brad ness oam - 4 time paralympian and captain of the australian men’s wheelchair basketball team...

Post on 21-May-2015






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Brad Ness delivered the presentation at the 2014 Perth Safety in Action Conference. The 2014 Perth Safety in Action Conference focused on enhancing compliance, productivity and affordability for big and small business. Highlights included an international keynote address from Neville Rockhouse, the Safety and Training Manager for Pike River Coal in New Zealand. For more information about the event, please visit:


Cultural Safety in the Workplace



Brad Ness O.A.M

Split Second

Getting Back to work was crucial

Importance of CultureCulture in the workplace

• A culture exists in your organization but is it the one you want?

• Culture is built on Values, behaviors, attitude traditions and beliefs (F.L.F, no dead time)

• Up to you to create an intentional culture by design, not by chance

• Hiring “A” Players who mirror the values.

• Culture needs to be driven

Understanding Cultural Leadership

Leadership• The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me,

never say “I.” And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say “I.” They don’t think “I.” They think “we”; they think “team.” They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but “we” gets the credit….This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.Peter Drucker

• Pride “V” Proud..... I “v” Us• No “I” in Team.• Do as I say and not as I do.....

Culture + Leadership = C.LWhy is it Important? Upholds core Values of the

group and it……

• Creates Team Work

• Implements Change

• Builds Honesty

• Constructs open communication

• Results in Respecting each others Roles and Responsibilities.

Cultural LeadershipHow do we get it?

• People have to buy into the system (“A” Players) –Rollers no fines.

• Everyone has ownership

• You have to build/encourage individual ownership

• Johnny leads from the front, carries the team on his shoulders (free ride for the others)

• Pods – old style leader, rotating Captains to Pods

Saving Lives

“If you feel at any time that the

activity, vehicle, item of plant

or work situation is unsafe…

stop work immediately, make it

safe, and report to your manager”

JSA- Job Safety Analysis

• Biggest mistakes happen at this stage


• Not doing proper risk assessment

• When doing a risk assessment rushing

• Not doing a risk assessment at all

Job Safety Analysis

Reporting• Reporting encouraging the culture to step up

the reporting

• Reporting in time

• Reporting on time

• Not reporting “v” reporting

• No blame culture – Old school culture

Work Safety

It can happen to anyone at any time

Everyone must take responsibility

all have jobs to do


- Safety Officers

Work Safety





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