtain abrics with S-crossing or Z-crossing othe leno ends, but also to obtain alternatingly S- and Z-

    crossing in the same abric, giving an additional specialeect to the design. Even a combination o stripes o leno

    and plain weave is possible.

    Superstructure-readyIn line with the common platorm philosophy, the

    OptiMax is ready to have a superstructure mounted onit. The mountings are identical in all cases, making it

    possible to decide at some time in the uture to add e.g. aancy beam or jacquarette.

    Fancy beamThe ancy beam is an additional warp beam with aseparate let-o motion. The beam can be top-mounted

    or mounted in line (behind the machine on a separatecreel or integrated in the machine rame). The system

    is mainly used or warp ends that give a certain aspectto the abric, e.g. seersucker, and which have a dierent

    tension and/or a dierent woven length compared to theground beam, e.g. upholstery or ties.

    Electronic Right-hand Gripper OpenerImproved control o the wet insertion is aorded by thepositive opening o the right-hand traction-gripper with

    the Electronic Right-hand Gripper Opener (ERGO) system.This allows individual setting o the moment o opening

    according to each type o wet inserted. Both the lengtho the wet tail can be adjusted and the degree o opening

    o the right-hand gripper during the release o the wet.

    TuckersThe OptiMax can be equipped either with a versatile

    mechanical tucker or with an air tucker, both designed

    or high speeds, in line with the high industrial speeds othe machine. Moreover, changing rom a leno selvedgeto tucker or vice versa is easy and quick with repeatable


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    Get the most out of

    your material

    The mechanical components and advancedelectronics o the OptiMax are designed oroptimum abric quality and minimum waste.

    Rigid constructionThe OptiMax has two cast-iron side rames connectedby sturdy cross-members. This robust rame and the

    perect balancing o the mechanical parts eliminate allvibration, enabling the machine to work continuously

    at high industrial speeds in all weaving widths whilemaintaining permanent stability.

    High-tech reed drive or powerul beat-upThe sley is driven by 2 sets o conjugated cams with camollowers below the abric, with continuous high pressure

    lubrication rom the central lubrication system. A thirdsley cam unit is mounted in case o very wide weaving.

    The reed holder itsel is made o light alloy with greatstiness. The sley with its reed holder is perectly

    balanced by means o counterweights and provides apowerul beat-up over the whole weaving width. This

    results in uniorm abric characteristics over the wholewidth and makes it possible to weave heavier abrics.

    Quick Step illing presenter or low illingtensionThe Quick Step flling presenter operates with independent

    modules, each consisting o an electronically controlledstepper motor with a presenter needle. Ater the let

    gripper has taken the presented yarn, the Quick Stepneedle returns to an intermediary position, so the course

    o the flling yarn is straight and the tension o the yarn islow and remains constant (patented).

    At a flling break the needle is presented automatically

    in the most convenient position or re-threading, thussaving time or the weaver.

    The Electronic Disc Cutter cuts every flling yarn always

    at the right moment, while clamping the flling.

    Programmable Filling TensionerEach prewinder can be equipped with a ProgrammableFilling Tensioner (PFL-TEC). This PFL-TEC (patented) is

    microprocessor-controlled and ensures optimum yarntension during the complete insertion cycle. The tension

    control makes it possible to weave strong or weakyarns at even higher speeds. It also drastically reduces

    the amount o flling stops, and enables you to set anindividual waste length per channel.

    Electronic Selvedge SystemThe unique Electronic Selvedge System (ELSY patented)

    ull leno selvedge motions are electrically driven byindividual stepper motors. They are mounted in ront othe harnesses, so that all the harnesses remain available

    or the abric pattern. The selvedge crossing and patternare programmed on the microprocessor independently o

    the shed crossing, even while the machine is in operation,so the result o a resetting can be checked immediately.

    Electronic Take-Up and Let-OThe electronically controlled Take-Up (ETU) and Let-O(ELO) are ftted as standard on OptiMax. A heavy duty ETU

    motor is optional or heavy abrics.

