bridging your 2016 enrollment gaps

Post on 16-Feb-2017






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Bridging Your 2016 Enrollment Gaps

connects with students from high school through college Scholarship


College Counseling

Career Discovery

Internship & Job Matching

Rent or buy [e]textbooks

Transfer & Grad School

Matching College

Matching Flashcards & Test Prep


Tutoring Study Tools & Tutoring

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75% of U.S. College Bound High School Students 50% of U.S. College Students

15M+ Students* reached

52/48 % Female/Male

700,000+ Social media followers

*U.S. College Bound High School & College Students Source: Data as of December 2014. Other sources include Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Chegg Reaches

9M Monthly visits

71% 18-24

10 minutes Average time on site

Chegg by the Numbers

A Multi-Channel, Multi-Network, Multi-Touch Strategy

Retargeting Inquiries & Matches

Targeted Mobile Media

Targeted Display & Social Media

Digital Media across the

Chegg Network

Match+ Student Names

Chegg Cloud Inquiries

Communication Planning

Understanding Generation Y

Engaging Undecided Students at the

Height of their Interest

High Impact Transfer Outreach to Fill Gaps

Effective Yield Strategies

Today’s Agenda

Today’s students were born when Google began and in grade school when Facebook took off.

They have unlimited information at their fingertips.





Informative! Social!



Segmenting Digital Tools

#socadm16! Which of the following online resources have you used to research colleges?

















0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Social media sites

Ranking sites (e.g., US News and World Report)

College review and scholarship sites (e.g., Chegg, Niche)

College and university sites

Extremely useful Very useful Somewhat useful Not very useful

How useful were the following types of sites during your college research? #socadm16!

Nearly 70% say very to extremely


41% say very to extremely useful

Most Useful for College Research


Class of 2016 will login 4 million times during SR year

Class of 2015 on Niche: •  3 million logins during SR year •  Avg session: 10 pages, 12 minutes •  Peaks in

•  October for applying •  January for financial aid •  March for decision

Class of 2016 on Niche: •  800,000 logins during JR year •  4 million logins projected for SR year •  Same peaks and sessions as 2015

Niche Colleges will see 40 million visits this school year

HS Seniors Peak in Oct, Jan, and March

College /Transfer/Grad Peak at start/end of semesters

HS Juniors Grow as school year progresses

HS Parents Peak in Oct, Jan, and March

Adult learners Peak in Jan and Aug

HS Freshman/Sophomores Grow as school year progresses

Trends for 2015-16 •  Niche Traffic up 50% over 2014-15 •  Larger Niche platform is driving growth in:

•  HS Juniors and younger •  HS Parents •  Adult learners

User Types on Niche Colleges

What does this all mean?

Students indicating interest in January-May are still undecided

If they are still looking at you they are still looking at

your peers

Recommended Strategies

Inquiries and Matches Connect with students who are researching your school

and schools like yours at the height of their interest.

Qualified students with an active and demonstrated interest in your school

Best-fit matches who are actively searching and need to hear from you

Chegg has the largest opt-in database of students actively researching schools.

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Chegg Cloud


•  Reach 8/10 college-bound students actively researching schools across the web on the most popular college search sites.

•  Focus resources on students who have actively “raised their hand” an expressed an interest in you.

•  Respond to students at the height of their interest, not when they have to take a standardized test.

Cloud Connect students who have raised their hand to be

contacted by your institution.

18 sites & apps and growing!

What if we could harness the behavioral data from students as

they search for schools to find the perfect matches for

your school?

Chegg User Behavior Data

Chegg CloudData

Science of Match

Sophisticated algorithms analyze millions of data points submitted by students and collected during

their visits to our network to identify those that are the best fit

for your institution.




Match fined tuned to meet your admissibility criteria





Match+ fined tuned to meet your admissibility criteria


Behavioral Interest in

Similar Schools

Cloud Inquiries

Match Student Names

Match+ Connections

•  Identify students who are “raising their hand” to express interest in you specifically

•  Connect with those students in real-time, as they are researching

•  Infuse fresh contacts into your recruitment pipeline to actively grow your inquiry and applicant pool year-round

•  Segment the largest opt-in database of college-bound students based on your strategic priorities

•  Utilize your homegrown or consultant-built predictive models to focus your list buy purchase

•  Reach undecided students who are actively researching schools at the height of their interest (not simply taking a test)

•  Identify students who have indicated an interest in your peers or aspirational peers but do not yet have you on your list

•  Ensure you are on a student’s consideration set when they are actively researching schools you associate yourself with

•  Segment your recruitment to fill specific enrollment gaps/priorities

Retargeting Reach students minutes after they have visited your site or

expressed interest in a similar school.

