breast cancer_tykeidra young

Post on 04-Mar-2016






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Dr.Shields Health Research


Breast Cancer Symbol established by

Susan G. Komen in 1991. Breast cancer is a

malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. A malig-

nant tumor is a group of cancer cells that

can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread

(metastasize) to dis-tant areas of the

body. The disease oc-curs almost entirely in women, but men

can get it, too. All people, whether male

or female, are born with some breast cells and tissue that

have the possibility to develop into cancer. Cancers originating

from ducts are known

as ductal carcinomas,

while those originating

from lobules are known

as lobular carcinomas.

Breast cancer occurs in

humans and other

mammals. While the

overwhelming majority

of human cases occur

in women, male breast

cancer can also occur.

Special points of


There are many symptoms of

breast cancer such as lumps in

the breast or underarm area

There’re many ways to prevent

breast cancer but if its in the

genes, there is nothing you can


Breast cancer is serious and life

threatening especially to African

-American women.

Causes/ Risk Factors

There are many things

that contribute to the

cause of breast cancer.

Being a woman is the

main risk factor of

breast cancer. Also be-

ing 55 or over, over-

weight or obese, early

menstrual periods

(before age 12), being

a white woman, having

close blood relatives

with breast cancer,

having radiation treat-

ment to the breast or

chest area, alcohol, lack

of exercise, alcohol, not

breastfeeding, recent

use of birth control

pills, and the list goes


What is Breast cancer?

Breast Cancer

Feel for Lumps. Save your Bumps.

February 18, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1

Breast cancer is sometimes found

after symptoms appear, but many

women with early breast cancer

have no symptoms. That is why it

important to get an screening at

least by age 30. Screening tests

(mammograms) are the most com-

mon tests used to diagnose can-

cer, but a biopsy has been said to

be the most accurate way. A bi-

opsy is done when mammograms,

other imaging tests, or the physi-

cal exam finds a breast change (or

abnormality) that is possibly can-

cer. A biopsy is the only way to tell

if cancer is really present. During a

biopsy, a sample of the suspicious

area is removed to be looked at

under a microscope by a patholo-

gist. There are several types of

biopsies, such as fine needle aspi-

ration biopsy, core (large needle)

biopsy, and surgical biopsy. The

fine needle aspiration (FNA) would

be known as the most important

biopsy treatment used for breast

cancer In FNA biopsy, the doctor

uses a very thin, hollow needle

attached to a syringe to with-

draw a small amount of tissue

from a suspicious area, which is

then looked at under a micro-


About 232,340 new cases of in-

vasive breast cancer will be di-

agnosed in women. About

64,640 new cases of carcinoma

in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed

(CIS is non-invasive and is the

earliest form of breast cancer).

About 39,620 women will die

from breast cancer


Relevant Statistics

hormone therapy, targeted therapy.

The most commonly treatment

used for breast cancer is surgery.

There is two types of breast cancer

surgery: breast-conserving surgery

(lumpectomy) and mastectomy. Breast-conserving surgery is remov-ing anything less than the breast. Mastectomy is removing the whole breast.

Different types of treatment are

available for patients with breast

cancer. Some treatments are

standard (the currently used

treatment), and some are being

tested in clinical trials. The six

types of standard treatment used

are surgery, sentinel lymph node

biopsy followed by surgery

Radiation therapy, chemotherapy,


Page 2 Breast Cancer

I am a 21/2 breast cancer survivor —because of che-motherapy. I am very blessed. -Nancy

The probability developing

Breast Cancer within the next

10 years by age 20 is 1 out of


According to the American

Cancer Society, 95% of new

cases and 97% of breast can-

cer deaths occurred in women

40 years of age and older.

There are different forms of

breast cancer but they all are the same just in different places, caused by different

things, and have different symptoms. That is why it is

important to know the symp-toms. Some of the symptoms are lumps in the breast or

underarm after menstrual cy-cle, swelling in the armpit,

pain or tenderness in the

breast, a noticeable flattening

or indentation on the breast, a change in size, contour, tex-ture, or temperature of the

breast., a change in the nip-ple, such as dimpling, retrac-

tion, itching, and burning., unusual discharge from the nipple that may be clear,

bloody, or another color, a marble-like area under the

skin, and an area that is dis-

tinctly different from any

other area on the breast. Breast cancer is difficult to avoid but it is possible. You

can avoid breast cancer by eating right, exercising, take

vitamins, avoid alcohol, mini-mize exposure to pharma-cologic estrogen and xeno-

estrogens and maintain a healthy BMI and a positive

mental outlook.

about it was an important part of

her life’s purpose. “Maybe in

some way I’m a little bit of a

messenger,” she says. “Maybe

God knew that I have a big

mouth, that I’m a loud Italian

chick, that I wouldn’t hide any-

thing. It now starts to make

some sense to me why I think I

got the cool job, because I think

He knew I would do some cool

stuff with it.”

On October 17, 2011 during an in-

terview on Today, Giuliana Rancic

announced she had been diagnosed

with an early stage breast cancer,

for which she would be treated with

a lumpectomy, followed by radia-

tion. She underwent surgery in mid-

October 2011 and returned to work

at E! News about a week later. On

December 5, 2011, Rancic disclosed

she had decided to undergo a double

mastectomy. As the cancer was

cleared away, what took its place

was a pressing belief that talking



cer than the right breast.

In the U.S., 112 people die of

breast cancer everyday and one

every 15 minutes.

White women have a higher risk

of getting breast cancer but Afri-

can-American women are more

likely to die from it.

Breast cancer was described by

ancient physicians in Egypt 3500

years ago.

Breast cancer in men is rare,

accounting for approximately

1% of breast cancer rates in

This is a just little knowledge to the

brain that you probably did not


Did you know that the youngest

cancer patience was a three

year old Canadian.

The left breast is statically more

prone to developing breast can-

Did You Know?

Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3

“Every single sec-

ond of the day I

was thinking, I

have cancer. It

totally consumed

me, and no one

cancertopics/types/breast › Learn About

Cancer › Breast Cancer


Save the ta-tas is a foundation to help cure breast cancer by collecting funds. This foundation was started in 2004 by Julie Fikse to help fight breast cancer using hu-mor fun as a way to fight a serious disease.

Supportive websites

For more questions call :

National Breast Cancer Foundation

Telephone: (972) 248-9200

Fax: (972) 248-6770

Dr. Shields’ health Class

Breast Cancer

TyKeidra Young

6th Period

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