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    Get the most out of

    your energy

    Energy saving technologies have been deve-loped and implemented on the OptiMax,taking into account the rules and regulationsconcerning the environment. The OptiMax isequipped as standard with the energy-efcientSumo motor.

    Consuming less energy with the Sumo mainmotorThe oil-cooled Sumo main motor drives the weavingmachine directly, without belt or clutch and brake. The

    combination o the highly energy-efcient Sumo motor

    with the direct drive (patented) o the main shat andshedding motion results in power savings o morethan 10% in comparison with conventional clutch and

    brake confgurations. Moreover, the energy cost or airconditioning is also reduced as the Sumo motor dissipates

    less heat in the weaving mill.

    The speed o the motor is controlled electronically, withouta requency converter, thus reducing power consumption

    and permitting greater exibility. The very short drivetrain is simple and compact, and the machine is up to ull

    speed right rom the very frst pick.

    Removing heat with water cooling system(patented)Fast running machines generate more heat than theirslower predecessors. The consequences o this are

    particularly important in regions with a hot climate. As theweaveroom temperature rises, it gets harder to maintain

    the required air humidity at weaving machine level.Another consequence is that the sides o the warp tend

    to dry out because o heat radiation rom mechanisms inthe machine rames. With the water cooling option, hal

    o the thermal load produced by the weaving machineis extracted rom inside the machine. In this way, a

    new air-conditioning installation can be kept small andenergy efcient, or an existing installation could still be

    compatible with high-speed weaving on OptiMax.

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    Get the most out of

    your time (1)

    The OptiMax weaving machine is based on anentirely new concept, as a uture-orientedplatorm whose components are designed orhigher operating speeds and top productivity.

    Unique Sumo main motor system (patented)itted as standardWith the Sumo motor it is possible to continuously adaptthe machine speed pick by pick to match the strength o

    the flling yarn. This combination o the Sumo motor withelectronic settings makes it easy to obtain the highest

    possible industrial speeds, taking into account the yarn

    quality, number o harnesses and weaving pattern, andconsiderably reduces the set-up times.

    Style changes in a minimum o timePicanol has included many unique eatures on the

    OptiMax to keep machine downtimes ultra-short. Theyinclude the Picanol Quick Style Change system, the quick

    harness connections, the roll-away flling creel, the hand-operated quick snap locks or warp beam and cloth rolls,

    and the use o the microprocessor or modiying crossingtime settings or selvedges and shed. These all increase

    the time available or what OptiMax is meant or in thefrst place: producing quality cloth at high speeds.

    Fast width changes

    Special attention has been paid to ast width changes,which may be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. All

    the components to be moved on the let and on theright are mounted on a single support whose position

    can be easily varied. Sotware-assisted procedures areavailable in case the transer position o the rapiers is

    to be modifed. The cylinder temples on top o the abrichold the cloth at ull width and are easy to set. For special

    abrics, ull-width temples can be ftted.

    Electronic setting o shed crossingA maximum number o settings can be carried out onthe microprocessor. The electronic setting o the closed

    shed position (AKM) a unique Picanol eature allowsthe weaver to control the aspect and hand o the abric

    without even touching the drive train o or instance thedobby. A ew simple keystrokes on the display are all it

    takes to let OptiMax reset its crossing point. The crossingtime not only inuences the abric quality, it also has an

    impact on stop fgures.

    Quick Style Change

    The Quick Style Change (QSC) system (patented) enablesa style change to be carried out by a single person in lessthan 30 minutes. The style change is done by replacing

    the entire rear part o the split rame, with the warp beam,backrest and support, warp stop motion, harnesses and

    reed. All the settings involved in preparing the article onthe warp side are done beore the style change, outside

    the weaveroom. The quick and easy adjustment o thebackrest board (patented) is also unique.

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    Get the most out of

    your time (2)

    Automatic ull pickindingThe machine has an automatic ull pickfnder drivenby the Sumo main motor. In case o a broken pick the

    machine stops and only the harness rames are broughtin motion automatically so as to ree the broken pick,

    without the reed touching the beat-up line.

