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Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 National Training and Technical Assistance ( N CA) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) HRSA-14-031. BPHCNCA@hrsa.gov 301-594-4300. Agenda. Overview Eligible Applicants Electronic Submission Process Program Narrative and Review Criteria Attachments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Fiscal Year (FY) 2014

National Training and Technical Assistance (NCA)

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)





• Overview• Eligible Applicants• Electronic Submission Process• Program Narrative and Review Criteria• Attachments• Budget (SF-424A & Narrative)• Project Work Plan• Resources• TA Contacts


Purpose: NCA funding will establish cooperative agreements between HRSA and national organizations to assist existing and potential health centers in meeting program requirements and improving performance by supporting Health Center Program development and analysis activities at a national level.



• New and Competing Continuation Applications• 1 application per applicant• 1 target audience per application• Approximately $15 million available for funding• 12-14 awards• Project period: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2017• Grants.gov deadline: January 8, 2014 at 11:59

PM ET• EHB deadline: February 19, 2014 at 5:00 PM ET


Eligible Applicants

• Public, non-profit, and for-profit entities, including tribal and faith-based organizations, that can provide training and technical assistance (T/TA) on a national level to existing and potential Health Center Program grantees

• Applicants must currently work with potential or existing health centers or other organizations with similar missions


Target Audiences

Target Audiences• Health Centers Serving Special Populations• Health Centers Serving Vulnerable Populations• Health Centers Seeking Capital Financing• Health Centers Serving Underserved



Target Audiences

Health Centers Serving Special Populations• Provide specialized T/TA to all potential and

existing health centers serving homeless individuals and families, migratory and seasonal agricultural workers, and residents of public housing

• Approximately $6.6 million is available to fund 7-8 NCAs  

• Current NCA awardees may request the greater of their current funding amount or $450,000

• New applicants may not request more than $450,000   


Target Audiences

Health Centers Serving Vulnerable Populations• Provide specialized T/TA to all potential and

existing health centers serving vulnerable populations (e.g., school-aged children; minority populations; low-income populations; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community)

• Approximately $1.35 million is available to fund 3-4 NCAs

• Applicants may not request more than $450,000  


Target Audiences

Health Centers Seeking Capital Financing• Provide specialized T/TA to all potential and

existing health centers regarding the development and financing of capital projects

• Approximately $850,000 is available to fund 1 NCA

• Applicants may not request more than $850,000


Target Audiences

Health Centers Serving Underserved Communities/Populations• Provide T/TA to all potential and existing Health

Center Program grantees• Approximately $6.375 million is available to

fund 1 NCA • Applicants may not request more than $6.375



Electronic Submission Process

Grants.gov • SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance Form • Upload Project Abstract on line 15 • Project/Performance Site Location(s) • Grants.gov Lobbying Form • SF-424B Assurances for Non-Construction Programs• Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL) (as



Electronic Submission Process

EHB• Program Narrative• SF-424A Budget Information Non-Construction

Programs• Program Specific Forms

– Form 1A: General Information Worksheet – FY 2013 Project Work Plan Progress Report

(as applicable)– FY 2014 Project Work Plan

• Attachments 1-6


Program Narrative & Review Criteria

• Program Narrative provides a comprehensive description of all aspects of the proposed project

• Review Criteria are utilized by reviewers to assess the application, including the Program Narrative:– Need (20 points)– Response (25 points)– Collaboration (10 points)– Evaluative Measures/Impact (15 points)– Resources/Capabilities (20 points)– Support Requested (10 points)



• Attachment 1: Staffing Plan• Attachment 2: Position Descriptions for Key Personnel• Attachment 3: Biographical Sketches for Key

Personnel• Attachment 4: Letters of Support• Attachment 5: Summary of Contracts and Agreements

(as applicable) • Attachment 6: Other Relevant Documents (as




Complete the SF-424A for each budget year of the 3-year project period.Section A: Budget Summary • Enter the federal budget in the Federal column

under the New or Revised Budget heading• Do not provide information on non-federal sources

of fundingSection B: Budget Categories• Provide the object class category breakdown for the

annual amounts specified in Section ASection C: Non-Federal Resources • Do not provide other sources of funding



Section F: Other Budget Information (if applicable) • Applies to Year 1 of the project period only• Direct Charges• Indirect Charges• Remarks


Budget Narrative

• Provide a detailed line-item budget narrative that explains each cost under each line-item for each year of the 3-year project period

Line-items (object class categories):• Personnel Costs• Fringe Benefits• Travel• Equipment• Supplies• Contractual• Other• Indirect Costs


FY 2013 Project Work Plan Progress Report

Competing Continuations• Report progress in the FY 2013 Project Work

Plan Progress Report prepopulated with information entered in the FY 2013 Non-Competing Continuation (NCC)

• All fields in this form will be locked, except the Progress field, to facilitate reporting progress on the work plan since July 1, 2013

New Applicants• Not Applicable


FY 2014 Project Work Plan

• Complete an FY 2014 Project Work Plan by entering activities for the first year of the 3-year project period

Project Work Plan Fields:• Target Audience• Core Function• Focus Area• Key Factors• Activity• Person/Area Responsible• Time Frame• Expected Outcome• Evaluative Measures• Goal• Expected Impact• Comments


Evaluative Measures

• Evaluative Measures are defined for each focus area in the Project Work Plan

• Cannot be edited • Additional Evaluative Measures cannot be

proposed for any Focus Area • Enter numerical values in the Goal field for each

Evaluative Measure • Apply to each Focus Area in Core Function

Section A – Program Requirements and Section B – Performance Improvement and Special Initiatives

• Apply to the Information on Available Resources and Newly Funded Health Centers Focus Areas in Section C – Program Assistance


Evaluative Measures

• How many formal training/technical assistance sessions are planned (e.g., planned and structured training/technical assistance sessions with specific objectives and outcomes to include virtual and on-site sessions)?

• How many health center representatives will be trained via the planned formal training/technical assistance sessions?

• How well will the training/technical assistance meet the stated objectives?

• How likely will training recipients be to apply information from the training/technical assistance in their Health Center Programs/organizations?



• NCA TA Webpage http://www.hrsa.gov/grants/apply/assistance/nca• Health Center Program Requirements

http://bphc.hrsa.gov/about/requirements• HHS Grants Policy Statement http

://www.hrsa.gov/grants/hhsgrantspolicy.pdf• The HHS Policy on Promoting Efficient Spending: Use

of Appropriated Funds for Conferences and Meetings, Food, Promotional Items, and Printing and Publications http://www.hhs.gov/asfr/ogapa/acquisition/policies/appropriated-funds-use-for-conferences-meeting-space-6-24-2013.html

• The BPHC Primary Care Association Guide 2012 – 2013 http://www.hrsa.gov/grants/apply/assistance/pca/pcaguide2012-2013.pdf


Technical Assistance Contacts

Application assistance:Beth HartmayerBPHCNCA@hrsa.gov or 301.594.4300

Budget related questions:Brian Feldmanbfeldman@hrsa.gov or 301.443.6859

EHB related questions:BPHC HelplineBPHCHelpline@hrsa.gov or 877.974.2742


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