Retargeting Strategies Strategically engage and convert interested students with messaging tailored to their phase of their search.

.Edu Retargeting to drive traffic of general researchers back to your site to learn more

Chegg, Niche and Baidu page visitor retargeting to engage un-identified prospects on the top college search

Interest-based Retargeting to engage inquiries & students considering peers

Textbook Retargeting for Transfer & Grad Outreach

Retarget students who visit your .EDU site.

Retarget students who are actively searching peer institutions.

Retarget students who browse specific book subjects.

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Transfer Outreach

We focused on intent

100% Respondents who are likely to

transfer in the next 2 years

And yet …

77% Students who are unsure

where they want to transfer to

1 in 3 students knew they would transfer before enrolling…

The college search landscape is … complicated

3 in 4 applying to +/- 2 schools

44% of respondents are actively seeking out or plan on seeking out information on different school options… …23% PLAN on

seeking out info

Transfers are Secret Shoppers

50% of transfers will not identify themselves to colleges before applying

Sources: Building Your Transfer Outreach Action Plan, Chegg, 2016

Know they plan to transfer

So we are dealing with an audience that…

Do not know where they want to transfer to

Plan to keep their list short

Are actively researching with plans to do more

Are actively or passively staying off of your radar

91% of consumers have their phones within arms reach 24 hours a day

The average user checks their phone 150 TIMES / DAY

Sources: Study by app Locket, 2014. Under the Cover with College Students. Chegg, 2015.

93% of students own a smartphone

89% of time spent on mobile apps 30.4 hours per month

11% of time spent on mobile web 3.75 hours per month


mobile app vs. mobile web media use

Nielsen  Cross  Pla-orm  Report  March  2014  

Location-Based Mobile Advertising

Introducing a New Way to Recruit Students On-the-Go

•  Reach students at the right time and the right place through hyper-local media on their mobile devices

•  Capture attention and drive awareness among students at specific locations when they are most receptive to your message

•  Media is optimized to appear in locations that show the strongest performance

Students are always in motion. Your targeting should be too…

2-Year Schools Corporations, Military Bases

ESL Centers & Boarding Schools

Target potential students anywhere with location-verified media on their mobile devices

High Schools High School & Transfer Fairs

Concerts, Events, Open Houses, Airports, etc.

Dynamic targeting zeros in on the strongest performing locations

Standard Geo-fence

Chegg’s Geo-fence

Chegg Geo-fence




Dream Big. Live Limitless. Learn more!

Reach students on their favorite apps and drive to your mobile EDU site or a custom landing page/interaction developed by Chegg

Drive measurable engagement with a customizable landing page and dynamic content aligned with the student’s location

Call an admissions director

Learn about transferring

Visit the campus

Watch a video

Talk to Admissions

Deliver a personalized, interactive experience to students on-the-go



Reach students across 70K apps around the world*

Social Entertainment Sports News &

Info Interests Local Music

* Over 35K apps in the U.S.

Identify and Reach Students in 8 Countries* On Thousands of Mobile Applications

*In addition to the United States


India Germany France Canada

China Spain Italy

Why Chegg Location Based Mobile Advertising?

•  We are the only geofencing technology in use today that verifies location

•  No risk of reaching people in the wrong location

•  99% of our reach is in the app on a smart device where the value exchange is much higher

•  86% of all smart phone use is non-voice

Recruit Students On-the-Go with Chegg •  Reach transfer students on 2-year

campuses •  Target high school students in

specific markets •  Connect with students as they visit

your campus

Students you have applied and been admitted

Students who have been denied/deferred and are

evaluating options Late starters who are

just starting their research

Late  stage  inquiries  can  be  some  of  the  highest  conver@ng  inquiries  if  you  support  them  effec@vely  at  this  phase  of  the  recruitment  cycle.  

Types of Seniors Still Searching

What do you do with the student that is already in your pipeline, applied and/or been admitted, but is still actively

researching you (and more importantly, your peers)? *Or worse. Enrolled but still evaluating options!