    Prewinder Switch-OThe OptiMax has a piezoelectric flling detector that stops

    the machine in case o a flling break. With its optionalPrewinder Switch-O (PSO) system, the machine carries

    on weaving even i a flling break occurs on the bobbin

    creel or one o the prewinders.

    Optimized harness rames and connectionsThe harness rames, connections and guides (DRC-2 andDRC-30) have been designed or weaving at high speeds.

    With the harness connection no manipulations have tobe carried out under the abric line when connecting the

    rames to the drive system in a single movement, and theunique harness height adjustment is done entirely at the

    top o the harness rames (patented).

    Easy warp gaiting and cloth doingThe warp beam is driven by an electronically controlledlet-o system via a separate gearwheel that remains onthe machine. Fitting the warp beam and changing the

    cloth roll are done by means o quick connections: notools are required.

    Picanol Batching MotionThe Picanol Batching Motion (PBM) systems have beendesigned or economical production o large cloth rolls.

    They ensure excellent abric rolls and their operation issimple and efcient, with protection against too low or

    too high tension.

    Perect lubricationLubrication is by means o a central oil circulation

    system controlled by pressure, temperature and fltercontamination sensors. Constant and adequate fltering

    o the oil ensures perect lubrication. Bearings or the

    beat-up shat are part o the orced oil lubrication circuitand are thus maintenance ree.

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    Get the most out of

    your talent

    With the OptiMax, we have created thepossibilities that weavers need to deploy andrealize their utmost creativity. The machine isexceptionally ergonomic and oers immediatecontrol o all possible settings or optimumabric quality.

    An ergonomic machineThe OptiMax weaving machine is unusually low at the

    ront. The slight slope provides very easy access or theweaver. The pushbuttons are conveniently located, and

    all main settings are carried out above the abric line.

    The flling area is easily accessible rom all sides, andall prewinders can be reached rom the ront. The

    shed opening and the height o the harness ramesare adjusted rom the outside, with easy accessibility,

    because the shedding motion stands ree at the right-hand side and is not obstructed by the package creel or

    prewinders. Connecting the harness rames to the drivesystem is done in a single movement, thanks to the quick

    connections (DRC-2 and DRC-30).

    Maximum controlAll the machine unctions are controlled by the micro-processor. Using the sel-explanatory menus on thedisplay, the operator can start the machine and carry out

    fne adjustments easily.

    Mechanical settings have wherever possible beenreplaced with electronic ones. The electronic settings

    have several advantages: they are very accurate, canbe checked directly, and are easy to transer rom one

    machine to another.

    The microprocessor records, analyses and stores allthe production data. The weaving machine itsel can be

    linked to a central monitoring system (or example asintegrated in LoomGate) by an Ethernet or bidirectional


    Interactive touchscreenAs an alternative to the keyboard display there is alsoan interactive touchscreen, which has the advantage

    that several article settings can be stored locally on thedisplay. A transponder card gives immediate access to

    the machine settings, which can be transerred rom thedisplay to a computer or vice versa using USB memory


    Picanol PC SuitePicanol PC Suite is a collection o PC sotware applica-


    LoomGate makes it possible to communicate betweenthe PC and the weaving machines over the network. Using

    LoomGate, machine settings are transerred rom the PCto the machines and vice versa, the weaving machine can

    be updated with new sotware, or the current settingsand operating parameters o the weaving machines

    can be consulted. LoomGate also includes a monitoringunction to consult and process machine data and shit

    production data on the PC.

    Picanol Pattern Editoris used to create new designs onthe PC, or transer to the weaving machines. PicanolStyle Administration is used to prepare settings whilethe weaving machine is running another style. EasyStyle

    helps to select the optimum machine settings: itgenerates the best settings or the specifc style chosen,

    based on Picanols broad weaving experience. OptiStyleprovides on-loom tools to improve efciency or quality

    in a ast, interactive way: just enter the problem andcorrective measures are suggested, taking into account

    the actual machine settings and specifcations.

