brand activation - do something awesome with people (english version)

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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This presentation takes you through the first steps on how to make a succesful brand activation concept.


Do something awesome with peopleBrand activation

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What is brand activation?


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A suggested definition: !

Using brand activation, we create experiences and conversations with consumers and invite them to

participate in our communication. This takes place in the real world and/or via digital or social media.


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Why should you use brand activation?


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Traditional marketing speaks to consumers.

Brand activation speaks with consumers.



Traditional marketing

Wanna play? !7

Traditional advertising

Brand activation



Say as they do a thing

Do the real thing





Say or write

Dale’s cone of experience




50% Hear and see


People understand x % of what they

Activation means involving and engaging consumers in the brand. With activation, the brand and consumers share ownership, since consumers help to create the content.

Traditional branding (advertising) is a visual and verbal weapon owned by marketing, which is all about making promises to consumers.


Brand activation

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When we as people participate, it creates a stronger bond between us and the brand, because it makes us think, feel, and react,

instead of just listening and seeing.


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Does brand activation create sales?


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Yes, but not necessarily in the short term. If you’re trying to sell a bunch of cheap mobile telephone

subsciptions, it’s probably not the right approach. It’s a long-term investment in the brand that can

help build up a fan base. In other words, it will indirectly lead to sales.


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Many of the most-loved brands in the world are good at activating their consumers.


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How do you create a good brand activation concept?


Wanna play? !15

The concept

The quality of the concept should be so good that the consumer wants to share it with others. If it lacks credibility, it will be an immediate failure.

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Is the concept activate-able? Will it make me take action?


Wanna play? !17

3, a mobile provider, wanted to position itself as a leader within mobile telephony and mobile broadband, and as a company that had taken ownership of technology and of its network. !3 had an offline communication campaign with the slogans ‘Feel the rush’, ‘Feel the freedom’ and ‘Feel the sound’, which ended with the pay-off ‘The network of the future.’ The challenge was that this campaign was supposed to be continued digitally and involve consumers. But with a concept that was hard to activate, Konstellation had to find an alternative. !Smartphones are a part a daily life, but the way people are constantly focusing on them while ignoring the people in front of them has become controversial. Our concept #værtilstede, with its slight ambiguity, put the focus on online and off line presence, and let 3 be the facilitator.

3 - #værtilstede (be present)

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Relevance for consumers

• How important is this for me? Is it something I find interesting? Do I have something to say? Does it connect with me emotionally?

• In the case from 3 #værtilstede, we discovered the topic was highly relevant, since a lot of consumers had something to say but previously had not had a voice. Relevance is about how important an issue is for us and how much we are willing to invest.


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Value for the consumer

• What’s the return on participation? What do I get out of it? What’s the reward?

• The value is not just a question of $ or prizes. It’s also social capital I can show to my friends, identity creation, something that solves a problem, knowledge,

• The time the consumer invests must correspond to what the consuemr gets back.

• Prizes can be used to attract participatns, but if that’s the only means to so so, the concept is too weak. Always seek to create a concept where the prize is not the reason to take part.


Wanna play? !20


ValueDegree of involvement = value + relevance

The degree of involvement is the sum of the relevance and the value for consumers. !

The degree of involvement is basically the time the consumer is willing to use interacting with a given brand.

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• If we ask for something from consumers, we need to be willing to give them something back. Kindness and respect will help strengthen the relationship between the brand and the consumer.

• The kindness could be a gi", but it can also be a kindness to take up a topic like 3 - #værtilstede in order to give consumers a voice.


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Relative simplicity

• Our concept and solution can’t be too complex for our target group to understand. But it all depends on how much we can expect our target group to get involved. If the value and relevance are high (hard core fans), the concept can be complex, because the user will be willing to give up much more time and energy to get involved. On the other hand, if the target group is broad, we need to make it very simple to take part.


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Your activation must be promoted



Start with your own channels and use some energy to get the media to write about it. If the idea is good and consumers want to share the content with each other, that will deliver a much better ROI than if you work with an 80-20 rule - media vs. production - like in traditional campaigns.

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Listen, learn and re-enforce, when you have launched and put aside a budget for it. You can get

a lot out of this!


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What value does it create?


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For the consumer

• Experiences and entertainment

• Identity creation through social capital

• Knowledge and learning

• Prizes and money


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For the brand!


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Fans (ambassadors) !

This may be the most important value. Fans! These are the people we want to reach, but also our most important

resource, since they will help us reach their friends. If we build up a large fan base, we can re-activate them in

connection with events like product launches.!31

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Content If we invite consumers to create our marketing, we’ll

also get a lot of unique content that we can use in other contexts, or that can give us ideas for new



Telenor created a concept in which user-generated digital content was later moved over

to television.

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If our concept is so strong that our fans want to share it, we’ve created the basis for a viral spread that will expose us to consumers we’d otherwise never get in contact with. It also increases awareness, because a friend-to-friend recommendation is the strongest marketing possible.

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Knowledge and permissions !

With digital activation, we can get a lot of data about our participants that gives us information about who they are and what they like. We can also get permission to contact

them again. Of course, this must be done with deep respect and in relation to individual interests.


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Our brand will evolve on the basis of this involvement and this content users help us create. Through content, dialogue and interaction with consumers, new possibilities arise to give our brand a more organic size, in which are fans are part of influencing and developing it.

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5 to take home


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5 to take home

• Activation is an investment in your brand.

• Talk with people - not to people

• Involvement degree = value + relevance

• Promote your activation and allocate a budget to re-enforcing it

• Brand activation helps a brand evolve


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Thank you !

Nicolai Elmqvist CEO & Partner @Konstellation


+45 29 44 41 08


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