Admitted but not Committed*

REMINDER: If a student is still researching you, they

are also still researching your peers.

Think about it …

When a student who has applied/been admitted, we encourage them to visit campus.

Why, then, do we think of online interactions

differently in today’s electronic world?

Today’s College Search Reality

Instant e-mail and phone call, acknowledging that student’s continued interest 1 Assign a student ambassador to reach out via phone and possibly a hand-written note (go old school)

2 Invite the student to visit campus one more time, or for out of state students offer virtual visits


Supplemental Communication Plan

Deferred by you or denied elsewhere, how do you support a student in this situation at this phase of the process?

HINT: Put your “counselor hat” on *Denied/Deferred by you OR a peer institution

Denied/Deferred and Evaluating

Time to be a counselor

Inform waitlisted/deferred student of any steps they can take to increase their chances (if any)

1 Educate the student about articulation agreements with community colleges in your area


If your institution allows, think about deferred admission to the spring semester 3

Supplemental Communication Plan

•  Be up front with the student and talk about their realistic options.

•  Talk about gap-year programs or bridge agreements with local community colleges to help the student build their academic record

•  Inquire about interest in deferring their start to the spring (works well combined with community college coursework)

Additional Tips

What do you do with senior inquiries that are just now getting on your radar? Do you turn them away, or leverage

their fresh interest?

Late Bloomers

Instant e-mail and phone call, acknowledging that student’s interest 1 Assign a specific counselor to follow-up with students and their parents ASAP (prioritize by territory volume) 2

Invite the student to campus for an interview and instant admission decision (provided they can provide all required materials)

3 If there is a high volume of interest in a geographic area, consider hosting a regional information session/interviews (if budget allows)


Supplemental Communication Plan

•  There is always that “diamond in the rough” that got lost in the process. Are there exceptions you can make for qualified students still inquiring?

•  Reach out immediately and walk them through the application process (for rolling admission schools).

•  Be sure to educate and inform them about your transfer programs/articulation agreements (if truly past your deadline/their program is full)

Serving Late Bloomers

Conversion Strategies Develop a strategy that ensures every touch point is

optimized to drive conversions from the moment students begin their search through the time they enroll.

Niche Profile Page Takeovers Manage your brand on the top college search site on the web

and drive additional traffic to your .edu

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Conversion Strategies

•  On campus workshop designed to closely examine each conversion point in the funnel to ensure optimal conversion rates.

•  Methodical review of marketing efforts, lead generation campaigns, inquiry communication, post application and post accept processes and messages.

•  Deliverable is a mutually agreed upon conversion plan.

Communication Sequence Mapping Develop a communication plan tailored specifically for late

stage prospects & un-committed admitted students

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Communication Sequence Mapping

•  Tactical recruiting communication plan based on objectives, target audience, segmentation potential, message, format, call-to-action, and associated metrics.

•  11X17 color-coded communication sequence map for each target audience.

sample sequence


Retargeting Inquiries & Matches


Mobile Media Targeted Display & Social Media

Integrated Media on Chegg Newsletters

Syndicated Content on Partner Publisher Sites

Chegg Cloud Inquiries

Campus Rep Programs

Enhanced and focused reach with 1st Party Data Match

Match+ Student Names

Digital Media across the

Chegg Network

Communication Planning A multi-channel, multi-network,

multi-touch strategy

1. Combine your various data sources (search, inquiries etc)

2. Chegg marketing software identifies the device & cookie ID of as many students in your dataset as possible (typically 2 in 5 students are found via 1-2 devices)

3. Serve ad impressions directly to the students within your database to inform and drive engagement with your traditional recruitment methods

“Mobilize” Your Communication Flow:

PurchasedSearch Names


CRM Data

Data Sources

First Party Data Match Platform

Targeted Mobile Media

Digital Display Media

Social Media

Chegg Cloud Inquiry Data

Chegg Match

+ Data

Search Names

Data Sources

First Party Data Match Platform

Marketing Platforms

20,000 on Instagram

39,800 on Facebook

17,000 on websites

via Ad Exchanges

Example: Of the 84,743 Names Sent We Can Reach*

*We forecast 1 impression/day per user

Connect with undecided seniors continuing to researching you and your peers

Engage potential transfer students to fill enrollment gaps

Incorporate a strong conversion and yield strategy for all

student segments

Achieving Your Goals

Save Time

Save Money

Recruit Smarter

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