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    Standard equipment

    Reed widths

    GC version: 190, 210, 220, 230, 250, 300, 320, 340, 360,

    380, 400, 430 and 460 cmFF version: 190, 210, 220, 230, 250, 300, 320, 340 and 360 cm

    Width reduction

    80 - 100 cm depending on reed width


    Filling insertion rates up to 1700 m/min depending on

    style and machine width

    Yarn range

    Spun yarns: Nm 200 - Nm 3 (Ne 118 - Ne 1.8), Free Flight:up to Nm 1

    Filament yarns: 22 den - 3,000 den (25 dtex - 3,300 dtex)Free Flight version, warp yarns: sized, unsized, twisted,

    non-twisted, intermingled flament

    Filling selection

    1 - 12 colors or yarn types (flling presenter with insertion

    position) [patented]

    Filling monitor

    Piezo-electric flling detector

    Double pick prevention (anti-two)

    Filling cutter

    Electronic Disc Cutter (EDC)

    Reed motion

    Positive coupled cam units, 2 or 3, depending on machinewidth

    Shedding motion

    Positive cam, max. 8 harness rames, 12-mm pitchElectronic rotary dobby or 12, 20 or 24 rames, 12 mm

    pitch with levellingElectronic jacquard

    Electronic setting o the crossing moment (AKM)

    Let-o motion

    Load-cell electronically controlled warp let-o system (ELO)

    Warp beam diameter

    805, 1000, 1100 mm

    Warp stop motion

    6 bar electrical 25-mm pitch

    8 bar electrical 16-mm pitch


    Single roller, general purpose

    Cloth take-up

    Electronically controlled take-up system (ETU)Diameter o cloth roll: 550 mm (warp beam 805 mm),

    600 mm or larger beams

    Machine drive

    Sumo main motor with direct machine drive [patented]


    Automatic ull pickfnding [patented]

    Machine controls

    LCD screen with keyboardPush buttons on ront panel


    By orced circulation o fltered oil to all major driveunctions

    Grouped grease points or manual lubrication o harnessmotion mechanism

    MonitoringSel-diagnosisStop distribution reporting

    Connection provided or major weaving room monitoringsystems


    Light curtain (depending on country o delivery)Protection guard over take-up rollers


    In designing OptiMax, Picanol has taken into accountcurrent international regulations concerning saety (me-

    chanical and electric) and the environment (ergonomics,noise, vibrations, and electromagnetic compatibility).

    How to read the name

    OptiMax-FF-4-R 190Reed width: 190 cm

    Shed ormation:P: cam motion

    R: dobbyJ: jacquard

    Number o flling colors: 1 - 12FF: Free Flight version mainly or flament yarns

    GC: Guided Gripper version mainly or spun yarns

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    Optional equipment


    Prewinder Switch-O (PSO)

    Pneumatic eeder threading upIntegrated flling brakes (PFL/TEC) [patented]

    Mechanical flling cutterElectronic Right-hand Gripper Opener (ERGO) [patented]

    Selvedge ormation

    Independently electronically controlled (ELSY) [patented]Mechanical or airtucked selvedges

    Welded selvedgeCentral selvedge

    Shedding motion

    OptiLeno: continuous or alternating S/Z ull-width leno

    systemAutomatic levelling device on cam motion


    Warp beam

    Fancy beam on top or in line (integrated in machine rame,

    or on separate creel)


    Double backrest rollers with possibility to add drag rollers

    Warp stop motions

    Individual selvedge stop motionsSectional warp stop motions

    Cloth take up

    PBM system or diameters up to 1,500 mmPBM with integrated inspection tableFabric illumination

    Heavy duty electronic take-up motorTake-up directly over pressure roller or open abrics


    Full-width temple

    Watercooling system [patented]

    O-loom automationQuick Style Change system (QSC) [patented]


    LCD touch screen with color display

    Ethernet connectionPicanol PC Suite

    4613 mm 2009 mm

    Dimensions OptiMax 4-R 190

  • 8/8/2019 Bro Chop Ti Max Us 72 Dpi








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    We commit ourselves to deve-

    loping the most advanced

    weaving technology in order

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