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Post on 12-Jan-2015






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CPU time, Memory and Disk Storage have been commodity for a while now, anyone can buy these on-demand as needed. The next Commodity will be MaaS (Mail as a Service), where any Telco or ISP can buy Mail Services on-demand. More and more Telcos, Cable Operators and ISPs are moving their Email services from their own data centers into the Cloud. To help this transition, Dovecot, together with Open-Xchange, is now offering MaaS, a complete hosted Email Stack, which is elastically handling the needed mail back-end resources and capacity based on load and time.


How Email Back-Ends Become Commodity with MaaS

Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY26.09.2013

3 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

Mikko LinnamäkiCo‐Founder Dovecot OY

+49 162 7977

4 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

5 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

A few Charts about Email Market…

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Source: Radicati Group

Email Accounts Development 2011-2015

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10 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

- Timo Sirainen, Chief Architect of Dovecot OY, started development of Dovecot open-source email server in 2002

- Dovecot is the most IMAP standard compliant email server

- Default IMAP server of most Linux distributions

- Together with OX App Suite, Dovecot provides a complete and most advanced email service package for large ISPs and Telcos

- Our company, Dovecot OY (Helsinki, Stuttgart), provides enterprise support, commercial products and professional services to Dovecot customers

About Dovecot

11 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

Some Dovecot References

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Dovecot Market Share2,7 million Email Servers, 53% Market Share

13 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY


- Efficiency improvements on email clients, better user interfaces

- Smarter handling of incoming emails, stacks, rules

- Better workflow integration, zero-inbox, auto-tasks, auto calendar

- Better attachment handling, viewing, editing, sorting, forwarding

- Social integration, single inbox for all messages, facebook, twitter, email

- Native clients on PC are out, Apps on Smartphones are in.

Email is Evolving Fast, - Finally!Plenty of technical development on the email client market

14 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

- Telcos, Cable Operators and ISPs are fighting the Storage War against the ever-growing demand for email storage.

- Up to 40% year-over-year growth in storage need.

- Email is often a free product, yet important in binding the customer to the brand. The profitability is an issue though.

- > Some Telcos have voluntarily given up their email services and customers and gave them to Google or Microsoft!

- We think it’s time for YOU to take back the control.

The Email Hosting World is ChangingEmail is important yet the cost pressure is high

15 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

- In-house clouds and public clouds offer help to save money on storage. Upselling of premium services will bring profit

- This paradigm change requires the email server architecture to support object storage and premium services

- Dovecot will help lower the storage cost by supporting object storage both on in-house clouds (using Scality etc.) and on public clouds, such as Amazon S3 and Windows Azure

- To even accelerate the price decrease, Dovecot has created MaaS, the elastic Mail-as-a-Service, which optimizes the hosting price to a minimum

Control Your Own Destiny!Make Email services profitable for you

16 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

- Today, CPU, memory and storage are commodities, which can be purchased from cloud services on-demand for a very affordable price

- As Telcos and ISPs are moving their systems to the cloud, Dovecot will make email services to a commodity with the MaaSoffering

- Fully Elastic system allows full deployment of millions of mailboxes on-demand with automatic up and downscaling of the system to optimize the operational cost

MaaS, “Mail-as-a-ServiceDovecot is the first to provide full elastic MaaS

17 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

MaaS, “Mail-as-a-Service”Automatic deployment and scaling of email services

18 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

Breaking the Price BarrierMaaS will reduce the price / deployed mailboxin the next 2 years from $3-5 today to less than

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/ year

Including Hosting, Dovecot MaaS Backend, OX App Suite, AvAs.

- Timo Sirainen, Author and Chief Architect of Dovecot OY, started development of Dovecot open-source email server in 2002

- Market Share of 53% of all email servers

- Dovecot OY (Helsinki, Stuttgart), provides enterprise support, commercial products and professional services to Dovecot customers

- MaaS breaks the price barrier for large email systems

Dovecot Summary

20 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

„ No Yahoo product, perhaps otherthan the Yahoo homepage, is asimportant to Yahoo as Yahoo Mail.“

Marissa MayerCEO of Yahoo!

21 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

22 | OX Summit 2013: Mikko Linnamäki, Co-Founder Dovecot OY

Thank You!

Welcome to a chat at our stand.

Mikko LinnamäkiCo‐Founder Dovecot OY

+49 162 7977

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